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black worship through black breeding

  • Thread starterblkbull_4wf_breeder
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Josetta said:
More than half the world is Chinese or Indian, which suggests that their survival genes are much more superior than the white races.

It's less than half. Maths 101. And again with the superior genes. Give it a rest. No race is superior. We're all human beings. For someone who bleats about global warming I thought you'd understand this.

Most of the people living in China and India live in poverty. Guess they're the superior ones huh?
Hey Leon BCC, thank got for your post, you really got me worried about the previous posts, they really pushed my buttons in a bad way. Glad to see someone here who isnt a complete moron!!
I like again how Leon think. I am Thai so Asian, and we all equal. This all fun, but baby is for love.
Leon BBC said:
No race is superior. We're all human beings.

You're right we are all human beings and I also don't belive that one race is in general superior. But on is this side the subject is the desire from white women for black men. I talked to some women about this, not all of them have been in a black relation, but most of them found black men attractiv. One told me that she found black man in someway animalistic and not so complicate like the most of white guys.

I've lernt in school that the social thing is more importend then the genes, but the older I'am the more doubt I have about this.
Dutchblonde said:
Hey Leon BCC, thank got for your post, you really got me worried about the previous posts, they really pushed my buttons in a bad way. Glad to see someone here who isnt a complete moron!!

Did I also mention that I love Dutch blondes? :pimp:
When there is full equality, a white father won't object to his white daughter going out on dates with black boys. Mothers won't discriminate either. This is what Martin Luther King was on about.
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Josetta said:
When there is full equality, a white father won't object to his white daughter going out on dates with black boys. Mothers won't discriminate either. This is what Martin Luther King was on about.

Or a black father won't object to his black daughter going out on dates with white boys.

All of God's children, black man and white man, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics.

Free at last baby. Free at last.

whiteslavegirl said:
acknowledging the Black race as superior thrills and excites me beyond measure. As a submissive, inferior white female my deepest desire is to obey. but i don't understand the breeding thing, because it dilutes the Black genes that i so worship. Blacks of both sexes are magnificent. my fantasy has always been to be bred with small, weak white males specially selected by my Black owners to produce future generations of ideal slaves.

Overlooking the rather racist mindset of this post for the moment, it actually gave me an idea.

For those who don't know it, pregnant women are a huge turn-on for me, even moreso than the interracial thing. Hence, the appeal of the mix of the two has nothing much to do with 'superiority', it's more the case of two independently excellent visuals (pregnant sex and interracial sex) being bundled up in one superhot package.

Anyway, the counter-argument is almost always that it's not right to bring a child into the world just for the sake of your sexual kicks; an argument that I can only agree with. And the would-be rebuttals to that argument invariably struck me as lame, self-absorbed bullshit.

On the other hand, there are situations where extra-marital pregnancy are induced for good reasons - namely surrogacy.

This voids the whole creating a child for a sexual kick problem; not that you're not still doing it for that exact reason, but now there is also another and much nobler reason, you're helping someone by having their child.

If everything goes right, you carry the child for nine months, the adopting parents care for it afterwards, everyone wins! If something goes wrong, like the adopting parents chicken out and flee the scene (I don't know the legal ramifications of that one), then you can honestly say to the kid that while you did not plan to raise him/her, you took responsibility when the situation arose, and you never regretted it for a second...so you're heroes! No need to lie to the kid. Everyone wins (hopefully).

I heartily recommend checking out the legal frames for surrogacy where you live before diving head first into it, however...you can start by looking here:
Surrogacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, I realize that surrogacy may not appeal to the hardcore 'breeders' who insist on the real deal in every way, no matter the cost (presumably, there may be the odd adopting couple who would want/agree to traditional insemination au naturale, but I doubt there are many of them, and willingness to engage in cuckold roleplay probably amount to exactly zero).

For my part, I don't really understand that mindset - it's like the Bridezilla sacrificing almost everything for that one 'perfect' day, spending tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars on a wedding that most likely will become one of the most stressful days if her life. The odds for post-wedding regret would seem to be high, but hell, what do I know? People are different.

Anyway, for all those not willing to let 'Perfection' become the enemy of Good, surrogacy in various forms would appear to have a lot of appeal. For those who are turned on by pregnant women, like me, for obvious reasons.

But there is a lot of room for cuckold and/or sub play in various forms too. Even if the adopting couple in all likelihood will not play along, nothing's preventing you from inviting a third party stud for some roleplay (however, safety always recommended, pregnant or otherwise).

And for the sub girls like whiteslavegirl, I would think that offering yourself as a gestational carrier for a (presumably black) couple, would hold some appeal, being reduced to a 'container for superior blacks' child' or whatever floats your boat.

Oh well, just some Monday ramblings...
This thread is so lame, why can no-one just enjoy a nice bit of interracial S&M without ppl being stupid?
Honestly? I lose respect for peope who use babyes as a trophy of racial superiority (interracial breeding, talking about this kind of fetish) their are kids, not sexual objects for god sake.
People who advertice this kind of life stile in my eyes are ****'es, because they use mixed babyes as a tool of sexual satisfaction.


there are no such of racial superiority.
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Armando said:
Honestly? I lose respect for peope who use babyes as a trophy of racial superiority (interracial breeding, talking about this kind of fetish) their are kids, not sexual objects for god sake.
People who advertice this kind of life stile in my eyes are ****'es, because they use mixed babyes as a tool of sexual satisfaction.


there are no such of racial superiority.

My dear you look closely, this topic is called "black worship," and you are obviously wandered over here. So ... goodbye!
PamelaTV said:
My dear you look closely, this topic is called "black worship," and you are obviously wandered over here. So ... goodbye!

well goodbye Pamela, nice talking to you.
Armando said:
well goodbye Pamela, nice talking to you.

I used to be like you my dear sister Armanda, I wanted a big black dick, and I was afraid to admit it. Just relax and black men will do the rest.
Armando said:
Honestly? I lose respect for peope who use babyes as a trophy of racial superiority (interracial breeding, talking about this kind of fetish) their are kids, not sexual objects for god sake.
People who advertice this kind of life stile in my eyes are ****'es, because they use mixed babyes as a tool of sexual satisfaction.


there are no such of racial superiority.


Just what part of FANTASY is it that you are having difficulty understanding?

Even if some people take some of this seriously, it would require that they are all in agreement to do it. That eliminates the majority as most people can't agree on how to make a decent cup of coffee, let alone have a child.

For the few that are callous enough to actually do it without regard to the child, is it really any worse than the assholes that knock up women of their own race and then abandon them? With all the racist crap that Blacks have had to deal with, WHY would any of them want to intentionally use their genes to bring another child into the world to continue that? Unless they truly love the woman (regardless of color) and want to build a FAMILY with her.

This isn't the place to try to save the world. If anything, preventing people from acting out their fantasies HERE could lead to them finding other places (like real life) to do it.

Leon BBC said:
learn english

Agreed Leon.LOL Black men do not need ignorant asswipes trying to speak for the whole of the black race anymore than white men need so-called "white bois" trying to speak for the rest of us. Lowest common denominators are not superior traits for much of anything, race included.
you people are complete morons,whites dominate every sport in america.look at the truth not the fantasy 60% of nfl players are white 57 % of mlb players are white
HI, I want to offer in advance to have Black babies as soon as it is possible
I am in awe of BBC and i am lover of the "black race"
45/wm in upstate NY

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