Will & Eve said:
I might be wrong on the barrel figure, no, I agree that by itself it doesn't fix anything. But the reason I cited it as something we had neglect is because it was rejected over a decade ago. if it had been approved when it was first proposed, it would be in production by now.
I do not mean that as a sole solution, but in combination with the other things I mentioned - and yes, I'm a big believer in alternative energy too, though I think the ethanol thing is overblown. I like what Brazil is doing with grass instead of corn.
Wrong on the barrel figure is an understatement. 100 million barrels is five times more than we consume daily,lol. Incidentally, no one is absolutely sure what we'll get out of ANWR. I treat any government report with great skepticism especially when produced by an administration with a vested interest.
Nuclear energy facility comtruction ended after Chernobyl. This was not a tree hugger loony left issue but almost universal rejection of a nuclear power plant in anyone's back yard. It's picking up steam again and hopefully we can get some built in the next 5-15 years. The industry is certainly on the path of attempting it and the public, including the tree hugger loony left, is ready for it again.
Unfortunately, the US is not Brazil. And unless we change our consumption, driving, vehicle and mass transportation habits Ethanol will not be a real solution for us.
I will address your other post later. But one thing I do have to say now. The fact is that it has been a republican administration for the past 8 years and when examining the mistakes made it's really hard to find a way to blame the Democrats. So any discussion of the current state of affairs has to be about the Republicans. Now your wishing I blame the democrats or go back to blame carter or clinton or some other past president isn't going to change the fact that the republicans have been in power, is it? Like it or not, republicans have to take responsibility for the current state of affairs, wishful thinking aside.
If anything I lean Republican, and voted as such for almost 20 years. As a matter of fact up until 2004, I had republican fund raisers held in my house for local, state and federal candidates in the Republican party. But I've learned that the Republican party no longer represents classic republican ideals and now contribute based solely on the candidate not party affiliation. I don't keep track of it(my hubby probably does though) but it wouldn't surprise me if we haven't given more even in this election cycle to date to republican candidates than democrats.
You keep saying that you have disagreements with Bush but then proceed to defend everything he's done, all the mistakes of the last 8 years and wish for our next president to be a democrat and fail. And accuse me of partisanship? Really is kind of funny (and sad) to read.