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Careful What You Wish For...It WILL Happen..

  • Thread startersecretagent999
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Nov 28, 2009
I'm apologizing in advance for the terrible grammar/editing. I'm just going to
let this out before I change my mind.

Hello guys.
I've been browsing cuckolding sites for about a year now. This is going to be my first post and I hope others find it interesting... Maybe you can relate.

I've been with my girlfriend for about 6 years. We have one child together.
For about a year now I introduced the idea of threesomes or having sex with others as "sex talk"... I think this is how it usually begins for everyone.
I think I wanted to see her having sex with someone else more than even she did.
She was always into the the "talking" and when I would press the issue further she would say she was just into the "sex talk" and did not want to go any further with it...
I still told her that the idea of her flirting with other men, and especially having sex with other men was a real turn-on to me...I also said if she was ever interested in having sex with another man, to be honest with me about it and I would not be upset.
Time went by... and every once in a while we would still use "sex talk" to spice up our nights together.
....then something happened a three months ago...
She slowly started showing the textbook "cheating" signs:
1. hiding her phone... deleting her text messages
2. making up stories about longer work hours
3. wanting to spend more time with her "friends"
4. completely stopping "intercourse" and just giving me handjobs.

For a while I knew something was happening but would not really believe it.
I fantasized about her fucking some guy behind my back... and I would ask her to be honest with me. The usual responses I would get were:
"you're crazy, I barely have energy to have sex with you.. what makes you
think I could fuck someone else."
"you don't trust me anymore."

Not having any concrete proof. I put up with the "non-sex" life.

A couple of weeks ago. Something big happened.
I received a text message from a girl at work. A simple "hello".

She was outraged over this and started telling me I was fucking
someone from work... and that she could no longer trust me anymore...
...she then told me she wanted to break up...

At this point I knew something WAS up. I suspected she met someone
at work and she wanted to date this guy. I thought she met some dude
and she wants to be single again so she can date him without feeling guilty.

...boy was I wrong...

After 2 days of accepting our break up (she was going to move out)... while laying down in bed next to her
I started to really pry and ask her to tell me the truth. If she wanted to break up with me, I was fine. I just wanted to know the truth. Was it for somebody else?

She started choking up and admitted to me that she was into somebody else.

At this point my dick instantly got hard. It's like I had a Viagra injection directly on my penis.

I knew if I keep asking questions I might not like what I was about to hear.
But my dick was hard, and any sense of logic was quickly fading.

I started asking her about what she did "exactly?"

I told her I would not be upset.. in fact I told her it was a turn and understood that she was younger than me (by ten years) and she
would be attracted to other guys.

She then revealed to me that she had been having sex with another
man from work. She was crying while she was telling me this. And
I was just asking deeper and deeper questions.
How many times, where, how did it start, what was it like, did you suck
his dick, who was it.

I knew she cheated on me and any "normal" guy would throw her out the
door. But I kept telling her I was not angry, I was just upset she could not
tell me this sooner and keep lying to me.

After laying in bed with her for an hour and talking about why she did this.

I asked her if we were still breaking up.

She said she feels better knowing I was not angry... but that doesn't change
us breaking up.

She said she was no longer with this guy she had sex with... but there were consequences.

I instantly knew what she was saying.

She told me she was pregnant.

Now that was what really shocked me. Because I know how she feels about
abortion and I know she is going to keep it.

She told me this last week. So its now obvious she was never going to
tell me about the affair. She was about to hit the stage that the pregnancy
will start showing.
She tells me she knows I'm upset and she knows I will not have to stick around. She tells me she does love me and wants to only be with me... she
tells me she mad a terrible mistake and admits she should have told me from the start.


So this bring me to today. This "surprise" revelation happened just last week.
we've been living together but she is planning on moving back to her parents house.
Yes, the baby is going to be a different race. So no use in pretending it's mine.
But because she is the mother of my current child I feel strongly I should stay with her.

This would be very embarrassing to me if we stay together. Not to mention having a "baby daddy" in the picture.

Having said all this I'm really considering staying with her. Being a cuckold
is something I wanted to be... but I always wanted to keep it a secret between me and her.... in 7 months the secret will be out!

Guys. Tell me what you would do in this situation.

If anyone is interested I'll post more about my situation... and especially
more about the "details" on the sex... which is why we are mostly here.

Again sorry for the terrible grammar, editing. I just wrote this straight
out before I changed my mind.

The most important thing is this: What is best for this child, and for the child you already have? So, everyone else is going to know she got pregnant by another man! That is their problem!

If you do the honorable thing, you will help raise this child and do whatever is best for him/her. Everything else should fall into place!
Son of John,
thanks for the response.
Thats what I'm leaning towards. I wanted to be cuckolded.
I guess I just never wanted this result.
But we do love each other and her inexperience with guys
probably had a lot to do with this.
You wanted to be cuckolded, and you were. And given that being a cuckold is a part of who you are, not a lifestyle choice, you still want to be cuckolded. You are married to a woman who you love and who loves you. Yes, it will be embarrassing when the baby is born but there will be as many people respect you for sticking with your wife as those who think you should have left. Also, being honest with yourself, the embarrassment is going to be a sweet pain. The sort that gives cuckolds an inverted pleasure. So the only problem you have is being honest with yourself and being honest with your wife. Honest in a way that proves to her that you truly enjoy being a cuckold and that you have a need for her to find other partners and fuck them, no matter the consequences.
If I were you I would instantly kick her out... and send her straight to me. This is the wife of my dreams.... lucky cuck
This is exactly whats tearing me apart. I know logically she lied to me and
will probably lie to me again. But since we have a child together, a large part of me is telling me to stay.
I'll decide in the next few weeks what to do about this. I'll post details.
I'm also slowly getting details on the sex which I seriously enjoy....

If this would have happened a couple years ago, before my cuckold fantasies, I would have had no problem bailing out on her that night... but I've "evolved" ....or I've got some loose screws....

MacNfries said:
secretagent999 I hope you won't take this as my tossing a wrench into the cuckold system, but I feel totally the opposite about this kind of situation. There are just too many options to birth control for women to keep making excuses for accidently conceiving a child, especially when she's seriously dating or married to one man, and having unprotected sex with another man. If she conceived the man's child, unless she was *****, she at least thought she wanted to chance that results when things were happening. She's a big girl, she knows how babies are made, and knows her own fertility cycle. And knowing all that, she allowed the man to ejaculate inside her and knock her up. Possibly she felt the guy would be as excited as her, or maybe be a man and volunteer to help with the child, and none of that happened.

Only you can say what you should do, because you know better than anyone how deeply you love this girl, and she is the mother of your first child. BUT, you're not married to the girl, she lied to you, and she was foolish ... if you accept this, it will probably happen again. I would suspect she's lying when she said she didn't mean to get pregnant. She's already lied to you once that you know of; why should you believe that? I would suspect she told the guy she was pregnant and he told her to fuck off. If I were answering this for myself, I'd say idios to her, and make sure my child support payments got to her on a regular basis, and I spent time with MY child. I, personally, wouldn't go through 18 or so years of expensive raising of a mixed raced child with her unless I sincerely wanted to do so. Just my feelings ... sorry! But I wish you the best of luck with the decision you do make. Mac
You need to ask yourself, do you want to have a romantic relationship with her or not?
Do you want sex or not?
Do you love her?
Does she love you?
Over a quarter of relationships have it so, that one or neither partner love each other, but still get married. In your case, it is because of your child.
If this is the case for either one of you, trust me, it is for the best of the child that you two break up. I grew up in a loveless house and it screwed my life up.
Buy a bottle of wine and sit down with her. Bring up the subject of romance, love and sex. What ever turns and twists the conversation takes are exactly what the relationship needs to take. If in the end, the love is one way, then know, it is for the best that the two of you break up.
Buy her an engagement ring and ask her to marry you.


Regarding your post:

secretagent999 said:
I've been with my girlfriend for about 6 years. We have one child together.

.... I think I wanted to see her having sex with someone else more than even she did.


secretagent999 said:
[My girlfriend] told me she was pregnant [by another man]. The baby is going to be a different race, so no use in pretending it's mine.

Ah.... so you encouraged your woman to take a lover and she did, with the consequence that always makes it exciting because, as everyone knows, pregnancy is always a possibility (even with birth control).

secretagent999 said:
But because she is the mother of my current child I feel strongly I should stay with her.

You're right. You should.

secretagent999 said:
This will be very embarrassing to me if we stay together. Not to mention having a "baby daddy" in the picture.

I think you must mean the father of your woman's new love-child will be in the picture. You will be her new love-child's "daddy," in the sense that you will be the one who assists her with raising her love-child.

secretagent999 said:
Being a cuckold is something I wanted to be.... but I always wanted to keep it a secret between me and her.

That's wishful thinking. When a man's woman (/wife) is fucking other men, the word gets around. At least you've avoided being the last one to find out, which is fairly often the case. As you point out, when your woman's baby is born everyone will know right upfront she has made you her cuckold. She will have accomplished your dream for you; subsequently there will be no need to worry and agonize over whether others "know" or "may find out" the truth.

secretagent999 said:
Having said all this, I'm really considering staying with her.

If you do, you'll be doing the right thing.

secretagent999 said:
Guys, tell me what you would do in this situation.

Buy your woman the nicest engagement ring you can afford and ask her to marry you. Do it in the traditional style, with flowers and down on your knee — because, in addition to enabling you to realize your dream in a way that others won't be able to misinterpret, she is bringing you an incredibly valuable gift.... a new child.

Custard: That is fairly reckless. If they love each other, then they should, but it is questioned by me if they do love each other or if they want to stay together for the child. Although notions of honor dictate one must stay, it is the worst possible thing for the child if there is no genuine love.

Dear Secret:

We think that Custer has expressed it perfectly.
But we would like to add our two cents worth:
Are you out of your mind?
Leave her?
Why would you want to leave such a perfect woman?

She has everything a man would want:
1) She is hot. (Otherwise she would not have been controlled by her hormones to the point where she submitted to another male) Probably a dominant one.
2) She loves you. (Otherwise she would not have devised that idea of permitting you to leave her and also conserving face).
Everything would appear as if you left her for another woman.
Something that is not true.
3) It is perfectly normal for a woman to lie when she is under the influence of her hormones.
Alicia has lied to me many times when under the influence of her very hot hormones.
For example after many many years she confessed to me that she was so hot one night when I was travelling that she decided to spend all night with her lover. (Something that we had talked out before and decided not to do without permission).
What made her do it behind my back?
But of course I forgave her.
(Not before she gave me all the details of course).
Including the confession that she had been fucked 5 times that night.
Something that she had never done with me.
This is very humiliating.
But on the other hand it is delicious.
Just listening to your wife telling you these humiliating but delicious things is like getting a Viagra shot (as you say).
Is this not the most delicious and beatiful thing in the world?

So like Custer says.
Do not let her go.
Love her, nurture her, take care of her. (And her two beautiful babies).

Best Regards:
Alicia and Jorge
AngleBaby said:
Custard: That is fairly reckless. If they love each other, then they should, but it is questioned by me if they do love each other or if they want to stay together for the child. Although notions of honor dictate one must stay, it is the worst possible thing for the child if there is no genuine love.

I haven't even bothered reading Custer's posts for some time. He's even further off the deep end than Saraha, only without the accompanying entertainment value.

I fully agree with you, AB, that it's reckless for someone in an internet forum to advise a poster who's clearly struggling with something in his relationship, as to what the best course of action is, without taking account of the emotional dynamics that may or may not be present in that relationship.

To Custer, what's your story, and why are you present here in this forum? Does your wife (assuming you have one) cuckold you, and if so what's the nature of the relationship between the two of you? How much of the authority that you attempt to speak from is based on actual experience with this lifestyle — with having experienced both the highs and the lows of the resulting roller-coaster ride when your wife opens her legs for others — and how much of it is simply from reading articles you've found on the internet, and that you're so fond of linking in your posts?
Very Important

Dear Mary's Pet:

Your post is very interesting. You are right in that it is a great responsibility to give advise to a couple that is struggling in their relationship.
In our case, we have been married for 30 years.
And we started experimenting with Cuckolding personally when Alicia was 19.
Of course then no one talked about this, and it was a very taboo subject.
Well after all those years all we can say is that Cuckolding is one of the most beautiful things ina relationship because:
1) It resolves the problem of boredom, monotony and the natural desire in a married man to look for "Fun on the side".
This is one of the great destructors of marriage and a loving relationship.
2) In our case we talked about it beforehand. This is of course the best way.
(The loving way).
But unfortunately not all couples have the necessary openness to talk about this sensitive and taboo subject.
So that sometimes a woman finds herself in need of attention, and, why not, in need of being courted.
This is of course normal behaviour (Her hormones and her brain are hard wired that way).
3) Of course there are some women who because of their strict upbringing and religion will not go that path. They will fight their hormones and not be unfaithful.
In our opinion this can be bad for a relationship, because the couple will never live those delicious moments that only occur when Cuckolding.
These delicious moments together serve to cement a relationship.
4) In our opinion of course, it is best to "ease" into it little by little.
This is best because not all relationships are solid and strong.

But there are some cases. (Like the one we are discussing in this thread) where the man finds himself allready Cuckoloded.
So here we think the best course is to work backwards.
Start talking and exploring each others feelings.
The husband has to be very loving and forgiving.
What is love really?
Love is all about forgiveness.

So, why can the husband not love this child?
It is so easy to love an innocent child.

In our case we never went all the way. (For Alicia to have another man's baby). But we did talka about it and fantasized about it.
We even got to the point where she stopped taking the pill, when she was with a very special lover. But in the end she did not go through with it.
(It was of course her very personall decision)
But now after all these years when we rememeber that, and she asks me:
"What would you have done"
My sincere answer:
"I would have loved that baby just as much as we know love our own baby.

In our opinion, when you put love before everything else you can never go wrong.
Our sincere and heartfelt advice is:
Put love before anything else and forgive her.
Love her, nurture her and care for her.
Put love before anything else and accept and love that innocent baby.

Your Friends:
Alicia and jorge
Sometime we do not see the forest for the trees.

fourandahalf said:
You wanted to be cuckolded, and you were. And given that being a cuckold is a part of who you are, not a lifestyle choice, you still want to be cuckolded. You are married to a woman who you love and who loves you. Yes, it will be embarrassing when the baby is born but there will be as many people respect you for sticking with your wife as those who think you should have left. Also, being honest with yourself, the embarrassment is going to be a sweet pain. The sort that gives cuckolds an inverted pleasure. So the only problem you have is being honest with yourself and being honest with your wife. Honest in a way that proves to her that you truly enjoy being a cuckold and that you have a need for her to find other partners and fuck them, no matter the consequences.

You wanted to be cucked and now you are. If you leave her, you will only seek another woman to cuck you. It is something you desire, embarrass, you will get a perverse pleasure from it. You know this is what you want.
Thanks everyone.
I'm taking everything you post into deep consideration.

I'll have to take the next few weeks and see how my girlfriend
reacts to me, and what else she opens up about. I'll make my
decision after I feel strongly she has opened up to me about

Yes I wanted her to cuck me, but like several on here, I wanted
to "know" it was going to happen. Maybe it was more of a hotwife
fantasy? Regardless its too late I've been cucked, and it doesn't
feel bad... except the whole pregnancy thing.

I'll keep posting the details as soon as she gives them to me.
hot story man, pictures? theres nothing more sexy than a slutty gf pregnant with another mans baby
There is nothing more beautiful

Well, we read this thread together. (Alicia and I) and it has brought back some very special memories for us.
Many years ago when we had just started in this delicious way of life, Alicia met a very special lover. He was very kind to her and she fell in love with him.
(Of course we had talked about it beforehand, and I had given my permission for this affaire).
Well, she was so happy and our relationship was going so well, that I started playing with the fantasy of her getting pregnant from him.
I remember when I first mentioned it to her. We were lying in bed talking, and as soon as I mentioned it she hugged me tightly and started kissing me.
It is a delicious feeling, a feeling of closeness that cannot be described.
She would just keep repeating "I love you, I love you, I love you".
So we decided that she would stop taking the pill, and she and I would use a condom from then on, as part of our plan.
For me it was especially exciting because there is nothing hotter than thinking of another man's seed inside your wife.
But it reaches eve higher planes of excitement when you think that it will stay there and get her pregnant.
Then watching as her beautiful belly starts to grow little by little....
And then sharing all of those moments with the woman you love, that is especially beautiful.
In my case (Jorge) after analyzing myself, and being honest with myself, what makes it so satisfying for me is knowing that she is mine.
That even though he has used her and had his share of pleasure, the truth is she is really mine.
This gives me an incredible satisfacion, because I know there are things he will never have. Like sharing her most private moments every day.
Watching her as she sleeps, eating with her at the same table, stopping the car and just kissing her for no reason.

Well, she had decided to do it in front of me.
When it was her fertile period, she invited him over, she was so sexually excited that it was an incredible turn on for me.
But at the last minute, just when he was about to cumm, she pulled back and took his penis in her mouth. She swallowed every last drop. In front of me. It was an image so incredible that it is etched in my memory.
After that she took me in her mouth, I came inmediately and as intensely as I have ever cumm in my life.

For me it was one of the most beautiful and perfect moments in my life.
At the last moment she decided not to do it.
(That was her own personal decision and I respect it).

So today after all those years, and after reading this thread she asked me:
"What would you have done?"
My sincere and heartfelt answer:
" I would have loved you and loved that beautiful Baby"

And we have been kissing and hugging all day, and just remembering that moment has been beautiful.
So thanks for this thread, and also for this great site.

Best Regards:
Alicia and Jorge


marys_pet said:
To Custer: what's your story, and why are you present here in this forum? ....

It's tempting to admit I'm a 14 year-old teenager whose parents haven't told me anything about sex, so I'm participating in this forum in hopes of getting an education.... but I won't. It seems best to not give away too many clues to my identity, because my old man would beat the shit out of me if he knew I'm spending time talking with you-all about this stuff instead of doing my homework.

I would recommend that you stay with her and raise the child, I mean things happen. She loves you, and if I am right she enjoyed the outside sex. I would give her sexually freedom and turn her into the real slut that she can be. You will be happy and she will love you for it. Just in the future be sure she only goes out with men that are married, a lot less drama. Beth
Marriage/Love are important decisions made for a win-win-win-win (child, cuck, cuckoldress, Bull), all parties must benefit.

It is possible to fall in love with many people in your lifetime, if only you change your beliefs to allow it to happen. Identify the blocks that hold you back, then conscious and subconscious minds act together to activate the love-bug.
Any update on this?

Any update on this thread?

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