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cheating or having fun?

  • Thread starterdesert
  • Start date
Does she know that you would be OK with her having sex on her nights out? If she's not REALLY convinced, she won't really open up and communicate what she's doing. You cant push too hard, but you need to tell her.


Not outright, but like you say i dont push it. I dont give her trouble for going out i tell her to enjoy her evening and take her time. She has been known to get sassy if i press so i dont press. She has made it clear before that she is going out and its "too bad" which makes me even harder. My gosh I hate to sound like I pussy foot around but she is going out tonight, and i will have a few beers while she is showering and shaving and getting ready. I will tell her its ok if she wants to go home with someone and ok to sleep around. I might even find out she has been doing that all along and may have a nice treat when she gets home. She is the type that puts out on a first date. See like this morning she says she will have things to do at lunch so not to bother her unless important..what ever that means and im assuming a lunch date. so we will see
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im sure you will all agree that its not best to ask her what shes been doing and accuse her of cheating. I did call her at work with some excuse and thus now i have been given a few errands to run since its my day off..sigh. Instead of accusing her of having a lunch date i just said its ok if she does and to enjoy..her only response was "as long as it dont backfire on me."

she wore a nice dress, nylons and heels today..looked nice

desert said:
.... she [my wife] is going out tonight, and I will have a few beers while she is showering and shaving and getting ready. I will tell her it's ok if she wants to go home with someone and ok to sleep around.

Sounds good. I think that would be a good step forward.

desert said:
I might even find out she has been doing that all along and may have a nice treat when she gets home.

Yes, perhaps your wife will bring you a cream pie. If she declines to say she has been fucking other men, and/or that she intends to do so tonight (this could happen.... she might say "hmm...." and be noncommittal), you might consider looking at and smelling her panties after she comes home late and rolls into bed, to detect evidence someone has creamed her pussy.

desert said:
She is the type that puts out on a first date. This morning she said she will have things to do at lunch, so don't bother her unless it's important.... whatever that means; I'm assuming a lunch date. So we will see.

Sounds like your wife is strongly sexual. A lightly bolder strategy that actually would enable you to "see" would be to go down on your wife and suck her cunt after she comes home late at night after being "out," and/or on days when she comes home in the evening after a lunch date. For a description of how to do that in ways your wife will find satisfying, see:

Cunnilingus: A How to Guide for Orally Stimulating the Vulva

BTW, note her comment to you, "don't bother me during my lunch," is a way of telling you she has a date. She wanted you to know and to accept that (without actually saying so).... as you did.

desert said:
I'm sure you will all agree that its not best to ask her what she's been doing and accuse her of cheating.

Yes, I agree. Confrontations with your wife are not a good idea. Accusing her of cheating is likely only to result in her becoming more secretive about how she's spending her time.

desert said:
I did call her at work with some excuse and thus now I have been given a few errands to run since it's my day off.... sigh. Instead of accusing her of having a lunch date I just said its ok if she does and to enjoy herself.... her only response was, "as long as it don't backfire on me."

Ah-ha.... this tells you she is being secretive and "sassy with you" instead of talking with you about what she's doing because she fears that if she does, you will become angry and possibly demand a divorce. This also tells you she doesn't want that; she values her marriage to you.

desert said:
She wore a nice dress, nylons and heels today.... looked nice.

That's cool.... it sounds like your wife is an attractive woman who pays attention to her appearance.


desert said:
I will tell her its ok if she wants to go home with someone and ok to sleep around. I might even find out she has been doing that all along and may have a nice treat when she gets home.

For a good description of the benefits of telling your wife you want to be her cuntsucker, and you want to clean her pussy with your tongue and eat her cream pies after she comes home from her dates, and how one budding-cuckold did it, I suggest reading this thread:


(if you haven't already). It was posted by Daniel101 on 1 Dec. '08, in the General Cuckoldry section of this forum.

thank you

Custer, thank you for all your time and effort and writing, I appreciate it thanks. She is a secretary and often works through lunch to catcth up so i thought i would tell her to enjoy if she did have a date rather than accuse..lol. By the way working as a secretary at a military base i have no doubt she has alot of contact with alot of people, and esp horny military guys.

I have to admit many nights she has come home late i have been too racked out to go down on her. but the times i have i see nothing out of the ordinary. Other times she makes me "wait til tomorrow." says she's too tired. On more than one occasion i have woken up to find her showering before bed..lol

im sure someone is creaming that pussy..maybe this weekend we may have insight as to who...or how many
desert said:
First, Custer, thank you for all your time and effort and writing, I appreciate it.

You're welcome.

desert said:
I'm sure someone is creaming that pussy... maybe this weekend we may have insight as to who... or how many.

Yes. (I'm taking my wife to a Christmas party this evening.)

Oh i forgot to mention I read the threads you suggested...very nice..very good. I was going to tell her i might cut out of her party early and that if she can she could hitch a ride home. I voted against this as after i went on and on about wanting to go she would get mad and say i am being wishy washy. So the plan is to see how the evevning goes and play by ear. if all goes right i will duck out early with some excuse

So Custer is going to a Christmas party tonight eh? well im anxious to hear a report as well

desert said:
So Custer is going to a Christmas party tonight, eh? Well, I'm anxious to hear a report as well.

It was convened by my organization (not my wife's), and was held at a local hotel. There were about 25 folks altogether — mostly couples, some singles. It turned out to be too expensive to hire a live band, so the organizers hired a disc jockey to play recorded music. (I made a mistake in not bringing any of my own CDs. There were a few good selections, but for the most part the music was not great.)

My wife and I danced a fair amount. It was enjoyable for her, despite not knowing many people there, because we sat at a table with friends we've known for a long time — one of them a woman who worked for me for about 2.5 years in the late '90's. She got married back then, then moved on to other work (i.e., that did not involve working for me), but we've been friends ever since.

At one point, I could see she wanted to dance but her husband was not responding — so I asked him if he would mind if I asked his gorgeous wife to dance. He said of course, go ahead, so I did — and she accepted. She's an excellent dancer, it turned out. In her high-heeled FMB's she was taller than me; I found that a turn-on. I've always considered her a very attractive, seductive and sensuous woman — and dancing with her (which I had never done before) was, in fact, a rather sensuous experience.

Unfortunately, her husband did not ask my wife to dance. Apparently he's among the guys who just aren't into dancing. Some guys seem to be like that; it's hard to get them to do it. (His wife did, however, coerce him onto the dance floor.)

On the whole, it was an enjoyable evening.

long story

wife stayed out all night but brought back some very dirty pussy
If she wants cock she will find it and I bet she gets well fucked when she goes out. They usually only suck cock and swallow to begin with but cant resist a throbbing cock in their cunts. Believe me, I am a white bull and have been with dozens of women on nights out. They want to go out looking sexy and to be fucked by a new cock while you stay at home like a good trusting cuck. Ask her if she wants to bring a friend home next time so you can watch and maybe clean up after.
This is a great thread and I think it is obvious to all of us that it is not pool balls she is playing with, and judging by your last posting she doesn't seem to be hiding it from you now. I'd love to hear what happened at the party.

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