michael1950, an interesting take on things, but, there's always is a but, isn't there.
Her 1st husband (I'm #2) was an abuser, physically, mentally & emotionally, she bailed. As you know abuser patterns include control. That kind of activity is a complete turn off, she has become so resistant to anything resembling 'authority' I need to watch how I say things as not create a verbal storm between us.
Example, last week she was using my utility knife to cut a piece of cardboard, UNSAFELY, I told to stop doing it that way and tried to show her a safer way, (safety was urgent and I didn't think of better words) she resisted, continued and said she's OK. Had I thought 1st I would have worded it differently.
Bottom line is, even with my more thoughtful urge, she says I'll fuck whoever I want when I want without any input from you, or NOT. I realize that an urge from me represents authority, hence resistance, but without it the idea won't crop up. Catch 22 at best.
So I try to keep it light, as in joking about 'so many men so little time'. So far she hasn't taken the bite. Of course there is always the fear, and excitement, that she will as duke9555 put it, become the 'town bicycle' again. How would I feel with a steady stream of dicks in her sweet pussy, that is of course the cuckolds dilemma.