Following up on my last post or response to Muleman, who by the way I agree with 100%, in today's news I see where a sheriff in Arizona implemented a phone number system where people could call in illegal aliens to the police department. Of course, some worthless Democrat Steve somebody, a state representative from Arizona, was arguing that this was racial profiling. This crap has got to stop! If they are illegal aliens then get rid of them. Racial profiling is completely irrelevant. If it a black man, a white man or a Hispanic that is committing the crime then arrest them. No matter what the race, there is a reason why every felon is in prison. It is what it is! Face the facts!
Also, I hear of some worthless man, who happens to be Hispanic as the liberal media would want to interject, who ***** a young girl 12 years ago and was let go and not convicted only to recently shoot 3 , black college students (the liberal media would want me to interject the race again) in an execution style killing. And for what? Their cell phones!
What I am trying to say is this guy who ***** a young girl 12 years ago should have been killed then. Rehabilitation is useless and is a waste of my tax money. Kill him. If they would have killed him then we would have three young men (black men because the liberal media would want me to interject the race) still alive and enjoying their lives and maybe some IR sex. Know what I mean?
Someone mentioned prisons. I would like to see none of our citizens ever pay taxes again to build prisons. How do you do this? Easy, line the guilty inmates up and shoot them. That's how! Of course the liberal media and liberal public would see this as being harsh and all of that bullshit. The crimes that are being committed such as this man in NY who beat his wife are crimes that are the worse in history. So it calls for real punishment. KILL THEM!!! If no one has the stomach to do it then get the hell out of the way and I will visit prisons each day around the nation and do it myself! I am tired of the crap!!! I also blame liberal judges and attorneys as much as I do the criminals!
Racial profiling and liberalism is ruining this nation. We take out the Ten Commandments out of the schools then wonder why the children are so screwed up but hey let's do everything we can to welcome the teachings of the Karan which claims you better convert or get killed. This is just another piece of crap that is going on in this nation. I am right and I have the proof!
Also, I hear of some worthless man, who happens to be Hispanic as the liberal media would want to interject, who ***** a young girl 12 years ago and was let go and not convicted only to recently shoot 3 , black college students (the liberal media would want me to interject the race again) in an execution style killing. And for what? Their cell phones!
What I am trying to say is this guy who ***** a young girl 12 years ago should have been killed then. Rehabilitation is useless and is a waste of my tax money. Kill him. If they would have killed him then we would have three young men (black men because the liberal media would want me to interject the race) still alive and enjoying their lives and maybe some IR sex. Know what I mean?
Someone mentioned prisons. I would like to see none of our citizens ever pay taxes again to build prisons. How do you do this? Easy, line the guilty inmates up and shoot them. That's how! Of course the liberal media and liberal public would see this as being harsh and all of that bullshit. The crimes that are being committed such as this man in NY who beat his wife are crimes that are the worse in history. So it calls for real punishment. KILL THEM!!! If no one has the stomach to do it then get the hell out of the way and I will visit prisons each day around the nation and do it myself! I am tired of the crap!!! I also blame liberal judges and attorneys as much as I do the criminals!
Racial profiling and liberalism is ruining this nation. We take out the Ten Commandments out of the schools then wonder why the children are so screwed up but hey let's do everything we can to welcome the teachings of the Karan which claims you better convert or get killed. This is just another piece of crap that is going on in this nation. I am right and I have the proof!