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Cuckolds in Power

  • Thread starter4julie
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Jul 28, 2009
Cuck4sara posted about the situation in Northern Ireland where a whole political furore is in motion over their most powerful politician having been cuckolded by his wife with a 19 Y.O. man and the financial Shenanigans she got up to.

Since then it has raised discussions at home with me learning my wife would never vote for a man as president if it were known he was a cuckold!

It of course shows she doesn't respect such a man which has put our relationship in a different light and I see that in many ways what I thought was a great way of life for us is actually a much lower pereception of me than I imagined by my wife.

So would you vote into a leading, powerful position, someone you knew is a Cuckold?
It depends. I wouldn't vote against him for that reason alone.


4julie said:
So, would you vote into a leading, powerful position, someone you knew is a cuckold?

I would prefer to vote a woman into power. Then, if she cuckolded her husband with one or more attractive younger men, in the style of many men in powerful positions who cheat on their wives, I would consider it entirely reasonable and, indeed, proper and appropriate. The powerful woman would be setting a good example for younger women completing their college degrees, starting their careers, and aspiring to high elective office.

But, to answer your question: it would depend on the individual case. If the cuckold running for high political office espoused a philosophy and proposed programs more-or-less along the lines of what I consider politically important, then the answer is yes — I would vote for him. Above and beyond his political agenda, I would consider him openly being a cuckold as setting a positive example for other men throughout society, and for married women who secretly aspire to cuckold their husbands but have not done so (yet) due to inhibitions of one kind or another. I would, in other words, consider the cuckolding of a national leader by his wife as placing both of them in the vanguard of positive social change.

If the cuckold running for high political office espoused a philosophy and proposed programs antithetical to what I consider politically important, then the answer is no — I would not vote for him.

All this is a way of saying whether or not to vote for a given candidate running for high political office, including national leadership, is a complex question involving many considerations. Whether the candidate is a cuckold (if male) would not be my highest concern, but if he were, and if both he and his wife handled it well as a natural aspect of marriage, I would consider that positive.

It is a shock

Dear 4julie, we have conversed on many levals in the past, and I hope you now know from where I come. Life is always different. I wish you the most happiness.
Bill cucked his wife, Hilary Clinton, and she was guiding him day-by-day on how to rule America. I think she was the power-behind-the-throne, and then if Obama had not cum along, she would have taken the top job in her stride.

So cucking is alive and well in politics, not just in America, and many a Judge has been seen at "private bottom whacking parties where the cane cums out".
Personally, I loathe politicians with a passion. It matters not to me what their gender is, they cuck us all with their policies. :mad: What's more galling to me is that they expect to do it with impugnity and without feeling a single tinge of fear of retribution. That regardless of the consequences of their actions, they should not be held personally accountable for them...rather like the cuck's wife's position.

Admittedley, the cuck himself is accountable for the position he allows himself to adopt, but at least he always holds the power to shift his position anytime and anywhere he chooses; and should his wife not like it...well, he can always throw her out into the field with the bulls. Politicians, unfortunately, remain out of range. Kudos to the 19 year old, a alpha-male in the making, but like all other alpha-males, he will have a lifespan of usefulness as that of a ice-cube in hell.
A matter of perspective

Custer Laststand said:

I would prefer to vote a woman into power. Then, if she cuckolded her husband with one or more attractive younger men, in the style of many men in powerful positions who cheat on their wives, I would consider it entirely reasonable and, indeed, proper and appropriate. The powerful woman would be setting a good example for younger women completing their college degrees, starting their careers, and aspiring to high elective office.

But, to answer your question: it would depend on the individual case. If the cuckold running for high political office espoused a philosophy and proposed programs more-or-less along the lines of what I consider politically important, then the answer is yes — I would vote for him. Above and beyond his political agenda, I would consider him openly being a cuckold as setting a positive example for other men throughout society, and for married women who secretly aspire to cuckold their husbands but have not done so (yet) due to inhibitions of one kind or another. I would, in other words, consider the cuckolding of a national leader by his wife as placing both of them in the vanguard of positive social change.

If the cuckold running for high political office espoused a philosophy and proposed programs antithetical to what I consider politically important, then the answer is no — I would not vote for him.

All this is a way of saying whether or not to vote for a given candidate running for high political office, including national leadership, is a complex question involving many considerations. Whether the candidate is a cuckold (if male) would not be my highest concern, but if he were, and if both he and his wife handled it well as a natural aspect of marriage, I would consider that positive.


I think you demonstrate here the idea that if the male is open about a lifestyle then things would be OK. I think what my wife sees is a man who isn't capable of satisfying his wife and she has in secret taken lovers to fill the void that the cuckold can't fill. Her attiude is if he can't satisfy one woman there's no way he'll be able to fulfill his office!

In the case that brought all this up both these politicans profess to be Born Again Christians and recently Iris created a furore by attacking Gay men and telling them they needed psychriatric help to avoid succumbing to such wrongful, sinful ways. This in a period after her affair with a 19 Y.O. who she, after the cuckolding had ended, demanded back all the monies she'd politically siphoned off to him.

Again is my wife right in saying that rather where a couple openly live in a cuckold relationship, if a man can't hold his own wife to fidelity he isn't fit to hold major office.
Male versus Female

Saraha said:
Bill cucked his wife, Hilary Clinton, and she was guiding him day-by-day on how to rule America. I think she was the power-behind-the-throne, and then if Obama had not cum along, she would have taken the top job in her stride.

So cucking is alive and well in politics, not just in America, and many a Judge has been seen at "private bottom whacking parties where the cane cums out".

I agree with my wife that a man caught dicking other women can actually be secretly admired by many for his sexual prowess but a man who can't keep his own wife happy in bed is perceived as less of a man.

So a wife wronged gets people's sympathy, a man similarly wronged is perceived with ridicule?

So Bill cheating on Hilary was seen as soemthing powerful men do. If Bill had been the cuckold then his personal esteem may have been seriously dented!

After all the dictionary really only covers cuckolds as husbands with adulterous wives, there is no female equivalent term or one which casts scorn on the innocent party as does the term cuckold! In fact quite the opposite, as she's often seen as the wronged woman!
Bangs for bucks!

MacNfries said:
I believe it was the cuckolding of an Austrian prince that initially sparked the starting of World War I. Seems the Austrian prince's wife was being dicked by a Prussian prince ... or was it the other way around? Anyways, a modern day feud started, countries started choosing sides, and building up their armament ... and BANG! All over a little pussy ... wow! lol :p

Guess so many wars start with a single bang!
Ideal ticket

Saraha said:
Bill cucked his wife, Hilary Clinton, and she was guiding him day-by-day on how to rule America. I think she was the power-behind-the-throne, and then if Obama had not cum along, she would have taken the top job in her stride.

So cucking is alive and well in politics, not just in America, and many a Judge has been seen at "private bottom whacking parties where the cane cums out".

My preferred option at the time would have been for Hilary as president with Obama as her Vice; who would then after such experience, go on to become the president!
A Leader is expected to be strong and in charge!

4julie said:
Cuck4sara posted about the situation in Northern Ireland where a whole political furore is in motion over their most powerful politician having been cuckolded by his wife with a 19 Y.O. man and the financial Shenanigans she got up to.

If he can't manage his woman how can he do his job. A woman desires a strong man, and when a husband allows her to cuck him he is less than a man in her eyes.

Since then it has raised discussions at home with me learning my wife would never vote for a man as president if it were known he was a cuckold!

The wife loses respect for a man when she is allowed to cuck him, even if he is agreeable, she sees it as a sign of weekness. He becomes a servant.

It of course shows she doesn't respect such a man which has put our relationship in a different light and I see that in many ways what I thought was a great way of life for us is actually a much lower pereception of me than I imagined by my wife.

You can buy her things, and wait on her hand and foot, but you are not a man to her.

So would you vote into a leading, powerful position, someone you knew is a Cuckold?

No, a strong man would kick the woman out immediately, then she is just an adultress ex wife.
Strong men

mimi27406 said:
No, a strong man would kick the woman out immediately, then she is just an adultress ex wife.

True,a REAL man probably would kick her ass out but we cuckolds just suck it up and accept our wives need real men to satisfy them.
President Nicholas Sarkozi as cuckold


There seems to be a shortage of "yes or no" answers to your initial question, which was straightforward and seems to have become lost in the ensuing commentary.

Incidentally, President Nicholas Sarkozi, of France, was cuckolded by his (now former) wife after being elected and, I gather, while running for office as well. I expected some commentary on that in the "News" section of this forum, but surprisingly no one mentioned it. A New York Times article about it can be found here:

Horned and Scorned - Opinionator Blog -

(It also seems surprising you haven't mentioned it, since it's directly relevant to this thread.) In any event, many more articles about it can be found by googling, e.g.,

"Nicholas Sarkozi as cuckold".

No, a strong man would kick the woman out immediately, then she is just an adultress ex wife.

Such a sweet symphony, music to my ears. If only the cucks could feel the resonance of its disturbance in the air waves, their operas would fill stadiums. Cucks on steroids...that's what I'd vote for.:p
We do live an learn.

4julie said:
Cuck4sara posted about the situation in Northern Ireland where a whole political furore is in motion over their most powerful politician having been cuckolded by his wife with a 19 Y.O. man and the financial Shenanigans she got up to.

Since then it has raised discussions at home with me learning my wife would never vote for a man as president if it were known he was a cuckold!

It of course shows she doesn't respect such a man which has put our relationship in a different light and I see that in many ways what I thought was a great way of life for us is actually a much lower pereception of me than I imagined by my wife.

So would you vote into a leading, powerful position, someone you knew is a Cuckold?

A woman desires a strong man, who is the take charge type, pity so few of them around. In most instances she becomes the dominant one in the cuckold relationship, and loses respect for the former husband who she not thinks of as a it, neither man or woman. For many reasons she may not desire to break up the union, especially if their are children, but they will find out especially a teen age daughter, and she will learn how to play you like a fiddle to get her way. It does not make any difference wether it is a physical disiability, or mental, age, etc if you can't satisfy her and she takes a lover, her respect erodes very fast. This just something a cuck husband must live with, and it is surprising how many of us just suck it up and go on. We ask ourselves would we be happier without them and we realize we would not. It is the lovers who cause the biggest rift, when they object to you being on the scene in any manner.

Would I or most ever vote for a leader who was a cuckold, No.


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Mimi - You make some good points. But my experience has been that while women want a strong man--- once they are in a relationship (cuckold or not) they do everything they can to remove all the attributes that made the man strong. A lot (perhaps most) men eventually succumb to their partners desire to eliminate their manly traits in favor of more benign (perhaps feminine) attributes. In my mind, cuckolding your significant other is an example of this process in the extreme.

Sometimes, some readers on this site act like a pack of wolves eating their own young. This is one of those times. If politicians were gay or black or jewish or disabled in some way, comments like this would never arise. If they said they like one sport or food or another they wouldn't. So why now.

The notion that one person somehow 'owns' another and thus should 'control' them belongs in the dark ages surely. When we hear stories of communities using ****** circumcision or stoning female adulterers we condemn such thought and actions unreservedly. Why then, should we care what the private sex life of a politician consists of ? If he had lied about, ok, but he didn't. His crime (in this case) was to love his wife and not want to turn her in. Maybe to guard the feelings of his children, maybe just to protect his own reputation as a political family man, maybe he just wanted to protect her as much as he could, she is clearly in need of mental help (she is actually currently in a mental ward of a hospital in Belfast).

This is in the news because Northern Ireland still has to sort out some serious shit from its past and there remain those over there that will use anything to throw bricks into the political system. See it for what it is. A political smokescreen generated to try to stop a difficult agenda moving forwards. It isn't the first one and it won't be the last. There or anywhere else.

What it isn't, and certainly here shouldn't be, is an opportunity to once again roll out the misoginist chestnut that a strong man is needed to control an errant woman. This is 2010. We are bigger than that, surely.

By the way, the same issue didn't run in France because, in this respect at least, they appear to be a little more grown up about such things. The French attitude was 'so what'. It was only the UK and US that really tried to run with the story. Guess why. It tried to hurt the French reputation. Personally, I think it only hurt the stone throwers.
A good photo of Nicolas Sarkozy and his (then) wife/cuckoldress, the former model Ms. Cécilia Sarkozy, can be found here

Divorce for Sarkozys: Cécilia rewrites the rules - Telegraph

in the Note Ms. Cécilia is substantially taller than her cuckold President Sarkozy. I like that.

The article includes the following:

—“French president Nicolas Sarkozy is finding that Jimmy Goldsmith's famous dictum – that when you marry your mistress you create a job vacancy – works with men as well. He has gone from lover to husband to cuckold in 11 years.”

—“For the French, a leader's sex life has no bearing on whether or not he can or should run the country. Public trust and private lust are kept separate.”

—“They [the French] were astounded by the fuss made of the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky liaison. ‘For us, if the President has sex with an intern it's not a bad thing,’ one friend told me. ‘Because men are terrible if they don't have sex.’ “

—“Women are just as entitled to their petites aventures, which is why the public has not turned against Cécilia, despite rumours of a divorce being imminent. ‘I would imagine most Frenchwomen would applaud her for getting out of what I presume has become a loveless marriage,’ says another French friend. ‘Or has she been bonking someone else? In which case they'd applaud even louder!’ “

The answer to the question, “Or has she [Ms. Cécilia] been bonking someone else?” was, of course, “yes.”

Meanwhile, I don’t see President Sarkozy hounded mercilessly over his sexual proclivities by the French press and Parliament like former-U.S. President Bill Clinton, whom the Republican House of Representatives attempted to hound from office over his harmless dalliance with Ms. Monica Lewinski. Arguably, the French have a much saner view of such things. It is more along the lines that sex, including all forms and varieties of sex — and yes! sex among political leaders! — are among the most compelling and continuously-practiced forms of human behavior, and it isn't going away anytime soon. Obviously, if it did the human species would become extinct in one generation.

* Peakmb: well said.

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