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General inquiry to cuckold couples and bulls

  • Thread starterzosohick12
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Jan 17, 2013
Hello everyone,
I am an undergraduate student studying love and sex in humans. I am researching information about the cuckold lifestyle and dynamic. There is information that can be found about these topics, however, I thought that personal sentiments and expressions can give deeper insight into the matter. I have a basic understanding the this social situation, so my questions imply this, however, if you feel that I have misunderstood something, please feel free to clarify. My purpose is to learn and not dictate!

Here are my questions. Everyone's comments and thoughts are valued and will be treated with respect.

1. In the cuckold scenario, is there implicit or explicit consent by the cuckold for his partner to engage in this activity?

2. After, or during, the act of cuckolding, does the cuckold find that his mate to be more desired sexually?

3. In continuation with #2, does the partner of the cuckold reciprocate this sexual desire? (I realize that the basic gist is that the female doesn't "want" the cuckold, which is why this situation is being sought.) I read that after cuckolding takes place, some couples feel that they are "in heat."

4. I understand the dominant nature of the bull in the situation, but what boundaries, if any, exist? If the cuckold, for whatever reason, in a serious manner, requested or demanded that the activity stop, would it?

5. In my understanding, the face value of the situation is thus: The female and the bull embarrass the cuckold, enjoying the overt sexual act as well as the humiliation of the cuckold, while he, presumably, enjoys the psychological consequences (humiliation). Where then is the focus of the enjoyment? It was suggested to me that the cuckold may be at the center? It is, after all, called a "cuckold" fantasy. This scenario is playing out to embarrass the cuckold, but isn't he really enjoying it (at a psychological level).

Thank you for any insight and comments. Please know that I am not trying to be aloof or judgmental. That is contrary to what I want to accomplish. I am genuinely seeking understanding to this social phenomena.
Thank you for your input, Mac! I appreciate the time you took to do that.
zosohick12 said:
4. I understand the dominant nature of the bull in the situation, but what boundaries, if any, exist? If the cuckold, for whatever reason, in a serious manner, requested or demanded that the activity stop, would it?

5. In my understanding, the face value of the situation is thus: The female and the bull embarrass the cuckold, enjoying the overt sexual act as well as the humiliation of the cuckold, while he, presumably, enjoys the psychological consequences (humiliation). Where then is the focus of the enjoyment? It was suggested to me that the cuckold may be at the center? It is, after all, called a "cuckold" fantasy. This scenario is playing out to embarrass the cuckold, but isn't he really enjoying it (at a psychological level).


4. Yes. no consent, no play.
5. Not all cucks are into humiliation, and I actually prefer the ones who are just regular guys into voyeurism and watching the wife get off. I find sissies to be creepy.
I think the Custer way is good for this htread too Mac, since zosoxhick has numbered his questions

1. In the cuckold scenario, is there implicit or explicit consent by the cuckold for his partner to engage in this activity?

As Mac said, a man is a cuckold if his wife is havingsex with other men..whetehr he knows or consnets to it ot not..but obviously, most of us on this forum do know we are cuckolds..or we wouldn't be onthe forum inthe fist place.. ,althoughthere are exceptions such as JuanDay who is here asking for advice to find out if his wife is cheating or not. He says he would , explicitely give his consent to his wife if she asked for it, which again, is the case with most of us here who do expicitely encourage /desire our wives to have sex with other men. If you go through the past threads you will find that there have been many discussions about cuckold husbands who have not and do not "consent" to thier wives haviing sex with other men. but thier wives do it anyway I beleive that any man who knows his wife is fucking other men and stays married to her is at least givng his impicit coneent to her doing it, and gets some pleasure or satisfaction from it, becasue he could just not be married to her anymore if he didn't, There are others do not agree, but that's just the way of the world..te each his own

2. After, or during, the act of cuckolding, does the cuckold find that his mate to be more desired sexually?

3. In continuation with #2, does the partner of the cuckold reciprocate this sexual desire? (I realize that the basic gist is that the female doesn't "want" the cuckold, which is why this situation is being sought.) I read that after cuckolding takes place, some couples feel that they are "in heat."

I can only speak to my experience with this,but from what I have read about other's experience's on the forum I think that for most of us who are knowing and willing cuckolds watching our wives have sex with another man or just knowing she is having / had sex with another man makes her more desirable to us sexually. For some cuckolds, who do have sex with thier wives themsleves too, it probably does ,as Mac said,heighten thier enjoyment of having sex with her to know she had sex with someone else,and I imagine it is desirable to have sex with her as soon as possible after someone else did to "reclaim her" (see theories on sperm competition) There are some cuckolds ,like me, who do not get to have sex with our wive's ourselves. My wife is gorgeous and sexy so Ihave have always desired her, but it definitely does increase my desire for her to know that another man is enjoying her or has enjoyed her ,and yet I also love knowing that my desire is not going to be fulfilled becasue I have a tiny cock and cannot satisfy her the way her lvoer(s) can .

I would imagine that for the cuckolding wives who do have sex with thier husband's too it does make them feel sexy and increase thier desire for and enjoyment of having sex with him to have had sex with another man first, assuming she does alos enjoy having sex with and can be satisfied by her husband although in some cases the wife will let the cuckold husband have sex with her after her lvoer does, but it's more of a mercy fuck where she is no longer "in heat" becasue her lvoer has satisfied her and she doesn;t really desire to have sex with her husband, but doesn't want to deny him sex either. In our case I know my wife doesn;t desire to have sex with me because it woudn;t be satiasfyng for her,although she does enjoy the intimacy we share aafter she has sex...kisisng, cuddling and snuggling in bed and talking about her sexual encounters..,but with me in chastity so it's understood that I won;t be 'getting any"

4. I understand the dominant nature of the bull in the situation, but what boundaries, if any, exist? If the cuckold, for whatever reason, in a serious manner, requested or demanded that the activity stop, would it?

As Mac stated, it depends on the couple..(not on the Bull, except in cases where the cuckolding is incidental to there being a D/s relationship with the Bull in charge) and why thewife is cuckolding her husband inthe first place ,as well as how much sheloves her husband and values thier marriage and his feelings,and vice versa in regard to the cuckold husband..A"demand" is meaningless without an "or else" . ie stop or I am going to leave you so it would come down to is he really readsy to give up the marriage if she doesn;t stop, and is the wife ready to rather than stopping. Of course , the flip side is , if she does acced to his demand, but isn;t happy about it..it;s probalynot going to be a very hapy marriage form then on..especially if the reason she was cuckolding him was that he sucks in bed, which is why many many of us who are cuckolds have cautioned those who are considering the cuckold lifestyle tobe sure it's what they want..for as the famous song says:

How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm
After they've seen Paree'

5. In my understanding, the face value of the situation is thus: The female and the bull embarrass the cuckold, enjoying the overt sexual act as well as the humiliation of the cuckold, while he, presumably, enjoys the psychological consequences (humiliation). Where then is the focus of the enjoyment? It was suggested to me that the cuckold may be at the center? It is, after all, called a "cuckold" fantasy. This scenario is playing out to embarrass the cuckold, but isn't he really enjoying it (at a psychological level).

Again I have to agree with Mac that humiliaton and embarrasment are not necessarily inherant to cuckolding..contrary to what most people who are not into it,and some who are , think. Many men would find it very humiliating and embarrasing to know thier wife is fucking someone else..and those men either a) divorce thier wife or b) enjoy being humiliated and embarrased and stay married to her and become a willing cuckold. There may be rare situations where the husband truly hates that his wife is cuckolding him , but can't (or chooses not to) divorce her for family or financial reasons, but I doubt many men who feel that way about it do stay married if they are truly unhappy .or if they do, can;t find ways to make the wife as miserable as they are, but then who knows ..there are women who stay with abusive and /or cheating husbands rather than having them arrested and/or leaving them for the same reasons.

I think that the majority of cuckold husbands are niether humiliated or embarrassed by the fact that thier wife has a lover, or multiple lovers..especially those of us who do encourage and desire our wives to have sex with other men. If youlook atthe estimates on te numbe rof swingers there are in America alone it;s something like 15 MIlLION.,and at least half of those have to be men who's wives are having sex with other men..making them all "cuckolds" too, if you go by struct definition.. the difference of course being that the husbands are also having sex with other women . which is generally not the case with cuckolding where the wife is allowed to have sex with others but the husband is expected to be faithful to her, or not allowed to have sex at all. The inequity of that arrangement could be humiliating to some cuckold husbands, but if it actually enhances his enjoyment of having sex with his wife it's no more humiliating than the husband working his butt off to lavish gifts and a comfortable lifestyle on his wife so he can get laid regularly.. It might apply more to those of us who are getting only limited sex in the form of fucking our wife much less frequently than her Bull gets to , or only with a condom while he fucks her bareback, or not getting to fuck her at all and/or only being allowd to go down on her, but if the husband knows he can't sstaify his wife the way her Bull(s) can, it can be far more rewarding than humiliating to know she is getting satisfaction and pleasure from them..

Thank you for any insight and comments. Please know that I am not trying to be aloof or judgmental. That is contrary to what I want to accomplish. I am genuinely seeking understanding to this social phenomena.[/QUOTE]

Just my opinions...for what they are worth..Good luck wih your study
Think they have covered the general parts.
You will notice that this kind of relastionship can be unique to each couple. What works for one doesn't always work for another.
MacNfries is a God to my people :p.

In answer to the OP questions, I would say personally:

1. Yes. And sometimes it takes a hell of a lot of persuading.
2. Oh yes indeed. I have no idea why this is so, but I'm guessing I'm basically wired that way.
3. It's done wonders for us. And I hope it does so in future.
4. Hmm. Yes, up to a point. However, once the monster is out of the box, it's damn hard to put back in. This is scary and exciting at the same time. I imagine a lot of cucks experience this.
5. This is the crux of the matter. Although I enjoy not being in control of the situation, in my mind, I am still the centre (even if it IS all in my mind). There has to be something in it for the cuck or it doesn't work. What this may be is different for everyone I suspect, but in essence I agree with your statement.
Definition of a cuckold: A man with an unfaithful wife.

Each couple puts their own spin on the real version.
So, you can do what you want. Not what everyone else wants.
[kuhk-uh ld]
the husband of an unfaithful wife.
verb (used with object)
to make a cuckold of (a husband).
World English Dictionary
cuckold (ˈkʌkəld)

— n
1. a man whose wife has committed adultery, often regarded as an object of scorn

— vb
2. ( tr ) to make a cuckold of

[C13 cukeweld, from Old French cucuault, from cucu cuckoo ; perhaps an allusion to the parasitic cuckoos that lay their eggs in the nests of other birds]

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