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A call for help in finding my favourite interracial story

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Nov 22, 2007
I am looking for help finding an interracial sex story that I read several years ago. Unfortunately I don't remember the names of the main characters, but I have basic details that make it distinct from tons of other stories out there.

I don't know what to tell you as far as why I liked it so much, but it is probably my favourite interracial sex story ever. It doesn't include anything demeaning towards white men, which is hugely refreshing after reading so many stories that are racist against white men. I think mainly it is only the fact that the characters are filled in to a greater degree than typical for this genre. So often I find that interracial sex stories are nothing but situations to point out that black penises are the absolute and white women are helplessly addicted to them. I don't mind that so much because I think that every man wishes that his penis made women immediately want him as much as her beauty makes him want her, but this story's author is the sort of person that let's you get to know the characters and is not afraid to breathe everyday details into the story like bumping an elbow or sneezing or the skin around the corners of your eyes crinkling when you smile or staring at dust floating through a sunbeam. I don't list those things because I remember them being in the story, but just to give you the idea of what I mean by 'everyday details'. I would also say that there is more of a thread of actual romance that runs through the story, although there is certainly plenty of the usual lust as well, so don't write this off just yet.

You may say that it is filled with clichés and that there is nothing particularly special about it, but I would dearly love to find it again, so here's a list of things I do remember. If any of you recognise the story, please save a copy immediately and get it to me by hook or by crook.

Thanks in advance; here we go...

The big picture and some particulars:

One summer, a young white widow (around her 30s, if my memory serves correctly) and her teenage daughter move into a country house on the outskirts of a large Texan city. I don't believe that 'Texas' is ever mentioned in the story, but I remember the nearest large city being Dallas or Houston or something else iconicly Texan.

Shortly after moving in, two divorced dark black men who each have three teenage sons move into the house next door. Well you can see where this is headed right up front (eight extremely dark single black men next door to two single white women), but the story takes its time getting there and does so very satisfyingly.

One sunny morning while mowing her lawn on her riding mower and experiencing it breaking down in the process, the widow has her first conversation with her new neighbour (let's call him Black Dad #1) who offers to take a look at the mower after it breaks down. He didn't mess with the mower beforehand; it isn't any kind of trick. Her mower just breaks and he just offers to take a look at it. She reluctantly allows him to and to her surprise and gratitude, he's able to get it running again in short order.

She is embarrassed by how standoffish she had been toward him so far, never having had that much contact with darkly skinned people before, and asks if she can get him something to drink (think innocent - lemonade or iced tea... that sort of thing) after he refuses any kind of payment for fixing the mower and he accepts.

They have a conversation and become comfortable with each other as friendly neighbours.

The chronology is a little mixed up in my head but somewhere not too much further in the story, her daughter is at some sort of summer camp and his brother has taken all six of their boys somewhere... I can't recall whether it's a fishing trip, to see their grandparents, or what the occasion was.

In this time-frame (I can't remember whether this is during when he comes over to get his drink or if this is a later occasion) he comes over to her house for an impromptu lunch (sandwiches if I recall) and she is surprised at how much she enjoys his company (the first man who she's been attracted to since the passing of her husband). He asks if she's dating anyone after they tell each other a little of their personal histories and she confesses that she isn't. He (a bit shyly even... see, I like how he's drawn as a real man who not long ago just went through a divorce and is a little wary of being rejected) asks her if she'd consider a date with him and she, after pausing to consider what she's doing, smiles and gives him the all clear.

She spends the rest of the afternoon giving herself the beauty treatment while he goes back to his place to prepare a romantic dinner, etc.

She makes her way over to his place that night, set to dazzle him and he has a dinner for two ready to go - salad, wine, and I'm assuming steak or something of the sort (though I don't recall what was the meat on the menu) all lit by candlelight.

Anyway, I don't recall how the conversation went, but after eating there is dancing, which of course gets them close, like we've been waiting for. The emotions are still real, though, and the story is drawn as though it was real, rather than some purely hormonal fantasy.

Somewhere during this time-frame they get together, whether or not it is the night of that first date or not. As nervous as they had both been, the sex is great. For our reading pleasure, he is well hung and she is gorgeous and they become comfortable and trusting with each other. This continues throughout the rest of the relatively short time before their family members come back on the scene.

Somewhere along the line, it is established that this is not an exclusive couple quite yet. I don't remember the particulars, but she intends to seduce his (Black Dad #1's) brother (Black Dad #2). After everyone returns, both she and her daughter go over to their neighbours' house for dinner, and she invites Black Dad #2 to attend a concert a few days/weeks later.

The night that she is to go to the concert, her daughter either stays home alone or goes over to a friend's house for the night/weekend. For the record, nothing happens with the daughter until probably 3/4 of the way through the story. In fact for quite a while in the middle of the story there is pretty much no mention of her at all, which is one of my criticisms of the story (I would have liked to see the mother-daughter relationship be deepened for us much more), but I digress.

While Black Dad #2 is driving our protagonist to her concert, she surprises him by demanding that he make a hard left turn on the way there that does not lead to the concert venue. Instead, they pull into the parking lot of her work office and much to his surprise, she asks him in for some good loving. Afterward, she tells him that she's already been involved with his brother which continues his night of surprises. She asks him to keep her involvement with him to himself, which hurts him as he feels that she doesn't want people to know that she is with a black man - certainly not the case if he were white. She denies it has anything to do with skin colour and helps him see that she would not want it to get around that she was seeing two men at once, regardless of the tone of the skin, which he agrees is reasonable.

Through the end of summer, she gets together with the two men whenever their kids aren't around, which isn't often. As school starts up, however, the pace picks up drastically, and the two brothers share her many many times, to the deep satisfaction of all three of them. We get plenty of fun details here. This is the part where the kids are really not even mentioned.

That school year comes to an end and soon the chances for lovemaking are suddenly lessened, with the kids suddenly being present again. By some means, she is able to be alone with Black Dad #1 again and they discover that they have both been considering introducing her daughter to their bedroom games. It turns out that the mother's plans extend past what Black Dad #1 was even thinking of, but they hatch a plan to allow for her to join them, if she should so choose.

Things are put into motion when both of the black men pack up their boys and take all six of them up to their grandparents' place. The mother meanwhile looks for the right moment to speak with her daughter and they have a heart to heart talk that evening. The daughter has questions about her father and questions about boys in general. The mother shares how deeply she loved and still loves her daughter's father and gets a little nervous when her daughter is asking questions about boys, thinking that they were going to have Round 2 of 'The Talk', but her daughter assures her that she understands the mechanics perfectly well which worries her mother to no end. The daughter assures her that she has not been involved sexually with anyone, but has certainly picked up an understanding of the basics from talk at school which defuses the tension.

She asks her daughter whether there are any boys that she is attracted to. Her daughter blushes and shares with her mother the things that she likes about the six boys next door, saying that they are her best friends and always look after her on the school bus and at school, making sure that no one harasses her. She then admits that she is very attracted to all of them, listing things about each one that make them special to her.
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Eventually the mother discloses to her daughter that she is involved with both men from next door and the daughter is very aroused and very curious. Does this affect her mother's feelings for her father? Are the rumours about black men's size... true? =) How do they compare against her father, etc. ? Her mother explains that her love for her dead husband will never die and that he was no small man himself, but admits that although her new lovers are not particularly bigger than her dead husband was, they do support black men's size stereotype, rather than disprove it. =) The daughter is, by now, wishing that she could see her mother with her lovers and her mother then asks her if she would like to join in the fun and tells her that she is old enough now to handle the emotions, etc. The daughter is overjoyed at the prospect of making love to a man for the first time and can hardly believe that her mother's two lovers - two full grown men - would be interested in her, but is very excited and agrees wholeheartedly.

With that, the mother makes a call to Black Dad #1 to say that everything is a go. He and his brother leave their sons with the grandparents with the pretence of doing something together... I forget what, but instead make their way back home (this is something like a day's drive). Throughout the next day, the mother prepares her daughter for her first time, teaching her to douche to the degree that she is clean enough for sex and I believe that she also leaves an enema kit with her daughter, which draws some incredulity from the daughter, asking something along the lines of, "Do men really want to do that?". Once she is clean inside and out, her mother helps her pick out an outfit, tasteful make-up, and perfume, etc. Also during the day, they begin working on supper for the men. The daughter is all nerves all day long, asking how much longer it will be before the men arrive, etc. which is very charming and a bit amusing. As they are putting the finishing touches on the meal, the men arrive. I don't remember whether they come straight to the ladies' house, or stop at their place to shower and change before coming over, but in any case, their arrival is very very welcome, as you may imagine. =)

Dinner is friendly and we're treated to dialogue that is believable, and the suspense is built up, not only in all four characters in the story, but in the readers as well. Every single one of us is now saying, "Get on with it!". Dinner finishes and there is some very quick work made of cleaning up. =) The mother takes the two men aside and speaks with them about the rules going forward. I believe it is that she takes them up to her bedroom and has them wait there for her to come back with her daughter, but it may very well be the other way around. Regardless, after she has her talk with them, all four of them end up in the mother's room.

The mother guides her daughter's first sexual encounter all the way through, making sure that she doesn't get hurt, except for the tearing of the hymen, naturally, but once that is over, the pace glides from tender passionate lovemaking up further and further to loud and wild sex all through the night and morning, mother and daughter, both lustfully taking their respective black man or watching as the other takes both, shouting advice and cheering everyone on. The men have a day or so before they have to pick their sons back up and not a single moment is wasted. It's non-stop sex, sleep, affection, and food.

The men eventually somewhat reluctantly go to pick up their sons and while they're gone, the mother and daughter hatch a plan to make sure that their pleasure isn't interrupted by the boys being around the property. When the guys get back, the girls invite all eight of them over for a barbecue and pool party in their backyard, which the guys are all stoked about. The boys all jump in the pool and swim while the men operate the grill. I can't quite remember the timeline again here as far as what the ladies are up to - whether they've had the rest of the food done beforehand and are also swimming or if they're still preparing the rest of the meal. In any case, at some point they run upstairs together and change into some enticing two piece swimsuits. Whether that's bikinis or not, I can't recall.

At lunch the guys are loving the food and going crazy about being able to sit next to the ladies in their sexy swimwear. After they're all done eating, I can't recall if there's actually a bit of time in the pool or not, but they wind up all deciding to play a game of volleyball. They split up evenly, mum on one side, the daughter on the other, one dad on each side and three sons on each team as well. Whether each man's sons stick with him on his own team or not I don't remember, but it doesn't really matter. The point is that it's an even match and the competitive spirit is at an all time high. After a game or two, the girls spring their plan and say that the losers of the next match have to take their tops off. Well... you thought it was competitive the last round, but you hadn't seen anything yet. =) I can't remember how it goes down, but there's a rematch and I believe that both girls wind up with their tops off. You know it can't stop here and the stakes are, naturally, that the next round the losers have to lose their trunks or bikini bottoms, whatever the case may be, and it's an all out battle over the volleyball net.

I don't remember whether the rematch continues until both teams are naked or if after the first one loses, the other team just can't help but join in the nudity, but the competitiveness between the ladies continues to seeing who can get their guys off the fastest and from there, it's just hot hot hot. I can't recall whether they all end up in the pool together, but I want to say that they do. Anyway, at the end of the day, everybody goes to bed very tired and very satisfied.

After the day of the barbecue, the mum and daughter talk about how much they loved it all and don't want it to end. They work up a schedule so that every week or two weeks (I forget which), each woman will have one of the fathers and three of the young men to herself, just so that there's never any trouble with eight guys on one woman. After the week (or two weeks) is up, they swap and so on and so forth. The daughter still worries out loud about what to do if things get out of control and her mother just laughs and tells her what amounts to, "You have the pussy and so you have control. Whatever you say goes. Just see whether those guys want to disagree with you after you deny them sex while allowing the guys who go along with what you say to continue enjoying you.".

The story is winding up at this point, so although we're given a sketch of what sorts of things go down in the future, it's pretty vague and more of an epilogue than the rest of the story which goes into detail about all the goings on. It's mentioned how the guys all work together to maintain and restore both houses and keep the property and the ladies in good condition. =) The closing line is something pretty close to, "It's amazing what all can be accomplished when pussies are involved." which you just have to laugh at.

I seem to recall the story being written as though it took place in the 1970s but that could be faulty memory. As a note, the daughter is less than eighteen when she really becomes part of the story, but I would say fifteen at the youngest, seventeen at the oldest. I believe that I remember that she had just had her 'sweet sixteen' just before she gets involved, but I can't be dogmatic about that; it's only a guess. That would certainly seem to mix in well with the story taking place in the '60s or '70s, taking in the whole 'free love' vibe, etc. It's not meant to be perverse in any way.

In any case, the reason that I love the story is, again, that it's not about domination in any particular sense. You can say that the women are controlling the men with their pussies, but it's spelled out pretty clearly that those girls just can't stay away from the men, either. It's not about cheating on your spouse or humiliating anyone. The women and men are both getting exactly what they want and willingly participating in whatever needs to be done to earn it. It isn't a story about excluding black women or white men. It just happens to be that all the characters in this story have all the sex that they could possibly want and it happens to be between white women and black men. All of this, in addition to the fact that I don't really remember any explicit language all leads me to believe that it was written by a woman, but if not, then my hat goes off to the guy for writing a story that I think would get both men and women equally turned on and best of all for the 'interracial' fetish of the last few decades (read: black guys with white women), it includes exactly that. Also, it's very sexy to watch the mum and daughter working as friends and full grown women to seduce, excite, and please these guys.
A few last details: (I'd edit them in above, but I appear to not be able to edit those posts any longer.)

The title of the story (at least at the site which I found it on originally) fit the format of:
"Mother's first name" and "Daughter's first name" (or vice versa) e.g. Rachel and Jennifer

Whether or not either of them were named Rachel or Jennifer, I have absolutely no recollection.

Also, the two houses are the only two anywhere near each other for a fair distance around them and at least the ladies' backyard is surrounded by a wooden fence, if I'm thinking straight. The nearest neighbours are something like a mile or mile and a half away, just over gently rolling hills, so there's a great mix of privacy and the sense that anyone could easily drive up or walk by at any time while the women are screaming their lungs out about how much they love their black men's loving, etc. Especially during that first major event at the pool party, you can just imagine if it were a movie, a camera shot showing the entire scene from slightly above would be pulling up and back to show the sprawling Texan landscape and hearing the women's cries of pleasure growing fainter as you back away until you see other houses in the distance. Considering the taboo of their liaison in that particular area and time adds an extra layer of sizzle on top of the whole story.

I'd say that it's worth your time finding this for me because you're almost certain to enjoy it yourself, but if the absence of betrayal and humiliation somehow doesn't do anything for you, I'd say that it could still work as an effective way for guys to get their girls thinking about interracial in a way that's not offensive.
For the record, I've enjoyed my share of Kysa Braswell, Stormbringer's E&I series, Phil Phantom, the "Dominos: All Money Ain't Good Money" series on eroticstories.com, along with many others, such as ExpatDad's but as I've said above, the story that I'm describing tops them all in my book.

If any of the above sounds even remotely familiar, please add any information you have on the story.

Thanks again, fellow interracial addicts.
Oh, one other little anecdote is that during the discussion where the mother is explaining her involvement with the black men to her daughter, her daughter smiles that knowing smile and says something along the lines of "So that's why you've been kind of short-tempered since school ended." (meaning, "With me around, you haven't been getting your usual supply of big black cock.") which gave me a great laugh when I read it.

I love that the daughter is written with that feminine insight as it is largely, in the end, a story of her coming of age as much as it is about her mother discovering the delights of interracial sex and love.
One more note is that the story is written from the widow's|mother's perspective. This is useful when searching for the story because you know that she is likely to say "my daughter" rather than the story saying "her daughter" or "the daughter".
That is, indeed, the one! Many thanks, ckpguy.

I remember finding it on a site with a yellow background graphic, rather than asstr's plain text and I also seem to have embellished it and proofread it in my mind, but that's definitely what I was remembering.

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