i have been a part time sissy crossdresser with my wife off and on for some time now and we both seem to enjoy it
shes always been somewhat secretive of her teen and young adult years before i met her ,she has mentioned that her family life was not a happy one
last night we were chatting and i asked her to open up to me a bit and she slowly started sharing mostly funny stories of things her and her friends did as teens just having fun
then i asked her to tell me about her sexual experiences ,she told me that she was pretty inexperienced except for 1 boyfriend that she was with for a few years
but then she started telling me a story of when she was 12 or 13 her and a few friends were playing truth or dare and she picked a dare after answering a few questions
her dare was to have a guy stand in front of her and she had to pull down his pants and have his penis in front of her face
now she told me that she had seen men naked on t before but when she pulled down his pants (and these are her exact words)"i had never seen anything like it before ,i thought all guys were mostly the same size but he was huge,he had to be about 10 inches and it was just so big and dark" as she said this she couldent really look up at me and i noticed she had this look on her face a look that i hadent seen in a while just a glow about her then she proceded to tell me that she had also fooled around with her black friend and had given him alot of hand jobs and that he had fingered her also, she had that glow on her again
my question is ,should i be worried? does she secretly crave a big black cock? if any one has any advice i would greatly appreciate it ,ive been so sick over this and i dont want to let her know that .....sorry for such a long post and thank you
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shes always been somewhat secretive of her teen and young adult years before i met her ,she has mentioned that her family life was not a happy one
last night we were chatting and i asked her to open up to me a bit and she slowly started sharing mostly funny stories of things her and her friends did as teens just having fun
then i asked her to tell me about her sexual experiences ,she told me that she was pretty inexperienced except for 1 boyfriend that she was with for a few years
but then she started telling me a story of when she was 12 or 13 her and a few friends were playing truth or dare and she picked a dare after answering a few questions
her dare was to have a guy stand in front of her and she had to pull down his pants and have his penis in front of her face
now she told me that she had seen men naked on t before but when she pulled down his pants (and these are her exact words)"i had never seen anything like it before ,i thought all guys were mostly the same size but he was huge,he had to be about 10 inches and it was just so big and dark" as she said this she couldent really look up at me and i noticed she had this look on her face a look that i hadent seen in a while just a glow about her then she proceded to tell me that she had also fooled around with her black friend and had given him alot of hand jobs and that he had fingered her also, she had that glow on her again
my question is ,should i be worried? does she secretly crave a big black cock? if any one has any advice i would greatly appreciate it ,ive been so sick over this and i dont want to let her know that .....sorry for such a long post and thank you
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