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Attitudes about IR dating and sex changing?

  • Thread starterfemmeworshipper
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Beloved Member
Jul 29, 2008
Over the past couple of years I have noticed what has seemed to me to be an absolute explosion of interest in interracial dating and sex. Interracial porn is more and more prevalent and whit women and men are becoming very interested in white girls and women having sex with black men.

It's becoming more and more accepted and common to see white girls and women, (but younger and younger girls all the time) in public with black men and even public displays of affecting. It is no longer out of the ordinary to see white girls making out with black guys in public places. I am from the Pacific North West and I see it all the time. I also know a few parents personally who have daughters dating black men. Is this a nation wide thing?

When my wife expressed a sexual interest in black men and a desire to live out her fantasy I was shocked and a bit upset, but also very turned on. After much talk and communication we decided it would be good for her to live out her fantasy and it was a wonderful thing for her. She said "by far" the hottest sex of her life. As a result, we are a fairly normal couple, but about once a month my beautiful lady gets to satisfy her desire for big black dick and I am really glad her and I came to this arrangement. She says she feels more uninhibited sexually with her lovers. More at ease doing kinkier and nastier sex acts for her lovers, and that the fantasy about being with a black guy is one she has had for a very long time. She is always very sexually satisfied after her adventures and I love her and therefore am very happy for her. Sometimes I watch, sometimes not but I am always very involved in things like helping her get ready and be sexy for him.

When this first came up in my life, I thought it was weird or that it was uncommon, but I am finding that a lot of white men allow their wives to indulge in this, more still wish their wives would and even more are seeking women who want to. I have talked to many and even met a few guys locally who's wives share my wife's tastes. It has even gotten to the point that some of our friends have found out and while they think it odd, we have decided to just be open about our situation and everyone seems to respect it, (much to my amazement at first).

I think attitudes are definitely changing about interracial dating and sex. I think women who were once scorned and looked on as whores and sluts are now being respected for making this choice with their sexuality. I think in some cases even admired for their choice. Personally I think that interracial sex is very natural for white girls and should never be frowned on or discouraged. I also notice a trend for white men to be dating black women, but that is still not as common. All the same though I think this is a very positive thing, and it shows that racism while still alive and well is definitely on the decline. The more I see of this the more I have hope for society.

So in summation, I hope people will stop the hating and give those girls the respect they deserve for doing what comes naturally! I know I admire them.
From my experience I can say it's changing. It's becoming more common in my generation. I don't get as many wierd looks when I'm walking hand in hand with a white girl on campus. Not a lot of people say anything. I think younger girls are just open to it(althought their parents might not be to it). While not everyone accepts it, I think it's great people are now realizing the attraction that comes with ir dating and relationships and are opening to it.
BlakHamr said:
From my experience I can say it's changing. It's becoming more common in my generation. I don't get as many wierd looks when I'm walking hand in hand with a white girl on campus. Not a lot of people say anything. I think younger girls are just open to it(althought their parents might not be to it). While not everyone accepts it, I think it's great people are now realizing the attraction that comes with ir dating and relationships and are opening to it.

Blakhammer, I agree with you that things are changing but not everyone accepts interracial dating and of course the sexual activities that go with it. As a white dad with a daughter who started getting it on with black guys early, I know first hand that many other white parents disapprove when their darling little snowflake finds that she prefers to do it with black men. Its a shame because many parents like myself totally support what our white daughters do with black guys but its always the disapproving comments most people hear about.
Hopefully in time most white parents will learn to accept and even embrace the interracial explosion of black men with white girls that is taking place..
Well I think it goes the other way as well, although the prejudice is much less with white men with black women. I just find it encouraging that society as a whole is moving away from racism.

One thing that really baffles me though is that so many "cuckold" relationships involve celibacy for the husband? My wife and I are normal in every respect even in our sex life. It's very good and she enjoys it. Yes she has a passion for big black dick and it is a big thrill for her, but we don't see any reason why that should change our relationship. Pussy is elastic and it does snap back! Also, I am secure enough in my sexuality that I don't have to be the "best" lover she has ever had. When we make love she does enjoy it and I do get her off. She says it is different because it's about love and intimacy, and her monthly encounters are pure sex.

On another note in a non sexual matter I think it is very encouraging to see the United States elect Barack Obama. It's about time we set aside racism and realize no matter our color we are all human and more alike than we are different. White racism is the more obvious, but it goes both ways sometimes. I personally wish for the day when it is a non issue. I may never see it in my lifetime, but it comes one step at a time. Every parent that teaches their child to respect all people regardless of race brings us one step closer!

I also think it's high time to respect women. Yes men and women are different and have different strength and weaknesses, but I think in no way should women ever be disrespected or looked down on. Sex games are just games, but in day to day life, it is high time we began to respect women.
Some of us just can't get hub into it and must enjoy it secretly.
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In my experience there has been an explosion over the past ten years or less
I dont know how it was a decade or two ago, but I can tell you from my experience that there are a lot of white girls (teens-40s) who either currently fuck black guys or who only fuck black guys. I still know several white girls who only fuck white boys, but most of my female friends also fuck black men, and of those girls over half do black exclusively.

For girls like me in their 20s... going with black men still holds some taboo, especially in the south where I live, but its a lot less strong than it used to be. And because of that more of us girls are allowed to act on our desires without having to worry about being out casts in white society.

Things have changed a lot racially, and one benefit of that is that us white girls get to more freely experience the joy of superior black men hehe. I couldn't go back to white only even if I wanted to!
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Yes, It is changing around the country and continent as I have observed. I feel we had quite a head start on it in my home city in Western NY state. Interracial dating very prevalent since 70's. Explosion of Blk Preg in the 90's.
We know 25+ women who have had a t least one black baby. Most of the ones who had two or more were married to the black man but that started with dates of course.
In our case--among our friends and neighbors most often the FIRST husband was black and they later married a white man. I do not know deatial of how they left the black husband and I do not ask too personal of questions. Some continue to see black men and others do not. Of course you (many of you ) know I am white male who was femmed.
luv to all, MsGary
femmeworshipper said:
One thing that really baffles me though is that so many "cuckold" relationships involve celibacy for the husband?

yes me to, I was thinking, is that possible that behind the celibacy thingy, there is somehow a hidden homosexuality? from what I see, some guy's enjoy cleaning up (with their tongue) they'r wife pussy still covered by the Black man's cum. And sometime he get banged to. And this is not a normal behaviour for a straight male.
Im more inclined to belive the hubby is gay, but he's hiding it (perhaps for some reason he cant jump out of the "closet" so this is the best he can get for now.

On another note in a non sexual matter I think it is very encouraging to see the United States elect Barack Obama. It's about time we set aside racism and realize no matter our color we are all human and more alike than we are different. White racism is the more obvious, but it goes both ways sometimes. I personally wish for the day when it is a non issue. I may never see it in my lifetime, but it comes one step at a time. Every parent that teaches their child to respect all people regardless of race brings us one step closer!

racism is a sad human behavior, and you see it in all ethnic groups (remember the japanese during the ww2?) all people can be racist, there is no such a "the racist race" or "the racist people". There is instead plenty of racist individual....and they are sad cases :mad:

I also think it's high time to respect women. Yes men and women are different and have different strength and weaknesses, but I think in no way should women ever be disrespected or looked down on. Sex games are just games, but in day to day life, it is high time we began to respect women.

a real man, respect and love women. The one who doesent IMO shouldn be considered as men, but just sexually disturbet kids.
u guys are not only animal but also blind. even if relation between man and woman is only based on fucking and sex it dosnt do anything necessarily with color. u have been dominated by propagandas and atmosphere. and the bottomline is u r going down with ur new president. i invite you to come to islam where all people are equal no matter what race and color they are and the only thing make difference between people is pietism. i invite u to piety worship allah. allaho akbar.
and i made this id because i was horny that time but i wont go into that
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realcock4miss said:
u guys are not only animal but also blind. even if relation between man and woman is only based on fucking and sex it dosnt do anything necessarily with color. u have been dominated by propagandas and atmosphere. and the bottomline is u r going down with ur new president. i invite you to come to islam where all people are equal no matter what race and color they are and the only thing make difference between people is pietism. i invite u to piety worship allah. allaho akbar.
and i made this id because i was horny that time but i wont go into that

What turnip truck did you fall off of?

Nobody is saying sex, or interracial sex is the be all and end all of life. Only that it's encouraging and a very positive thing, (in most of our opinions) that interracial sex has become more popular and acceptable.

BTW, Allahu Akbar, simply means "God is everything", and further insight on the saying suggests meanings such as, God is so mighty awesome and omnipotent it would be ludicrous to even try and contemplate it. Are you one who thinks Islam is evil? It really isn't, just very misunderstood by our culture. Any time a small group of radicals does some of the awful things that some radical Muslims do, it makes them all look bad, even though it is an absolute fallacy.

How about the moron "christians" who picket gay people's funerals with signs about them burning in hell? How about the ones who firebomb abortion clinics and assassinate doctors? The haven't a clue about what Jesus tried to tell them, and they are not Christians. They are all just as much terrorists as any Muslim, although I have less respect for them because they aren't usually willing to die for their cause. Not that I have much respect for Muslim terrorists....
<Over the past couple of years I have noticed what has seemed to me to be an absolute explosion of interest in interracial dating and sex. Interracial porn is more and more prevalent and whit women and men are becoming very interested in white girls and women having sex with black men.>

And vice versa. I see more young black women keeping their figures slim, speaking standard English and going out with white boys.

Ditto Asian/Hispanic/white in all combinations
Homer said:
<Over the past couple of years I have noticed what has seemed to me to be an absolute explosion of interest in interracial dating and sex. Interracial porn is more and more prevalent and whit women and men are becoming very interested in white girls and women having sex with black men.>

And vice versa. I see more young black women keeping their figures slim, speaking standard English and going out with white boys.

Ditto Asian/Hispanic/white in all combinations

And that too I see as a good thing. It's not something that I find a sexual turn on, but socially it is a positive thing in my opinion.
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Overall I have to say that since having my first interracial relationship in college society seems to be more acceptant. HOWEVER, I experienced the strangest thing recently. I spend a lot of time now in the south and it's like being in a time warp. I had NO idea that people still behaved as if they lived in the 50s. Truth ... it makes me really uncomfortable. I'm not a voilent person by any means, but I may end up punching someone. lol

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