Alphia Corporation - Chapter 8

The car slowed to a gentle stop in front of the fancy high rise building. Carrie caught motion out of her eye through the smoky windows and then the door was opened.

Two doormen in uniforms stepped forward, ready to take luggage or to lend a hand as needed. The door opened for her, and she found herself looking at a young black man, impeccably dressed in his uniform. He glanced at the chairman and then at Carrie. He blinked once at the sight of Carrie on the Chairman's lap but otherwise he was entirely professional.

"Ma'am?" He extended his hand to her.

Carrie accepted his hand he helped her from the car.

The Chairman followed. "Thank you, Jamal."

"Yes, sir," Jamal responded.

"Roberto?" The Chairman said in a slightly louder voice. A tall, lean hispanic man in his 40s also in a doorman's uniform had been leaning down to speak with Stan through the passenger side window, his hand on the roof of the car.

He looked relaxed and confident.

Roberto, nodding at something Stan had said, stood up and spoke to the Chairman.

"Sir, you requested that a third doorman be on tonight. We have Elizabeth working the desk right now," Roberto responded, eyeing the Chairman and Carrie. "There is not likely to be much traffic this time of night. She can handle the duties on her own. If she runs into any trouble she can reach us."

"That's fine," the chairman replied. "I would like to introduce you to Mrs. Samuel Stevenson. Carrie is the wife of an employee of mine."

Roberto looked to Carrie with a smile. It was pretty clear that Roberto knew the score. Jamal looked surprised given the manner in which Carrie and Mr. Jones had arrived. Carrie could see his wheels turning and she flushed.

Carrie glanced at the Chairman who was wearing a neutral expression.

"Pleased to meet you, ma'am," Roberto said, extending his hand.

"Thank you, Roberto," she said and shook his hand. Roberto's hand was rough and strong but he had a nice smile and clever eyes.

Jamal smiled genuinely at her, desire and hope now in his eyes. "Good to meet you, Mrs. Stevenson," he said as he pushed the car door closed. He tapped on the roof of the car and Stan immediately wheeled it out of the semi-circle driveway and turned down a side street. Carrie watched him recede into the evening dark with a small feeling of relief.

"I would like you gentlemen to join us in the apartment," the Chairman said as he put a hand on the small of Carrie's back. Roberto and Jamal held the doors open and then followed she and the Chairman through the beautiful marble foyer to the bank of elevators.

The Chairman leaned down to Carrie and spoke to her in a low voice so that only she could hear. "Roberto has been my loyal doorman for almost 10 years. Jamal is new, but Roberto says he is an honest, hard working young man."

Carrie glanced up at the Chairman. She looked back at Roberto and Jamal. Roberto was speaking quietly to Jamal who had a shocked expression on his face as he stared at Carrie. Carrie dropped her gaze as soon as their eyes met. He was a handsome young man and she flushed in anticipation of the evening.

She looked back up at the Chairman and he nodded, his expression firm. Carrie felt her heart flutter with a combination of anxiety and desire. She glanced back at the two doormen and then up at the Chairman again.

A confident and predatory smile spread across his features as he recognized Carrie’s understanding and acceptance of the moment.

“Good girl,” he murmured, stroking her hair.

Once in the elevator, Roberto swiped a card to unlock the Penthouse apartment. Carrie put herself in the corner, next to the Chairman, so that he stood between she and the two attractive but strange men. She felt very alone, very small, very aroused, very anxious and very, very female. The scent of the men around her made her feel almost ***** with anticipation.

She felt the elevator accelerate upwards and in only a few moments it stopped at the top floor and the doors opened into a marble floored entryway. It was clear that the Chairman's apartment was the entire top floor of the high-rise building.

Carrie could see a dining room and a kitchen gleaming in stainless steel and marble ahead of her and to the left. To her right was a living room with a huge window, running almost the entire length and height of the apartment, the lights of the city below and in the distance twinkling prettily in the evening light.

"You have the champagne on ice?" Mr. Jones asked the two doormen.

"Of course, sir," Carrie could almost hear a touch of surprise in Roberto's voice.

"Excellent," the Chairman replied. "Jamal, bring the champagne and four glasses to the living room. Roberto, come with Mrs. Stevenson and me."

Carrie barely heard Jamal's response as he headed into the kitchen area and disappeared behind some corner. He gave Carrie a glance with his big eyes as he disappeared into the kitchen, but Mr. Jones had his hand possessively on the small of Carrie's back again, this time guiding her to the large room with the windows showing the city lights. There were several expensive looking pieces of furniture staged about. Mr. Jones picked up a remote from a table and thumbed a few buttons.

The lights dimmed as a panel slid back from a wall to ****** an elegant gas fireplace. There was the briefest of a hiss as the flames leaped to life and at the same time, soft music could be heard, emanating from all directions.

Carrie had her hand on Mr. Jones' arm, her lovely stiletto heels not perfect for the thick, soft carpeting on the floor.

Roberto stood nearby, attentive but not close enough to be intrusive. Mr. Jones directed his attention to Roberto first.

"Roberto, Mrs. Stevenson's husband has been granted a significant promotion at Alphia Corporation, and one of the reasons for that promotion is this stunning creature on my arm," he said, nodding at Carrie.

Carrie could sense Roberto's nod.

The Chairman bent down to kiss Carrie. She paused for a moment, but quickly opened her mouth to him. He wrapped her in one strong arm while the other reached down to fondle her ass right in front of Roberto.

She heard a murmur of appreciation from behind her. She could feel the Chairman smile as he kissed her. "This is your first opportunity, with me, to show me how much you support Sam's career," Mr. Jones murmured to the lovely married woman in his arms.

He turned her around, still in his arms, so that they were both facing the doorman. The Chairman had one hand on Carrie's hip and the other cupping one of her breasts. Carrie was so excited she felt her whole body flush, but she was unable to meet Roberto's intense gaze. She felt more than heard Mr. Jones' chuckle and then his hand left her breast to touch her chin. He lifted her face up so that she had to look Roberto in the eye.

"You are an absolutely beautiful woman," Roberto said in a wonderful hispanic accent.

His voice was husky and it sent shivers down Carrie's spine. "I look forward to treasuring you tonight."

The Chairman gave her a push and she stumbled forward in her sexy but impractical heels. Roberto steadied her and then pulled her face to meet his. In a moment, she was deep kissing the handsome latin stranger. His body was lean and hard, and he was insistent. His tongue tasted distantly like cigarettes which ordinarily would have turned Carrie off, but he was ... new and different, and she felt herself grow even more aroused.

She melded herself to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He lifted her to her tiptoes and she raised one elegant foot in the classic pose. Their tongues thrashed as Roberto's hands began to wander aggressively. Carrie did not know how long the kiss had lasted, but there was a sound to her right and she broke the kiss to look.

Jamal, the young black man, was standing in the entrance to the room, his eyes wide in excitement and surprise. Roberto laughed as he stroked Carrie's hair and held her close. "I told you there were perks to doing good work for Mr. Jones," he said to Jamal.

Jamal nodded, his eyes wide. He looked from Roberto to Carrie to Mr. Jones and back again, waiting ... and hoping ... for instructions and permission.

Carrie smiled at him. He was beautiful. His uniform fit him very well indeed, and his dark skin was lightly illuminated by the soft light in the room and the twinkling city lights from the window. He was young, maybe in his early twenties. His dreadlocks swayed slightly as he nervously shifted from foot to foot.

Carrie knew what the Chairman wanted without being told, and Jamal's obvious anxiousness emboldened her. Still in Roberto's arms, she extracted one elegant hand and reached towards Jamal, making a sexy, come hither motion.

Jamal stumbled forward, still clearly hoping that the evening would continue but unsure of himself in the strange and delicious situation. Carrie reached for him when he got close and pulled him down for a kiss, his hands still full of champagne and glassware.

It was awkward, because Jamal and Roberto were close to one another and Carrie smiled to herself as she felt Jamal's need through his fumbling kiss. He stopped all of a sudden and stood up, moving slightly away from Roberto but still close to Carrie. The men were looking at the Chairman who had by now removed his suit coat.

He nodded and she knew he wanted her to return to him. As she approached, he was undoing his cufflinks in preparation for removing his shirt. She approached the Chairman but turned to face the two doormen at Mr. Jones' unspoken instruction. He took a step forward and moved her blonde hair away from the nape of her neck, to reach the clasp at the top of the zipper on her dress.

Carrie moved her head so that he could more easily grasp the tiny bit of metal. He located it expertly and drew the zipper on her dress down her neck, all the way down her back to the top of her ass. She could see the intense stares of Roberto and Jamal as the Chairman unzipped her dress, loosening it and causing the front to gap open. Jamal was actually shaking with desire.

"Tell these men who you are and why you are here," the Chairman instructed Carrie as he continued to disrobe.

She smiled at Roberto and then gave Jamal a dazzling smile. His mouth and eyes were wide open as Carrie tugged the dress down over her shoulders.

"I am married, and my name is Mrs. Sam Stevenson," Carrie said. She stopped the downward motion of her dress at just the tops of her breasts. "My husband knows I am here to play."

She let the dress fall. Her breasts were revealed and the dress bunched at the flare of her hips, adding to her sense of ********.

There was a low whistle from Roberto and an intake of breath from Jamal. She could see their eyes on her tits and it gave her a sense of confidence.

"Sam knows I am here tonight to play," Carrie said again, winking sexily at the stunned Jamal. She slowly pushed her dress over the flare of her hips, "which is why Sam sent me out with Mr. Jones without any panties on."

She pushed her dress past her hips where gravity took over and it pooled on the ground at her feet. Carrie posed for a moment, allowing the men to hungrily devour her body, completely nude but for slutty thigh high, stiletto heels ... and a wedding ring.

Jamal looked like a statue, if a statue was ever rigid with desire and confusion wanting more than anything to fuck.

Carrie tried to emulate Karen's elegant strut from last weekend, and fully naked she stalked Jamal.

"Sir?" Jamal squeaked, talking to the Chairman, looking for permission or instruction. He blushed.

"Jamal, my young man, Mrs. Stevenson is a gift to you and to Roberto ... and to me, from her husband. She will please you any way you like, but ..." ...

Carrie stopped partway to the horny Jamal, "you may not fuck her ass, and no one cums inside her pussy until I do. Not her husband, and not you three," the Chairman concluded.

Jamal just nodded mutely and Carrie continued her advance. She reached him, kissed him and whispered in his ear. "You are really cute," she whispered to him, one hand fondling him through his pants.

And it was true. Jamal was a healthy, strong young man in his early twenties, still probably college age and in Carrie's lust-filled eyes he was beautiful.

She also recalled the Chairman's promise that she was not going to cum until she sucked some dicks. "I presume he meant Jamal and Roberto," Carrie thought to herself.

She was incredibly aroused and wanted to cum again soon, but it wouldn't hurt to stretch things out a bit, and Jamal was really cute. "Why don't you take off your clothes? I'd love to see you before ... well, would you like to start with a blowjob?" She asked, chuckling softly into his ear.

Jamal didn't bother to answer her as he put the wine and glassware on a nearby table and scrambled out of his uniform in record time and then Carrie was back in his arms. This time she could feel the heat from his body. He was well-built and fit and his black cock looked shocking against the white of her hand.

"Mmm," Carrie said and kissed him one more time before sinking to her knees. His chest was bare and smooth but for faint lines of muscle that cleaved his abdomen and outlined his pecs. Carrie ran a hand on that smooth hard body and smiled up at him before she took his cock in her mouth.

This was the third - and not surely to be the last - man in her mouth for the day. "I haven't done that since College," Carrie thought to herself. She glanced up to see Jamal's face.

She heard and felt Jamal’s deep, guttural moan of pleasure.

"Oh my God, he isn't going to last long at all."

She could hear the other men murmur and move about as they undressed. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Roberto hop a little as he stepped out his trousers. She was concentrating on the pleasurable task in hand ... and mouth ... but she could hear Mr. Jones reassure the young man whose dick was being expertly sucked by the pretty married white woman at his feet that it was perfectly acceptable to cum her in her mouth.

Jamal was panting and shaking, and his hands hovering around her head. He clearly wanted to shove her down on his cock. Carrie murmured encouragement to him as she pushed her face down on him. She felt his hands on her head but he held her still as he fucked her face. He was surprisingly gentle and did not try to force anything down her throat but he was close ... and then he barked and erupted.

Carrie choked as the first spurt of his cum hit the back of her throat but she knew to keep sucking. He groaned and whined and his dick spasmed and gushed and Carrie grasped his cock and stroked it gently, allowing her mouth and tongue to do most of the work, sucking all of the cum he had. After a few moments he stumbled back and almost fell. Carrie smiled around the sticky, salty fluid in her mouth. She opened up to show him and he groaned. She swallowed, wiped her mouth prettily and turned to look at Roberto.

Sam's head was going to just explode when she could describe her night to him.

Roberto was naked and stroking a hard cock. He immediately moved into position in front of her.

"Hang on," the Chairman said and Roberto's eyes went wide, hoping that he was going to get his turn with the gorgeous slut at his feet. Carrie glanced behind her. The Chairman was carefully hanging up his suit pants and was otherwise fully naked, his cock at half mast.

"Go sit over there, Roberto. She can suck you off while I try out her pussy. By the time I'm done with her, Jamal will probably be ready to go again. I want him to fuck her too before Stan takes her back home."

"Oh my God I LOVE THIS JOB!!" Jamal said loudly. Good natured male laughter rolled about the room and Carrie grinned at him. He was a beautiful man. He looked shocked that he had said it out loud and flushed in embarrassment.

Roberto offered Carrie a hand up. She smiled at the incongruity of his polite and respectful offer of her hand so that he could position her to put his dick in her mouth. Roberto smiled knowingly at her and Carrie realized that she was certainly not the first Alphia junior executive wife that Roberto had helped introduce to The Arrangement.

Carrie briefly wondered by Karen had not alerted to the fact that she would be given to the doormen. She snorted. "I hope Lauren Boosier has had to fuck the help," she thought wickedly to herself, imagining how Lauren would think of the two doormen.

Roberto pulled Carrie over to a comfortable, plush armchair. He sat on the edge, spread his legs and leaned back to allow him a good view of the lovely married woman dropping to her knees to blow him.

Roberto was not as good-looking as Jamal, but he was fit and lean. There was a touch of grey in his hair and although he was gentle, his hands were hard and rough on her breasts. He was different than other lovers Carrie had enjoyed in the recent past and that was exciting.

She went down on her hands and knees, spreading her legs to allow the Chairman access to her pussy as he liked while she took Robert's hard cock in her hand and covered the head with her mouth. Roberto sighed in utter happiness and contentment as he relaxed into a very skilled blowjob from yet another amazingly hot slutwife.

He tangled her long blonde hair in his fingers and piled it up on the top of her head so that he had control over the rhythm of the suck and he could better see Mrs. Stevenson's pretty face as she slurped and sucked on him. She could see Jamal lean forward eagerly to better see Carrie suck Roberto's dick.

Roberto was different than Jamal. Not as urgent, but just as determined to reach orgasm. Carrie knew that he was going to make her work for his cum. He smiled down at her and Carrie smiled back up at him, lightly nipping his penis with her sharp teeth.

"Ahh," he jolted upright and laughed. "None of that now, sweetheart. Just suck."

Carrie nodded and went back to slurping on the doorman's cock. Together they build a pleasant rhythm. He liked a steady, sensual blowjob and Carrie was happy to obey. When he wanted a change in the rhythm he was able to control her with soft pressure on her head. Despite the scene, it was a pleasant, companionable exchange. Roberto knew what he wanted and Carrie knew how to provide it to him.

The combination of Jamal's hunky sexiness and his incredible, out of control need for her, her ******** and submission to the men and the feeling of the Chairman eyeing her and preparing himself to ... FINALLY ... take her, was making Carrie unbelievably horny.

Carrie knew that she was fully ******* to the Chairman. She wiggled her ass and pressed the small of her back down to make herself even more available. She gave an involuntary moan as she felt the Chairman approach her from behind. She could feel his satisfaction radiate from him as she felt him slip into place between her legs.

He ran a hand possessively across her back and then around to her breasts as he prepared to mount Sam's wife for the first time. The hand that had been fondling her tits moved downward to the cleft between her legs. Carrie gasped but managed to keep her rhythm going on Roberto's now very hard cock.

The Chairman teased her cunt with the tip of his cock even as he fingered her clitoris. Carrie moaned.

"I am certainly looking forward to lunch tomorrow with your husband," the Chairman teased her with his voice and the tip of his cock. "Describing the scene in the moment that I fully claimed his wife as yet another of my corporate whores will be quite pleasurable."

She tried not to stop her rhythmic sucking because she knew that that was what Roberto enjoyed, but she could not avoid her own needs. She shuddered and sighed and moaned. Her pussy became even more wet and then ... Thank God! ... the Chairman was inside her. He took her slowly. She was wet enough for him to just impale her to the hilt in a single thrust but he instead went halfway, and back out, and partway.

Carrie whined and Roberto took her head in his hands and held her still so that he could enjoy himself, fucking her face. Carrie was shaking with her own need now, and the Chairman was leaning over her, still teasing her by filling her cunt only partway and moving slowly even as he fingered her clit. She wanted to scream.

Keeping away from Roberto's penis, Mr. Jones leaned over her and put his mouth to her ear as he slid entirely inside her vagina. Finally. Carrie moaned her appreciation. "You to get cum after you get Roberto off, Mrs. Stevenson."

"Mmm-hmmm," Carrie said incoherently, being that a hard cock was in her mouth. She redoubled her efforts on Roberto, sucking him hard and fast, fondling his balls and stroking the sensitive underside of the head of his cock.

"Oh yeah, baby, like that!" Roberto said, arching his back against his impending orgasm, his fingers tangled in Carrie's hair such that Carrie could not twist away from the sperm that he was about to spurt into her mouth.

The Chairman was fucking her hard and fast now and fingering her pussy aggressively, and she was bouncing around like a ragdoll, if ragdolls whined with pleasure and were desperate to cum.

"Oh yeah, fuck, fuck, fuck," Roberto muttered, urging himself along. "East my load, slut!"

Carrie squealed as she tasted sperm from the third man of the evening. All she could think of was Sam, how much he would love watching her continue to suck the cum out of the man orgasming in her mouth, as the Chairman fucked her, about to fill her cunt and she also about to cum.

"Aaaaiiiii," Carrie cried out as her long-delayed orgasm finally overtook her. Roberto's orgasm was not completely finished and she felt his semen hit her cheek. The Chairman was now fucking her really hard, pistoning in and out of her pussy with wild abandon as he sought to be the first man of the day to load her pussy with sperm.

And then the Chairman slammed into her and held her hips tight and roared his pleasure and release. "I'm cumming in your wife, Sam! I'm cumming in your wife's cunt, Sam! Fuck!" Carrie could feel him spurt into her, and then ... silence.

Four exhausted and temporarily sated people lay boneless in the fancy window apartment high up in the city. The Chairman moaned and slipped out of Carrie. He stumbled backwards and then climbed onto a nearby sofa. He leaned back and put an arm over his face.

"Jesus Christ!" He muttered.

Carrie was resting her forehead on Roberto's thigh and he was stroking her hair. The scene felt simultaneously tender ... and depraved.

Eventually, she could hear Jamal moving around. Then she heard the unmistakable sounds of a champagne cork being popped and she looked up, curious. Jamal shot her a wide, happy grin, the bottle of champagne held in one hand as he poured it into a glass and walked over to her Carrie to offer her the first glass, his large cock swaying slightly.

He looked like a black adonis, sculpted and perfect. "Thank you," she murmured and sat up. His eyes darted to her breasts which moved delightfully as she sat up. She gave him a half-smile. Now that she had been satisfied, being naked in front of the men was embarrassing, even after everything that happened.

She covered her breasts with one hand and looked around. Jamal realized what Carrie wanted and in a moment of gallantry, found Carrie's dress and handed it to her. Carrie gave him a thank you look and pulled it over herself, concealing her nakedness. She smiled at the incredibly sad and disappointed look that this generated from Jamal.

Jamal poured another glass and brought it over to the Chairman who accepted it. "Go get some water," he directed the young man.

"Yes, sir," Jamal replied and strode off to the kitchen. Roberto also clambered to his feet and helped straighten out the room. He also looked regretfully at the now covered Carrie.

The doormen were expert at being there, but unobtrusive, and so even as Roberto was in the room Carrie and the Chairman were alone. "You, my dear, are ...", for once, even the Chairman was at a loss for words. "Are exceptional."

He gave Carrie a serious look. "Truly amazing. Thank you."

"Thank you," Carrie murmured, comfortable on the floor leaning against the armchair that Roberto had recently vacated. She took another sip of the wine to clear the taste of cum from her mouth but wine did not help and she put the goblet aside on a low glass table. She was thirsty and she glanced to the kitchen.

"I think that Jamal is quite taken with you," the Chairman murmured with a sly smile on his face.

Carrie shrugged and shared the Chairman with a half-smile. "Yes, I think so. It is quite ... pleasant, actually."

"Did you enjoy yourself?" The Chairman asked.

"Oh yes," Carrie responded immediately. "And I suspect that you enjoyed yourself as well." She gave the Chairman a saucy look.

"Oh yes, very much," he agreed. "I'll call Stan to take you back home after you fuck Jamal and Roberto."

Carrie's eyes went wide for a moment, but then she nodded.

A moment later a naked Jamal returned from the kitchen, a large pitcher of water in one hand and a tray of glasses in the other. He looked to the Chairman and Carrie who were watching him and approached the low table near Carrie. He put the tray down, picked up a glass and poured Carrie a glass of water. She leaned over to accept it, giving him a glimpse of her breasts as the front of her unzipped dress gapped.

He glanced at her tits and grinned at her.

"We know that Sam's wife gives a good blowjob, but would you like to fuck her too?" The Chairman asked, and Jamal froze. He glanced at Carrie who just smiled at him and then back at the Chairman who was looking at him neutrally, waiting for a response.

"Y - Yes," Jamal said. "I definitely would." His cock was standing up tall and proud again.

Carrie drank some water and stood up. She extended her arms to him and Jamal stepped to her. She lifted her face to him and he kissed her reluctantly because he had just seen Roberto jizz in her mouth and then she pulled him to the thick, soft carpet on top of her.

Carrie reached down and grasped him, and fed his penis into her vagina, her dress bunched around her waist. Jamal was inside her easily, her vagina slick with the Chairman's sperm. He was a little anxious to perform in front of the Chairman and Roberto but Carrie wrapped her legs around him, clutched him with her arms and whispered encouragement to him.

The Chairman watched with fascination as Carrie eagerly urged Jamal to take her. In a few minutes, Jamal had forgotten everything but the beautiful and eager wife beneath him. Instinct and passion took control and he fucked Carrie with a strong rhythm.

He was larger and stronger than any of her lovers since she had enjoyed the college guys on that cruise, years ago, and she allowed her mind to drift back to pleasant memories of riding the gentle waves rocking the boat while the man inside her provided a counterpoint motion, all the while enjoying the sensation of a hard cock in her pussy. She thought of Sam, too, waiting back at home, impatiently and anxiously, thoroughly horny.

"If only he could see me now," Carrie thought to herself, "when I tell him that I sucked off three men and that the Chairman and his doorman fucked me ... He is going to love The Arrangement."

Carrie was not going to cum again so soon; Jamal was too eager and too young to concentrate on anything but his own needs, but it was pleasant and she encouraged him to enjoy her. She clutched to him as he grabbed her tightly and then sighed happily as he ejaculated and added to the sperm that the Chairman had already deposited in her.

She patted him to let him know that it was time to get off of her and Jamal levered himself off and out of her. She sat up to see Roberto standing near her, stroking their erect cocks.

"Can I ... may I fuck her, too, sir?" Roberto asked the Chairman, who nodded.

"Just so you understand the extent of The Arrangement," the Chairman explained to Carrie as Robert mounted her.

It was interesting, Carrie thought to herself as she felt Roberto laid her down on the soft carpet and mounted her, sliding effortlessly into her well-fucked pussy. "Each man feels so different."

It was different than with Jamal just now. Jamal was younger and needier, and concentrated more on himself and just taking his pleasure from the pretty white wife he was screwing.

Roberto, being a bit older and wiser, knew how to please a woman. He fucked Carrie steadily and she wrapped herself around him as well. He was more patient, though, and able to read the signs from a woman than was Jamal. Carrie moaned when he penetrated her completely and then rocked back and forth a few times.

"Right ... just like that," she whispered to him. "Please."

Roberto grinned at the pleasure he was giving to Carrie and put off his own release for her benefit. After a few minutes of deep fucking, assisted by some well-time fondling of her breasts and deep tongue kissing, Carrie grabbed Robert's ass and pulled him to her as she had a nice, quiet little orgasm.

Roberto chuckled to himself with smug satisfaction as he moved slowly within her, giving Carry time to come down from her orgasmic high.

"Oh my," Carrie said, looking up at Roberto who was now concentrating on his own pleasure. "Where do you want to cum?" Carrie asked politely.

"Right here," Roberto groaned and he pumped hard into Carrie's vagina, grunted and ejaculated into her.

The elevator arrived and she looked back at Stan return, his driver's hat in his hand. He smiled happily as he saw Roberto between Carrie's legs, clearly enjoying the final spasms of his orgasm.

"Good timing, Stan," the Chairman said. "We are done with Carrie. Please take her home."

He looked to Carrie but paused enough to allow the now well-satisfied Roberto to disentangle himself from Sam's wife and stand up.

"Ready?" He asked her as Carrie pulled herself together.

"Oh, yes!" Carrie said, but then she saw that there were several runs in her elegant stockings. She frowned. "I need to get cleaned up, though."

"You can clean up after you get home. I quite insist that your presumably anxious husband have the honors in that regard," the Chairman immediately instructed Carrie. "Stan will drive you home in a moment."

"OK," Carrie said, pulling herself to her feet. She could feel the sperm of three men in her vagina and on her thighs as she followed Stan into the elevator. The three men in the room, the Chairman and the two doormen, were enjoying the moment of shared conquest.

The ride home was quiet. The screen between the driver and passenger compartments was down, and Carrie could feel Stan's eyes on her throughout the ride. She removed her ruined stockings as demurely as she could.

"Roberto told me that you give some of the best blowjobs of all the wives in the Arrangement," Stan said to her.

"Thank you, I think," Carrie said pertly.

"You're welcome," he replied.

Her phone chirped just then and she extracted it from her purse to see a message from the Chairman. "Remember to tip your driver!"

Carrie rolled her eyes and looked back at Stan in the mirror. "So, you get me too, I see."

"Yup," Stan grinned.

"So how would you like me?" Carrie inquired politely. She was exhausted and eager to be with Sam, but one more man would not be too difficult.

"In your marital bed while your husband watches me fuck his wife," Stan replied immediately.

"Uh ... what? No!" Carrie said immediately.

Stan chuckled. "Of course not. That is reserved for the Senior Executives," he said easily. He shrugged at her. "You did ask."

There was a momentary silence.

"How about we go into the garage, and I bend you over and fuck you across the hood of that fancy new Audi that your husband was willing to sell your pussy for?" Stan asked, a big smile blooming across his face.

Carrie sighed and closed her eyes. She started to refuse but paused. "There is a sort of symmetry in that," she said to herself, knowing that that was not the right word but ... she opened her eyes and gave Stan a half-smile. "OK," she said.

"Hot diggity!" Stan exclaimed as he thumped the steering wheel. Carrie laughed at his boyish response and he winked at her.

True to his word, as soon as they arrived at her home, Stan whisked Carrie out of the car and into the garage. It was cool, but clean, and it was home. After a quick suckjob to get his cock nice and hard, Carrie dutifully bent forward over the hood of the Audi and spread her legs.

"Mmmm," Stan murmured appreciatively as he flipped her dress up and fondled her ass. Carrie chuckled as he moved her arms so that she was fully spread out on the hood of the fancy car, and then sighed as she felt the fourth man of the evening insert himself inside of her. Her quim was well greased with sperm and Stan was able to easily penetrate her sloppy pussy.

Carrie could feel the waves of smug satisfaction radiating from Stan as he fucked her. He muttered to himself as he plowed her.

"Mmm-hmmm," Stan said as he thrust inside her. "I love helping break in a new *****. Married pussy is so fucking sweet."

Carrie wiggled her ass at him and he grabbed her by her hips as he took her. He was not in a particular hurry but he was very excited, and it took only a few minutes before his pace quickened. He grabbed her long blonde hair in his hands and pulled her up roughly. Carrie moaned with the feeling of control he was exerting and the slight discomfort, which added to the eroticism of the moment. Carrie knew that he was close to orgasm when he drove himself deep inside her, and then he groaned as he ejaculated.

Stan lay on top of her body, relaxing and giving his cock enough time to finish the orgasm inside Carrie's vagina. "You're a good slut. Make sure to thank your husband for me," Stan whispered in her ear when he finished.

He gave her a kiss on the back of her neck and then she felt herself emptying as he withdrew from her. Carrie looked back and saw Stan putting himself back together and zipping up his fly.

"Your instructions from the Chairman are to make sure that your husband eats your pussy and cleans you up before enjoying himself," he said. "It can be pleasurable and difficult for the husbands while their wives are putting out, so make sure he is happy with The Arrangement."

Carrie nodded and Stan let himself out of the garage and disappeared into the night.

A few moments later Carrie crept into the house, her beautiful D&G dress disheveled and partly undone in the back. She carried her ruined hose and her heels. When she opened the door to the kitchen she stopped, her hand to her mouth and eyes wide in surprise.

Sam was sitting in an uncomfortable chair in the kitchen, asleep. He clearly had intended to remain awake until her return but he had been unable to keep his eyes open. She glanced at the clock above the stove and saw that it was almost 2 am. Her wonderful husband looked so beautiful and peaceful, and she loved that he had tried to stay up for her. She could feel cum run down the insides of her thighs.

She put the hose and heels down and knelt by her husband's side. "Honey," she whispered to Sam as she stroked his arm, "I'm home."

Sam started as his wife woke him. He groggily looked at her and then his eyes snapped entirely open. "Oh, you are a sight for sore eyes," he said, reaching out for her.

Carrie smiled and wrapped her arms around her husband. Sam hugged his wife and pulled her onto his lap where they just held each other for a moment.

Sam, relaxed during sleep, felt himself becoming instantly aroused, excited, frustrated and anxious. He stroked his wife's back but his eyes were focused on her lovely blonde hair hanging by her left shoulder where Roberto's cum had matted strands together.

He could feel his wife's curves in his arms, her beautiful breasts squashed against his chest. Sam could think of nothing but the soft and sexy love of his life in his arms ... and that she had returned to him after her evening with another man.

"Oh honey," he breathed, "you are so beautiful and so sexy."

Carrie turned her head to her husband and kissed him. Sam paused for a very brief moment and then grabbed her pulled her into a passionate embrace, his cock rock hard in his pants, his tongue probing her mouth, tasting her ... and the hint of sperm.

"Oh my God," Sam breathed, "you did have a good night! You've got cum in your hair and in your mouth. That is so unbelievably hot."

Carrie gave her husband a smoky gaze as she shrugged her shoulders and pulled the dress down over her breasts and, for the second time that night, pushed it down over her hips and onto the floor. She grabbed her husband by the hand and led him to the couch in the living room.

“And in me, too,” Carrie whispered in her husband’s ear. “I’m a little sore. Will you lick me, please, before you reclaim me?”

Sam stumbed along behind Carrie, his eyes drinking in her naked form as he struggled out of his clothes. Carrie gave a squeak of feminine surprise and pleasure as Sam grabbed his wife and pushed her down onto the couch, spread her legs and dived in.

She pussy was sloppy with sperm, and she heard her husband grunt as he tasted his wife, and the cum from the men, unknown to him, who had deposited into her.

It did not take long for Carrie to relax, moan and reach an orgasm. Sam, who knew her needs so well, slowed down just right on her clit as she approached orgasm and he kept his tongue on her pussy, tasting his wife and her lovers as she completed her first orgasm of her return home.

And then he was on top of her body, using his knees to spread her legs. Reaching down between their bodies while their tongues thrashed he fished out his cock and his hand met hers as she guided him into her.

Sam slid effortlessly into her vagina and gasped. The difference between female lubrication and cum is instant and obvious. He looked down at his wife, wide-eyed with surprise and pleasure as he moved within her.

Carrie giggled and kissed her husband and pulled him down to her. She whispered in his ear as he humped her, his cock as hard as she had ever felt him. "Four men," she whispered, "four men fucked me tonight."

Sam groaned with the delicious humiliation of it all and Carrie wrapped her arms and legs around him as she started to whisper to her husband all the naughty events of the evening. When Carrie got to the moment where she first sucked the Chairman's cock Sam erupted.

What had been four loads of cum in her pussy was now five. And soon after: six.

All in all, it was a very, very good night for all concerned.

Across the city, four very satisfied strangers mused to themselves about how Sam would deal with his slutwife this evening and cheered one another with glasses of expensive whiskey. It was a tradition of sorts whenever a new corporate slut had been broken in and returned to the loving arms of her husband.

"Gentlemen!" Chairman Jones said to the crowd of happy men, "I think that we have found ourselves a real, true slutty hotwife. Sam is going to turn out to have been a great hire!"
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