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Fucking a Racists wife

  • Thread starterdeven7934
  • Start date
HI Robert, everybody. I am mwm and now 47. It is really hot and it is very similar to what hapend to us. We were much younger than the white couple picutered. Probably more like the young buck's age. That is we were in school and my future wife had a super sexy hung black boyfriend. But she was encourged by her family to marry a white boy. She had this bf for 5 years while she and I were always just friends.
But I have now seen a lot of loud mouthed chubby white boys telling about how they hunt and fish and played football and watch nascar.
They are really screaming "I'm not a fag', I'm not a fag"!! So obvious that they are afraid that they are a Bi boi who is fascinated with Black Men.
We used to see our black classmates in the shower and in the pool -also at the ymca or gym. Jean's BF had the biggest cock any of us had ever even heard of and no one believed she was actaully doing anything with it. He hung 12 inches soft so we all imaigned, someitmes even talked about how big is must be hard. I was probably the first male to know that she really was taking care of him sexually. That was probably the most turned on I have ever been. Even more than when I discovered on my own how to masturbate. ( I asked my best friend who was 2 years older why he never told me)--he just shrugged. So before i get to far off the topic;
luv, MsGary
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When we call a person a racist, we also have to be sure we are ourselves free of sin, because it is about:

he who is without sin can throw the first stone.
Well you are making a number of assumptions there, but of course, would be hot if true!!
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Josetta said:
When we call a person a racist, we also have to be sure we are ourselves free of sin, because it is about:

he who is without sin can throw the first stone.

well, who is without a sin...what it counts is what you think and what you do. and also maybe it's more suitable to say don't do to others what you don't want others do to you.
Racism??? Racism is the life blood that feeds this very site as well as the interracial porn industry. All the fantasies and attractions you read about here are based on taboos and myths that exist because of racism. Nobody wants to see or read about sex between a black and a white without, at the least, some underlying racial overtone(s). Interracial sex without prejudice or racism is just not the same.
skinnywhiteboy said:
This is truly sickening evil. Black men are only in jail in large numbers due to the White supremacism which infects the whole of this earth.

They have only themselves to blame for being in prison. I dont think anyone has sympathy for people in prison, no matter what colour they may be.
Maybe they should try to get a job.
Fucking a single racist woman is hot, watching the bigotry in her eyes surrender to her lust. Her gasped yeses. The Sweetest sex, putting her in her place. Which is snapping her hips under me
Nothing like shooting cum into the heart of bigotry. dousing her fire. Her hate becomes love becomes hate, becomes love.
I enjoy watching her internal war.
I enjoy watching her eat her words.
bunsupkneelin4blacks said:
Well, this chat all seems beside the point. The pic is very sexy!

Thank You! People getting too hung up on the "Racist part", this thread is for fun, if it was ment for serious discussion I would have placed it in a different thread.

Cheers and thanks again,

it is a very hot pic,i would think a black man would get alot of satisfaction buy using a rasist wife
I'd love to be fucked by a Black Supremacist who is racist against whites. Would be very hot I think, being on my knees and him shoving my head down onto his cock, fucking my throat to make me gag n suffer n then flipping me over to fuck my ass so hard, pulling my hair like that bitch is getting. Giving me a good hard angry fuck, I'd love it.

Just as he was really banging my ass I'd shout "Afrocentricism is a completely flawed idea!" or "Malcom X actually achieved very little! MLKs integrationist approach was better" and he would get really mad and fuck the shit out of me as I shouted "Ancient Egyptians weren't Black!" and he would pound my arse raw shouting "yes they were, there are statues of Pharaohs that are clearly black" and I'd reply "Those are Nubian Pharaohs who ruled Egypt for only about 75 years starting in 730bc!" before he spun me around and rammed his dick down my throat again shouting "ha! you would say that you lying white *****!" as I gagged on his cock.
I have this fantasy too but its the reverse. Mine is to fuck a very hot black women who's husband is a racist and maybe she is as well. She and him hate white people, but she has that itch. Usually, in my fantasy, she is a very well to do women, and I break her. Since this is fantasy lmao she usually gives me her chocolate princess daughter(legal) who is also racist due to upbringing.
Ok, so are we going to make this thread interesting again? This arguing is really quite pathetic. How about adding some pics of a skinny white bitch with a confederate flag on her wall getting two thick black cocks rammed into her at the same time? A video of that would be even better. Especially if it was ******.
Just my opinion though.
A bit off topic, but relevant

My next door neighbor (Janet) and I have become pretty close in the 6 years that we have lived here. When we first met I could tell that she was a bit freaked out because I was married to a black man and had three beautifully blended children.
Over the years she has come to accept my life and several years ago even admitted that she was pretty racist when she first met me but that I had shown her that it's nothing to get upset about.
Well, about 2 years ago she and her hubby started having some major problems with their marriage and her husband finally moved almost a year ago.
From that point on she started pumping me for information about black guys, what they wanted, what they liked etc. She finally worked up to asking me how she could meet a black guy. She had met my brother in law several times over the years so I set them up on a date one nite. Well when my brother in law never came back that night I figured that they had hooked up (and they had).
When he finally walked in the next morning I pumped him for full details and he said that it had started off pretty tense at first but went ok until he had given her a small goodnight kiss at her door. he said that she just melted into him and before he even realized it they were going at it in her front hallway.
He said that he thought it might be a bit weird this morning but she had initiated sex almost immediately after waking up so he said that it had been about a 9.9 rateing for first dates.
I couldn't stand it so I went over an hour or so later and asked her for all the details and she told me that she had felt really uptight at first being in public with a black guy but he had been such a perfect gentleman that she became so turned on by him during their date. She admitted that she had almost ***** him when he took her home and had enjoyed the best sex that she had ever had.

Now she freely admits that she was biased against black men but now realizes that she was totally wrong. Her and my brother in law are not an item but are def fuck buddies now.

PS. she does love his large cock too....hehehe

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deven7934 said:
Thank You! People getting too hung up on the "Racist part", this thread is for fun, if it was ment for serious discussion I would have placed it in a different thread.

Cheers and thanks again,


To think, if you'd put "Imagine if" at the start of your post, it would have stayed on topic!
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