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first time she humiliated me in public

  • Thread starteradviceeneeded
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Jun 4, 2012
It was our 3yr anniversary we only had the weekend off so we stayed close to home. I got the honeymoon suit at a nice hotel about 45min away. We had a nice dinner and started drinking some cocktails. She wanted to go swimming so, we hit the pool for awhile and went to warm up in the hot tub. she totally let these guys know when we would be there. 3 guys walked up I didn't recognize and they knew her and acted suprised to see her. She invited them in and in a matter of minutes she got up and sat on one guys lap and kept talking. When she sat up a little and slowly sat back down I knew she sat on his cock. she didn't go wild since people were in the pool and mingling close by but, I know he filled her and she did the same for the other 2. They all finished and took off. I never said anything about it and continued our night. Had amazing sex later.
I'm not sure where the humiliating part is in that? Did they say anything? Personally I think it hot as hell if my wife can fuck 3 guys in a hot tub with others around and I get to be there! Bonus!!

It was our anniversary

Hank jones said:
I'm not sure where the humiliating part is in that? Did they say anything? Personally I think it hot as hell if my wife can fuck 3 guys in a hot tub with others around and I get to be there! Bonus!!
i woulda been humiliated if my wife sat on all those guys diks in front of me and u didnt react u just kept quiet n let it happen those 3 bulls probly enjoyed embarassing you so hot nice
im sure they did.

Have you ever had your girl mess around in front of you when you were out

MyWifeRunsMe said:
i woulda been humiliated if my wife sat on all those guys diks in front of me and u didnt react u just kept quiet n let it happen those 3 bulls probly enjoyed embarassing you so hot nice
uclear humiliation catastrophic results women rule supreme

oh hell was dreading and expecting that question. yes i have and it was unexpected unplanned not agrees upon by me i was un
prepared as a new cuck n she knew i was most vulnerable to extreme situations i wasnt ready and the resuls she got were exactly what she knew theyd be a super amplified state of humilition and inadequecy and humiliation in front of so many people she dropt her nuke. we were walking through the mall with our boyfriend holding hands with eachother me and her. i went to the bathroom and when i came out she and him were sucking face in eachothers arma pasionetly and several people were waiting for me to come out the bathroom just yearning to see the look on my face. unlike a seasoned cuck i thought i still had my training wheels on and didnt expect events like this without a discussion and aggreement and time to expe

ct andm entally prepare. she decided in a minute notice that she wanted to run our relationship competely and was tired of bein considerate and respecctful to me. she didnt care if my reaction was a disaster in fact she even said she thought it would be great to see me cry in public and her yell at me and slap me for not kissing her feet as a public showing of grattitude for her infidelity

anyway so i walk out the restroom and i start to hear laughing and notice everyone looking at me. then i realize why. my wifey is kissing our guy so deliberetly deep and passionate that itss obvious to me and the whole crwd of people shes making a statement and she is expecting an answer from her husband and there i am completely shocked and she looks at me and says its time to go bitch and i sayyes mam and smile to show the crowd how i condone her disrespect. us 3 get into our suv but im instructed to sit up front and not speak until spoken to they are in the back and i start hering slapping sounds and my wife moaning so loud and she snaps her fingers and commands me not to take my eyes off them so i get to sit in the mall parking lot and watch customers see the suv rocking and hear my wife shout about how much better he is than my husband i was never the same after that day i lost all my pride and desire to resist she walks all over me slaps me in walmart orders
me around and makes me endure her and her

friends joking bout my small penis.
im so glad my wife is so mentaally superior to me that she she effortlessly manipulatesd and mentally dominates me she broke me that day forever when she slaps me nice and hard in the mouth yells sarcastically and insulting to me at the top of her lungs in the middle of walmart in front of everyone and points her finger in my face i wait till shes done and i do what a man i supposed to do i tell her how sorry i am and admit that im wrong and feel stupid andspend the next ten minutes kissing her ass and everyone sees it and i hope one day other husbands willl stop laughing and learn. my wife humiliates me beyond comprehension daily and i always publically accept it and make her glad she did . dont u love bowing to yuor woman and admitting to her that you really do feel so inferior to her and let her control you i love being controlled by my wife she makes me ask her permisssion to pee even but she does what she wants i am a man i have no authority in a marriage and thats the only way it should be i love you ladies keep co trolling and dominating we are
lucky to have strong intleigent women in our lives thank you all
That was most impressive, but was it really public humiliation...?

adviceeneeded said:
It was our 3yr anniversary we only had the weekend off so we stayed close to home. I got the honeymoon suit at a nice hotel about 45min away. We had a nice dinner and started drinking some cocktails.

It was very gentlemanly of you to take your wife out to celebrate your anniversary in that way...

adviceeneeded said:
[My wife] wanted to go swimming, so we hit the pool for awhile then went to warm up in the hot tub.


adviceeneeded said:
She totally let these guys know when we would be there. Three guys walked up I didn't recognize, but they knew her and acted suprised to see her.

You must mean, the 3 guys your wife "totally let know" were the 3 guys who walked up and pretended they were surprised to see your wife there in the hot tub...?

adviceeneeded said:
She invited them in and, in a matter of minutes, got up and sat on one guy's lap while she kept talking. Then, she sat up a little and slowly sat back down. I knew she sat on his cock.

Cool... but, how did your wife do that while both were wearing their swim suits, in a way that wasn't obvious to the (non-3 guy) others who were in the hot tub?

adviceeneeded said:
She didn't go wild, since people were in the pool and were mingling close by. But, I know he filled her. Then, she did the same for the other 2. They [the '3 guys"] all finished and took off.

That's very cool. But, how did your wife manage to lap-fuck all 3 guys, without removing her swim suit (and them not removing theirs, presumably), without that being obvious to others who were nearby...? It sounds like she's a very skilled cuckoldress...

adviceeneeded said:
I never said anything about it; [we] continued our night [then] had amazing sex later.

It was very gentlemanly of you to treat it as nothing out of the ordinary when your wife fucked 3 men you didn't know in front of you, in public, on the anniversary of your marriage to her. Seemingly, though, it would have been even more gentlemanly had you complimented her on her skilled public fucking of her 3 lovers without "frightening the locals" (as our friends the Brits would put it, no doubt).

It was very generous of your wife to fuck you as well later that evening — although in the privacy of your hotel room, presumably — which must have made it seem slightly less exciting...

Anyway... if your wife's public fucking of her 3 lovers (in front of you) was so smoothly-executed that none of the other people nearby noticed, can it really be considered that she publicly humiliated you? I mean, it's not like she gave you a public spanking accompanied by loud scolding...
It sounds like your boss-wife does, indeed, thoroughly "nuke" you in public...

MyWifeRunsMe said:
[My wife dropped] her nuke in public. We were walking through a mall with [her other man, my wife and I] holding hands with each other. I went to the bathroom. When I came out, [my wife and her other man] were passionately sucking face in each other's arms. Several people were waiting for me to come out of the bathroom, yearning to see the look on my face. Unlike a seasoned cuckold, I still had my training wheels on and didn't expect an event like this without discussion, agreement, and time to mentally prepare. My wife decided [on the spot] that she wanted to run our relationship competely, and was tired of being considerate and respectful toward me.

Sometimes a woman has to take her cuckold in hand...

MyWifeRunsMe said:
She didnt care if my reaction was a disaster. In fact, she even said she thought it would be great to see me cry in public.

Did you...?

MyWifeRunsMe said:
And, her yell at me and slap me for not kissing her feet as a public showing of grattitude for her infidelity.

Did she...?

MyWifeRunsMe said:
Anyway, I walked out of the restroom and heard laughter. I noticed everyone was looking at me. Then, I realized why. My wife was kissing another man deeply and passionately. It was obvious to me and to the whole crowd that she was making a statement and expected an answer, from me her husband.

But, how did "the crowd" know the man your wife was French-kissing wasn't her husband, and that you were not a mere acquaintance of both of them...?

MyWifeRunsMe said:
I was [too] shocked [to say anything]. My wife looked at me and said, "It's time to go bitch." I said, "Yes ma'am," and smiled to show the crowd that I condone her disrespect.

Excellent. It was appropriate for your (now) boss-wife to address you as her "bitch," and for you to respond as you did.

MyWifeRunsMe said:
We 3 got into our SUV, but [boss-wife] instructed me to sit up front and not speak unless spoken to. She and her lover were in the back seat. I started hearing slapping sounds and my wife moaning loudly. She snapped her fingers and commanded me to not take my eyes off them. So, I sat in the mall parking lot and watched customers as they watched our SUV rocking and listened to my wife shout loudly about how much better [her lover] is than me her husband.

I'll have to say that sounds like real public humiliation, all right...

MyWifeRunsMe said:
I've never been the same since. After that day I lost all of my pride and my desires to resist. My wife walks all over me. She slaps me in when we're in Walmart, orders me around, and makes me endure her and her girl friends joking about my small penis.

It sounds like there's no doubt your wife assumed her role as your boss, took you in hand, and effectively brought you (in short order) to full acceptance of the role she wants you to play in her marriage and in the broader society...

MyWifeRunsMe said:
I'm glad my wife is so mentally superior and is able to effortlessly manipulate and mentally dominate me. She broke me that day forever. When she slaps me nice and hard in the mouth, and yells sarcastic insults at me at the top of her lungs in the middle of walmart in front of everyone while pointing her finger in my face, I wait 'til she's done.

As you should...

MyWifeRunsMe said:
Then, I do what a man is supposed to do. I tell her how sorry I am, and admit I'm wrong and how stupid I feel, then I spend the next ten minutes kissing her ass. Everyone sees it.

Very impressive. Few men have attained the level of submissiveness you demonstrate when you kiss your boss-wife's ass in public...

MyWifeRunsMe said:
I hope one day other husbands willl stop laughing and learn.

This may be happening... slowly, it seems (especially to publicly-humiliated submissive cuckolds like yourself), but the transition of wives to boss-wives and husband-dominated to boss-wife-dominated marriages is happening very rapidly relative to the time scales of historical change. In this sense, you can think of yourself as being in the avant gard.

MyWifeRunsMe said:
My wife humiliates me beyond comprehension every day. I always publically accept it and make her glad she did.

Excellent. Your responses to your boss-wife are appropriate. You've adapted well.

MyWifeRunsMe said:
Don't you love bowing to your woman, admitting to her that you really do feel inferior, and letting her control you?

That's hard to say, since I don't have a boss-wife.

MyWifeRunsMe said:
I love being controlled by my wife. She makes me ask her permisssion to pee, even.

Very good. This shows, perhaps better than anything else, your complete adaptation to being your boss-wife's totally-subservient, publicly-humiliated submissive cuckold.

You might consider suggesting to your boss-wife that she further demonstrate her dominance by queening you (i.e., straddling then riding your face) whenever she returns from fucking a lover, thereby forcing you to:

(i) clean her pussy with your tongue and swallow her cream pie, then

(ii) bring her to an additional orgasm (as she continues to ride your face), then — after she is satisfied — finish off by

(iii) peeing in your mouth, and requiring you to swallow every drop (which would not have any harmful effects on your health, since human urine is sterile).

You might introduce your wife, for instance, to:

The Fine Art of Queening

And the (supposedly true) 2 stories, "Birth of a Cuckold" and "Cuckold: The Wife's Tale," here: - Members - Aladylover - Submissions

MyWifeRunsMe said:
My boss-wife, however, does what she wants. As her man, I have no authority in her marriage and that's the way it should be.

Indeed it is...

MyWifeRunsMe said:
I love it that you women keep controlling and dominating us men. We are lucky to have strong and intelligent women in our lives. Thank you all.

It's very gracious of you to acknowledge and thank women generally for being boss-wives (or LTR-partners), and for dominating and subjugating their men accordingly.

Unfortunately, not all women have dominant personalities and feel it's proper and appropriate for them to not only cuckold their husbands but also humiliate them in public.

In your case, there appears to be no doubt you've had the good fortune to marry a woman ideally suited to be your boss-wife, public-humiliatrix and cuckoldress.
nice point

hers was pulled to the side didnt pay attention to them wasnt trying for a detaile sex story

Custer Laststand said:
It was very gentlemanly of you to take your wife out to celebrate your anniversary in that way...


You must mean, the 3 guys your wife "totally let know" were the 3 guys who walked up and pretended they were surprised to see your wife there in the hot tub...?

Cool... but, how did your wife do that while both were wearing their swim suits, in a way that wasn't obvious to the (non-3 guy) others who were in the hot tub?

That's very cool. But, how did your wife manage to lap-fuck all 3 guys, without removing her swim suit (and them not removing theirs, presumably), without that being obvious to others who were nearby...? It sounds like she's a very skilled cuckoldress...

It was very gentlemanly of you to treat it as nothing out of the ordinary when your wife fucked 3 men you didn't know in front of you, in public, on the anniversary of your marriage to her. Seemingly, though, it would have been even more gentlemanly had you complimented her on her skilled public fucking of her 3 lovers without "frightening the locals" (as our friends the Brits would put it, no doubt).

It was very generous of your wife to fuck you as well later that evening — although in the privacy of your hotel room, presumably — which must have made it seem slightly less exciting...

Anyway... if your wife's public fucking of her 3 lovers (in front of you) was so smoothly-executed that none of the other people nearby noticed, can it really be considered that she publicly humiliated you? I mean, it's not like she gave you a public spanking accompanied by loud scolding...

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