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Another Explanation for Cuckolding

  • Thread starterJorge88
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Sep 15, 2009
I have always wondered about this other effect of Cuckolding and I wonder if other Cuckolded husbands have experienced it.
One of the greatest pleasures I derive from Cuckolding is the vicarious pleasure of feeling what my wife is feeling at that moment.
In other words I love her so much that I can actually feel the same excitement she is feeling.
An especially powerful feeling is trying to imagine what it feels to be a woman. A sexy, hot and desired woman.
When I try to imagine that, I usually feel a sense of "heplessness" and the desire to be dominated and submissive.
It is a very delicious feeling. I wonder if other husbands have felt it.
Sometimes I try to imagine how it feels to have the weight of a dominant male on top of oneself. Or what it feels to open your legs to a really dominant male, and just "let go".
I think that deep inside every man there is that femenine side.
I think that Cuckolding helps to feel that hidden femenine side. Making you feel like a little submissive female.
Has anyone else had these feelings when being Cuckolded?
Jorge88 said:
.... It is a very delicious feeling. I wonder if other husbands have felt it. ....

The non-uniqueness principle, derived from observations of phenomena ranging from cockroaches to stars in the universe ("if you see one, you can be sure you ain't seen them all" :D), strongly implies the answer is "yes."

Also, others on this forum have more-or-less said as much.

Dear Custer:

Thank you for your reply.
It is very interesting that many have expressed their submissive side as part of Cuckolding.
But I would be interested in knowing if they have also felt that sense of being femeninely submissive.

It is interesting that some cucks have expressed the desire to perform oral sex on the bull before he has sex with the Cuckoldress.
But others do not go this far, or are content just to watch.

But as you so aptly express, there is a great variation in personalities and tastes.

Best Regards.
I believe that being a cuckold husband can be a very positive thing. Everyone wins in this situation. The other guy gets some of another guy's pussy. The wife gets fucked by another cock. And the husband gets the thrill of seeing, or at least knowing about, another guy fuck his wife.

And yes, I do believe that the husband does identify very much with the wife who is being fucked. He very much feels that he is being fucked too. And if he sucks the other guys cock during the process, that is just a part of it.

I understand what you mean about it putting you in touch with your feminine side. After many years of being a very willing cuckold I felt that I needed to experience what my wife was experiencing. One of my roles had been to check out prospective partners for her. On at least four occasions when I told men they weren't suitable they simply shrugged and told me to kneel and suck their cocks. When they were good and hard they got me to undress and get down on all fours with my ass in the air. Normally I am quite a dominant male but in a sexual situation I am flooded with submissive feminine feelings and tendencies so I found it impossible to refuse and being honest I always enjoyed the feeling of complete submission that came with a male pounding my ass. Eventually, with my wife's permission, I explored it further. I met a much older man who had me dress up in women's underwear and put on some makeup for him. I thought I looked ridiculous but it clearly excited him and within half an hour I not only experienced what it was like to completely surrender to a dominant horny male, I knew what it was to be a woman. All the male attributes disappeared and I became a completely submissive slut. There wasn't anything I wouldn't do for him and that included sending my wife along one night instead of me so he could fuck her. Strangely, he preferred fucking me to her. He said I was more feminine but what I think he meant was that I was much more submissive and responsive and didn't make any demands. I eventually graduated to the full works, wig, makeup, clothing, shoes, cheap slut jewelry. I had to arrive at his door fully dressed and completely a woman. I am still stunned by how natural it all felt, how natural it was to flip to being a female. So yes, there is a strong feminine side in some cuckolds and it's worth exploring.
Thank You For Your Replies

Dear Son of John and Four and a Half:

Thank you for your replies. I think that you have both expressed it perfectly.
Four and a Half your experiences are very exciting.
I think that getting in touch with that femenine side is very exciting sexually.
Here are just a few of the very intense feelings that I have noticed:
1) Feeling weak and submissive is very exciting because you do not feel pressured to "Perform" you only have to let go and let someone else take control. This is very exciting in that you can feel and enjoy the dominant males very obvious excitement with "using" you for his sexual release.
2)Instead of concentrating on your penis (Penis centered sexuality) you can enjoy other centers of sexual pleasure (Like your anus or prostate) which can become sexually stimulated in very intense circumstances just like you have described.
This has the added benefit that you can prolong the pleasure without coming so soon. I think that this is one of the greatest pleasures that a woman can enjoy. In other words a woman can prolong the pleasure by being a simple receptacle and just submitting to the dominant males pleasure.
That way her pleasure is prolonged and lasts longer.
3)Also the sensation of using a dress or skirt. (feeling of openness and vulnerability) Added to this is the sensation of humilition at doing something taboo (Dressing like a girl). All this can be something intensely exciting, as you have described.

Please share some more of your feelings and experiences in this delicious facet of Cuckolding. It is definitely very hot.

Best Regards:
Jorge and Alicia

Thanks for your fascinating post. Regarding your comments:

fourandahalf said:
.... I met a much older man who had me dress up in women's underwear and put on some makeup for him. .... I eventually graduated to the full works: wig, makeup, clothing, shoes, cheap slut jewelry. I had to arrive at his door fully dressed and completely a woman. I am still stunned by how natural it all felt ....

How did your wife respond to you dressing as a woman, including putting on makeup and the whole 9 yards while at home with her, then leaving to meet your older-man "lover," then returning to her later, still dressed as a woman, with your asshole filled with his cum? Did she consider all that perfectly natural.... nothing out of the ordinary? Or did it cause what might be called "some tension" in your marriage?

Also, what kind of experience was it traveling repeatedly in public from your place to his and back, dressed as a woman? Were you so passable that all who saw you assumed you actually were a woman...? Or did those who saw you view you as a cross-dressed man and consider that no big deal, while you didn't mind being recognized as such...?

Jorge...and of course, Alicia-
I can't give you insight into a cuck's mind, but I can tell you my thoughts- you mention feeling femininely submissive and (with a skirt/dress) being open/vulnerable...I have to say, that as a woman, I've never has these thoughts or feelings. I may not be the "norm", but I can't claim ever feeling or wanting to feel submissive. And skirts? More powerful than vulnerable...perhaps because I'm not hiding a cock up mine... :)

And Custer- I found your last questions for Jorge to be super erotic...thanks!
Well, well

Dear Barbiescuckoldress:

Well, well, definitely an unexpected opinion.
From your commentary we suppose you are a dominant Cuckoldress married to a submissive man.
If not please correct us.
Well you are right. A dominant Cuckoldress will not feel that.
Nor will she feel vulnerable by using a skirt.

In our Cuckolding relationship there is no Dominant Submissive component.
We normally talk and plan about what we will do beforehand.
Alicia does not like to dominate or be dominated. She likes her lovers to be especially gentle and kind to her. In a way she likes to be in control.
I (Jorge) always try to do what she wants and what makes her happy.
But she never tries to force me. She just has a very artful and loving way of making me do everything she wants.
In short:
In real life and before society I appear as the dominant party in our relationship. Before other people she is the perfectly submissive and obedient wife. But in the privacy of our intimate life, she is boss. In other words I live only for her and to satisfy every one of her wishes.
She is my life and everything to me.
I have gone so far as to make a pact with her: That if one day she decides to leave me for another man, I will continue working and providing for her unconditionally.
This of course is not because I am submissive or coerced by her, but because I love her and it is a way to repay those perfect and beautiful moments she has given me while Cuckolding me.

We hope this gives you an idea about how our relationship works.

Best Regards:
Alicia and Jorge

Regarding your comments to Barbiescuckoldress:

Jorge88 said:
From your commentary we suppose you are a dominant cuckoldress married to a submissive man. If not, please correct us.

I'll look forward to reading her reply to this conjecture.

Jorge88 said:
.... In our cuckolding relationship, there is no dominant/submissive component.

No, no.... of course not.

Jorge88 said:
We normally talk and plan about what we will do beforehand.

This seems very intelligent and the best way to maintain a "hotwife / cuckold husband" marriage that is both sexually hot and smoothly-functioning on an interpersonal level.

Jorge88 said:
Alicia does not like to dominate or be dominated. She likes her lovers to be especially gentle and kind to her. In a way she likes to be in control.

Being "dominant" does not imply a woman strides about pointing her finger as she orders men around. Rather, it implies a woman who makes things happen and gets what she wants. This can be done — is most effectively done, in fact — via sweet, sensual, slightly-flirtatious use of her sexuality, while also communicating to her lovers, ever so sweetly, that if they displease her they will be out the door. For Alicia or any other married cuckoldress (indeed, any other woman) to expect her lovers to be "especially gentle and kind to her" is entirely reasonable and appropriate. If she is "in control" to the extent she ensures they (as well as you) do, indeed, treat her as she wishes, then she is in the driver's seat. She satisfies the definition of a "dominant cuckoldress."

It's sort of the female equivalent of an effective male manager not being a man who strides around shouting orders, berating his workers and taking no account of their personal characteristics and feelings, but rather being a man who treats all his employees with respect, understands their strengths, weaknesses, the differences among them and how to relate effectively to them, is also very competent at understanding the work he's managing, and thus never finds it necessary to raise his voice as he asks them to do things or "suggests" what needs to be done. They know he's the boss (is "dominant") and they deliver for him, because he motivates them and they respect him.

Jorge88 said:
I (Jorge) always try to do what she wants and what makes her happy. But she never tries to force me. She just has a very artful and loving way of making me do everything she wants.

In other words, Alicia is a skilled and insightful dominant wife....

Jorge88 said:
In real life and before society I appear as the dominant party in our relationship. Before other people she is the perfectly submissive and obedient wife.

....who understands the need for an effective disguise, so she does not appear to be violating the norms of society.

Jorge88 said:
But in the privacy of our intimate life, she is boss. In other words, I live only for her and to satisfy every one of her wishes. She is my life and everything to me.

This is the definition of a submissive husband. Has Alicia not "suggested" you read:

"Female Domination: an exploration of the male desire for loving female authority," by Elise Sutton (2003, 298 pp.) and

"The FemDom Experience," by Elise Sutton (2006, 317 pp.) ....?

And has she not "encouraged" you to subscribe to Ms. Sutton's e-zine, "Predominant" and read it regularly? (See her web page.... to subscribe, it's necessary to send Ms. Sutton an e-mail.)

Jorge88 said:
I have gone so far as to make a pact with her: If one day she decides to leave me for another man, I will continue working and providing for her unconditionally. This, of course, is not because I am submissive or coerced by her, but because I love her....

That's astonishing. This is very convincing evidence that Alacia dominates you with subtle but complete effectiveness. She is your boss/cuckoldress, and she's obviously an impressive woman.

Great Analysis

Dear Custer:

I have greatly enjoyed your analysis and I think that it is very interesting and right in a lot of things.

There is just one small detail:
Alicia who is with me now says she is in complete disagreement.
After reading your post, she says she wants me to tell you that the truth is this:
"Jorge is the one that dominates me"

How about that?

She wants me to tell you that I am in the dominant position because I control the money, and I control how much I give her.

So how about that?

I think that complicates everything.
To be sincere, it is true that I control the money, but the reason is because I am the one that works, and provides for her.
I of course have to budget it, and try to do things in a way that she will not worry about where it comes from (My work) but just enjoy without worrying about deciding what are the priorities.

So in that, it would be fair to say that I decide how to budget and how to spend.

She also wants you to know that she is a great housekeeper. (This is true).

Well, she thinks I am the dominant one in our relationship.
You think that she is the dominant one.

My opinion is that neither is dominant or submissive but rather, each is dominant or submissive depending on the different circumstances of our married life.

A few final thoughts:

To be completely honest Alicia never wanted to Cuckold me.
I had to insist and convince her.
(it was very hard to convince her) so in a way she was submissive in that.
While I asserted my dominance in getting her to do something she did not want to do.
(Of course in the end she liked it)

On the other hand she has insisted that I may not go out with other women.
(I have gladly accepted this in exchange for her delicious Cuckolding)
So in that she has asserted her dominant role.
While I have submitted to her wishes.

To tell the truth it has not been hard.
When a beautiful wife Cuckolds you, all other women pale by comparison.

Hope we have not complicated things too much.

In the end. If Alicia says I am the dominant one, so be it.
The only thing I am sure of is that I love her, and my main goal in life is making her happy.
It is only fair.
By Cuckolding me (something she did not want) she has made me the happiest man on earth.
That first moment of watching your wife with another man is the most intense and beautiful experience in life.

Submissive or Dominant, I don't really care.
She has made me happy, so now I will live to make her happy.

Your Friends:
Alicia and Jorge
Dear Jorge,

Jorge88 said:
Dear Custer: I have greatly enjoyed your analysis and I think that it is very interesting and right in a lot of things.

There is just one small detail: Alicia who is with me now says she is in complete disagreement. After reading your post, she says she wants me to tell you that the truth is this: "Jorge is the one who dominates me."

How about that?

Please tell your beautiful cuckoldress "Yes, ma'am" on my behalf. Far be it from me to disagree with her authoritative view of your relative roles.

The Classic Cuckoldress

Dear Custer:

Thank you for your reply.
To tell the truth Alicia is not the classical Dominant Cuckoldress, nor am I the Classical submissive Cuck.
To be honest, I (Jorge) am very dominant.
But we get along very well because Alicia's personality is basically submissive.
Except in one important respect:
She needs to be dominant in respect to my attention to her.
In other words she needs to be the center of my universe and the center of my life.
So in that I would say she dominates me.
It was hard for me at first. To submit to this domination on her part. Because I am generally very dominant and do not like to be submissive in anything.

But in the end she did dominate me through Cuckolding.
As soon as she started Cuckolding me everything fell into place.
From that moment on she was the center of my universe and the only thing important for me in life.

Let me just tell you a story that will ilustrate this:
Many years ago when Alicia was 25 she had a very special lover.
He had fallen in love with her, and wanted more of her time and attention.
So he had the "great" idea of telling Alicia that he would get a girl for me, so that instead of the three of us going out, they could both have more privacy for themselves.
The four of us went out (Alicia with him, and me with the new girl) she was beautiful by the way.
Well, the four of us were in a car. Alicia started kissing and making out with her lover in the front seat.
While I started kissing the new girl in the back seat.
Alicia suddenly stood up, crossed her arms and said "I want to go home".
Her lover with a perplexed look asked her "But why?"
She just repeated:
"I want to go home"
Well to make a long story short.
When Alicia and I were finally home alone, we had a big row.
In short Alicia said that she never wanted me to go out with another girl again. Neither in front of her or behind her back.

How about that?
To tell the truth, I did not even care about this other girl. Because all my lust and desire were for my Alicia.
Just a single kiss from Alicia's lips make me forget about any other girl.
That is the effect she has over me and over all the men that she has been with.
Hard to believe?
But that is the truth.

Best Regards:
In a 'Dogging' forum that I'm a member of, there started a discussion of "A third type of swinging" which made reference to the woman having multiple partners but the man staying dedicated to her.

I chipped in with the following - I'd be interested in feedback to see if I'm fairly near the mark:

I've been on a Cuckold forum (in the 'Bull' role, as they call it) and there are as many shades of cuckolding as there are dogging or swinging.

The part that some of this thread mentions is the idea of a 'Hot Wife' who goes off and has their pleasures (with or without the husband) and they then relive the experience through stories, etc, afterwards. Some of this might even be dominant husbands 'giving' their wives to men for their mutual enjoyment. The thing that would make it cuckold rather than swinging is if he is not allowed to play with other women.

At the other end of the scale are the cross-dressing or feminized males who serve the Cuckoldress and her Bulls and thrive on humiliation and abuse. I have no personal insight into that mentality, but comes under my general banner of "Each to their own as long as nobody is harmed". Many (but not all) have less than average penis dimensions and feel that their wife deserves a 'real man' - but how much is fantasy role play and how much is real???? You'll have to get to know one in person and ask. [All my 'fun' is through email]

I'm on a promise for at lest 4 wives if my personal circumstances ever change, and that is NOT counting all the lovely friends I've made through this site that have suggested that 'fun could be had' sometime in the future.

With some of my online friends I'm acting as a 'fantasy Bull'. Telling them stories of what I have done, am doing, or will do with their wives and putting as much real information (about them) into the stories to increase the excitement. It is great fun (for someone who can't meet in the real-world), and nobody gets hurt.
Very interesting....


Jorge88 said:
Dear Custer: Thank you for your reply.

You're welcome.

Jorge88 said:
To be honest, I (Jorge) am very dominant.

You mean with respect to other men vis-a-vis your work and other "male activities," I gather....?

Jorge88 said:
But we get along very well because Alicia's personality is basically submissive. But, she needs to be dominant with respect to my attention to her. In other words she needs to be the center of my universe and the center of my life.

Setting aside the contradiction between your first and second sentences: OK.

Jorge88 said:
So, in that I would say she dominates me.

Something like this is what I meant in my post above, which (you said) Alicia strongly disagreed with.

Jorge88 said:
It was hard for me at first. To submit to this domination on her part. Because I am generally very dominant and do not like to be submissive in anything.

Yes, it sounds like a decision and a continuing effort on your part was required, until finally you became accustomed to it and accepted this as your role vis-a-vis Alicia.

Jorge88 said:
But in the end she did dominate me through cuckolding. As soon as she started cuckolding me, everything fell into place. From that moment on, she was the center of my universe and the only thing important for me in life.

Ah-ha! I suspect this phenomenon, which this forum shows is often (perhaps usually) experienced by men when their wives make them their cuckolds, can be considered somewhat analogous to The Golden Rule: "He who has the gold makes the rules." In the case of a woman/man relationship, the woman "has the gold" in the sense that with her ovaries and womb she holds the keys to the next generation. That is, without his wife a man cannot pass along his genes along with hers to their progeny. If, however, a married woman shows her husband by taking a lover that she is capable of attracting other men and is willing to do so, suddenly her husband — now her cuckold — realizes she may not cooperate in passing his genes along to their progeny. Rather, she may choose to pass along her lover's genes and hers to *their* progeny, leaving her cuckold high and dry, so to speak, with only the option of raising another man's child.... or other men's children, as the case may be. A variation on this theme, of course, is that the woman may bear, for her cuckold to assist in raising, a combination of children sired by him and by other men. (Apparently this is not unusual.)

Thus, on becoming his wife's cuckold a man realizes that if she is to cooperate in passing his and her genes to the next generation, he had better treat her well.... very well.... and with great respect, and make sure she has no reason to leave him, because otherwise she may choose to pass along only the genes of her lovers to *their* progeny (not his).

You could argue that these considerations have been rendered irrelevant by the advent of birth control. If you did, I would reply that these feelings are deeply embedded in the human genome.... and in any event, birth control is utilized (or not) by the cuckold's wife.

Jorge88 said:
Let me just tell you a story to ilustrate this.
Many years ago when Alicia was 25 she had a very special lover. He had fallen in love with her, and wanted more of her time and attention. So he had the "great" idea of telling Alicia that he would get a woman for me, so that instead of the three of us going out, they could both have more privacy for themselves. The four of us went out (Alicia with him, and me with the new woman, who was beautiful by-the-way). The four of us were in a car. Alicia started kissing and making out with her lover in the front seat, while I began kissing the new girl in the back seat. Alicia suddenly stood up, crossed her arms, and said: "I want to go home". Her lover with a perplexed look asked her, "but why?" She just repeated: "I want to go home." When Alicia and I were finally home alone, we had a big row. Alicia said she never wanted me to go out with another woman again, neither in front of her nor behind her back. How about that?

That's interesting. Could it be this illustrates that the woman in a marriage often feels she has an even stronger interest in her husband not "straying" than the reverse, because if he (you, in this case) goes around fucking other women, that implies he may leave her for one of them, in which case she and her children would be left with no means of support.... regardless of whether her children were (or are in the future) sired by him, or by her lover(s), or by some combination of both....?

In any case, a widespread phenomenon seems to be that if a married woman agrees to take lovers at the urging of her husband, one of her prime concerns — often her highest-priority concern — is for her husband to agree, convincingly, that he will remain faithful as her cuckold and not pursue other women.

Jorge88 said:
To tell the truth, I did not even care about this other woman, because all my lust and desire were for my Alicia. Just a single kiss from Alicia's lips made me forget about any other woman. That is the effect she has over me....

Yes. See my comments in "The Golden Rule" paragraph.

Jorge88 said:
....and over all the men she has been with. .... Best Regards — Jorge

This sounds like a genuine tribute to the compelling nature of Alicia's seductive talents and her continuing charms. My congratulations to you for having attracted — and managing to retain — such a desirable woman.

Thank you Greymaster

Dear Greymaster:

Thank you for your post.
You have touched on an excellent point.
We think that there are several types of Cuckolding couples:

1) The classic Dominant Cuckoldress married to the Classical submisive Cuck.
This is very common, and works very well, because there is special pleasure involved for the three persons (Cuckoldress, Cuck, and Bull).

2) The intermediate man (Neither dominant nor submissive) that has the normal fantasy of having his wife Cuckold him.
This is also very common in this site. Though in most cases, it is only a fantasy. A very pleasant fantasy, that in our opinion should be turned into reality. (This is one of the reasons we are here) to help these couples.

3) The very dominant male that forces his wife into Cuckolding against her wish, but only for his pleasure. This is not very common here.
The classic example is the Pimp that prostitutes his girl for his monetary gain.
(His pleasure).

In our case we are an exception to all of those three types.
And we will explain why we are an exception (please read the explanation below in our answer to Custer)

Best Regards:
Alicia and Jorge
Thank you Custer

Dear Custer:

Thank you for your excellent analysis.
It is very interesting precisely because you have touched on some of the basic instincts that explain Cuckolding.
As I told Greymaster in the previous post, we are an exception to the three classical types of Cuckolding couples.
Please let us explain why.
Cuckolding is based on two very normal instincts that are hardwired in our brains. (These two instincts are present in everyone, including the three types of Cuckolding couples).
These two instincts are:
1) Reproduction.
Which is a basic instinct, very strong and that has to do with our survival as a species.
2) The status instinct.
This means that we instinctively place ourselves on a staus scale in relation to other members of our group or tribe. (Hen pecking order).
This is also a basic instinct because it has to do with our survival as individuals. The strongest are higher in the ladder and will survive. They will get the food and the sex. They will thus pass on their genes.
The ones lower down may not get food or sex and may not survive.
So we instintivey strive to be higher up. Or in the case of the female, be impregnated by a male higher up in the ladder.

It happens that Cuckolding touches on precisely those two very important Instincts.

Well it is important to understand that the male Reproductive behaviuor is completely different to the female reproductive behaviour.
Man produces 300 sperm cells every second of his life.
While a woman will only produce 400 ova during her entire life.
So it is easy to understand that a woman's reproductive cell is more valuable.

So understanding this:
a) a Male will wantonly try to impregnate as many wombs as possible.
Not really caring wether they will survive.
(Would you really care about spending your money if you produced $300 a second?)
b) a Female must be especially careful and stingy with her reproductive cells.
She must really be sure that she is impregnated by the best genes, and also must be sure that her offspring will survive.

Sorry to have made that so long and boring.....

What does Cuckolding have to do with all this?

Cuckolding is the perfect expression of all of those things explained above.

1) The Cuckoldress is simply following a normal instinct.
She will try to be fucked (sorry about that word) by the most attractive and strongest male. (Best genes).
But she will also try to be sure that when impregnated (Bred) she will have the best possibility of survival for herself and her offspring.
(Her loving and caring Cuck will care for her)
2) The bull is also following a normal instinct.
He is high up on the scale of fitness. So he will spread his semen wantonly.
Not really caring if his offspring survive. He has enough to spare.

Now....the Cuck is much more complicated. But he is just following a normal instinct.
If you have ever watched the end of a fight between male animals, you will notice that one of them inmediately turns submissive.
3) The Cuck is lower down on the fitness scale.
Evolution permitted a second survival behaviour to develop.
So that the Cuck feels pleasure in beng submissive, because that way he may survive. Either by gaining the simpathy of the dominant bull. Giving his wife gladly for some extra food.
And also by helping raise the offspring of his very hot (Hotwife).
Even though most offspring may not be his. But maybe one or two sperm cells may get there.
So Cucks do pass on their genes.
That is why we have so many in this site (Bless them).

Sorry again that we have made this so long.
Guess we will have to leave the explanation about why we are an exception for a later post.
But this explanation was very important to understand why Cuckolding is normal.
Plus, it is delicious.
For the three persons involved.
Don't you agree?

Best Regards:
Alicia and Jorge
Alicia and Jorge-
Such a good thread! There is an awful lot to comment on here, but I'll be basic and quick...
First, you asked earlier if I was a dominant cuckoldress married to a submissive cuck- the answer to that is a bit complex, but essentially no. We have been together for such a very long time that we've passed the point of needing labels. They don't really matter- I'd do anything for him and vice versa.

That said, I do enjoy the bdsm lifestyle (where yes, I always am in the role of dominant)- but hubby does not. So, I play without him (usually) and with both sexes, but sex is not always part of those exchanges.

The cuck part of our lives was something we became interested in through a friend- and that friend was (at the time) in the role of the cuck- not my hubby...I suppose I'd say hubby was the bull role.

Which gets to my next comment- the needing of labels and needing to understand why we (as a people) do what we do and like what we like is somewhat irrelevant. So long as all parties involved are consenting adults, what's the difference if cuckolding is enjoyed for purely sexual reasons, to pass on "better" genes (there's a whole topic of science and biology there to dispute that argument...), or to make your partner happy- whatever...if it works for the couple involved and adds to their lives, then I don't see an issue...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts- they are a pleasure to read...
Thank You

Dear Barbiescuckoldress:

Thank you for your kind words.
You are absolutely right. The important thing is that it feels good.

But please let us explain.
The reason that we have for trying to understand Cuckolding from an Evolutionary and Psychological viewpoint is this:

Our main reason for being here is to help those couples that are not as lucky as you are. In other words there are many husbands here whose wives do not want to Cuckold them. Also (believe it or not) there are many husbands that would kill their wives if they found them in bed with another man.

Our purpose in analyzing is:
a) It helps us understand a very complex (But delicious) human behaviour.
In our case as a couple we have been practicing and studying Cuckolding for the past 30 years, and there are many things that we still have to learn.
In other words we are still fairly ignorant, and your post, plus Custer's post plus Greymaster's post help us tremendously.
(Plus all the others that posted before)
b) When we help other couples, we share our experience. That way they do not have to suffer all the pitfalls.
Plus they can enjoy their Cuckolding better.
c) But our main goal in analyzing is to convince others that Cuckolding is not something bad, or kinky or dirty.
(Some people still think so)
But rather Cuckolding is something beautiful.
The most perfect and tender moment that a couple can share.
In our case it has been something beautiful.
Based in mutual love and respect.
And we would like others to see it that way.

Best Regards:
Alicia and Jorge

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