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fucking a nigga

  • Thread startermuleman
  • Start date
Whammer said:
Well in the context of THIS site the word "nigger" is really just part of the whole fetish.
This site really isn't a true dating site- there are much more legit sites you can go to to find interracial dating with real people. This site is basically full of fakes.
This is a fetish site, a place where people indulge their fantasies- that might include pretending to be a cuck or even pretending to be a woman.

While I can see how some people can be turned on by the "fantasy" of seeing a huge black cock fucking a white woman. Like most fantasies they are best kept as a fantasy.
There are just too many thug types walking the street that can barely string together a coherent sentence- I doubt many people would truly want to spend anytime in contact with folks like that- no matter how big their cock is!

Dr. Phil might say- "you teach people how you want to be treated". And this topic is an example of that. You watch some rap vids, or listen to their music, or hear how they talk to one another and it's "nigger this, nigga that, fuck you nigga, what's up nigger", etc.
Some times it's said in a joking tone, other times it's said in anger.
Do you hear any other ethnic group addressing themselves with derogatory terms like that? Does Asiangirl say to her asian friends- what's up chinks?
I doubt it very much.
Black people have allowed much of this to happen to themselves- they have set the example for how they wish to be treated.

In regards to this site...this site needs to quit trying to pretend that it is something that it is not. This is not a real life dating site. This is just a cheap fantasy site, a site that is probably made up of 95% white males. And these white males pretend to be women, pretend to be cucks, pretend to be blackmen, etc.

I agree with you but it is nice where now and then you can find a thread like this that actually talks about something and is not please fake this girl or fuck my wife or something but a real topic with opinions.
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I wonder just which moderator is being referred to in pushing an agenda? Could it be that there are thousands of threads, many with over 50 pages of posts, to peruse. Are mods expected to go through every single post of every single thread with a fine tooth comb to find any instance of an offensive term? Maybe administration should make whammer a mod with that sole duty.
Whammer said:
Black people have allowed much of this to happen to themselves- they have set the example for how they wish to be treated.


Interesting thread...
With respect to the quote from Whammer's post, you're (kinda) right, and 'more's the pity' for it. Unfortunately there is a segment of black 'society' (the Rap community of 'artists'), which has a lot of visibility and which, in my opinion has shown a lot of irresponsibility in how it chooses to 'respresent' the black population as a whole.

Equally unfortunate is that there are those who choose to emulate them by repeating the gutterish words (and believe me the use of the 'N' word in ANY CONTEXT or conversation, NO MATTER by whom or to whom, IS GUTTERISH, AND DEMEANING TO THE BLACK POPULATION AS A WHOLE), thereby doing considerable damage to the image of our culture.

Those who use the word, no matter how they 'spell' it don't know (or don't care about) the history, the bloodshed (of even deaths of) by our descendants as their contribution to get equal treatment (we're still striving to get that equal treatment). The 'artists?'; They only care about the money to be gained, the rewards they get for holding up the black community to ridicule (and I see it, even in the posts to this thread!).

We cry about being discriminated against, about the treatment of Michael Vick, Barry Bonds, O.J. Simpson; yet some of us treat each other like the very dogs Vick went to jail for using in his 'sporting events.' Yeah, people... IT IS LIKE THAT!

I read the Will & Eve (Administrator) post here also, and have to say that it seems that even as a teacher, you've given up the fight to teach the children that crude ebonics plays (and WILL PLAY) a VERY negative role in their efforts to achieve a satisfying personal/professional standard of living when they reach adulthood. I urge you to return to the fight. As a teacher, it's YOUR responsibility (along with their parents, of course) to try to show them the right way. As a teenager, I had teachers who recognized that the majority of black students would likely NOT gain a college education. They INSISTED (would not take 'no' for an answer) that we learn to speak correctly. That attitude on their part has been an ASSET to me every day of my adult life.

You're the Administrator. Take a stand, and ban the words. Some things important enough to STAND AGAINST, not just equivocate.

I know that this is a big issue, much bigger than this thread or this site, and that use of the 'N' words will likely never be eradicated. I'm thankful that the VAST MAJORITY of our people (likely 99 PERCENT) NEVER use the word. The problem is that those who do use it are usually the ones seen, the ones in trouble, the ones without self-respect (or respect for anyone else). Again, 'more's the pity,' for them.
pimpology101 said:
I wonder just which moderator is being referred to in pushing an agenda? Could it be that there are thousands of threads, many with over 50 pages of posts, to peruse. Are mods expected to go through every single post of every single thread with a fine tooth comb to find any instance of an offensive term? Maybe administration should make whammer a mod with that sole duty.

Well you know I'm talking about you. You banned me last month because I asked you to apologize to me. You insulted me with words that you used to describe me. Personally I didn't care- but I was trying to make a point.
The post I made was not insulting to anyone, you may have not agreed with my point of view, and that's fine. But you then decided to insult me- which I think everyone would agree is against forum rules. When I pointed this out to you your reaction was to ban me and removed my post- I guess so no one could see what you had done.
You are abusing your authority as a mod. I am not the only one who sees that you are.
I also think the down turn in the site happened around the same time you got your mod status and started cleaning house.

To the people reading this- if you don't see another post from me you'll know what happened. You'll know I was banned again. Tell the others, don't let my banning be in vain! Tell them! Spread the word! :)
You have got to be kidding me, right, whammer? You personally called me out in a thread I started and singled me out individually on a bent entirely off topic. You insulted me, not the other way around. You were not banned for that anyway as I could give two shits what you or anyone else thinks of me. You were banned because of constant complaints from other members about your abusive, deragatoryand insulting mannerisms. Much like the shit you directed at me. I had hoped the "time-out" would teach you some manners but I can already see that the intended lesson went right over your head and was lost on you. But you better learn it quickly or yes, you'll be gone again and this time for good.

And you're stance the site took a downturn is a matter of opinion. Many people, according to the e-mails I and the other mods receive, have been positive and thankful that the site has been "rescued" from the cesspool and freak show it was tuurning into. And trust me, bub, I don't hide what I do; it's all right out there in the open--from who I ban, to what I stand for and what I don't. No skin off my nose if you or anyone else dislikes it or agrees or not.
pimpology101 said:
You have got to be kidding me, right, whammer? You personally called me out in a thread I started and singled me out individually on a bent entirely off topic. You insulted me, not the other way around. You were not banned for that anyway as I could give two shits what you or anyone else thinks of me. You were banned because of constant complaints from other members about your abusive, deragatoryand insulting mannerisms. Much like the shit you directed at me. I had hoped the "time-out" would teach you some manners but I can already see that the intended lesson went right over your head and was lost on you. But you better learn it quickly or yes, you'll be gone again and this time for good.

And you're stance the site took a downturn is a matter of opinion. Many people, according to the e-mails I and the other mods receive, have been positive and thankful that the site has been "rescued" from the cesspool and freak show it was tuurning into. And trust me, bub, I don't hide what I do; it's all right out there in the open--from who I ban, to what I stand for and what I don't. No skin off my nose if you or anyone else dislikes it or agrees or not.

I have been reading this thread and posting since the start and in this case I see nothing wrong with what WHAMMER said I agree with him, he is just speaking his mind. I can see how the fakes etc would take offense and complain.
REad back over my post and tell me will you ban him for speaking his mind like you are threatening to? Will you prove what has been talked about censorship?
You can ask muleman or many others- My posts have been toned down for quite some time.
So don't try to say you were getting complaints about me because that is bullshit!
I don't believe I ever insulted you with inflamatory names- you may not have liked what I was saying, but I was not directly insulting you. However you did use insulting words about me. When I asked you to apologize I was banned.
So it has nothing to do with complaints about me.

Now I'm sure you're itching to pull the trigger on the ban button- but I would advise against it. Too many people are wise to your little act.
You are a terrible mod. You make knee jerk reactions. You are not in control of yourself- I can tell by your response to me, you can see how angry you get trying to respond to me.

You think this site is something that it just isn't. This is complete fantasy playground. Anyone looking for real time meetings would be out of their minds to use this site.
Learn to lighten up and just have some fun here. You've got your Oreo yahoogroup for trying to arrange real time hookups.
I agree.

Nigga or Nigger - what's the difference?

If you are offended by the word, then say something to all those rappers making a fortune using that word in all its forms. And you know who should make the biggest fuss at the rappers abusing that word??? Black People of course!
But you never hear a word out of em, whyen its the rappers using it, cuz the rappers tend to be black!
Well I say that's just BULLSHIT!!!
Either no one uses that word or everyone can!
For the last time, I will try and explain to you, in the most simplistic way possible, so that you might finally understand whammer:

1) Don't go on off topic tangents and hijack posts.
2) Don't post merely to bait others into an argument or flame other members (if you have issue with certain individuals take it to private messages, instant messaging or e-mail).
3) If you begin a thread make sure it's in the appropriate sections The more extreme stuff is meant for the basement. Threads out of place will be removed.
4) It is not your call to say what this site is or is not for. Just because you think it should be for something does not mean it is.
5) Your opinion on whether I'm a good moderator or not is irrelevant.
6) whether you choose to believe it or not there were (and still are) numerous complaints about you. You only tone down your behavior when you feel you've gone too far and are in jeopardy of getting in trouble.
7) You did insult me; perhaps not by a specific term but by questioning my manhood, my sexuality and speaking derisively of the parties I throw and those who attend them. Only then did I engage you. You knew when you did so that you were being combative and instigating and you did it purposely.
8) Whether or not you remain here or get banned again will not be determined one whit by what others think. It will be decided solely by your actions and behavior

You or pimptoy or anyone else can cry censorship all you wish. If you behave in an ill-mannered way and continually flame or post for the sole purpose of drama and or arguing, you and anyone else will be removed. Me nor the other mods are so stupid that we can't determine unacceptable behavior which is trying to be hidden by the not so subtle veil of "freedom of speech," "censorship" or any other damn thing you'd like to use as a smokescreen.

And by the way, pimptoy, the thread being referenced to between whammer and I was an old thread, not this one. He has still managed to go off on a tangent, make this personal and subject members to an unnecessary back-n-forth between he and I. The topic, as I recall, is about the use of the word "nigga." It is not about me, whammer, our differences or anything else. He and everyone else needs to stay on topic.
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anna-mwf said:
I agree.

Nigga or Nigger - what's the difference?

If you are offended by the word, then say something to all those rappers making a fortune using that word in all its forms. And you know who should make the biggest fuss at the rappers abusing that word??? Black People of course!
But you never hear a word out of em, whyen its the rappers using it, cuz the rappers tend to be black!
Well I say that's just BULLSHIT!!!
Either no one uses that word or everyone can!
Heh, they are plenty of black people that oppose the words. I'm one of them.

LOL@ all these people justifying using their use.

This site is a joke. No wonder Kdawg took a hiatus.
pimpology101 said:
For the last time, I will try and explain to you, in the most simplistic way possible, so that you might finally understand whammer:

1) Don't go on off topic tangents and hijack posts
2) don't post merely to bait others into an argument or flame other members (if you have issue with certain individuals take it to private messages, instant messaging or e-mail)
3)If you begin a thread make sure it's in the appropriate sections. The more extreme stuff is meant for the basement. Threads out of place will be removed
4) It is not your call to say what this site is or is not for. Just because you think it should be for something does not mean it is.
5) Your opinion on whether I'm a good moderator or not is irrelevant
6) whether you choose to believe it or not there were (and still are) numerous complaints about. You only tone down your behavior when you feel you've gone too far and are in jeopardy of getting in trouble.
7) You did insult me; perhaps not be a specific term but by questioning my manhood, my sexuality and speaking derisively of the parties I throw and those who attend them. Only then did I engage you.
8) Whether or not you remain here or get banned again will not be determined one whit by what others think. It will be decided solely by your actions and behavior

You or pimptoy or anyone else can cry censorship all you wish. If you behave in an ill-mannered way and continually flame or post for the sole purpose of drama and or arguing, you and anyone else will be removed. Me nor the other mods are so stupid that we can't determine unacceptable behavior which is trying to be hidden by the not so subtle veil of "freedom of speech," "censorship" or any other damn thing you'd like to use as a smokescreen.

not so suttle vail of freedom of speech (as you can see I spelled it right) Pimp I have no problem with you I have seen your post have posted on the same threads never had a problem with what you had to say but here your whole last paragraph is what is being talked about here you think you are smart that you know what is ok and what is not you have some power here as a moderator and anyone that says anything you do not agree with you attack them, provoke them and then ban them.
Whammer did not attack you directly or indirectly but because you had an issue with him in the past you found his post, did not like it and you attacked him it is right there you attacked him.
this is what is wrong with ppl having the right to moderate there is always someone like you using it like you are, if you where not on this thread trying to start something with whammer and now me for saying I saw nothing wrong with his post then you never would have posted this you would have just let it go but no you post this with more threats, there is nothing wrong with what whammer said it is just that you do not agree so you are attacking him and now me.
Show me one instance in this thread where I attacked him or you. One instance. I do not have a problem with you either. But I clearly stated "the rules." You are beginning to blatantly disregard them as whammer is. This is not an issue of whether I like whammer or not (which I clearly do not). It is only about staying on topic and not diverting threads to the point they deteriorate into what is now transpiring. Whammer began this latest incident by suggesting a certain moderator had an agenda (an agenda of what I don't know). There was no secret who he was referring to. This topic is about the use of the word nigga. Whammer personalized it and you yourself have diverted it to become a different issue. Freedom (of speech or anything else) is not license to behave in any ill manner one chooses but rather the responsibility to act as one ought. It's only when people take exception to being called to task that they cry censorship. It's not censorship, it's "editing." Newspapers, books, magazines, etc all edit material so that it stays centralized, themed, focused and on topic. Many things get "censored." Are any rules that are enacted and in place, in any printed venue, a form of censorship? Give me a break. The bottom line is this: STAY ON TOPIC!!! Do NOT subject members to this insipid and juvenile exchange. This is the last time I'm going to say it: this thread is about the use of the word nigga. If you have something to say on the topic, feel free. If you try to divert the topic and continue along these lines I will simply delete the post as this has gone on long enough. If you or whammer wish to continue "arguing" with me you can do so privately. Fill my inbox to overflowing with your tirades, bents and complaints....just don't do it here any further.
Grown Men, Behaving Badly.


Something clearly has to be done to rescue these threads. It seems that whatever the topic, the discussion seems to end up with self-absorbed people with temper tantrums because they feel slighted.

I felt this was a topic which cries out for MATURE discussion; it ends up being HELD HOSTAGE to a question of who's been insulted, threatened with banning, or some other such childish rantings. Get over yourselves!!!

People, everything doesn't have to be about YOU! If you can't, or won't allow us to dialogue, why even have these threads?

This is fast approaching becoming an issue for the Administrator to resolve.
It's already been resolved. Carry on in the manner the thread was intended without fear of interruption as it is a serious topic which deserves a mature conversation and dialogue. I apologize for my part in letting it go awry.
Will & Eve said:
Two posts on the record, first, regarding the dispute here:

a. I cannot read every post that might be posted or deleated, without hard specific evidence I will NOT take sides on hearsay.

b. If what is happening in this thread is an example of what the complaints I get are referring to concerning Pimp "attacking" people then the complaints are overstated.

c. FYI, this is a private institution privately owned. "Freedom of speech" is a government concept which has no application in a private setting. If you think anyone has promised or ever will promise you "freedom of speech" on a BBS you are sadly misinformed.

d. I have not been told I have direct authority over Pimp, nor do I particularly want it. I am an "administrator" not because I have any ownership interest or responsibility, but only because I have some idea, both in the positive and the negative, about how these things are done (putting posts in the right room, for instance, or not bumping year old dead threads on the one hand....the potential for sub forums to maximize a posters comfort level on the other) If you think Pimp needs to be "controlled" you are going over my pay grade.

e. I happen to have some views on Pimp's posting pattern myself that you who don't like him would agree with...but I am certain that calling him out publicly on them will NOT change them. i believe you will find, if you look, that the more adamantly you guys tell him he is wrong, the more you get of the sort of behavior you disprove of - perhaps a new tactic is in order. A respectful discussion of differences often solves things more than attack and counterattack.

In conclusion, we'd all be better served if everyone, including Pimp, would quit trying to "win"....too many of you won't be content until you take him down, and no man with any balls is going to stand by and be "taken down" easy...we don't need that war. Everyone step back and chill for a while and when you have a clear head, decide if a BBS war with some guy you never met is really all that important to your happiness.
Well said..
Funny I just got notice that there where more post here and came on I am glad this is at an end but my last post in response to pimpology post #38 is not here it was never posted?
Pimptoy said:
Funny I just got notice that there where more post here and came on I am glad this is at an end but my last post in response to pimpology post #38 is not here it was never posted?
Yeah, I believe almost a whole page was deleted. When I got here, the thread pages were about 4 then it got push back to three.

Kids, behave! While you guys are bickering over bullshit, the bigger MAN (and may I say BIGGER!!) is laying the pipe on your precious women!
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Will & Eve said:
now, I want to touch on this:


Interesting retort, with some truth to it... but you and I know that life 'ain't' simply about statistics. I'll provide a response in due time, with the requisite amount of thought to it... I assume we can at least dialogue without the 'flaming' that's so prevalent here, recently.

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