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Confessions of a budding cuckoldress and Craigslist slut

  • Thread startershokku
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Beloved Member
Aug 18, 2010
Hello all. I'm new here and fairly new to the cuckolding world, but I thought it'd be interesting if I chronicled my adventures and thoughts about cucking in a blog. I am very sexually liberated, intelligent, and sexy woman and thought it'd be fun to share with other like-minded folk... So here it is.

Diary of a Craigslist Slut & Budding Cuckoldress

I am quite interested in the alpha/beta mindsets and how the dynamics between them and the woman works. The psychological reasoning behind this is quite interesting to me and I write about this as well.

A bit of a background: I live in the Northeast US, am Asian and in my mid-20s. I have been a bit of a craigslist slut at times, and probably won't stop being so (until I find the right bull, anyway!). Feel free to leave comments :p
Your blog is absolutely fantastic. I am going to show it to my girl friend. I have a chastity device and wear it when I am at her house. I also wear sexy crotchless undies so my locked up cock and balls hang out for her to see. If I am good she lets me do masturbation shows for her. This is something we are experimenting with. I want her to let me help her find another man who has a much larger package than me for her pleasure. I am hoping she will better understand the cuckold relationship after reading your blog. I really enjoyed it. I am one of those beta guys. I even enjoy sucking cock and have done it many times in the past.
Haha, thanks for the compliments! It will encourage me to write.

I would like to let others know about this lifestyle as well, which is why I'm writing about it. Anything I can do to spread the word ;)
Hello Ms. Shokku,

Welcome to the forum!

shokku said:
Hello all. I'm new here and fairly new to the cuckolding world, but I thought it'd be interesting if I chronicled my adventures and thoughts about cucking in a blog.

Yes, definitely.

shokku said:
I am a very sexually liberated, intelligent, and sexy woman...

Excellent! Good for you.

shokku said:
...and I thought it'd be fun to share with other like-minded folk... so here is my blog.

Diary of a Craigslist Slut & Budding Cuckoldress

I read it, and I think it's very good. You seem to have articulated some important aspects of the personality characteristics of men, whom you call "beta males," who are turned on by the concept of their wife or woman friend fucking other men.

I wonder, though, if this phenomena is limited, necessarily, to "beta males." There have been men who have posted in this forum who appeared to be authentic "alpha males," yet their wives fuck other men and they encourage them to do so... or, in one or two cases I can recall, they were trying to solve the problem of persuading their wives to cuckold them.

shokku said:
I am quite interested in the alpha/beta mindsets and how the dynamics between them and the woman works. The psychological reasoning behind this is quite interesting to me and I write about this as well.

Yes, I agree it is quite interesting, particularly since the concept of so-called "cuckold husbands" encouraging their wives to freely fuck other men, and being turned on by that, essentially overturns the Judeo/Christian ethic — not to mention the Islamic ethic — of women being the property of their husbands and, as such, being expected always to remain "faithful" and accept that as their lot.

Now, of course, women are no longer legally the property of their husbands in western societies, but many vestiges of that remain in our still-patriarchal views of what the roles of women "should" be vis-a-vis men, work, children, and society. In Islamic societies, as I'm sure you appreciate, women are to this day treated as nothing more than the property of their husbands. (Ergo, what has inappropriately been called the "War on Terrorism" should, IMO, be called a "War for the Rights of Women.")

Thus, the rights of women to cuckold their husbands, and have children fathered by other men if they wish, and retain their maiden surnames, and expect their husbands, on marriage, to adopt their surnames (thus becoming, for instance, "Ms. and Mr. Sally Jones" if they wish), and societal acceptance of these rights, is at the leading edge of the movement toward female liberation.

shokku said:
A bit of a background: I live in the Northeast US, am Asian and in my mid-20s. I have been a bit of a craigslist slut at times, and probably won't stop being so (until I find the right bull, anyway!). Feel free to leave comments. :p

The above are some of my comments. Thank you for calling our attention to your blog, and more power to you!

well done

Just had a read of your blog...quite insightful for someone new to the lifestyle, but keep it up, great reading up on others perspective on how they live this life...and especially when its well written and from a womans point of view, not the usual chronic masturbating cucks view. i can say that, as i have tended to be one of them from time to time! :)

Well done!


Custer, thanks for your compliments and comments. You're right, I should write about "alpha" males who enjoy their woman having other men, as I just started talking to a couple of them myself... I haven't yet figured everything out but it's an interesting journey, to say the least.

slinky, I started this because there was such a lack of thoughts, feelings, and experiences from the female perspective. I'm glad you enjoyed it, thank you :)
thats cool

yes, very much enjoyed it...as i said from a very intelligent insight as well. The alpha male/beta male side of things fascinate me. I was very much an alpha male in my younger years...partly cause i had to be...whether it was a front or not i'm not too sure.

But as i have got older and with a partner who knows and understands me very well...have settled into being a beta male cuckold quite happily...and feel much more comfortable in my skin now than i have ever been, feel i have truly found myself...so maybe i always was...and as i said, the alpha male was possibly a front, which would answer the over confident, arrogant and some times aggressive side of me i didn't like.
I love your blog and the insight you have given us

shokku said:
Hello all. I'm new here and fairly new to the cuckolding world, but I thought it'd be interesting if I chronicled my adventures and thoughts about cucking in a blog. I am very sexually liberated, intelligent, and sexy woman and thought it'd be fun to share with other like-minded folk... So here it is.

Diary of a Craigslist Slut & Budding Cuckoldress

I am quite interested in the alpha/beta mindsets and how the dynamics between them and the woman works. The psychological reasoning behind this is quite interesting to me and I write about this as well.

A bit of a background: I live in the Northeast US, am Asian and in my mid-20s. I have been a bit of a craigslist slut at times, and probably won't stop being so (until I find the right bull, anyway!). Feel free to leave comments :p

One of the things in your blog is so true, it is hard to find women who understand the benefits of a cuckold.


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mimi27406 said:
One of the things in your blog is so true, it is hard to find women who understand the benefits of a cuckold.


#4 is so apt 4 us Miimi thx :)
Hi Ms. Shokku,

shokku said:
Custer, thanks for your compliments and comments.

You're welcome.

shokku said:
You're right, I should write about "alpha" males who enjoy their woman having other men, as I just started talking to a couple of them myself... I haven't yet figured everything out but it's an interesting journey, to say the least.

Any observations and thoughts you may have about this would definitely be of interest.

Since you're obviously a thinking woman, I would also be interested in your thoughts on:

Custer Laststand said:
.... Thus, the right of women to cuckold their husbands, and have children fathered by other men if they wish, and not only retain their maiden surnames but also expect their husbands, on marriage, to adopt their surnames (thus becoming, for instance, "Ms. and Mr. Sally Jones"),* and societal acceptance of these rights, is at the leading edge of the movement toward female liberation.

* thus eliminating the possibility of conflict between married women and their cuckold husbands over who may have fathered their children. That is, since the cuckold husbands and children of married women would all have the women's (not their cuckold husband's) last names, the children of married women would unambiguously be THEIR children, and the question of who their biological fathers might be would become irrelevant. (The wording of the above quote from my post is slightly modified.)

That is, I'd be quite interest in your thoughts on this if you're willing to express them. If you'd prefer not expressing an opinion at this point, or if you feel your thoughts about this are not yet sufficiently well-formulated, you are — of course — under no obligation to comment.

A quick read through your craigslist diary confirms that you are a smart and articulate little hottie... (I initially wrote "slut" but then decided to be chivalrous). You are posing very interesting questions, especially concerning the relation between size and alpha mindset, which don't necessarily correlate.
Keep going please.
Ruthie has been using Craigs list for years and never had any problems. she will fuck 6 or 8 guys in one weekend. Of course we live in Iowa so that may have something to do with it.
Custer Laststand said:
* thus eliminating the possibility of conflict between married women and their cuckold husbands over who may have fathered their children. That is, since the cuckold husbands and children of married women would all have the women's (not their cuckold husband's) last names, the children of married women would unambiguously be THEIR children, and the question of who their biological fathers might be would become irrelevant. (The wording of the above quote from my post is slightly modified.)

That is, I'd be quite interest in your thoughts on this if you're willing to express them. If you'd prefer not expressing an opinion at this point, or if you feel your thoughts about this are not yet sufficiently well-formulated, you are — of course — under no obligation to comment.

I haven't thought too much about having children in this lifestyle but that makes sense. Personally it wouldn't make too much of a difference to me what last name they had though giving them the woman's last name does seem to make it "easier".

Thank you, Clickingbull, for your comments.

Carina, craigslist of course can be dangerous, just as a gun would be in the hands of the wrong person. There are crazies everywhere, in the streets and online, but to avoid both altogether would be silly. I take precautions (always let someone know where I'm going and who I'm meeting) and talk on the phone before meeting, to get a sense of their personality. And as for std's, who's to say meeting someone offline would have any less of them?

I do live in a large metropolitan city but I think that makes for more interesting characters (and a good variety of them, to boot) ;)
well done again

Read your latest entry and once again enjoyed it very much. Would love to see a naked photo of yourself...even just from the shoulders down, just to be able to put an image to the stories. Is this at all possible?



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