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Fantasy going out of control

  • Thread starterStuffItIn
  • Start date
Claire, it sounds like you and John have a wonderful and loving cuckold marriage. Best of luck to both of you, and may you get all the cock you want and deserve.
A nice clean pussy, good enough to eat. How is she progressing? Did she try on Jay’s cock jet? Sure she said you are the biggest, but don’t forget women are more nosey than a young cat. Do you think you can stand it to see Jays cum leaking out that juicy twat?
enser said:
A nice clean pussy, good enough to eat.
I sure enjoy it, and love for others to appreciate it as well.

enser said:
How is she progressing? Did she try on Jay’s cock jet?
Not yet, we've actually talked about it quite a bit since then. She wants to repeat the previous time we all got together, but "spend more time at our place after going out" to quote her. Since it's after the holiday here in the US now, probably this weekend or next weekend we'll arrange a night out.

enser said:
Sure she said you are the biggest, but don’t forget women are more nosey than a young cat.
She has cheated on me in the past, I know she is very curious and nosey. In high school, she was fooling around with me, a previous boyfriend, and another guy at once. The three of us guys were all friends. I know for a fact that I fucked her after she was with the old boyfriend one one occasion. She had been acting a bit strange, and insisted on taking a shower before we got in bed...even though she had already earlier in the day, I wouldn't let her, and though I didn't have much experience at the time, she seemed "used" (for lack of a better way to put it). I asked the old boyfriend the next day if they had gotten together, he said they had.

She cheated again after we were married, and later admitted to me what had happened.

enser said:
Do you think you can stand it to see Jays cum leaking out that juicy twat?
What I "think" I can stand and what reality will bring may very well be two different things.
I do know that she has an amazing pussy, I know that she's taken other guys' cum, and I'm pretty positive that I would like to see it happen.
She gives the best oral I've ever seen/felt, and I honestly feel she should share both of those with others, and also get the attention back that she deserves.
Clearly, your wife has high potential as a cuckoldress...


Thanks for the interesting update. Your background details have provided good context.

StuffItIn said:
.... we've actually talked about it quite a bit since then. She wants to repeat the previous time we all got together, but "spend more time at our place after going out" to quote her. Since it's after the holiday here in the US now, probably this weekend or next weekend we'll arrange a night out.

This sounds very promising.

StuffItIn said:
She has cheated on me in the past....


StuffItIn said:
She cheated again after we were married, and later admitted to me what had happened.

Good for your wife! It's also quite positive that she told you about it afterwards.

StuffItIn said:
She gives the best oral I've ever seen/felt, and I honestly feel she should share both of those with others, and also get the attention back that she deserves.

You have a good attitude and show strong promise as a long-term cuckold. Clearly, your wife has high potential as your cuckoldress. Will look forward to hearing about her (and your) next meeting with Jay, her lover-in-waiting. I imagine he's looking forward to it as well.


Hi Stufitin, This is opportune, there are a few ways to skin that cat.
1 After things are getting hot, you could discover that there is no more wine, or tonic, cigarettes, or I know not what missing and you have to rush to the nearest store to get some.
2 Arrange a BBC party for three, and make sure your wife gets some drinks. Suddenly the propane goes out and you have to get a refill of the tank.
3 You could call yourself on your cell-phone, quickly run to the house phone and announce that you have to come to your place of employment, there is an emergency. Or your friend Charlie’s car is in the ditch and you have to help him to get it out.
Any excuse to get away for an hour, give them a bit of space. With a bit of alcohol, and you not looking seeing and hearing you have a hotwife. Make sure to count the condoms in the house.
That’s why they say in the lords prayer” don’t lead us into temptation” .
Well guys, it happened the other night.
I won't be going into details right now, mainly because I'm still sorting things out in my head, but she did it, and I witnessed all of it.

Will probably post again.
WaY To Go You Two

StuffItIn said:
Well guys, it happened the other night.
I won't be going into details right now, mainly because I'm still sorting things out in my head, but she did it, and I witnessed all of it.

Will probably post again.

Congratulations Stuffitin and your new HOT WIFE.:p:p Please tell us more!! Did she do it with Jay? Oh the joys of a hot wife!!!!:D:D okdeacon
Great! Congratulations to both of you!

Congratulations cuckold Stuffitin. and congratulations to your hotwife as well! Will look forward to hearing how it happened.

Hi all,

As an update to this, yes it was Jay she decided to be with. He had been over to our house a few times after this, weekend bbqs, pool parties, etc.

One Saturday we had a few friends over for a bbq, and Jay arrived a bit late. Shortly after he got there, some others started leaving. Eventually it was just us three, and we decided to play some board games outside. Evening came and we had been in the pool a few times, then as it got darker we decided we'd have a campfire.

I went out back and started getting the fire going while they chatted on the deck, as soon as it was up and going, I came to get them, a few chairs, and some beer. We chatted for quite about random things, then started talking about kids, how we weren't having any more, etc. Soon it got to be after midnight, we let the fire die down, and all got up to leave. We let my wife go first, and she reached back and took each of our hands leading us up to the house. When we got inside, she turned around and gave me the most passionate kiss I have had in quite a long time. Then she turned to Jay, and repeated the kiss with him.

At this point, there were no questions, no concern over what was going to happen... we all knew. We went into the living room, she sat down and asked us to join her, so we did... one on each side. I gave her a big kiss and started to rub her breasts, she turned to Jay and gave him a very long passionate kiss. I backed off a little and just rubbed her back as they made out for quite a long time. She undid his shirt, and got on top of him.

I could go into all the details of what happened from here if anyone is interested to know... I just didn't want to bore you with too long of a 'story'.... but the point you all want to hear i'm sure.... I took a passive role from here on out and just watched them - as if it were a movie on tv. She gave him a long, sexy blowjob, he ate her out and made her squirm (which I've never seen), I was then able to watch, within reaching distance, as he rubbed his penis up and down her.

We haven't talked about this yet, but I saw everything. I saw him tease her hole with the head of his penis, I saw him enter her for the first time, the way she stretched, the way her lips pulled as he pulled his penis out and how they consumed him when he pushed back in. I saw her toes curl from each orgasm, I (*surprisingly*) saw her pull him into her... I'm a guy yes, so the fact that she was taking someone almost twice as long as me was a thrill....
I watched him pull out, cum on her clit and belly, then her rub cum on her clit as he pushed back into her with cum on his penis.

I have never seen more desire, more lust, and more passion in all of my life.

We made love after he had gone home, I didn't "eat a creampie", but I gave her long, loving oral and could clearly taste the two of them.

The end. Or is that the beginning, I don't know. lol
I don't think it will be "the end...."


Thanks for your hot description. That was quite good.

StuffItIn said:
I have never seen more desire, more lust, and more passion in all of my life.

The end. Or is that the beginning, I don't know. lol

I think you will find it's the beginning.

Best wishes to you and your hotwife—

This Is Dynamite

Thanks a million stuffin. This is so hot that your sweet little wife took Jays big rod. The big thing is that you got to see all the action up close. I can share your feelings and totally understand that you have mixed emotions about her enjoying such a fine big cock. But man thats what is all about seeing your woman get such pleasure that you cant actually reach in that depth. She is giving to you as you are giving her the freedom of enjoying a unusual large cock streatching and filling her little pussy. I told you it would take Jays cock with no problems, it wont hurt her matter of fact is good for her. She is giving to Jay as he gives her something very special. So guy its a win, win for all involved. You know she will wnat more of Jays big dong and you are the only one who can tell her its ok. So its up to you if she gets it any more. Next time be sure you get the pie if that turns you on:p. But what ever you decide i for one would like the details. If you dont wish to post the fine points pm me as i am quite hot about this. Are you going to post and after photo so we can see the destruction? Ha! Swollen pussy is some very good licking , is it not? :p Conhgratulations to all involved for this is very hot
Yeah...did Jay and his cock please your wife and her pussy enough to make her,'Must See As Often As Possible' list?
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Must see ass often as possible list, Hey! my wife has one of those,lol. I,m not sure where I fall as far as the cucking thing goes, but the wife has a male friend that she fucks about 2 times a year...he lives out of town. Don't know if cuck describes me,but their is no humill. just all three of us fucking.
wow! This sounds like one of the best progressive cuck situations ever! Sexy pics of her. thanks for sharing and congratulations to all!

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