Hey, Handsome, instead of commenting on whether or not someone is telling the truth or not, according to you, try mixing in a spelling lesson or two in order to form a proper sentence. If I understood correctly, this area of the forum is for posting pics of wives, girlfriends, or any white females bodies for the "real" Black men on this site to cum all over. As far as the lying you seem to think is going on here - what the hell do you know? HandsomeBlkMale? PLEASE.......Talk about lying!! Yeah, I'm a nooby here and this is my first post but I didn't see anything naming you the truth police on this site. Okay then officer, where does my post say anything about her being apprehensive towards fucking a Black man? What did I put my foot in my mouth about? Again, I'm new here and I would think you'd be better off to comment on the pics, one way or the other, and leave me out of it. It's not about me. Your comment, in the end, was "what ass"? To each his own.....