Hey, this note is to everyone who enjoys out postings.
If you look at a pic, feel free to 'Like' it. If you're so motivated, please comment! I can honestly say that we (hubby and I) welcome both negative and positive feedback.
A little over a month ago, another mod deleted a few pics of mine, claiming they depected underaged girls. I contacted him to discover why and instead of getting into a fight, we became pretty good friends. He understood where I was coming from and I understood where he was coming from. Folks tend to call this a 'compromise'
We welcome comments. It's the only way we know if we're hitting or missing the mark. So never shy away from commenting out of being concerned of starting a 'flame war' From our perspective, that's not going to happen!
Just wanted everyone to be aware that we love comments, both good and bad, but also enjoy 'Likes' and 'Loves' So don't be apprehensive!