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Almost Cucked.....hot story

  • Thread starterknives69
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Beloved Member
Jun 16, 2007
Well I don't know how much of you remember my first post......it was about my gf wanting to do porn.

Anyway, the update on that is that she is too scared of STDs (dont blame her) to do porn.

However, she is also a fitness model and has recently begun some modeling since moving to California.

Last week after a photoshoot for some new party clothes, she came back a little too happy.

Here's what she told me off the shoot.

She said she had to wear a number of hot tiny dresses etc, some clothing was sheer and her boobs were visible. However, her nipples will be photshopped out for the catalog. Anyway, she said she had to model with some male models in some very suggestive poses. Now, her 'funny' (as she claimed) story was that one of the models (some latin stud apparently) could not contain his erection around her.

So i asked her, why, what sort of suggestive poses did she have to do wit him that drew this reaction? She said they had to do 'grinding dance poses' etc as well as some latin dance poses which I know are very sexual....in basically a super thin short skirts and dresses!

I then asked her "so obviously you felt his hard cock against you'...her answer was 'duh'......and that wasn't asll, her exact reply was "duh! of course I felt it, actually it was hard not feel it.... even when he got it down". What do you mean? I asked....She said "well he was kinda has a huge cock". How huge? i asked.....well apparently she said it looked about almost 9 inches.

Now, she seemed very flushed talking about it and I know it turned her on. She is a self confessed size queen and we routinely use big dildos during sex.

Anyway, here is the part that really bothers me.....she said, for most of her shoots she couldn't wear any underware due to panty lines etc. She then told me "I hope you don't mind but in some of the poses we had to do, I felt his cock directly on my pussy". I then asked, "you mean felt him through his or your clothes u mean? right?"....She said "well not exactly, i mean some of his clothes was really really thin, and I told you I had no panties on...anyway I hope you don't mind, hehehehe". I told her, "well as long as it didn't get you wet" and she replied...."hehehe ofcourse not, how could a nice big cock get me wet".....my reply which ended this discussion was "jeez, when is your pussy not wet?" (as well as being a size queen she is a self confessed nymph or sex addict).

So, anyway, this storey turned me on like crazy. While we do have decent sex, she readily admits my penis (5x5) is too small to make her cum and as a result she has to use get her self off in sex, which I feel really horrible for cuz I know she has had better sex. Many if not all of her exes were in the 7 inch range. Should I tell her she can fuck him if she wants? I know part of her wants too. She is a very very sexual girl. Also, we have had threesomes in the past with other girls (MFF) so it may appear I owe her a 'favor'.

How should I proceed wit this? I honeslty would enjoy seeing her get fucked with his big cock. How can I convince her. Despite being so sexual and a size queen, she's always adamant about not wanting to fuck other guys. However, we have had conversations (really hot ones) where she'd appear into the idea when horny, but when she isn't she backs off.

Anyone had any similar experiences?
Sounds like you have a hot woman on your hands....


Interesting screen name, BTW. Does it have some significance not evident in your post? Anyway, to get to your questions....

knives69 said:
.... I told her, "Well, as long as it didn't get you wet." She replied.... "Hehehe of course not, how could a nice big cock get me wet?" My reply, which ended this discussion, was: "Jeez, when is your pussy not wet?" (As well as being a size queen, she is a self-confessed nymph or sex addict.)

Sounds like there's a fairly high probability your G/F is going to fuck her modeling partner, and she feels confident enough in her relationship with you to tell you how he's affecting her. A question you might ask yourself would be: if you express opposition and tell her you don't want her to do that, will she do it anyway but become more secretive and not tell you about it?

knives69 said:
So anyway, this story turned me on like crazy. While we do have decent sex, she readily admits my penis (5x5) is too small to make her cum and as a result she has to get herself off during sex. I feel really horrible about this, because I know she has had better sex. Many if not all of her ex's were in the 7 inch range.

Sounds like you have something of a cuckold personality. Your G/F may sense this — and definitely would have sensed it if you became hard while she was telling you about her sexual response to her modeling partner.

knives69 said:
Should I tell her she can fuck him if she wants? I know part of her wants too. She is a very very sexual girl.

Excellent! Good for her. It sounds to me like you're fortunate to have her as a G/F. If you "give her permission" to fuck her modeling partner, though, there will be a cloud on the horizon. It will be that since she and you aren't married, she may view you as having low (if any) commitment to her and herself as having minimal commitment to you. If, after she begins fucking her partner, they "hit it off" and realize they are intensely attracted to each other, she may drop you (conceivably) in order to pursue her relationship with him. You could, in other words, lose your G/F.

The probability of this happening would be higher (I would guess) than if she were your wife, because if she and you were married she would have a "secure base" in her relationship with you — and would perhaps even appreciate you more and feel closer to you as a result of you telling her you love her and want her to be satisfied, so it would be OK if she were to pursue sex outside her marriage — i.e., make you her cuckold.

knives69 said:
Also, we have had threesomes in the past with other girls (MFF) so it may appear I owe her a 'favor.'

Hm.... this may be a good point. Probably you won't be able to make a judgment unless you talk with her about it.

knives69 said:
How should I proceed with this? I honestly would enjoy seeing her get fucked with his big cock.

This further suggests you have something of a cuckold personality....

knives69 said:
How can I convince her? Despite being so sexual and a size queen, she's always adamant about not wanting to fuck other guys. However, we have had conversations (really hot ones) where she'd appear into the idea when horny, but when she isn't she backs off.

That isn't surprising. It suggests she views her relationship with you as having substantial importance; you are fairly high priority. That's a plus.

I suggest first considering the risk of losing your G/F, given that you have not offered her the security of marriage (and may not have that in mind, given you have not mentioned it). If you decide you're willing to accept this risk and you want to have the unmarried equivalent of a "hot wife / cuckold husband" marriage with her regardless, then you might consider:

1. asking her to read this article by Susan Gower, and tell her you'd like to talk with her about it (then do so);

The Science of Cuckoldry « Cuckold Couple

2. then, if she seems even mildly interested, suggest she read this article by Cherry Lee (Ph.D.) and tell her you'd like to discuss it with her (then do so);

For Women Scandalous Magazine cuckolding, Playgirl, fashion, beauty, health, sex advice for women

3. then, if she seems intrigued but still reluctant, embark on the program (so to speak) described in the 8-part article, also by Cherry Lee, that begins here:

» A Wife Into A Hotwife Hot Wife Blog - hotwife and cuckold husband fetish discussion

My impression is, you probably won't have too much trouble getting her there — particularly since there's a candidate lover she has the hots for, and he for her, right now.

Good luck—

knives69 said:
(as well as being a size queen she is a self confessed nymph or sex addict).

I have noticed a bit of a theme around here where the husband (or boyfriend) gets a pretty solid read on what the wife (or girlfriend) wants to do, and the question becomes, does he "allow" her to do it?

That's difficult to answer. It all depends on what you want. If what you say above is true, about her being a bit of a sex addict, I think you need to ask yourself the following: do you want to continue a relationship with her where she fucks other men, or do you want no relationship with her at all? I can't fathom a realistic scenario between those two extremes.

It's all about what the two of you want. No one else's opinion matters. As long as you make a decision that is fair to your partner and makes you happy, to hell with everyone else.
She is most likely to fuck him, especially as her photo partner wears very thin underwear to stop his cock fully touching her total nakedness. His cock is as hard as a rock and the pre-cum will be ready to ooze out as they are "grinding their pelvis regions together" in simulated sexual positions. She has seen his huge cock without his underwear on. He has probably fucked her already to get some sexual flush on her skin in the photos.

Start calling her Mistress and kiss her feet often, because her hot genes will never let her be mogomous to you.

Custer has it sorted out what is likely to happen.
Interesting and detailed responses, thanks!

anyway, if you a little background on the relationship we have, we've been together for 6 years actually. With one small break in between which stemmed from me not placing enough priority on her (more on work at that time). Anyway, we've worked through those issues and we're happier than ever.

There's a reason why she hasn't left me after so long and not so great sex. I hate to sound arrogant, but I've got the looks and charm to wow most women. I'm also pretty successful career and money wise. However, that's just on the surface, I guess we connect in a deeper way. We're very open with each other and her being bi has brought us even closer together as we, often 'pick up' girls...hot girls in fact, together. Very sweet I know.

Anyway, being so open etc. I've learned that I was definetly not her biggest (possible only one smaller, but she says she can't remember), and I'm the only guy she says who she doesn't really stimulate her g-spot during sex due to lack of girth.

Now, my size has been okay for my ex gfs. However, she definitely has a big a pussy. No two ways about it, she can easily take 8 or 9 inches. To emphasize her 'endowment', a girl in one of our threesomes was only able to take 6 inches with one of our dildos. My gf, was easily able to slip it in her up to the full 8.5". That really shocked the other girl (who is bi and has experience with dildos and women) as she said she never saw a girl take so much so easily.

So being a very very sexual girl (honest to god the most sexual person i've ever known), she wanted to try out porn. At first claiming she'd only do lesbian scenes, which I was more than fine with. However, when we learned more about the industry etc, she realized that girl on girl is in low demand right now and she'd make a lot more having sex with male porn stars. We had a very honest discussion about this and she said she could have sex with them, just unattached unemotional sex and that it won't affect her feelings for me. I on the other hand told her at the time that I would be ok, but I'd hate for people to see her fucking other men while with me. Anyway, that porn dream ended when one of her friends in porn contracted AIDS which turned her totally off that scene.

Thus thats where modeling came in. I believe the photoshoot last week was the first with guys on set.

Anyway, can anyone explain this behavior from her, she often tells me sometimes "I'd never want to have sex with any other guy, even if he had a huge cock"....why mention the huge cock? Other time she says "girls are hotter than guys cuz they've got boobs, asses, legs and pussy. Guys only have their cock", also whenever she learns that a guy is well hung she says "ohh his gf is soo lucky".

It seems to me that she is almost indirectly hinting at me that she wants to try or at least is very attracted to huge cocks. So why does she be so against the idea when she isn't horny. I think she assumes I can't handle the jealously honeslty.

My approach to this situation was suggesting the following 'deal' with her. About 3 weeks ago we brough a really hot babe home, and the threesome that followed was great. This girl was smoking hot. Anyway, we have a rule in our threesomes that I only cum in her and not the other women (weird I know, my gf suggested it). However, last threesome I accidently couldn't hold back and I did cum in the girl (condom of course, but still). My gf was not pissed at the time, but I could tell she wasn't too pleased about it the next day. However, she said she understood cuz the other girl was 'very fucking hot' (her words).

So my plan is to tell her, to make up for that accident, she can fuck her latin model partner. However, I have to be sly when bringing this up. Anyway ideas how to do this?
In fact, I almost had the perfect opportunity about 2 hrs ago, but I kinda blew it.

She came back from her friend who is dating a guy with a big cock. So she told me earlier that her friend's pussy is often very sore after sex with her bf. She then mutered out loud "i don't know why she's complaining, Steve isn't 'that' big (her friend showed her pics b4)"...."Nune's (latin model from the shoot, she brought him up, not me) actually a lot bigger and I'd be perfectly fine with that'.

I asked her "how do you u'd be fine wit that, didn't you say he was like 9 inches?"
her: "we'll my dildo is 8.5 and that's nothing for me to take"
me: "i see, well i bet if someome fucked you really hard with a 9 inch cock you'd be pretty sore the next day"
her: "haha wouldn't that be nice.."
me: "u should try and see, i bet you would be"
her: getting a tad uncomfortable "well i dont know..."

conversation ended about there....she almost refused to take it futher and re-directed it onto something non sexual, something which she doesn't do that often.

Some analyze please....I'm a typical guy and I don't know how to read this situation properly.

Regarding the last sentence of your post of earlier today:

knives69 said:
Some analysis please.... I'm a typical guy and I don't know how to read this situation properly.

If you read the entire thread initiated on 4 Nov. '08 and continued for 9 "pages" (through today) by Cuckold Bill, which starts here


in the "General Cuckoldry" section of this forum, I think you'll see the answer to your question. Afterwards, if there are still aspects of your G/F's behavior vis-a-vis you that don't seem clear, I suggest posting an additional query.

Her dildo easily outshines your cock, but you have to take things slowly, so she can feel her way into new situations at her own pace. Dream about what you desire her to get up to with guys, and your body language will reveal to her where the boundaries are.

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