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Africa;Harsh Reality

  • Thread starterWhite-Male_Truth
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Neat 'n Petite said:
While some of the statistical information offered here might be valid, this girl is too enraptured by Expatdad's vivid narrative of African pleasuring to pay that much attention to the negative.....only because he's playing to my repressed biological urges so effectively.

After-all,your married to a white man. "repressed biological urges"? I suspect your urges,are more apt,with animal sex than with men.

It's evident by your fantasies.

I have a hunch that most of the women on this board,were either sexually molested as children,or have very low self-esteem. Then again it's not fair to assume,considering you,and most other white women on this board,are married to white men.

If you were so serious about your "repressed biological urges" i would challenge you to leave your white community,where your safe and secure,and go live in a black community,while marrying a black man.

I understand this board,and website is over-flowing with fantasy. Im not debating that......Im debating the continent of Africa.

But i assume women like you have more common-sense than i give them credit for. If your husband wasn't interested in this fantasy,im sure you wouldn't be either.
I think just about everyone knows that Africa is a crime ridden continent..very poor with high levels of gov't corruption, lots of civil wars and so on. similiarly in sub saharan africa aids is rampant. Can anyone argue with that?
so-called porn lover-- you mite me right about what your saying but America is going to hell too. So there is nothing you can do about it. You probably just hate black men too. Heres a hint-- keep your possible truths off this site. They are not appreciated here.
white male idiot-- your so-called 'advice' is not appreciated. You are definitly a racist and I doubt you were ever in the military. I will be contacting the moderators to have you banned from here and from spreading your inciteful comments.

P.O. Box 587, Sea Point 8060, RSA

Tel/Fax 021-510-6854; e-mail


April/May 2004

Dear Friends,

In April 2004 the first Decade of Democracy was celebrated in South Africa. Following the third democratic elections, Thabo Mbeki was inaugurated as State President on 27.4.2004 for his second 5-year term. 98 countries were represented at the ceremony. 38 heads of state were present, among them President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe who was enthusiastically welcomed as a hero. President Mbeki is dedicated to nation building to fighting poverty, and working for a better life for all. One aspect of this is the redistribution of wealth and land. The ANC's Freedom Charter demands that "The Land shall be shared among those who work it!" and the Government wants to "hand over 30% [25.9 million hectares] of predominantly white commercial farmland to emerging black farmers by 2020."(1) A law passed last year "will allow the government to expropriate land for restitution where negotiations on a 'willing buyer, willing seller' basis fail."(2)

A new book, "The Great South African Land Scandal," is dealing with "the possibility that South Africa could go the same way as Zimbabwe." The author, Dr Philip du Toit, is an attorney and specialist on land reform and labour law. In his Foreword he says: "Stories about the collapse of farms handed over to emerging farmers under the government's land reform program have circulated for some time. But over the last two years the desecration of some of South Africa's productive farmland has increased to such an extent that land is being taken out of production at an alarming rate".

Give us this day our daily bread

Now, we pray to God daily asking, "Give us this day our daily bread," and in doing so "we acknowledge that in Adam, and by our own sin, we have forfeited our right to all the outward blessings of this life, and deserve to be wholly deprived of them by God... We pray for ourselves and others, that we, waiting upon the providence of God ...may enjoy a competent portion of them."(3) Indeed, God has blessed South Africa with food. The country produces enough to feed 100 million people in Southern Africa - even though 27% of the land is mostly drought-stricken and only 12% suitable for cultivation. Food production needs a high level of expertise and is impossible without prayer and hard work. God's words to Adam still apply: "In toil you shall eat of it {the ground] all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth to you... till you return to the ground for out of it you were taken. " (Genesis 3:17)

What happens when flourishing farms are handed over to 'emerging farmers'?

In February 2001, in a R43 million land agreement, the Minister of Agriculture and Land Affairs, Ms. Thoko Didiza, handed over the 1400 ha Letsitele Valley farms near Tsaneen to 1500 people of the Mamathola tribe. These farms had a turnover of R15 million a year, and the tribe were given 4,5 million as operating capital. But after the take-over none of them came to farm and live on the land. Instead, they elected a committee who paid themselves a monthly salary of R12,000 each. They did not farm either. Two years later investigators found that the "avocado trees were dying of thirst. While the farm dam was full, the pipes from the dam were broken - there was apparently no money to fix them... The mango trees' spring blossoms were out, but these trees were not watered either. The papayas hung from dry trunks, while grass and weeds grew between the expertly laid out plantation rows... Three state-of-the art packing sheds were empty, loose crates lying about. There was not a soul to be seen. Electricity had been cut off so the cool rooms didn't work As we drove through this once beautiful farm, we came upon neglected macadamia groves. Thousands and thousands of macadamia nuts lay under the trees, unharvested These are the most expensive nuts on the market. South Africa's macadamia export production goes mainly to the United States where consumers can afford them... Further on, a citrus orchard's trees gasped for water in the searing heat. These 'ghost farms' are appearing all over South Africa... The farming equipment which had been handed over in pristine condition was virtually unusable, but the R12,000 a month salaries were still taken until the farm operation was placed under judicial management!''(4) - Before the hand-over to the Mamathola tribe the valley's 3,000 ha of intensive fruit orchards had brought in tens of millions of rands in foreign currency every year and supported a labour force of between 2,000 and 3,000 black workers plus their families.

A similar fate befell the farm Zebediela, the world's biggest citrus estate in the Umpopo Province. It used to be called "the diamond of agricultural projects," and in 1978 the Readers' Digest, in its Illustrated Guide to Southern Africa, wrote: "Nearly 400 million oranges are harvested each year... At the height of the season, about 15,000 cases of oranges leave Zebediela every day. The fruit comes from more than 565,000 trees irrigated by enough water to supply a city..." (p. 122) The harvest was worth R30 million a year. But after its hand-over to the Agricultural and Rural Development Corporation of the ruling ANC Government the estate suffered a loss of R30 million in 2,000 and of R35 million in 2001. The press reported that it was "beyond recovery." A lemon yield worth R8 million was left to rot because there was no money to pay staff. In March 2001 ABSA Bank stopped all credit and bounced a pension cheque of R56 million. The seller farmers had been only too ready to help the new owners, but their help was rejected.

Some land claims are historically questionable. In fact, the SA Institute of Race Relations asks: "Do we have a land problem in South Africa?.. The 30% target for redistribution has been put in place with no evidence of actual demand for rural land and could have major implications for commercial agriculture."(5) - In the past 30 years, the number of commercial farmers of all races has, in fact, decreased from 70.000 to less than 35.000. In The Great South African Land Scandal Dr du Toit concludes:: "The government's promise to return the land to the people as outlined in the Freedom Charter is an invitation to famine." (p.250)

Squatter invasions, intimidation, farm killings and arson

The book describes agricultural decline in all provinces, but the situation seems most serious in Gauteng and Natal. A farmer in Kranskop, Natal, lost four of his family members to farm murders. In his area, eleven farmers were killed. Since 1994 altogether 1600 farmers have been murdered in South Africa in more than 8000 farm attacks. In a Zimbabwe-type situation, farmers suffer cattle and crop theft, intimidation, arson, and land invasions. Self-appointed chieftains sell plots of farmland which does not belong to them. In the past few years, in Kranskop alone, farmers abandoned 14 commercial farms of more than 10,000 ha to masses of squatters. Because of the failure of the police, farmers in KwaZulu-Natal pay R60 million a year to security companies. Stock theft amounts to c. R120 million a year, and the Government loses around RI00 million p.a. in taxation as a result of besieged and abandoned farms.

The road to poverty

Can the country sustain such heavy losses in food production? Are we not committed to a better life for all? Why do we reject God's rich providence? He has "blessed the fruit of our land, our corn, and our wine, and our oil, and the flocks of our sheep. " (Deuteronomy 7:13) He has given us "rain in due season." The land could "yield her increase, and the trees of the field could yield their fruit." (Leviticus 26:4) Dr du Toit also deplores that, "until the present government came to power South Africa was not only a leading player in agricultural research in Africa but indeed in the world. Many of its institutes were world famous - Onderstepoort for example was South Africa and Africa's most prestigious veterinary science research institution." (p. 209) But because of lack of subsidies world class veterinarians have left the institute - among them researchers in vaccination, tuberculosis, foot and mouth and tropical diseases, etc. Last year 400 researchers withdrew their services from the Agricultural Research Council. (p. 212) The ARC provides knowledge for agriculture and animal care, from tropical and sub-tropical crops to animal nutrition, to soil, climate and water research. It also does critical work to improve the quality and safety of food. "South Africa is at the moment playing dangerously with tuberculosis," laments the trade union Solidarity. "The last TB researcher at Onderstepoort resigned last month." TB is transmitted through unpasteurised milk. It is one of the worst transmitted diseases in South Africa and is especially deadly for people with HIV/Aids.(p. 215) Even snap inspections of abattoirs have stopped. There is no one left to analyse samples of meat. "The meat researcher left..." writes Dr du Toit, saying: "Humans will eventually suffer. If new products come on to the market, how will the public know they're safe?" (p. 217)

South Africa's needs have long outgrown subsistence farming, such as most 'emergent farmers' practise. It cannot afford the subsistence mentality. It needs agricultural expertise of the highest standard and a work ethic of singular dimensions. Most of all, it needs to look unto God, the great Provider, the Giver of all good things. For it is He who through obedient hands "raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill, that he may set him with princes." (Psalm 113)

May God bless you richly,

D. Scarborough.

(1) SA Institute of Race Relations, Fast Facts, Land Reform - What lies beneath?, May 2002.

Until fairly recent years a true assessment of the racial origin of the Hebrews has been almost impossible, owing to the long-prevailing obsession that the present-day Jewish people accurately reproduce the racial characteristics of ancient Hebrew forbears.

Now that abundant proof has been found to show that the Jews of to-day contain elements of many races and are, in the main, not true Hebrews at all, the racial origin of these ancient people becomes an open question, and it may usefully be enquired 'Who were the Hebrews?' without displaying what would once have been considered an abysmal ignorance of self-evident facts.

The Habiru first became prominent, in the Middle Euphrates area, in the centuries prior to 2000 B.C. By the time of Abraham they had pushed colonies northwards and westwards, through Persia, Palestine and Egypt. Some of these pioneers moved further westwards, through North Africa and Spain, reaching even as far as Britain. To those who remained behind, the land of Palestine was known as Amurru (the land to the West) and its occupants, whether Canaanite or Hebrew, were Amorites (westerners).

Thus, in addition to the other nations of Canaan, there were in Palestine 'Amorites' who were descended from Ham - the Amorites of the Bible - and also Hebrew descendants of Shem - the Amurru - who, together with the Israelites who followed them, became the Amorites described as such by modern ethnologists.

It can be shown conclusively that these Hebrew-Amorites were of the racial type now known as Nordic. In the words of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, these dwellers in Palestine were 'a race much more like the northern Europeans' than the type which has popularly been termed 'Semitic'.


Great confusion of thought has arisen through the indiscriminate misuse of the term Semitic. It is popularly considered that there is, and always has been, a Semite race. The Arabs and the modern Jews (and therefore the ancient Hebrews) have been awarded this racial classification by authorities who should have shown more care. As mentioned by Gunther, in his Racial Elements of European History (p. 74), and by other authorities, there is no such thing as a Semitic race; there are only Semitic-speaking peoples, showing varying racial compositions. There is a Semitic language-group, but that is a very different matter. It should be noted that some authorities have used the name Semite to describe people whom they admit were of Hamitic descent. It cannot be too strongly emphasised that - in its correct usage - the term Semitic denotes linguistic and not racial attributes. The true understanding of the movements and development of the Hebrew peoples has been completely clouded by its persistent misuse.


As this name has often been used rather loosely by modern authorities, it is very necessary to have a correct appreciation of its full meaning. The word Amorite is used first in the Bible in Genesis ten, where it is stated that Canaan, son of Ham, begat Sidon and Heth. Then follows a list of tribes who sprang from Canaan: Jebusites, Amorites, Girgasites, Hivites, Arkites, Sinites, Arvadites, Zemarites and Hamathites. It is probable that these names were not patronymics, but were geographical terms. Thus, the Jebusites mentioned in Genesis ten were those descendants of Canaan who had settled in the city of Jebus (Jerusalem). Similarly, the Arkites resided in Arca, the Hamathites in Hamath, and the Zemarites in the place to this day called Sumra. The term Hivite would also be geographical.

Thus the Biblical term Amorite was applied to those descendants of Canaan who resided in a portion of the territory known to the people of the Euphrates basin as Amurru (Mar-Tu, the land to the West) many centuries before the Israelites entered the Promised Land.

But the term Amurru was not used consistently, for a Hebrew resident of Palestine might be called either a Canaanite or an Amorite by a dweller in ancient Babylonia (vide Cambridge Ancient History, Vol 1, 1929, p. 230), for usage varied with time.

But the 'Amorites' so called by modern archaeologists were something far greater than the comparatively small number of the Hamitic people using that name, mentioned in Scripture as sharing Palestine with numerous other tribes. According to modern research, an 'Amorite' race originated in the area of the Middle Euphrates. About the time of Abraham (c.1900 B.C.) they had gained control of the whole of Babylonia and had pushed out pioneering colonies over Palestine and even as far as Egypt. Many authorities consider that the Hyksos who controlled Egypt for a period were of this dominant race. It is clear that descendants of Canaan and Amoritic Hebrews had dwelt together in Palestine for centuries.

Prof. R. B. Dixon, in his Racial History of Man (1923), p. 172, mentions that in the period 2500 B.C. - 1500 B.C. the population of Palestine consisted primarily of 'Mediterranean' and 'Caspian' peoples.

It will be recalled that the Ammonites and Moabites, who dwelt to the east of the Jordan, derived frorn Hebrew parents who moved in from the Euphrates area at the sarne time as Abraham.

It has been securely established that large sections of a highly civilised race moved westwards and northwards from Babylonia about 2000 B.C. (Serial No. 4 [222.11]). Some authorities call these migrating people Habiru or Hebrews, other authorities name them Amorites; whilst some writers have used the term Unman-Manda, although this name is usually associated with people of the same race who became prominent in Medo-Persia at a much later date. The language of the Amurru was 'an earlier stage of the Hebrew language'. The Ras Shamra Tablets show that people using archaic Hebrew had lived in southern Palestine as early as 2100 B.C. (Serial No. 50 [ 222.1 ]).

There is thus good ground for believing:

(a) That the Amorites of the Bible were of Hamitic descent (i.e., they were Canaanites).

(b) That they were thus named because they lived in the territory of Amurru and not because of any racial affinity with the people known to modern ethnologists as 'amorites'.

(c) That the 'Amorites' so called by modern authorities (using the word in a strictly ethnological sense) were first found in the Tigris-Euphrates basin and gradually moved westwards at, or about, the time of Abraham.

(d) That these 'amorites' were, in fact, none other than a branch of the Hebrew or kindred peoples who had migrated from their homeland to what Babylonians generally then called 'the land to the West'.


The sub-joined evidence shows that the people whom some authorities call Hebrews and others Amorites were of that section of the human race now known as Nordic.

Professor Coon:

The Sumerians, who lived over five thousand years ago in Mesopotamia are almost identical in skull and face form with living Englishmen.

Professor Sayce:

says that the 'Amorites' of Palestine were tall, handsome people, with white skins, blue eyes and reddish hair, having all the characteristics of the white race. He quotes support from Sir Flinders Petrie to the effect that they were fair-haired 'long-headed' people. Professor Sayce states that captives taken by Shishak of Egypt, at the time of Rehoboam, from Israelite cities, are depicted on the walls of the temple of Karnak. They are 'Amoritic' as opposed to the so-called 'Jewish' type.

This authority also traces these 'Amorites' via North Africa, Spain and Western France as far as the British Isles. He says that their 'cromlechs', which can be seen in Palestine, particularly on the east side of the Jordan, mark their westerly migration. The skulls found in these cromlechs are dolichocephalic (longheaded).

Encyclopaedia Britannica:

'Egyptian illustrations of the New Kingdom show the Palestine Amorites to have been a race much more like the northern Europeans than the Semites; long-headed, with blue eyes, straight nose and thin lips...'

It is now becoming accepted that the Amoritic-Hebrew migrations reached as far northwest as the British Isles possibly before the Israelites entered Palestine after their Exodus from Egypt.


It has been clearly demonstrated that the physical type now erroneously termed 'Jewish' is definitely non-Hebraic (Serial Nos. 26, 28, 40, 56 [572.933]). Who, then, were the Israelites racially?

It is quite obvious that, if the Hebrews were Nordics, so also were the Israelites, for the latter derived from the former. The world in general has been so obsessed by the idea that the Jews of to-day represent the true Hebrew type that the error dies hard. It is only in recent years that modern research has established beyond doubt the fact that the so-called 'Jewish' type is something very different from the ancient Hebrew.

Professor Sayce, Sir Gardner Wilkinson and other authorities have shown from the Egyptian sculptures that the people now referred to as 'Amorites' were typical of the inhabitants of the cities of Israel at the very time when the Israelites had been a united nation, at the highest peak of their power and prosperity under David and Solomon. Obviously these captives must have been mainly Israelites, though possibly there were non-Israelite Hebrews among them. Professor Sayce himself remarks that the so-called 'Jewish' (Hittite) physiognomy is conspicuous by its absence in this period.

The captives depicted by the ancient Egyptians on the temple walls of Karnak were Nordics. They were captured in Israelite cities (1 Kings: 14 and 2 Chron. 12). Some authorities call them Amorites: other authorities call the same people Hebrews. The Bible says they were Israelites. All three descriptions are correct. But the Bible term is the most definitive. They were Israelite Hebrews.
"........the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations." - Numbers 23:9

"........shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation." - Exodus 19:5, 6

"........ and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth." - Deuteronomy 14:2

"........ l am the Lord your God, which have separated you from other people. And ye shall be holy unto me: for l the Lord am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be mine." - Leviticus 20:24, 26

"........Out of Egypt have 1 called my son." - Matthew 2:15

"........You only have I known of all the families of the earth." - Amos 3:2

"........1 am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." - Matthew 15:24

"........Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people." - Luke 1:68

"........Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?" - Acts 1:6

THE above are but a few of the very rnany verses which could be cited, showing that God did predestine Israel (see Ephesians ch. 1) and as Paul also writes to Titus, "Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from

all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people (see second scripture above and Matt. 13:44) zealous of good works." - Titus 2:14

Yet despite this, people reject the Chosen Servant People theme of the Bible - either outright or by substituting another recipient of God's bounty. Do they realize what they are saying? That God made promises He couldn't keep? He changed His mind? That because Israel sinned He dropped the idea, despite His unconditional promise that they would be a nation before Him as long as the sun, moon and stars endure? (Jer. 31:36) These are the ones that in the same chapter He says He loves "... with an everlasting love."

The logical and inevitable conclusion one would have to reach from such conclusions is that God is not omnipotent. He is not omniscient. He is not omnipresent. He is not a God of truth. But what Christian would openly say any of these things? None! But they are saying it nevertheless if they deny continuing Israel. "By myself have 1 sworn," said the Almighty when He made the everlasting covenants to the patriarchs.

It seerns that it was Augustine, in his City of God, who first gave out the teaching that the national covenants to Israel were transferred to the church, which would have pleased the Catholics. But it should not have been taken up by the Protestants, in their Reforrnation challenge. It certainly provided fuel for the free-thinkers, leading Charles Bradlaugh to draw the conclusion that God was not a God of truth, or honour either, to transfer the covenants to another, the church.* He apparently knew that the Jews were not the Israel of the Bible. The Jews of today know that they are not all Israel, as their chief spokesmen affirm. Historically this should not be a problem, for the origins of modern Jewry are largely known and accepted. The problem lies with Christian ministers, writers and Bible teachers who reject the authority of the Old Testament, or give it a limited acceptance, and start with the New Testament. But this cannot be understood without the Old Testament. The Gospels, with the story of Israel's Redeemer, the Episdes written to Israelite communities, the Revelation, which is a companion volume to the book of Daniel, completing the story of the Times of the Gentiles, tell the story of Israel - the whole twelve-tribed nation, visited, redeemed and to be completely restored. In rejecting the Old Testament, these so-called scholars are thus rejecting the New!

To get themselves out of this predicament they have to, in fact, give up, and find a new Israel. They do this by resorting to a few theological somersaults and thereby create a spiritual Israel to receive these promises. In doing so they create even more problems. Is the church a nation? Does it have a throne as David had? Does it proclaim God's Law? Here's the problem for they reject the Law, substituting grace and freedom from any legal restraint.

Christendom has been sadly let down by its champions. They affirm the Jews are all Israel, whereas some would doubt that most are even of Judah, let alone all Israel. Or that the church is Israel and this involves the rejection of all God's covenants, and therefore the God of the Covenants.

How much easier to take the simple but positive stand that the whole Bible is true, that God is truly omnipotent and will complete the fact of redemption through His servant nation Israel, found today in modern Celto-Saxondom.

*Bradlaugh's statement was made in a controversy with Revd Brewin Grant.

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Rev. William Pascoe Goard

IN speaking of the United States and Britain as modern Israel, it is necessary to remember certain things in order to avoid confusion.

First of all, the people of Israel were no more divided into tribes, but had, centuries before, passed into the more advanced stage of national organization. It is the natural progress of any progressive people. First, it is the family, then the tribes, then the nation embracing the tribes. We must think of Israel as a nation and a company of nations, no more called Israel, for the best of reasons, but called by the name, above all others, of sons or House of Isaac, or Saxons, with many other branch names.

Secondly, we must remember that they were not the original founders of Israel in the Isles - that is to say, in Britain - but they came in very late in British history, even a thousand years after the House of David had arrived and been established there.

We shall, therefore, approach the subject of the ten-tribed House of Israel as being the consideration of a branch of the Israel people which, late in history, arrived in Britain, and added their strength to those who had preceded thern.

We begin with the separation of the House of Israel from the House of Judah. Thereafter there were two nations in Palestine of the Israel stock, and their histories are separately recorded, with their separate lines of kings, in the books of Kings and Chronicles. Read them there, and be sure to read them separately.

Thence we find Israel carried captive to Halah, Habor, and the River Gozan. Professor Odlum says of this deportation:

"The distance to which Israel was carried from their own country in about 721 B.C. was not less than seven hundred miles in a north and east direction. The Syrian desert, the River Euphrates, the Mesopotamian region, the Tigris, and three ranges of the Kurdistan mountains intervened between Samaria and the new home of Israel in captivity. In this district were the cities and regions of Halah, Habor, and the River Gozan, which flowed into the Caspian Sea, as it does today. This new home was the high tablelands of Media and Armenia ...... "

While settled in this district, they aided the Medes and Persians to break the power of their captors, the Assyrians. Afterwards Babylon went down before their arms.

From this time they were on their way to their new European home. They found unoccupied territory in the neighbourhood of Ar-Sareth in southeast Europe.

Here they occupied the Crimea, and spread up the waterways, passing the watershed and down the waterways to the Baltic and the North Seas.

Sharon Turner says: "The migrating Scythians crossed the Araxes, ********** of Asia, and suddenly appeared in Europe in the sixth century B.C."

Esdras in the Apocrypha tells us that the Ten Tribes left their exile and moved away across the Euphrates to a place called Arsareth (City or Hill of Sareth) (2 Esdras 13:39-45). To the northwest of the Black Sea is a river called Sareth to this day.

Herodotus, speaking of the same date as Esdras, says: "The Scythians ernerged frorn beyond the Euphrates across the Armenian river Araxes."

Rev. W. M. H. Milner says: "The fugitive host, starting from upper Media, passed the north end of Lake Umri into the mountain valleys of the Kurds; here some dropped off, and their children became in after ages the Nestorian Church. These were for thirteen centuries the missionaries of Asia."

Herodotus says the Persians called the Scythians Sakai, and Sharon Turner identifies these very people as the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons. The old Greek writers spoke often of the valour and the undaunted spirit of these Scythians. They say "No nation on earth can match them. They are unconquerable."

Professor Odlum continues: "From Josephus, the Jewish historian of the first century, we learn that at A.D. 70 the Ten Tribes were outside the Roman Empire. By other means we learn that they were in the south of Russia in immense multitudes, and known as the Scythians of Herodotus."

The burial places of the Israel people have furnished ample inscriptions to show clearly that the Crimea was a centre of residence for this people for ages, and that from it they spread up through Europe and eastward as far as China.

Diodorus says: "The Sacae sprang from people in Media who obtained a vast and glorious empire."

Ptolerny finds the Saxons in "a race of Scythians called Saki, who came from Media."

Pliny says: "The Sakai were among the most distinguished people of Scythia who settled in Armenia, and were called Sacae-Sani. "

Albinus says: "The Saxons were descended from the ancient Sacae in Asia."

Prideaux finds that "the Cimbrians (Kumrii) came from the Black and Caspian Seas, and that with them came the Angli. "

Sharon Turner, the rnost painstaking Saxon historian says: 'The Saxons were a Scythian nation, and were called Saca, Sachi, Sach-sen. "

Colonel Gawler, in Our Scythion Ancestors, says: "The word Sacae is fairly and without straining or imagination translated Israelites."

The Bible (Amos, chapter seven) solemnly takes cognizance of the change of the name of the nation and people from Israel to "the House of lsaac" (Saxons).

Thus we see these people settled about the Crimea, along the rivers of Europe from the sixth century B.C.

Their migrations to the Baltic and North Seas are well told by Du Chaillu, a scholar of England with a French name.

The militant progress of the Goths, Gotti, "Men of God," is well known in the history of Europe. The divisional names of Angles, Jutes, and so on, are duplicated today by the names our race now bears as English, Welsh, Scotch, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, (Anzacs), Americans, and so on.

From the sixth century B.C. to the time of the landing of Hengist and Horsa, these people had been steadily progressing up through Europe, God's Battle Axe Brigade (see Jer. 51:20). Finally, they came in and occupied the place, which had been made for them in the British Isles by the Roman occupation. Since that time they have been not the least important part of the Israel peoples dwelling in the "appointed place" (the British Isles), and extending to the overseas dominions the strength and energy of their race.

It has been possible only to touch authorities and evidences of the identity of the Anglo-Saxons with ten-tribed Israel. But even so, the array of standard authors who make declarations regarding this matter is startling, and it is clear that the scholar who denies an historic basis to the claim of Saxon identity with Israel speaks rather out of his lack of knowledge of standard literature, than out of his knowledge of the subject.

The identity of the Saxon and Israel is proven, and we are now put in the responsible position of asking what it means in the way of responsibility under God's plan for His nation, and through them for the world. With Paul we ask, "What shall we say then? Hath God cast away His people whom He foreknew? God forbid ... God hath not cast away His people."

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From the Notebook of the late DR HENRY W. STOUGH


Hosea 1:4, 9: "I ... will cause to cease the kingdom of the House of Israel ... for ye are not my people, and I will not be your God. " Jeremiah 3:8: "And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce: yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also. "


Exodus 19:3-6: "... Tell the children of Israel, ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. " (This was the Covenant given by Moses from God to ALL the Israelites.)

Hosea 3:4: "For the children of Israel (Ten-Tribed) shall abide many days without a king (not saying that the king shall not abide separately), and without a prince (or captain), and without a sacrifice (or slaughtered animal), and without an image (or pillar), and without an ephod (priestly garment), and without teraphim (household god)."


The Land - 2 Kings 17:18: "Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight.. there was none left but the tribe of Judah only. "

The Language - Isaiah 28:3-11: "The crown of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim shall be trodden under feet ... For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people (of the Ten Tribes)."

The Name - Isaiah 62:2: "And the Gentiles shall see thy nghteousness and all kings thy glory and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name. "


Deuteronomy 32:26. " said, I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembrance of them to cease from among men. "

Psalrn 83:4: " They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance."

Hosea 8:8: "Israel is swallowed up: now shall they be among the Gentiles as a vessel wherein there is no pleasure. "


Deuteronomy 28:48: "Thereforeshalt thou serve thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee. "

Hosea 9: 17: "My God will cast them away, because they did not hearken unto him: and they shall be wanderers among the nations."

Amos 8:12: "And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the Word of the Lord, and shall not find it. "

Ezekiel 34:6-8: "My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth ... my flock became a prey. "


Isaiah 27:13 (Margin): "And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come which were lost in Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the Lord in the holy mount at Jerusalem. "

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S.A. Ackley

WHO are we? Who and where were we before we were Anglo-Saxons? What became of the ten tribes, if amalgamated, and with whom?

If the Anglo-Saxons are not Israel, what people inhabit the waste places and the wilderness, as God said Israel should?

Genesis 35:11, promises Abraham that “A nation and a company of nations shall be of thee.” If America is not that nation, and Great Britain that company of nations, who is?

If the Anglo-Saxons are not a great people, where is such a people to be found? If we are not Israel, we must be Gentiles, and as such are in possession of Palestine, and as Gentiles must be driven out before the Jews can return, and Christ take up His earthly reign.

If God’s Israel were to be in the Isles north and west of Jerusalem (The Isles afar off), and Great Britain is not Israel, then Great Britain must be destroyed and another nation found to replace her.

If we are not Israel, how does it come that we have Israel’s Sabbath, which was to be a sign, their Mosaic laws (the only nations having them), their military prowess, for they were to be God’s battle axe to destroy the nations.

How is it we are the evangelizing and missionary peoples of the earth? How is it that we possess the wealth of the world? We borrow from none and lend to all.

How is it that we have always been pro-Jewish, and the only nation friendly to the Jews? How is it that we alone, without the help of any other nation, took Palestine and became its protector? Has God changed His plan and chosen a Gentile nation to make it possible for the Jews to return to the promised land?

The Anglo-Saxons, having inhabited the Isles of the sea and the waste places, where is there still a place for Israel if, and when, found?

How is it God places Tarshish (Great Britain) and the young lions thereof (the company of nations), together with Sheba and Dedan against Russia, Gomer, Togomer, and many people with them, and then fights for us as he did for the Children of Israel at the Red Sea, if we be not Israel? God has made no such promise to other nations.

Who are the sheep nations that befriend “My Brethren” if not Anglo Israel, Great Britain and her company of nations and the United States of America, a Great nation? Surely, they are not the Jews.

How can the Jews be all there is of Israel when Ezekiel 37:15-23 requires that Ephraim and his fellows represent the ten tribes, and Judah, representing his fellows, must be united and march together (not alone) to Palestine? How can the Jews be said to be all of Israel, seeing that they are not a nation, or a company of nations? They are not a nation in “the Isles of the sea,” they are not a missionary people, they have not populated the waste places. They have not been God’s battle axe. They are not known as a great people. They do not possess the gates of their enemies, they are not blind as to their origin, they are not an undefeated race, they have no colonies and they do not possess a heathen nation.

Ezekiel 25:14: “And I will lay my vengeance upon Edom by the hand of My People Israel”

Is not Edom Turkey? Was not 1917 the end of 1,335 years from the beginning of the Hegira? Was not Turkey driven out by Great Britain (Israel) on the 1,335th anniversary? Unless Great Britain is Israel, then the Turks were driven out by the Gentiles and, therefore, contrary to prophecy.

Why is it claimed by opponents of Anglo-Israel teaching that Christ is the Stone Kingdom, when Daniel 2:34,45, says plainly that in those days the God of Heaven shall set up a Kingdom that shall never be destroyed? In the days of those kings, not after. It is a Kingdom and with it He will destroy the nations. Christ is never spoken of as a Kingdom.

He is the Chief Corner Stone of the Stone Kingdom, its completion, but not the Kingdom.

This Kingdom is not set up after, but during the days of those kings, and carries over into the Millennium and continues forever. All pre-millennialists believe in the near return of Christ, but a nation meeting all of the above requirements must be in possession of Palestine when Christ returns to establish His Kingdom.

Why are the Anglo-Israel teachers charged with heresy and teaching the doctrine of Devils, when they accept and teach every fundamental truth, such as the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible, the deity of Jesus, including His pre-existence and oneness with the Father, His Virgin birth, His resurrection of the body, the descent of the Holy Spirit, Salvation by faith, the Gospel of the Grace of God, as set forth by the Christian Church throughout the ages, the return of Christ for His body, the Church, and His return with His Body to reign during the millennium?

Why is it that there are 2,511 promises and prophecies made to Israel and the ten tribes, and only 750 to Judah, if the Jews are all that there is left of Israel? What disposition is to be made of the promises to Israel? Why has the Church spiritualized the promises to Israel and transferred them to Judah and the Church?

Why do Church leaders persist in calling Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the ten tribes of Israel, Jews, when it is clear that only descendants of Judah are properly so-called? The term “Jew” was never applied to Israel, and does not appear in the Bible until 100 years after the separation of the tribes.

Why do anti-Anglo-Israelites persist in claiming that the Jews are all of Israel, when the genealogies given in Ezra and Nehemiah of the 42,000 who returned were only from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin? The ten tribes were outside of the Roman Empire in A.D. 70, according to Josephus, who says they were a very great company without number. Why do opponents of Anglo- Israel insist on all the curses pronounced upon Israel being fulfilled literally, and the blessings conferred either upon the Church or Judah?

Why do our opponents not recognize the fact that the seven times pronounced upon Israel (the Ten Tribes) was completed in 1799, just 2,520 years after their taking away to Babylon by Shalmaneser in 721 B.C., their restoration, therefore, should begin at that time and continue until the return of Christ, when He, whose right it is, should take the throne? Why do they not see that Judah’s punishment should begin 135 years later, and end correspondingly, i.e., in 1935?

Why do they not see that the promises made to Israel were far more extensive, and just as sure of fulfillment as those made to Judah? Is it not unsound exegesis to literalize the curses to Israel and spiritualize her blessings and transfer them to the Church? If the curses were literal and earthly, why not the promised blessings?

When Jesus said unto the Jews: “Your house is left unto you desolate,“ and “The kingdom shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof” to whom did He give it but to the ten tribes of Israel, who were then in part settled in the Isles afar off with a descendant of David upon the throne through Tea Tephi, Zedekiah’s elder daughter, thus fulfilling God’s promise to David that he would never lack a man to sit upon the throne. The ten tribes were still residing in great numbers around the shores of the Caspian and Black Seas. Immediately following A.D.70, these tribes began their trek westward, continuing until A.D.1066, when the Normans arrived, they being the escaped tribe of Benjamin whom God loaned to Judah for a time that “He might always have a light before him.”

In the third chapter of Jeremiah note especially verse 11, which says, “And the Lord said unto me, The backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than treacherous Judah.” Therefore the ten tribes are not as guilty as Judah, and would consequently receive less severe punishment and would likely precede Judah in their restoration by 135 years.

God said the ten tribes would be hidden, even unknown to themselves; known by another tongue; scattered among the nations, but not mixed with them. Is that not true of the Anglo-Saxons and of no other nations?

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David Jones

OXFORD University Press has put out the New Inclusive Translation, which is being labelled the politically correct Bible. That alone is enough to condemn it! - For example, the term, “Son of Man” will now become, “The Human One” and, “Father” (GOD) is “Father-Mother”. If anything is cursed of GOD, it is all these repulsive modern perversions.

Just what will it take before the common man and woman in the church pew stands up and is counted on this subject of the perversion of GOD’s Word? Do you know which “bible version” is being read to you each and every week in church? Do you know the source of these “bible versions”? Who are these people that knowingly change The Word of GOD?

Does anyone care anymore?

Deuteronomy 2:4 “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your GOD which I command you”.

Revelation 22:19 “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book”.

Both the above quotes are taken from The King James Version — the last version to be translated from the true Majority Hebrew and Greek texts. This is the Bible that ALL our great Christian Monarchs, Statesmen and inspired Christians used until the early 1950’s. Just consider what has happened to our once great Nation since that time. How many more of the plagues of Egypt must we suffer until we return to The Faith of our Fathers and the Bible that they knew and loved?

Isaiah 46:9: “Remember the former things of old: for I am GOD, and there is none else; I am GOD, and there is none like me”.

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Harold Stough

ALTHOUGH the Bible is one of the most widely read books of the day, it is perhaps the least understood in all the realm of literature. The individual message which it contains has been taught for centuries, and Christians thank God for the assurance of salvation which is theirs. The national message of the Bible, however, is ignored, and this is contained in the Gospel of the Kingdom which extends from Genesis to Revelation. This, British-Israel Truth explains and teaches - through a study of prophetic passages - that present events can be identified in the Scriptures as the period known as ‘the Divine Judgement of the nations’.

Yet British-Israel teaching is no new persuasion. Its origin can never be traced with certainty, chiefly because throughout the ages scholars, and people generally, knew of the identity of the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples with ancient Israel, it being only in comparatively recent times that this knowledge became obscured.

This is no new religion; it is basic to Christian doctrine. Believers include representatives of all the many Christian churches. The differences which have split the Protestant Church into so many separate denominations centre largely in doctrinal matters. These matters do not form the basis of British-Israel Truth and are left to the convictions of the individual.

What British-Israel Truth does emphasise is the national message of the Bible, the Bible’s authenticity and infallibility, and the fact that this Kingdom theme runs throughout from beginning to end. The Old Testament describes the calling out of Abraham, as recorded in the Book of Genesis (12:1, 3); it passes on to the establishment of the Kingdom of God upon this earth, as recorded in Exodus (19); it details the laws of this Kingdom, as contained in the Pentateuch; it records the later history of the Israel Kingdom in Palestine (I and II Kings, I and II Chronicles), its division and subsequent formation into the ten-tribed and two-tribed Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, each maintaining their own government and, alas, departing in their separate ways from the true faith.

The New Testament must be read as a continuation of the Old Testament, for Christ’s teaching did not refute the principles laid down in the Old Testament, but rather confirmed them; He maintained that He was not sent but unto the lost sheep of the House of Israel (Matthew 15:24); He confirmed the Law and the Prophets in their entirety (Matthew 5:17, 18); He gave His followers a vision of the Kingdom as it would be after His return when those selfsame laws would be written on their hearts and in their minds.

Of primary importance to the understanding of the Scriptural message is a close study of the unconditional and everlasting covenants made by God to Abraham, repeated to Isaac and amplified to Jacob (Genesis 35:11). These covenants, which cannot be broken by man, show that Abraham’s seed were to become a ‘nation and a company of nations’; they were to ‘possess the gate’ of their enemies (Genesis 22:17); they were to ‘spread abroad to the west to the east, to the north, and to the south’ and they were to be a blessing to ‘all the families of the earth’.

An unconditional covenant was also made with David, emphasising the fact that his throne, which is the throne of the Lord, would be established for ever and that he should never ‘want (for) a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel’ - (Jeremiah 33:17).

It is important to note that the whole of the Kingdom centres around the throne, and that the possession of the throne was David’s, for the covenant reads, ‘thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee, thy throne shall be established for ever’ - (II Samuel 7:16; see also Psalm 89:4).

The British-Israel message seeks to show, by a study of history, that a migration of the Israel people took place from the land of Assyria, whither they had been carried captive, past the waters of the Black Sea from Asia Minor, and then by devious routes across the Continent of Europe, finally arriving in the isles north and west of Palestine (Isaiah 49:12). (Judah was deported some 150 years later, to Babylon, from whence a small portion, who became the nucleus of the Jewish nation, returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the city and walls.)

The ‘isles’ are identified with the ‘appointed place’ (2 Samuel 7:10) foreshadowed as the dwelling-place of God’s people Israel: and the whole of the last twenty-six chapters in Isaiah are messages to the Israel people after they have reached this place set apart. An outstanding injunction in this section of Isaiah is:

‘Hearken to Me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the Lord, look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged. Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you’ - (Isaiah 51:1).

History, ethnology and anthropology each have their part in confirming the truth of British-Israel teaching, and, of course further proof is found in the latter-day expansion of this Company of Nations into all corners of the world in fulfilment of the Abrahamic Covenant.

The people of Israel were not promised immunity from warfare, but they were promised that their Kingdom would remain inviolate. As Daniel foretold, although other nations would enjoy a comparatively short period of triumph, the Israel Kingdom would ‘never be destroyed’, but would ‘break in pieces and consume’ the nations, would not be ‘left to other people’, and would ‘stand for ever’. It was also declared by Jeremiah that the Israel people were God’s ‘battle-axe and weapons of war’ - (Jeremiah 51:20), and also that ‘no weapon formed against (them) should prosper’ . - (Isaiah 54:17).

An important point emphasised by British-Israel believers is that the present unrest is truly a warfare between good and evil; it is a struggle between the forces of righteousness and the forces of the anti-God nations; or, to use Biblical identifications, warfare between Israel and Israel’s ancient enemy Assyria - between the people whose destiny it is to form the nucleus of the Kingdom of God on earth and the counterfeit system animated by Satan.

British-Israel teaching makes a stirring appeal for the closest possible co-operation between Britain and the U.S.A., and all Celto-Saxon peoples, based on the fact of their common origin and destiny; it stresses that the burden of world leadership rests jointly with these nations and that, therefore, the responsibility must be shared by them, for their own benefit and the good of all mankind.

The Israel peoples are the recipients of the Covenants of God, and in times past they have been the wealthiest of nations, and possessed strategic military and naval bases. They have inherited desolate places, and have spread abroad to all the corners of the globe. In their acts of colonising they have extended the bounds of Christendom, and have established the principles of parliamentary government and the Common Law wherever they have settled. In other countries, too, Israel's influence for good has been proved in the benefits derived from the help given.

In recent years this situation has changed, and chiefly as a result of two world wars, in which Israel-Britain gave so much in manpower and resources, she has lost her position of world leader. Moses seemed to foresee this, for he said, ‘their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand ... for the Lord shall judge His people, and repent Himself for His servants, when He seeth that their power is gone ...’ - (Deuteronomy 32:35, 36). Daniel, too, speaks of a scattering of the power of the Holy People just prior to the consummation of history (Daniel 12:7); but Isaiah promises hope: ‘In a little wrath I hid My face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer’ - (Isaiah 54:8).

Prophecy indicates that Jerusalem is destined once more to become the centre of the Kingdom of God, and the joy of the whole earth, for God has redeemed Jerusalem (Isaiah 52:9, 10); it also shows that anti-God powers will have Palestine as the ultimate objective of their campaign. Russia and China seem closely identified in this, and may be recognised as the peoples mentioned in the 38th and 39th chapters of Ezekiel, under the titles of Gog and Magog. (See also Daniel 11:44)

Unfulfilled prophecies would now seem to indicate that there is to be an intensification of military activity in the Near East in fulfilment of the chapters in Ezekiel previously mentioned. Can this be a fulfilment of the words of the Lord when He said:

‘I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle?’ - (Zechariah 14:2)

Far from being visionary, British-Israel Truth presents a striking and realistic interpretation of present-day events. It draws attention to that New Order which is to follow and which is being so widely discussed today. This New Order will be nothing less than the establishment of God’s Kingdom in righteousness, a Kingdom in which He will institute judgment and justice.

The ‘brave new world’ which is to follow these present days of uncertainty will be established within the confines and under the leadership of the Israel peoples, identified in the Scriptures as the ‘Kingdom of God on earth’. These nations will form the nucleus for the greater Kingdom of God which will grow until it embraces all people.

Thus the responsibilities for Celto-Saxondom are extremely great, for upon them is laid the great task, not only of ridding the world of warfare and all the evil it has brought, but also of laying the foundations, under the aegis of Jesus Christ and with His laws, for that new and better age.

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R.K. Hoskins

THOUGH we are supposed to be living in an enlightened world, and in many ways we are, when it comes to understanding who or where the Twelve Tribes of Israel are in the world today, we find only a limited amount of information, and much of it is conjecture. We pray that the following information, along with the Migration Map on the other side will be helpful in shedding more light and understanding on this most important and timely subject.

We will endeavour to show that the Twelve Tribes of Israel in the world today are none other than the peoples which comprise the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian and kindred peoples. Since they are scattered throughout the world, it is difficult to have an accurate estimate of how many Israelites there are living at this time, but there are some who estimate that there are between six and seven hundred million. The promise which the Lord our God made (some 3800 years ago) to Abraham, Isaac and Isaac’s sons (the Sax-sons) as recorded in the book of Genesis, has come to pass. (God reiterated the promise specifically to Jacob, who was given the name “Israel”).

The first time that Abraham was told that his progeny would be a blessing to all nations of the world, and would be a great host of people, is found in Genesis 12, but for this study we will consider chapter 22 where the Lord appears the second time to Abraham to repeat and confirm what we call today the “Abrahamic Covenant.”

Let’s consider verses 15-18 which state:

“And the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time and said, By myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the seashore; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, Because thou hast obeyed my voice.”

It is very evident that for many centuries the peoples which comprise Anglo-Saxondom have not only taken the gospel of Jesus Christ to practically every nation and people in the world, but they have also been a blessing in other ways to the “have-not” nations of the world. It is important to notice that the Lord reminds Abraham that the reason why his seed would be a blessing to the other nations was that they have obeyed God’s voice and commandments in these last days. The only nations throughout the world today which have made the Holy Bible their National Book of faith are the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian and kindred peoples. The peoples of Japan, China India, and Africa, etc. have their pagan Gods but, among the peoples of Anglo-Saxondom, you will always find the Bible and worship of Jesus Christ, just as the Bible states that Israel would do.

Most Christians are aware that the Israelites were carried into captivity, but many know little about the details. A short synopsis of this story is found in 2 Kings 18. There we read of this deportation of Israel and, a few years later, most of Judah. In approximately 730 B.C. Shalmaneser (king of Assyria) invaded Israel, and we read in verses 11 & 12:

"And the King of Assyria did carry away Israel unto Assyria, and put them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes, Because they obeyed not the voice of the Lord their God, but transgressed his covenant...”

In verse 13 we read where (seven years later) the Assyrian army came up against the remaining cities of Judah and took them. Only Jerusalem remained under King Hezekiah’s control.

Eventually the city of Jerusalem was also destroyed as the people continued to sin. In the year 596 B.C., or thereabouts, Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, came and besieged Jerusalem, and took the inhabitants (approx. 22,000) into what we call the Babylonian Captivity.

This is a short history in a nutshell, so to speak, of Israel’s deportation and subsequent captivity. However, the important thing that we need to remember is that, when almost the entire population of all Twelve tribes of Israel were taken captive by the armies of Assyria, they were placed in the area of the Caucasus Mountains to the North of their Homeland. There they remained for approximately one hundred years, and became known as Caucasians. The name Caucasian has remained as part of their identity ever since that time. Most people have no idea whatsoever of the connection between the Caucasians and the Israelites of Bible history and prophecy.

In fact, the great majority of the peoples of Anglo-Saxondom today have little, if any, idea as to why they happen to be called “Caucasians”. When a person seeks employment it is not unusual to find the question asked as to whether they are of Caucasian descent. Most people answer "yes" without thinking of the historic reason for this designation.

Secular history records that the Twelve Tribes were never really lost, but had just taken on a different name. The map above shows the different routes taken by the Israelites when they left the area of the Caucasus mountains and migrated over into Europe during the subsequent years. They were not known as “Israelites” during this trek Westward, but by the various names as shown on the map. Later, as they settled in various parts of Europe, they took on the names by which we know the countries today. Collectively, we call them the “Western Christian nations”. As the movement West continued, we find that a representative number of the Twelve tribes gathered here on this great North American Continent.

The prophets Isaiah and Micah prophesied that in the last days a great and mighty nation would arise. It would be a prosperous nation, and be called Jacob, i.e. ISRAEL, and this great prosperous nation and its people would honour the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are told that many nations would come there to be taught of our God. Today millions of people from other cultures and races are seeking to migrate to America and Canada to have a share in our material blessings and the freedoms enjoyed here. Many who have already come have learned to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

Micah writes of this thrilling time when we are privileged to live in this great Kingdom nation. In chapter 4:1-2 we read:

“And it shall come to pass that the mountain (i.e. Kingdom) of the house of the Lord (i.e. the Twelve Tribes of Israel ... or Anglo-Saxondom) shall be established in the top (i.e. the head, the chief or the greatest) of the mountains (Kingdoms) and people shall flow into it. And many nations, or peoples, shall come and say, Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of Jacob; and he shall teach us of his ways.”

The prophet Hosea also prophesies about the future restoration of Israel, which has now been fulfilled for the most part. We read of this in Hosea 1:10.

“Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be like the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass that, in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, (we are called Gentiles) there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God” (i.e. Christians)

May the Lord help us to realize that the Caucasian Race (the peoples which comprise Anglo-Saxondom) are being judged by Almighty God because we have sinned against Him in not keeping His laws. The prophet Isaiah, speaking to the nations of Israel, states in chapter 42:24:

“Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to the robbers? Did not the Lord., he against whom we have sinned? for they would not walk in his ways, neither were they obedient unto his laws “

Isaiah was speaking of our time, and referring to Jacob-Israel’s descendants (as we have mentioned ... the peoples of Anglo-Saxondom). Today America is being spoiled, because we have forsaken the laws of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The only answer to England and America’s many problems is for us to turn to the Lord our God, and obey His righteous laws as they relate to society. In 2 Chronicles 7:14 we read:


May the Lord Jesus Christ help us to awaken to our Divine Destiny and Birthright, so that we may be about doing the will of the Lord here upon the earth.

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MacNfries said:
:boxing: Unfortunately, there are a lot more people, than we'd like to admit, that take the virtual world of the internet as "fact". White-Male Truth speaks a lot of truth, and truth is what we've got to live by in the real world. If you don't like what White-Male says, don't read his threads, its as simple as that.

I live in a town in the USA with a population of around 140,000, and the black on black crime here is horendous. We had 38 murders in Durham, NC last year (2005), of which 5 were whites, while the remainder were blacks. Twenty of the deaths were black males under the age of 18; 3 were under the age of 12. In our newspaper last year was reported that AIDS/HIV was on the increase in our county/state and that black males made up over 70% of the increase. The illegitimate birth rate of blacks in Durham, NC is 74%, which exceeds the national illegitimate birth rate of 70% for blacks. We had 2 reports of black, female pregnancies in our county where the pregnant female was UNDER the age of 14. So far THIS year (2006) we've already recorded 2 murders of black males UNDER the age of 18, and had 3 gang shootouts, one on a city bus during the day. Our city is trying to get a hold on the black gangs in our town because we know that in the near future the Hispanic gangs will be arriving, and we know at that point there will be a lot more violence and a lot of innocent people in malls, buses, etc. that are injured and killed during these gang shootouts. It could be YOUR mother or daughter that's killed, and all over the kind of tennis shoe ones wearing or color of their hat.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is black people do need to take a serious assessment of their lifestyles. They're killing themselves and only holding DOWN those responsible blacks that want to forget history behind themselves and move on. When black families gather to congratulate a single, 17 year old black child for announcing she's pregnant by giving her baby showers, folks, that's just plain wrong. Its difficult to raise responsible children in a two-parent family these days, think of how hard it is for a young, single, black female, that's already living in poverty, to raise a child responsibly while working 2 jobs. Its already proven that government programs such as Medicaid and Welfare have actually hurt the progression of the healthy, black population. A lot of blacks, particularly males, are raised to believe there is NO hope for them, thus they should take what they want. Female black girls are constantly downgraded by the Hip-Hop music out there referring to them as Bitches and Whores. Hey, WAKE UP folks!

As much as I enjoy the fantasy world of the internet, I try to keep the REAL world in firm grasp. I, as much as any WHITE person, want to see black people move forward, become educated, and contribute to this great nation of ours. I don't want to be afraid of taking my family to a mall and worrying that their lives may be jepordized by a few young, black males carrying pistols and attitudes.

If White-Male wants to vent, let the man vent. Maybe, just maybe, something that he says will help change some of the hostile attitude I see expressed by black people towards law abiding whites. Hey, its mostly all BETWEEN the ears folks. If day in and day out you're told you're a loser, then you're going to be a loser.

Awsome post. Atleast someone on this forum,understands reality.:clap:
There really is no reason to reply to White-Male Truth because he is posting truth after truth after truth. White-Male is hitting the nail on the head every time. White-Male hit on one thing in his last post that is so obvious in today's society and that is "rap music". It is extremely 100% anti-woman especially for black women. I really enjoy when the so-called artist say that this so-called "music" comes from the society or culture in which they live. That is truly a shame! That is certainly not a culture to be proud of. The sad thing is each one of them can change that culture for the good instead of feeding it. If this is your culture then you are part of the problem. Plenty of people who are poor and live in the worst environments "rise" above that to become honorable citizens and better themselves. Instead you would rather sit back feeding the bad culture, blaming others for your plight while calling people like Colin Powell, J.C. Watts, Alan Keyes and Dr. Condaleeza Rice the "Uncle Tom's". I suggest you read what a great man, who happens to be black, Alan Keyes writes and speaks. Martin Luther King spoke of "rising above"; do you understand what his dream was? Obviously not. Or do you choose to continue your downhill spiral? Or is it that you prefer that? You just don't get it do you? Good posting White-Male Truth!
expatdad said:
Reality in South Africa is that the average age of white prostitutes in that country is 15yo

What does this have to do with our discussion?

And if your statement is correct,please provide source,and statistic.

I'm waiting.
the white truth

Well.. Lets draw the line of fact and fantasy. Anywhere in the world is not safe as long as you know where to go and what to do. Try South America for instance where you will be either shot at or kidnapped especially if you are a business person. I don’t go do Business in Nigeria as it is dangerous and not the place in the world to be anyway. Most of the people who have been con by the "Nigerian Scams" goes there to seek their hard earn money back never returns. The Countries which I do trades have decent banking system as in Africa is in a shamble and the BG's are nothing but a piece of toilet paper there. There is business to be done in these places as long as you know what and how to do it.

All the talk about being unsafe was created by business people as they tell you the bad side as they can exploit Africa quietly as they were the ones who have been exploited Africa for a long time. I have been there many times. Yes.... it is unsafe especially in Johannesburg, But in the towns along the coast it is beautiful and some parts of Africa is absolutely breathtaking if you know where to go.

Africa is Tribal not Democrats or Republicans, people who lived in western nation will never understand unless they have been there like Expat dad for a long time. The White western nations were the ones who cause these problems by drawing a line across the border dividing nations not knowing
they were separating tribes apart which cause the delicate balance to be lopsided eventually causing it to have internal problems such as civil war and

Rapes committed on whites are no different than whites commiting themselves.Recently in the Phillipines 3 white GI boys ***** a local girl.
and also in Okinawa some time back.Does that mean all soldiers are rapists?
In the Vietnam war too I was told by my husband those kill ratios were
all juggled to tell the US public that the army was doing a good job.
Statistics and figure can be misleading only depending on how you
view it.

So one cannot brand everything is bad one must look carefully and what
made the country into that today.And who in the past made this happen.
what truth?

Well.. Lets draw the line of fact and fantasy. Anywhere in the world is not safe as long as you know where to go and what to do. Try South America for instance where you will be either shot at or kidnapped especially if you are a business person. I don’t go do Business in Nigeria as it is dangerous and not the place in the world to be anyway. Most of the people who have been con by the "Nigerian Scams" goes there to seek their hard earn money back never returns. The Countries which I do trades have decent banking system as in Africa is in a shamble and the BG's are nothing but a piece of toilet paper there. There is business to be done in these places as long as you know what and how to do it.

All the talk about being unsafe was created by business people as they tell you the bad side as they can exploit Africa quietly as they were the ones who have been exploited Africa for a long time. I have been there many times. Yes.... it is unsafe especially in Johannesburg, But in the towns along the coast it is beautiful and some parts of Africa is absolutely breathtaking if you know where to go.

Africa is Tribal not Democrats or Republicans, people who lived in western nation will never understand unless they have been there like Expat dad for a long time. The White western nations were the ones who cause these problems by drawing a line across the border dividing nations not knowing
they were separating tribes apart which cause the delicate balance to be lopsided eventually causing it to have internal problems such as civil war and

Rapes committed on whites are no different than whites commiting themselves.Recently in the Phillipines 3 white GI boys ***** a local girl.
and also in Okinawa some time back.Does that mean all soldiers are rapists?
In the Vietnam war too I was told by my husband those kill ratios were
all juggled to tell the US public that the army was doing a good job.
Statistics and figure can be misleading only depending on how you
view it.

So one cannot brand everything is bad one must look carefully and what
made the country into that today.And who in the past made this happen.
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