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ex boyfriend

  • Thread startermoocher21
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hi new here
i have just found out my wife of 20 years has starting fucking her ex boyfriend.he was the guy who took her virginity all them years ago .she allways said he was the best she has ever had and informed me 2 weeks ago she has been fucking him for the last 3 months .while i think our sex life was quite good and i thought i wasnt too bad at fucking her she blew me away when she told me the truth.i have a cock of 7in she said her ex was no bigger but a lot better with him being able to fuck her up to 4/5 times in 1 long session .she has told me she intends to carry on fucking him even telling me when where and what they did .
please let me know if you want to hear more

Of course we want to hear more. Is she going to fuck him on her own or is she going to bring him to your house? How do you feel about her fucking him? Do you want to see her fucking him?
All questions I'm sure everyone would like to see answered.
A few pics of her would also be appreciated.
she has been fucking him alone up to now but she has said he wants a 3sum.she even fucked him in our bed while i was out at work .i get the impression she enjoys telling me what they do together ,i love it ive never had has many hard ons .i have agreed to a 3sum with him but he told her only if he is the main man in the 3sum .she even told me she gets soppping wet knickers even just talking to him on the phone .i am sorry i have no photos of her with him yet but will have to see how it goes we are hoping to have the 3sum in next week or 2

Wow that was a quick reply.
Although pics of her with him would be great, I guess you will have to wait for that.
In the mean time a few pics of her would be great.
It seems that most women never truly get over their first! Susan ran into her first when his company catered her company's party. It was full on for several months before he started getting too intense. Like yours, Susan was not impressed by his size, but did rave about his endurance!
I'm in the same situation. My wife of 10 years started to see her ex bf. He was also the first to take her virginity. She called him to meet up, after all my years of telling her my cuckold fantasy. He was pretty amazed to see her after all those years. A total transformation. From what I gathered he could not contain himself.
They had casual encounters from time to time, but no sex.

Over a course of weeks things got heated between the two of them, which eventually lead to sex. She wouldn't admit it at first, but gave in and told me the details.

It happen one night after an arugement between us. She left mad and called him up for comfort. They meet at a local restaurant. She consuled her and listen to her. She told me its was comforting. He moved in and kissed, her she responded in kind. She moved in and sat next to him. She told me she was dripping wet and asked him to leave. They left the restaurant and went to the car. She told me they both sat in the back of the car and talked. Well, she admitted she moved in and kissed him again. They began to kiss passionately in the car and he proceeded to remove her top to unveil her lovely breasts. Her ex-bf commented and said, wow they looked great. She smiled and unsnapped her bra. He tightly cupped tits were finally released. Her ex-bf was enjoying my wife's new D size tits. He kissed and sucked my wife's tits, while my wife was fondling his package. He quickly unbottoned his pants and my wife grabbed his shaft and quickly began to stroke it. She commented to me it's been a while since she's had a big cock. She didn't give him a blowjob, instead her pulled off her panties and inserted his cock. She exploded with pleasure. She was really wet and his cock just slide inside without any issue. She was in ectasy as he pumped away at her tight pussy I've been fucking with my 4 1/2 cock for 10 years.

She came home about 1AM that night and acted like nothing had happen. She quickly went the shower and came into bed. I asked why so late, she mentioned she went out with a friend. My wife was still horny after her fuck session and proceeded to have sex with me. At the time I didn't notice her pussy felt loose, but having her act all frisky got me into the mood as well as my wife parading her tits in my face was an incentive.
Comfort fucks are commonplace these days, which serves a husband right for arguing with his wife. What will it take for young men to get it through their thick heads, that female-led marriages are superior? It completely removes the need for a man to guess what is required to keep his wife happy, he just collects his chore sheet and works hard at it.

Husband does not even have to worry about whether he is any good in bed, as his wife will decide that as well, and then look for ways to make up for sexual deficits in the marriage.
hi i last nite had sloppy seconds for the 1st time.deb my wife told me she had to work the late shift and wouldnt be in till 11pm due to having a party booked into the restaurant she works at .i was laid in bed watching the tv when she got in about 10.50 she came up and said she was having a shower .she was in the shower ages i went to go to loo and noticed red hand type marks on her ass cheeks.when she got into bed we was talking and i mentioned i needed to get something from bathroom ,so while in there i checked the laundry basket and noticed her knickers where very wet and sticky ,it was obvious they were full of spunk.when i got back in bed i started to stroke her legs and bum and eventually got to her pussy it was dripping wet .i entered a finger in and it was sucked in she was well opened up i looked at her and she said she had spent the last 4 hours in his bed getting fucked .i put 2 more fingers in her and my cock was rock solid her pussy still held clumps of thick sticky lumpy cum .i pull a thick clump of spunk out and asked her how much and how many times he came her answer knocked me for 6 and my cock started pulsing i thought i was going to shoot my load straight away .she informed me he had cum in her 7 times in 4 hours and never once lost his hard on 3 of the times he didnt even pull out of stop he just came and carried on fucking her .she then told me thats what she misses being fucked time and time again .now when i fuck her i can go for about 30/45 mins but once ive cum thats me done i cant even leave my cock in her when ive cum i have to pull outsoon has ive finished cumming .he she said spent 2 solid hours and put 3 lots of spunk up her without even stopping or breaking sweat .by that time i was on her and slid up her without any trouble she was sloppy and it looked like a cream machine where he had frothed her up by keep cumming in her and carrying on .she felt very loose and i lasted about 2 minutes after she pinched my nipples very hard and said in a stern voice"go on then little boy match what nige just did to me or are you not able "with that i started shooting my cum she imidiatley pushed me of and said is that it you useless wanker , i was trying to finish myself off by hand she just laughed and said "watch this" she squat down and spunk dripped out of her till she had a hand full she then showed me it and said how much do you think is yours .i knew it wasnt much because she pushed me off the minute i came
would you all like to hear more
Excellent Moocher, please post more when you can.
That's great. Keep the great stories and some photos coming.
3 sum

well guy we had the 3sum she asked for .we had it sun afternoon he came round and by the time it had finished i knew i have lost my wife .before i tell you all about our 3sum i thought i should give you some background.i am 46 my wife is 42 we met when she was 16 although i knew her before hand i was good friends with her cousin.she was 1 of 2 children and we allways considered her family posh ,she has a younger brother who i get on with great.i am the middles son of of 5 kids having a older brother and sister and also same of each younger we were as pretty average family .i debz my wife allways seemed well developed even when younger ,she 1st came to my attention when at her cousins she was about 12 and was verry mature looking for her age .i saw her on and off till we got together when she was 16 i was looking after the local amusment center and all the local lads and lasses came in at weekends .debz allway came to chat and we eventually became a item .we had been hanging around together when 1 day at her house her mum asked if i wanted to go with them on the saturday to visit a aun and uncle i was about to say yes when debz kicked me and said no he can't he is working . i then asked her why she had said that she told me "we can have house to ourselfs sat ".now i was not a virgin i had been with 3 girls before but i must admit i thought debz was .she had 2 boyfriends before me but debz was allways innocent looking .saturday came and her mum and dad and brother left for the aunts saying they would be back about 9 pm this was at 1pm so we had 8 hours alone . we started kissing on the couch debz had a t shirt and medium lenth skirt on no sooner had we started kissing she grabbed my hand and put it straight on her cunt .i got the shock of my life it was absolutely dripping wet [ just remember this is a girl who was only 2 weeks past her 16th ] she then said i am dying for a shag so like the great guy i am i proceeded to fuck her .two thing stick in my mind from that afternoon ,1 was how easy i slipped up her cunt ,she had obviously had lots of cock .second was how well she knew what she wanted .we shagged for about 30/40 minutes then i pulled out and started shooting spunk on her belly while doing that she reached down and grabbed my cock end and started to rub it while i was shooting . i found i cudn't cope with that so pulled away she looked suprised and said "oh dont you like that ,nige used to love it "i knew then she was not the cute innocent girl i thought .i found out over time her 1st boyfriend nige who i knew fron school had took her virginity when she was only 14 years old.she then said she fucked his mate after nige left her for her mate she also revealed his mate wasn't a patch on nige at fucking .she told me she fucked chris about 10 times then found he was in her words " fucking useless at fucking her"we eventually got married and had 2 kids who are now grown up .i allways thought we had a great sex life and i was pretty good at sex but over the years thing happen and get said .i found out she once had a affair with a guy who was her bosses son just after we got married.she let it slip out when we was fucking and i asked her the usual q was i the biggest she had ever had she said no david he was 11 in .i was gobsmacked i didn't know she had been with any1 called david .after we had finished fucking i asked her to explain she told me he was her bosses son and he kept pestering for a shag.she told me 1 saturday morning when she was working he got out his cock and saif look what your missing .she then said she was sorry but after seeing it she couldn't resists it .she said it was 8 inch flacid and 11 in hard and it had the biggest head she had ever seen she then said she fucked him about 30 times .she said he was awsome with it when i asked her why she stopped she told me ,he once was getting a blowjob off her and he rammed it down her throat and held it there by holding a handfull of her hair and came right in her throat and she choked till she was sick .she then said she would never fuck him again .i then said was he the best fuck you have ever had she said no nige was allways the best and that she wished i could fuck like he could .i asked her what was so special about him she replied he could fuck for about 3/4 hours and come and come again without even stopping .i told her if he was that good she should go out and fuck him again .that is where i started the story form so tomoz i will try to get tiome to post the details of the 3sum
The 3sum
it was a nice sunday morning when deb told me nige her ex was coming round for a afternoon of fucking her .I asked if i had a say in this she replied join in or dont ,i dont care .he came round at 2.30 ish and i already knew him so we spoke a little and i felt more uncomfortble than him [ i think] he certainly didn't show any nerves.we made small talk and then debs said are we gonna talk all afternoon or get on with what we are here for .we went to the bedroom and i began to get undressed and when i turned round debs was already sucking nige's cock she was right when she said he was no bigger than me ,but his cock looked more evil ,like really hard and the viens were very prominent in it .i stripped off and went to start licking debs pussy but she stopped me and said no nige is fucking me 1st .nige then laid debs on the bed with her head just hanging over the edge he entered her with 1 mighty stroke and then pumped away like some sort of machine .they were nice long hard strokes never once did he change his rythm or speed .i went to kiss debs she told me to put my cock in her mouth so she could suck me off.we stayed like this for about 30 mins and i was having big trouble not shooting my load in her mouth nige then informed me the day he broke her in he fucked her for about 90 mins the 1st time ,he said they only stopped because she was so sore with it being her 1st time .no sooner had he said that my ball exploded and sent a big shot of cum into debs mouth she pulled away and screamed what the fuck are you doing you wanker i didnt say you could shoot in my mouth .nige looked up and said you fucking idiot what are you playing at to which i replied fucking my wife he said never come in her without asking me or her again .i was just about to punch him when debs said do has he says and now you have done BOY sit there till you feel you can cum again .i sat on the chair and watched him fuck my wife for over 4 hours while he took the piss out of me for not being able to .he shot his 1st load after about 45 minutes he never even broke his stride he just said here it cums babes .i could hear her pussy making all sorts of sqeulching noises .then after a while her pussy looked like a whipped cream machine he then pulled out and started to finger fuck her with 3 fingers asking me if i knew she loved that doing to her and he gave her the 1st ever orgasm doing that to her ,debs went red she allways told me i was the only 1 to ever do that to her .he then sat her over him and while copious amounts of thick cum dripped out he made her ride him .this was now about 3 hours into the 3sum and not once had his cock gone soft it looked rock hard .while she was riding him he rubbed her clit and she looked just about to cum when he grabbed both nipples very hard and roughly he squeezed till she screamed with pleasure she slumped onto his chest breathing very heavy and kissing him .he looked at me and said another trick i taught her you didnt know about .she was kissing his face and when i looked i knoew when she was telling him she loved him she meant it .he fucked her for about a hour more cumming many times the last time before he finished he pulled it out of her and said open your mouth babes he squirted about 5 shots of very thick stiff creamy cum into her mouth ,not 1 drop missed he then said you know what i like .debs then began to wash the spunk around her mouth and then swallowed the full lot it even took her by suprise at the amount he had put in her mouth she did a little gag .he then looked at me and said thats why i have allways been able to have any woman i want i can cum mass amount after 1 cum or 8 cums and never lose my hard on i was sat with a massive hard on ,nige looked at debs and said you had better deal with that before he bursts .she came over and took it in her hand and very hard she squeezed it while tugging me roughly ,nige said go on boy let your load loose on her hand ,i dont know what it was but the minute he said that i shot 2/3 blobs of watery cum onto debs hand ,nige just laughed and debs said is that it [ i have never been a able to do it more than once aday ]debs then held her hand to my mouth and mafde me lick it off .nige got a shower then he even made debs suck him off while he was getting dressed and yes he put another good load in her mouth he then said his goodbyes till next time has he went out of the door he said to me oh and remember only my cum goes in her from now on boy .dbes said see you tues
My wife has fucked with her ex-husband since we have been married. He knows that I know, and he and I have talked about it. I have told him that I consider her "our" pussy since he has fucked her so many more times than I have.

I really do believe that he has the RIGHT to fuck her, just as much as I do and that she and I should make her pussy available to him whenever he wants it.

I would love to watch him fuck her, and I know he would be agreeable, but she is not willing. I don't know what she is afraid of, but I will not pressure her on this point.

I believe that after a couple have been married for several years, there is a kind of connection which can never be completely broken and that they are, in a sense, fuck-partners for life.

And when I fuck her, I am keenly aware that she is still "his" pussy, and that I am just the latest man who has been allowed to enjoy some of the left-over fucks, after he has taken the most and best fucks from her.

Any other guys feel this way?

Thanks for your interesting and highly erotic account. Regarding your concluding comment:

moocher21 said:
.... as [my wife's lover] went out the door, he said to me: "Oh, and remember, only my cum goes in [your wife] from now on, boy." [My wife] Deb said [to him], "See you Tuesday." —Moocher21

That was one month ago. Has your wife enforced her lover's edict, and refused to fuck you and/or suck your cock since that day?

If so, does she allow you to satisfy her by sucking her cunt or kissing her ass.... i.e., have you become your wife's cuntsucker and/or her asskisser?

Also, has your wife continued to frequently fuck her high-endurance, high seman- and sperm-capacity lover? If so, have they continued to fuck in your home, and does your wife allow you to watch or listen to them while they're fucking?

Finally, given that you originally suggested to your wife she "look up" her former lover, what are your feelings about all this? Please let us know how it's going for you.



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