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black babies

  • Thread starterMav848
  • Start date
I think all white men should have vasectomys first of all so we can continue to have sex without making babies, this does not benefit nobody. Concentrate on improving the white race by mixing it with the stronger black race. White married men married to white women should step up to the plate and be the man of his house by having his wife breed with black men and he should love the children as his own and help raise and support them. Single white men should (as I am willing to do) help by claiming to be the father legally of a SWF's children born to black men and paying the support, health insurance on the child, and life insurance on themselves so the child will always be taken care of. I feel us white men do serve a purpose in life and that is to be there for the WF's and superior BM's offspring--support it and help out in anyway as this mixed race will eventually become a stronger and more dominant race than the current plain ol white cracker race. Interacial children may feel like minorities now but we can change this!
People like the last poster are exactly why people should have to pass a psychological exam before posting idiotic tripe on web boards!
I still don't know why so many black men are so proud to get white womwen pregnant....are they going to be there for that child just like they have been there for the children they have with black women?????????
Stupid Dumbass Idiot!

wm2pay_support4bm_babies said:
I think all white men should have vasectomys first of all so we can continue to have sex without making babies, this does not benefit nobody. Concentrate on improving the white race by mixing it with the stronger black race. White married men married to white women should step up to the plate and be the man of his house by having his wife breed with black men and he should love the children as his own and help raise and support them. Single white men should (as I am willing to do) help by claiming to be the father legally of a SWF's children born to black men and paying the support, health insurance on the child, and life insurance on themselves so the child will always be taken care of. I feel us white men do serve a purpose in life and that is to be there for the WF's and superior BM's offspring--support it and help out in anyway as this mixed race will eventually become a stronger and more dominant race than the current plain ol white cracker race. Interacial children may feel like minorities now but we can change this!

This has got to be the biggest load of bullshit that I have seen in a long time. If two adults engage in interracial sex then they chose to do it. If a white woman marries a black man then so be it. BUT the above load of crap is stupid as hell. If a black man gets any color woman pregnant then it is his responsiblity. Why is it that black men run away from this responsibility? Don't give me that socioeconomic bullshit either. Does a black man have a big dick and nothing else? A real man will provide for his wife and children. Get in the real world people.
There's a section in Dark Cavern entitlted 'Knocked-Up White Wives'...maybe those people so excited about it can look there. At least no children are exploited
There'll ALWAYS be some...

wm2pay_support4bm_babies said:
I think all white men should have vasectomys first of all so we can continue to have sex without making babies, this does not benefit nobody. Concentrate on improving the white race by mixing it with the stronger black race. White married men married to white women should step up to the plate and be the man of his house by having his wife breed with black men and he should love the children as his own and help raise and support them. Single white men should (as I am willing to do) help by claiming to be the father legally of a SWF's children born to black men and paying the support, health insurance on the child, and life insurance on themselves so the child will always be taken care of. I feel us white men do serve a purpose in life and that is to be there for the WF's and superior BM's offspring--support it and help out in anyway as this mixed race will eventually become a stronger and more dominant race than the current plain ol white cracker race. Interacial children may feel like minorities now but we can change this!

I read somewhere that with 300 million people in America, if ONLY a million were like the above poster that would still only be like .003% of the population? (I hated math) That doesn't make it right or justify it but it tells you that no matter what the topic or where you are there's always somebody with a bizarre thought process. And maybe if the whole thing could be totally kept to fantasy it might be a little more palatable...but sometimes it just seems few folks know where the line is between fantasy and reality anymore
This thread needs to be closed, or at least those photos of children removed before authorities come down on the place hard. I'm not sure it's illegal, but it sure puts the whole site in jeopardy. Where is the frickin' moderator??????????? :feedback: :mad:
These pussy-boys who have such an inferiority complex and no self-esteem make me sick. Nothing is more offensive to me, personally, than a guy saying someone is superior to him merely because he lacks a fucking backbone. As a clinical social worker I fully realize that I should be more empathetic to individuals with self-esteem issues as it is a widely rampant psychological problem among a large faction of our society. Those who realize their esteem issues and wish to work on a better self-image do have my sympathies and I commend them. But many, like the man who made the post we're all in an uproar about, make it nearly impossible to have any such feelings for them as they'd rather embrace their sickness and wallow in it than to roll up their sleeves and do the necessary work to emerge with a stronger self-awareness and healthier mind.
This site is about fantasy??? There is no way you can tell me this cause its in the real world and you see it every day. I am a single dad of an all white son-he's a cool kid but that doesnt mean we want him to reproduce and he already has a vasectomy as I am friends with a Dr who helped me out and of course I have had one too. I am raising him to know his place in this world and know that he should look up to black men and do as they say-he's only 8 so he dont understand all of this yet but he will eventually and have the same respect towards black men and though he may have a white girlfriend or wife, he will know his place in a relationship and know to give her her space when it comes to black men.
You are so full of shit BUT......let me tell you this; if what you say is true, I will track you down through your isp number and contact the local authorities and children service agency in your area if you have really forcefully imposed a vasectomy on your child. IF this is true, which I don't know why I'm getting so worked up about because I know it isn't, I will also have you prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Even posting something like you just did ought to be illegal because it shows how truly troubled your mind is and given half a chance you'd likely act on these disturbing thoughts and fantasies and you should be locked up and stopped before you have the chance!
pimpology101 said:
You are so full of shit BUT......let me tell you this; if what you say is true, I will track you down through your isp number and contact the local authorities and children service agency in your area if you have really forcefully imposed a vasectomy on your child. IF this is true, which I don't know why I'm getting so worked up about because I know it isn't, I will also have you prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Even posting something like you just did ought to be illegal because it shows how truly troubled your mind is and given half a chance you'd likely act on these disturbing thoughts and fantasies and you should be locked up and stopped before you have the chance!
He is MY son to do what I want with him and this was done by an approved DR who was also my friend and understood my beliefs-He himself is a cuck so it wasnt hard to do. There is nothing wrong with what I did and this site is based on this so I think you had better check yourself buddy. You arent scaring me! This is my true belief!
wm2pay is a troll and obvious liar - HIS fantasy is making these posts, ignore him.

The thing of concern here is not the rabble rousers but removing those pictures of CHILDREN from an internet SEX site.
I've avoided this thread, but since becoming a pimpology fan, (I'm so not stalking you...You just tell it how it is) I had to see what was going on...

I find it appalling that anyone would find it okay to post pictures of children, even non-sexual pictures, on a sex site. I mean, come on, y'all know the only reason this thread was started was so someone could sit back and tug on the old manflesh looking at these children. BABIES. There is no justifying pictures of children (in any form) on this site.

Shame on any of you supposed "women" and "mothers" that even argued and defended this thread.
"Mixed babies are beautiful"...blah, blah, blah. We all know that. Children should be protected and sheltered from things of this nature. (And I'm sure I'll get lots of hate off of that...but...bite me.)

Breeding for the sake of breeding? Having children just to have them?
Why does that bring up images of filthy puppy mills into my mind?

And before I get the whole "It's fantasy.."

It's not. Not for the guys sitting here masturbating to innocent images of children. Sickening. Ugh.

I, personally, hope that Sundowner is right and wm2pay is just full of fantasy because, that's just outright abuse. Even making such claims, admitting to that level of abuse...Arent the admins of this board obligated in some way (if not even morally...yes, I brought up morals...Fantasy doesnt erase basic human morals) to report this guy and his IP to the authorities in wm2pays area?

Sick thread. Images of children dont belong on a SEX site.
Single white men should (as I am willing to do) help by claiming to be the father legally of a SWF's children born to black men and paying the support, health insurance on the child, and life insurance on themselves so the child will always be taken care of. I feel us white men do serve a purpose in life and that is to be there for the WF's and superior BM's offspring--support it and help out in anyway [/QUOTE]
OK put your money where your mouth is my granddaughter's dad is a black man and supplies no money for support of his child but wishes to see herwhenever he wishes as a result her mom had to drop out of college (just 2 years shy of becomeing a RN) and now is living in low income houseing on food stamps working a min wage job so shut up or put up
sorry about that never did the quote thingb4 my reply was to wm2 pay for bm babies or something like that
Thanks, Evil (by the way, you can stalk me all you want). I know this guys is full of shit but the very fact he posts such incredulous and asanine bs offends me. No doctor in the world would perform a vasectomy on an 8 year old boy but this guy's fantasies are so whacked that he needs SERIOUS help before he ever does act on any of them, even in a small way.
Outrage is precisely what wm2pay wants - don't you get it? That's how he gets his nut, don't satisfy his urges. It's all lies.

PUT HIM ON IGNORE!!!!! I did, that takes care of his sorry ass.

The outrage is where the hell are the MODERATORS of this site????????? Why haven't they removed those pictures of children? Surely they know about it. You're asking for trouble. WHY??? Children's photographs should NEVER be posted on an internet SEX site under any circumstances!!!!!!!!
I have a feeling this is going to be reported to somebody very soon.

:feedback: :mad:
pimpology101 said:
Thanks, Evil (by the way, you can stalk me all you want). I know this guys is full of shit but the very fact he posts such incredulous and asanine bs offends me. No doctor in the world would perform a vasectomy on an 8 year old boy but this guy's fantasies are so whacked that he needs SERIOUS help before he ever does act on any of them, even in a small way.

lol...Better watch it...I'm local'ish to you. :pimp:

And I agree wholeheartedly about pictures of UNDERAGED persons being removed from an ADULT SEX SITE.

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