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getting what i wanted

  • Thread starterwant_wife_black_pregnant
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Feb 25, 2008
well im 37yo white male wife is 35 ive been trying to get her to be with another man now or several years i talk to every night about that now and have wanted it to happen more than anything ive ever wanted.Then out of the blue one day she told me that if she ever found the right man that she would do it god i was the happies man alive when i heard her tell me that i asked her if she would go to some chat rooms with me and she agreed that she would and we spent most of that night in and out of chat rooms but neither her or me could find and man that was interesting and we kept going to different chat room looking for the right man and after the fourth night and still not finding anyone that was that interesting i cant belive how many men out there just comes on so strong to a woman seem like every man just belives that any woman iin a chat room is just waint to hear him say hey baby want to fuck my big cock right now. That no what she wanted to hear from them the first time she chatting with them is just scared her so after a week of us not finding anyone i asked her if it would be better for her if i left her alone and she could chat and asked anything she wanted and not be embarrased about me being there and she said yes maybe that would be better so every night if let her chat by her self but still after another week on chatting she still hadnt found anyone she felt comfortable with so i have a very good friend that i work with and he comes over to our house almost everyweek and helps me with rebuilding an old pickup truck that we have been working one every weekend his name is johnny and one day i decided to see if maybe he was interested in vickie i know that they get alone very well together and like each other and flirt with each other so i asked if he had ever had any thoughts about vickie sexually he starred at me for a few minitues and asked what i was talking about so i told him that i had beeb wanting her to be with another man now for a long time and that she had finally agreed to it but we were really having a hard time finding someone that she wanted to be with and i told him the he and she seem to get along really good together and would he be interested if vickie was he looked and me and laughted and said youre kiddin right so i told now i was very serious about it and he said hell yes if vickie was interested he was very interested in her that he thought she was very sexy that night after going to bed i asked vickie if she had ever thought about john that she knew him and liked him and i knew she would feel safe with him she looked at me and said but honey you know that john is black dont you i didnt say anything else that night about it the next day was saturday and john arrival about 9 am and nothing was mention that day untill about 3 that afternoon i told john that he should go inside and ask vickie out for dinner that night so he went inside and about 30 minitue came out and said he was pickin her up at 6:30 that night and wow i was in heaven know that she was finally goin out on a date with another man so john left and i went inside and vickie was sitting on the couch and i walked over to her sat down next to her and took her in my arms looking deep into her eyes and told her how much i loved her and kissed her deeply and told her to enjoy her evening out with john. sorry have to leave now will finish my story later
well john picked her up that saturday night at 7 and i had never been so excited in all y life but was disapointed when i hear them drive up at 10and about 10 min later she came in and i asked her why they were back so early she told me that they had gone out for dinner and had a couple of drinks talked and came come i asked her if she had enjoyed her little date and said yes she had enjoyed her evening out alot i asked if anything had happened and she said like what and i said anything she said no just dinner and drinks and that was all and i said ok monday at work i asked john how everything went and he said fine and i asked him if anything had happened he said no just dinner and a couple of drinks and they chatted for awhile and then he brough her home walked her to the door and kissed her goodnight i said wow she hadnt told me about there kiss he said that they both enjoyed it we talked all next week about them going out again and asked him to call her wed. night and asked her out again this time dinner and a club and she accepted his invite again John picked her up that friday night and she got back home at 2:00am: and i was already in bed heard her coming upstairs and turned on the light so we could talk when she walking into our bedroom and i took one look at her and saw such a glow about her that i had never seen before that without asking i knew that they had made love she was so beautiful standing there i asked her how was her date and she smiled and said it couldnt have been any wonderful and she was so glad that she had gone out with john she undress and slid in bed and i reached out took her in my arms kissed her told her how much i loved her and was so glad that she was finally enjoying herself and i slid my hand down and touched her panties and wow she was so wet i had never seen her so wet next mornig john came over about 10 we talked about what had happened the night before she said that he never figured vickie to be such a little wild cat we went inside and vickie was washing dishes and when she saw john there a big smile was on her face right then and there i told them both anytime they wanted to kissed each other no matter if i were there or not that i did not mind so john walked over pulled her into his arms kissed her deeply and said hi baby how are you today told john that we needed to get some work done on the truck today so we wnen out and worked on the truck that afternoon every 20-30 min vickie would come out walk up to john and kiss him and go back in side i smiled at john and told him i think you have an admired and she not bashful about it now he laughed and said i think you are right. well on tuesday morning vickie called john cell phone at work and talked with him for a while
she called him three times at work that day john said they were just chit chatting next day she called him at work again all through the day i told john to ask her out again for friday night and and i heard john ask her out and asked her if she would wear something sexy for him well i got friday about 4 vickie was taking a shower when i got there i walked into our bedroom and she had a very short little blk dress laying on the bed that i had never seen before and a g string that she hadnt had before i went back downstairs so she wouldnt know that i had been upstairs she walked downstairs about 6 wearing that little low cut short dress i had seen and wow i had never seen her looking so sexy in all my life she walked down the steps and was having a hard time trying to keep her breast from bouncing out of her dress john rang the door bell at 6:30 and vickie flewinito his arms and kissin him they said goodbye and left that night she came in at 4 she said honey im so tired i just wanta go to bed she slid in bed beside me i pulled her close to me and she was asleep time her head hit the pillow i reach down and she wasnt wearing her g string and she was leaking very heavy it didnt take but just a few min before the sheet was wet so i kissed her good night and happly dreams.
getting what i want

john showed up next morning around 11 am vickie was still sleeping and i told john to go wake her up and asked if he would talke her shopping that afternoon and help vickie pick out some sexy outfits tp wear when they went out and when she was just home wanted her to be sexy all the time now i wanted him to get her to dress just as skimpy as possibleso he went up to wake her it was about an hour before he came back down stairs with a big smile on his face and said he had finally got her awake when she came down stairs i knew they had made love again she was wearing her night gown and it was short and showed alot john told her that he wanted her to go to the mall with him that afternoon that they need to do some shopping she was getting to the point now that she was willing to do anything john asked so they went shopping that afternoon and when she got home she seemed a little upset and i asked what was wrong she said that they had run into our neighbor that lived at the end of the street and that she had seen her and john holding hands and john arms around her she was sure that everyone on our street knew now or would know before night that she and john had something goin on i told her honey it doesnt matter what she says or think that i will alway love you and so would john. well by the end of august we both knew she was hooked on black and would do anything john asked her to do john spent the night with her on saturday night everything was great then about mid afternoon on sunday vickie and john were sitting on the couch kissing and cuddling and john looked down at vickie and said honey i need you to do something special for me vickie asked what you know i will do anything for you john said honey i want you to tell all the people that you work with about us i want them to know about us more than anything ive every wanted and more than that i really need you to tell your mom and dad and i want to meet them also she looked up and said honey you know that i cant do that john said baby if you want me you will tell them they need to know about us vickie said please john i cant do that he said if you love me you will no please i cant please dont ask this he said baby do this for me please she said no i cant john got up vickie will you do this for me she said you know i cant john said well call me when you can and he left vickie was crying saying john please you cant do this but john left saying call me when you can then she got mad cussing him callinig all kinds of name then that night when i went to bed slipped in beside her and she was crying and she cried most of the nighti got up next morning told her that she hadnt slept any that night maybe she shoiuld stay home so she did when i got home that afternoon she was still crying and said she missed john so much i took her in my arms kissed her told her i loved her and if she missed john that much maybe she should do what he was asking she said she could nver do that it would hurt her mom and dad so much well i can tell you the next three days at our house was hell on thursday she finally called john at work and begged him that she wanted to see him and he asked her if she was ready to let everyone know about them she told him no that she couldnt but she needed to see him john said honey i sorry but you know i won't see you again untill you agree she kept beggin him then john said vickie dont call me agin unless it to tell me you agree with will tell everyone then he hung up he looked at me and said she getting weak she wont hold out much longer saturday morning she asked me if john was coming over and help work on the truck i told her he said he had other thing he had to do i could see tears swelling up in her eyes again saturday night she cried all night long not sleeping sometimes screaming then about 3pm on sunday vickie came up to me and asked how i felt if she called john and agreed i told her honey im here for you anything you decide you know i will still love you so she picked up the ohone and called john and i heard him ask her if she was willing to do what he asked and she said yes so about 30 min later he was here vickie saw him the biggest smile crossed her face and she ran into his arms john told her he was taking her to work from now own and picking her up and he expceted to meet the people she was working with and she said yes as long as you dont leave me again so next morning john took vickie to work and in the parking lot with alot of people walking in john pulled up took vickie in his arms and they kissed deeply there where alot of people saw them then that afternoon he went inside to her office walked over to her desk bent down and kissed her and she introduced john to her fellow worker that night john said im moving in and in two week im expecting to eet your parents two weeks later john met her parents and everything went pretty smoth dad was a little upset but im sure he will get over it and then it finally happened the middle of nov. vickie found out that she was pregnant and it has made me the happiest man in the world and john and vickie are very excited also i know i cant wait to see our interrical baby sucking on his mom breast that gona be the most beautifl thing ever i can wait for it to happen
good Lord! it might be a good story, but I just cannot deal with run-on sentences.
nice. do u have any pix of john & vickie together? why don't u ever fuck your wife, is your penis that teeny-weenie? john should at least share her with u, she is YOUR wife, right? other than that, I find it odd that u (or any other real man), would offer their wife to another without joining in, participating, or at least have an affair with a significant other on the side. where is your sexual gratification, how do u get your kicks? surely not off of masterbation, or the mere thought of your biracial child breastfeeding, I hope.
btw, what kind of pick up is yer homie helpin u fix up?


Mr. Paragraph and Miss Period please meet Want_Wife_Black_Pregnant.

Mr. WWBP please say hello to Mr. Paragraph and Miss Period. These two are quite a team.

Now, WWBP, that you are formally introduced feel free to use them at the every opportunity.

It's maddening to read. Otherwise, it's a good story.
Let us not forget Sir Capitalization. Oh hell the entire BASIC GRADE SCHOOL ENGLISH class.
Hi i know i havent been here in awhile but will update everyone a little now.
Vickie is now 5 1/2 months pregnant and is showing very nicely and everyone knows she is pregnant and everyone asks her if the baby is minie or Johns at frist she told everyone that it was mine but now she really telling everyone the truth that its Johns baby.Well she really had hard time telling her dad the truth and he finally asked me about it and i couldnt lie to him and told him the truth and him and Vickie had some harsh words and Vickie seem to change after that shes more open now doesnt seem to mind know knows that she had a black boy frind and that he is the father of the child she is caring now. Vickie and John go out together now holding hands kissing each other and that really make me feel proud of her also.
Now she does and acts the way she wants too and doesnt care what others think or say and cant wait until the baby is born. I will let everyone know when the baby is born
Pics? :)
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Why dont one of your professors do it for him........then we can all enjoy the story
Why not have someone edit it for you and repost it. I'llbe glad to do it for you ifyou'd like. Great content so very hard to follow.
Nit picker

Hey i hate to be a nit picker but , maybe, because I am older and was taught differently, I have to ask something here of the stroy teller. Have yiu ever thought of using some punctuation in your stories? I , for one, find it pretty difficult to read something that has no or very little commas, periods and the like. PLEASE.

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