في الأشهر الأولى لزواجنا راودتني رغبة في أن تكون زوجتي على علاقة برجال آخرين ، فهل يعرف أحد منكم لماذا؟ ،،،
مهما كان الأمر طبعا لم أخبرها عن رغباتي ، استمرت حياتنا ، ثم اكتشفت علاقتها بشخص ما ولم أعد أتذكر تلك الرغبات ، لكني أصبحت غاضبة جدًا وفقدت إحساسي وهكذا ، والآن قبل عامين عادت الرغبات...
Started about 3 weeks ago I meet a bull that I knew my wife would enjoy. We have been talking about her fucking another guy for about 4years. She's always been afraid of being *******. I downloaded kik on her phone and had bull msg her on there.She was very hesitant and even got upset with...
My wife joined Reddit under her ******* username and is having a field day teasing guys online. She is playing up my recurring fantasies about gangbanging her and is asking men to imagine her as their sex slave for a weekend. She has challenged me that she can find someone to top my fantasies...