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Floored !

  • Thread starterabadrs
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Beloved Member
Feb 10, 2009
Wife tells me last night she was going to bingo with her friends. I get a call about an hour and half after she left. I said hello and I could hear moaning and somebody getting fucked hard. It was my ***** wife that went to her black boyfriends house and was getting fucked bare back. She put the phone down and let me listen to her getting slammed. She was screaming and moaning and saying GOD No not again...I could hear her bf grunting and after about 25 min of getting fucked he started saying Oh shit oh shit then she started cumming with him. She was telling him how fucking huge his cock was and how she needed his cock. Needless to say I was jacking off and shooting streams in seconds. She came home dripping his cum, and told me he fucked her twice and came in her hard. She told me to lick it then I was allowed to fuck it. I ate her creampie like it was my last time. She was telling me how great he was in bed and how huge his cock was. I came in her in a minute. Then she said she wanted to see him more as my cock was now way to small for her and I came to quick. (this was right after fucking her) So today about lunch time she came to me and said we need to talk. I figured what was comming next. She tells me that she will stay married to me for the kids sake but I didn't satisfy her anymore but wanted thank me for letting her do black guys. She went on to tell me that she is now horny almost 24 hours a day for him. As shes telling me this I'm getting harder and harder. She also said that I could watch her next time but I'm not allowed to help. Then after kinda stalling I asked is there more ? She says her new bf is a pimp and wants her to work for him. I was floored ! She said its probably going to happen so if we are going to fight about it lets get it over with. I was suprised, pissed and super horny. I couldnt believe he was able to get her to do this in such a short time. She went on to say no customers would get her bare back and she was probably going to start this weekend.

I know I'm new here but not new to being with a slut wife. I can't believe he has such control over her. Anyone else experience this ? She has slept around for years but I've never seen her so under anyones control like this.
yeah,there are women like that

it was good to read of your slutwife, i used to 'own' a guys wife for a while but i had to move away before i could get really started on her.
I see on here that she did eventually give her all to another guy, her stories make good reading, there are even some pics still on here i think.
have a search for linda nicols on here, i think her hubby went under the name pot4fem so you should be able to find her through that.
I wonder what eventually became of them?
did anyone else get to meet her from here, i'd love to know what you did to her, she ws a true slut.
anyway, i just thought i'd let you know you are not unique in your wifes urges and hopefully that will help you deal with it.

I suggest talking with her about some of the practical aspects....


abadrs said:
She went on to tell me that she is now horny almost 24 hours a day for him.

Sounds like your wife's "lover" is strong medicine for her....

abadrs said:
As she's telling me this I'm getting harder and harder.

....and you.

abadrs said:
She also said that I could watch her next time but I'm not allowed to help.

That's very kind of her.

abadrs said:
Then after kind'a stalling I asked, is there more...? She says her new bf is a pimp, and wants her to work for him.

Interesting. What has she been doing? Does she have a day job, or does she stay home with her and your children?

abadrs said:
I was floored!

So I would imagine.

abadrs said:
She said it's probably going to happen, so if we're going to fight about it, lets get it over with.

Hm.... so, did you fight about it?

abadrs said:
I was surprised, pissed, and super horny.

Sounds like you're somewhat conflicted about this and, despite being pissed off, are also turned on by the idea of your wife becoming a **********. But, are you secretly turned on or is it obvious to your wife that you are turned on by this...?

abadrs said:
I couldn't believe he was able to get her to do this in such a short time.

Yes, that is interesting. Is it possible your wife has long been secretly attracted to the idea of being a **********?

abadrs said:
She went on to say no customers would get her bareback, and she was probably going to start this weekend.

Hm.... your wife might want to consider how much control she'll have over whether her "johns" do or do not use condoms, once she starts down this road. What if some significant fraction of them refuse, and proceed to fuck her anyway, perhaps somewhat forcibly? What recourse would she have? Calling the police? I don't think so....

abadrs said:
.... I can't believe he has such control over her. .... She has slept around for years, but I've never seen her under anyone's control like this.

I would suggest talking with your wife (reasonably, try not to be argumentative) at some length about this, to see whether you can identify why she wants to become a ********** with her "lover" as her pimp. Is it because he has threatened to leave her if she doesn't do this for him? Is it because for years, she has been working at a monotonous, low-paying job, and she sees ************ as offering excitement, much more sex (obviously, she's highly sexual), and a significantly-higher income? Is it because for years, she has been staying home taking care of her and your children, she's very bored with that, and sees ************ as offering the above advantages? Is it because she has long wanted, secretly, to become a ********** (in relation, perhaps, to her high sexuality), and her current "lover" has unexpectedly offered her an opportunity to fulfill this desire? Is it some combination of these motivations, or something else entirely?

When you begin to see what's going on with her on a psychological level (if you can do that), I would suggest beginning to talk with her about some practical considerations and some of the complications that could arise. For instance:

How often will she visit a public health clinic to be evaluated and, if necessary, treated for STDs, in particular for chlamydia? (My wife used to be a public health nurse; she said when the local prostitutes came in to the health center they almost always had chlamydia. It's the most common STD in the U.S.) See, for example:

A Guide to Common STDs

How will your wife handle it if she acquires an STD that's serious and incurable, and her pimp stops fucking her for that reason?

Does your wife appreciate that when she joins her pimp's stable (so to speak), he will almost certainly spend less time—perhaps much less time—fucking her, in part because he has other prostitutes to "look after," and also because he will probably move on to seduction of his next prospect?

Given that your wife's johns will be paying for her services, what will they pay, who will pay her (her johns or her pimp), what fraction of what her johns pay will she receive, how often will she be paid, and what will be the form of her payments (cash, or something else?). These questions are important, because — according to N. Kristof, who writes for the New York Times — it's common for prostitutes in the U.S. to be paid *nothing* by their pimps.

How will disputes between your wife and her pimp be resolved, and what guarantees will she have that he will not physically beat her when he is displeased? Suppose, for example, he demands she make more money for him, but because of other obligations (her and your children, for instance), she doesn't want to spend more time working for him? What happens then?

How will johns contact your wife, and where will she meet them? Would her pimp expect her to solicit while walking the streets? If so, that would be a very bad idea. Would he expect her to entertain her johns in her and your home? Obviously, that too would be a bad idea because of your children. Would it be in hotels / motels? If so, who will pay for the room and where (generally speaking) are the hotels he uses?

What will "the plan" be if your wife is arrested? Typically, how much time do prostitutes spend in prison if arrested in your area, and/or what level of fine do they pay? Who would pay bail and/or the fines?

As you discuss these things with your wife, you may find she is willing to take more time to think about it. Perhaps her enthusiasm will decrease....

What is the outcome likely to be for your children...?


Regarding your comment:

abadrs said:
So today about lunch time she came to me and said we need to talk. She tells me she will stay married to me for the kids sake, but I didn't satisfy her anymore....

Another question you should discuss with your wife, I suggest, is: what is likely to happen to your children if she's arrested for ************? Would the court remove them from her (and your) custody, and assign them to a foster home? If so, they could end up being physically and/or sexually abused, potentially, because not all couples who volunteer to become foster parents are "nice people." In other words, if that's the outcome, it could ruin their lives.

You may have to consult an attorney to get a reading on this question. If he or she doesn't "do anything" for you and simply answers your question — plus, maybe, some other relatively short questions — the fee may be modest, and possibly even zero, depending on the attorney.

We discussed it at length to say the least...tonights the night, she just left here wearing a tight shirt no bra and a mini skirt with no undies. She wouldn't let me fuck her before she left but she did let me jack off on her tits. She told me that she will get paid by her fucks as she calls them and she will pay her pimp a cut. She has had sugar daddies in the past but nothing where she was outright paid for it. I will probably go downtown and spy on her later. I feel humiliated and aroused at the same time.

abadrs said:
We discussed it at length to say the least...tonights the night, she just left here wearing a tight shirt no bra and a mini skirt with no undies. .... She told me that she will get paid by her fucks as she calls them and she will pay her pimp a cut.

So your wife is now a "working girl"....

Have you made arrangements to consult an attorney in order to get a read on this question:

Custer Laststand said:
Another question you should discuss with your wife, I suggest, is: what is likely to happen to your children if she's arrested for ************? ....

I think an attorney who practices family law is the kind you want. One of the members of this forum has identified himself as such, but you would need to talk with one in your state of residence (assuming you live in the U.S.), I would say, to get an answer to this question.

Are your children your wife's by an earlier marriage, or yours by an earlier marriage, or a mix, or are they your and your wife's (i.e., you had them together)?

She came home Saturday morning with $110 dollars at about 4 am. I had already goten rid of the kids for the night just in case I was allowed to fuck her when she was done. She said she did four different guys 3 bj's and 1 fuck and did her boyfriend. When she came home she was of course a little tired but gave me permission to fuck her. I think just to feel her black boyfriends cum in her. Although I jacked off most of the night thinking of her doing all the things she was doing I managed to get hard and fuck her for about 5 min before cumming. She kept telling me the whole time how incredible her orgasms were with her boyfriend And how hard the one guy she fucked pounded her. I gotta tell you it was hot knowing how bad she had been in one night. I asked her if she was going to keep doing it and she replied yes.
The important thing for YOU is that you get to enjoy your wife's fucking with other guys. Even if you suffer a bit because of it, there has to be an element of pleasure too. And the fact that you jack-off for an extended period while she is with him seems to prove that you do.

I believe it is absolutely normal for a husband to want to share his wife's pussy with other men. The sad part is that we have to pretend sometimes that we do not enjoy it, just to get our women to continue to play their own roles. In many cases, like my own first marriage, my wife was enjoying fucking with other men as long as she thought it was causing pain for me. But as soon as I was able to overcome my jealousies and even got to the point where I enjoyed the fact that other men were fucking her, she felt somehow "betrayed" and divorced me soon afterward.

Some husbands find it necessary to beg their wives to "please stop fucking with other men!", just to be sure that they will continue giving their pussies to these other men.
I think you should REFRAIN from masturbation while your wife is out earning her money - keep every drop of your sperm to ejaculate powerfully into her box when she gets home (if she allows you). That way, you release all your emotions in one BIG BANG of pleasure jerking release.

If you are going to ignore Custer's advice, you need to align your ejaculations to your wife's sluttiness of spreading her thighs to earn big bucks so as to enable your marriage to survice.

By timing your ejaculations to waiting until others have had their fun with her, you will SHOW HER THAT DESPITE HER FOLLOWING HER POWERFUL DESIRES, you still love her completely DESPITE what is happening.

You promised that your marriage to her would be "for better or for worse", so be a "real man" and TRY HARD to understand her NEED TO BE SLUTTY at this point in time.

I think you love her sufficiently to (align your mind with hers) and to DO EVERYTHING that is necessary to HOLD YOUR MARRIAGE TOGETHER for the sake of all children involved. They are much too young to feel the stress of a broken marriage. Avoid that possibility.

Time will tell how long she needs this ************ thing - wait for her no matter how many years her pussy rules her mind.

Let all the kids under your care feel your powerful love for them. Help them every step of the way. Be a great dad that they can be proud of - someone they will want to tell their friends about. KIDS ARE IMPORTANT, never forget that.

True love means that NO MATTER how many mistakes your wife makes, you will always be waiting for her when she gets home.

It does not matter whether the children under your care are from your seed (or not). Currently, they call you "dad".

No matter how slutty your wife is - you have a very important role - look after every kid under your roof as thought THEY ARE YOURS. Every kid is special, no kid is junk.

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