damn, pimp spitting the pimp game. ease off. Let people have a chance Mr. Ohio lol.pimpology101 said:Iwant2try, if you'd ever like to chat I can be reached on yahoo messenger as tha_real_vanilla_thrilla or @ oreo_gangbang_host@yahoo.com
Iwant2trybbc said:just found this site and wanna try my first bbc pic in profile more to come soon
Will & Eve said:there IS a profile page for that accout - not filled out but very few (as a precentage) are.
But the ID seems to be real.
Now, the board link doesn't work - but if you type the Yahoo ID provided into your messenger, it's a real ID.
the addy works.Pimptoy said:Yea I tried it and it does come up with a profile if you type it into yahoo messenger but the profile as you say is blank so does mean this is real? OH and this person emailed me and giving me a hard time for saying what I did and said if I think she is fake then I am also?
Blackyoung said:the addy works.
I do wish people would stop faking though. It's annoying.
that's why I don't share my pics unless the person proves to me they're real.
Will & Eve said:The blank profile proves nothing one way or the other - the vast majority of yahoo profiles are blank.
Trust me, I started a Yahoo Group and (after initially jut mentioning in passing that you needed a local connection and being ignored) screamed in all caps that if I did not know, either from your application or your profile, that you were local you wold be denied (I denied some long time friends on that basis) I still get applications from people who just say "I want in" and force me to check their almost always BLANK profiles.
But not everyone with a blank profile is fake - and some folks with elaborate profiles ARE.
yeah, its gets annoying real quick.pimpology101 said:Granted there are undoubtedly a lot of closeted homosexuals on this or any other porn site. But it always particularly galls me when openly gay men get their panties in a bunch because they insist most men are gay and then throw a hissy fit when the straight men speak up to the contrary.
pimpology101 said:Granted there are undoubtedly a lot of closeted homosexuals on this or any other porn site. But it always particularly galls me when openly gay men get their panties in a bunch because they insist most men are gay and then throw a hissy fit when the straight men speak up to the contrary.
Will & Eve said:I just rejected one that says, in the remarks
"travel of North Mississippi" and etc....clearly Engilish is not first language and, SURPRISE!
Sergio and his wife live in Uragauy!
How the FUCK do you try to join a group that is rejecting guys from Jackson MS for not being IN North Mississippi when you are in URA-fuckin-GUAY??!!?
The longer I am on line, the lower my estimation of the collective human IQ falls.