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Black on White X-blog

  • Thread starterAmylynn
  • Start date
I wouldn't mess with her, she will tear u apart. She is amazing......
Love the Amos N' Andy picture, Amylynn, not sure that others on here will enjoy it too much though. haha. They are more into Eddie and Willy and their big black tools impaling those white women.
I told you go jack off somewhere else, or does your mother not know you grew up to be a Gaylord +5?

Told ya I'd crit ya.

Who the fuck cares what others think? Can't take a joke...srewzzzzvilee, dats, dats, dats what I beezzzz sayingzzzz.

*lets the barbed point fly*

P.S. to my Bitchlord cockingcrazy: Eddie=Eddie Murphy...stereotype (no real work there). And Willy from Will Smith. Another black real effort put out on that one either. But oh, it was so fun to hear you try to comprehend ROLF!!! *throws
you a Hooked on FFFFphonics book*
Eddie=Eddie Murphy...stereotype (no real work there). And Willy from Will Smith. Another black real effort put out on that one either. But oh, it was so fun to hear you try to comprehend

Stereotypes? Really? Gosh, I had no idea. Imagine that, I graduated from Columbia University with a degree in Journalism and English and I missed the stereotypes. Wow.

Now, in case you don't understand my comment, let me explain, it's called "sarcasm." Not sure if you've learned that, yet, at U of Arkansas or wherever you go to college. When I went to college, of course, we had to use proper English, not slang, text speak or whatever the hell you call the language you use.

or does your mother not know you grew up to be a Gaylord +5?

Trying to decipher this comment, I'm guessing this is some reference to my sexuality. Well, again, I, personally, have never been with a guy or even fantasized about being with a guy. However, if that's what turns some people on, so be it. But, let me respond by asking you if your military Dad knows that his daughter grew up and got a boyfriend who "used to make me suck him off as he viewed this site"? There's an old saying about "people in glass houses," maybe, instead of drinking coffee and watching all the geeks type their papers this Spring Break, you can do a little reading up on that particular saying.

*lets the barbed point fly*

Now, we can go on trading barbs and insults all day. I have indicated that I enjoy your blog, enjoy your posts and think you have a nice wit and a good sense of humor. For some reason, you have seen my "crit" of your depictions of black males as insulting. It wasn't intended to be. In fact, I pointed out that it counterbalances the other stereotype of black males that runs heavily through this Forum. My comments were made in jest and in a good natured tone. You should learn to take a joke as well as make one.
*smiles and laughs*

And I have indicated that you should fuck yourself....good and hard. But perhaps that is too roguish a statement for such a fine little bard like yourself. My apologies. Sincerely. I came in, I splashed gasoline all over your little house of perviness, and I lit it.

Poof....goes your faggy little day.
*chuckles again*

On thy program, thy education: Too bad you wasted your money--or your parent's money--on your degree. I suppose Steven Pinker's words are not read but such a gentle little man as thyself. For a vanguard of the language, perhaps you have forgotten its history as the bastard of the world? Guess that's probably what you are. Excuse me, you have no mother. I didn't see that at first. Now I do. *chuckles*

But it is so good to see you with your feather's all ruxxxling. Twas pwafierish of me to gut such a noble scholar....but as you see, there is no shuffling of the cards when I come to play. But I did so like your blood....but the hot air...egads....its stank did slink homeward down to Tartarus.

Now....take your grubby paws off me Gaylord and get thee hence, but bow before you leave my shadow....

P.S. to Gaylord

Notation on the "ruxxling" and "pwafierish" thinguhmajigusrigus. Twas my way of making fun of you as you made fun of me making fun of you. Really, fuxxing with someone's programmed psyche is way too much fun. In fact my good, good man, I must tell thee: This whole blog thing....was a set up. A ruse. A type of rabbit hole you fell down...down...down into. And bumpish and frumpish you became.

*dances around like a wee pixie*

It will be yours to figure out why?

Really, this is too much fun.
Oi veh.

And thus, Alice wrote her very last words and lived happily neverafter.
Dear Alice, reading your posts reminds me of something the Hatter once asked you: "Why is a raven like a writing desk?"

I'm quite certain your response today would be the same response you gave many, many years ago.

So, Alice, pray tell, as you head down the Rabbit Hole, will you be going out altogether, like a candle?

And I have indicated that you should fuck yourself....good and hard

My, such an eloquent statement from such a fine young lass as yourself. Perhaps, I could suggest that you do the same. Or, better yet, perhaps, you should get on your knees, in between Todd's legs and do your duty while Todd reads the old boards, here. Or, perhaps, you should give "The Better Nature of Our Angels" another read - better still, try to give Lincoln's first Inaugural Address a try.

For you, my fellow English student, I say "a pair of stocks, you rogue."
Sigh ... looks like Alice's one day pass is over and she had to leave the freak show, here, and head back to her own asylum. Sadly, Alice doesn't live here, anymore. It certainly was fuxxing fun while it fuxxing lasted.

Well, all that's left to say is "Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow..."

*smiles and laughs*
@Cissy Maid

*stands over him, her left heel--sheathed in impossibly steep club boots--digs into the dimple of flesh at his puckering pouch*

I love it when a man knows his place and I don't have to beat them to shreadzzz. And I hope you are not peering up my skirt down there, sissy. Cause you might find my cunt in your face with last nights cum dripping out of it! I'd hate to embarrasses you here in front of your icky friends.
Greetings My Visitors,

At last respectful folk visit to pay their respects. But alas, thanks to one man's hateful critique, I had to bring down most of my material. You know how jealous some men can be of ebony love:)

Perhaps I should place my fiction back online???

*traces a line over her hips with a black fingernail*
Yes Goddess, I hope those poses pleased and amused you. Did you get the last facijl cliseup I sent in email Goddess?
Know that your ultimate submission has pleased your goddess, sissy.
All of your pictures were sacrifices, and I reward you with my brand of humiliation.

To be outright with it...I want to buy a black strap-on and bust thy cherry as you
plead with me to go easy.

Tell us all, slave.
How stand you with anal penetration? Can you take a big strap-on if thy goddess
demands it?

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