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Giving it a try (Help Needed)

  • Thread startersouthguy31
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Beloved Member
May 6, 2009
For the last year or so I have been thinking about cuckolding and being a cuckold. I finally got up the never to place an ad on line last week. I got a few response, but most wanted me to go see there websites and subscribe to some service.

One response caught my eye and I replied back. It was a girl who just wanted to know more about what I wanted and how it actually worked. We emailed back and forth a few times. Then we set up a time to chat online. She was really great and we got to know each other some. I was under an account I setup so no one could figure out who I was. She was also.

She sent over a few pictures and I did to. She sent over some very hot pictures that I really liked. She is 26 and very cute with dark hair. She asked me a lot about what I was looking for. We talked about cuckolding and I told her she should look it up online to get a better idea of what it is. I also told her that there are parts I am not into. Like being humiliated.

I told her that I wanted a girlfriend who knew I was faithful, but got to do what she wanted. With some boundaries. I could tell she liked parts of that.

The next day we chatted on and off. We set up a time for us to chat that night. We talked and the chat got to recent sex. She then admitted that she had sex that afternoon with a guy that came into town. I was a little shocked but really excited. She was ebarressed but very open about everything that went on. I could tell she was telling the truth because she was really shy about it and said she was hoping I wouldn't ask that question. He is kinda a fwb. She said it had been a month since she had been with anyone. I know her total of guys is just over 10.

I told her I wanted to talk on the phone and she called me. We talked about the guy and everything that happened. I explained that it was a big turn on for me and that was the kinda stuff I was into. I told her that I would want to know whenever she did something if we started dating. We also figured out that we grew up in the same town. I am just over 30 so we didn't know each other. Needless to say that freaked me out. I have never told anyone what she knew about me. I also found out she had done a couple of guys I knew. She sent me some pictures of her in action that were really hot to.

We have set our first date for Thursday. We also made plans to get together Saturday if things went well. I really think they will since we hit it off so well.

I am not sure if she will want to see other guys if we get serious, but I think yesterday was a good start.

I sent her some links from a post that talk about cuckolding. I wanted her to have some questions for me tonight. I will let you know how that goes.

I know a lot of post on here are fake, but this is real and I would love to get feedback and suggestions for moving forward. Also any questions you have about me or her please ask. The only thing I will not do is post a pic of her or me.
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We talked tonight on the phone. She read the articles which I picked at her about. She asked me a few questions. I think she is a little shocked by most of it.

I told her I just wanted to stay informed about what she was doing or planning on doing. She seems pretty open to talking about it. She didn't say she would or wouldn't. I assured her that I wasn't looking for something on the side.

She did say that the one guy comes in a each month. They have just been hooking up. No feelings there. We also talked about feelings developing and how I would feel. She is really easy to talk to for the most part.

Not sure where it is going but good so far. Tomorrow is our first date. Wish me luck.

Also any advice would be great.
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You might consider pointing out this article (by Susan Gower)

The Science of Cuckoldry Cuckold Couple

to her, if you haven't already. It's reasonable and not "shocking," for the most part.

You might also consider pointing out this article to her (by Cherry Lee, Ph.D.)

The Cuckold Husband / Hotwife Phenomena : Scandalouswomen.com

if you haven't already. It's sane and well-written.

It sounds like you've found a good woman, if you can succeed in establishing a relationship with her in which she will accept being free to date and fuck other men, while you remain faithful and provide her with love, emotional support and companionship.

If she reads (or has read) these articles, and you talk (or have talked) with her about them and she still seems reluctant, but you feel you are getting along well with her otherwise and she likes you and seems to have promise, you might consider proceeding along the lines of the eight-part article (by Cherry Lee) that begins here:


Good luck!
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Go by what Custer said.... and also go with the flow.. If you two hit it off.. it should be an astounding relationship that you are developing. Most don't develop a cuckold type of relationship until way after getting to know one another. Yours is starting right off the bat. This should get good, and I'd love to read your posts in the future : )

Fucks and Lixx!
Thanks for the replies. the links I have sent her. Those are two that she has read. I will read the other. I think i have seen something similar.

I will post an update after this. Thanks again and look forward to your replies and suggestions.
We went out last night and it was great. We got a bite and then went back to her place. Her room mate was there. She is white and was with a black guy. That is her type I was told. I know May, not her name but what I will refer to her as, is not into black guys though.

Her room mate left later on. We were in her room and watched tv. That led to kissing and then some touching. She let me know that she didn't want to go all the way, but we messed around a lot. I can tell you she is a swallower. LOL. I have to also say one of the best bjs of my life. She did some ball work that was great. She also go to see that I have long stamina. It takes forever if I am getting a bj or having sex to cum. She also let me take a picture of her sucking me. A huge turn on. But please remember I am not going to post any pics. Sorry not even with the faces blurred.

She didn't want me to go down on her. She said she has to be real comfortable with the guy before that happens. I was ok with that. I gave her a back rub afterwards.

One thing she did surprised me a little bit. Out of the blue she said a guy texted her today and wanted to hook up again. I was very encouraging and told her she should. She said no she didn't want to hook up with that guy again. I was glad that she shared that with me though.

She is suppose to hang out with a guy friend tonight. I asked her if they ever hooked up. She said no and that he wasn't some one she wanted to do that with.

She is coming over Saturday and I am cooking.
Custer has very good insight. Take his advice and you will learn some things.
Keep it up; you've moving in the right direction....


southguy31 said:
We went out last night and it was great. We got a bite and then went back to her place.

Excellent! It sounds like you're moving toward having a good relationship with your new woman friend.

southguy31 said:
Her room mate was there. She is white and was with a black guy. That is her type I was told.

That's very cool. It suggests your new friend "May" is accustomed to the idea of white women fucking black men, even if she claims not to be into that herself (at least, not at this point).

southguy31 said:
Her room mate left later on. We were in her room and watched tv. That led to kissing and then some touching. She let me know that she didn't want to go all the way, but we messed around a lot. I can tell you she is a swallower. LOL. I must also say [she gave me] one of the best bjs of my life. She did some ball work that was great. She also go to see that I have long stamina. It takes forever if I am getting a bj or having sex to cum. She also let me take a picture of her sucking me. A huge turn on.

All this is very promising. "May" allowing you to take a photo of her while she was giving you a blow job suggests she is very comfortable with her own sexuality.

southguy31 said:
She didn't want me to go down on her. She said she has to be real comfortable with the guy before that happens. I was ok with that. I gave her a back rub afterwards.

Interesting. I would have thought it would be the other way around. It's important, though, to give her what she wants and not be insistent about things she doesn't want (but you do). I.e., giving her a back rub was the right thing to do. You might consider that she didn't want you to suck her cunt because she was afraid she wouldn't be able to come; perhaps because she does not yet feel sufficiently relaxed and comfortable with you and/or she was not sufficiently turned on, at the time.

A way you may be able to turn her on to the point she wants you — perhaps badly — to suck her cunt may be to give her a foot rub (using suitable tasteless lubricant); then kiss and lick her feet and suck her big toes (as you might suck her cock, if she had one); then massage her legs sensuously (continuing to use suitable lubricant, working upward from her feet); then kiss and lick her legs, also working upward from her feet finally to her inner thighs; then gently begin messaging her pussy with your (suitably-lubricated) fingers; then, if her breathing and the sounds she's making suggest she's ready, tell her softly "I want to suck your pussy, darling" (I suggest "pussy" because some women are offended by the word "cunt"); then, if she doesn't object, go ahead and do so. BTW, a fairly good DVD on this subject is:

"Nina Hartley's Guide to Better Cunninlingus."

You consider inviting May to watch it with you and, afterwards, ask her if it seems to her to be a good approach (to get her talking with you about it). A good goal to work toward, I suggest, would be to become May's cuntsucker and, by way of doing so, get her to the point where she wants and expects that from you.

southguy31 said:
One thing she did surprised me a little bit. Out of the blue she said a guy text'd her today and wanted to hook up again. I was very encouraging and told her she should. She said no she didn't want to hook up with that guy again. I was glad that she shared that with me though.

Yes, it's very encouraging May felt free to tell you that. Her response suggests she feels she has a new boyfriend now (you), and she doesn't want to be distracted while she's focusing on you and getting to know you.

southguy31 said:
She is suppose to hang out with a guy friend tonight. I asked her if they ever hooked up. She said no, he wasn't some one she wanted to do that with.

This too suggests she wants to focus on you. That's good (in my opinion).

southguy31 said:
She is coming over Saturday and I am cooking.

Excellent! If you do things that amount to domestic chores (like cooking, etc.) rather than expecting her to do those things in the traditional (chauvinist, many women might say) male fashion, I think it's reasonable to assume that will impress May favorably.

I think you're on the right track. I suggest keeping it up and continuing to build your relationship with May. Don't worry about it, at this point, if she doesn't seem too interested in fucking other men. This suggests she wants to focus on you, rather than simply consider you one guy among others. From your point of view that's positive, I would say. That she does not reject out of hand your suggestions she should fuck other men while also having a relationship with you is also positive, in my opinion. It's relatively unusual for a man in a new relationship with a woman to want that, so you can be sure she's thinking about it.... "turning it over," as it were.... in the back of her mind.

Hi Ms. Macy,

macylay said:
Go by what Custer said.... and also go with the flow.. If you two hit it off.. it should be an astounding relationship that you are developing. ....

and Ms. Melanie and Ryan,

melanieandryan said:
Custer has very good insight. Take his advice and you will learn some things.

Thank you for your votes of confidence!

good luck

does she have pretty feet ? please tell us whats going on with you 2
I would love to hear updates.

This is an angle that we don't get much on this website. Looking for a girl to date, with some of the fantasies here. Cool. Let us know how it works out.
Hey I like this thread, it is fun to hear how this relationship is budding and blossoming into something that is going to be a lot of fun for everyone.

Please keep us updated, we want to hear!!

Oh ... you want advice ... sorry, forgot. Ok, uhm ... take it slow with her, don't push this too heavily onto her. I think you have been doing it right so far. Let her volunteer info to you, then be glad she told you the info, and show her how excited it makes you feel. I think once she sees that you are really truly turned on by her exploits, then she will be happy to make you happy. At this early stage she is still probably saying "Does this guy really like hearing these things or is this a trick?". So, go slow and let her build up some trust.
Sorry I bailed, but we stopped dating. Right after my last post. She backed out of another date. I was pissed. So Monday I was on line and saw her. I sent her an im and asked how she was doing. Long story short she apologized and we got to talking. We decided to give it another go.

During the conversation she mentioned the guy from before. I asked and they had hooked up a week or so after we went our separate ways. He comes by once a month.

So we made plans for this friday. It was the only day she could do it.

So I told her I would call Today. I emailed her during the day to see when she got off to call. In the email she said. “While checking messages, my*out of town friend emailed me, he'll be in town this weekend.”

I emailed her back and asked what that meant about us going out. She sent this back. “If I meet up with him then it will be on Friday because that's the only time I have free. He leaves on Sunday.”

So we talked tonight and I told her it was up to her. She said she wanted to see him because he may have to go on active duty and didn't want to miss her last chance to see him. I told her she knew I would be ok with it if that is what she wanted. I also asked that she just continue to be open about it.

I did find out that he will be staying the night and they usually go at it three times.

Here is my problem. I wonder if it will work with her canceling plans. I guess I will have to see next week. To answer the question previously asked, I didn't look at her feet.

Any advice you have would be great!!!
After talking

Thanks to all of you who have sent me messages. The main thing I have found out thinking about everything is that it is a turn on still. The other thing is that I don't have the emotional connection to her that all of you have with your wives. I think that is a big difference. I know it will change if we keep dating.

I would love to hear more from those who have or are going through this also. Thanks!
I talked to her tonight. I didn't bring up the date. I made a point to talk about everything but that. I took the advice of some who emailed. I'm hoping it works. Trying not to push things.

Any other advice would be great.
The emotional relationship is actually what makes the lifestyle. If it were just about the woman having sex with others and you dont, then it would be cheaper and easier to just stay alone and hump your fist without the issues. :D

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