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Black Bastard

  • Thread startermuleman
  • Start date
Following up on my last post or response to Muleman, who by the way I agree with 100%, in today's news I see where a sheriff in Arizona implemented a phone number system where people could call in illegal aliens to the police department. Of course, some worthless Democrat Steve somebody, a state representative from Arizona, was arguing that this was racial profiling. This crap has got to stop! If they are illegal aliens then get rid of them. Racial profiling is completely irrelevant. If it a black man, a white man or a Hispanic that is committing the crime then arrest them. No matter what the race, there is a reason why every felon is in prison. It is what it is! Face the facts!
Also, I hear of some worthless man, who happens to be Hispanic as the liberal media would want to interject, who ***** a young girl 12 years ago and was let go and not convicted only to recently shoot 3 , black college students (the liberal media would want me to interject the race again) in an execution style killing. And for what? Their cell phones!
What I am trying to say is this guy who ***** a young girl 12 years ago should have been killed then. Rehabilitation is useless and is a waste of my tax money. Kill him. If they would have killed him then we would have three young men (black men because the liberal media would want me to interject the race) still alive and enjoying their lives and maybe some IR sex. Know what I mean?
Someone mentioned prisons. I would like to see none of our citizens ever pay taxes again to build prisons. How do you do this? Easy, line the guilty inmates up and shoot them. That's how! Of course the liberal media and liberal public would see this as being harsh and all of that bullshit. The crimes that are being committed such as this man in NY who beat his wife are crimes that are the worse in history. So it calls for real punishment. KILL THEM!!! If no one has the stomach to do it then get the hell out of the way and I will visit prisons each day around the nation and do it myself! I am tired of the crap!!! I also blame liberal judges and attorneys as much as I do the criminals!
Racial profiling and liberalism is ruining this nation. We take out the Ten Commandments out of the schools then wonder why the children are so screwed up but hey let's do everything we can to welcome the teachings of the Karan which claims you better convert or get killed. This is just another piece of crap that is going on in this nation. I am right and I have the proof!
A very delicate subject for a white guy to comment on. Forgive me if I offend, my words are based on my own experience and thoughts and I will be the first to admit my ignorance on black feelings and thiughts.

What you describe is not confined to the States, in the UK it could be said the tolerant Christian majority is being taken advantage of and the legal system seems to benefit the criminal, not the victim.

As for "profiling", I dont think anyone can win. Half the time people are annoyed when colour is mentioned and yet the other half the colour is being rammed down our throats, both in a positive and a negative light.

I have my own equal opportunities policy: " I don't give a shit what age, colour, sex, creed or religion you are, how many legs you have or who you are sleeping with - you are who you are and I will do my best to respect that, but I am not perfect and can, and do, make mistakes "
just to jump in here, I am not insinuating a racial aspect to this topic. It is a human topic! Here in upstate, it was never referenced as a black man action. On Oprah, it was not referenced as a racial anything. It has only been talked about in the sence of abuse of one human by her husband. Only the video, he demanded his son take, showed he was black. In this instance, I cant say it was liberal bias because of race, but rather a liberal slide to we have to fix this poor man, because he has a problem. No, he's evil.
WatchWife&BlackGuy said:
Following up on my last post or response to Muleman, who by the way I agree with 100%, in today's news I see where a sheriff in Arizona implemented a phone number system where people could call in illegal aliens to the police department. Of course, some worthless Democrat Steve somebody, a state representative from Arizona, was arguing that this was racial profiling. This crap has got to stop! If they are illegal aliens then get rid of them. Racial profiling is completely irrelevant. If it a black man, a white man or a Hispanic that is committing the crime then arrest them. No matter what the race, there is a reason why every felon is in prison. It is what it is! Face the facts!
Also, I hear of some worthless man, who happens to be Hispanic as the liberal media would want to interject, who ***** a young girl 12 years ago and was let go and not convicted only to recently shoot 3 , black college students (the liberal media would want me to interject the race again) in an execution style killing. And for what? Their cell phones!
What I am trying to say is this guy who ***** a young girl 12 years ago should have been killed then. Rehabilitation is useless and is a waste of my tax money. Kill him. If they would have killed him then we would have three young men (black men because the liberal media would want me to interject the race) still alive and enjoying their lives and maybe some IR sex. Know what I mean?
Someone mentioned prisons. I would like to see none of our citizens ever pay taxes again to build prisons. How do you do this? Easy, line the guilty inmates up and shoot them. That's how! Of course the liberal media and liberal public would see this as being harsh and all of that bullshit. The crimes that are being committed such as this man in NY who beat his wife are crimes that are the worse in history. So it calls for real punishment. KILL THEM!!! If no one has the stomach to do it then get the hell out of the way and I will visit prisons each day around the nation and do it myself! I am tired of the crap!!! I also blame liberal judges and attorneys as much as I do the criminals!
Racial profiling and liberalism is ruining this nation. We take out the Ten Commandments out of the schools then wonder why the children are so screwed up but hey let's do everything we can to welcome the teachings of the Karan which claims you better convert or get killed. This is just another piece of crap that is going on in this nation. I am right and I have the proof!

What would you know about racial profiling!! have you ever been stoped by cops just because you are black! and you keep saying those liberal media. You sound like one of those southern rednecks. It is red necks like you and biggots that are ruining this nation!! So do us a favor and shut the fuck up! this aint the place for rednecks like you!!

bflobird said:
just to jump in here, I am not insinuating a racial aspect to this topic. It is a human topic! Here in upstate, it was never referenced as a black man action. On Oprah, it was not referenced as a racial anything. It has only been talked about in the sence of abuse of one human by her husband. Only the video, he demanded his son take, showed he was black. In this instance, I cant say it was liberal bias because of race, but rather a liberal slide to we have to fix this poor man, because he has a problem. No, he's evil.

I wonder why race was not stated on Oprah DUH! I am talking about the liberal news networks people. Get with the program here okay? I am talking about the liberal white people on the news networks. Read it again and understand! Gee, a liberal slide to fix a person??? That will be the first of its kind! The only way to fix this is by killing the bastard!!! Just like OJ Simpson should have been killed because he WAS the murderer!!! Hell even a dumbass knows that OJ killed his wife and the Goodman kid!!!
Thank You!

BigJerome said:
What would you know about racial profiling!! have you ever been stoped by cops just because you are black! and you keep saying those liberal media. You sound like one of those southern rednecks. It is red necks like you and biggots that are ruining this nation!! So do us a favor and shut the fuck up! this aint the place for rednecks like you!!

Thank you for proving my point! I knew it would not take long before one of you complete idiots would come along. The reason why I have never been stopped by the police is that I have never done any crime that is why. This proves my point exactly! A southern redneck and a biggot??? I have been here much longer than yourself BigJerome. Please give us a case where YOU have been a so called victim of racial profiling. Go ahead. Let us all know. Of course you will leave out all of the details about how you were guilty. Obviously this post struck a nerve with you and WHY? Because obviously you have been stopped for a reason. Please tell us Jerome why you were stopped.
This explains my point clearly. The fact is that the police do not go in your home, yank you out of bed and accuse you of a crime. You obviously were in the wrong place at the wrong time for a REASON!!!! Admit it! I have just as many friends who are black as white. i get so tired of being called a biggot and a racist from misinformed people like yourself. Just goes to show exactly what I said is true. If Jerome was Hispanic, he would have said the same thing about the guy who ***** a girl 12 years ago then killed 3 BLACK COLLEGE STUDENTS and is now in prison. Now Mr. Jerome, why do you think I am so enraged about the murder of 3 BLACK COLLEGE MEN by a man who wanted their cell phones? And yet you call me a southern redneck and a biggot! You complete and total dumbass! You obviously did not read my entire post or you plucked pieces of it to conform to your own hatred of southern whites. Now which is it? You can not win in this argument. Actually none of you can. I am enraged at crime in general. I do not care if the people are black, white or purple. I am tired of the bullshit! Start by killing OJ Simpson then work your way through the crap of society until you get it right again. Black, white, it does not matter just eliminate them. Mr. Jerome read the original post here and try to understand it. Put your bigotry against white people aside and read my words for once! I am right, I have proof every day!
WatchWife&BlackGuy said:
Thank you for proving my point! I knew it would not take long before one of you complete idiots would come along. The reason why I have never been stopped by the police is that I have never done any crime that is why. This proves my point exactly! A southern redneck and a biggot??? I have been here much longer than yourself BigJerome. Please give us a case where YOU have been a so called victim of racial profiling. Go ahead. Let us all know. Of course you will leave out all of the details about how you were guilty. Obviously this post struck a nerve with you and WHY? Because obviously you have been stopped for a reason. Please tell us Jerome why you were stopped.
This explains my point clearly. The fact is that the police do not go in your home, yank you out of bed and accuse you of a crime. You obviously were in the wrong place at the wrong time for a REASON!!!! Admit it! I have just as many friends who are black as white. i get so tired of being called a biggot and a racist from misinformed people like yourself. Just goes to show exactly what I said is true. If Jerome was Hispanic, he would have said the same thing about the guy who ***** a girl 12 years ago then killed 3 BLACK COLLEGE STUDENTS and is now in prison. Now Mr. Jerome, why do you think I am so enraged about the murder of 3 BLACK COLLEGE MEN by a man who wanted their cell phones? And yet you call me a southern redneck and a biggot! You complete and total dumbass! You obviously did not read my entire post or you plucked pieces of it to conform to your own hatred of southern whites. Now which is it? You can not win in this argument. Actually none of you can. I am enraged at crime in general. I do not care if the people are black, white or purple. I am tired of the bullshit! Start by killing OJ Simpson then work your way through the crap of society until you get it right again. Black, white, it does not matter just eliminate them. Mr. Jerome read the original post here and try to understand it. Put your bigotry against white people aside and read my words for once! I am right, I have proof every day!

Those who approve of racial profiling are red neck pigs! ask the thousands of brothers who get stopped every day because of nothing but their skin color! Cops see a bro in a lexus and assume it is stolen or he is a drug dealer!! I am sick of white guys like you saying they are not raciest then they go ahead and cry for racial profiling! I am a professional BM who has been a stoped a few times for no reason other than skin color. And if you are with a white woman you are twice as likely to be stopped! surely a white woman would not ride witha black man willingly therefore she must be with him against her will! so stop with I am not a raciest line! Profiling equals Racism!
I will comment more Monday as I have a extremley busy day with dealing with morons. This is not nor did I post this because of a race issue. Just another case of this yesterday with a white family here in the Midwest . Father & son sexual abuse against the mother and two sisters. Sick fucking world folks.
I started this thread for the abuse that was done by a whole family against their mother. Who is paying for the crime and who has to live with it the rest of her life. If you call kids free ,36 years for the man paying for it no he will be out in parole and no doubt do it to another woman. How do you stop this, easy do a crime like this death sentence thirty days at the longest no paper filing in courts for 20 years. The young man that shot the three college students easy against the wall dead in no longer then thirty days. Maybe when this country comes to grips that or legal system sucks we can prevent some of this. Profiling racism yes it is there. There will always be a certain amount of people that do this. I won't even go into the mews media because I can't stand them.
you reread!

WatchWife&BlackGuy said:
I wonder why race was not stated on Oprah DUH! I am talking about the liberal news networks people. Get with the program here okay? I am talking about the liberal white people on the news networks. Read it again and understand! Gee, a liberal slide to fix a person??? That will be the first of its kind! The only way to fix this is by killing the bastard!!! Just like OJ Simpson should have been killed because he WAS the murderer!!! Hell even a dumbass knows that OJ killed his wife and the Goodman kid!!!

uh, why don't you take a valium and reread what I wrote. You got too much pissiness to see it for what it is. I am exactly referencing the fact that the liberal media sees it as "fixing" the criminal. That's a quote idiot. Is the entire concept of irony and tongue in cheek comments beyond your comprehension? Before you go into rant mode, why don't you stop and read?
There is far too much excuse making by the media for crime and criminals and not enough common sence. If you would think first and speak second, maybe people in here wouldn't see you as a redass screamer, but rather a reasoned individual.
J, take a chill pill...

BigJerome said:
Those who approve of racial profiling are red neck pigs! ask the thousands of brothers who get stopped every day because of nothing but their skin color! Cops see a bro in a lexus and assume it is stolen or he is a drug dealer!! I am sick of white guys like you saying they are not raciest then they go ahead and cry for racial profiling! I am a professional BM who has been a stoped a few times for no reason other than skin color. And if you are with a white woman you are twice as likely to be stopped! surely a white woman would not ride witha black man willingly therefore she must be with him against her will! so stop with I am not a raciest line! Profiling equals Racism!

BigJerome, chill on the racial profiling'll get a heart attack and die like James Brown, Gerald Levert, etc.:bitch:

And quit hazing most of the members. I get harassed by Cops everyday, but I learned to rise above the bullshit profiling. After a few times, they stopped after realizing I wasn't a drug dealer, pimp, or whatever. (I will say that there are a select few bad cops that DON'T know any better, and keep the profiling issue on a Black man.)

Your anger is warranted, but you'll be beating a dead horse.

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