Hello Ms. Shokku,
Welcome to the forum!
shokku said:
Hello all. I'm new here and fairly new to the cuckolding world, but I thought it'd be interesting if I chronicled my adventures and thoughts about cucking in a blog.
Yes, definitely.
shokku said:
I am a very sexually liberated, intelligent, and sexy woman...
Excellent! Good for you.
shokku said:
...and I thought it'd be fun to share with other like-minded folk... so here is my blog.
Diary of a Craigslist Slut & Budding Cuckoldress
I read it, and I think it's very good. You seem to have articulated some important aspects of the personality characteristics of men, whom you call "beta males," who are turned on by the concept of their wife or woman friend fucking other men.
I wonder, though, if this phenomena is limited, necessarily, to "beta males." There have been men who have posted in this forum who appeared to be authentic "alpha males," yet their wives fuck other men and they encourage them to do so... or, in one or two cases I can recall, they were trying to solve the problem of persuading their wives to cuckold them.
shokku said:
I am quite interested in the alpha/beta mindsets and how the dynamics between them and the woman works. The psychological reasoning behind this is quite interesting to me and I write about this as well.
Yes, I agree it is quite interesting, particularly since the concept of so-called "cuckold husbands" encouraging their wives to freely fuck other men, and being turned on by that, essentially overturns the Judeo/Christian ethic — not to mention the Islamic ethic — of women being the property of their husbands and, as such, being expected always to remain "faithful" and accept that as their lot.
Now, of course, women are no longer legally the property of their husbands in western societies, but many vestiges of that remain in our still-patriarchal views of what the roles of women "should" be vis-a-vis men, work, children, and society. In Islamic societies, as I'm sure you appreciate, women are to this day treated as nothing more than the property of their husbands. (Ergo, what has inappropriately been called the "War on Terrorism" should, IMO, be called a "War for the Rights of Women.")
Thus, the rights of women to cuckold their husbands, and have children fathered by other men if they wish, and retain their maiden surnames, and expect their husbands, on marriage, to adopt their surnames (thus becoming, for instance, "Ms. and Mr. Sally Jones" if they wish), and societal acceptance of these rights, is at the leading edge of the movement toward female liberation.
shokku said:
A bit of a background: I live in the Northeast US, am Asian and in my mid-20s. I have been a bit of a craigslist slut at times, and probably won't stop being so (until I find the right bull, anyway!). Feel free to leave comments.

The above are some of my comments. Thank you for calling our attention to your blog, and more power to you!