sub sissy husband.
know i must serve.
anydesk 1 334 995 730 pw JeanneWife
User is not allowed to delete or uninstall any file/program unless the computer’s storage is full.
User must always leave their PC on and connected.
User is not allowed to remove the Anydesk or Teamviewer password.
User must allow anything to be downloaded through Anydesk.
The connected person should disable the users input the whole time they are connected.
User is not allowed to disconnect anyone when they are connected.
User must obey all rules stated here, even when no one is connected.
User must put on the stockings and panties when a user connects.
Visitors can add more rules
If you whant to use filetransfer on his computer, start a porn and show in fullscreen, then he cant se that you are using filetransfer. 1200491294 pass is Helpyourself1