hi im 28 yrs old and im letting my g.f go out in to town on saturday night with her freind. iv been with my partner since january and told her of my wishes for her to fuck other men with bigger cocks than my small and thin 4 incher, she is a verry dirty woman and was in to it straight away,but now its going to happen.im on a sex ban at the moment,im not allowed to touch her pussy,ass or breasts untill sunday, its so hard i want to touch her now more than ever, im working sat night till 11pm so i wont even get to see wot she chooses to dress like. im to come staight home from work and wait while she tells her freind why they have gone out,she is going to tell her about my 4 incher and that she needs a propper cock, she is allso going to tell her i know wot shes gonna do,im going to be so embarrased when i see her mate,then when she had fun with her mate shes going to pull a lad with a big cock and bring him home where she will fuck him either with me watching or with me in the hall,her 19 yr old lad will be in the house when this happens, im so horny i think this is the beginning of her shagging other big dicked men. i will post wot happens, iv given her full controle in the bed room and carnt wait to see her with others, she wants a fuck buddy also can any one give advice on to how to find the rite fuck buddy?