Anyone who labels a woman as a hoe, obviously is BLOODY JEALOUS that they are not getting SIMILAR ATTENTION. It is sensible to say instead, "what a lucky bitch she is, and now I want what she is having".
Queen Victoria is no longer around to say you must keep your skirts tied to your ankles 24/7. Western Women can have anything, and if a guy wants to get married, he needs to remember that "she who rocks the cradle will DEFINITELY RULE THE ROOST". Women are no longer a husband's property, no longer exclusive; and a wife can change the rules.
Professional Sportsman only sign up for a short term, and are always wanting to over-ride clauses in the contracts - so why shouldn't a wife alter the vows when who receives new "opportunites". It can feel wrong to ignore the desires of your inner world.
When a bride gets married, she does not have complete knowledge of the future, so she can only make promises to her husband based on what she knows when she marries him. Later, she may wish to renegotiate her wedding vows to suit her "up-to-date cravings".
A husband often chases extra skirts without telling his wife, so he is adjusting the wedding vows without telling his bride. If he needs "something new", or a "bit extra", or just a "variation" - he should mention to his wife first, because she just might want something extra, too. (unless you communicate, you can't know what each other is thinking about).