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Arizona Pastor Prays That Obama 'Will Die And Go To Hell' - off topic and unreal

  • Thread starterbillybottom
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Beloved Member
Aug 1, 2009
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Steven Anderson, the right-wing pastor from Tempe who said he was abused by authorities at an Arizona checkpoint in April, caught the attention of MSNBC for his hate-filled, anti-Obama extremist.

"Arizona, what is your deal?" wonders "Pareene" of the NYC-based Gawker.com, who also references the recent gun parade that took place during Obama's rally at the Phoenix Convention Center. "Is the heat making you crazy?"

In a sermon of Anderson's played by the news channel, Anderson says he prays that Obama will "die and go to hell."

pghtalldrkhandsome said:
fuck religion
it is the root of the majority of the worlds problems.

got news for you buddy, you didn't define religion, in the most literal sense not really. Policies are justified through a lens of religion that have nothing to do with belief in god but god is invoked and the masses in the atheist movement accept its what the religion taught.

Secondarily if you mean in the non literal sense environmentalism, biker gangs, militias, racists, communists and other ideals have taken religious idolatry to insane levels even using words like "prophet" to describe there leadership. Listen to gang banger describe there gangs they take almost religious motif towards the gangs. They know they will die or be in jail at an early age but do it because its for the greater cause of the neighborhood. This isn't about bible thumping or Koran thumping but lets be real, every religious zealot has had a a communist zealot a Nazi zealot. Religion is often manipulated and recreated as a tool. Hitler created an entire occult philosophy to promote his agenda. It wasn't the cause but the effect. The Tibetans went from a warrior culture to a culture of peace without much blood shed because of the Dolly Lama. Given the right leader any ideology can be manipulated until it is nothing more than a tool. Even the bible says Satan knows the bible and use it for his own goal.
The fringe nut obviously misses out on sex - he should have listened to the hippies of the 60's, and "made love not war". Blessed are the Peace Makers, because they will inherit the Earth (so the Bible sees).

Some one should tighten his loose screw, then he can calm down and see what is important in his life.
Will & Eve said:

It's the source of a helluvalot of them (albeit even then, it's only human problems using religion as an excuse) but people have fucked up ideas and intentions in plenty of ways that have nothing to do with religion.

The bottom line is, if you are a fuck up, you'll be a fuck up either way - whether or not you use religion as a cover for being a fuck up is almost irrelevant.

sleeve-jones said:
got news for you buddy, you didn't define religion, in the most literal sense not really. Policies are justified through a lens of religion that have nothing to do with belief in god but god is invoked and the masses in the atheist movement accept its what the religion taught.

Secondarily if you mean in the non literal sense environmentalism, biker gangs, militias, racists, communists and other ideals have taken religious idolatry to insane levels even using words like "prophet" to describe there leadership. Listen to gang banger describe there gangs they take almost religious motif towards the gangs. They know they will die or be in jail at an early age but do it because its for the greater cause of the neighborhood. This isn't about bible thumping or Koran thumping but lets be real, every religious zealot has had a a communist zealot a Nazi zealot. Religion is often manipulated and recreated as a tool. Hitler created an entire occult philosophy to promote his agenda. It wasn't the cause but the effect. The Tibetans went from a warrior culture to a culture of peace without much blood shed because of the Dolly Lama. Given the right leader any ideology can be manipulated until it is nothing more than a tool. Even the bible says Satan knows the bible and use it for his own goal.

first off....the word athiest is bullshit... religious people use the word to describe "non believers" but there should be no term for it. Is there a title for people who don't beleive in astrology? is there a term for people who don't believe in witchcraft, palm reading, etc... no. so there does not need to be a title for someone who does not believe in religious nonsense.

yes the majority of relgious problems/terrorism/violence does come from the extremists, but you two sound like "moderates" and being a moderate is just as bad & perpetuating the entire situation.

I don't understand how an educated person can believe in such nonsense. if i was to tell you that eating blue M&M will make you dick get huge, or that jergens lotion mixed with olive oil will make you invisible, you would want hard proof, but the book beside your bed that tells you jesus was born of a virgin & that if you don't believe in the word of the creator & follow its doctrine you will burn in hell for eternity...you are like OK...sounds good.

54% of the American population believes the earth is less then 10,000yrs old.. according to religious doctrine earth is 6-10Kyrs old.
Its disgusting to me...
ITS FACT that the earth is billions of years old...PERIOD
its FACT that diosaurs roamed the earth & that it was no co-inhabited with humans.

i could go on forever but i gotta head outta here. i will revisit this tomorrow when i have more time.
It will be a cow for the Pastor if God does not answer his prayers.

If the Pastor is in Hell and can't use a phone or watch television, I wonder how many years will go by before the Pastor realises that God is not going to send Obama for a visit because there is a better job in Heaven.

Blessed are the Peace-makers, not the War-makers.

The Law of Attraction says that, 'what you wish for others, also comes to you'

I guess the Noble Peace Prize was a "sign in advance" from God that Obama is more likely to go upwards, rather than downwards to visit the Pastor.
Democracy says that if 54% of Americans believe that the Earth is only 10,000years old, then that becomes the mandatory Dogma Belief for 100% of Americans. "Majority are always right stuff", other 46% have to be wrong until they can persuade enough people to change their mind that it comes back to only 49.999999999999999999999999%, so the Dogma is dismantled.
Pressure groups use covert language patterns in their advertising to fiddle with statistics.

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