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A New Beginning

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Then Harry takes April's hand, guiding it to Evelyn's slit. As April feels the wetness, the smoothness of her, Evelyn asks, "what are we going to tell Carrie?". Harry reminds her, April has seen Jason and Carrie, and also has seen Carrie touching herself. Carrie straightens up with Harry still in her. She looks at April, "is that true?". April softly says, "yes", blushing deeply. Even in the dim light, Harry and Evelyn know she's embarrassed, and smile. Harry slowly lowers himself until he is out of Evelyn, and Evelyn moaning as he does it, with a soft cry when the wide, thick head is finally out. Evelyn looks at April, seeing that April is looking down, but not at the floor. She knows she is looking at her slit and Harry's black, thick and very hard penis. Evelyn asks, "what are yoiu thinking April?". April softly says, "I see you and my Mom both have no hair there too". Evelyn smiles, and tell April, "you can feel it if you want", and April's hand slowly moves to Evelyn's slit. Harry helps guide her hand so it is full on Evelyn's slit, then moves her hand to Evelyn's soaking vulva and cunt. As he does that, he asks, "do you know how you taste"? April nods her head yes. Then Harry says, "you know what to do then", and April brings her fingers to her mouth to lick them. Then she asks, "do you know Sheila has seen you?". Evelyn gasps, and Harry looks at her, and tells her, "we'll talk to her tomorrow". Then he has April stand in front of him, and asks her to show him what she saw Evelyn do. April slowly raises her hand to his scrotum, feeling the smooth softness as well the heft of his balls. As she was bending her head to his crotch, he asked her to undress, and as she slips off her pj's, she sees Evelyn close the door. Then April is in front of Harry, and he asks, "what, no underwear?". She blushes and shakes her head no. Harry asks her to continue with what she saw Evelyn do, and April takes Harry's scrotum in her hands again, leaning to kiss them. As her mouth touches him she tastes Evelyn, and feels how wet his penis is as it's against her face. Then she takes both her hands, puts them as best she can around his thick shaft and kisses the opening on the head. As she does this, Harry asks, "you ever touch a man before?". April softly says, "no", and she finds herself enjoying the feelings going on inside and the tastes she encounters. She feels a hand on her head, and she finds herself opening her mouth to try and take more of him. But he is so thick, it seems there is more of him than her hands, and she finds she can only barely put the head and an inch or two inside her mouth. She finds she has to work to get that much in. As she pulls back, he tells her she'll learn to take more, and she sees Evelyn bend down and engulf him with her mouth until she gags a little.

Then Harry motions her to the bed, and Evelyn asks, "you aren't going to try and get in her yet are you"?. Harry says, "no, I have other ideas tho". April sits on the bed, and Harry sits on one side and Evelyn on the other. Harry bends to nuzzle April's neck, while one of his hands carress her budding breasts. She feels a shiver going up and down her body, and then Harry's mouth on one of her nipples. She gasps, leaning back on her elbows. Harry moves her further back on the bed, laying her down and continues kissing and licking her now hardened nipples. April feels her hands being guided, one to Harry's still hard penis, the other to Evelyn's vuvla area. She grasps Harry while she feels her other hand becoming wet with Evelyn's juices, and finds herself moaning. Then Harry works his tongue to her slit, poking it gently. April gasps and cries out softly. Harry softly says, "I see you have just a tiny tuft of hair there". April says, "Mom told me I'm going to have it waxed next week". Harry says, "good thinking on your Moms part", and moves his tongue deeper into Aprils slit. April finds her legs opening on their own, and then feels Harry's penis move out of her hand as he positions his head at her slit. She looks down, he smiles and then spreads her vulva area apart and runs his tongues up and down, making her body shudder with the intensity of the feelings running all up and down inside of her. She feels Evelyn's mouth on her nipples, sucking them, making her body squirm and move on its own. Then she feels her body shaking and shuddering with an orgasm more intense than she had yet to feel. As her body shudders, Harry's tongue goes deeper into her, and Evelyn sucks harder on her nipples until they feel April's body settle and her orgasm subside slowly.

Then Harry brings April's knees up, and gets so his penis head is on her slit, and rubs it up and down, watching her response. April finds herself moving up and down with his rubbing, and Harry puts his thick, black penis head against her. April pushes against him until she is gasping with pleasure and pain. It hurts so good so much she can't believe it, but all Harry has going in is just part of his penis head. He grins at Evelyn, and says, "I wonder how she'll be when one gets all in her?". "But, that's for another time, and better for her Mom to be there". Evelyn asks, "But, wouldn't that be incest"
"No" Harry whispered, "Carrie adopted her when she was married to her dad some months before he died".
Then he guides Evelyn to her back, spreads her legs, opens her knees wider, and tell her, "you know what to do", and her hands go her vulva area and spreads herself open. Harry guides his penis to her slit, and slowly slides in. Evelyn watches, and April looks, open mouthed, almost panting. April goes, "omigod, how does he fit?", Evelyn says, "very gently and very slowly", and guides April's head to her slit. April finds Evelyns clit with her tongue, and starts to lick and suck it, watching as Harry slides his dark, thick shaft in and out of Evelyns' wet cunt, his shaft shining with her juices.
Evelyn's moans and soft cries become more frequent, her breathing faster while she moves her own fingers to her clit, taking over from April oral ministrations. So April watches, waiting to see what will happen. Evelyn soons moanand cries out, her body skaking, shudering, like a breeze going up and down her body. As her moans soften, and her body settles, Harry pumps harder, making Evelyn's voice go, "please oh please". Harry grunts, moans and pushed harder into Evelyn's dripping cunt, then as he pulls out, he holds Aprils head down to Evelyn's pubic area, and pushes his still pumping, throbbing penis head into Aprils mouth. He holds her there, unloads into her mouth, and pushed back into Evelyn to finish. April, caught off-guard, swallows as much as she can, butstill some of Harry's juices are on her lips and her chin. Harry finishes inside Evelyn, brings out his penis shaft and head covered with their juices, and guides April's mouth to him until she starts licking and sucking his penis head and shaft. April feels and tastes more of Harry's juices as she sucks his thick penis head, and more of him and Evelyn as she works her way down his shaft. After a bit, he pats her behind, his hand remaining on her small tight asss for a few seconds, and tells her she probably should get back to bed. April nods yes, puts her pj's back on, and slips out and down the hall. While she heads back to the basement, Harry has gotten on the bed on his back, and Evelyn has posistioned herself between his thighs to lick and sucks his slightly softening penis and his soaking scrotum.

April gets back into bed next to Sheila, put her head down, and was almost asleep, she hears Sheila comment, "you smell different. I smell sex on you". April asked how she knows, and Sheila replied, "Because it's how mom's face and lips taste and smell like ater her and Harry do it". April asks, "Do you like it?", Sheila softly says, "yes", so April moves a little closer, and Sheila leans to her, both of their heads on a pillow, and starts to lightly kiss her cheeks and lips. Then she feels where her chin is still wet from Harry, and kisses and licks April there. As her soft lips work there way up, they meet April's mouth, and the two girls softly kiss, slowly exploring each others mouth with their tongues. April pulls Sheila closer, and feels Sheila touching herself. April asks, "can I do that?", Sheils nods yes, and Aprils hand finds its way down Sheilas pj's to her slit. She ifnd it is very moist, and Sheila's breath quickens as April's hand moves further on her slit, vulva and to her wetness. April asks Sheila, "what do you think a tongue would feel like?", and Sheila moans. April moves her mouth to Sheila's stff, pink nipples, and starts tonguing and sucking them. Sheila grabs her head, encouraging her to use her mouth more on them. As she does this, April takes her hand, slide's Sheila's pj bottoms down, and moves Sheila's legs apart so she can access Sheils slit and now wet little cunt better. She rubs Sheila softly, then she feels her head being pushed down, Sheila's voive softly crying, "please oh please". April moves further until her mouth and lips are on Sheila's slit. Then she slides over Sheila, a knee on either side, takes each of Sheila's knees under her arms, pulls them back, and buries her mouth and tongue into Sheila's slit, tongueing her all the way up and down. Her knees are bent close, so she is on Sheila, her own moist slit almost in Sheilas face. Then April starts rocking a little, so her mouth is moving while putting pressure on Sheila's slit. As she rocks, her slit gets closer to Sheila's mouth until Sheila just grabs April and pulls her down until her face is buried by April's moist thighs and slit. They both lick and suck at their leisure, taking their time until they both sense their bodies feeling like they would explode. They both bury their mouths and tongues further into each other until the waves of their orgasms passed, leaving them both sweating and panting for breath. April moves back up to Sheila's face, they each put a hand on the other's cheek, and fall asleep. Just before April feel asleep, she heard Sheila ask if Harry went inside of her. She sleepily replied. "no, he said that would wait. He did shoot his juices into my mouth tho'". Sheila just giggled sleepily, and they both drifted off.
Morning seemed to come too soon, and Evelyn got the girls up for something to eat. She noticed the girls looked more disheveled than usual. When she bent to kiss Sheila's cheek, she could smell April, Harry and herself, and lightly kissed her on the lips, tasting the remains of sex on them. She knew without having to guess that April and Sheila did more in bed than just sleep. She fixed them some chocolate milk and a couple of eggs and some toast. After they ate, Evelyn told April she's take her home. She told Sheila to jump in the shower, and she'd be right back. April went and got her bag, changed out of her pj's into a t-shirt and some shorts. Then her and Evelyn went to Evelyns car, buckled in and drove off. Almost before they were out of the driveway, April asked how Evelyn felt, Evelyn replied, "very very wet and tender. Want to see?". And quickly pulled down a side road. As she stopped, she put her right leg up on the seat, April unbuckled herself, and lost herself in the tastes and feel of Evelyn's dtill soaking slit. She could taste Harry's juices a lot, anf as she licked and sucked, she heard Evelyn ask, "put your mouth what HArry went in and suck me there?". April grinned and did so. As she did, it seemd like she was tasting and swallowing more and more of Harry's juices. As she sucked and licked, Evelyn moaned with pleasure, expressing how good her tongue was, and sooner than she wanted, had another short but intense orgasm. As her breathing slowed, her body slowing down, April leaned for a kiss. Evelyn told her she'd better shower or something before she got close to anyone, the smell of sex was strong. April grinned, buckled back in and Evelyn got her home. april gave her a quick hug and kiss, and sprinted to her front door and went in. As soon as April was inside, Evelyn headed back home, wondering about Sheila, and what she knows and has done.

As Evelyn left, Harry came into kitchen just as Sheila was going to the shower. He asked if he could get the water going for her, and she reponded, "yes please". Then he put down the toilet seat and sat on it just as Sheila got in. Sheila looked at him quizzicly, and he guided her closer. He started to pull the top pj off over her head and commented, "I smeel sex on you, a lot of it", and Sheila blushed. When he got her top off, her pink nipples had hardened and he leaned to kiss them. Sheila jumped at the touch, and felt her body respond to his kissing. He went back and forth on them, and as he moved from one to the other, he asked her to take her bottoms off. She pushed them down, and held his head for balance while she kicked them off. Then he looks at her, his fingers slowly moving toward her slit, and asks her what she knows. As she tells him about seeing him and her mom, his fingers move quickly and lightly all over her slit and wet vulva. The she tells him what happened after April got back to bed, and Harry lays her down on the shower rug, opens her legs, pushed her knees up, and buries his tongue into her slit like he did to April. His tongue covered her completely, running from her tiny pink anus up inside the slit to her clit. He did this repeatedly until he knew she was ready, and centered his attention on her very hot was vaginal area and her clit. Sheila's body started shuddering in her orgasm, crying out, moaning out softly, her legs relaxing until her feet were on the floor, and Harry's mouth and tongue resting on her slit. Then Harry stood up, and then Sheila did. They both saw the contrast of their skins better, hers light, reflections of light from her blond hair, and his dark, almost like dark chocolate. Her eyes almost even with his chest, she looked up at him and smiled. Harry smiled back guided her closer. Then Sheila felt his very thick, dark penis against her, his scrotum resting against her stomach, his penis up even further, almsot between her nipples. He guided her head until her mouth was around the thick head of his shaft, and she started to suck. Then he guided her hands to his scrotum, and asked her to hold them. As she sucked, he started to stroke his shaft. As he stroke, she felt and tasted a little bit of his juices seeping, and she would lick and swallow them. Soon he was stroking faster, holding her head just so his penis head was just inside her mouth, then he growled very low as his shaft pulsed with the juices traveling into Sheila's mouth. Sheila became surprised, and almost pulled off until she realized she was to stay and swallow. Sheils sucked and swallowed as much as she could, with some seaping out of her mouth down Harry's shaft. As he finished, Sheila could feel his balls tighten in her hands, and watched as some of Harry's juices went down his shaft. She moved her mouth down to where his juices were, and licked them off. He put her hands on his shaft, stroked them up until more liquid was seeping out, and Sheila licked and sucked until there was no more.
Great story! Thanks for sharing it, and I hope you will continue :)
I am definetely not done, and thank you for the encouragement. I have to write like it has been, as my computer is in the living room, and also Comcast connection is not all that reliable. I've been asked the ages of April and Sheila. I leave that up to the readers, and the kind of math they want to use. I know there is a strong and huge difference of opinions as what age group is "appropriate" as far as ******** to sex is concerned.
As April got in her front door, she saw Jenn at the table in the kitchen sipping some coffee. Her hair was brushed, but she looked sleepy as well. She was in one of Carrie's nite shirts, and April could see as she got closer Jenn had nothing on under it, as the shirt barely covered her thighs. She asked where her Mom was, and Jenn told her she was still asleep, she'd had a long nite. April commented she was still a bit sleepy too, and sat next to Jenn. Jenn leaned over to give her a quick kiss on her cheek, and as she did, she turned April's head to face her. Jenn kissed her cheek, and her mouth lingered, and Jenn told her, "I smell sex on you". April blushed deeply said a lot happened over at Sheila's, and mentioned that a friend of her coach had been there. Jenn asked, "Was it Harry?", and April nodded, and told Jenn he seemed as nice as coach Jason. Jenn commented, "Well, there's a lot those two have in common", and April said, "yes, they are alike in some ways".

Jenn looked over her cup at her, and asked what she meant. April got a bit coy, telling her she knows. Jenn said, "Hmm, what will I need to do to get you to tell me?". April shrugged her shoulders, and smiled at Jenn, and started for her bedroom. As she passed her Mom's room, she saw she was stretched out on the bed, asleep, with the sheet only across her waist, everything else was in view. April slipped down to her room, and as she was in the door, she saw Jenn coming towards her. April slipped of her t-shirt and shorts, put a long t-shirt on and got into her bed. Jenn sat beside her and asked if she could lay next to her. April looked up at her with a soft, "yes", so Jenn cuddled up to April in a "spoon" position, with April's head cuddled into her arm, and Jenn's right arm over her, stroking her cheek, and softly finding her way under April's t-shirt.

She asked April, " you going to tell me?", and April squirmed into Jenn, softly giggling. Jenn softly pinched and stroked over April's left nipple, feeling it harden, and at the same time, nuzzling into the back of April's neck, kissing, softly biting. Jenn said, "Tell me", and as April slowly told her, Jenn's fingers wandered over the front of April's body, feeling her taut stomach, her slim thighs, running her fingers lightly down the tight cleft of her small ass. As Jenn's finger's probed more on April's vulva from behind, April told her what happened in Evelyn's room, how Harry felt, what he did. What her and Sheila did when she got back to bed, and then what she did with Evelyn on the way over. As she finished, Jenn could hear her nodding off to sleep, so she curled up closer to her, her right hand slowly brushing April's nipples until she drifted off to sleep as well.

April woke a couple of hours later, with Jenn softly snoring next to her. She slipped out of bed to go to the bathroom, and saw Carrie's bed was empty. She went into the kitchen, and found a note, telling her she didn't want to wake her, that she had gone to the store, and would be back in about an hour or so. April knew she liked to take her time in the store, so she slipped into the bathroom, finished what she needed to do, and took a quick shower. She put the night shirt on that she had, and went into the kitchen to get some milk. Just as she got to the refridgerator, she heard a knock on the door. As she looked thru the window, she saw it was coach Jason, and opened the door. He was wearing a loose, light jersey and some runnning shorts. She smiled up at him, and he asked who was home with her. She told him her Mom was at the store, and Jenn was asleep down in her room. She let him in, and told him she was just going to get something to drink, and would he like something. He told her, "no thank you", and as she padded over to the fridge, and bent to get the milk, he saw she had nothing on. He sat at the table, and April sstood next to him, sipping her milk.
Jason softly asked about what she thought about what she had seen him and her Mom doing. April looked at him coyly, and shrugged her shoulders. Even standing next to him, her head was just slightly above his. Then she felt his fingers lightly brush her upper left thigh. Jason said, "I know you want to know more, and I also know you have nothing on under that shirt". April said, "I'm not sure, I know it feels good", Jason quickly replied, "I know you know more than that, Harry called me and told me what went on". As he told her that, his hand slowly went to the small cleft of her ass, and let his fingers wander to her pink anus. His fingers paused there, probing slightly, and April bent forward just a little, slightly moaning. Then his fingers wandered further onto her vulva. April bent forward, letting her elbows rest on the table, tilting her cup of milk so she could sip it. Jason fingers slowly moved up and down her slit, feeling her getting more moist as his fingers moved into the slit, rubbing her clit lightly.

Then Jason backed his chair a bit from the table, and turned April so she faced him. He asked her what she liked best about what happened at Sheila's, and April told him, "everything, I liked it all". Jason asked her about Harry, and what she did. She told him that he shot into mouth while he was in Evelyn. Jason asked, "you mean you sucked him?", she said, "yes, he was going in and out of miss Evelyn, and my head was close, watching when I heard him moan, and he put the end of his penis into my mouth, and he filled it so much, I couldn' sawllow it all". While she told him, she looked down and saw Jason was getting very large. She saw a thick long lump under his running shorts, and as she talked, her hand slowly went to it, lightly feeling the hardness. Jason pulled her t-shirt up, kissing her pink nipples, hearing her breathing increase. Then he asked, "do you want to feel me better?", and April nodded yes. Jason stood, the large lump against April's taut stomach, her head even with his chest. He said, "you can pull them down", and April reached to his waist to pull his running shorts down. As she did, she pulled the waistband so it went over the thick, dark head of his penis. She stared, her eyes almost glazing, and pulled his shorts down enough so they dropped to his ankles. April put her hands around his shaft, her fingers unable to go completely around it. She kept saying softly, "so big, so big", and then felt his hands softly guiding her head until her mouth was on the tip of his penis head.

April licked and sucked on the end, and he guided her hands so they stroked up and down his thick shaft. Soon she had a sweet salty taste on her tongue and lips. As she licked, Jason said, "that's called pre-cum", it's something that happens to help moisten the girl". Then she heard him say, "take me in as far as you can", and April's mouth opened, stretching, engulfing his penis head, and then feeling her lips on the shaft, then the head at the back of her throat. She stayed liked that, seeing that there was still a lot of his shaft showing, even with both her hands gripping him. April raised up, getting her breath, her eyes tearing slightly. Jason grinned at her, and told her it takes practice. Then he pulled her t-shirt off, and he looked at her. He looked at her barely budding breasts, and at the peach fuzz of her slit, pulled her to him so he could lick and kiss her nipples, and slowly fingered her slit, feeling her getting wetter by the second.. Then he turned her around, and guided her so she was between his thighs, his thick, dark shaft up in her slit, and making it appear that it was part of her. She gripped his shaft, stroking him up and down. His shaft so thick, dark against her white skin. His thick penis head up against her taut stomach. Then Jason held her by her hips, moving her so her slit was rubbing the shaft. Then April felt herself moving up and down the shaft, riding it so as she rubbed it, her lips were opened on it, her clit against it. April hands went to the table to steady herself, and her hips went back and forth on Jason's shaft. Soon she was forcing herself so her slit was hard on Jason's pubic area at the base of his shaft. Jason's fingers were on her nipples, pinching and pulling them. Jason felt April's body tighten, her voice moaning, crying and felt her push hard against him as her orgasm swept thru her body. He felt her shuddering, and shaking as it swept thru her, her slit grinding against the base of his shaft.
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As April's body settled, she looked down and saw how Jason's penis shaft was. It almost seemed a part of her, sticking so far out from her slit. She leaned back against him as his hands cupped her barely budding breasts. She moved more up and down his shaft slightly, relishing the feel of him against her back. She reached with one of her hands to hold the thick, mushroom like head, and found her hand couldn't even get around him. She silently wondered how her Mom or Evelyn could do it.

Then Jason slowly moved her until she was facing him. April looked at him, and looked down at his thick, dark penis. Jason stood, and April sat on the chair he had been on. His thick, dark shaft facing her. April's hands went to his shaft, and her mouth went to the thick penis head, trying to take in as much as she could. She felt Jason's hands on her head, lightly moving her back and forth. April would pull back a little, her eyes tearing slightly with the effort of trying to suck Jason. As she continued sucking, she looked up at him. She saw him looking at her, her mouth full, stretched. He guided her mouth and hands to his scrotum, having her lick and suck him there. As she did, Jason slowly worked one of her hands up and down the shaft, as her other hand was barely able to hold his scrotum and balls. It seemed it was all she could do just to suck one of them, and then the other, they filled her mouth so.

Then April moved her mouth back to Jason's penis head, sucking, tasting him. Her eyes closed as she felt her head in a slight rythym of going back and forth, feeling his penis head in and out of her stretched mouth, feeling the veins, squeezing, feeling the firmness of his penis head as her lips went around it and then into her mouth. As she got lost in what she was doing, she felt hands go to her slightly budding breasts, felt them cup them, pulling her nipples. She felt her nipples pulled harder and harder towards Jason, her eyes tearing, feeling some of her saliva on her thighs. Then she felt someones mouth on her right ear, licking, kissing, nuzzling her neck. She couldn't tell who it was, as her head was kept in place as Jason slowly pumped her mouth, making sure she could breath. April felt a mouth on her nipples, biting, sucking. Jason's hands on her head as he pumped slowly, her lips smooth from the friction of his penis head. She heard a voice in her ear, telling her, "suck him, take as much as you can", and she felt herself working her mouth more on Jason's thick, dark penis had and shaft. She opened her eyes, saw his shaft sticking from her mouth, her hands on his scrotum. The voice in her ear, softly telling her, "suck deeper, you like to suck don't you?", and April moaned softly. The voice went, "are you a little slut, a little cock sucker?", and April moaned more on Jason's penis head.

Then she felt Jason leave her mouth, and gasped when she saw Jenn. Jenn got in front of Jason like April had done earlier, and Jasons's shaft and penis head stuck from between Jenn's thighs as her slit opened on either side of it. Jenn held April's head, and moved her to Jason's penis head again, and watched as her mouth was barely able to take him. Jenn rubbed her slit back and forth on Jason's shaft. Then April and Jenn felt Jason moving them both, April in the chair back against the counter. Jenn felt her upper body pushed forward until her hands were on the counter, and felt Jason push into her. April watched as, her eyes wide open, gasping at the contrast. Jason's thick dark penis head slipped into Jenn's bare and pale slit, his balls hanging below it. He pumped into her, then out so his shaft was in her slit aiming at April's mouth. April felt him push into her mouth, tasting Jenn's juices, then her went back into Jenn again.
Jason pushed deeply into Jenn, hearing her cry out, moaning. Jenn pushed April's head to her clit, and April would lick Jenn and then suck Jason each time he pulled out. Jason growled into Jenn's ear, asking, "you want me to unload in her mouth, or in you?". Jenn moaned loudly, "her, her". Jason pulled out of Jenn, his shaft sticking out in front of her. Jenn's slit was spread over his shaft, and Jenn guided April's head to Jason until her mouth had his dark, thick penis head inside. April worked her head back and forth, tasting more of Jenn as she did. Jenn's hands reached to April's head and held it while Jason pumped thru her slit into April's mouth. April felt Jason's balls and scrotum start to tighten in her hands. Jenn was looking down at April, watching, and April looked up at her, seeing her watch her. Jason's hands gripping Jenn's nipples and small breasts, pulling, pinching.

April heard Jenn saying softly, "suck him, suck his cock you little slut". April moaned at Jenn and the feeling of Jason swelling, his balls tight in her hands. She heard Jason grunting, growling, and felt Jenn's hand even tighter on her head. The she felt and tasted Jason's juices unloading into her mouth, his penis head as far inside as she could do. She heard Jenn moaning loudly as she watched Aprils effort to swallow and suck. April thought she was going to choke on the amount of juices Jason was unloading, felt some seeping from the corners of her mouth, onto her thighs. They stayed there like that, April swallowing deeply, with Jenn and Jason's bodies sweating and shuddering from their efforts and their orgasms. Soon April felt Jason's penis head slowly relax, felt more of his juices in her mouth, so she sucked more. And as he relaxed, she was able to take a little more of him in her mouth until her face was against Jenn's slit.

Then April felt Jason's penis head slip out of her mouth, and down between Jenns thighs. She sat there panting slightly from what she did, from what she heard Jenn say. Feeling what she couldn't swallow of Jason's juices on her taut stomach and thighs, how sticky and wet it was, pooling at the juncture of her thighs and slit. How hot they had been as Jason unloaded in her mouth. Her hand went to the wetness pooling at her slit, how sticky and slippery it felt. Then she heard someone say, "is there any left for me?", and recognized it was her Mom. She sat, trying to think, and she heard Jenn say, "well, there is some on her body and thighs she didn't swallow". Then she felt herself being lifted to the table, being laid down so her wet slit was at the edge of the table, her legs and knees held wide so she was fully *******. She felt hands and fingers on her nipples, and a sudden warmth and wet of someone's mouth on her Jason soaked slit and vulva. She felt lips and a tongue go up to her taut stomach, licking what she couldn't swallow, and then back down to her slit. A tongue pushed its way into her now soaking little vaginal area. Then she felt a finger slowly probe into her, slowly entering, deeper and deeper as the tongue worked on her clit and opening. It pushed deep into her, and she arched her back to it. The mouth, tongue and fingers all on her, the finger in her kept up their work until April heard herself cry out, moaning loudly as her orgasm pushed its way thru her body. The mouth stayed hard on her slit, the tongue and finger buried into her until her body started to relax, her muscles settling. As her body and mind was taking in what had happened. Then she felt someone raise her to hold her. Her wet slit on the edge of the table, and found her face buried into Carrie's neck, nuzzling her, moaning.
Then she heard Carrie suggest they go to where it was more comfortable, and the four of them went into Carrie's bedroom. April lay down, Carrie at her side, Jenn and Jason spreading April's knees wide. Carrie's fingers wandered up to April's nipples, feeling them harden. She looked down and saw Jenn looking at April's slit, and Carrie slid her hand down into April's slit, feeling how wet she was. Then as Carrie rubbed april's clit lightly, Jenn slwly pushed a finger into April's vaginal opening. April gasped and moaned, her back arching. Jenn said, "I think she likes it. Do you want more April?" April moaned, "yes, please". So Jenn pushed further in, and Carrie's hand went and added onoe of her fingers. April felt her legs opening more, arching her back. The she heard Carrie ask, "what do you think Jason?". Jason replied, "we want to make sure this goes slowly", and positioned himself between Aprils thighs. April says, "Can I see?", and feels her head lifted. April looks down, and sees Jason's dark, thick penis, and watches as it rubs her slit. April gasps at the contrast, he is so dark against her pale slit, his wide penis head pushing her slit open. He rubs it up and down her slit, each time pausing more at her vaginal opening. He asks, "How far in did Harry go?". April softly says, "not far, he said Mom should be watching. He told me you told him about me".

Then Jason pauses more at her opening, slightly pushing. April moans, looks at Jenn and sees her eyes, watching her face, and then looking at where Jason's penis head meets her opening. April sees her slit being spread open by Jason's penis head, and watches, her eyes half open, lost in the feeling, as he just barely pushes the head in. He stays there, watching, feeling the tightness of April's cunt. He feels her muscles contracting on his penis head. He pulls out slightly and pushes in a little more. April cries out, "please please, don't stop", and Jason repeats what he did, but goes a little further. Then he starts to push in and out, not going into her any further. Just enough to his penis head and a couple of inches of his thick shaft go in. April moans, her head going from side to side. Jason keeps pushing in and out, slowly, until only half of his shaft is in her, her slit spread wide by his shaft. The pinkness of her slit against the darkness of his shaft. He decides that's far in enough today, and tells Carrie. Then he asks, "has she started yet?", and Carrie says, "no". Jason tells her, "well, I'm going to let her feel me unload in her, and you know what to do after, don't you". Carrie nods her head that she does. Jason moves himself back and forth, just watching part of his shaft going in and out of April. April moaning, arching her back, then feeling a tongue on her clit. She cries out at the feeling, feeling her inside muscles around Jason while he pushes. She feels his shaft swelling, his penis head harden further and hears him moan and growling as she feels his hot liquid go into her. His shaft swells more as he unloads into her vagina, and he stays there until his penis starts to relax. He slowly pulls out, April moaning to stay inside, and then feels her body moved onto her stomach. She is pulled up to her knees, and feels then sees Carrie under her. Carries feels and tastes Jason as her April is lowered onto her mouth. April moans loudly, letting her body rest on Carrie's mouth. She leans back so her hands are on the bed, and Carrie hands open her vulva, and she runs her tongue up into her, Jason's juices going into her mouth. April feels Jenn and Jason hold her straight up, so she is sitting hard on Carrie's mouth, her slit opened. She feels her hips moving, grinding against the tongue inside her, and lets herself be held as her hips move until her body is shuddering, her mind in a blur in another draining orgasm. Jenn and Jason hold her while Carrie keeps licking in her, tonguing her, sucking at her cunt for the load Jason put into her. April is held like that by Jason and Jenn until they lay her down. Jason lays on his back, April is cuddled on her stomach against his chest, her legs on either side of him. Carrie cuddles in against one side of Jason, and Jenn the other. Both of their hands stroking Aprils ass as they drift into an afternoon nap.
get this story copyrighted. Just in case some porn producer makes a dvd out of this you can get paid!!! It will be a hit in the porn world. That is if they can find porn stars that can actually act.And not just fuck.
While all this is going on at Carrie's, April's young friend Sheila is "learning" more about what Harry and her Mom do. She comes up from the basement to the kitchen wearing just a nite "T" that barely covers her pubic area. She sees Harry in there having some toast and coffee. He has nothing on but some boxers, and he smiles, "Morning", to her, and Sheila smiles "hi", her face blushing from seeing him. Sheila goes to the fridge, and Harry watches her. She bends to get some milk, and Harry sees she has nothing on, and remarks to her, "Hmm, isn't it cool down there with nothing on? Looks like all you have there is a tiny bit of fuzz." Sheila gasps, and tries to bring the "T" down with one hand while getting some milk with the other. Harry tells her, "Too late sweetie, might as well let the "T" go". Sheila straightens up with the milk carton in her hand, and lets go of the "T'. Harry tells her, "I hear you've seen me and your Mom". Sheila blushes, and nods her head. Her face reddening more, her hands shaking slightly as she pours her milk into her cup. Harry asks, "do you like what you've seen?", and Sheila says softly, "yes". Harry asks her "what's do you like watching most?", Sheila says, "when Mom has your thing in her mouth, and then when she is on top, and I hear her making noises". Harry goes, "it's not a "thing" Sheila, it's a penis, repeat the word". Sheila says, "penis", very softly, and at the same time, feels herself moistening. She drinks her milk, and Harry motions for her to get closer. She gets closer, wondering. Harry's hands softly carress her over her "T", and tells her to tell him again what "that" is. She says, "it's a penis", and he asks, "have you seen one before mine?". She shakes her head slighty "no". Harry feels her body relaxing in her hands, her body firm and tight, her stomach taut with the physical activities she does. He moves his hands up where her barely forming breasts are, and rubs her nipples, feeling the cotton of her "T" rub against them. He feels them stiffen, and leans to kiss her cheek. As his face gets to hers, not only does he smell the milk on her breath, but he also smells a hint of sex on her, and figures her and April had done something. But he decides to work on that later, and looks at her.

Sheila's face is relaxing into the feeling of Harry's hands and fingers on her, her eyes half closed, her breathing increasing slightly. She feels Harry take one of her hands, and put it on the outside of his boxers. As her hand touches the lump in his boxers, she gasps slightly, and he hears her softly say, "omigod" as she feels just how big the "lump" is. Her hand runs up and down the lump, and she feels it thickening and hardening. Whiule she does this, Harry has moved his hands under her "T", up to her nipples, then to her slit, and then moving her thighs apart enough so his fingers could feel how wet her vulva was. Then he moves his fingers deeper into her slit, slowing rubbing her from front to back, feeling her vaginal opening, how wet she was there and back up to her clit.

He suggests, 'You can take your "T" off if you want", and she slowly lifts if over her head. While she manuveurs it over her head and her long, blonde hair, Harry looks at her lithe, nubile body. Her breasts just barely budding, her nipples hard, her stomach taut. He leans forward and puts what he can of her little buds in his mouth, sucking and licking. His hands go to her small tight ass, squeezing her, spreading her. He hears her breathing increasing, deepening, and feels her lean into his mouth. He goes from bud to bud, feeling the firmness of her nipples while his fingers move more and more on her slit. Her has a finger just slighty into vaginal opening, just moving it around the edge, feeling her getting more wet by the second. He feels her hands and arms go around him, pulling him tighter as he sucks her little buds, her hips moving slightly as he fingers her slit. He feels her hair over his shoulder, and feels her slightly push on the finger that is barely in her. Harry puts and arm around her back, pulls her harder to him, hearing her moan, his lips and tongue working her buds, sucking, biting softly. Then he hears her moaning, "omigod, omigod, omigod", and feels more wetness seeping from her opening, her hands gripping him tighter as her body shudders into her orgasm. As her body shudders, Harry moves his finger just a little further into her, feeling how smoth, tight and wet she is in there. He feels her muscles contract around his finger, pulsing as she orgasms. Then as she settles down, her breathing becoming more relaxed, she opens her eyes, and see her Mom standing in the hallway entrance of the kitchen, watching her and Harry. Her mouth slightly open, seemingly to just barely breath, her own nipples hard, feeling herself moist as she is watching the two of them.
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Sheila went, "ohgod!" when she saw her Mom, and Harry turned to look at her. He said, "well, Eve, what do you think?". She replied, "she looks like she really enjoyed that". He told her, "you should have felt her muscles squeezing my finger as she came", and while he said that, he brought his finger out, Sheila moaned slightly, and Harry put it on her lips, putting the wetness of her vagina on them. She licked his finger, then he slipped it into her mouth so she would suck it. He took his other hand, and guided her hands to his crotch, having her feel him. Her eyes widened as she felt him with both her hands, feeling how thick and long he was. Then he stood up, and guided her into the living room, her bare feet on the soft lush carpet. Her Mom followed, watching Sheila and Harry. Sheila looked up at Harry as he stopped, her head about even with his chest, and he turned her to face him. Then he nodded down to her, his eyes looking at her, then his crotch. Sheila shivered slightly, and felt her body tremble as she felt from him what she was going to do.

Sheila knelt on the carpet, looking up at the bulge in his boxers. Her hands reached up to the waistband, and slowly pulled them down. Her eyes widened as his penis head appeared, staring as she continued pulling his boxers down. As his boxer fell to his ankles, he stepped out of them, and looked at Sheila. She was looking up at his penis, staring, still kneeling, with her little ass on her heels. Harry moved his feet apart a little, and nodded at Sheila towards his shaft and scrotum. She raised up on her knees, her head only even with his scrotum, looking at how dark he was, the thickness and length of his penis. She rested her hands on his thighs, and leaned forward, her face up until her warm breath was on his scrotum. Harry moved his feet apart a little more, so his scrotum rested on her mouth, and he felt her lips kissing then licking him there. As she tried to suck in one of his balls, she looked at how dark he was against her. Then she felt a hand on her head, and found herself looking at a full length mirror that was put on the wall a long time ago.

She saw herself, sucking at his scrotum, her slightly tanned face, a white contrast against his dark skin. Her blonde hair hanging down her back as her face is up into him. She finds herself lost in what she is doing, seeing her pale body being against his dark legs and thighs. Then he moves her head back a little, and puts her hands on his shaft. They look so small and white, trying to hold him. Her fingers cannot meet aournd his shaft, and he is long enough so that even with both her hands gripping him, his firm, dark penis head and inches of his shaft show. He lowers his shaft so the penis head is at her mouth. Even with her up on her knees, her mouth isn't quite even with his crotch.

She stares at his penis head, and unconsciously finds her mouth at it, licking, then sucking. He pushes slightly, and she opens her mouth as wide as she can, taking in the dark penis head and an inch of so of his shaft. She looks in the mirror, seeing what she is doing, wondering how this came to be. The mirror image of her mouth stretched and filled by Harry's penis head, the darkness of him against her pale face and in her mouth. She watches herself attempting to suck him, pushing her mouth as far as she can, seeing that there is still a lot of his shaft between her mouth and her hands, one at the base, and the other up above it. His shaft is aiming down into her mouth, her head tilted so she is looking up, either into the mirror on up at Harry.

Then he pulls out, and Sheila looks at him via the mirror. He asks, "what happened after April went back down to bed?". Sheila tells him she could smell him on April. He asks her how she knew it was him, ands she says, "because I smell you on Mom's mouth sometimes when she kisses me". He looks at Evelyn, and asks, "so, you kiss her after you've sucked me, or cleaned me after I unload in you?". Evelyn gasps a soft, 'yes". And Harry motions with his eyes at her for her to get on the other side of Sheila.
Evelyn goes, and faces Harry, and positioned so they can all see each other in the mirror. Evelyn's breathing increases, her eyes asking, wondering, her nipples harden with hesitant anticipation, her slit becomes more moist. Harry's hands go to her, small breast, covering them completely, then her nipples, and he grasps each one between his fingers, and pulls them downward so the Evelyn has to go to her knees. Evelyn looks in the mirror, and see Sheila's head is at her shoulder while she watches Harry push in her mouth again. She watches her daughter attempt to suck, her small hands grasping his shaft. Then Harry pulls out, his hand on Evelyn's head, and guides his shaft into her mouth. She is able to take in much more than Sheila, but there is still much of Harry's shaft showing. Harry pushes her down slowly until her ass rests on her ankles, and his shaft is in line with her mouth as she looks up. Evelyn knows what is going to happen, her breathing increases rapidly, then she holds it as Harry pushes deep into her mouth until he is against the back of her throat. He pulls back enough for her to breath thru her nose, and tells Sheila, "see how much of me your Mom can take in her mouth?". Sheila nods, watching him do it again, watching more of him go into her Mom's mouth. Harry says, "your Mom is learning to deepthroat, do you know what that means?". Sheila softly says, "no", and Harry tells Evelyn, "show her". Evelyn grasps Harry by his hips and pulls him, her mouth and throat in line with his shaft, stretched wide, her eyes tearing with the effort. Sheila watches as her Mom pulls more into her mouth, hears a slight gag, and then sees her Mom's mouth at the base of Harry's shaft. Evelyn pulls back, and Harry says, "that's deepthroat, something that will take you time and practice to learn". He has Evelyn do it a few more times until his breathing increases, and he feels his balls tensing up, waiting to let loose their load.

Then he gently pulls Evelyn up, and has her bend toward the leather armchair next to the sofa. Her hands on each arm, and he has her open her legs. Sheila sees how moist, how wet her Mom's thighs and vulva are, and watches as Harry pushes against the lips, and then as his dark penis head goes into her Mom. He stays there, Sheila stares at his very thick dark shaft aimed at into her Mom. She watches as he pushes in, hears her Mom moan and cry, "please, oh please", and Harry pushes harder and deeper into her. Sheila sees the glistening wetness on his shaft each time he pulls out. Harry says, 'so, you say you oculd smell and taste me on April?". Sheila says a soft "yes". Harry asks "how?", and Sheila told him what her and April did. Evelyn listens, hears how her daughter and April had each other after her and Harry had her. She pants, "does Carrie know what you did with Harry and me?". Sheila says "yes, Harry called Jason and told him, and he told Jenn and Mom. And Jenn smelled and tasted you on my mouth when I got home". Evelyn's breathing became cries and loud moans as she hears this, wondering, fantasizing. Sheila watches her Mom's body shuddering in her mental and physical orgasm, shaking, pushing against Harry as hard as she can. As the waves of her orgasm subside, Harry pumps faster, and each time Evelyn cries out. Harry growls softly to Sheila, "get closer", and Sheila does, looking up at his dark, thick long shaft going in and out of her Mom. Then she feels Harry's left hand on her head, holding it, and watches as he pulls his shaft out of her Mom and pushed his penis head against her mouth. Sheila's mouth is open before she realizes it, and tastes her Mom's wetness on him. Harry faces her more, pumping slightly into her mouth, just enough so that she gags slightly, but not so much that she doesn't need to stop. Evelyn looks over, seeing her daughter's mouth filled with Harry's thick, dark shaft. Then Harry growls, moans loudly, and Evelyn see the startled look on Sheilas face as Harry unloads in her mouth. She watches as Sheils tries to swallow, with some of Harry's juices at the corners of her mouth, some seeping down to her chin. Harry holds her there gently, then pulls out so just his firm penis head is just in her lips. He looks, and sees they are in a large "O" around him, stretched out, smooth, white against his dark, thick shaft. Sheila feels more of Harry's juices filling her mouth, she swallows deeply several times, feeling the hot, slippery wetness go to her stomach. As she swallows, she looks in the mirror again, sees Harry smile at her, letting her know how good she did and felt for her first time.
Sheila looks up him as she swallows, moaning softly. When Harry was first unloaded into her mouth, they heard her squeal as the first few streams shot into her mouth. Her first thought was to pull back, but she felt Harry holding her there, and saw her Mom watching her as well. She had seen her Mom suck Harry before, but didn't know there was so much to swallow. As she swallows, catching her breath, she feels Harry's shaft relaxing, and finds herself, able to take a little more of him in her mouth. Even with him "relaxed", she still has to hold her mouth wide open, and there is still much of his shaft that shows. Her mouth aches from holding it open for so long, and she lets Harry's penis slip out of her mouth. Harry asks, "Is that what you've tasted on your Mom before and on April the other nite?". Sheila looks up, and say, "yes". Harry tells her that did did very well her first time, and she will get better the more she does it. She looks at him questioningly, and Harry just smiles. Then Harry lifts her up, and Evelyn and Sheila follow him to the bedroom.

He has Evelyn lay on the bed, and as she does, Shelia looks at her pubic area. She asks "why don't you have hair there?", Evelyn replies, "well, Harry likes it like that", and Sheila looks at Harry. He says, "well, some men don't mind the hair, but I, as some friends of mine, don't like to floss while we eat". Sheila looks quizzickley, and her eyes open wider and says "oh, so no hair in your mouth during oral sex? What about mine?". Harry said, "Evelyn will take you to get waxed, even if all you have right now is some fuzz. It will keep hair from growing." Then he guides her up on the bed, next to her Mom. Evelyn gets on her side so she is facing Sheila more, taking her right hand, and letting her fingers trace lightly around Sheila's nipples, and down to her slit and back up again. Sheila shivers slightly with the sensation, and feels Harry opening her legs, and raising her knees. She looks down and see his eyes looking at her as he pushes his mouth onto her slit. Sheila gasps suddenly, feeling the warmth wet of his mouth, then as he stick his tongue into her vaginal opening, she feels her knees raising higher, and feels his tongue sliding in and out, and up and down her entire slit to her pink anus. She moans and gasps at the feeling, watching his dark head moving between her thighs. Then Harry looks at Evelyn, and says, "get so you can hold her knees up". Evelyn gets on her knees on Sheilas side to hold her knees. Harry says, "no, you need to be able to hold them apart for her". Evelyn's eyes widen as she figures what he wants her to do. Harry says, "do I need to spell it out for you?", and Evelyn softly cries "no", and finds herself straddling her daughter, facing Harry so she can hold Sheila's knees back and open. As she does this, Sheils sees herself looking at her Mom's bare, moist slit. She sees how wet she is, the moistness on her Mom's thighs, and sees the covering where her Mom's clit is. As her Mom holds her knees, Harry delves his tongue into her slit and vaginal opening more. As she lets herself get lost in how good he feels, she raises her hand so it lightly brushes against her Mom's slit. She sees her Mom jump slightly and does it again.

Evelyn says, "Sheila, please don't tease me like that". Harry looks up and asks, "what?". Evelyn tell him what happened. Harry get Sheila's arms, and puts them so they are between Evelyns knees and her side, and tells Evelyn, "now, lower yourself until I tell you to stop". Evelyn starts to plead with him, and the look she gets from him lets her know to stop. She feels herself lowering until she feels Sheila's mouth against her slit. Harry says, "Sheila, do what you've down with April", and Evelyn cries out and she feels Sheila's tongue slide into her slit. Then Harry returns to licking and tongueing Sheila's now very wet slit. As Sheila's tongue moves, Evelyn finds herself letting more and more of her slit, then her opening get to Sheila's mouth and tongue. Sheila tastes more and more of her Mom's juices, her wetness over her lips, her cheeks. Soon Harry's tongue is moving faster, and Evelyn feels Sheila's panting on her vulva. Evelyn feels her hips seemingly to move on their own, rubbing her slit and cunt over Sheila's mouth and tongue. Soon her mind is reeling with what has happened, and what she is doing and she cries out in an orgasm that suddenly took her over. As her body is shuddering from the waves of her orgasm, she has lowered herself more so that Sheila's mouth is entirely covered, and Sheila's tongue is in her. As Harry works his mouth on Sheila, he hears Evelyn go into her orgasm, and hears her moaning softly, "oh baby, oh baby, so good so good".
Then Harry raises himself up on his knees and watches Evelyn. He smiles, wondering what she is thinking now that her daughter has licked her into an orgasm. As Sheila feels her Mom shuddering, knowing what happened, she feels Harry's mouth leave her, and find herself moving her hips, looking for him. Harry looks down at the wet pink slit, seeing the swollen vulva, watching as her body searches for more, for release. Evelyn regains her breathing again, and is looking as Harry, and looks at Sheila's wet slit. Harry moves up and lays his relaxed, dark and thick penis on Sheila's pubic area. Evelyn looks seeing how dark he looks against the paleness of Sheila's skin. She moves back kneels so that Sheila's arms are free and her head on her thighs. Sheila looks down, and sees how Harry has placed his penis. His scrotum is aginast her vulva, and his thick dark penis, even relaxed goes from her slit, and his wide penis head covers her belly button. She reaches down to feel him, her pale hands still unable to completely cover him. She feels him thicken and swell. She watches his length grow, his penis head getting wider, firmer, and how he seems to grow out of her hands. She sees this very hard thick, and very dark penis laying on her taut flat stomach. Then she watches as Harry moves it so it rubs her slit, and sees him push himself so his penis spread open her slit, watching as the bottom of the shaft glistens with her moisture.

Harry moves his shaft back and forth, watching Sheila's face, watching her breathing. He moves back far enough so his wide, dark and firm penis head go against her vaginal opening, and back up again. As he does this, Sheila gasps, and sees how wet the penis head is when he strokes himself up her slit. He repeats this over and over, watching her.
Harry tells Evelyn, "her nipples", and Evelyn moves her hands so they are on Sheila's budding nipples. She rubs them, feeling them stiffen, listening to her daughters soft moans as Harry strokes up and down her slit. Evelyn watches with fascination at how Harry looks against Sheila's skin, how big he is. Then Harry pushes slightly against Sheila's vaginal opening, then out up against her slit again. Sheila moans loudly and Harry does it again, and again. Sheila's moans become soft cries, her breathing getting faster, her pale skin reddening from her nipples to her slit. Then Harry pushes a little more into her, just enough so his penis head is barely in, and stays there. Sheila's breathing turns into pants, her voice soflty, "hurts so good, hurts so good". He brings himself out again, spreading her slit with his dark shaft. Evelyn watches as he does it again, but now his penis head is full in her, her vulva spread open by the width of his head and shaft. Sheilas' pink, pale slit opened to this very wide shaft, waiting to fill it. Harry pulls out again, and then back in again further. Sheila seems to try to push toward him, softly crying, "please, oh please omigod oh please".

Evelyn watches as the penis head goes into Sheila, and watches as Harry just pushes a couple of inches into her. Seeing her slit widen, stretched out, seeing her vaginal lips pulled out when he pulls out, seeing them stretched open, grasping. Harry rubs up and down Sheila's slit again, then pushed into her again, more until half of him in in her. He kneels there, looking at how split open her slit is by his shaft. He pulls out just enough to see her vaginal lips pulled, stretched. He hears her moan each time he moves in and out, feeling her muscles gripping what shaft he has in her. Feeling them grip his penis head. Harry starts to move himself back and forth into Sheila, not pushing all the way into her, not yet. He hears her moaning, crying out as he moves in and out of her soaking little cunt. He tells Evelyn to look closer, and Evelyn moves so she sees more how wet Harry's shaft is, how swollen Sheila's lips are. Then she feels Harry's hand pushing her head toward Sheila's slit, and tell her to lick her. Evelyn's starts working her tongue on Sheila's clit, her lips sucking on it, feeling it moving under her tongue. Harry moves in and out of Sheila, a little more until more than half is still not in her. Then he stays, watching Sheila's hips trying to move down more, and he stays, watching, waiting. Sheila feels her body moving up and down on the bed, feeling Harry in her, her Mom's tongue on her clit. Her mind in a fog at how this feels, the intensity of Harry in her, how she feels her muscles grabbing him. She tries moving more, trying to get more inside. She reaches down to pull him further, grasping his shaft with both hands.
Sheila feels with both her hands on his shaft, but there is still so much left of him, and her mind, her body are wanting more. Evelyn's tongue and lips rub faster on Sheila's clit, each time bringing a cry out of Sheila. Sheila grabs Harry's wrists to try and pull herself toward him more. He sees the outline of him inside on her taut belly, her swollen vulva lips pushed aside around his dark, thick shaft. He pulls out slowly, gently, watching until his penis head is at her vaginla entrance. Then he slowly pushes in again, watching, Sheila crying out, "omigod, omigod, please please!". Soon her hands grips the sheet on either side of her, her cries louder, her hips frantically moving, trying to bring in more of Harry's swollen dark shaft, and her body gives in to wave after wave of her orgasm. She feels her muscles gripping Harry's shaft and penis head, her Mom's lips sucking her clit. Evelyn watches as Sheila's vaginal lip muscles grip Harry's shaft in one contraction after another. Then Harry starts pumping, not going all inside Sheila, but still enough so she moans loudly. Evelyn looks at Harry, sees his glazed eyes looking down as his glistening shaft moves in and out, with so much still left to go. She sees his scrotum on the sheet, dragging back and forth with each motion. Soon Harry's breath is rapid and she sees a tiny part of his shaft go into Sheila each time, and each time Sheila's moans become cries. Then Harry gasps and groans, holding motionless, feeling his pentup juices making their way thru him, into his shaft and into Sheila. Sheila feels his shaft and penis head swell, pulse and feels the heated liquid enter her, fill her. She cries out at the feeling and another wave of an orgasm rolls thru her, hands gripping the sheet hard, knuckles white. Evelyn watches Harry's shaft pulse and throb as he unloads, watches Sheila's muscles pulsing. Harry gets control of his breathing, feeling his juices rush thru his shaft into Sheila's very tight, wet, small cunt. As his breathing gets normal, he feels his penis relaxing in Sheila's still throbbing vaginal walls. He very slowly pulls, and hears Sheila moan, and very slowly slips until only his penis head is still in her. both of their juices, their wetness coat the part of his shaft that was in her. Less than half his shaft is glistening, with some seeping down towards her little, pink anus. Evelyn stares at the sight, knowing what Harry will have her do. Her mind reeling with the thought. It's not that she's not used her mouth on another juice soaked and filled slit, but it's who belongs to that slit. As she wonders how she is going to explain, or if, Harry pulls his dripping penis head out, he guides her to her back, and lifts Sheila until her soaking, dripping slit is over Evelyn's mouth. Sheila settles on her mouth, her mind on what has happened, not who is under her, licking the juices seeping out of her. Then Harry stands on the bed so his glistening penis is at Sheila's lips. They reached hungrily for him, tasting both of their juices on his penis head. She sucks on him trying to take more of him in her mouth, tasting the sweet, salty tanginess of their joining.

She feels the tongue inside her, feeling Harry''s juices being licked, sucked. The tongue goes all over her slit, licking, even to her little pink anus and back. She feels herself pushing back on the tongue, the lips. Feeling the delightful soreness of her swollen vagina being bathed in the tongue

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