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A New Beginning

  • Thread starterclarkecombo
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  • #161
The slut boy/girl's lips were stretched tight as his mouth took in the thick, Black shaft. As he hadn't yet been in training to deep throat, the Black man in his mouth pushed to the back of his throat and then out into the mouth. As he pushed into the boy/girl mouth, he told him, "Open your eyes, you're to see what it is you're doing, as well as know that you're being watched." As his made up eyes opened, he saw the thick, Black shaft in front of him, and the Black, heavy scrotum below it. He saw the other Black "trainers" watching him, smiling and encouraging him to take in more and more. As he sucked, he tasted the sweet, saltiness of the fluids his "trainer" was putting into his mouth. Before he knew it though, hands had wrapped into his hair, pulling him, holding him as the Black shaft was ****** further, making him gag, which brought snickering from his trainers. The hair was pulled harder until the pumping stopped, with the thick, Black penis head in the back of his throat. He felt the pulsing and swelling of the Black shaft stretching his lips and against his tongue as his throat and mouth became filled with the hot, sticky fluids that his trainer unloaded.

Some of the fluids went past the back of his throat, and most he swallowed, his mouth still being stretched open. Everyone could see his throat working to swallow, he heard comments on how good he will be to be taught deep throat. The Black girl who was still in and holding his ass commented that even though she didn't know how white slut ass would feel if she had a penis, but the thought of white slut ass and being at her beck and call appealed to her. She slowly pulled out, smiling as she watched his anus keeping tight around the dildo shaft. After she was completely out, the Black woman who had helped her told her, "You need to have him clean it after we are finished with him. All the white slut toys will clean these for you after you have finished your use of them. Many will even have these in their possession for any of us to use."

The white slut boy's mouth was still filled and the Black shaft in his mouth was relaxing but still very thick. As the penis relaxed, the Black man pulled on the white slut's head to get him to take more of his relaxing shaft in his mouth, as well as to make sure all the fluids were sucked and swallowed. As the Black shaft slowly left his mouth, the Black male who had used him gave him over to one of the Black women. She took his hair until his face between her Black thighs, then pushing the back of his head until his mouth was in her Black, pink slit. As he buried his white slut tongue inside, the Black male who had been doing most of the teaching started to speak.

He told his group, "The rest of the white slut toys you saw earlier today are also undergoing this same training. Be observant of how they do, and understand some are still learning how to perform orally properly, and may need corrections on positions, hands etc. You can be forceful if you desire, but we do not inflict deliberate physical pain or leave marks. Both can cause some depreciation of the value of the white sluts for future engagements or potential owners." "Owners?" said one of the Black girls. "Yes, owners," he said, and continued to speak as if the white sluts were not even there. "Our area is a training area, and we want to keep it the best. Some white sluts will be lent, given as presents, traded and perhaps sold in the next few weeks. We train them, breed them and bring in new white slut trainees when there are vacancies. We're looking at getting some "exotics" in the next couple of weeks. Any questions? Okay, but if you think of any in the future, don't hesitate to ask. When she is done with her white slut, we'll go." The Black woman who had pulled the white slut boy to her Black slit said, "Well, we can go, I know where it lives if I want, or any of them," her eyes on Gloria. They all got dressed and left, leaving their white sluts wondering about what they had heard, as well as still sexually charged.
  • #162
Morgan lay there, her mouth still tasting of the Black woman who used her, and as she sat up, she sent the girls to bed. She sat there, wondered out loud, "How could this have happened? Sold? Traded? What did we do?" Fran looked at her and said, "Well, it's not like we did any of this unwillingly, and we know Gloria and Val were gotten to before we knew it. Maybe we are the "white slut toys" we acknowledge to when they say it to us, I don't know, I'm just tired." Morgan told her that she and Val could spend the night, and Fran followed her to her room. They looked in on the girls, and they were on the bed, still nude and in each others arms. Fran followed Morgan into her room, and they both lay on the bed, their minds blurred by what they had heard and been through. As they lay there, they drifted into a fitful sleep.

Morning came without warning, the phone ringing, Morgan answered it, and it was Elisha reminding her the four of them were to be at her salon within the hour. Morgan asked about school for the girls, Morgan heard a dead silence, then Elisha said, "What was it you were told last night about questions." Morgan paled, she quietly said, "Not to ask but to comply." Just as she said that, Morgan heard Elisha hang up, Fran was sitting up looking at her. All Morgan said was, "We need to hurry," so she got the girls up, showered, and dressed then gave them some cereal as Fran and her showered quickly. They threw on some clothes, got into her car and went to Elisha's salon. As they got in, Elisha gave Morgan a firm look, then motioned for them to follow her.

She took them into one of her larger rooms that had four exam tables in it and said, "You may undress, get on the tables, you feet go here (pointing to the stirrups) and your white slut asses there (pointing to the ends of each table). I'll return in a few minutes." As she got to the door, she moved a doorstop into it, making it stay open, so the four of them undressed as her staff were walking by. As soon as the girls had undressed, they helped them on the tables, and then got on themselves, showing Gloria and Val how to put their feet and where to scoot down to. It seemed a long time before Elisha returned, as Black males and females would walk by the door, smiling at them.

Elisha returned with two assistants and a Black male that she said was their MD and Ob-gyn now. She examined all four of them, especially their nipples and pubic areas, then the said something to her assistants. They went to the cabinets and each brought out a tray. One had gold Spades of different sizes in it, the other had "U"'s of various sizes and widths. She went to Gloria and Val first, putting different sizes of gold Spades on their nipples until she saw the size she liked. She nodded to her assistants who started prepping their pink nipples for their piercings. They assurred the girls it would hurt very little.

Then Elisha took the tray of "U"'s and went to the end of the table Morgan was on. She looked up at Morgan, and showed her one of the "U"'s, then put it against the insides of her labia close to her clit. Morgan felt it spread them as Elisha placed it, then Elisha picked up a wider one, checking it as well. Morgan felt that one spreading her open even more, Elisha glanced at her face, seeing her breathing increase, and looked and saw her vaginal opening was moistening, and smiled to herself. Then she picked a "U" that was spread wider still, placing it, seeing it push aside Morgan's labia almost to stretching them. As she went over to Fran, she handed the Black male MD an even wider "U" and said something quietly to him as he smiled and nodded. She fitted Fran with one veyr quickly, then checked on Gloria and Val. Their gold Spades were in, and mirrors had been held so they could see them. Then Elisha checked their pubic area, her Black fingers feeling their white, soft, smooth labia, and having decided on something, said something to one of the assistants. She left and quickly returned with four 1-sip cups, whic she had the four sluts drink. She got over by Morgan, and as she watched Morgan relax, her eyes heavy, she whispered, "You'll know not to question before the end of today," Morgan eyes teared as she heard her whisper, and as her eyes closed, she saw a tray of syringes.
  • #163
Fran awoke first, trying to remember where they were, and as she did, she felt twinges on her nipples and her clitoral area and labia. She looked, and saw gold Spades were in her nipples, but she couldn't sit up enough yet to see further. Then Morgan woke, her eyes adjusting and saw Fran with her nipples pierced, looked at her own, and saw they were as well. Then Elisha walked in with an assistant, and had her help Morgan off of the table. As Morgan was getting her bearings, Elisha motioned her to follow, so she did, still nude, down a hall into Elisha's chain room, her labia feeling funny with each step. She had Morgan step to a certain area and look in the full length mirror she had in there, Morgan's eyes widened and teared as she saw the "U" that had put in them. It was wide enough at the ends it pushed her labia very wide apart. As she looked, she also saw she was next to a narrow full length window, seeing Black male eyes looking, watching her.

Then Elisha started fitting her with her chains, starting with her nipples, making it tight, then the "U", pulling it so it was upside down, and had the chain tight from it to the one connecting her nipples. Then she place another around Morgan's neck, from which a length went to the chain from her nipples, and made that tight. All the chains were delicate and feminine looking, but very strong. Then Elisha said, "You may kneel as you were taught last night," and Morgan slowly knelt, being careful to not pull the chains. She got to her knees, sat back until her milky, white ass was on her heels, straightened her back, then opened her knees as wide as she could, placing her hands inside her thighs, midway between her knees and crotch. Then Elisha went to a door that was several feet from the window, and opened it.

After Elisha opened the door, a Black male walked in, and Elisha nodded and smiled. He went in front of Morgan, kicked off his shoes, stood between her knees and unzipped his jeans, and let them drop to his ankles. As they dropped, Morgans eyes widened at the sight of his Black penis. It was relaxed, but still very thick and long, he placed his hardening, thick, Black penis head on her lips. As she opened them, his penis head went in her mouth, she felt his Black shaft thickening and lengthening. Soon, her lips and mouth were being stretched by its thickness, and his penis head was far in her mouth, with still a lot of shaft showing. He moved his hips so his shaft pumped in her mouth, his hands on his hips, watching this white slut taking his black, thick penis in her mouth. He turned to see Elisha, and she smiled, nodding her head and started to leave, then turned around and said, "Remember, oral only, she was just pierced and chained," he smiled and said he'd make sure. "Oh," Elisha said, "Let me know if she moves even a bit," and left the room. Morgan's mind almost panicked, she can't move, she HAD to stay as she was, what if she did move, even by accident?

Elisha returned with Fran and had her face another mirror to fit her as well, as she was adjusting the chains, Fran saw Morgan in the reflection on her knees, unmoving except the slight motion of her head as the Black male pushed his Black, thick penis in her mouth. As Fran watched, Elisha adjusted the chains, but watched Fran as well. She could tell Fran wanted to know, to ask, but was too anxious of what might happen. Fran stared at the contrast, seeing her red hair behind her back, her lips and mouth stretched wide, her eyes tearing as the Black male in front of her used her mouth. As Elisha was fitting the chain around her neck, Fran heard the Black male moaning, and saw his hands on Morgan's head, holding it, Morgan still not moving. The she heard him, "Swallow it slut, take it all and swallow," and he pushed harder into her throat. She watched Morgan's throat working to swallow, saw some of his fluids at the corners of her mouth drip to her heaving breasts. He held her head still, keeping inside her mouth, and he loooked at the window and nodded, and another Black male came in, kicking his shoes off. As Elisha led her out, Fran heard the Black man in Morgan's mouth say, "Remember, oral only. And man-oh-man her mouth is made for this!"

As Elisha took Fran back to the room, she stopped, looked at Fran and said, "She questioned me," and continued down the hall. By that time, Gloria and Valerie were up and looking in the mirror. Elisha had given them "U"'s as well and they were seeing how they looked. Elisha had them follow her to the chain room, and started fitting Gloria first. As they looked in the mirror to see, they saw Morgan as well, her mouth stretched by the Black shaft pushing into it. They saw her on her knees like they had been taught, not moving. Valerie almost turned to look, but Gloria stopped her, and shook her head, Elisha saw that and smiled, and told them, "She was impolite to me when I called this morning, and this is kind of her time out. She has make sure he is happy with what she does." And as she was fitting Valerie, they heard the Black male almost growling, and saw in the mirror his hands hold Morgan's head, pushing deeper into her mouth. Gloria whispered to Elisha, she smiled at her, whispered something back and nodded her head.

Gloria went and stood next to the Black man in her "mom's" mouth, and asked, "Is she doing that right?" Morgan's eyes begged and teared, but he looked down at Gloria, smiled and said, "Yeh babydoll, she is learning to. When she learns right, well, see this?" pointing to the length of his shaft not in her mouth. Gloria nodded, and he said, "Well, when she learns to, and it'll take practice, her nose would be right here, just like it'll take practice for you" pointing to his pubic area. Then he took Gloria's hand and put it on the part not in her "mom's" mouth. Her fingers barely went halfway around it, he looked her white hand on the shaft in her white slut mom's stretched mouth. He pushed deeper into Morgan's mouth as Valerie stood next to Gloria, and they heard him groan, "Swallow it white slut, swallow good", his hands holding her head, and Gloria felt his shaft pulsing as he unloaded into her "mom's" mouth and throat.

They stood staring, watching Morgan struggle to swallow, her white breasts heaving again, her eyes on them, but she knows she can't, shouldn't move, even as her daughter and best friend watch her suck Black penis. Gloria and Valerie see a little dripping from the corners of her mouth, onto her breasts. Then they hear Elisha, give another look at Morgan, and leave. They followed her back to the room, Elisha gave them shirt dresses she had, nothing to go under them and told Fran to take them to school, that she would call when to come and get Morgan. Fran nodded, and the three of them went to Morgan's car.
  • #164
Fran got behind the wheel, her mind spinning, her emotions on edge, and drove the girls to school. She told them to walk with Sheila and April if she wasn't there in time to get them, and watched them as they went through the doorway. As they got in, they were told since they were late, they needed to see the principal, and were led to the office. As they got in, their principal (a Black female) and her assistant (a Black male) were both in there. When asked why they were late, Gloria told them Elisha had wanted them at her place. The principal motioned for them to get closer, and lifted their shirt dresses, and smiled when she saw the chains and piercings. She pulled them off so her assistant could get a good look as well.

The chains were like the others, as were the "U"'s, but the "U"s were open only enough to widen the labia. They turned the girls around telling them how pretty they looked, then the principal said, "Well, you two must have been very good to get those, so you get to have some fun."
  • #165
Gloria and Valerie high 5'd each other, their chains jingling, squealing with laughter. Wee," said the principal, "What do you like to do, suck or lick?" "Both," said Gloria, "As long as it's not discipline like my mom is getting." The principal asked her what she meant, and Gloria told her what Elisha was having her do because she was "impolite." "Well," said the principal, "She's right, we shouldn't be impolite, should we. Do you like your white slut slits used?" "Omigod yes," said Valerie and the principal smiled, and whispered to her assistant. He left, and while he was gone, the principal sat in one of the easy chairs, pulled up her skirt, ******** her smooth Black slit, and put a leg over each arm, asking, "Would one of you want to serve my pleasure while we wait?" Gloria and Valerie got on their knees in front of her, smiled at each other, then both put their mouths and tongues into their principals Black, pink slit. Their mouths and tongues would trade, each working her clit then tongueing her vaginal opening, listening to her moans and sighs.

They heard a door open, clothing rustling, and felt two warm bodies behind them. Then they felt their moist, white slits being pushed into very slowly. As they felt their slits spreading open, their vaginal muscles gripped what was sliding into them. They each looked back, and saw two Black males on their knees behind them. The Black men saw them looking, pulled out to show them the Black, thick penises they were putting into them. The girls giggled at each other, then put their mouths back on their principal, moaning as the thick, Black shafts slowly pushed deep into them.

As Gloria's and Valerie's mouths worked in their principal's slit, the Black men who entered them started pumping slowly and deeply, bringing more moans and deeper tongue work from the girls. Soon the Black men were pumping harder, faster and deeper, feeling their vaginal muscles gripping their Black shafts, the girls mouths being pushed harder into their principal's slit. Harder and deeper went the thrusts until Gloria's and Valerie's bodies gave in to their much wanted and needed orgasms. As their bodies shook and shuddered from their orgasms, they kept their mouths and tongues in their principal's Black, pink slit, licking her juices.
And as they felt the thick Black shafts deep in them swelling and pulsing, feeling their heated, sticky fluids shoot into them, another orgasm raced through their bodies.

The principal smiled, listening to them moan as their mouths worked, and then heard her ask, "Would you like more?", and they both moaned "yes". As soon as the moans were out, the two Black men in them slowly pulled out, and two more replaced them, bringing more moans and gasps from Val and Gloria. Soon the principal's body was ready, and her orgasms flowed through her, washing through her from bottom to top and down again. As she finished, she looked at their white, glistening faces between her Black thighs, petted their heads, and watched their faces as she had two black men take her place. They got on their knees in front of the girls as they opened their willing, white slut mouths. They took in as much of their Black, thick penises as they could, and felt themselves being rocked back and forth, impaled at each end by Black, thick penises.

The four Black men started thrusting into their white sluts, watching their mouths stretched open by their Black shafts, watching their Black shafts spread open their smooth, white, wet slits. The Black men kept pumping, deep and slow, watching Gloria's and Valerie's bodies building to their orgasms. Soon their muffled moans and cries were being heard, the Black men thrusted harder until the four of them unloaded into the stretched, white mouths, white throats working hard to swallow, soaking, filled slits. Gloria and Valerie stayed like that for awhile, their mouths tasting of Black male and female juices, their white slut cunts filled again with hot, sticky fluids from the Black men. As they felt the Black shafts relaxing and pulling out, they both sucked and swallowed, making sure they got all they could, then the Black men behind them slowly pulled out, and went to their mouths, Gloria and Valerie willingly taking their cum soaked penises in their mouths to lick and clean.

After they were finished, they slowly stood up, and saw that they had been being watched by most of the Black staff. They smiled at them, told them how good they did, how sexy all of it looked that they did. As they were standing, they felt the sticky fluids going down their legs, then two white girls they recognised from another class were brought in. They removed their mini-skirts and blouses, ******** bare, pink nipples, their smooth, white slits seen thru the micro's. The principal said, "You know what to do," then both of them went to their knees, then got under Gloria's and Valerie's seeping, filled slits and put their mouths and tonges into them.
  • #166
As they watched the eyes of the mouths and tongues licking deeply in their smooth, white slits, Gloria though the girl under her was crying. The tears weren't going down her face, her eyes were teary though. So Gloria asked her, "Why are you crying?", the principal looked and saw that as well, and told her to answer. The girl kept her mouth under Gloria and told her, "I was rude to one of the Black girls," and put her mouth and tongue back into Gloria. Gloria told her, "My mom was rude to Elisha, so Elisha has Black men punishing her. Be glad you aren't kneeling like she is." The principal and her Black male assistant looked at each other, smiled, and he said, "White slut Gloria, put her in the way Elisha put your mom." Gloria smiled and just before she started to show her, she stopped the girl from wiping her mouth and cheeks, telling her, "You need to leave that, it let's you know what you are." Then had her kneel with her, her ass on her heels, pushing her knees wider apart, where to place her hands and straightening her back. "Very good Gloria," said the assistant and the Black Female principal, "Very good. Okay, you and Valerie need to go on to class, you both have done very well."

Gloria and Val put on their shirt dresses and went to their seperate classrooms, finished their day, and met Sheila and April outside. April's and Sheila's cheeks seemed a bit shiny, the ends of their mouths had traces of Black male fluids, their hair a bit tangly. As they started to walk and tell each other about their day, one of the Black girls who was at her house the night before called to her. She went immediately to her to see what she wanted. She motioned for Gloria to follow, and Gloria did, looking back quickly at her friends to motion them to go on if they wanted, which they did. Gloria followed her around a building into a door to a small room.

As they got inside, Gloria saw their was another Black girl in their with 2 Black males about the same ages or a year or two older, who she thought might be boyfriends, but didn't ask. As she closed the door, she told Gloria, "We want you to clean us after we're done. And, you don't say nothing to anyone about this, you got me my white slut? You can lick us both to get us good and wet." Gloria shook her head yes and watched as they pulled their shorts and panties off, turn around and bend over. Then put Gloria knelt, putting her pale lips against the smooth Black, pink slit of the Black girl who called her over. She started tongueing her up and down the smooth Black slit, moving her tongue as deep into her as she could. The Black girl started moving her ass up and down, pushing into Gloria's face, making her white cheeks glisten with her fluids, then she told Gloria to do her friend. As Gloria started on the friend, her eyes widened as she saw the length and thickness of the penis one of the Black males who was pushing into a moaning Black girl. Then the friend was done with her, and the other Black male pushed his thick, black penis into her now wet Black, pink slit.

She stayed on her knees, waiting, hearing the moans and cries of the two Black girls as their "boyfriends" pumped into them. She stayed there for what seemed a long time, listening, but not listening, watching, but not watching. Both of the Black girls moaned loudly several times, Gloria watching as their orgasms made their glistening Black bodies shudder. Soon both of the Black males were groaning, almost growling and Gloria saw them push hard into the Black girls bringing moans and cries from them. After awhile Gloria heard, "Her first," from the Black girl who had called her. She went on her knees under her, putting her mouth up against where the Black, thick shaft was stretching her Black, pink vaginal opening. As he slowly pulled out, his juices clung to his thick Black shaft, feeling Gloria's lips and mouth cleaing him. As he got completely out, Gloria put her mouth against the soaking opening, sucking and licking the fluids that went into her mouth. As she licked, he wiped his thick, Black shaft on her cheeks, kissed the Black girl as she moaned, feeling Gloria's tongue up her. Then she started moving her hips up and down, feeling Gloria's face against her soaking slit. As she pushed, Gloria worked to not move, keeping her face hard against the soaking Black, pink slit.

Then a moan came from deep within the Black girl's throat, and soon her glistening, Black body shuddered as another orgasm washed through her, Gloria's nose in her vaginal opening, her tongue and mouth on her clitoris. As her body settled, she gasped to her Black girl friend, "Damn you were right, damn, ok, her turn now," and moved away from Gloria, putting her panties on. Gloria got under the other Black couple the same way, cleaning his thick, Black shaft as he pulled out, then putting her pale lips and tongue into her soaking wet and dripping Black slit. Gloria's lips and tongue worked the Black girl into her orgasm, her hips moving up and down against Gloria's shining white cheeks and face, until she stopped, her Black body shuddering, Gloria's nose in her Black, pink vaginal opening, her pale lips and tongue against her Black clit. She stayed against Gloria's face awhile, panting for breath, then moved away from her. As she put her panties on, she told Gloria again, "You say nothing," and left. As she was getting up, she heard one of the "boyfriends" say something about their turn in her next time, but couldn't hear what was said back to him.
  • #167
Gloria stopped at Carrie's and April's house first to see if Val was there before she went on home. As she got in, an almost nude April saw her face, and smiled at her, asking her if it was fun. Gloria just smiled back, and then raising her shirt dress showed her the chains and "U" Elisha put on her. April asked her all kinds of questions about the chain, and did the "U" hurt, kneeling to look at it. It was like the others, two posts, one through each labia, then through the each end of the "U", with the "U" being connected to the posts on the inside of the labia, pushing them apart. As April fingerd the "U", she looked up and smiled at Gloria, then stuck her pink tongue into where the "U" spread apart the labia, bringing a gasp out of Gloria's mouth. Then she got up quickly, laughing, bringing a "Tease!", from a laughing Gloria. She asked here Val was, April told her she was back in one of the rooms with Sheila. Sheila was doing to Val what April teasingly did to Gloria, except, she wasn't teasing. Valerie's smooth with ass was on the edge of the bed and she was laying back, Sheila standing, pushing her knees wide apart, her mouth in Valerie's smooth slit. April and Gloria looked at each other, and each took one of Valeri's legs, holding them apart. When they did that, Sheila's hands went to Valerie's vulva, spreading it apart, then started to lick her from bottom to top. As Sheila reached to top of her lick into Valerie's clitoris, they watched as it was pushed against the "U" by her tongue.

Gloria watched Sheila's tongue working and then saw Val's fingers go to both of her pink nipples, pinching and pulling them. She grinned, and reached for that nipple, April saw her and did the same. Both of them started pulling and pinching Valerie's stiff, pink nipples, except a bit harder, bring moans and cries from Valerie, watching her fingers gripping the bedclothes with each pinch and pull. Each lick from bottom to top Sheila did in Valerie brought moans and cries, "Please oh please please," her hips moving, trying keep in time with Sheila's licks. Then Gloria and April pushed Valerie's knees toward her flat chest, close to her pulled and pinched nipples, Sheila put her face into her harder, her tongue going as deep as she could, bottom to top, bottom to top. Then Valerie's moans became cries, her hands reaching, then finding Sheila's head, holding her so her mouth was on her clit area, holding her hard, her pants and moans loud. Soon she fell back panting hard, but Sheila kept her mouth on her, moving her tongue all around.

Then Valerie was panting, pleading, "Okay, okay, ohmigod, okay," and trying to back away, her giggling turning into laughing that was turning into shrieking. April and Gloria started laughing and held her in place, holding her legs, not letting go of her nipples. Sheila's hands went to Valerie's thighs, hold her, keeping her lips and tongue hard into Valerie's slit. They all shrieked and jumped when a female voice said, "Okay, what do you girls think your doing?" They laughed when they saw it was Jen, wearing only a mini-skirt and a sheer top, went to her and gave her their hugs. She looked at Valerie and Gloria and saw their chains and "U"s, asking them when they got them. Valerie told her, then Gloria told her about her "mom" and why. Jen said she on her way over to Elisha to ask to get her put back in, when they asked her about where they were, she just told them she had disobeyed Elisha, and kind of got the same for discipline as Gloria's mom (leaving out the whip Jason used). She had stopped by to see Carrie really quick when she had heard them. When they asked if they could go, she said, "Why not," so they dressed quickly and got into Jen's car.

They pulled up in front of Elisha's salon, and as they got in the door, Elisha saw them and smiled, and saw Jen. She motioned for them to follow, and she led them into the same room Gloria and Val had been in that morning. She said, not asked Jen, "What is it you desire." Jen looked down, her voice softly asking, "To be your white slut, to be worthy for the chains and jewelry of a white slut." "Show me," said Elisha, Jen took off her top, her miniskirt and knelt in front of Elisha, her ass back on her heels, back straight, knees very wide apart and hands on the inside of her white thighs, midway between her knees and bare slit. Elisha looked at her, left the room and returned with the Black male MD. As she motioned Jen to get on one of the tables, April raised her hand. Elisha smiled, looking at her and said, "Yes, April," April asked, "When do we get ours?" "Well," said, Elisha, "Right now if you want, but, tell me what it is you want, and why."
  • #168
April looked over at Sheila, taking her shirt dress off, as Sheila did the same, both of them nude. Then they knelt like they had seen Jen, and each said to Elisha, "I'm your white slut, and want the chains of a white slut." Elisha looked at both of them, smiled, then motioned for them to get on the tables. As they scrambled up on the tables, she showed them how she wanted them positioned, then told Gloria and Val they could wait in the chain room, but to take of those shirt dresses first. Gloria and Valerie pulled of their shirt dresses, nude except for their chains, and headed to the chain room. As they got in the hall, Elisha said, "Gloria, your "mom" is still being disciplined. You may give her a break if you want, or, if they want, understand though, she is to stlll not move. Also, even if you decide to give her a break, doesn't mean they'll give her one"

As Gloria nodded her head, Elisha motioned her over and said something softly to her, Gloria looked up and said, "Yes Mistress Elisha," Elisha smiled and patted her bare, white bottom, then Gloria and Valerie headed for the chain room. Valerie asked her what that was about, Gloria said, "We're to call her Mistress Elisha." Valerie nodded her head as they entered the chain room. As they got into the room, they could hear a deep low moan/growl, went around and saw a Black male holding Morgan's head, his thick, Black shaft stretching her sore mouth and lips. They watched and listened as they heard her whimpering and moaning, and him telling her, "Swallow my cum white slut. You are a white slut, right!", Morgan moaning, nodding as she could, her mouth filled, her throat working to swallow what he unloaded.

As they looked at Morgan, they saw her breasts and thighs were wet with the fluids she wasn't able to swallow. Then Morgan saw them watching her, but knew she had to put her attention back to the Black male unloading in her mouth. As his balls kept pumping fluids into her mouth, Gloria went next to the Black male, still watching her "mom" swallowing. He looked down at Gloria, seeing her red hair over her shoulder and down her back. He put his hand on her shoulder to turn her to him, leaving his still pulsing, thick, Black penis in Morgan's mouth. As he turned Gloria, his eyes lit up, seeing her just barely developed breasts, her pink nipples pierced with gold Spades, and the chains and "U" on her. He said, "You another of Elisha's white sluts." Gloria said, "Yes, we are," which is when he saw Valerie as well. Her dark straight hair down her back, her almost flat breasts, her piercings, chains and "U". Then he said, "Who is that white slut swallowing my cum," Gloria said, "My "mom", she was impolite to Elisha this morning, so Elisha put her there. How has she been doing?" He shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Pretty good, pretty good," then another Black male walked in behind them.

Gloria looked up at them both and smiled, then said, "Mistress Elisha said I can give you a break if I want, and if they want. But you can't move, she said you have to stay as you are." Then she looked at both of the Black males, went next to her "mom", and knelt like she had been taught. She heard her "mom" moaning, but the Black male was still in her mouth, and looked over and up at her, the top of her head even with "mom's" shoulder, and saw how still stretched her "mom's lips and mouth were, the corners of her mouth wet with the fluids she had swallowed. The Black male in her "mom's" mouth said, "Damn, wish I had known you were going to be here to do that," Gloria said, "I'll be here until Mistress Elisha is done," and then Valerie joined her. Gloria whispered to her, "You don't have to you know," and Valerie just smiled at her, nodding her head.
  • #169
The Black male in Morgan's mouth pulled out, letting Morgan breath better. In the meantime, the other Black male had gone into the room and then returned, and brought two others with him. They kicked off their shoes, removed their jeans, and stood in front of Valerie, Morgan and Gloria. The three Black males let their boxers down to their ankles and stepped out of them, then put their thickening Black penis heads on the white lips of Valerie, Morgan and Gloria. The three of them knelt there, feeling the penis heads swelling, watching the Black shafts thicken and lengthen, pushing the firm, Black penis heads into their stretching mouths. Morgan watched her daughter Gloria's mouth and lips stretching, her tired mind spinning at what she heard, and what she is seeing.

As the three Black men's penises thickened and lengthened, they watched the mouths of the younger white sluts being stretched open. One of them said, "I wonder who of them can take us in the deepest," reaching their Black hands to the head of the white slut whose mouth they were using. Then they each pushed in their mouths further until they heard Valerie choking, but trying her best not to. The Black male in her mouth told her it was ok, she would learn, just need to practice, then backed out enough for her to breath. Then the same happened with Gloria and then her "mom". The Black male in Morgan's mouth said, "You should know how to do this by now white slut. You white slut mouth has been sucking all day, now take it in," held her by her red hair, and pushed, listening to her muffled moans as all but a couple of inches of his thick Black shaft went in. He pulled out, and pushed in again harder, doing that several times until her pale nose was against his Black pubic area. He did it again, several more times, one of them holding her head against his pubic area, telling Gloria and Valerie, "You younger white sluts, this is how you need to do this, see where her face is, where my balls are against her chin. It will take you time and daily practice, it is what you soon should be able to do." Then he pulled back, letting Morgan gasp for some breath, then pushed back in again. The one in Gloria's mouth said, "See, when you have us in your mouth like that white slut, all of what we unload won't leave your mouth, you get it all. And, it feels way better for us when you can do it like that. You also need to look up at us when you do this. Ask Mistress Elisha for some practice time."

Then he pushed again into Gloria's mouth until he heard her choke a bit. As he pulled out a little, he saw Gloria looking up at him, looked over and saw Valerie and Morgan looking up at the Black men in their mouths. Then he started pumping, pushing a bit harder at times, feeling her hot mouth, the softeness of the back of her throat, seeing how stretched it was. Gloria and Valerie didn't know it, but by that time, Jen, April and Sheila were at the other end of the room, seeing them in the mirror, listening to what had been said, Elisha was fitting April, then Sheila, saving Jen for last.

Soon they heard the three Black men moaning from deep in their throats. The dark hard of Valerie, the red heads of Gloria and her "mom" all held by Black hands of the men moaning. Seeing their Black, thick shafts stretching their mouths, then hearing the Black men saying, "Swallow my cum, white slut, swallow it all." Seeing Morgan's nose against her Black male's pubic area, his balls against her chin, the Black men in Gloria's and Valerie's mouths only about half in, watching the girls throats working to swallow. Seeing a little seep out of the corners of their mouths, onto their flat, heaving breasts.

Elisha started on Sheila, having April stand and watch as the three Black men finished and 3 more came in. She took her time with Sheila, long enough so those Black men unloaded into the mouths of Valerie and Gloria, seeing Morgan's face against the Black pubic area as he unloaded into her throat. And did the same with Jen, taking her time, so April and Sheila could watch as those three Black men finished and another three Black men came in and did the same thing. Elisha timed her re-fit with Jen so she was done as the three Black men in the mouths of Gloria, Valerie and Morgan had unloaded. When she finished locking the final chain, she went over by Gloria, watching her throat working to swallow, her mouth stretched by the Black shaft in it. Then she went and looked in the room, came back and said, "There are 12 more in there, you can stay, or you can go, she's (motioning at Morgan) had her break."
  • #170
"Wait," Elisha said, "I've changed my mind, you and slut Valerie are done when the men in your mouths are done, she (pointing to Gloria's "mom"), can finish up." Then she watched as Gloria's and Valerie's mouths kept stretched, their throats working to swallow, hearing the men moaning as their loads went into their mouths and throats. She asked them how Valerie and Gloria did, both of the Black men praised their efforts, telling her how well they sucked and, they do need practice though to do that, pointing to Gloria's "mom" her face against the Black pubic area of the Black men holding her head, his Black, thick penis balls deep. They watched her struggle to breathe through her nose, her small, white breasts heaving.
  • #171
One of the Black men said, "Please take note Elisha, neither of the two young sluts let anything out of their mouths, they both swallowed well." She looked closely, and saw neither had any sign's of what had been unloaded into their mouths on their bodies. "Okay, slut Valerie and Gloria come with me, you other three stand here and watch her, see that she keeps still as they finish with her mouth." Then she motioned for Gloria and Valerie to follow her, she took them into a room that had two Sybian's in it. At another side of the room, completely nude and blindfolded were the two white girls that were told to lick into their soaking, wet slits in the principal's office. They both jumped slightly, hearing the three of them come in. Elisha closed the door, looked at Valerie and Gloria, letting them know to not make a sound. Then she spoke, telling them how to position the nude, blindfolded girls. Both of them blonde, but one with straight hair down her back, ther other with wavy hair, falling around her shoulders and down her back. She had them seat the girls on the Sybian, having them also spread their vulva's over the ridge. Then showed them the restraints to go on their wrists, after pulling them straight out from their sides. After they restrained their wrists, she showed them the restraints for their ankles, which they had to pull straight ahead, leaving only their vulvas to hold them on.

Elisha opened a drawer, and pulled out some clamps, and she showed them how to put them on the girls pink, stiffening nipples. A chain was attached to each clamp, and Elisha had Gloria and Valerie pull them tight, watching their flat white breasts and nipples be pulled and stretched. Making both girls moan as they had to lean forward a bit, and then lock the chain on the post in front of them. Elisha took them to another drawer, and opened it. Their were many pad type things in there that had various lengths and thicknesses of dildo's attached, some were vaginal, some were anal and vaginal. She said, "You may pick one and then put it where it is supposed to be." Gloria picked a pad that had very thick, 6"-7" dildo's on it. Valerie chose a pad that had two thicker ones on it than Gloria's, and a bit shorter in length. They went behind the girl they were assigned to, and pushed the pads into their crevices, making them lean forward more until the vaginal dildo started spreading apart their vulva's, then pushed further slowly, until it was going in good, and the anal dildo was pushing against their anuses. Both of them moaned and whimpered, as the dildo's went into them further, stretching and spreading their vaginal and anal muscles.

Elisha then handed Gloria and Valerie the controls, showing them how the vibrations of the Sybian's are controlled, one direction for faster, the other direction for slower. She whispered, "Do not say a word to them, period. Just work the controls like you want until I come and get you," then she left, closing the door. Gloria grinned at Valerie, and they both turned the switches on, listening to the buzzing from the Sybians, the moans and whimperings from the girls on them. They could see both of them leaning forward as much as they could to keep the dildo's out, so they turned the power on higher, making the Sybians vibrate even faster into both of the girls clitorises. The feeling was so intense for them they had to sit back, forcing the dildo's into them again, forcing them to moan and cry from the pressures spreading apart their vaginal and anal openings and muscles. They slowed the vibrations, watched them lean forward again, then turned them up, making them sit harder on the dildo's. They kept doing that until both of them both completely on the vaginal and anal dildo's, both whimpering and crying. Gloria and Valerie then turned the power higher, watching the two girls as the Sybians vibrations take over their bodies, the sensations of their anuses and vaginal openings stretched heating their bodies, making their alabaster skins glisten with their sweat.

One gave up and let the Sybian take over completely, her body shuddering and shaking in its orgasm. The other girl's body did the same shortly thereafter, and Gloria and Valerie left the controls at about midway, watching to see if they would do it again.
  • #172
Both of the girls, their heads hanging, their hair around their shoulders felt the vibrations again and they both began moaning, Valerie's whimpering, "Please, oh please, no more, no more," but Valerie turned up the vibration control, making the girl moan louder, her voice whimpering. Both of them their minds in whirls, their nipples held tight in front of them, thick dildos in their asses and vagina's, their arms and feet tied away from their bodies, their smooth, now wet slits the only thing holding them on the Sybians. Soon they were both whining and whimpering again, the sounds turning into moans and cries. Their frustrations as their orgasms rushed throught their bodies, but unable to move in any direction without a bit of "discomfort".

Both of them on the Sybians, their white bodies wet with their sweat, their heads hanging again, their blonde hair all around their backs and shoulders. Then Gloria and Valerie moved the controls on to a higher position, they listened to them both begging, whimpering, moaning. Soon the Sybain's had their way, and the girls were both almost screaming from the orgasms it caused within them. Then Gloria and Valerie turned their
controls to almost off, letting them rest a bit, then slowly turning the controls up to it's highest position, watching and listening to them. The two girls began whimpering and sobbing, "Please, oh please please," their heads shaking back and forth. Then they both quit resisting, and let the Sybian take over, the vibrations causing heat to work up from the dildo's inside them, on up to their blurring minds.

Gloria and Valerie did it several more times, watching and listening to the girls, and to the Sybian, learning how to time what went on with the girls as opposed to the Sybian. Elisha came in as both of the girls orgasms hit them, making their worn, wet bodies shivering and shuddering. She motioned for Valerie and Gloria to follow, and Gloria help up a control. Elisha shrugged her shoulders, Gloria and Valerie looked and smiled at each others, and put the controls on at halfway and followed Elisha out, closing the door, leaving the girls whimpering and moaning over the vibrations of the Sybians.
  • #173
Elisha took them to Gloria's "mom", the last Black male Elisha had for her "discipline" was just finishing with her. Her breasts and thighs were wet with her "mistakes" of not swallowing right. Jen, April and Sheila were still there as well, they all watched her struggling to stay in place as he pushed until he was balls deep in her throat. As they watched, Gloria looked up at Elisha, "Mistress Elisha, we were told to ask you about our practicing to do be able to do that." Elisha told her, "It will take some time and a lot of practice, as your mouths aren't as big as your slut mom's mouth, or as slut Jen's either. I will look into it, the Black males I send to you will let you know they are there to train your throats." April spoke up, "Mistress Elisha? Us as well? May we practice together?" Elisha patted her head, "Slut April, I'll definetly look into it. The four of you young sluts are doing very well as far as oral pleasuring from what I've heard. I'll have to check for something special to reward you." April, Gloria, Valerie and Sheila looked at each other, smiling and almost jumping at what Elisha said.

As Gloria's "mom' finished swallowing, Elisha leaned down to whisper to Gloria, "I need you to help me keep and eyes and ears open. If you hear or see something you aren't sure about, you tell me. I'll make sure you get rewarded well." Gloria whispered back, "Yes Mistress Elisha, I'll do my best," quickly kissed Elisha on her cheek, and turned her eyes back to her "mom", who had been finished with, but was waiting for permission to get up. Elisha looked at her, "You won't question me again will you." "No Mistress Elisha, your slut won't," said Morgan, her voice shaking slightly. "You may get up and go." "Thank you Mistress Elisha," Morgan softly said.

Morgan slowly got up, and as Elisha led the six of them to the door, Valerie quietly asked, "Mistress Elisha?" "Yes slut Valerie," said Elisha, "Will we need something on to go out?" Valerie asked quietly. "Are you ashamed of how you look." said Elisha, "Also, it is sunset out there." "No, Mistress Elisha, I'm not ashamed, I like my jewelry and chains," said Valerie. "So, there you go, you'll do well to not worry about what you wear or not, I will take care of that," said Elisha. "Yes Mistress Elisha, thank you," said Valerie. The rest of them thanked her as well, and went to Morgan's car, wearing only the chains on their bodies. Several Black men, women and girls in stores next door, or walking, watched them, smiling, and went back to what they were doing.
  • #174
Jen dropped off April and Sheila, making sure Carrie was home, then took Morgan, Gloria and Valerie to Morgan's house. They got inside, and Morgan made a beeline for the bathroom and turned on the shower. Fran was at the table, having some wine, and as she saw Valerie and Gloria, her eyes widened. It didn't hit her until now the girls wore slut chains. She asked Jen what had happened, Jen said Gloria would have to tell her, she knew more. Gloria told Fran what had happened, and what Morgan's discipline was for her attitude this morning. Fran shook her head, and motioned them over, showing them the articles of clothing she was to order. They were similar to what Carrie, Eve, Sheila and April wore. Valerie and Gloria both said they couldn't wait for the new clothes to get in. Morgan finally got out of the shower, her head wrapped in a towel, and everyone got a better look at how Elisha fitted her. The chains were tight from the "U" on up to her neck. They also saw how very wide apart the ends of the "U" are, how Elisha had set it so it spread her labia very open, making them fold against her inner thighs.

Morgan and Fran sent the girls to shower and jen went with them to help. Fran showed Morgan what Elisha had her order, Morgan sat there, unable and unsure of what to say or do. As she told Fran what happened and what she had to do, Jen was sitting on the side of the tub, helping Gloria and Valerie shower. As she soaped them down, Gloria whispered, "Did it hurt a lot?" Jen looked, her eyes questioning. Gloria whispered, "The whip, did it hurt. I don't see marks on you." Jen softly told her, "There's a fine line between pleasure and pain, the whip knew where the line was, making my body hurt so good so much, it almost wanted more." Then she took one of Gloria's nipples between her fingers, and rolled it gently, bringing a gasp from Gloria's throat. Then she pinched it lightly, making Gloria gasp again. "That's the pleasure, now here it is when they both are together," grinned Jen. She pinched the nipple a bit harder, watching Gloria's eyes, her face, her breathing, then pinched a bit more, Gloria's eyes go half closed, as if in a trance, her breathing increases, her pale skin flushes. Then Jen pinches a bit harder, and lets go, shocking Gloria's body back. She looks at Gloria saying, "I wonder if you'd like the whip, I almost bet you would." Gloria leans closer to her, and Jen takes her face in her hands, they kiss, and feel each other's hunger. Jen shakes her head, feeling as if she had left, and helps Valerie. She towels Valerie off, and sends her out while she towels off Gloria. As Jen sits on the edge of the tub, Gloria can look in her eyes better, opens her towel, and gives Jen a full body hug, both feeling each other's slut chains. They put their arms around each other, and have a long, full kiss, enjoying the feelings and bond they now have with each other.

Jen strokes Gloria's face softly, kisses her again, and they both go into the kitchen. The girls get a small snack and milk, then go to bed. Morgan tells Jen if she wants to stay, she can sleep on a sofa bed in the corner of the patio, and helps her get it ready. Then she looks at Jen, asking, "We have to be what we're told, don't we." Jen softly said, "We don't have to, we have choices, those choices bring consequences, as you've seen. They are in a way, doing us a favor." Morgan looks at her like she's crazy, "Well, look at it," says Jen. "We don't have to concern ourselves with much except to please Mistress Elisha, and whomever she needs us for. I mean, when we do Mistress Elisha right, you do have to admit she does us right." "Yeh," Morgan said sarcastically, "We're her personal sluts." "You know Morgan," Jen said as she sat down, "The sooner you accept that, the easier and a bit more fun it can be." Morgan shook her head and left for her room, muttering under her breath about Jen's mind and the whip.

Jen lay down, turned out the lamp, and pulled a cover over her skin. Just as she was about asleep, she felt someone next to her. Then she felt warm, soft lips on her, and knew those were Gloria's. She lay on her back, and Gloria lay next to her, her face in Jen's neck, her arm over Jen's breasts, her left leg across Jen's waist. Jen put an arm under Gloria's head, another around her waist, and pulled her closer to her, then pulled the covers over the both of them, the warmth of their bodies having them drift off to sleep.
  • #175
Jen slowly woke, feeling the warmth of Gloria's body next to hers, and as she turned towards her, she saw Valerie had joined them during the night. Both of them lay there sleeping, Valerie's straight dark hair mixed with Gloria's red wavy hair. She kissed them both awake, got up, stretched as much as her chains allowed, and went to find them shirt dresses to put on until the clothes Elisha had Fran order came in. She found a couple in Morgan's room, a pastel blue and red one, both very sheer, and another tossed on the couch about her size. She tossed them to Gloria and Valerie, and as she put her shirt dress on, she told them she needed to go to her place, and they could call her anytime they needed her, writing her number on a slip of paper. She kissed them both, and quietly went out the front door.

Morgan went into the kitchen, didn't see her mom, so went to her room. Just as she was going to knock on the door, she heard her mom's voice. She sounded angry and upset, and heard Francis trying to quiet her. Morgan told Fran angrily, "I'm going to get the hell out of there one way or the other! I'm not going to be traded or treated like that again like I was yesterday! I know I could have fought, resisted, but I knew it would be pointless. I spent the whole day with Black cock in my mouth, being made to swallow. I'm nobodies slut, not now, not ever! They've got my girl so wound in this she thinks she likes it!" Her voice went sarcastic, "Mistress Elisha this and that, bullshit! I made a couple of calls in the middle of the night, Gloria and I are getting the hell out!" "But, the phone?", asked Fran, "You called? How do you know it no one heard you? Morgan laughed, "What, you think I'm that stupid? I went down and used a pay phone, no one saw or heard me. You didn't even know I was gone!" "Well," Fran said, "Do you really think your plan will work? That we can escape this crazy place? Breeding? Trade? Sell? What are we, some kind of slaves, property? Telling us and our girls what to wear or not wear? Let me know what and when, if we have to leave here with nothing but the clothes on our backs, well.."

Gloria heard footsteps coming toward the door, and quietly went back into the patio with Valerie. Valerie asked her what was wrong, and Gloria put her finger on her lips to be quiet. Then she motioned for Valerie to follow, and as they got to the front door, she hollered, "Mom, going to school, we'll eat there. See you later." As they scurried down the street, Gloria breathlessly told Valerie what she heard. Valerie looked at Gloria, her eyes tearing, "What are we going to do? I hate moving around, and I like it here, and I love you and Jen." She started to sob, Gloria took her to the side of a tree to quiet her. She told Valerie, "We're going to have to tell Mistress Elisha, right?" "But your and my mom will get into a lot of trouble," sobbed Valerie. "Then," said Gloria, "We see if we can live with Jen. She'll know, she loves us, and I know you love her like I do to. I bet Mistress Elisha will let her take care of us. Now quit crying, ok? It'll be alright, let's get to school, and then after we'll call Jen or get a ride to Mistress Elisha, ok?"

Valerie looked at Gloria, nodded her head and hugged her. As they started walking again, Gloria said, "Now, when we tell Mistress Elisha, she won't be happy about what we tell her, but she'll be proud we did, and she does like us you know." Valerie smiled, saying, "Yes, she let us work those control things last night, it was more fun than a game watching those two girls," and started giggling. She dried her eyes, and as they approached their school, they were ready for the day. They saw April and Sheila walk up in their mini's and sheer 't' shirts, and told them theirs would get there today, they hoped.
  • #176
Sheila and Valerie were in the same grade, but different classes, and they went down one hallway. April and Gloria were in the same grade as well, but also different classes, and went down another hallway. As Gloria and April walked down the hall, Gloria saw the Black girl who needed her the day before motion her over. She went to her, was backed against a locker and was asked, "No one knows, right?" Gloria shook her head, softly saying, "I've said nothing to no one." "Better not my white slut. I may need you again today, so be ready," said the Black girl. "May your white slut know your name?" Gloria softly asked. The Black girl looked sharply at her, got very close to her face and said, "Rae Ann, my white slut," and reached to pinch her nipple. As her hand got to it, she felt the gold Spade, then put her hand under Gloria's shirt dress and felt the "U", grinned, then pulled the chain attached to it up. Her movement brought a gasp out of Gloria, and ****** her to her toes. Rae's eye's widened, "You've been chained already?" Gloria nodded her head, gasping, "Yesterday, Mistress Elisha had it done yesterday." Rae let her down, nodding, and asked, "Your friends too?" "Yes, all of us yesterday," said Gloria. "Elisha must really like the four of you then," said Rae. "This white slut doesn't know, she just knows to please Mistress Elisha," Gloria quietly said. Rae looked up and down at Gloria, told her she'd better get to class, turned and went down the hall to hers.

As Gloria sat in her seat, she noticed the class was different, there were a few empty seats. A few of the white girls she knew were gone, and as the bell rang, the Black fem teacher got their attention to get to work. Then the door opened, and the Black male assistant principal brought in two new girls. They seemed about Valerie's and Sheila's size, but they had be her age if they were in there. As they faced the class, Gloria saw they were twins, Asian girls, very pretty, both had long hair so black it was almost blue. Both were in the same physical development she was, and she could tell they were really new because of the clothes. They were introduced as Emily and May, and they had just relocated there. They took seats across from Gloria, as she quietly introduced herself, the teacher got their attention again back to work.

Lunchtime quickly arrived, and as she was going down the hall, one of the Black male teachers said for her to follow him. She went with him down another hallway, through an empty room and into another room, where she saw April, Sheila and Valerie. The three of them were nude but for their chains, and as she took her shirt dress off, she told them about the new girls. Just as she finished, the room became filled with several more Black males, the one who brought her told them they were there for training, and did they know what kind. Sheila answered, "To learn to suck deeper?" "That's right, babydoll, but it's called deep throating," he said. "You've all asked to learn this, right," he said, and they all said "yes". "It will take time and practice, everyday," he said, and they all nodded. "Ok," he said, "Get on your knees as you've been taught." The four of them got on their knees, their small white butts on their heels, backs straight, knees very wide apart, hands inside their thighs, midway between their knees and thighs.

Four Black men stepped in front of them, standing very close, then he said, "You may undo their belts, and pull their slacks down. The four girls had to raise up from their heels a bit to get to the belts, and as they pulled the slacks down, they all saw large bulges in their boxers. He told them they could pull them down as well, and as they did, each of them faced a Black thickening penis head. As the boxers hit the Black males ankles, he said, "You know what to do,", and almost at once, the mouths of Gloria, Valerie, Sheila and April opened, taking in the swelling Black penis heads. Then he said, Now, your hands on their hips, and pull yourselves to them until you choke a bit, then go back enough just to breath." The four Black men and the trainer watched the four girls, their mouths stretched by their Black shafts, their small white hands on their Black hips, grinning at the small choking noises they made at their now feeble attempts to deep throat.

Since Gloria and April were a bit bigger than Sheila and Valerie, they were able to take in more, mainly because of the thicknesses of the Black mens penis heads and shafts. The trainer saw that, and encouraged them to do the best they can. All four kept working their heads back and forth, trying to control their gag reflexes, their eyes tearing at their efforts. They would pull hard, feeling the Black penis heads and shafts stretching their mouths, pulling until they felt the gag, push back, breathe, pull again until they felt the gag, doing this over and over. Soon the four Black men's breathing increased, their hips moving forward with the pull each girl did, then their Black hands reached out, one getting a redhead, another a brunette, another a strawberry blonde and the last a straw blonde. Each girl felt their hands, feeling the rush through their bodies at their touch. Moans came from each girl, as their minds and bodies accepted the pressure and guidance of the Black hands on their heads. Soon each girl heard low moans, growls from the Black men, and felt the swelling and pulsing of the shafts stretching their lips and mouths. As they felt the pulsing of the shafts, they knew they needed to prepare to swallow, and then felt their heads held still, the Black men pushing further into their throats, past their uvula's. They barely tasted salty-sweet fluids being unloaded into their throats. Sheila and Valerie were losing their breath, so the Black men in their mouths pulled back just a bit for them to breath. Their mouths filled with their hot, sticky fluids, and the trainer watched all four of them swallowing. He smiled as none of them let any seep from their mouths.

The Black men using April's and Gloria's mouths penises started to relax slightly, and the trainer told the girls to take a breath, then two Black men pushed their relaxing penises further in, doing the same thing a few more times, each time getting further. Sheila and Valerie were sucking the relaxing penis heads in their mouths, and the trainer told them the same he had Gloria and April. When they did, they felt the relaxing but still thick, Black penises push deep into their throats. The trainer smiled, praised them for how hard they worked and how good they did. "Are you up for another?" he asked. Even with their mouths still filled, they nodded, and the four Black men in their mouths pulled out very slowly, and four more took their places as they stepped back. The trainer said, "Ok, you young white sluts know what to do."
  • #177
This "training" session was repeated 2 more times, each time the trainer coached and encouraged them, praising their attempts and abilities to swallow well. As the final four Black men left, he told the girls to not worry, they would catch on about suppressing their gag reflexes. And he would report to Elisha how well they did, then Sheila asked, "What about you Sir?" He smiled down at her, patted her head, and asked her did she wish to serve his pleasure. Her answer was to reach for his belt, and he shook his head, smiled at her disappointed look, and told her there wasn't enough time, they needed to get back to class. As they dressed, he told them, "By the way, I know you've seen new girls in your classes. Elisha wants to know if you want to help her train them and their mom's." The four exclaimed, "Ohh, yes, please!" He told them he would get it started then, and would let them know.

They returned to their classes and finished the day, except that April got called into Jason's office after soccer practice. When they met after school, they saw her thighs were wet, she smiled, and told them it had been awhile since Jason had seen her. As they walked, Rae saw Gloria, and called to her. When Gloria got to her, she told her she needed her again, but she had friends. Who could she trust to help and keep quiet, she told her April. Rae told her to go get her, Gloria went and told April she needed her, told Valerie to wait by the side of the school. Sheila wanted to wait with her, so they both sat down to do some work while April and Gloria followed Rae. Gloria told April, "No one, but no one was to know about this." Rae turned around and said, "That's right, white slut, you tell no one," and as they got to a doorway, she opened it, pushing them in.

As their eyes got used to the dimness of the room, they saw 4 Black girls and 4 Black males in there. Rae told April, "You're to clean them and us after we are done." Looking at Gloria, she said, "Tell her, and after I'm done, I want you" then pulled up her skirt, took off her panties and lay down on the floor, and one of the Black males kneeled between her Black thighs, and her moans echoed in the small, dark room. As Gloria told April what to do, the other 3 Black girls had removed their jeans, or pulled up their skirts, and removed their panties as well. 2 bent over a table and the other lay on the hard floor, spreading her Black thighs wide for the Black male kneeling to her.

Gloria and April kneeled, waiting, listening to the moans and cries of the Black girls, the grunts and groans of the Black males. After awhile, the moans and cries of the Black girls became louder, hearing them tell the Black males to push deeper, harder, a couple of them saying, "Fuck me, fuck me, fill me". Soon one of the girls bent over the table moans grew very loud until they knew her orgasm ran through her, and heard him groaning and he pushed harder into her, unloading deep in her pink cunt. Gloria told April where to get and what to do, so April got under them, her mouth against his thick, Black shaft and her vaginal opening. As he pulled out, her mouth and lips started licking and sucking the fluids clinging to his shaft, and as he got it all out, her mouth quickly engulfed him, sucking, almost deep throating his relaxing shaft. Then she put her mouth against the pink vaginal opening of the Black girl to lick and tongue her. The Black girl pushed against April's face, making her nose go into her Black anus, then rubbed her Black slit up and down April's mouth and face, getting her pale cheeks wet with their fluids.

By that time, Rae was done, and Gloria's face was buried between her Black thighs, Rae's Black hands pulling Gloria's red head hard to her, rocking her hips, grinding her slit, forcing Gloria's mouth and face into her. As Gloria and April mouths and tongues worked, the other two Black girls and males were done, waiting for Rae and her friend to finish with the white sluts. The Black girl using April was done first, and the Black girl on the floor wanted her, Rae got finished with Gloria, and Gloria went to clean the other Black girl bent over the table. Soon the Black girls were done with April and Gloria, put their panties back on, and looked at the still kneeling April and Gloria. Rae reminded them to tell no one, period, not even their little friends. Then one of the Black males said, "When do we get a turn with them, been hearing how good their mouths are." Rae looked at him and said, "When I say", and they left.

April and Gloria got up, their white cheeks wet still and walked to where they left Sheila and Valerie and started walking to April's house. As they walked, Jen and Jean came by and offered them a ride, first going to April's. Jean got out of the car with April and Sheila, said, "See you later," to the Jen and the girls, and went in with April and Sheila. As Jen backed out, Gloria's eyes started welling up, Jen saw this and asked her what was wrong. Gloria told her what she had heard from her's and Valerie's mom that morning. Then Jen asked, "Do you want me to take you home or to see Mistress Elisha?" Valerie asked, "If Mistress Elisha says it's ok, can we stay with you?" Jen hugged her, and told them both they could for as long as was possible. They just need to know their mom's are in a lot of trouble with Mistress Elisha when she finds out. Gloria started sobbing a little, saying it would be her fault for telling, but Mistress Elisha wanted her to keep her eyes and ears open. Jen reassurred her it wouldn't be her fault, and to know it would keep them out of trouble, and that Mistress Elisha would take care of things.
  • #178
Jen drove them to Elisha's salon, told them to wait in the car, and went in the salon. She came back out after a few minutes, and told them it was ok, Mistress Elisha needed to talk with them. Gloria and Valerie followed her into the salon, holding each other's hand. Elisha took them to her office, Jen kneeled as Elisha quieted down a sobbing Gloria, and asked her what had happened. After Gloria was done, she told her it was okay, she knew about what Morgan and Francis were up to. Gloria's and Valerie's eye widened, and Elisha laughed, saying she had her ways of knowing what goes on. Then she said, "I understand you wish to stay with slut Jen because of this." Gloria and Valerie kneeled, thier eyes down said, "If it's alright with Mistress Elisha, we do love her, and you too." Elisha smiled and told them, "It's done then."

She got one of her assistants and had her take them to wait in the chain room so she could talk to Jen. As they left, she turned to Jen, "When did my slut first know about this." Jen said, "Your white slut felt it last night, the way Morgan was talking. Your white slut didn't know for certain until young sluts Gloria and Valerie informed me. Young sluts Gloria and Valerie were very fearful they had gotten their mom sluts in trouble by telling. I did explain to them telling Mistress would keep them out of the trouble they could be into if they hadn't said anything." "You did well, slut jen, you did well," said Elisha. "They will be your charges from now on. I will have you and them put into a vacant house within the next couple of days. You do know they are in training how to properly do oral service for Black men." Yes Mistress Elisha, said Jen. Elisha then said, "They are also to help with the new parents and students that have arrived, they will need your guidance." "Yes Mistress Elisha, white slut Jen would be pleased to help and serve in this," said Jen. "It is done then," said Elisha, and motioned for Jen to follow her. As they went down the hall, she stopped and whispered to another assistant, who smiled, nodded and left.

Then they got to the waiting Gloria and Valerie, who kneeled as taught when Elisha came in. She told them, "I'm replacing the chains you three now have for better and prettier ones. This is to show how your Mistress acknowledges your willingness to please, as well as how well you practice. I heard good reports about you two and your friends. I expect to hear more." "Yes Mistress Elisha, thank you," the three of them said. Then Elisha unlocked Jen's first, replacing the plain chains with those that were more intricate in design and seemed to be made of gold. Then Elisha had Jen stretch, and allowed enough chain for her to do that. Then she looked Jen in her eyes and said, "Do not take advantage of how this chain is, your performance expectations remain the same, if not higher." "Yes Mistress Elisha, your white slut will not disappoint," said Jen. Then Elisha had Gloria and Valerie stand, and did the same with them, putting on more intricate chains, and just loose enough for them to stretch. She told them, "The same goes for you as for slut Jen." "Yes Mistress Elisha," they both said, looking in the mirror at their new chains.

Then Jen said, "Mistress Elisha?", "Yes, slut Jen," said Elisha, "Slut Jen believes young slut Gloria is curious about the whip," said Jen. Gloria gasped, and Elisha smiled, "How do you know about the whip, slut Gloria." Gloria said, "Slut Gloria heard it by accident when she heard another mom talking to one of the others." "How did you determine this slut Jen," said Elisha. "May slut Jen show Mistress?" asked Jen. "Please, your Mistress is very interested," said Elisha. Then Jen had a blushing Gloria face her, and showed Elisha what she had done to Gloria's nipples the night before, then putting her hand on Gloria's vulva, bringing up wet fingers, showing Elisha how wet Gloria had gotten. Elisha, knelt, put her Black hand to Gloria's vulva and said, "Slut Gloria, do you desire education of the whip." Before Gloria answered, she knew, as she felt Gloria's vulva became even more wet on her Black fingers. "Yes Mistress Elisha, slut Gloria asks for education of the whip," softly said Gloria. "We shall see, slut Gloria, we shall see," said Elisha.

Then Elisha's assistant walked in and handed Elisha a package, she handed it to Jen, telling her, "You may have them dress, then take them with you to your apartment. You will need them to be at school tomorrow, and by that time, I will know more." Jen said, "Yes Mistress Elisha", and opened the package. It held pleated mini-skirts of different colors, boy shorts, micro bottoms and tops, very sheer tops and "t"s among other articles. "Mistress Elisha?", asked Valerie, "Thank you". Elisha bent to help straighten one of the tops she put on, then Gloria and Valerie quickly kissed on her Black cheeks. Elisha stood up, smiled at them both, patted their heads and went to her office.

Valerie had put on one of the mini-skirts and micro bottoms under it and one of the very sheer "t"s, Gloria put on one of the boy shorts, and one of the sheer "t"s, then Jen led them to her car, and started driving to her apartment, telling them what Elisha had told her. She told them to remember those new chains were a priviledge, and they were expected to do more and do better. Valerie piped up she was starving, Gloria echoed her, Jen laughed and said she was hungry to, and pulled into a parking lot that had a small restaraunt.
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  • #179
As they got out of the car and went into the restaraunt, Jen looked at them. Gloria's "U" could been seen imprinted through her boy shorts, and all of them wore such sheer tops, their new chains as well as the gold Spades were easily seen. She took their hands and they went into the restaraunt. They were taken to a booth by a Black male, and they slid into it, Jen and Valerie not noticing or caring how their mini-skirts slid up. As they looked at the menu's, one of the managers, another Black male came to see what they wanted to eat. As he looked at them, he could see their chains through each of their tops, the gold Spades on their nipples, and the "U"s through the micro's Valerie and Jen wore. He looked at Gloria's boy shorts, and saw the "U" showing through them. They each quickly found what they wanted to eat, and asked for the items. He left to put in their order, returned, and said he would like to see Gloria.

Gloria slid out of the booth, and followed him to his office. He sat on a chair, and motioned her closer. He said she could remove her shorts, as she did, his eyes widened and glazed at the site of her smooth pale skin, the intricate chains and the "U" spreading her smooth labia. He told her how pretty she and her friends are as his Black hands and fingers traced the chain and her "U", feeling the smoothness of her skin. He asked her when she got those chains, and as she answered him his fingers went to her bare vulva, which was moistening already. He slowly slid a finger to her vaginal opening, and asked her what she did. She said, "This white slut does what will bring pleasure." He slid his finger further, saying, "So, you're a white slut. What does a white slut do to bring pleasure." Gloria said, her voice slightly shaking as his finger slid further, "This white slut likes to suck and to open herself to bring others pleasure." He brought his finger out, and put it on her lips, which she kissed and sucked. Then he had her put her boy shorts back on, knowing that by now, the food was headed for the table, if not there already.

He led Gloria out of his office, he went to the kitchen, and she went to the booth where Jen and Valerie were, and their food was just arriving. They ate, smiling and talking, relaxing and enjoying each other's company. After they finished, the Black male manager asked if they'd like dessert, and Jen said they probably had eaten enough. The Black man smiled and said, "I think we have something for each of you, it won't take long, follow me." As they slid out of the booth, they smiled at each other, knowing what was going to probably happen. He led them to a back room that had two long sofa's in it. In the room waiting were 5 other Black males, he turned to Jen and said, "What are you three for." Jen said, "To serve your pleasure as you desire." He smiled, and stood in front of one of the sofa's, the other 5 did as well, 3 at each sofa. Then he said, "You white sluts know what to do," and Valerie, Gloria and Jen went and knelt in front of two men each, undoing their belts, pulling their jeans and boxers down, revealing Black legs and thighs, between which were Black, thickening penis heads behind which were thickening Black shafts that were growing longer.

Gloria, Valerie and Jen put their lips and mouth around their Black thick penis heads, then taking as much of the shafts they could. Those men sat, watching them sucking, as their friends went and kneeled behind white slut. The three of them felt Black hands pull their micro's to the side, Gloria's boy shorts down, spreading their now wet vulva's apart, then pushing their Black, thick penis heads against their bare, wet slits. Each white slut moaned as they felt the pressure on their slits, and moaned louder as the Black men slowly pushed past ther vaginal openings spreading their cunt muscles wide apart.

The Black men pumped their white sluts tight cunts as the Black men on the sofa's felt and watched their white mouths sucking, stretched around their Black shafts. Soon Gloria's moanings became louder, even though muffled by the thick Black penis in her mouth, pushing against the softness of her throat. The Black man in her cunt heard her, and pumped deeper, harder, listening to her, feeling her vaginal muscles gripping his shaft and penis head. They all commented to each other how their white slut felt, how their sucking was, how their cunt muscles gripped them. They told them how good white sluts they were, and how good they were doing, how good it felt.

One of them said, "Should we allow them?", the others said why not, and the manager said, "You white sluts are allowed to be pleasured from this". The three of them moaned, and they could all tell when Gloria's body took over in it's orgasm, her moans even though muffled were loud as her body shook. Valerie's and Jen's bodies did as well not long after Gloria, and the Black men smiled and commented to each other about how each white slut had different orgasms. The Black men inside the white slut cunts were finding it hard to hold back, the muscles were so tight against their thick, Black shafts. Each of them gripped with their Black hands the milky white ass cheeks of their white slut, pushing deeper and harder. Jen, Val and Gloria felt their hands gripping them, their shafts swelling and pulsing deep inside, then felt their hot, sticky fluids shoot inside, warming them even more, bringing on more orgasms. Then the Black men in their mouths went behind them, and the Black men who unloaded in their soaking white slits went to the sofa, sat on the edge for the white slut mouths to finish them more, then to clean them.

The Black men who had been in their mouths knelt behind them, and without warning, pushed into them. Jen, Val and Gloria moaned loudly in spite of the still thick, Black and cum soaked shafts in their mouths. The Black men now in their white, soaking cunts felt their Black shafts being gripped by their vaginal muscles, and in spite of their self control, soon unloaded deep into them, bring deep moans from each of the white sluts. As they finished unloading into them, they slowly pulled out in order to have them finish and clean them with their sticky, wet lips and mouths. As Val, Jen and Gloria were cleaning them, the other Black males put on their jeans, and left. Gloria was cleaning the manager, and he pulled her head, having her take his still firm, thick Black shaft deeper still. He did that several more times, taking note how much she was taking, then he was finished, and stood up.

After the other Black men left, as he put his jeans back on, he told them they could straighten their clothes up, and as they stood, they felt the warm, sticky fluids the Black men had unloaded into them seeping onto their thighs. After they had straightened their clothes, he opened the door and as he was leading them out, they felt more of their warm, sticky fluids further down their thighs, and noticed his Black patrons watching them, smiling. As they got to the door, he smiled warmly at them, and saying, "You may return at any time. Be sure you will get good food, as we know you will serve us well." He wished them well, and they walked, their thighs now very wet, to the car.
  • #180
Valerie and Gloria got into the back seat, Gloria wrestled Valerie to her back, and laughing, pulled her boy shorts down and placed her vulva on Valerie's giggling mouth. Jen watched in the mirror, and told them they were both going to take care of her once they got home. Gloria giggled, then pulled Valerie's knees up, and put her mouth on a now moaning Valerie's vulva, opening it to lick her. Jen saw her, shook her head, and started to her apartment. Soon the girls felt the car stop, and saw they were at a complex. They all got out and followed Jen to the elevator, got inside it and after Jen hit the button for her floor, she jumped as they both reached between her soaked thighs, rubbing their hands up into her smooth slit. When they got to her floor, they followed her to her apartment, she unlocked the door and they went in.

Jen closed the door locked it, turned around and her eyes widened, Jason, Harry and Moan were there. Gloria and Valerie had seen them, and were unable to say anything, as they hadn't known they were going to be there. Jen didn't know what to say but, "Hi, how are you three doing?" Jason told her they were doing well, and asked what took them so long to get there. As Gloria was going to tell him, he reminded them the position they were to take, and the three of them knelt quickly as taught. As they knelt, he saw their wet thighs, and then told Jen she could tell him what had taken them so long to get there. After she told him, Jason, Harry and Moan laughed, said it was ok, they were there to make sure things were ok, that Elisha had told them to see that the three of them were alright.

He told them they could stand and to also remove their clothes, they wanted to see the new chains. in a minute, Valerie, Gloria and Jen stood there nude but for the chains. Moan, Harry and Jason looked at each of them closely, noting the "U"s on Val and Gloria. Then he said, "Slut Gloria, you and slut Valerie can go take a shower or bath if you wish. We need slut Jen out here for awhile." As Valerie turned to go, Gloria asked, "May this slut watch?" "If you want to you may," said Jason, "Besides, I hear you have an interest of the whip," Gloria blushed and nodded. By that time Harry and Moan had taken their jeans off, revealing their very hard, thick, Black and long penises, especially Moan's, he was very thick. They heard Valerie gasp when she saw his and laughed.

Moan lay down on her carpet, his very thick Black shaft sticking up, and looked at Jen. She smiled, walked over until she stood over him, and lowered herself until his penis head was against her vulva. Gloria and Valerie watched her as she let herself down more, and heard her moans as his thick shaft spread her slit and vagina wide. Jen finally was able to get her knees on the floor, and moaned louder as more of Moan's hard, very thick, Black shaft pushed into her. Her moans were soon muffled by Harry's thick, Black shaft pushing through her lips, her hands on his hips, and soon all of Moan was deep in her, as was Harry deep in her mouth, at times her nose against his Black pubic area. Then Gloria and Valerie watched as Jason got behind her, and started pushing against her anus. Jen moaned loudly he pushed slowly in, back out and in again, repeating it until he knew her ass was ready for him.

Soon Jason was all inside her ass, and he looked at Gloria and Valerie, telling them, "This is called air-tight, something you will enjoy eventually. See how well slut Jen is filled, her mouth, her ass and her cunt. See how well she deep throats Harry, feel her nipples, how hard they are. See how much she enjoys this as she serves our pleasure."

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