Answering you...
It’s as if the strongly sexual woman immediately took charge and what she wanted, which was what you also wanted.
Am not sure of what I wanted.
I think you did, more so than you have admitted to yourself. You wanted this strong woman.
I have to say that from the very start, I love the complex sexuality of your wife
Complex sexuality? How so? Am interested in knowing more, please tell.
She desired to have a sexual confidant, someone she could tell all about her sexual adventures, someone who would appreciate and share them. She tested this by opening her blouse so you could see the necklace. She tested this by telling you she liked the size of your cock. etc.
and though you styled yourself as a cuckold,
I did not know I would be a cuck, it just happened.
I actually don't think you're a cuck as much as you and your wife are mutual sex partners. Maybe you have certain elements of being a cuck such as when she told you she doesn't want you there or else she could not do it, etc.
it seems she always wanted and indeed got, a partner like you who accepted and celebrated her bold ways
I don’t know what she wanted.
I think she knew what she wanted.
You two are a great match for each other.
Thank you very much!