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  • Thread startermissouri_hubby
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RoSquirts said:
Thanks Norm :)

In actuality, I'm quite passionate about politics and very hesitant to post here about it. Most men don't care for women who take stances on issues either, trust me. Honestly, women are much more accepting of it.
Woman I will have to agree with you and I do love a woman that takes a stance on issues.
People this is what is comming. As I live in the midwest Iowa it is one of the last places to get hit with recession. The Rep party that we have in there now has totally fucked up the budget with all the mideast war efforts and rebuilding. The Dem always bitch but end up voting for the money to be sent overseas. Now I myself have lost over $9,000.00 this last year in investments and I'm just a small time person. We have housing in this state with people losing them daily. Now they want to stop the foreclosures on these homes. Whos fault is it that the people borrowed 120% or a 100% of a loan to buy these homes.You can buy homes around here as if you were buying a car out of a lot. I don't want to see anyone homeless but why should the goverment get involved in the housing market. It is goddam sad when the goverment is so upside down because of the housing market in the US. We need someone to get in office and say enough people it is your problem you bought it you deal with it you are the ones that signed your name not your uncle sam. I live in a house that is 6 years old valued at 264,000 my taxes on the house or 3,300 a year here in Iowa my ins is 1,200 a year my utilities run and average of 120.00 a month now I had the land bought and paid for and I had sold a house and took the money and put into this house so when I was all said and done I borrowed 80,000 and I will have it paid for in another 9 years. I bought within my means with out the goverment getting involved. We as people need to put or hand back in our own pocket and live on what we earn not what we can get. Bottom line is jobs or going out the door overseas or just quiting people is living on credit and to much of it they are over their heads and paying min on credit cards so they can eat and raise a family. We have over extended ourselves to a point where the banks credit unions and home lenders have used up alot of funds and investors don't want to put anything more into a down market on housing industry because you lose to much. So this comming year no matter who it is it is gonna stink folks get your credit cards paid down get a month ahead on your home try and put a little back even if it is as little as 50.00 a week because you might need cash for something. It is alright to buy if you can pay back do not buy on programs that you don't have to pay till a year later do not take your refund when your taxes are figured as you lose alot of money for quick cash. If you are gonna survive for the next 4 years you'd better tightend up till you squeak. We are really heading in a down cycle we are inside the door on a recession but we haven't went to the basement yet not 08 but 09 we are gonna be in a world of shit here lowering the prime isn't gonna bring it back up. my 2 cents
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Today: Fed cuts rate to 3.5%. $200k for $1,171/mo. Fixed. LendingTree®. Here you go now this is todays market now how many can afford this it is $14,052.00 plus taxes Ins and utilities a year. This is suppose to help jump start the market for christ sakes if you were married and had two kids or one it would be tough food day care or school autos gas everyday expenses maybe you people on the east coast and west make alot more money then here in Iowa but I know I don't think this is a bargin.
I think Ron Paul is our only hope. They call him Doctor NO for a reason. No pork barrel and no special interest groups.
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Will & Eve said:
I have to admit this thread makes me nervous to - a lot of people can't seperate political disagreements from personal animosity and I, for one, enjot being everyone's friend here and don't want to get any division started over politics. I was tempted to stay out of this thread.

Don't worry about it Will. You and Ro are making this better than "Meet the Press." The only reason I am staying out is that I am very different politically than even both of you and I don't want to start a third leg to this race. (I guess I can be classified as a Jeffersonian Democrat)

Ahhhh DC baby, where else can I get great gab on sports, politics and interracial fucking. I love it.


PS Muleman is right Ro. I also have always gotten along better with dates I can talk with and who can hold their own than with airheads. Keep it up Ro Babe.
Will & Eve said:
I might be wrong on the barrel figure, no, I agree that by itself it doesn't fix anything. But the reason I cited it as something we had neglect is because it was rejected over a decade ago. if it had been approved when it was first proposed, it would be in production by now.

I do not mean that as a sole solution, but in combination with the other things I mentioned - and yes, I'm a big believer in alternative energy too, though I think the ethanol thing is overblown. I like what Brazil is doing with grass instead of corn.

Wrong on the barrel figure is an understatement. 100 million barrels is five times more than we consume daily,lol. Incidentally, no one is absolutely sure what we'll get out of ANWR. I treat any government report with great skepticism especially when produced by an administration with a vested interest.

Nuclear energy facility comtruction ended after Chernobyl. This was not a tree hugger loony left issue but almost universal rejection of a nuclear power plant in anyone's back yard. It's picking up steam again and hopefully we can get some built in the next 5-15 years. The industry is certainly on the path of attempting it and the public, including the tree hugger loony left, is ready for it again.

Unfortunately, the US is not Brazil. And unless we change our consumption, driving, vehicle and mass transportation habits Ethanol will not be a real solution for us.

I will address your other post later. But one thing I do have to say now. The fact is that it has been a republican administration for the past 8 years and when examining the mistakes made it's really hard to find a way to blame the Democrats. So any discussion of the current state of affairs has to be about the Republicans. Now your wishing I blame the democrats or go back to blame carter or clinton or some other past president isn't going to change the fact that the republicans have been in power, is it? Like it or not, republicans have to take responsibility for the current state of affairs, wishful thinking aside.

If anything I lean Republican, and voted as such for almost 20 years. As a matter of fact up until 2004, I had republican fund raisers held in my house for local, state and federal candidates in the Republican party. But I've learned that the Republican party no longer represents classic republican ideals and now contribute based solely on the candidate not party affiliation. I don't keep track of it(my hubby probably does though) but it wouldn't surprise me if we haven't given more even in this election cycle to date to republican candidates than democrats.

You keep saying that you have disagreements with Bush but then proceed to defend everything he's done, all the mistakes of the last 8 years and wish for our next president to be a democrat and fail. And accuse me of partisanship? Really is kind of funny (and sad) to read.

over here the govenment has been tracking us secretly for years. purely for terrorist activities of course.
later this may be rediefined?. In a country where we have the most open borders in teh world and more security cameras per head than any other country in teh world we still welcome those that want to do us harm.
in a few decades you canb read about us over here and it will seem a totally differenbt country, mainly becuase ti is. there are secret plans to have us renamed as the word 'england' causes offence. our govenment is conspiring to have one EU army navy etc as a 'defensive' for. our nuclear subs are to be shared (france wants one) and yOU lot worry? at least you do have soem freedoms.
Will & Eve said:
Look up "Echelon" and make note of who was in power when it was proposed.

I'm not quite sure how this myth of Clinton proposing Echelon started but there are reports concerning Echelon by name going back as far as 1988. In fact, most intelligence experts trace it's roots back as far as 1947 as an international effort to monitor the Soviet Union during the cold war.

Nevertheless, this is that earliest newspaper article to reference the program by the code name Echelon -


Maybe you should have looked up Echelon?
Will & Eve said:
True, but the CURRENT deficit is not the source of our dollar problems - as a precentage of GDP it's not even the biggest ever....the source of instability is that nothing is being done by anyone to fix it. I watched the Dems debate last night and they argued whether or not they could pay for their grand new plans but said nothing about the fact we were already running in the red. What kind of fool proposese massive new programs when you are already running in the red?

Probably the same kind of fool that wants to continue the spending spree we've been on, promising no increase in taxes or return to earlier tax structures.

People running for office, one pandering to the needy, the other to the greedy. Both trying to buy votes.
Will & Eve said:
If it was conservatism, then I don't see why you are not agreeing with me that Republicans have been so bad the last 8 years because the betrayed the phillosophy that got them elected.

Actually I did say that, somewhat. They didn't betray the philosophy that got them elected IMHO. They simply betrayed traditional republican ideals, particularly regarding big government, strict constitutional interpretation, fiscal responsibility. Foreign policy has just been mismanagement with no overall philosophy so I can't even comment on that as betraying anything since it's been so incoherent. One can't call it a policy of interference or isolationism since it's been both to the extreme,lol.

I continued my support thru the Clinton years and early Bush years reluctantly (mostly because of my disdain for Gore). But my displeasure with the republican party started with the partisan plays of the mid 90's. Willingness to paralyze the government and president for partisan gain really were at the minimum distasteful to me and I see the polarization of America as our biggest problem and a continuation of that process. The Iraq mess, wasted diplomatic opportunities, and Rove inspired polarizing politics combined with the issues mentioned above were the icing on the cake.

Fiscal irresponsibility really began with Reagan(talking Republicans now) but I thought his attributes overcame that. I wouldn't want another Reagan now but I surely long for his qualities of statesmanship, dignity, and patriotism. Qualities sorely lacking in today's republican and democrat leaders whose sole purpose seems to be attaining and retaining power.

With that, I'm giving this thread a rest,lol.
Will & Eve said:
so you presist in ignoring the proven fact of history that tax decreases produce revenue increases?

Revenue increases occur as long as the economy grows. This is economics 101. Proves absolutely nothing.

See? you dragged me back in,lol!

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