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  • Thread starterpimpology101
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I was wondering what percentage of couples or single women actually show up versus the no shows. I know swinger parties are notorious for people chickening out. I would imagine that once a couple shows up for one they are coming back for more. Do you charge a fee for the men or is it a free for all? I am genuinely curious about the stats.
I do not charge a fee. Couples contact me privately and I retain however many black men they wish me to. Then we all meet at a hotel reserved by the couple. Once there the men chip in equal shares to reimburse the couple the expense of the room. After some socializing the real fun commences.
sticky123 said:
Do many people string u along or chicken out?
Well, It's the internet. There's alot of pussy cowards out there lol.
When I first began doing this, yes a few people (both couples and black men) would do me that way. But I found that once you have a successful event the word of mouth spreads and you begin to have more genuine people contact you. The last 6 parties I have thrown have been flawless without a single no show. I hope that trend continues.
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Reasons enough to join? Help us reach 10,000 members in less than 3 years time!

Just have your age, gender and location listed on your profile to join!!
Dude, If you're group raises much success in 3 yrs, are you going to up it to a site?:)

There are many free web hosts...

lol for some reason, I can imagine you doing this for a profession
We toyed with the idea of going to a pay site with a negligible fee. But in the end I had mixed feelings about doing so. I put it to the members as a poll vote and it narrowly missed. Wasn't thrilled about making the good folks at OREO pay a membership fee anyway.

I could do this and generate a pretty substantial income. But I'd rather be in it just for the joy of seeing white women get fucked by black guys.
pimpology101 said:
We toyed with the idea of going to a pay site with a negligible fee. But in the end I had mixed feelings about doing so. I put it to the members as a poll vote and it narrowly missed. Wasn't thrilled about making the good folks at OREO pay a membership fee anyway.

I could do this and generate a pretty substantial income. But I'd rather be in it just for the joy of seeing white women get fucked by black guys.
yeah, I agree. Just wanting you to succeed at what you do best. that's all.

Move to fl man. I needs me a party.

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There are a ton of Florida based yahoo groups dedicated to mwf with black males. Send me an e-mail and I'll give you a few links.
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Check your PM's I pmed you.

Thanks in advance Pimp. You've been the only really helpful guy since I got here.
I do what I can. I just try to do two things: Always be real and never forget that this lifestyle doesn't dictate who I am nor does it shape or mold my beliefs and principles; rather my principles shape how I conduct myself in this lifestyle!

You'll have to give me a few minutes on the yahoo links as I have to find 'em.
if you emailed them yesterday, I didn't get them. Perhaps I did a typo. It's floridaballa561 at the y!

If not, oh well, I can wait. :)

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