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Am I the Only Only Guy Obsessed with Sucking BBC?

  • Thread starterjackjames
  • Start date
I pride myself on being bisexual. I have both sucked & been sucked by a black dude, but I didn't think anything about the difference in our races as I just wanted sex with a man. Lately though I have been looking closer at BBC's. I am particularly fascinated by seeing black men who are not cut as I am cut. I don't know why but I have this insane desire to pull back their skin, lick up all of their head cheese, then suck their dick until they have cum in my mouth & I have swallowed it all.;)
jackjames said:
Am I the only guy who is obsessed with sucking a big black cock?


i believe i can answer that query .........yes
biguy153 said:
Yes I have been bi for over 10 years .I've had back and white dick . But/black is way more thrilling .be it the contrast,taboo ,size ,or all thee above ,I like them I'm my mouth and most of all my ass.I feel as I was made to pleasure them.


do they feel the same way?
wnnabe1;143233Lately though I have been looking closer at [B said:
BBC's.[/B] I am particularly fascinated by seeing black men who are not cut as I am cut. I don't know why but I have this insane desire to pull back their skin, lick up all of their head cheese, then suck their dick until they have cum in my mouth & I have swallowed it all.;)

wozer!!! :eek::eek:
dick cheese never tasted oh so good on the everything bagel ! :eek:

never had a BBC, but thats probably due to the fact I have not had the oppertunity to date...... Have to keep my eyes open just in case.
Cucktail said:
It certainly is a "gay activity", but the activity does not define the sexuality.

Homosexuality is the "tendency to direct sexual desire towards someone of the same sex". The important word there is "tendency". A single act, or even more then a single act, is not a tendency if most of your sexual activity is with someone of a different sex.

One thing I wouldlike to point out is that a heterosexual is also defined with the word tendency as "some who has a tendency to direct sexual desire towards someone of a different sex" , but the word "tendency" is completely removed from the defintion of a bisexual (at least in my dictionary) "sexually oreinted towards both sexes"

Not sure what dictionary you used, but here's what mine says;

adjective: (of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.
noun: a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.

You're right about the importance of the word 'tendency' in the definition you used. But in my own opinion you made an illogical jump when you included the word "act" in your argument. By the definition you quoted, the tendency being referred to is "sexual desire". And by all common usage of language the original post (and subsequent conversation) has been as much about desire as it is about actual acts.

I think the dictionary quote I gave defines the word in a more straight forward way - but in actuality, they both are saying the same thing it seems... sexually attracted = sexual desire, does it not?

But, as I said earlier - I have nothing against homosexuals and believe that every human is a unique creature with no two being exactly alike. What confuses me though is how some guy can use the English language to say "I love to suck cock, but I'm not a homosexual." Sorry, but it just makes no sense - it's gobbledygook!
Homo or bi please

sojourner.q said:
Not sure what dictionary you used, but here's what mine says;

adjective: (of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.
noun: a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.

You're right about the importance of the word 'tendency' in the definition you used. But in my own opinion you made an illogical jump when you included the word "act" in your argument. By the definition you quoted, the tendency being referred to is "sexual desire". And by all common usage of language the original post (and subsequent conversation) has been as much about desire as it is about actual acts.

I think the dictionary quote I gave defines the word in a more straight forward way - but in actuality, they both are saying the same thing it seems... sexually attracted = sexual desire, does it not?

But, as I said earlier - I have nothing against homosexuals and believe that every human is a unique creature with no two being exactly alike. What confuses me though is how some guy can use the English language to say "I love to suck cock, but I'm not a homosexual." Sorry, but it just makes no sense - it's gobbledygook!
Again , I alway thought a homosexual Is one who JUST has sex with someone of the SAME gender ONLY = man on man or woman on woman ONLY . If you enjoy having sex with both your BI = homo sometimes and heterosexual sometimes . Now lets throw those dictionarys away and get back to cuckolding . Now how many cucks out there would like to suck a big black cock clean after It fucked your wife , and made a nice slimy mess .
jackjames said:
Am I the only guy who is obsessed with sucking a big black cock? I am not gay and never have been even remotely interested in sex with another guy. However, I have recently been unable to quit thinking about, even craving, the chance to try sucking off a hung black guy.
I've had this experience, a long time ago before I was married. I met him through a black chick I was "dating" which is to say "fucking". He used to date her too and they were friends.

I met him and we clicked but more in a buddy kinda way. One night we hung out without our mutual friend...again...there was no design on my part to do anything sexual. Sure I had thought about it. Being cucked by well hung black guy had been a fantasy of mine since I was 14 but again, this wasn't my intention. We just liked each other and wanted to hang out. We went barhopping and then ended up back at my apartment. We chatted for a while...mostly comparing notes about this woman we'd both had. Then, suddenly, he stood up, walked over to me and pulled his rather largish cock out (not the giant schlong many of us like to imagine but it was at least as big as my own...a little bigger I'd guess) and held it about 2 inches from my face. I started trembling...almost so bad that I thought tears would start streaming down my face. He whispered, "You want to..." I meekly sighed a "yes". He gently took hold of the back of my head and I slid off my chair to my knees (I wanted badly to be on my knees in front of him). He guided my mouth to his stiffening cock. I opened my mouth and slid his delicious dick in and out of it. Nothing existed for me except his cock and it felt so good to have it in my mouth...to feel it sliding over my tongue and back to my throat. I looked up at him and that set him off. His dick got completely hard and he began pulling me my head back and forth. It took about a minute for him to come. He pulled out and came over my open lips and my chin. We just stared at each other for minute. I actually begged him to let me do it again. He laughed and said he "Oh I'm not leaving here until you do it at least one more time"

I got cleaned up and we sat around awhile, talking about what had just happened. It was the first time I'd ever had any kind of sexual contact with another guy. He had done it before but he wasn't very experienced. He said that he wasn't sure what made him decide to make such a bold move. He said he just somehow knew that I'd be into it. We repeated the above exercise again before he left, this time we removed our clothes and I jacked off while I sucked him off.

We saw each other a few more times. We actually slept together in the same bed a couple of times, we made out...and I'm talking passionate kissing and heavy petting, mutual masturbation, etc. He liked to be somewhat dominant (which was fucking awesome btw) He liked to have me suck his cock or shake my ass at him while he jacked off. We actually tried anal once but I couldn't hang with it. Eventually, after I started dating my future wife, I lost contact with him.

Here's the rub...and why all this is relevant to your post, Jack. I consider myself more or less straight. I fucking LOVE women. I have a high sex drive and I constantly think about big round female booty. I can spot a big hot ass out of the corner of my eye while driving 50 mph down the road. I absolutely worship my wife (not to mention her phat ass) and I'm always wanting to fuck her. When I jack off I might start out thinking about Ms.jpg but I always finish thinking about this woman I love with all my heart.

I generally do not think about other men sexually. But a muscular black man will catch my eye every.single.time. Frankly, if a guy like that offered me his dick the way this guy did I really don't think I could resist. I would be putty in his hands and I'd obey his every command. Actually, when I think about the control that could be exerted over me by someone that was aware of this it fucking scares me...but the turn on is pure electricity that courses though me uncontrollably and fries my brain.

So, apparently, I'm bi...albeit very selectively so. When I fantasize about being cucked it's always with a black man. If I think about my wife with a white dude or a man of any other race besides black I just get angry and possessive. But when I think about big black hands on my wife's big bulbous white ass, a big black dick sliding in and out of her sweet pussy while I kneel at the foot of our bed waiting for them to command me to service them and pleasure them my dick wants to explode.

Wow...y'know when I started this post I was just going to say "No, you're not the only one." lol Sorry for the Penthouse forum "I'm a college student in a midwestern town and gee I never thought this would happen to me" post but it was kinda cathartic for me. :)
Statistics, trees in the forest, and straights & bisexuals (etc) in the population...


babyruthiezhubby said:
I'm with you Custer.

Cool... it's good to see, at long last, I've established some modest credibility with you.

babyruthiezhubby said:
Baker's numbers do seem more believable to me, but in any case, they're still an estimate that can't be proven or disproven.

Actually, statistical methods for making reliable estimates are well established. Lots of people use them every day. Those who are knowledgeable about estimation, however, rarely (if ever) claim the quantities they estimate are "exact." Rather, the goal is to estimate the quantity, whatever it might be, to within an uncertainty range that is known and that establishes the estimate as sufficiently accurate for the required purpose.

Whether a given estimation method does or does not have the required accuracy can usually be established in a straightforward way. Consider the following example. Suppose you're a forester, and you want to know the percentage of each tree species in an area of forest that has multiple tree species (fir, hemlock, spruce, aspen, birch, etc).

You also want to verify the accuracy of your estimation method, because you work for a logging co. and you know getting it wrong will have possibly-severe economic consequences. You might proceed as follows.

1. Define a sub-area of forest small enough to count the trees.

2. Within your subarea, define a smaller subarea where you don't count the trees.

3. On foot, walk through your subarea (but not your smaller subarea), counting and tabulating the number of trees of each species. You find (let's say) that douglas fir are 20%, hemlocks are 25%, spruce are 30%, aspen are 20%, and birch are 5% of all trees.

4. "Using statistics," you estimate the uncertainty of your tree percentage breakdown, when applied to an area of uncounted trees, will be +/- 3%. That is, the percentage of douglas fir will be (20 +/- 0.6)% or somewhere between 19.4% and 20.6%, the percentage of spruce trees will be (30 +/- 0.9)% or somewhere between 29.1% and 30.9%, etc.

5. Now, again on foot, you count and tabulate the number of each tree species throughout your smaller previously-uncounted subarea, which is your test area. You find the percentage of douglas fir is 19.6%, the percentage of spruce is 29.3%, etc. These are within your estimated uncertainty ranges for those species. If the percentage of each tree species in your previously-uncounted test area falls within the uncertainty range of your estimate, you conclude your estimation method has passed the test. It's as accurate as you thought it would be, and (presumably) accurate enough for your purposes.

6. For some tree species, however, you might find the numbers in your previously-uncounted test area fall outside your estimated uncertainty ranges for those species. You would then adjust your uncertainty ranges upward... say, to +/- 4 or 5% for those species.

7. Now, you apply your method to the entire forest that's of interest to you. It's so large you can't possibly walk through it counting all the tree species, but you feel confident your estimates will be sufficiently accurate... where by "sufficiently accurate," I mean the percentage of each tree species will fall within your estimated uncertainty range... because you tested your method and *proved* its accuracy to your satisfaction.

Finally, suppose in addition you know your employer the logging company will break even if douglas fir —a high-value tree — constitute at least 17% of the tree species throughout the forest. Any higher percentage will result in a profit; any lower percentage will result in a loss... AND, more than likely, you will be fired.

This would be an example of a statistical estimation problem where economic consequences ride on the results, so there's strong motivation for using a method that's mathematically valid. It can't consist of just picking some numbers out of the sky. (In real life, the estimation method would likely be considerably more sophisticated than this simple example.)

To conclude this shaggy-dog example: the problem of estimating the percentages of straight, bisexual, lesbian, and gay people in the population is similar (in principal), although it's complicated by most people not being rooted in place... they move around. But, once you get the idea, one can see it isn't impossible.

slaved said:
I've had this experience, a long time ago before I was married. I met him through a black chick I was "dating" which is to say "fucking". He used to date her too and they were friends.

I met him and we clicked but more in a buddy kinda way. One night we hung out without our mutual friend...again...there was no design on my part to do anything sexual. Sure I had thought about it. Being cucked by well hung black guy had been a fantasy of mine since I was 14 but again, this wasn't my intention. We just liked each other and wanted to hang out. We went barhopping and then ended up back at my apartment. We chatted for a while...mostly comparing notes about this woman we'd both had. Then, suddenly, he stood up, walked over to me and pulled his rather largish cock out (not the giant schlong many of us like to imagine but it was at least as big as my own...a little bigger I'd guess) and held it about 2 inches from my face. I started trembling...almost so bad that I thought tears would start streaming down my face. He whispered, "You want to..." I meekly sighed a "yes". He gently took hold of the back of my head and I slid off my chair to my knees (I wanted badly to be on my knees in front of him). He guided my mouth to his stiffening cock. I opened my mouth and slid his delicious dick in and out of it. Nothing existed for me except his cock and it felt so good to have it in my mouth...to feel it sliding over my tongue and back to my throat. I looked up at him and that set him off. His dick got completely hard and he began pulling me my head back and forth. It took about a minute for him to come. He pulled out and came over my open lips and my chin. We just stared at each other for minute. I actually begged him to let me do it again. He laughed and said he "Oh I'm not leaving here until you do it at least one more time"

I got cleaned up and we sat around awhile, talking about what had just happened. It was the first time I'd ever had any kind of sexual contact with another guy. He had done it before but he wasn't very experienced. He said that he wasn't sure what made him decide to make such a bold move. He said he just somehow knew that I'd be into it. We repeated the above exercise again before he left, this time we removed our clothes and I jacked off while I sucked him off.

We saw each other a few more times. We actually slept together in the same bed a couple of times, we made out...and I'm talking passionate kissing and heavy petting, mutual masturbation, etc. He liked to be somewhat dominant (which was fucking awesome btw) He liked to have me suck his cock or shake my ass at him while he jacked off. We actually tried anal once but I couldn't hang with it. Eventually, after I started dating my future wife, I lost contact with him.

Here's the rub...and why all this is relevant to your post, Jack. I consider myself more or less straight. I fucking LOVE women. I have a high sex drive and I constantly think about big round female booty. I can spot a big hot ass out of the corner of my eye while driving 50 mph down the road. I absolutely worship my wife (not to mention her phat ass) and I'm always wanting to fuck her. When I jack off I might start out thinking about Ms.jpg but I always finish thinking about this woman I love with all my heart.

I generally do not think about other men sexually. But a muscular black man will catch my eye every.single.time. Frankly, if a guy like that offered me his dick the way this guy did I really don't think I could resist. I would be putty in his hands and I'd obey his every command. Actually, when I think about the control that could be exerted over me by someone that was aware of this it fucking scares me...but the turn on is pure electricity that courses though me uncontrollably and fries my brain.

So, apparently, I'm bi...albeit very selectively so. When I fantasize about being cucked it's always with a black man. If I think about my wife with a white dude or a man of any other race besides black I just get angry and possessive. But when I think about big black hands on my wife's big bulbous white ass, a big black dick sliding in and out of her sweet pussy while I kneel at the foot of our bed waiting for them to command me to service them and pleasure them my dick wants to explode.

Wow...y'know when I started this post I was just going to say "No, you're not the only one." lol Sorry for the Penthouse forum "I'm a college student in a midwestern town and gee I never thought this would happen to me" post but it was kinda cathartic for me. :)


That was an awesome post! You described the erotic draw and power of bisexual contact with another man perfectly.

One statement you made was of particular interest I thought. That was your observation that you were "selectively bi". I think this holds true for most all of us. And not only in regards to homosexual activities, but hetero as well. We are all wired just a bit uniquely and it takes a certain chemistry with another person in order to kindle our sexual fire.

I'm glad writing your thoughts down proved cathartic. I find the same is true with me. It forces me to organize my thoughts and in so doing I can work through a lot of questions or gray areas.

Thanks for sharing your experience.
Custer Laststand said:

Cool... it's good to see, at long last, I've established some modest credibility with you.

Actually, statistical methods for making reliable estimates are well established. Lots of people use them every day. Those who are knowledgeable about estimation, however, rarely (if ever) claim the quantities they estimate are "exact." Rather, the goal is to estimate the quantity, whatever it might be, to within an uncertainty range that is known and that establishes the estimate as sufficiently accurate for the required purpose.

Whether a given estimation method does or does not have the required accuracy can usually be established in a straightforward way. Consider the following example. Suppose you're a forester, and you want to know the percentage of each tree species in an area of forest that has multiple tree species (fir, hemlock, spruce, aspen, birch, etc).

You also want to verify the accuracy of your estimation method, because you work for a logging co. and you know getting it wrong will have possibly-severe economic consequences. You might proceed as follows.

1. Define a sub-area of forest small enough to count the trees.

2. Within your subarea, define a smaller subarea where you don't count the trees.

3. On foot, walk through your subarea (but not your smaller subarea), counting and tabulating the number of trees of each species. You find (let's say) that douglas fir are 20%, hemlocks are 25%, spruce are 30%, aspen are 20%, and birch are 5% of all trees.

4. "Using statistics," you estimate the uncertainty of your tree percentage breakdown, when applied to an area of uncounted trees, will be +/- 3%. That is, the percentage of douglas fir will be (20 +/- 0.6)% or somewhere between 19.4% and 20.6%, the percentage of spruce trees will be (30 +/- 0.9)% or somewhere between 29.1% and 30.9%, etc.

5. Now, again on foot, you count and tabulate the number of each tree species throughout your smaller previously-uncounted subarea, which is your test area. You find the percentage of douglas fir is 19.6%, the percentage of spruce is 29.3%, etc. These are within your estimated uncertainty ranges for those species. If the percentage of each tree species in your previously-uncounted test area falls within the uncertainty range of your estimate, you conclude your estimation method has passed the test. It's as accurate as you thought it would be, and (presumably) accurate enough for your purposes.

6. For some tree species, however, you might find the numbers in your previously-uncounted test area fall outside your estimated uncertainty ranges for those species. You would then adjust your uncertainty ranges upward... say, to +/- 4 or 5% for those species.

7. Now, you apply your method to the entire forest that's of interest to you. It's so large you can't possibly walk through it counting all the tree species, but you feel confident your estimates will be sufficiently accurate... where by "sufficiently accurate," I mean the percentage of each tree species will fall within your estimated uncertainty range... because you tested your method and *proved* its accuracy to your satisfaction.

Finally, suppose in addition you know your employer the logging company will break even if douglas fir —a high-value tree — constitute at least 17% of the tree species throughout the forest. Any higher percentage will result in a profit; any lower percentage will result in a loss... AND, more than likely, you will be fired.

This would be an example of a statistical estimation problem where economic consequences ride on the results, so there's strong motivation for using a method that's mathematically valid. It can't consist of just picking some numbers out of the sky. (In real life, the estimation method would likely be considerably more sophisticated than this simple example.)

To conclude this shaggy-dog example: the problem of estimating the percentages of straight, bisexual, lesbian, and gay people in the population is similar (in principal), although it's complicated by most people not being rooted in place... they move around. But, once you get the idea, one can see it isn't impossible.


Using your logic here I can see where it is possible to get a fair estimate if the person doing the estimate is is looking for a fair estimate.
My point is that if a person has an agenda they can easily skew the estimate to achieve the desired results. If the estimater wants to push the Idea that there are more birch than their actually are for what ever reason he can do so By picking subareas of the forest known to have high concentrations of birch for his count. It's done all the time.
Polls are done in a similar way by picking an area of the country or state and taking a small sampling then applying the numbers to the country as a whole. Polls are seldom right because they are taken by a political party (either one) that has an agenda and is looking for a number that is helpful to the party and can be used for propaganda.
if a Bi is doing a poll on how many bi people there are in the country he may want to skew the numbers to favor his own beliefs.

babyruthiezhubby said:
Using your logic here I can see where it is possible to get a fair estimate if the person doing the estimate is is looking for a fair estimate.


babyruthiezhubby said:
My point is that if a person has an agenda they can easily skew the estimate to achieve the desired results. ... etc ...

Awright, awright... here you're playing "yes, but" with me. The problem is the same as the problem of evaluating what you see and hear on a daily basis on (say) television (if you watch TV), and deciding what's likely to be true vs. what's best disregarded because it's just bullshit.

The problem people have if they carry out polls and surveys then falsify their results all the time in support of their "agendas" may have been stated best by Abraham Lincoln:

“You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

With political polling, there's always a test that illuminates the accuracy of the polls: it's called "election day." (That is, it's a test if the vote counting is accurate, which isn't always the case.)

Rather than try to explain any more about polls and surveys, I'll refer you to a site maintained by a guy who calls himself "The Votemaster." He compiles and presents polling data leading up to major U.S. elections, and makes a substantial effort to eliminate biased polls. He does not, for example, accept any data collected by pollsters working for political parties. He (and many others) pay hard cash to neutral polling organizations, and thus expect their data to be as unbiased as reasonably possible. But, obtaining unbiased polling data is not a simple process.

Here's the website. Polling trends for the Nov. 2010 elections will not be displayed until about 1 month prior, because earlier data tend not to be meaningful.

1. VoteFromAbroad.org website:
Electoral-vote.com: Election news

2. Who is that Votemaster guy, anyway? (He’s a mild-mannered U.S. citizen living abroad, along with 7 million other American citizens, more than the population of Virginia. If Americans abroad were a "state" they would rank 13th in population. He is also known as Andrew S. Tanenbaum, a professor of computer science at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.) See:

Votemaster FAQ

3. Frequently-asked questions (FAQ) about political polling: this page has, for the most part, answers to the points you raised.

Polling FAQ

4. See also this page on predicting the future: The Next Report (joke… this page always looks like this).

Crystal Ball

The above has wandered pretty far afield. If I say any more about the problem of conducting polls and surveys that actually reflect the real world (say, with respect to sexual behaviors relevant to this forum), I'll probably start a new thread in a different section.

BBC is THE dick to suck. I used to be straight but 7 years ago when the wife and I started swinging, then I started watching her and being a cuck. Now I don't care what she does as long as I can suck dick and eat cum. BBC is what I am constantly looking for. Either at ABS or craigslist. I love a big black dick that has some piss smell and some big nuts that are full of cum. I will suck white dick because I love cum....anybodys, but my adds are all looking for a black dick to service.
I love it

I jackoff all the time watching videos of some big black guys fucking some white pussy boy like me in the ass and mouth . call it what you want but I think it's hot seeing a white guy getting humilated on his knees sucking some black cocks .

I think there is an inherent sketchiness when labeling people according to activities. Is a lawyer who once worked as a waiter still a waiter? Is a Baptist who received Catholic communion a Catholic? Why would one's sexual acts be sufficient to cause one to bear a durable sexual label, but one's economic acts, political acts, recreational acts, culinary acts, etc. sustain only a temporary categorization?

Male-on-male fellatio is, by definition, a homosexual act, and "homosexual" may be a perfectly valid label to apply to either of the participants in it (though I am uncertain what the utility of such a label would be, and I notice there is no discussion of whether black men who accept fellatio from white husbands are "gay"). But what can we say about people who aren't currently engaging in sex, without descending into a morass of arbitrary lines drawn around how often and with whom and under which circumstances they participate in different sexual acts?
queer as a football bat. lol lol lol never heard that one before.
I very much desire for my wife to find a bull, and for them to allow me to service him by sucking his cock anything else he might desire. However, it doesn't have to be a BBC. I think there's way too much emphasis being put on the BBC when it comes to cuckoldry. I would enjoy sucking my wife's bull regardless of his race.

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