Is Little Baby Thumb Sucking Pimpy Caught Dictating Again???
pimpology101 said:
It's preposterous to any normal white person and not ones riffe with issues such as yourself. Hadweeb.
Little baby thumb sucking
'pimpy' is caught trying to dictate again, what so-called normal people or so-called whites believe. Little baby thumb sucking
'pimpy' should know that adult dictation, as to defining
'normal' behavior, is reserved for those capable of exercising free will. To choose their own beliefs, without little baby thumb sucking
'pimpy' brains delusional oppressive interfering. Little baby thumb sucking
'pimpy' must be reprimanded. Com'n little baby thumb sucking
'pimpy.' Define for us, your little baby thumb sucking excuse of brain definition of
'normal.' Let alone whatever
'normal' people or so-called whites believe.
Little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' should know that its time for little babies to go to thumb sucking bed. Lets all say go night to little baby thumb sucking
'pimpy.' Good Night little baby thumb sucking
Hopefully, little baby thumb sucking
'pimpy' will wake up in nirvana, where people are allowed to express themselves without the need for worthless little baby thumb sucking
'pimpy' dictators. Delusional in their need to dictate what all the rest of us adults should believe or how we should act. Which is our unalienable right, to freely exercise in Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, with others of like mind as we so choose! Which we choose to create by variation of agreement by what we believe, where we wish to work, and how we are to live in the interest of Universal Peace with All Walks of Life seeking Good Will. Good Will is founded upon the principles that all people are free to do the same without infringement. As long as it harms no One!!!