pm mejakedani said:anyone wants to watch and chat my indian wife pics thru anydesk mobile can pm me with ur asl
hello Siriamyourbull said:pm me
hello cuckcuckpeter said:hello Sir
how are you Siriamyourbull said:hello cuck
good pm mecuckpeter said:how are you Sir
uppsalacuck said:is there anyone here that could connect to my computer and log in to any chat and chat with other men about my wife Linda, maybe you could show them some pics of her. anydesk 943748533 pass anydesk helpyourself1 Teamviewer 915508547 pass 7796.7796 Ultraviewer 34459515 pass helpyourself1 if you whant me to leave the room i will do that so you can do anything you like, you can change the settings to what you like.
If you like you can watch me leave the room on cam
password??PoliteHubby said:841131347
open again -leaving PCchastityfeet said:712 220 338
Pass: newpassword
Leaving pc unattended, have fun