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Baby steps...

  • Thread startercuriousswitch
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welcome back man!!!

Hey Dude,

It been a long time! I 've always been a fan of your post! so keep them coming!
maybe post the pics of her and the guy she is seeing on the side!!!

So what are your plans for the moment?

Welcome Back....

Curious Switch. Feel free to share with us. We are all willing listeners, and there are plenty of opinions here to go around.
She is certainly taking charge. She went out to a club with him last night dressed extremely sexy. I'm still wound up over the thought of what may have gone down.
Here's a direct quote about how she feels about all this. About going out with another guy. Dressing sluttier. Going out more and being sexual on the dancefloor. About laying in another man's bed. "I'm happy about it. Kind of not being myself lately. Not giving a shit about anyone saying anything. Not being cautious about my words or actions. Its exhilarating though I feel somewhat sorry about it. But not really". I wonder what other 'actions' she's referring to...
Sounds like things are looking up....


curiousswitch said:
It has been over a year since I've been on this forum. Hard to believe.

Time passes quickly when you're having fun (as well as, unfortunately, when you aren't).

curiousswitch said:
After the lust for cuckoldry was building along with the jealousy, things sort of fell apart between my girlfriend and I and we broke up. I dated a total slut for a couple of months, even moved into a different town. But, things just didn't work out and I returned to my old town and eventually patched things up with the girlfriend. A number of months passed with us being happier than ever. Exclusive, full of joy, and really content with how everything had turned out.

Sounds like you were made for each other....

curiousswitch said:
I chalked up the cuck fantasies to a failed hedonistic experiment and felt as though we were on a better trail.

Hey — no need to be excessive. Extremism is often not the best life strategy....

curiousswitch said:
Over the last three months, she has been lusting for another guy. A guy she knows and sees socially often. He wants her.

Good, good.... she's starting to sound more like a normal woman....

curiousswitch said:
At first, I was enraged by it.

Hey — see comment above about extremism.

curiousswitch said:
However, over time, she has convinced me that she loves only me and is only interested in seeing him on the side.

Sounds like your woman is an able con artist. That's good. A woman tends to do best if she's skilled at conning her partner (or husband, as the case may be).

curiousswitch said:
Basically, she asked for my permission to cheat on me, which I would not give. She became forlorn and depressed. Felt shackled and caged.

Oh, oh.... see comment above about extremism (again).

curiousswitch said:
That is not how I want my relationship to be.

No, no.... of course not.

curiousswitch said:
So, after three months of that horrible sadness, I agreed to allow her to spend time with him. She assures me constantly that she wants to stay with me and loves only me. She EVEN says that she knows she'll never find someone as compatible sexually as me.

Ah.... more evidence of your woman's ability to con you. I like it.

curiousswitch said:
I suppose she's just insatiable.

If she is, you're a fortunate man.

curiousswitch said:
Anyway, she has given me the go-ahead to flex my dom muscles, as well, and be a bit of a bull on the side on my own. I fooled around with two married mothers recently, and I can't say that I'm too proud of it. I don't know that Bull is in my blood.

Hm.... that was probably unwise of her. But, on the plus side, it seems to have caused you to realize that isn't your nature.

curiousswitch said:
She says she hasn't had sexual relations with the guy she's seeing yet, but she has slept in his arms and they have certainly kissed (I have seen pictures on her computer).

Um.... say what? Your woman is telling you she has slept in her lover's arms, and has shown you photos of them kissing, while assuring you they haven't had sex, and you accept that as the truth? Some ability to con you will work in her favor (as I mentioned), but this sounds excessive.

curiousswitch said:
It's all very intense and confusing. On the one hand, it's my fantasy come back, but on another, it doesn't feel QUITE right. I am kind of getting the best of all worlds, having a beautiful girl love me and indulge my cuck fantasies, AND getting to fool around on the side. But, something just isn't right.

That's because just below your surface, you know your proper role vis-a-vis your woman is to be faithful to her as her cuckold and a part of her role is to insist on that. When she and you recognize what her and your proper roles in your relationship need to be, things will get better. This was pointed out to you (in part) by Ms. Saraha:

Saraha said:
Let a woman be in charge, and she will lead you everywhere she thinks you NEED to go. Sure beats the struggle in your mind over how to please her.

Regarding your update of today:

curiousswitch said:
Here's a direct quote about how she feels about all this. About going out with another guy. Dressing sluttier. Going out more and being sexual on the dancefloor. About laying in another man's bed. "I'm happy about it. Kind of not being myself lately. Not giving a shit about anyone saying anything. Not being cautious about my words or actions. It's exhilarating, though I feel somewhat sorry about it. But not really."

Excellent! Your woman is getting the idea. Very soon your relationship with her will be on a sounder footing.... in fact, already things appear to be looking up.

curiousswitch said:
I wonder what other 'actions' she's referring to.

Sometimes it's OK to draw the obvious conclusion.

She has been decided to cut back on seeing him so regularly. She started to fear that he wanted to have an actual relationship with her and she was just not into the idea. She still does not let me know exactly how FAR things actually went. I fear and fantasize about the worst. Its amazing that something could turn my stomach and yet make me so aroused at the same time.

She's meeting another guy for dinner tonight, but I doubt it will lead to sex. I'll get to see her for the first time in awhile this coming week. I wonder if she'll...feel...any differently.

Here are some pictures of her learning to salsa dance with her 'friend'. Notice how amazing her ass looks in that dress. The blonde in the background is a mutual friend of ours too. And that guy she's grinding on is not her boyfriend. Bad influences, friends can be! Lol


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Got to love girl that can dance ;)

Dancing - a vertical demonstration of a horizontal desire :D

Glad the two of you seem to be doing OK. If reality is too problematic then there is a lot that can be done in the Fantasy world.
Well, another step taken. She's spending the weekend with him. She said she won't call me while she's gone because she thinks its rude. I have a few dates lined up for the weekend, myself, but I doubt I'll be thinking of ANYthing but her. I'll let you guys know if I find out about anything that happens.
by the way, thanks to everyone who's showing an interest. I know my story isn't as extreme as some of them on this site, but it turns me on to share with you guys and to know you're listening!
We're as glad to read it as you are to write it.

As for your relationship, it seems that you're far less turned on by fucking other people than she is. If you need to continue sleeping with other women so that the relationship stays "balanced," then do so, but definitely tell her that you're thinking about her the whole time and it's not fulfilling for you. Maybe you can work out an arrangement. if she's bicurious at all, maybe she gets to sleep around, and she brings home other girls for you to fuck.

Worth a shot, right?
Ok, so just to keep note of what is going on; it turns out that she didn't spend the weekend with her main boy toy, it was some OTHER guy that had been crushing on her that she's been sort of leading on. It turned out that he was kind of a nutcase, so she left by the end of the weekend and spent the rest of it with a girlfriend in the same town. So, pretty big Fail there. The other night, she went out to a concert with a black guy, another friend of hers. I was pretty thrilled. But again, nothing happened. I think its great she's going out, though. We'll see. I feel like we've been on this second step for quite some time. When she's ready, I have no doubt that she'll go farther.
thanks for keeping us posted. Remember that you need to be helpful, but not annoying. Make sure she knows that you're ok with it. If it helps, tell her that YOU can tell the guy it's ok to fuck her. A lot of times that's easier, because then she gets to "lay back and enjoy the ride."
Well, it seems that I'm more blind than some of you! She has confessed that she had been sleeping with the guy she had feelings for first for quite some time. She admitted that she felt extremely guilty about it and lied to protect my feelings (it certainly didn't stop her from fucking him multiple times, though). She claims that she has only been with him sexually, but has been spending large amounts of time with friends and other guys. She will be moving to an apartment much closer to me in the next week, so I'll be able to hear more soon. I was shocked (for some reason) when she confessed, but I have been jacking to the thought ever since. I guess that next BIG step has been taken towards cuckoldry.
Well She Told You At Last

Curious i sure hope this works for both of you. Your lady does have a very sweet ass on her. All real men would like to have both hands full of it and be pumping cock into her hot pussy. I hope you like the idea that she has been sharing both with other men. For she for sure deserves it and all of it she wants. You say she dated a black guy but nothing happened. Well dont be to sure, but let her know what ever she has done is fine with you. Looks like you have a chance to be with this very special hot lady. Dont let her slip away man for she is a prize. Good Luck okdeacon
So, I got to have sex with my girl for the first time since she admitted that she has been with another guy. It was so intense. My heart is racing just typing it! Sex usually lasted an average of 45 minutes for us, but I blew in under 5 minutes. Probably under 2. I couldn't get the image out of my mind of her gorgeous face, twisted in pleasure for another guy's thick cock. While running my hands over her curves, I couldn't help but imagine her reaction to his touch. We exchanged oral sex and my mind was just soaring. It was truly amazing. I love her so much, I hope that our relationship continues on this track.
Good for you! Continue to encourage her and remember to keep telling her how sexy it is for you to think about her with other men.
Never stop with the encouragement and continue to motivate her. Tell her you would always be there to support her if needed be.
I'm enjoying reading! Please continue to keep us updated!
for everyone who's been asking ;)


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