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  • Thread starterlittlejim
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Feb 15, 2007
This is not absolutely true....

...but absolutely all of it is based on truth.

I don't know. Maybe I should have left as soon as he said it? Maybe Sarah and I should never have gone to dinner with them? Maybe we should never have moved back to our home town at all.

He flipped open a bottle of beer and gave it me, even though I had told him I didn't want one, and he said:

"You are a lucky bastard Jamie. Your Sarah is a stunenr. She was pretty at school, but now, well, I wouldn't chuck her out of bed without fucking her twice!"

I wanted to say something, to tell him not to talk about my wife like that, but I was still scared of him after all these years. I just said:

"It's James, actually....."

He took a swig of his beer and belched.

'Yeah - I've got to tell you - and don't take this the wrong way - when my Helen told me Sarah-Jane Spencer had married you, I could't believe it. I mean - you've got her with her looks and her fucking terrific arse and you've got you!"

He finished his beer and cracked open another.

"I always thought you were gay!'

I sipped my beer and swallowed.

"So - what's she like in the sack then? I bet she's a red hot fuck. I always reckon the posh quiet swotty girls are proper whores when you get their clothes off."

That was enough. I put down my bottle and coughed.

"Sarah-Jane is not....."

He held up his hand to stop me.

"Hang on mate."

He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Just picturing your missus with her pants down.'

He rearranged his crotch.

"I got to tell you - the number of times I wanked off imagining her naked arse bent over in front of me.'

"Please -"

"Have another beer - go on finish that one and have another!"

He passed me another opened bottle and I drained the first obligingly as he continued:

"Yes she was quite a favourite at school - you were a couple of years older than us, but when we went on that school trip to France in the third year someone passed around some photos they'd taken of her in their chalet when she was in the shower. We used to have wanking competitions over them. Of course her tits weren't as big then, but I reckon her arse was just as tight and firm as it looks now. Do you spank her?"


"You don't? Fucking hell! You don't have look a gift horse in the mouth. If I had that arse around me I'd spank it every night till is shone red, then bend her over the the bed and shove my cock up her till she squealed."

He rearranged his crotch again.

"Fucking hell mate. You're making me hard just telling me about her."

He stood up and took a DVD case from the shelf above his sofa. He passed it to me.

Sex Teacher 17.

"I thought you'd like that, what with your Sarah-Jane teaching at our old school now. Stick that in the DVD."

I hesitated.

"Go on. The girls will be downstairs getting dinner ready for another ten minutes."

He undid his flies and took out his cock. It was semi hard, but was three times the size of mine at its hardest already.

"I want to crack one out before then, while you tell me all about what your Sarah-Jane is like in the sack."

I stood open-mouthed.

"Well go on dickhead. I need to get one off the wrist now, or I'll have wood all through dinner."

He stopped and smiled at me with contempt.

"Or do you want to suck me off yourself like you used to suck off the other fags in the changing rooms after gym?"

I hated him so much. They had made their victims - me and my friends - perform for them, even though they were younger than us. I hated him when he bullied me at school and I hated him now. I should never have agreed to this stupid dinner. Just because his Helen was my wife's best friend from school. I wanted Sarah to be happy but I was terrified of him still. I put the DVD in the player and sat again. I had finished another beer. He opened and passed me another.

"That's it - skip through to the next scene - the bird in this one is the dead spit of your wife."

On the screen a slim teacher with long straight blonde hair and a short skirt was being seduced by one of her sixth form students.

"This is great. Just like old times. Take your cock out and have a wank if you want. You love this bit. It's really clever. The student actually spanks the teacher and then he bangs her up the bung-hole. Go on - get your prick out and wank. You know you want to. He waited until I obeyed. "Are Sarah-Jane's tits as big as her's"

"A little smaller, I think."

I watched transfixed as he stroked his cock. So big.

"What are her nipps like? Bet they're tiny and pointy when she gets turned on, yeah?"

I nodded, my cheeks burning.

"Yeah - just like I imagined. Does she like you to suck on them when you're fucking her?"

I stammered

"Can you tell she's had three kids sucking on them? She's what? 36 now? Same as Helen. God I'd love to put my cock between them and fuck 'em. Come all over her chin!"

He laughed.

"Look - that man in the porno is fucking your wife up the arse now. Oh yes! You know. My eldest will be in her french class next year. He's in the same year as your twins. Maybe I should show him this film, eh? Ha! Maybe I should show them all!'

He saw my cock twitch

"You like that, don't you?"

Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him. I was cumming.

"You like the idea of my man fucking your missus. You fucking pervert. Well go on then. Bring yourself off. Come for daddy!"

I filled my hand, in shame.

"Do you mens want any more beers?"

Fuck! His wife was calling from the kitchen.

I looked at him. My hand was full of cum and he was smiling.

"Eat it. Then kneel down here and finish me off. Then you can turn off the DVD before the girls come in."

There was no choice. I knew it. I licked my hand clean then knelt between his open legs. He wanked himself harder and faster, then as he began to twitch, he pulled my mouth to his cock and spurted and spurted and spurted into my throat.

He patted me on the head.

"DVD fuckwit. The girls are coming."

I hurriedly ejected the disk and hid the case behind a cushion as my lovely wife and her best friend walked in with a tray of crisps and a glasses of wine.

"Sarah Jane! I was just telling Jamie here I don't know what a beautiful, sexy woman like you is doing with somone like him!"

This story is based loosely on truth. Please feel free to message me if you want to know more. Also, please make any suggestions for what you would like to happen next.

He patted the sofa beside him. I saw Sarah catch Helen's eys before she sat next to him. She smiled and smoothed her skirt over her knees as she perched on the edge of the sofa to his left. He laughed and patted her leg.

'Well, isn't this nice. Jamie and me were talking about old time, weren't we mate?'

I nodded nervously, hoping he was not going to tell Sarah about the hell I had endured. I had decided long ago to keep my humiliation from her. I could not help but notice that he had left his hand on my wife's leg.

'Yes. We had some laughs. What about you two? Were you reminding yourself of school days?'

Helen smiled. She had a fuller figure that Sarah, and as she lent forward to give me a glass of wine, her low cut top gaped open. She saw me looking and winked

'Oh we were, weren't we Sarah-Jane?'

She sat beside me.

'We were best friends. We looked after each other. She helped me with my work, and I made sure that none of the other girls gave her a hard time about being so swotty. I was really sad when she went away to university.'

Her husband laughed again.

'Yeah. I bet. I was telling Jamie about how everyone in our year liked Sarah-Jane. Didn't they?'

He was looking at Sarah, but Helen answered with a giggle.

'All the mens did, didn't you?'

She squeezed my leg.

'Don't mind him - he's being naughty teasing you. Sarah-Jane was quite the pin-up at school. But she stuck with me and I looked after her, didn't I SJ?'

Sarah nodded, her eyes wide and fearful.

'Yes - she was always all right so long as she did what I said.'

He topped up my wine. I tried to stop him:

'No - I have to drive.....'

But he ignored me:

'Oh you'll be fine. This is a party!'

He topped up Helen and Sarah's glasses then sat beside her again with his left hand on her leg. He stroked her legs, and the dress rode a little up her thighs. Sarah blushed, but she did nothing to stop him.

'Yes. My little SJ was always very obedient, weren't you?'

Helen teased. He raised his glass and waited for us all to join him.

'Cheers! Here's to school days! And you are teaching there now Sarah-Jane too? That must be just like old time.'

She smiled thinly and whispered:

'Not really.'

'What has brought you both back here? I thought you two settled down south after you left university. Jamie in his high-powered job, and you the home counties wife at home? What happened to bring you back here?'

I mumbled about recession and cut-backs and down-scaling, but he cut in.

'You got sacked, didn't you? You lost your house and you've come back to live with your mum?'

I blushed bright red. Sarah nodded and hissed:


All the while his hand was stroking her thigh, her dress rising ever higher. She made no attempt to stop him.

'I bet she's proud of you!' he snorted, and slid his hand between her legs to squeeze. I flinched. Sarah caught my eye, and flicked her head to stop me.

I fought my corner:

'It's just until I get back on my feet again. Until I can get enough work....'

'Yes - I heard you were a consulting now - you're doing some work for some of the guys I work with.'

His hand had parted Sarah's legs. She gasped.

'Do you want my to put in a word for you? Tell them about the good old days at school? Might get you some extra work, eh?'

I wanted to stop him, but I was frozen in fear and shock and watching him with my wife I was getting hard again. Helen had noticed and was smiling at me with contempt. I said

'N-no. I am sure I'll be fine.'

The oven buzzer went off in the kitchen. Helen stood up, then leaned to take my glass, her large, bra-less breasts in my face.

'Dinner's ready. SJ - you are going to help me serve.'

Sarah rose, her skirt falling from the tops of her thighs to her knees as he rose after her. He rose after her and slapped her bottom with a laugh.

'Off you go then Sarah-Jane.'

He looked at me with a sneering wink.

'You're going to enjoy this.'

Before she hurried after Helen, Sarah whispered:

'Whatever happens Jim - remember I love you. I can't help myself.'

Again - based sometimes loosely on truth. Feel free to PM me to ask me how, and to suggest any directions in which you would like to see the story develop.
The dining room was large and expensively furnished, but as there were only four of us, places were set at only one end of the table. He sat immediately on the far side, so I went to sit opposite him but Helen stopped me and took Sarah-Jane's arm.

'I'll sit there Jamie. You sit next to me. Sarah-Jane will sit next to my husband. But first of all SJ - would you be a sweet and help me with the soup?'

She took Sarah's hand and led her into the kitchen. He grinned at me as we were left alone again, and poured us both a glass of wine.

'Just a small - '

He dismissed me:

'Oh no Jamie - you look like you need it! Can't have my guest going thirsty! I mean it - if you want, I can put in a word with my contacts and try to throw some work your way. It can't be easy for you just now, with three kids to look after. It must be hard for them. Taken out of their posh private schools and moved all the way up here away from their friends. Well, you can say to your boys I've told my lad all about you and how we knew each other at school. They're going to be in his year. I've told him he's to keep an eye on them. So long as they stay in with him, no one is going to be rough with them.'

He laughed coarsely.

'No one is going to push them around like you used to get pushed around - not so long as they stay in with him.'

Oh shit.

There was a clatter of pans from the kitchen and Helen laughed loudly.

'So how old is your little girl - 16 isn't she? Not so little any more, eh? Has she got a boyfriend?'

I nodded numbly, not sure where this was going. For once I was pleased to be able to say:

'Yes. He's a nice lad. A few years older than her.'

I didn't like him, but I was glad to be able to say she was attached somehow. He shook his head.

'Poor kid. She must miss him. I bet she misses his cock. At that age they can get a bit wild when they're used to shagging and suddenly they're not getting any. Next time you come for dinner, you should bring her too.'

And that, I thought firmly, is never going to happen.

Helen opened the door from the kitchen.

'I am afraid we had a bit of an accident.'

She giggled and held the door open behind her.

'I spilled a litte soup on Sarah-Jane's top, but it's okay. I've put it in the wash for her. She was being silly about it, but I told her she couldn't let her little black dress be spoiled. I insisted, didn't I SJ?'

Sarah stepped into the room carrying a tray with four plates of yellow soup. She was wearing an apron. She was no longer wearing her dress. She was smiling nervously. She looked at me. My cock stiffened.

'And anyway - we're all friends here. She has nothing to hide from us. There's nothing she's got, we haven't seen before, eh darling?'

She closed the door behind Sarah, patted her brute of a husband on the shoulders.

He laughed and leaned back to give an appraising look at my wife's bare bottom.

'Oh - I don't know.....'

Everyone laughed except me, including Sarah; however forcedly. Helen stalked round the table to sit beside me to my right. She reached to my crotch with her left hand and squeezed me.

'Serve my husband first Sarah-Jane.'

She smiled at me, as she casually undid my flies and trousers,

'After all....'

She pulled out my willy.

'He is the man of the house'

She easily circled me with her left hand and held me. Then as Sarah brought her serving tray to our side of the table. she calmly pulled her hand away to her own lap, too late for me to tidy myself up. Sarah stared and flushed but she said nothing. I could not look her in the face.
Again - based sometimes loosely on truth. Feel free to PM me to ask me how, and to suggest any directions in which you would like to see the story develop.
I saw regret in my wife's eyes, but could say nothing. Then Sarah turned to go to her seat. The apron covered her front, but in her thong her bottom was quite bare. And it was blush red. Helen followed my gaze.

'Sarah-Jane and I had a bit of falling out when you arrived. I had to remind her to do as she was told. But you're a good girl now, aren't you Sarah-Jane?'

Sarah nodded and almost bobbed a curtsey:

'Yes Helen. Thank you Helen.'

'Put the tray on the side and sit down.'

Sarah meekly obeyed.

'You know it's easier if you're a good girl Sarah-Jane.'

He patted her bare thigh. She sat frozen and upright, her hands by her sides.


'Do eat your soup, Jamie, while it's hot' Helen urged me.

'You know SJ used to be very naughty sometimes when we were at school, I often had to spank her bottom, didn't I Sarah-Jane?

Sarah sat bolt upright not touching her food. Then I realised. There was no cutlery set at her place.

'When she was nice, we were best friends, though, weren't we? Like I said, we looked out for each other. Aren't you hungry Sarah-Jane? You must eat your soup.'

Sarah-Jane flinched.

'SJ!' Helen warned. I numbly sipped at my spoon:

'This is lovely, Helen.'

She smiled and patted my bare erect penis.

'Thank you. You are nice.' Then she chattered on to me:

'We were so bad sometimes. You know Sarah-Jane used to do all my homework for me. She wrote all my course work for me, so I got A grades, and then had to think of new ideas for her own work. I think it was having to work that extra bit more that helped her do so well in the end, you know. Sarah-Jane if you do not eat your soup I will come round there and spank your bottom right now in front of everyone.'

Helen nudged me and giggled:

'I did that once. I had some girls round to sleep over and she was helping out. She was being - you know - difficult like she can be sometimes, and I warned her and she carried on so my friends pushed her over my knee, up with her skirt, down with her knickers and a proper spanking in front of everyone. We laughed so hard my dad came in to tell us off! We all blamed SJ and he spanked her too'

Helen sighed.

'Happy days!'

She put down her spoon on her empty plate.

'SJ - eat your soup, now. I'm waiting.'

I watched in shock as Sarah lent forward and began drinking her soup from her bowl like a cat darting its tongue in and out. He tore at his bread and wiped his bowl with one piece and then offered a hunk of bread to Sarah, who ate it from his hand as delicately as she could. Helen's hand found my willy again, and she whispered:

'I don't care what my husband says. I think your little cock is sweet!'

She circled her hand around me and slowly began to tease me towards climax. She said aloud:

'Oh yes we were so bad. Did Sarah-Jane tell you about the time we took polaroid photos of her in the nude in the shower when we were away with school, and sold the prints to the mens and bought vodka with the money we made?

Sarah whimpered.

'No? Oh well! Yes. I was so sad when she went off to university after you and then she got married without telling anyone. Still, you've come back to me now. Are you finished?'

SJ sat upright. She had soup around her mouth and on her nose. Helen scolded her:

'Sarah Jane! Darling - wipe her face for her, would you?'

He smirked and turned her face to him then took his napkin and carefully wiped her face. He spat on his napkin and wiped her lips. Then he took her chin in his hand and kissed her delicately, then increasingly passionately, his tongue darting into her mouth. I shuddered as Helen squeezed me again:

'Your Sarah-Jane! She is a tease! Leave her alone for a minute will you. Jamie's here. He's a red blooded male you know. He needs his meat. Sarah-Jane - you can clear away and bring in the main course.'

Sarah stumbled to her feet, gathered the empty bowls and hurried away into the kitchen.

'What's your daughter's name? Eleanor? And is Ellie like her mummy?'
Very much looking forward to more. Well done and very entertaining.
Helen smiled at her husband, as she took her hand from my lap.

'Darling - would you help SJ in the kitchen? everything is keeping warm in the oven.'

He rose smirking and followed my Sarah out of the room. Helen leaned towards me conspiratorially:

'I think my husband has got quite a thing for your wife, you know. He always did fancy her at school. I think she likes him too. I can tell. But you were telling me all about Ellie. I bet she is just like her mum, isn't she?'

I nodded and she continued:

'I bet she is. I bet she's smart and hard-working. Not like mine! My eldest lad can be right sod sometimes, and he's always getting into trouble at school. I am so glad he's going to be hanging around with your boys from now. I am sure they'll be nice like you were at school. I remember you. I just wish my girls were old enough to be friends with your Ellie, but they're still at primary school. Oh I know. She can babysit for them. That will be great fun. Where are they tonight by the way? Oh - silly me. They'll be at home with your mum. It must be good have a built in babysitter! Mine are staying with friends. It's nice to have a night off being a mum. Do you spank Ellie, or does your mum spank her?'

I stuttered that we have never spanked her at all. She looked shocked and amused.

'Oh, she must need a good spanking - if she's like her mummy. You've seen how Sarah-Jane is much better behaved when she has been given a tanned bottom. I tell you what - I'll spank her for you if you don't want to do it yourself. No need to thank me. Anything for my SJ's little girl. They are taking their time in the kitchen aren't they? What do you think they are doing in there?'

I shook myself. I could imagine what they were doing all too well. I shuffled in my seat. Helen reassured me:

'Oh don't worry sweetie. It's okay if the idea of him being with her turns you on. It's only fucking. She still loves you.'

This was too much. I was a man. I wasn't going to stand for this. I had to save Sarah. I stood up angrily. Helen laughed:

'Oh sweetie - don't be silly. If you're going to storm in to stop him, you'd better put your little winkie away first and pull your trousers up! Just sit down and think before you do anything stupid.'

I hesitated.

'Oh, sit down! Think Jamie! Right now your wife is having sex with a proper man, with a big dick, not a cock-sucking litte prick pansy like you. If you stop her, do you think she's going to thank you. Take my word for it. She is not. And do you think he'll want to stop. He will beat you up like he used to when you were at school - in front of Sarah-Jane. Hell - you don't even know her. She was my little subbie friend all through school. She likes to be spanked. She likes to be dominated. She loved it when I gave her to my friends. You thought she was a fucking virgin or something? And, think of your kids. Life is hard enough for them just now - you do not want to make an enemy of my boy for them, do you? Do you want them to enjoy school the same way you did?'

I could not move.

'Sweetheart, Sarah-Jane is mine. I only lent her to you.'
Shocked into silence I slumped back into my seat.

'Good man. So, you are not going to complain about your wife serving me. You are not going to complain when I keep her in line. You are not going to complain about anything I ask her to do, or be angry with her when she obeys. You are not going to stop me little Ellie working for me, and taking the spankings I know she needs. You are not going to be difficult. Are you?'

I shook my head, broken by the force of her words.

'In return, I will see you are all protected. And you can keep Sarah-Jane, and we will talk about when you are allowed to have sex with her.'

The kitchen door opened and first Sarah and then Helen's husband returned, plates in hand.

'Put your winkie away, Jamie.'

Helen teased, and I quickly fastened my trousers. Sarah was blushing and flushed. I was not surprised. I could not meet her eye at all. She sat and looked at Helen. Helen nodded and told her she could eat:

'You can use your fingers SJ.'

I don't know what it was we were eating. I did not know how to deal with this. I felt humiliated and bullied but I was breathless and turned on too. And across the table from me, my wife sat almost naked, her chest barely hidden by the kitchen apron. She was Helen's and always had been. Now, spanked and half naked she looked more relaxed than I had seen her in years.

'Has he agreed?' He asked Helen.

'To everything.' She answered.

Sarah looked confusedly at her mistress.

'Jamie has agreed to you remaining my little toy, like you were when we were at school. You can go home with him, but I will expect you to report to me and do all those little things for me that you remember doing when we were girls.'

Sarah darted a fearful look at me. I was angry with her. She had just been with him. She had betrayed me. I stared coldly back. I saw her break and she sobbed.

'.....and Jamie thinks it would be a good idea for me to deal with Ellie's discipline too, so she is going to be our new babysitter. Isn't that nice?'

He leered:

'I'll look forward to that.'


We ate on in silence. There was a mixed atmosphere: tense between Sarah and me while Helen and her husband were amused. And, of course, there was a little sexual tension too.

As she cleared her plate Helen saw me staring at my wife and asked me:

'When do you think I first gave Sarah-Jane to someone to fuck, Jamie?'

I didn't know.

'SJ? Tell him.'

Tight lipped and angry she said:


'But Jamie thought.....? You mean you weren't - you know - doing it with my husband in the kitchen after all?' She acted so surprised.

Sarah stared at me:


'Not even letting him put his cock in your bottom, SJ?'

She stared at me.

'You didn't? I have never done that with anyone Jamie.'

Helen laughed:

'Well, Jamie, I think you owe your wife an apology. I am her mistress, you see. She does what I say and I look after her. And I kept her pure - well, pure-ish. She was bait. I could attract any man as long as she was mine and when she only went so far, I could choose whoever I wanted to finish them off.'

She lit a cigarette.

'Of course, you've changed all that by marrying her. I don't have to look after her virtue. That's your problem. And it is up to her who she wants to fuck. And after the way you treated her, thinking she was some sort of slut? Well SJ? Who do you want to sleep with tonight? Your husband? Or would you like to give my husband a treat?'

Again - based sometimes loosely on truth. Feel free to PM me to ask me about this basis, or to suggest any directions in which you would like to see the story develop.
He smiled and heard the slap of his hand on my angry wife's thigh. Sarah looked daggers as me.

'I'll let you think about it'

Helen said and stood up.

'Jamie sweet - would you clear the table, while I get the sweet - it's my speciality. I call it Chocolate Sex!'

She giggled:

'You are going to love it'

Helen sidled past her husband and my Sarah and out to the kitchen. I gathered plates. He smiled at me.

'Please Sarah, I'm.....'

'Just don't. I told you. I said I loved you.'

'Then, please, let's.....'

'Oh just get on with clearing up will you!'

'Sarah - '

She turned from me to him and kissed him on his open mouth. I could see her jaw open and close gently as she pushed her tongue into his mouth. He placed his right hand to the back of her neck and his left cupped her bare bottom.

'Simon!' Helen called from the kitchen.

'Bring the things in here!'

As I walked past the table to the kitchen Sarah slid her right hand to his lap as they kissed passionately. She unfastened his jeans and slid her little hand inside them.

'Hurry up Sweetie!'

I stood in the doorway.

'Please - '

He broke away from kissing my wife for a moment to say:

'Fuck off!'

And then pointedly put his tongue back in her mouth and pulled her closer. She moaned. I left the room.
The kitchen door swung to behind me. Through the glass panes, I could see them kissing. I saw her take his cock out of his jeans. It was huge in her hand. I recognised the look on her face: she looked like she looked when I presented her with her engagement ring. She caught my eye and winked. Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips and she slipped off her chair to kneel in front of him. I turned away, pained. Helen laughed at me.

'Oh go on with you sweetie. She's only sucking his cock! It's not the end of the world.' She talked to me as she prepared dessert. She melted a large bar of broken chocolate in a bowl.

'She's only doing it because she's angry with you, you know. And to please me. You can make it up with her, if I help.' She gave me a spoon and told me to stir thte chocolate. She stood back and looked at me.

'It's funny. You are so alike, and so different. Sarah-Jane has been mine ever since we were at school together. I have stripped her and dressed her and spanked her. I have had her humiliate herself in front all her friends and my friends. I was telling the truth - I have never her had her let anyone have sex with her. In fact, I sort of kept her pure for you!'

She laughed, and poured cream into a mixing bowl.

'I did ask her to give oral to guys a few times - and girls too. But that doesn't count, does it? I mean, my husband had you do that a few time too, didn't he?'

Of course she knew everything.

'You have been his since school too. He has controlled you in just the same way. The number of times he made you humiliate yourself in front of the guys in the changing rooms!'

She turned on the mixer to whip the cream.

'The only difference is that you were his slave because you were scared of him. Sarah Jane obeys me because she loves me.'

She stepped behind me to pour brandy into the chocolate, brushing her large breasts against me. She put her hand over mine on the spoon helping me stir.

'You you do much better if you had me to protect you too, Jamie. If you did what you were told because you loved me like your wife.'

I could feel her warmth against me.

'Would you like to belong to me? Oh don't worry about him, he won't mind. So long as we come to some compromise over your wife. Well?'

She stepped away from me. I looked at her and nodded.

'Take the chocolate off the stove so it can cool a little and we will seal our agreeement.'

I obeyed.

'You realise, I am going to have to train you, and break you to make you mine?'

Again, I nodded.

'Don't worry, I don't think you will be difficult to break, and I will be so kind to you too.'

She smiled at me.

'I am going to have to spank you first. Undo your trousers and bend over with your hands on the unit.'

I knew Sarah-Jane would be able to see me, but I had no choice. Helen let my trousers fall to the floor and pulled my underwear to my kneesI saw her break away from licking his cock to look at me. He turned to watch too and a saw him laugh and turn so he could get a better view. Sarah-Jane was still stroking her hand up and down his cock, but she had stopped sucking him off. I felt a thrill of control.

The spanking hurt, but I did not cry. Between each slap to my bottom, she stroked and soothed. I told her I had not been spanked by a woman before, and she said she could tell by my hard winkie that it was something I enjoyed. she made me step out of my trousers and shorts. She spanked harder and I noticed Sarah-Jane resume her interest in sucking at his cock. I watched her. She was bringing him to climax, I could tell. As he shuddered and her cheeks filled, Helen beat out the last few whacks and I came too, without touching myself. All over the floor.







'Get down there and clean that up while I finish dessert.'

I looked around for a cloth. She looked at me with contempt:

'Use your tongue.'

As I sucked and licked my cum from the tiled floor, she chopped chillies, poured and mixed. When she saw I had finished she said:

'That's a sweetie. Now - would you like a kiss from Helen?'

That'd show them. I said.

'Yes, please, Helen.'

She smiled:

If I kiss you, you will have to kiss me back? If I kiss your mouth, you wil have to kiss my bottom? Are you still sure you want to?'

Her bottom! Her big round bottom! Oh God! I had just cum, but she was making me hard again. I nodded. She bent over to kiss me on the lips as I knelt in front of her. Lips firm moist and tightly shut, she kissed my gently and held the kiss for ages. Then she stood up, turned, lifted her dress slowly revealing her wonderful womanly thighs and lacy panties. She lent forward, pulling down her panties. She stepped slightly apart and put her hands on her bum cheeks pulling them gently apart and directly me firmly but kindly:

'On the rosebud.'

I knew my wife was looking at me as I pressed my lips to the anus of the girl who had controlled her at school, but I did not care. I pressed my tongue inside her deeper and deeper and she moaned.

'Clever man.'

When I broke away to breathe she pulled up her panties and dropped her dress, then turned to me smiling.

'You are a quick student, aren't you? Pudding is nearly ready. Just the chillies to add then we can go back in.'

She paused, seeing my wife now completely naked sat astride her husband rubbing against his cock while he kissed and sucked her nipples.

'Just time for one last lesson. Would you like to see my boobies? I will let you, but there will be a price.

Any price. Anything. She undid the straps to her dress. Her breasts were thrilling. So much larger than Sarah's. I was in love with them. I wanted to touch, I wanted to...... And she corrected her dress to hide them from me again.

Stay on your knees - face to the floor, bum in the air sweetie! She moved behind me, pressed a finger lightly to my anus and then stepped away, removing the plastic glove, to the sink, to wash her hands very carefully.

'Up you get and put your shorts on. Wash your face and hands and take in the chocolate for Sarah, and our man.'

I could feel my bottom tingle and then begin to burn as the touch of chilli she had applied began to take effect.
Please continue. You are building this quite well. The several different story lines that you have set up offer great promise.

Thanks again for posting.
markieboy said:
Please continue. You are building this quite well. The several different story lines that you have set up offer great promise.

Thanks again for posting.

I agree 100%! Very nice so far.:rolleyes:
More pls

I just read the story and its very good, pls continue writing.

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