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gals who'd never fuck a cuck

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Well, in reply to your comments...if you haven't already noticed on this site...most cuckolds love to be humiliated as some level..if if they are vanilla witout being bi and crossdressing...just the fact that another man fucks your wife and you don't get the same privilege is on its most basic level...having a slut for a wife is humiliating when your not swingers yourself to balance that out i believe.

I thought they "loved" to be humiliated by someone who cared ( supposedly ) about them and who they were in a relationship with, not just by anyone anywhere anytime? On type of humiliation could be classified as adult play, but the other type is just abuse and no backbone to stand up to it.

The fact that some of these amazingly attractive women wouldn't fuck me if i even payed them hightens these the erotic feelings for me..
Why is that?

So i figure your on this site and not a general swingers site for a reason...if you struggle to agree with it...as most cucks even do at times, maybe you would be better off on a site that caters for a less of a niché kink.
No, that's not the reason I'm here, and I'm not into Swinging either. I'm trying to figure all this out - and not according to the convenient surface veneer of reasons and excuses that are routinely offered to explain it. My theory is that there's much more to it than what most Cuckhold's offer. Also, I wonder why there aren't all sorts of Hotwives posting here.....IF, that is, there even actually are all sorts of Hotwives connected to all these Cuckholds?!

Why humiliation is a kink...i'm not too sure...i have tried to find out...but it works for me...99% of the cucks here and the hotwives and bulls that equally enjoy inflicting it.
I've experienced humiliation in certain ways at the hands of both a man and also two of my girl friends, and yes, it CAN certainly be a highly erotic experience. But again; that was under certain conditions while interacting with people I knew and cared about, and who cared about me. Being treated abusively, rudely, and without reasonable dignity in daily life is not, in my view, "erotic". It is rudenes and abuse, and I don't know why or how anyone could enjoy it.
cuckoldinpanties said:
Julie, yes, much like women overlook the "bad boys" traits. :rolleyes:

Welllllll.............SOME women overlook them, and then only to a point. After that, the "Bad boy" get's old. And from what I know, girls get involved with Bad boys out of some fantasy view they have, but when their lives are made miserable by the baddies, the girls kick them to the curb in short order.
And that's a bit different from guys who somehow find it erotic that certain women consider them as walking garbage and who treat them abusively. Or worse, guys who KNOW ( are certain ) that specific-looking women would never fuck them, etc. and STILL find the idea erotic.
Cuckold fantasy?

JulieIsMe said:
Welllllll.............SOME women overlook them, and then only to a point. After that, the "Bad boy" get's old. And from what I know, girls get involved with Bad boys out of some fantasy view they have, but when their lives are made miserable by the baddies, the girls kick them to the curb in short order.
And that's a bit different from guys who somehow find it erotic that certain women consider them as walking garbage and who treat them abusively. Or worse, guys who KNOW ( are certain ) that specific-looking women would never fuck them, etc. and STILL find the idea erotic.

As a cuckold of 40 years I've never fantasised about other women, for me the eroticism of cuckoldry was in knowing my wife was having better sex with other men than she could ever have with me.

As a cuckold, my love for her meant I wanted her to have it all, cuckoldry for the cuckold is one of uncondtional love and giving to his wife. Because it's unconditional you can get taken advantage of, but in giving without requiring recompense, you risk it as part of loving. A cuckold gives until it hurts and keeps giving, just as women often give, so are cuckolds really men with the loving capabilities of females?

So I agree with Julie, general humiliation is abuse, it needs to be personal for it to be involved in cuckoldry!
As a cuckold of 40 years I've never fantasised about other women, for me the eroticism of cuckoldry was in knowing my wife was having better sex with other men than she could ever have with me.

Is the eroticism about her being serviced by another male who can easily outdo you sexually? Or that somehow she is being overwhelmed by him and, deep down, you're really turned-on by the idea that she's being somehow put in her place and "made to like it"?
I ask this because I have the sneaking suspicion that a lot of Cuckholds have a desire that even they themselves don't consciously know is there - a desire to see their wives somehow humiliated, vanquished, over powered, overwhelmed, and "used up". In other words, physically dominated. I wonder if this realization may be the hidden and driving motivator behind the most intense of all the Cuckhold's erotic stimulation connected to this lifestyle?

As a cuckold, my love for her meant I wanted her to have it all, cuckoldry for the cuckold is one of uncondtional love and giving to his wife.
Could this possibly be a rationalization? - used to gloss over a hidden, but highly powerful drive or desire to see the wife put in her place in some overwhelming fashion....and even more powerfully intense if the fashion includes sex? After all, it would be very easy to just open your local yellow pages and call a male ****** who was of the specific type both of you found the most erotically appealing. The ****** could service her in any way she ( and YOU ) desire while ensuring she's safe from STD's and would then leave with no strings attached after consumating the affair. Why then, with this option available, would a man want his wife "out there" in subsidiary relationships with other men doing who knows what and who knows where - "cut loose" from the general routines of the marriage?
If its a matter of "LOVE", it seems to me that such a desire for her to experience vastly more satisfying sexual stimulation and fulfillment could easily be taken along entirely different avenues of expression.

Because it's unconditional you can get taken advantage of, but in giving without requiring recompense, you risk it as part of loving.
I'm not sure if this statement makes sense. There are always "conditions" attached to everything people do within relationships. The hotwife lives according to a lot of conditions, it seems to me. If she was totally in control of the situation, she could easily have affairs with other men while her "giving" husband was kept totally ignorant. But in cuckhold/hotwife relationships ( generally speaking ) the husband IS "in the loop". He enjoys her activities in a different way than she does, but probably just as intensely. He WANTS her to live like this. He loves being humiliated by her input about the play partners and their endowment, stamina, etc. and by her domineering attitude about it all. Without these conditons, the cuckhold would not find her actions captivating at all. If she kept things on the sly, the hotwife could actually go through decades of her marriage cuckholding her husband without him having the slightest clue about it. The fact that the husband usually prods and pushes her into sexual encounters with other men until she finally complies serves to show that the lifestyle is as much or more about HIS desires and satisfaction than her's! So, I really doubt that the most motivating factor behind the average cuckhold's supposed "acceptance" of his wife's sexual behavior has much at all to do with his "love" for her. I think its all about his fantasies connected to an objectified image he has of her.

A cuckold gives until it hurts and keeps giving, just as women often give, so are cuckolds really men with the loving capabilities of females?
In my opinion, if you have a penis and can produce sperm that will fertilize a woman's eggs, you ARE a "man". You can be softer or more gentle or more attuned to feelings than a lot of other men are who relentlessly try to conform to some macho, non-threatening stereotype. Women find this very amusing, by the way. We can see right away when men posture and "fit" into some absurd, one-dimensional, cartoon-like "guy thing" image stereotype. And no, we don't consider them more "manly" when they do so. Actually, its very pathetic.

So I agree with Julie, general humiliation is abuse, it needs to be personal for it to be involved in cuckoldry![/QUOTE]
Thanks! I'm glad someone agrees with at least something I've said on these threads!! :)

For starters...i pretty much said this is what gets "me" off and posted this to see if there were other like me. Why it get me off i'm not too sure...like cuckolding it just does. I'm not too sure that you need to be loved by the person humiliating you...if that were the case there wouldn't be a market for dominatrix's i guess?

But as far as cuckolding goes for me...i do agree...that when i met my current partner...from day 1 i told i was a cuckold and she was hesitant at first...thinking i was just making it up so i could fuck others...but over time and the amount of cuck sites online, she realises its a popular kink...and is happy with the lifestyle...as she never really believed in monogamy and was in a long term marriage that was monogamous till he inevitably cheated on her, which pissed her off cause over the years she had plenty of opportunities for playing around and never did...plus it was a life that made her unhappy cause she was quite a slut in her younger years and enjoyed being so...she mainly loved the freedom of it...but had she started fucking other guys from day 1, i would not have felt the same desire...we would have just been fuckbuddy's by definition...but now i have strong feelings for her...to me the cuckolding life for me is much more intense than with a gal i feel nothing for.

PS i know this is petty...and my postings are also usually riddled with typos, but its cuckold not cuckhold! :)
For starters...i pretty much said this is what gets "me" off and posted this to see if there were other like me. Why it get me off i'm not too sure...like cuckolding it just does.

Yes, its the "I'm not sure why" part that is the most interesting aspect of this entire lifestyle. The question is; if something this unusual is gripping some men, WHY don't they spend more time trying to figure out the real reason(s) for it instead of just glossing over it and accepting its very negative impact on their lives and its potentially devistating consequences for their future?
Amazingly, the majority of men involved in this lifestyle tend to offer the same pat, routine responses about their relationship. They'll insist that their wives/girl friends eventually accepted it and are presently happy about participating in it. And, according to these men, life is just wonderful...Tra-La-La, La-La!
I would find this far more likely IF there were far more wives and girl friends posting on forums like this. But what do you know? The forums appear to be frequented almost exclusively by men!! If women got so much out of this lifestyle and were so enthused and satisfied by it, then why the silence on their part??
Odd, my wife is here OFTEN. Again I ask, if you have no interest in this lifestyle, no desire to be in it,,, why are you here DAILY? You say to understand it better, but why do you want to understand a lifestyle by a bunch of people you consider frauds? :confused:

Just makes ZERO sense :rolleyes:
as above

well...as i have said...i don't don't why i love being cuckolded...trust me i have spent years trying to get to the bottom of it...looking back from my early childhood to current day...and i still can't put my finger on it...but why do i love chocolate ice cream yet hate strawberry...why do i love Led Zeppelin yet hate Queen??? I just do...and there isn't any good reason why...why do i like being a cuckold with a masochistic streak and not want to be a bull with a sadistic one...as i said there is no good reason...it just is...trust my have thought about it a lot!

As far as women go...my mistress does read a lot of these...she mainly spends her time on fetlife.com and certain swinging sites...but does read this site as well...but rarely leaves comments, i tend to as i'm more opinionated than her...but on the flip side if we are chatting to possible lovers its her thats does all the talking and correspondence.

So i hardly think you have split the atom here...yes this site is fueled by wannabe's who love to jerk off constantly at the pics, stories (as i do as well)...and yes probably they do fantasize a lot about this life...but there are a lot of genuine cucks, wives and bulls here. At the end of the day...the internet is full of bullshitters...just about every swinger site we are on are full of timewasters...who have backed out from meeting us...but thats the internet for you and thats why we now live this life through swingers clubs.
To be honest with you...you haven't proven to be any more real than anyone else here...and how you prove otherwise is quite hard as you know!
I do post on this site very often. The only difference is I am not here criticizing the other people on their lifestyle choices as you have done since day one.
Exactly why you are here....You are not in the lifestyle at all (as you said several time). I have sat back this whole time and let you rant and rave. Now you are just getting old, move along, this is not the lifestyle for you so why keep coming here. Did your wife cheat on you? Yes I did say your wife as I find it hard to believe you are really a woman. If you really trying to understand this lifestyle you would have asked your parents as they were open enough to tell you about their lifestyle if this really was the case.:rolleyes:

JulieIsMe said:
The forums appear to be frequented almost exclusively by men!! If women got so much out of this lifestyle and were so enthused and satisfied by it, then why the silence on their part??[/I]
JulieIsMe said:
I would find this far more likely IF there were far more wives and girl friends posting on forums like this. But what do you know? The forums appear to be frequented almost exclusively by men!! If women got so much out of this lifestyle and were so enthused and satisfied by it, then why the silence on their part??[/I]

My wife has a much more active social (and sex) life than I do, and therefore less time for diversions such as this. And her desire and decision to have sex outside our marriage came from her, not from me, first in terms of having a girlfriend or two on the side, and later expanding that to include fucking other men.
I adore my wife!

JulieIsMe said:
As a cuckold of 40 years I've never fantasised about other women, for me the eroticism of cuckoldry was in knowing my wife was having better sex with other men than she could ever have with me.
Is the eroticism about her being serviced by another male who can easily outdo you sexually? Or that somehow she is being overwhelmed by him and, deep down, you're really turned-on by the idea that she's being somehow put in her place and "made to like it"?
I ask this because I have the sneaking suspicion that a lot of Cuckholds have a desire that even they themselves don't consciously know is there - a desire to see their wives somehow humiliated, vanquished, over powered, overwhelmed, and "used up". In other words, physically dominated. I wonder if this realization may be the hidden and driving motivator behind the most intense of all the Cuckhold's erotic stimulation connected to this lifestyle?
I would disagree very strongly with you here. I have no desire to see my wife vanquished or overpowered but would say that she enjoys the sensation of a man taking her over and her being used by him and gets extremely turned on by being called a slut etc at those times. My motive in accepting the role she dealt me as a cuckold was to acquiesce because I knew she got sexual pleasure well beyond any I could give her.
A cuckold, not the husband of a HotWife

JulieIsMe said:
Because it's unconditional you can get taken advantage of, but in giving without requiring recompense, you risk it as part of loving.
I'm not sure if this statement makes sense. There are always "conditions" attached to everything people do within relationships. The hotwife lives according to a lot of conditions, it seems to me. If she was totally in control of the situation, she could easily have affairs with other men while her "giving" husband was kept totally ignorant. But in cuckhold/hotwife relationships ( generally speaking ) the husband IS "in the loop". He enjoys her activities in a different way than she does, but probably just as intensely. He WANTS her to live like this. He loves being humiliated by her input about the play partners and their endowment, stamina, etc. and by her domineering attitude about it all. Without these conditons, the cuckhold would not find her actions captivating at all. If she kept things on the sly, the hotwife could actually go through decades of her marriage cuckholding her husband without him having the slightest clue about it. The fact that the husband usually prods and pushes her into sexual encounters with other men until she finally complies serves to show that the lifestyle is as much or more about HIS desires and satisfaction than her's! So, I really doubt that the most motivating factor behind the average cuckhold's supposed "acceptance" of his wife's sexual behavior has much at all to do with his "love" for her. I think its all about his fantasies connected to an objectified image he has of her.

You seem incapable of accepting that their are true cuckold relationships where the wife fucks men for her own gratification with or without the knowledge of the husband. Often it takes the cuckold many years to learn of his humiliation and on doing so has a choice to make. If as many cuckolds do, he stays married then his wife often cuckolds him all the more openly and cares not for his feelings or whether he has any intimate knowledge of her affairs. In my own case it was over 30 years before my wife involved me in any way in her cuckoldry and that was only because she learned I was having an affair with another woman and it was her way of closing that affair down and controlling my actions. You seem fixated on the hotwife marriage and apply their circumstances to all cuckold relationships. Often a cuckold simply accepts his failure as a husband and lover and lets his wife get on with her extra marital affairs, some cuckolds come onto sites like this because it’s an outlet for their emotions or like me have grown to be sexually aroused by the emotional abuse of being married to a cuckoldress. A problem shared reduced the shame and humiliation of being a cuckold or even allows one to set yourself up for even more abuse if that floats your boat!
So many cuckolds are not men Julie?

JulieIsMe said:
A cuckold gives until it hurts and keeps giving, just as women often give, so are cuckolds really men with the loving capabilities of females?
In my opinion, if you have a penis and can produce sperm that will fertilize a woman's eggs, you ARE a "man". You can be softer or more gentle or more attuned to feelings than a lot of other men are who relentlessly try to conform to some macho, non-threatening stereotype. Women find this very amusing, by the way. We can see right away when men posture and "fit" into some absurd, one-dimensional, cartoon-like "guy thing" image stereotype. And no, we don't consider them more "manly" when they do so. Actually, its very pathetic.
Well my penis is so small at times it might not be considered one and I haven’t been producing sperm for many years as a result of my vasectomy, and haven’t had an erection for 18 months so incapable of having sex with a woman, by your definitions I am most certainly not a man! However what I was alluding to was the fact that I know I have very high concentrations of oestrogen in my system and if you read a lot of guidance on relationships you will see that often a wife will give until she feels she has no more to give or that if she does it will make no difference. I just see that true cuckolds often just keep giving to their wives much the same way women give in marriages while they hold the marriage worth saving!

I am so pleased to note that many women do see through the macho BS and can appreciate that men can have more admirable traits!
cuckoldinpanties said:
Odd, my wife is here OFTEN. Again I ask, if you have no interest in this lifestyle, no desire to be in it,,, why are you here DAILY? You say to understand it better, but why do you want to understand a lifestyle by a bunch of people you consider frauds? :confused:

Just makes ZERO sense :rolleyes:

I do have an interest in this lifestyle, but not one that's connected to personally participating in it. As for considering the others here as "frauds", I don't. I think the majority are driven by this fantasy, but that they are not really involved in it in a physical sense. That is, they'd love to be in a classic cuckold/hotwife relationship, but are only there "inside there heads" at the present time.
However, I will say that there are a few here who are ultra-sensitive and very hostile. They seem to take exception to everything - questions, doubts, etc. - and cannot handle anyone else's contrary position. But this is just an individual thing. Most are quite reasonable.
hotwifeapril said:
I do post on this site very often. The only difference is I am not here criticizing the other people on their lifestyle choices as you have done since day one.
Exactly why you are here....You are not in the lifestyle at all (as you said several time). I have sat back this whole time and let you rant and rave. Now you are just getting old, move along, this is not the lifestyle for you so why keep coming here. Did your wife cheat on you? Yes I did say your wife as I find it hard to believe you are really a woman. If you really trying to understand this lifestyle you would have asked your parents as they were open enough to tell you about their lifestyle if this really was the case.:rolleyes:

Yes, YOU may post very often, but that's YOU. What I'm saying is that if there are so many happy, satisfied hotwives out there I would think that they would appear at places like this and show their acceptance and enthusiasm toward the lifestyle. If only one or two of the supposedly numerous ones out there do expound on their wonderful activities, then its not enough to convince me that so many women find this lifestyle acceptable much less appealing.
As for your belief about my gender, it doesn't matter to me at all what you think of me. As for my parents, how do you know what I did or did not ask either of them? Your post indicates that I've really struck a nerve with you. Too bad, so sad. If you don't like my questions and comments, don't read them. How's that for logic?
is it over yet?

JulieIsMe said:
your post indicates that I've really struck a nerve with you. Too bad, so sad. If you don't like my questions and comments, don't read them. How's that for logic?

Julie pretends to be logically didactic and aloof yet continually gives away her hand. I have had some correspondence with her and she has only responded with acidic and judgmental language. Why does everyone (OK, not everyone, according to her) think she's angry?

She most recently says 'in their heads' but everyone in the world is 'in their heads' to a certain degree- so what? (A catch-all phrase she uses but does not see herself for being in her own head.) She uses the phrase now to appease criticisms but usually says it for vitriol. Many people here are overcoming an imperfect life. She only debases them.

Why would wives post here? The whole point is that they are not interested enough in taking the time out of their day to kiss and tell. An obvious answer to the not-so-enlightened, a woman might fear her bragging might come across as pathetic- unless a spouse earnestly begs for it. Wouldn't an empowered woman have sex for her own reasons?

I have tried to agree with Julie on certain points (the 'in the head' thing, pressure many cucks put on insecure wives, victimization of women, etc.) and she has only let loose on me. She will no doubt do so in response to this.

I insist she will be a cuckoldress like her mom. Mean to her man, then cheats on him, then starts to boss him around and when he finds out about her affair through mutual friends... is he man enough to stay with her and be the cuck that he is? Any wagers?

You're right, Julie it is,"so sad" as you put it.
I TRULY believe "Julie", is more "James", and his wise left him for another male and was ****** to be considered as a cuck, so he is on here venting at life. His posts are very negative and hositle towards everyone and the lifestyle in general.

It's ok James, you will find another. Of course she will leave you for being so bitter as well.
JulieIsMe said:
Your post indicates that I've really struck a nerve with you. Too bad, so sad. If you don't like my questions and comments, don't read them. How's that for logic?

How about following your own advice James? :rolleyes:

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