The sordid and happy tale of Sam and Carrie Stevenson ...

"Look, I've been sent to talk to you about the opening in the junior executive position," Gary said to Sam.

"Really?" Sam said, trying to play it cool, because it was well-known that the junior executive position was near the top of the management line at Alphia Corporation. Sam was well-paid, but the executive-level compensation was rumored to start at north of a half a million dollars a year, plus other benefits.

"It is not much of a secret that we hire for our senior management positions from within," Gary said and Sam nodded.

"But ... well for reasons having to do with HR compliance and employee liability, I need you to keep the remainder of this conversation strictly confidential," Gary said, pausing to give Sam enough time to agree.

"I'm a little surprised by the request. You know that I keep business issues confidential," Sam said with a frown.

"Excellent!" Gary said, pleased, and he drained his beer. Catching the barmaid's eye, he raised the glass and she quickly brought over two more beers.

Gary grinned happily at Sam, who grinned back, eager and interested. Gary was the senior management team leader for 30 or so managers. All told, Gary was the indirect supervisor for over 250 employees. He was Sam's direct report, but he was only about than 10 years older than Sam's 29.

"Here's the deal, though, kid," Gary said, looking a touch more serious, "once we have this conversation, you and Carrie have forty-eight hours to agree with the outline of the potential employment terms. If you decline, you have to leave Alphia Corporation."

Sam's eyebrows rose. "Really?"

"You can decline to continue the conversation now, if you wish," Gary continued, "and Alphia will be pleased to continue with your current employment for as long as you wish to remain at Alphia and for as long as your excellent - amazing, really - work continues."

Sam looked at his boss, "... but ..."

"Right," Gary said, "there is a 'but.' This conversation is the start of your evaluation for promotion to the opening in the senior management team. If you decline to continue, you will not be considered for the promotion. Furthermore, this is a one-time opportunity. If you decline to start the process, your current position is the furthest that you will ever advance at Alphia. You will, of course, be entitled to annual increments and bonuses, but your base pay scale will always be at the middle management position and you will never be entitled to any of the ... advantages and obligations of senior management and you will therefore never have the opportunity to compete for a spot on the executive committee ... and any of the very significant perks that come with that promotion."

"OK," Sam said slowly, "and if after this conversation and corporate disclosure I decide not to continue, I have to leave?"

"Yes," Gary said gravely. "You also have to leave if you go through the process but decline the promotion."

"I am not sure that 48 hours will be enough time for Carrie and me to consider the offer," Sam said to Gary. "There is a lot riding on this decision."

"There is a LOT riding on this conversation, your decision afterwards and Alphia's internal decision on promotion," Gary said in agreement, "for both you and for Carrie. But if it comes down to the need for you and Alphia to separate, Alphia will provide one year full severance, health insurance, relocation and reemployment assistance and a glowing reference for your new employer."

"Wow," Sam said, "that does make the decision a bit easier but I really need to discuss this with Carrie before getting back to you."

"Unfortunately, that is not possible," Gary said, shaking his head at his younger friend. "The senior executive team, including the board of directors, has selected you for promotion - and yours truly has been instructed to explain your options - and the process has started, subject to your agreement as to confidentiality. Once I have that agreement, I am authorized to discuss the terms of the potential promotion with you and you then have 48 hours to discuss the situation with Carrie - but with no one else - and get back to me with your decision. For now, you either agree to keep everything confidential or we shake hands and return to work where you will have your exit interview with HR."

Sam frowned. "That is unfair," he protested.

Gary nodded. "I remember being in your place, seven years ago. I was interviewed by Brad Simpson, and I protested all the same. I can assure you that both Karen and I are happy with our choice, and from the information we have about you and Carrie, I think you will fit in well with the upper management and executive committee culture."

"OK," Sam replied. "I want to continue trying to work up the ladder at Alphia and I will maintain the confidentiality of our conversation."

"Excellent," Gary said happily, producing a single piece of paper and sliding it across the table to Sam. "We need to document the agreement, so read it and sign it, please." He took an expensive pen from his inside suit pocket and handed it over to Sam.

Sam reviewed it and quickly realized it was exactly what Gary had represented: a written agreement to maintain confidentiality of the promotion process. He signed it and pushed the page and the pen back over the table to his boss. "I'll need a copy," was all he said.

"Of course," Gary said, stowing the page back into the leather bound folder from which he had produced it. "We call it ... well, you can call it what you wish, but to get the heart of the matter, all Executive Committee members and above have full and complete access to the senior management member, and his or her spouse."

Sam's eyebrows rose. "Access ... meaning ...?"

"Correct, sexual access," Gary confirmed. "In recent years, what with the advancement of women in corporate culture and all, we have altered the arrangement terms to include sexual access to the senior management member and his or her spouse."

"Holy shit!" Sam said, his cock rock hard.

Gary chuckled as he looked around. "Keep your voice down," he chided, laughing. "We had to put in that change because Nancy Owens was so amazingly capable ... and attractive ... that we felt compelled to offer her the position."

"How did that conversation go?" Sam wondered aloud, flushed with excitement.

"With Nancy? Not terrifically well at first," Gary said with a rueful smile. "She was also the reason we put in the policy of getting the confidentiality agreement in writing. She was most upset, as you might imagine, but after a sit down with my wife, she and her husband, Tom, eventually agreed, as you now know."

"Wow," Sam breathed. And then he shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Look, I really need to discuss this with Carrie. Do you mind if I knock off a bit early to start the conversation? I really do not know what we are going to do with this offer, and we are going to need the full 48 hours to decide."

"Of course," Gary agreed. "I already had your secretary rearrange your schedule. I knew that one way or another you would not be coming back to Alphia today. I am glad to hear that you've decided to at least consider the offer."

"Well, Carrie and I had a few adventures in college," Sam admitted, understating their experiences by a very large degree.

"Really?" Gary's eyes gleamed. "Do tell!"

"Haha!" Sam laughed at his boss. "No sir! You'll just have to use your imagination."

"Very well," Gary smiled, "you can keep your secrets, but understand that there will be very little left to you or Carrie's imagination once you decide to join the team."

"My God," Sam said, "that is a lot to take in all at once."

"You seem quite interested," Gary said, looking at Sam carefully. "Does what I am describing to you turn you on?"

Sam hesitated. "Well, wife-sharing is something that Carrie and I have explored in the past. We both enjoyed it, but that ended in college."

"Maybe it did not end quite yet," Gary said, hoisting his beer glass in a salute to his junior report and friend.

"Who, exactly, would have 'access' to my wife?"

"The executive committee members, the board of directors and, at their discretion, clients, prospects and, less frequently, your colleagues on the senior management team who the executives deem worthy of a bonus," Gary replied. "But remember: both the senior manager and his or her spouse are both part of this arrangement."

Sam's eyes widened. "Well now ... that's interesting," he said, stalling for time, and then a question occurred to him and he gave Gary a questioning, embarrassed look. "Have y—"

"The women take the brunt of the attention, so to speak," Gary said easily, "but every senior manager can expect to suck cock every so often. I have not yet been required to yield my ass up, but many of my colleagues have. I've just been lucky so far."

"Seriously?" Sam asked.

"Oh yes," Gary said. "I can assure that the senior executive team - all of whom have gone through the program to get to their current position, take full advantage of the situation. You have noticed, right, that Nancy Owens knocks off at 4 every Friday, right?"

"Yes. I had assumed that she had worked something out with the company based on her child care needs," Sam answered, "but ..."

Gary laughed. "Yeah, that's not it. Steve Borges, director of her unit, sales, takes her weekly sales report in person, but he makes her slowly strip off all of her clothes while talking business and when they are done, he bends her over his desk to give her a good fucking, or puts her on her knees and makes her suck his cock."

"Really?" Sam said excitedly. "How the hell do I get his job?"

"Haha!" Gary laughed again happily. "By you AND Carrie giving it your all for the company for the next few years. That'll probably do it."

"Wow," Sam said, his dick still rock hard in his pants.

"Now listen," Gary said, more serious now. "It's not just the senior executives getting their rocks off in some hot young thing, like our wives, or us being more or less willing cuckolds, it is also for some of them the whole dominance thing. Most of them enjoy fucking our wives in front of us or taking the ladies in the marital bed. Be ready for that. They often give you advance notice, but a couple of times there's been a knock on the door in the late evening and we have had to change our plans so that Karen could put out for one of the senior executives."

Sam looked at Gary, awkward due in part to his excitement. "Well, Karen is very beautiful," he said awkwardly.

"Um hmm," Gary agreed, "and don't think for a moment that the fact your Carrie is just gorgeous did not play a role in your hiring. It is certainly a part of this conversation and offer."

Gary held up his hand to forestall Sam's objection. "Look, Alphia is a serious and immensely profitable business and we take hiring very seriously. We would not be having this conversation if you were not brilliant, and your work impeccable. But still, and I know this for fact, every senior manager of the company is very eager that you accept the promotion because they really want to make Carrie, like Karen, their subservient little slut."

Sam looked across the table at his friend and boss. "I cannot deny that this conversation comes as a shock," Sam said slowly, "but I am intrigued at the ... possibilities here. I will assume based on prior experiences that Carrie will be willing to go through with this, so long as we fully understand the parameters of our new obligations and we fully understand our upside."

"Excellent thinking!" Gary said. "Based on that, I think I can now share this with you."

Gary reached into his leather bound folder and extracted another document. "This is the employment contract. Read and enjoy!"

As Sam pulled the papers over to him and started to read, Gary sat back and thought about how much he was going to enjoy his 'finder fee' if Sam and Carrie did decide to accept the Alphia proposal. Friend or not, Gary thought to himself with no small amount of satisfaction, this weekend coming up he and Karen were going to enjoy the use of the new company whores.

He was already imagining bending Carrie over the dining room table that she had often used to serve dinner to Gary and his wife and fucking her while Karen entertained herself with Sam. After he had given Carrie a nice orgasm or two, he'd make her strip down in front of her husband before ********* Gary to their bedroom. It was high time for him to enjoy the position of the dominant male and leave it to another man to clean up his own wife.

"Whoa," Sam breathed, breaking Gary's reverie and yanking him away from his fantasy and back to reality. "A half mil per year, plus a company S-Class Mercedes ..."

"Or similar car," Gary interjected. "Just don't go over a hundred grand on your purchase, or do but pick up the difference."

"... A five thousand a month housing allotment and a bonus structure of up to 50% of total salary," Gary concluded.

"That's to start," Gary said. "Last year, Karen and I banked slightly over one mil. We are looking forward to potential advancement to the executive committee in the next year or two and if we get there ... Well, if we get there we will be set for life and I will go hog wild through all the junior executive pussy I can get."

That last was said with a big grin and a hoist of his beer.

"I'll bet," Sam said, not matching Gary's enthusiasm as he was far enough down the totem pole so as to not be quite ready for that particular fantasy, although the thought of his darling Carrie at the disposal of all the upper management team was very exciting.

"Of course, during this past year, Karen has had to spread her legs for all of my bosses - every member of the executive committee and the board of directors - and she and I both have spent a fair amount of time on our knees," Gary continued. "She more than I, of course, but still."

Sam looked pole-axed as he struggled with how to phrase the next question.

"From your expression, I can guess you have never had a cock in your mouth?" Gary inquired.

Wordlessly, Sam shook his head, eyes wide.

"That will quickly change. The Arrangement provides a lot of pleasure to Karen and myself, and to all the junior executives who can get with the swing of things, so to speak," Gary said, smiling at his own unintentional double entendre. "But we junior executives, and our wives - spouses, I should say - are subordinate to the senior management, in every sense of the word."

"I can ... see that," Sam said slowly. "How often ..."

"The point being, kid, once you and Carrie sign up and join us, Carrie will be having a lot of extracurricular sex and you will, from time to time, have a dick in your mouth," Gary replied, hoping that was enough detail for Sam at the moment. Further description of the extent of cuckold's personal involvement in the debauchery of the Arrangement might give Sam pause.

He can figure it out for himself once he and Carrie are part of the Arrangement, just like all the rest of us, Gary thought to himself.

"And how does ... What does Karen think of the Arrangement?" Sam asked, trying unsuccessfully to mask his eager excitement and concern by taking another drink of his beer.

"You can ask Carrie about that this afternoon," Gary said. "Karen is talking with her over lunch right now regarding the same subject."


Carrie sipped her wine, ignoring the curious and hopeful glances from the businessmen in the fancy restaurant. Karen was late, and so she was sitting alone at the bar. Her wedding ring was evidently not much protection in this place. As Carrie declined the third offer of a free drink, she wondered at Karen's timing. It was unlike her to be late for anything.

Her requested appointment had been for 1:15 and it was now past 1:30. Carrie checked her phone to make she had the date and time of the meeting right.

Nope. She had it right. "Please meet me for a light lunch this Thursday at 1:30 at the Blue Hyacinth regarding Sam, Gary and continued employment with Alphia Corporation."

She had immediately recognized the name of the restaurant. Sam had had several business meetings there and she knew that it was a favorite spot of some of the executives. She was glad she had looked it up before arriving today, because she had not realized the formality of the dress code. She had not pulled out all the stops, but in her heels and expensive floral summer dress she knew she fit in to the casual elegance of the place.

Karen breezed in just a few minutes later, looking stunning as usual. Her long legs were on display in her business sexy skirt, and her luxurious dark hair was pulled into an elegant tail. She arrived at the same time as Gary's present boss, Tom Parsons, and they exchanged polite greetings before each being directed to their respective table.

"I'm so sorry I am late, Carrie, but I was unavoidably detained by some work issue that popped up at the last minute," Karen said in her surprisingly deep voice as she collected Carrie at the bar with a kiss on the cheek. "I know that I've kept you waiting."

"Oh it's fine, Karen. And it is no problem," Carrie said as the two women followed the maître d' to their table, their elegant passage through the room noted by nearly every male in the restaurant, including, had she noticed it, both Mr. Parsons and his client. The client because the women were striking and by Mr. Parsons because he and his senior executive colleagues all had a keen interest in the outcome of this meeting.

Carrie wondered at the delay because Karen had previously told her that she was a full-time homemaker to her and Gary's three middle and high school age children.

"Based on your invitation, I figured this might be important. I have arranged for child care until five o'clock," Carrie said.

"Oh, it won't take that long," Karen assured Carrie.

The maître d' led the two ladies to a table in the corner, tucked out of the way but set up so that Mr. Parsons could still see the table. "Mrs. Burroughs, will this table be satisfactory for you and Ms. ...?" He looked at the ladies.

"Yes, Edgar, this will be fine. And I think it likely that Mrs. Stevenson will become a regular as well. Make sure you treat her right," Karen instructed him.

"But of course," Edgar said easily. "Pleased to make your acquaintance Mrs. Stevenson. 'Bon appétit', ladies."

After Edgar had seated the two women, Carrie looked to Karen for an explanation. "You said it was related to Sam and Gary's work, and that sounded ominous," she said, getting right to the point.

"Well, not ominous," Karen said, "but let's order first. Rocket salad, please, with the grilled chicken," she said to the waiter who had appeared at her elbow like magic.

"Um, same for me too, please," Carrie said.

"And a bottle of —", Karen paused. "You like sweet or dry white?" she asked Carrie.

"Sweet is nice."

"A bottle of the house Riesling." Karen handed the waiter her menu without looking up. Carrie handed hers over as well with a murmured thanks. "The house wine here is generally excellent," Karen assured Carrie.

Carrie was always struck by Karen's elegant bearing and immaculate dress. Probably ten years her senior, Karen was in her late thirties, and she was tall, slim and fit, with the confidence of a decade of involvement with the company.

Her self-confidence was impressive and a bit intimidating but Karen had never been anything but supportive and gracious to Carrie. She was somewhat reserved, but she had always been available to Carrie to talk to about the myriad of issues the young wives of rising Alphia employees were required to address.

"This meeting is important to you and to Sam but I wouldn't say there is anything necessarily ominous about it," Karen assured the younger woman as she glanced around the room. She gave a friendly nod and a small wave to an older woman sitting across the room.

Carrie relaxed a touch and had another sip of her wine.

"Sam is in line for a promotion," Karen said, and Carrie's eyebrows went up. As she put the glass down, she was smiling. "That is great," she said, "but ..."

"But what does it have to do with you and me, right?" Karen said, anticipating the question.

Carrie nodded. "Right."

"That was the first question I asked when Gary was promoted to junior executive almost seven years ago. But first tell me. And be honest: are you and Sam happy with his employment with Alphia Corporation? Are you planning on making this company his career, or is he using his time here as a stepping stone for future elsewhere?"

Carrie frowned as she considered her answer. "We are very happy with Alphia. We both wanted to start a family early, but figured that I would have to work for a while before we could afford to," Carrie said. "Then Alphia was so generous that I worked only for eighteen months before we had Emily and Jack."

Carrie smiled happily as she shifted into mother mode. "Emily is three, and Jack is 18 months," she said happily.

"Really?" Karen asked, looking at Carrie. "You look amazing."

"Thank you," Carrie blushed. "The business gym membership includes personal training and free child care. I really love it."

"Obviously," Karen said with a smile. "Are you planning to have more children right away?"

"Oh no," Carrie replied. "We are done. I expect to go back to work in my field after Jack is in Kindergarten."

"OK, that is good," Karen said and paused as their food arrived. Karen typed a quick text on her phone and checked it to make sure that it had been successfully delivered. The women were quiet until the waiter left before Karen continued the conversation.

"Alphia is a very loyal company," she began. "The number of executive-level positions are intentionally kept low and the executive-level employees are well-rewarded financially and in ... other ways. In exchange, Alphia requires a very personal commitment from both the relatively few employees who make it to junior executive, and the spouse."

Karen's phone gave a sound and she glanced at the incoming text before nodding to herself. She stowed it in her purse before continuing. "The board has selected Sam as a candidate for promotion and because Gary is your husband's direct supervisor and because we have occasionally socialized as couples, Gary and I were directed to make the offer."

Karen looked seriously at the lovely blonde woman across the table from her. "Sam is meeting with Gary and he will be explaining the options and offering the promotion in a few minutes. After his meeting with Gary, Sam will be coming home to talk with you to discuss the ramifications of acceptance."

Carrie nodded. "I expect he will talk with me. We make these types of decisions together. But I am afraid I do not understand what you mean by ramifications."

"Alphia is a ... peculiar company, Carrie. As I said, Alphia is VERY loyal to its executive employees. Absent some kind of serious misconduct or significant work drop off, if Sam were to accept the promotion to junior executive level, he can expect to work his entire career at Alphia and retire very well off indeed, much earlier even than you can imagine, if he wanted to retired early. Gary and I could retire now without any difficulty, but Gary wants to stay on until his final chance at promotion to senior executive, and I support him in this."

"That's pretty uncommon these days," Carrie noted.

"Yes. And also uncommon is the compensation. If Sam accepts the offer, his starting salary will be $500,000, not including bonuses, housing allotment or the car," Karen said.

If she was waiting for a reaction from Carrie, she got it. "Oh my God," Carrie said. "I grew up with next to nothing. That money ... is ridiculous."

Karen smiled. "Gary and I brought home almost one million this year from Alphia," she confided to Carrie. "And Gary is on track to promotion to senior executive in the next few years, and they start at one million, plus the extras."

She gazed at Carrie. "I daresay that for some of the senior executives the 'extras' are probably of more interest than the additional money."

"I am not following you," Carrie said. "It all sounds wonderful, but what are we getting ourselves into here?"

"What I am getting at is this: Alphia's backbone are the junior and senior executives. They hire only from within and retain only the top quality people - like Sam and Gary - with the promotion. Promotion to upper management at Alphia however is offered only to the married employees and the spouse is expected to contribute to Alphia although the spousal contribution is a bit ... unusual."

"Ummm, OK," Carrie said.

"Look, we both know that ambitious, successful people - like our husbands - often have greater than normal sex drives, work long hours in stressful situations and are occasionally prone to ... indiscretions. We at Alphia hire from within because we like to keep the inevitable indiscretions in house, so to speak, and rather than have them potentially compromise the goal of the company, turn the satisfaction of the need into a competitive advantage. To that end, at the junior executive position, certain of the new duties of the junior executive and spouse are rather personal."

"What does that mean, exactly?" Carrie asked, her heart fluttering because she thought that she already knew the answer.

"It means that the junior executive and his or her spouse are sexually available to the senior executives, the board of directors and their spouses. In addition, and this is rare but it is important to put everything on the table, junior executives and spouses are also on call as necessary to entertain an important client or to close a big deal. Things like that."

"Oh my," Carrie said, stalling for time as her mind whirled. "You mean 'sexually available' as in for what, exactly?"

"For anything that the senior executive or board member desires," Karen replied, casually sipping her wine. She topped off Carrie's glass.

"So if we accept this promotion - and I can see why the compensation is so large - I would in effect become a company *****," Carrie said the word without inflection or change in tone.

"Precisely," Karen said. "I can assure you that the majority of my encounters within the Arrangement have been quite pleasant, although it is important to always keep in mind that we are involved to support our husband's career and that our pleasure is not always necessary for a successful 'transaction'."

"I see," Carrie said flatly.

"You and Sam can, of course, decline the promotion but if you do that today will have been Sam's final day of employment at Alphia. His severance package will be very generous and you will both land on your feet just fine, but his career will not be with Alphia. For obvious reasons."

"That's a lot to absorb in one lunch," Carrie pointed out. "We have some time to decide?"

"Of course. Gary has been instructed to give Sam the entire offer in writing for you and he to review and discuss. Today is Thursday and I am to tell you that Monday is 'up or out' day."

At Carrie's look, Karen explained. "The board needs to know by Monday whether Sam is going to accept the promotion and agree that both of you will be participants in the Arrangement, or if Sam will opt for the severance package."

"Oh, got it now," Carrie said. "But assuming we accept, what can we expect?"

"'We' is an important word here," Karen replied. "All junior executives and their spouses, including Gary and I, are company whores, and Sam will join you in that capacity although you may be certain that you and I will get much more attention than will Gary and Sam."

Carrie goggled at her older friend.

"Oh yes," Karen said, grinning wickedly, "Gary had a difficult time with it at first. Most of the time I am called out, but we have worked together on several occasions. Gary has eaten my freshly fucked pussy many times, and I have seen him give head."

She shrugged and smiled. "It seems fair to me that the men are also required to provide personal services. Alphia employs over 5,000 people over several continents. There are usually about 40 junior executives and there are never more than ten senior executives. Presently, only four members of the board are not also holding a senior executives position. You can therefore expect to have over a dozen additional male sexual partners throughout the time that Sam serves as junior executive," Karen said.

"And ... do you enjoy your 'position' within the company?" Carrie inquired politely, but her eyes sparkled.

Karen gave a throaty chuckle. "You will fit right in. Yes, it generally is quite a rush. It can occasionally be degrading and somewhat unpleasant but that is rare in my experience."

She took another drink from her wine glass. "I think, based on conversations with my husband and with the other junior wives, that the men have the more difficult period of adjustment."

Carrie allowed herself a small smile. "I'd imagine," she said, drily.

"At the junior executive level, the men enjoy a significant amount of authority and power in the company. Gary, for instance, has 250 people reporting to him but in terms of the Arrangement, he is very clearly subordinate to the senior executives, even with regarding access to me, his own wife."

"Well, this is quite the shock, but I think I have enough information to have an informed discussion with Sam tonight," Carrie said to the elegant, older woman.

Karen nodded and steered the conversation to safer topics. They chatted about children but the conversation was a bit awkward. Carrie excused herself immediately after finishing her salad.

Carrie's pussy was most definitely moist and she was fairly certain this was an opportunity that she would enjoy. This was going to have to be Sam's call, for sure.

Karen trailed Carrie out, so Carrie did not see the satisfied smile on Mr. Parson's face as Karen passed him and nodded the news that the meeting had gone well.

... Continues

Ch. 02

As soon as Carrie was able to collect her car, she rushed home. A mile or so away from home, before dealing with the babysitter and children's needs, she pulled over.

"I think that we need to talk, darling," she texted Sam. "Come home when you can. I love you."

Sam's response was immediate: "I love you too. Big decision to make. Just finishing up with Gary. Be home in an hour."

When she got home, she paid Sheila and thanked her for watching the children and spent the next hour spending time with Emily and Jack, getting dinner together and trying to relax.


Gary tossed several twenties on the table and followed Sam out of the restaurant.

"Listen Sam," he said. "Good luck. Whatever you and Carrie decide, I just want you to know that you are a good guy and you will succeed no matter what decision you make."

"Thank you, Gary, I appreciate that. Thank you." Sam held out his hand.

Gary hesitated momentarily but then shook Sam's hand. "Just there is one more thing."

"There's more?" Sam asked incredulously.

"Just to let you know that if you accept the promotion, Karen and I get a 'finder fee.' Until my anticipated elevation to Senior Executive next year, we four will be at the same level in the Arrangement ..."

"Except for the Finder Fee," Sam continued for his friend.

"Right. Except for that." Gary conceded. "Karen and I will be at your house next Saturday evening, ready for a good time."

"Karen will be coming, too?" Sam asked, hopefully.

"Yes, of course," Gary replied, "but don't get your hopes up. She is quite interested in Carrie."

"Whoa, that's hot," Sam said, with feeling.


When Sam walked in the door, Carrie was feeding their children. Jack was in his high chair and Carrie was working to convince him that it was a better plan to eat the carrots than to throw them around the room while shrieking with joy.

Emily was eating her dinner and giggling at Jack's antics.

"Hi sweetie," Sam said to his wife as he gave his son a kiss on his head while moving to avoid the fistful of mashed carrots Jack evidently thought would go well with his father's suit.

"What a little nut," Sam laughed as he kissed his daughter.

"He is a handful," Carrie smiled. "It's a little early for their supper, but I thought that it would be best to get the kids down early."

"Yes, good plan," Sam said, reaching over and giving his wife's shoulder a squeeze.

Together they got the kids fed, bathed and in bed and two hours later they sat down to their own supper. Sam brought out a bottle of their best red wine and a couple of glasses.

He poured Carrie and himself a glass and raised his for a toast. "To us," he said. "With or without Alphia Corporation."

Carrie smiled. "I'll drink to that."

Sam started to say something and then stopped. "How should we talk about this?" he asked his wife.

Carrie shook her head. "We just ... talk," she replied. She put her hand on her husband's. "Honey, just relax. Your toast was right; we are going to be together for the rest of our lives, Alphia or no Alphia Corporation."

"Well, it's a bit more complicated than that," Sam protested gently. "I mean, I will be working with men who ..."

"It's not all that complicated from where I sit," Carrie said, interrupting her husband with a smile. "Really honey, we've dabbled in this type of thing before, and I think we both enjoyed ourselves. Just tell me what is on your mind."

"I love you," Sam said to his wife, and then he paused to take a breath: "I really like my job, and I love working for Alphia Corporation and the thought of you and the other wives being available to my superiors at the office is really exciting," Sam finished in a rush.

He looked into her eyes, expectant and a little nervous.

Carrie gave him a tinkling laugh and squeezed his hand for reassurance. "I know it is, darling," Carrie said, smiling at him. "You are my loving, sweet, horny and perverted husband."

Sam leaned forward and kissed her. "So that means ..."

"I am excited, anxious, scared, nervous and very, very wet," Carrie said, her eyes bright. "Which means that I am in, if you are, and it means that no matter what we decide, you are going to get lucky tonight!"

Sam laughed with pleasure. "Awesome!"

They ate their dinner companionably for a few minutes. Carrie seemed calm and at ease while Sam's thoughts were bouncing around his brain.

"How can you be so calm, honey?" he asked his wife as he finished the last swallow of his wine.

"Because," she said, giving him her most devilish grin and pausing for effect, "I already know how to suck a dick."

She gave a wicked little chuckle and squeezed Sam's hand across the table as the color drained from her husband's face. "I know that," Sam said, trying to smile, "and it might be wrong of me, but I am really turned on by the thought that my bosses get to enjoy your body, but ..."

Carrie smiled at her husband as his voice trailed off. "Yes?"

"But I am not eager to be with another man."

"Well, if we agree to do this, we will be company whores," Carrie said, "and in my experience in such a ... position, when I was the frat boy plaything on the harem cruise with you, it wasn't so much as 'being with' whoever I was with, it was me being a vessel for their pleasure. What I mean is there is not much of an emotional connection: you just get fucked and give head."

"That really doesn't help a whole lot," Sam said with a wry smile. His rock hard cock told another story.

Carrie gave her husband a knowing look. "I can tell that you are really excited about this opportunity."

"I am," Sam admitted, "even with the risks that I will have to satisfy another man."

"What do you think the executives and potential clients are going to want from me?" Carrie asked her husband, to set up a point.

"Everything," Sam said after a momentary pause, his voice husky with sexual tension.

"Exactly," Carrie said calmly. "I'm sure that I will be with other women, and I am going to have to give lots of blowjobs, and take many different men in my pussy and in my ass."

"Oh yeah," Sam said, his voice a bit hoarse as emotions and excitement coursed through him. "Definitely."

"Well, if we are going to do this, maybe it wouldn't be fair if I am the only one of us to take on ALL of the new responsibilities."

"I suppose you are right," Sam reluctantly admitted.

"Besides, I think that you'd look really sexy with a cock in your mouth," Carrie said with a wicked throaty chuckle.

Sam laughed. "OK, you win. If you are willing to do your part, I'm willing to do mine!"

"Then I guess we are a go," Carrie said happily.

She picked up her wine glass and raised it in a toast. "To us," she said, "and Alphia Corporation!"


"Oh Karen, I am so glad you called," Carrie said. "I just got the kids down for a nap. It's a perfect time to talk."

"Oh of course. We girls need to stick together," Karen said. "The Arrangement is very well thought out. It is important that you and Sam's first experience in the Arrangement is with a couple you are friendly with."

There was a brief pause. "It is still a little awkward, though. We ... I never thought of you and Gary ... That way," Carrie said hesitantly.

"I completely understand," Karen replied smoothly, "but we - all four of us - are whores, bought and paid for. Most of the senior executives and their friends are pleasant and attractive, and some Gary and I could be friends with under other circumstances. It IS sometimes awkward."

"I didn't know whether it was appropriate for me to call you, given this weekend coming up," Carrie said.

"Of course it is OK to call me," Karen replied. "The senior executives want all the junior wives ready for them, so it is expected that the more experienced of us make sure you know what to expect."


"We are all on the same level, except for this weekend when Gary and I will enjoy playing at being members of the senior team," Karen said.

"You can expect that when you and Sam are officially part of the Arrangement - which officially begins Friday - you will be called out A LOT as all the senior executives and board members are all eager to spread your legs and try you out," Karen continued. "It usually takes them a month or two before things settle down."

"Oh wow," Carrie breathed. "That is exciting ... and a bit intimidating."

"Oh piff," Karen said with a laugh. "They are going to be like a kid in a candy store! You will do fine. You might want to warn Sam, though, that for the first few weeks he will have to deal with a lot of evening child care because you might be out ... entertaining almost every night."

"Haha!" Carrie laughed in return. "That sounds great! I could use a break. He gets diaper duty and I get orgasms!"

The women laughed together.

"This weekend will be easy," Karen reassured Carrie and she could hear the smile in Karen's voice. "Gary is just so excited!"

Carrie giggled.

"Just remember to prepare Sam. He should abstain for at least a day in advance, because it is often easier for the husband to watch his wife with another man if he is excited, and it is usually a good idea for you to have him get you ready," Karen said. "I think this weekend will develop at a leisurely pace, but Gary might want to be inside you pretty much immediately and you should be ready for that."

"Ooohhh, me as an appetizer, bent over the kitchen counter?" Carrie joked with a laugh.

"Sounds tasty to me!" Karen agreed, joining in the laughter.


Sam looked up from his desk at the knock on his door. "Hey Gary," he said. "What's up?"

Gary stood in the doorway, dressed impeccably as usual. Carrie had told him that Karen was involved in the fashion industry or had been before they were married. Karen probably purchased all of Gary's clothes because he always looked nappy.

"Listen. Something has come up, this weekend's plans have changed and we need to take a walk." He looked serious.

"What's going on?" Sam asked, worried, as he slipped his suit jacket on.

"Look, there is quite a bit of high level business going on that you were not previously privy to before your promotion," Gary explained as he led them to the elevator bank.

"Hi Bob," Gary said to a team leader. "Get that report on my desk tomorrow, OK?"

"Errr, yes sir." Bob scurried away.

"Had to get him away from us," Gary muttered as the elevator arrived and the two junior executives stepped inside. Gary waited until he was sure they were alone in the elevator before continuing. "Alphia is in the process of negotiating the purchase of Roberts Media. You did not know it, but your research and report on our failure to recognize the value of the internet advertising technique you identified really opened a lot of eyes."

"Really?" Sam said, eyebrows raised. "Great!"

"Yeah. Great," Gary replied, punching the button for the 17th floor, his tone not matching his words. "Roberts owns the intellectual property rights to the technique you 'discovered.' Turns out that someone at Roberts thought of it a few years ago. They went and patented the thing, but they evidently did not realize the value of what they own."

"I just don't understand how that is possible ..." Sam protested. "It's just obvious ..."

"Your business concept is just genius, Sam, don't sell yourself short," Gary interrupted. "Pretty much they've been working on it upstairs ever since I ran your memo up the flagpole. We have been summoned upstairs because Alphia is sending a team over to Roberts to lock this opportunity down before someone at Roberts realizes the gold mine that they're sitting on and triples their counteroffer ask price."

"No kidding?" Sam exclaimed, surprised and happy.

"No kidding," Gary replied. "They are sending Tom Parsons and Steve Borges from the senior executive level, and you and me as support. They need me because the project came out of my department and you because you are the wunderkind who came up with the initial idea. You know the nuts and bolts of this deal better than anyone."

"Wow!" Sam said. "When?"

"We fly to London Friday morning on the company jet, and we will work straight through Sunday night."

"I guess your plan for this weekend is off, then," Sam joked, trying to lighten Gary's seemingly inappropriately somber mood.

"Yeah, mine is," Gary replied sourly, "but the thing is Sam, Karen and Carrie are coming along."

"Wha -?"

"And they will both be working, too. You and Carrie are getting thrown in to the deep end, Sam, in every respect," Gary said as the elevator glided quietly to a stop at the Executive Suites level. "Our wives will be working and we are going to be underfoot all weekend. It is going to get a little crazy."

Sam gulped as an elegant older woman approached the open elevator doors. "Gentlemen, you are expected in the main conference room. Would you like some coffee?"

The men demurred the offer and followed the executive secretary down the hall and into a well-appointed conference room. Tom Parsons was already at the table, as was Steve Borges, head of sales, and another man whom Sam did not recognize. All three were comfortable in expensive, tailored suits and had an air of moneyed competence.

"Thank you, Carol," the third man said. "Please make sure we are not disturbed for any reason."

"Yes, Mr. Jones," came the reply as Carol left the room and closed the door behind her.

Donald Jones was the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Sam had never seen him in person before, but every employee at Alphia had heard his name.

"Mr. Stevenson, you have risen the ranks here very quickly. I must say, I am impressed by your thinking and by the quality of your work," Mr. Jones said by way of introduction.

"And by your hot wife," Mr. Borges commented drily.

"Of course," Mr. Jones said easily. "Hot wives are our specialty here at Alphia. In fact, I believe that it was I who 'introduced' your lovely wife Susan to the Arrangement, was it not?"

"Yes sir, it was," Steve Borges replied, chastened.

"I believe that it was up at my summer home that I had Susan for the weekend. Many, many times. She was a delightfully anxious but ultimately very eager partner and she pleased me well, all weekend long," Mr. Jones replied, turning the knife a bit for the interruption. "And I do believe that I had a couple of old friends over who also got into the action. They fucked your Susan all over my house."

A reddened Mr. Borges subsided and Mr. Jones again spoke to Gary and Sam. "Tom and Steve are the negotiators and closers on this trip. You two are detail support. You need to make sure they understand everything about the technology," he said to Sam, "and you, Gary, need to give them a firm hand on the financial details."

Both the junior executives indicated their understanding.

"Gary, Sam, your wives will be attending as guests of both Tom and Steve. Generally, we take adjoining suites for the senior executives so they can party with and swap the women around," Mr. Jones continued. "You two will be sharing a room apart."

Gary nodded. This seemed to be no more than he expected, and so Sam followed his lead.

"Ok, good," Mr. Jones said. "Carrie and Karen are coming along on this trip to make sure that the closers on the deal are well-rested and satisfied. They will be at the sexual beck and call of the senior executives and neither of you are permitted to touch your wife, or yourself, without permission."

"Understood." Gary's voice sounded calm. Sam did not trust his, so he simply nodded. His insides were a knot of anxiety, fear and excitement. His cock was rock hard in his pants.

"And further, should the company have need of one of your wives to seduce an opposing negotiator or bribe a member of the Roberts team with a blowjob or other service, well, that is part of the junior executive and spouse job description."

He paused. "Understood?"

"Yes," Sam croaked, causing a swell of good-natured laughter fill the room. Mr. Roberts smiled at him.

"The first time can be quite the emotional roller coaster, son. I think ultimately both you and your Carrie will decide that you have made the right decision to continue with us at Alphia, but this weekend is going to be challenging for you and for your delightful wife."


When Sam got home Thursday evening, he was jittery with a combination of excitement, anxiety and lust. The children were already asleep and Carrie met him at the door in a robe.

She offered up her face and he gave her a kiss that lasted almost a minute. "Phew," Carrie said, molding herself into his chest. "I'm so glad you are home."

"Me too. I've been thinking of you all day," Sam replied, frowning in confusion as Carrie led her him by the hand to the bedroom. Sam could see that beneath the robe she was in heels and stockings.

"You didn't have a visitor here today, did you?" he asked, surprised by the excitement that rose through his chest and hardened his cock and because he thought that the first time she would be called out was this business trip.

"Yes, I did..." Carrie responded before realizing what her husband meant. "Oh, no. Karen came over. She took me to the new mall downtown."

She looked up at her husband, still following her and still holding her hand. "I bought some things ... I kind of went through a lot of money," she said apologetically before opening the door and pulling Sam into the bedroom with her.

"Oh wow!" Sam breathed. On their bed were laid out four or five new and elegant lingerie sets, several pairs of sexy heels, stockings and a large assortment of feminine accessories and sundry. Everything was elegant, top shelf and clearly very expensive.

She pulled open her closet where three new beautiful gowns were hanging next two new business suits, skirts and expensive-looking blouses.

"Oh my God!" Sam said, his eyes huge. He fingered one long, elegant, dark red gown. "It's all ... beautiful."

He looked at his wife with a nervous expression. "How much did it all cost?" Sam asked the question, dreading the answer.

Carrie looked down at her feet, embarrassed. "Twenty thousand dollars," she admitted in a small voice.

"WHAT?" Sam exclaimed, shocked. "Holy shit! Oh my God!"

"Haha!" Carrie laughed, throwing her arms around her stunned husband. "Alphia paid for it all! Karen came by and picked me up. She brought the corporate Black Card! She said it was a 'Welcome to Alphia' gift from Mr. Jones. It was AMAZING!!"

"Huh?" Sam gobbled.

"Yeah, it was like Pretty Woman!" Carrie enthused. "Only without the pizza delivery to the dressing room." She giggled.

"Yeah," Sam said drily, recovered enough to join in the conversation. "A lot like Pretty Woman," and he leered at his wife.

Carrie giggled happily and gave her husband another quick kiss. "Did you know that Karen used to be a fashion model? You know, the tall ones that walk down the runway cat thing showing off clothes?"

"Really?" Sam said. "Makes sense. She is beautiful, and thin and nearly as tall as me."

"Yeah, she really is," Carrie enthused. "You know, she knows so much about fashion. I could never have picked these out without her. I really like her. I didn't think I would at first because she is so reserved or something when you first meet her, but she is really nice when you get to know her."

Sam smiled at his wife as she burbled happily along. In his mind, though, he hoped that this weekend he might see the beautiful and elegant Karen Burroughs naked and moaning as she was thoroughly fucked.

His cock stirred. He glanced guiltily at his wife. It would be exciting to see both these beautiful women working this weekend.

"What are you wearing?" he asked instead of voicing his secret thoughts.

Carrie grinned and dropped her robe. She gave a spin to reveal the transparent nightie that she had purchased for their wedding night worn over a top of a pair of high cut, elegant and barely there thong lingerie panties. With those and her elegant heels and thigh high stockings, Carrie was the most desirable woman that Sam had ever seen.

She gave a happy twirl. "You like?" she asked, striking a coquettish pose.

"Your wedding lingerie?" Sam asked, his eyes as large as saucers.

"The rest of the stuff is for working," Carrie said, "but I wanted to wear this tonight, just for you!"

"Only for working?" Sam looked a little hurt.

"Oh, honey, of course not!" Carrie immediately exclaimed, giving her husband a reassuring hug. "I just meant that Alphia bought these for me for when I am working."

"Oh, OK," Sam said, relieved and happy again.

"Who knows? You might see me in them this weekend!" Carrie exclaimed with a smoldering look. "Karen said you and Gary might be around while we are entertaining the senior executives! You just might see something you like."

"Oh, you are so hot. I love you so much," Sam said as he reached for his wife. They kissed passionately and she let him run his hands over her body. When he led her to their bed, though, she put a halt to the proceedings.

"Sorry honey," she said. "I am working tomorrow and I have to shut you down tonight. And no self help, either."

Sam groaned and Carrie giggled as she snuggled up to her husband. "This is going to be fun!"

Alphia corporation - Chapter 3 ...

Carrie's tummy was doing flip flops. It had started as soon as the limousine had arrived at their home to take them to the airport.

She had spent the morning scurrying around packing her new clothes for the possible weekend activities. Karen's advice had been invaluable.

There were three evenings to worry about so she has packed all three of her new gowns, each different levels of decency. The red gown was the most daring. It fit on her hips perfectly and set off her coloring so well. It had a scandalous slit up one leg almost all the way to her hip and a large diamond-shaped opening in the front that clearly showed off her breasts.

A bra was out of the question and anyone looking at her would wonder whether she was wearing anything underneath at all. When she modeled it in the store for Karen and the saleswomen, her unrestrained breasts wobbled enticingly as she moved.

Carrie blushed when she thought of herself in that gown at dinner with the executives and the Roberts Media team.

She carefully packed the gowns and the business skirt suit she was not wearing on the flight over. She spent a long while agonizing over which of her new lingerie she should bring for the executives' entertainment portion of the trip. She considered modeling them again for Sam to help decide but figured that that might be cruel and unusual punishment given the stoppage on all relief for him until the trip was complete.

In the end, she just packed all the lingerie and hoped Karen would help her choose.

All told, what with last minute grooming and makeup and children's interruptions, it took four hours to get ready.

She was dressed in an elegant business skirt suit, the new stockings and heels she had worn for Sam the evening before and a lovely translucent cream blouse through which her lace bra was clearly visible. With her cute suit jacket she was elegant and sexy business chic.

And then the limousine arrived from the Alphia offices, bearing Sam. She said her teary goodbyes to the children as Mrs. Kenny, the competent and pleasant grandmother whom Alphia kept on retainer for such child care situations, reassured Carrie again and again that the children were in good hands.

"Go on, don't worry a bit, dearie," she said in her delightful Irish accent. "I've got grandchildren their age. They will be fine."

And this appeared to be true. The children were miraculously content, playing separately on the kitchen floor.

Carrie let herself be led to the waiting limousine and off they went. She held her husband's hand in the car. She sniffled a bit about leaving her babies but he held her hand and reassured her that it was only for a weekend and that all would be well.

The limousine took them to a separate entrance to a smaller runway system to the north of the standard airport, through a security gate and right out onto the tarmac, to the steps of the open door to the Lear Jet with the Alphia symbol on the side.

"This is like a movie scene," she whispered to Sam, clutching his arm.

"I know, I know. It really does," he replied, giving her a kiss. "I am excited about this new adventure. I hope we are ready for it."

"Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson?" The driver opened their door and assisted Carrie out of the car as a steward began moving their luggage onto the aircraft.

She and Sam were greeted at the top of the steps by the Captain. "I am Captain Smith. Pleased to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson."

Mr. Parsons was still absent, but Karen and Gary were already aboard, talking with a powerful looking, dark-haired handsome man with broad shoulders in an expensive, tailored suit.

The steward led them on board and to the group of three people. There was a leather couch on one side, and a bar on the other. Before that were eight large, comfortable-looking leather armchairs arranged such that all could have an intimate conversation.

Gary shook Sam's hand and Karen gave Carrie a kiss and squeezed her hand in greeting.

"Sam, Mrs. Stevenson," Mr. Borges said, introducing himself to Carrie. "Steve Borges. I am a Senior Executive and President of Sales at Alphia. It is a pleasure to meet you."

His tone was purely professional, but his eyes lingered aggressively over her body. She blushed a little and she felt Sam tense up.

"Thank you," she replied with only a slight tremble in her voice as she shook the proffered hand.

"We are here because your husband came up with a genius idea. You should be proud of him."

"I - I didn't know," Carrie stammered, her hand still clasped between Mr. Borges' two firm hands. She took a breath and stood up straight as she stopped flustering. "I am very proud of him."

"Good. We are too," Mr. Borges said. "Tom told me that you were a stunning woman, and he wasn't lying."

He smiled at Sam and clapped him on the shoulder. "You are a lucky man."

"Oh, I know ..." Sam said, but Mr. Borges interrupted him, turning his wolfish eyes back to Carrie, his eyes lingering on her chest. "Your wife is going to make this business trip really, really fun."

Carrie reddened under his stare.

"Looks fabulous, but lose the bra," Mr. Borges instructed.

Carrie gaped, but at that moment Mr. Parsons arrived and Mr. Borges turned to greet him. "Now we can get this show on the road."

"Yes, sir," Captain Smith called from the cockpit.

As the men greeted one another, Karen helped Carrie undo the buttons on her blouse so that she could snake an arm through one sleeve, undo her brassiere and pull it out the other side and down her arm.

Blushing, she handed her bra to her husband and Sam slipped it into his coat pocket. Her breasts were now clearly visible through her translucent blouse, her pink nipples tenting the delicate fabric.

Karen was slim and sexy in a slinky black professional-looking dress, the hem ending significantly above the knee. With her luxurious dark hair put up, and her long legs encased in sexy black stockings, she looked like the fashion model she used to be.

The six people slipped into the arm chairs in preparation for takeoff. Carrie felt four sets of male eyes hungrily scan her chest. Mr. Borges stared intently at her tits before raising his eyes to hers.

"Beautiful," he said. "Much better this way."

"Thank you," Carrie said as calmly as she could. She crossed her legs against the sudden tingle in her pussy. She reached over and found Sam's hand and they held hands while the men continued to talk and stare at her ******* breasts.

Mr. Parsons gave her a frown that she did not understand until Karen leaned over. "You're working now. No touching your husband without permission."

She reluctantly released Sam's hand.

Mr. Borges nodded to her. "Ladies, get me a scotch. We've got to get down to business."

As the two wives got up and went to the bar to fix the drink orders, Carrie's breasts visible and delicious and Karen looking like the million dollar model that she had been, Mr. Borges turned to his team.

"The key is to get this deal closed for anything less than $25 million. We don't actually give a shit about Roberts Media itself; we are only truly interested in the intellectual property they've got. They patented the internet tool concept that Sam here came up with, but they don't know how to extract its value."

Sam nodded.

"The most obvious problem we have is that there really is very little business synergy between Alphia and Roberts Media," Mr. Parsons offered. "The Roberts team expressed surprise when they realized that the offer had come from Alphia. They are not completely stupid; they are going to be looking around for the reason why Alphia is putting in the offer so they can find leverage for their counter."

Gary nodded. "So what's the plan, then?"

"Tom and I have dinner reservations tonight at seven o'clock for a get to know each other kind of thing," Mr. Borges said. "We are bringing your wives as our dates. I have found that having a really good looking woman on my arm at these types of meetings commands a certain amount of respect. It is a good start to the upcoming negotiations."

"Depending on how things go, your wife will either be coming back with us to the hotel suites, or she will be spreading her legs in the Roberts Media team hotel room."

Sam's eyes widened and Carrie gave a startled cough. The senior executives glanced at her with amusement as Karen patted her knee.

"It will be fine honey," she murmured to Carrie, "that's what we're here for."

Sam did not know where to rest his eyes. He glanced at his wife, her breasts clearly visible through her sheer top, at Karen's long legs that looked to stretch all the way to heaven, at Gary who had placidly ignored the exchange and at Mr. Parsons who gave him a knowing smirk.

Sam gave him a nervous smile in return and then tried to get his mind back on business.

"What do you need from us?" Gary asked calmly, indicating Sam and himself.

"Look, Roberts is ready to sell. The old man is looking to cash out and his sons are a pair of assholes who care about nothing but short-term cash in hand," Mr. Borges said. "Everybody knows that the only issue is the price and that there aren't any other serious bidders. We've come in at fifteen million, which is significantly less than the eighteen million that Roberts is priced at on the street. They know we are going to come up, and the question is how far."

Sam and Gary nodded.

"They don't have any real price leverage right now, because they don't know why we are interested. They don't have any idea that we don't give a shit about the Roberts brand and they sure as shit don't have a fucking clue that it's their intellectual property portfolio we are after," Mr. Borges continued in his brusque, profane and aggressive sales director manner.

Sam had in his mind's eye Mr. Borges sitting behind his desk and barking directions in the same manner to the smart, slim and pretty Karen Owens, telling her what items of her clothing to remove next as she slowly disrobed while giving him her weekly sales report. He could just see her struggling to maintain her professional demeanor while walking him through her power point presentation as she peeled off the layers of her business attire before Mr. Borges' hungry gaze, knowing all the while that he had the most unbusinesslike intentions for her as soon as her report was complete.

His cock strained the confines of his pants as he realized that he might someday have a similar job, and that his darling Carrie was now in this aggressive man's control until Sunday night.

Mr. Borges' voice dragged him back from his daydreams.

"The fact that it makes no sense for Alphia to want to purchase Roberts Media has them confused. I don't mind them confused, but I do not want them figuring out the real reason for the offer."

"That's where you two come in," he nodded towards Sam and Gary

"I am sorry," Sam said, "but I'm not following."

"You and Gary are going to paper up a fake reason and it's got to be good enough for us to sell them on it." Mr. Parsons said. "You are going to put together a confidential white paper for tomorrow's actual negotiations showing Alphia's 'new' business model."

Sam and Gary thought for a moment.

"What if we decide that Alphia is planning to make a move into the Europe telecom markets," Sam offered. "I don't think we are actually planning that, not as far as I know anyway, but Roberts Media would be a decent foothold in the industry if someone wanted to make that move."

"Interesting," Mr. Parsons said, "but that might be too close to ..."

"No," Sam interrupted, knowing where the question was going. "It's not related at all to the internet marketing technology that they own and don't realize how to use. It might seem like it, but it is a totally different business line."

Mr. Parsons looked doubtful but Mr. Borges cut in.

"Look, I don't fucking care whether it's close or not. You're the expert here. The only question I need to know is this: can you pull the false model together today such that you can walk me through it on my way to supper, and can you paper up the false 'confidential' business plan so that Tom and I have something tangible to show them tomorrow to throw them off track?"

Sam and Gary looked at each other for a brief moment. "Yes," Gary said confidently.

"Fuck it, let's roll with that concept," Mr. Borges said.

The men talked for a few hours on the details of the plan. It was decided that Gary would put together the financials of the pretend new European enterprise with Roberts Media while Sam would take a look at their technology and learn it enough so that the senior executive team could sell the lie.

"You give me a plausible business model and I can sell it," Mr. Borges said gruffly, displaying again the rare combination of arrogance, aggression, intellect and competence that had allowed him to rise to the post of Senior Executive and Director of Sales at Alphia Corporation, one of the most profitable privately-held companies in the United States.

"I have closed deals like this a million times," he said, taking a pull from his scotch. "The old man might have been a real tough adversary, but his sons are a couple of money hungry fuckwits, busy trying to screw each other out of equity so that he can cash in on this sale."

He checked his watch, a large and clunky expensive-looking timepiece and shook his head. "We are landing in a couple of hours and we've reserved a suite for you two to work in. Get to work as soon as we land and call my cell at 6:30. On the dot. That gives you 30 minutes to bring me up to speed as the limo takes us to dinner. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," Gary replied.

"Tom, the ladies will need ... hang on," Mr. Borges said as he looked over his shoulder and called out to the two wives who were talking quietly together off to the side. "How much time do you need to get ready for the dinner reservations? Can you do it in 45 minutes?"

Carrie looked at Karen for help. "We will need at least an hour, Mr. Borges. We will need to ... clean up, shower, redo makeup and hair, and dress. We cannot do it in less than an hour, and that will be rushing things," Karen said.

"OK, they need an hour," he said to his fellow senior executive. "We land at one, get to the hotel by two ... That will be perfect timing, Tom." He smirked at the two junior executives who were busy working on the project, their heads together in front of Sam's laptop computer screen discussing some aspect of the project.

"Yeah, I think so, Steve," Mr. Parsons agreed grinning in anticipation and staring hungrily at the ladies. "That Carrie is smoking hot and Gary's wife is always a good fuck."

Mr. Borges nodded his agreement and with a clink of good crystal the two dominant males toasted their good fortune.

"Sam. Gary," Mr. Borges called out to the junior executives. They both looked up at him over the open laptop screen that Sam had been working on.

"Arrangements are as usual," he drawled. "We've got adjoining suites for Tom and me and Karen and Carrie. You are sharing a suite down the hall."

Gary nodded, and with a guilty look at Carrie, who met his glance with a nervous but very excited little smile, Sam did as well. His heart was thumping and his palms were sweaty.

"We will be at the hotel at two, and since we don't know whether your wives are going to entertain the Roberts team after dinner, we are going to fuck Karen and Carrie in our suites until five thirty when we four will knock off to give the girls time enough to get cleaned up and ready for dinner."

"At six thirty, you guys call my cell to lay everything on me so I can sell the idea. Then get some food brought up and get back to work until nine. Be in our suites by nine thirty and when we return from the dinner meeting we will recap the day and plan for tomorrow."

Mr. Borges looked seriously at both of them. "Got it?"

"Got it," Gary replied.

"Good," and then he and Mr. Parsons headed to the bar where they chatted up Sam and Gary's wives until it was time to land, get to the hotel and start the debauchery.


Sam and Gary set up a workstation in the work area of their suite and in order to stop thinking about what might be going on in the suite down the hall, got right down to business.

It took them a couple of hours, but by four, two hours after each of their wives had waved goodbye as they were whisked off on each of Mr. Borges' arms, they pretty much had the plan down.

"Man, let's take a break for a half hour or so," Sam said to Gary who gratefully agreed.

"I need a few minutes to recharge my batteries before we finish up."

Sam was anxious about what was happening to his wife in the clutches of the two senior executives.

"I mean I'm sure that - they have - you know," Sam sputtered to Gary, grasping for any information about what his Carrie was going through.

"Look, your wife is here to screw Steve and Tom. If they haven't both fucked her by now, they will have both had her several times before the weekend is over. And that is if we are lucky," Gary said, accurately.

Sam looked at him, an eyebrow raised in question.

"Hopefully Karen and Carrie will spend the nights with Steve and Tom instead of the guys on the Roberts Media team," Gary explained. "Whoever they are."

After four and a half agonizing hours of working, imagining and fantasizing, the two extremely frustrated junior executives called Steve Borges' cell phone.

"I thought of something," Mr. Borges said brusquely as he took the call. "If we are going to buy this company, we are potentially taking on people at the executive level, which we do not want to do."

He paused and Sam and Gary heard the ladies talking quietly in the background as they settled into the back of the limousine. "Find a way to do this deal so we can break all the golden handcuffs that the owners will have written in for themselves."

"Ahhh, OK," Sam stalled, not knowing the first thing about how to complete that task.

"Good, then gimme what you got," Mr. Borges said brusquely.

For the next five minutes, Mr. Borges listened to their fake business plan, grunting in all the right places to let them know he understood.

For the next twenty minutes, Steve peppered Sam and Gary with questions and challenges which they were able to handle to his satisfaction.

Mr. Borges made no mention of either Karen or Carrie during the conversation at all, but the junior men could hear their wives in the background, talking and laughing with Mr. Parsons.

"OK, we are here. Bye." Mr. Borges abruptly disconnected and the two junior men looked at each other across the suddenly silent speaker phone.

"Damnit!" Sam said with feeling.

"Agreed." Gary said. "I don't know how to deal with the internal compensation contracts at Roberts. What are we supposed to do?"

They looked helplessly at each other. "I'll make a few calls, Sam. See if I can get some of the other departments to work on it."

Gary picked up the phone and Sam sighed as he returned to writing up fake technology white papers to insert into the business documents Steve and Tom would use as props during the negotiation the next day.

After another ninety minutes of work and consultations with legal and human resources back at Alphia headquarters Sam and Gary concluded that if there was a way to get the job done, they were not going to figure it out.

Frustrated in more ways than one, Sam put six hard miles on one of the hotel treadmills and then returned to the room to get ready.

Refraining from self-help during his shower was one of the most challenging things he had ever endured. He could not keep his mind from erotic fantasies involving his Carrie with Karen and multiple eager and aggressive men.

At nine thirty, the two more or less willing cuckolds appeared anxiously at the executives' empty suites exactly on time and took in the layout of the lavish arrangements. Whatever might have gone on in the rooms with their wives any evidence of it was no longer in existence as the professional and discrete housekeeping staff had been through all the rooms.

Gary and Sam uncomfortably wandered about the suites in a state of nervous, randy anxiety.

"Just to let you know," Gary said, "Steve Borges has a really big dick. Karen really enjoys fucking him now, but it took her a while to get used to it."

Sam looked at Gary with big eyes. "Seriously?"

"I don't know what difference it makes now," Gary said, "considering that

Carrie has probably already had to take it, but ... just so you know."

Sam did not know what to say to that so he turned to the bar in the corner of the main room of the suite.

The subordinates were pouring themselves a couple of stiff ones when they heard the door to the suite open.

Sam was simultaneously relieved and stunned at Carrie's appearance. That red dress was absolutely dramatic on her and the large diamond opening in the front ******* the inner slopes of her breasts. As she walked in to the room holding Karen's hand, her obviously braless breasts moved with an erotic liquid motion. She was flushed, and radiant, and almost painfully sexy.

Carrie flashed him a bright, dimpled smile and his heart leapt.

Karen was in an outstanding little black dress, heels and a single strand of pearls around her neck. She looked like the million dollar ***** that she was.

Sam glanced at Gary. Karen looked stunning, but Gary was staring at Carrie's tits. It was obvious to everyone that Gary was jonesing for his friend's wife.

"Make Carrie and me a fresh round of drinks," Mr. Borges ordered Sam with a satisfied smile, coming up to Carrie and putting his arm possessively around her waist and nuzzling her neck. Sam tried not to react to his boss's display of dominance as he took the drink order but he could not miss Carrie's embarrassed look as Mr. Borges reached around with his other hand and casually fondled her breasts in front of her husband.

Sam could see Gary talking with Mr. Parsons. Karen, Gary's wife, had her hand on Mr. Parsons' arm as the three chatted. They all three seemed comfortable with the fact that Gary's wife was a company ***** for the weekend.

Or one of the whores.

"Single malt, neat," Mr. Borges said, bringing Sam's attention back to his own predicament. Steve Borges' eyes glittered with malicious pleasure as he saw Sam give his wife an embarrassed look.

"Um ... white wine please, honey," Carrie said to her husband.

The hot and bothered junior men glanced at each other as they puttered around at the minibar, filling the drinks orders. By the time the cuckolds got the drinks together, the two couples were talking in a small group. Mr. Parsons said something and Karen nodded as Carrie blushed. The wives swapped, Karen presenting herself to Mr. Borges and Carrie moved toward Tom Parsons.

Sam brought Mr. Borges his drink and he took it absently as he murmured in Karen Burroughs' ear. She smiled and nodded at Mr. Borges and smiled a thanks to her husband as Gary brought her a gin and tonic.

"Tell me about how you got along with your tasks today, gentlemen," Tom Parsons said to Gary and Sam as Sam brought Carrie her glass of wine.

"Um, well sir, we got through the numbers on the sales side of the deal, and they look really good, from our perspective," Sam said, grateful to be talking about something business related.

"And we got the tech proposal in a pretty good final draft," Gary added.

"How far did you get on analyzing the executive employment contracts?" Mr. Parsons asked, "We really need to get that nailed down before we get too deep into the negotiations."

"We couldn't figure out a way to ..." Gary trailed off as the superiors looked at both he and Sam with angry disappointment.

"What?" Mr. Borges exclaimed. "That is the most important part of this deal!"

He was going to continue, but Tom Parsons stopped him with a raised hand. "Steve, they have time tonight to get it done. I expect they had a hard time ... ahem, ahh, a difficult time fully concentrating on the task at hand?"

Sam blushed. After a moment, Gary nodded.

Mr. Parsons gave them an understanding look. "Well, you had every reason to be. Your wife is very beautiful, Sam. Steve fucked her several times earlier today, and I made Karen service me again, Gary. She was, as usual, willing and eager and she pleased me well."

The cuckolds could not keep their eyes off of their slut wives. Their dicks were rock hard.

Sizing up the tension in the room, Karen looked at Carrie. "Why don't we girls go into the other room and freshen up? That way the guys can join us when they are ready."

Sam noticed that the term 'guys' was intentionally vague.

"No. We party out here," Steve Borges said, still plainly irritated by Sam and Gary's failure. "Freshen up, and then both of you get back here, ready to go."

Four sets of male eyes followed the two wives as they disappeared into the boudoir.

"Sam, after they return, I am going to enjoy Carrie and Steve is going to fuck Karen," Tom Parsons said to his subordinates as the wives disappeared down the hall. He took off his suit coat and hung it carefully in a hanger on a hook in the wall. "I was going to give you the option to stay or go back to your rooms, but because you did not get the work done you are going to have to stay and watch. You'll have to work through the night after, but that's just the way it is."

Sam was excited and humiliated by the situation. "OK, sir."


As the ladies walked down the hallway to the room that had been set aside as their boudoir, the girls could hear Mr. Parsons tell their husbands that they would have to stay and watch the next round of fucking. Carrie turned to Karen, her eyes wide.

"Get used to it," Karen said absently, opening the drawer in which she had put her lingerie, "Sam is going to have to watch you put out for a lot of men while you are both part of the Arrangement. Gary sometimes has a difficult time with it, but usually he likes watch me fuck."

"But they sounded really angry," Carrie said, worried.

Karen shrugged. "That's business." She looked over at Carrie who had stopped in the middle of the room, looking unsure of herself.

"Carrie, listen. Tom and Steve are going to fuck both of us in front of Gary and Sam," Karen said. "It happens all the time, especially with Steve Borges. He loves that dominance kind of thing. But you don't have to take it ... lying down." Karen grinned at Carrie, her double entendre intentional.

"But ..." Carrie said, laughing a little at Karen.

"Well, if that is how they want you, you do have to take it lying down," Karen said, laughing as she turned back to her lingerie drawer, "but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun with the situation."

Holding up a bra and pantie set, she examined it and tossed it aside and dived back into her drawer before noticing Carrie.

"Get going, girl! We have a show to put on!"

"Oh, right! Sorry," Carrie laughed excitedly, opening her closet and opening her box of sexy underthings. "This is going to be fun!"

Carrie helped Karen unzip her form fitting, sexy little black dress and Karen helped Carrie when her dress got caught up in her hair. Karen quickly selected a red and white tiny bra and thong panty set. With her long legs, firm abdominal muscles and lean and sexy arms and legs, she looked like a high class *********, except for the engagement ring and wedding band on her finger.

They added.

Carrie looked over at the older woman as she wrapped a black sarong around her waist. "You look ... oh my God!" Carrie said. "I can assure you that my husband's eyes are going to bounce out of his skull when he sees you. You just look so beautiful," Carrie gushed, a bit intimidated.

Karen checking herself in the mirror. "I am thirty seven, sweetie, and my days as an ingénue are behind me. You are in your prime, and we are going to show you off!"

Karen went over to Carrie and took shook her head at Carrie's choice. "No. We need something to show off your tits," she said, peering at Carrie with a professional eye. "Your boobs are just magnificent. Big enough to be a bit more than a handful, but not so big that gravity is going to play a role for a long, long time."

In the end, she a light blue baby doll outfit for Carrie with skimpy panties and a spaghetti strap camisole and a golden chain around her waist.

Carrie stood in front of the full length mirror, and Karen stood behind her working her long, straight blonde hair into a ponytail. "Our husbands are going to be suffering tonight," Karen said with a grin around the bobby pin in her teeth. "You look absolutely delectable."

Carrie giggled guiltily. "I was really mean to Sam last night," she admitted sheepishly. "I didn't know that he was going to be just tortured like this."

Karen looked at Carrie over her shoulder in the mirror, her face a frown of curiosity. "What did you do?" she snorted, shaking her head.

Carrie blushed a little, now feeling bad about what had been so much fun. "I put on a pair of these sexy panties under my see through wedding night nightie, and then I snuggled up to him all night."

"Oh my God!" Karen laughed, her attention now on Carrie entirely. "Really? Haha! He is going to be in absolute agony out there."

"I also sucked him a little," Carrie admitted in a small voice, "but I didn't let him cum. And now I feel really bad about it."

Karen laughed to herself, shaking her head, still with the bobby pin in her teeth. She removed it to put it into her hair to help hold her together. "You are bad. That's really funny."

Carrie looked sheepish.

"Nothing to do about it now, and it's nothing that you cannot make up to him the rest of the week," Karen said. "I really like fucking all the executives and the odd prospect, but the sex with my husband when I am not working? That is just incredible. You are going to have a fun weekend and, if Sam is anything like Gary, a wonderful week. He is going to chase you around the house like you are 18 again."

After fixing Carrie's hair, she pulled her heavier, wavy dark hair back. She stood back and looked at Carrie one last time. "I thought that maybe a skirt would work with that, but you look like a slut in just your panties and that works for tonight!"

Carrie giggled and turned around to give her friend a hug. Karen hugged her back and gave her a kiss to which Carrie eagerly responded, instantly opening her mouth to accept Karen's probing tongue.

Carrie whined in complaint when Karen broke the kiss after only a few moments. "That's a good start," she said, patting the smaller woman on the cheek, "I hope you are into women Carrie, because unless the two senior executives pounce on us immediately, I am totally going to fuck you out there."

Carrie smiled shyly up at Karen. "Sounds fun to me."

"Excellent," Karen said, picking up her iPod and fiddling through it for the right music, "let's go."


Both senior managers casually started to strip down as they awaited the return of the junior men's wives.

As the women were off preparing themselves, Tom explained why the termination clauses of the agreement were of special importance while he and Steve Borges finished undressing.

"Given our particular corporate ... benefits ... we need to be absolutely sure which senior executives of the target company we have to take on. Our preference is to let them all go at the time of purchase, but if we cannot, search for as many out clauses as you can find. Do your best, because whoever we have to keep on after the purchase will be part of the senior management and he will have full access to you and your wife under the Arrangement for the next several years."

"I - I'll do my best," Sam promised.

"Carrie is taking to this slut role like she was born for it," Steve Borges said, dropping his suit pants and boxers to the floor and pulling on his big cock. He was clearly pleased to brag to Sam and Gary about his conquest of their wives.

He kicked his clothes out of the way. "As soon as we got here, I announced that I needed a blowjob, and Carrie dropped down and onto my dick like she was starving," Mr. Borges laughed. "The bellhop's eyes just about popped out of his head!"

"I showed him a $100 and asked if he wanted the tip or for Karen to blow him," Mr. Parsons chimed in. "He wisely chose the blowjob. Karen took his load like a champ!"

Those words were hanging in the air when the wives returned to the soft sound of a sultry Lil' Zane's Anywhere.

Sam's penis, already aching from the excitement of the last twenty four hours and the absence of relief, hardened even more as his wife walked into the room, hand in hand with Karen.

Karen strutted into the room, her long, sexy legs rising up and into the sarong which wrapped just around her hips which revealed much more than it concealed. As she strutted along, one foot in front of another, Sam realized that his adolescent fantasy of fucking a fashion model at lingerie show was about to come true ... for Steve Borges and Tom Parsons.

He let out an involuntary groan and but for Carrie quickly flashing him another nervous excited smile, everyone was too engrossed in the scene to respond. Four sets of hungry male eyes surveyed the two slutty wives, and four cocks rose to greet the sight of the women. Steve and Tom were nude and brazenly stroked their erections as they watched the two wives, the husbands behind them entirely but temporarily forgotten.

Carrie herself, almost a half a foot shorter than Gary's wife, walked in to the room nervously. Her angelic face was bright with excitement and anxiety. Her breasts, moving liquidly beneath her camisole, attracted the eye of every man.

The wives walked directly towards the two senior executives, but halfway into the room Karen dropped Carrie's hand, and spun on herself slowly, her hands in her hair, lifting her locks so that her upper back and the nape of her neck was visible. She shot a smoldering look at her husband over her shoulder before sliding her eyes over to Mr. Borges and Mr. Parsons.

As she finished her sultry turn she looked right at the senior executives. "I would like to present Carrie Stevenson, a beautiful and sexy little submissive slut on her first assignment." She turned halfway and held her hands out as if a gameshow hostess presenting the prizewinner his prize.

Which, at least for Mr. Parsons and Mr. Borges' purposes, she was.

With the raising of one elegant hand, she forestalled the actions by the eager and randy senior executives. "With your permission, gentlemen, I would like to unwrap and present your prizes for the weekend," and she made a motion that included Carrie and herself, "before you exercise your rights upon us."

Without waiting for a response, she pulled a willing Carrie into her arms and covered her mouth with a passionate, toe-curling, open-mouthed kiss. The men could see the beautiful women, their tongues entwined, hands in each other's hair, kissing passionately.

When Karen broke the kiss, touching Carrie's cheek in a gentle and sexy gesture, she turned so that she was in silhouette to the men, and lifting her long dark locks out of the way, presented her back to Carrie. Carrie reached forward and with trembling fingers, unclasped Karen's brassiere which immediately loosened.

Turning away from the men, Mrs. Burroughs shrugged out of her bra and casually tossed it off to one side before turning and coming face forward to the men, behind Carrie, her hands on Carrie's shoulders before sliding them down across the front of her camisole, over Carrie's breasts and down to the blonde wife's firm belly.

Sam and Gary were rubbing their achingly hard cocks through their trousers, their frustration and lust so absolutely evident in their hungry, needy stares that Karen almost felt sorry for them. She was careful in her turn back to face the men to give them only a flash of her nipples. She could see Sam moving his head as she turned, hoping to get a better glance and she smiled to herself. "Keep 'em waiting for as long as you can, girl, because soon you will lose what little control you have and he will see everything, and probably a lot more than he is likely prepared for," she said to herself, moistening at the thought.

She kissed Carrie's neck as she slowly began pulling Carrie's camisole top up and up ... and up. Carrie obediently raised her hands but Karen slowed down as the thing cloth reached the lower slope of Carrie's breasts and the men erupted in complaint.

Smiling, she ripped the camisole up and over the shorter woman's head, Carrie's firm breasts jiggling delightfully as they were freed from the limited confines of her top. Karen tossed the top carelessly away where it landed, unnoticed, across the back of a chair.

Covering her own breasts with one lean and feminine arm, she stepped out from behind Carrie. The men, especially Sam, objected and she smiled, making eye contact with Steve and Tom as she slowly lowered her arm and ******* herself to their hungry eyes, turning as she did to take Carrie's face in her hands again.

Carrie almost leapt into Karen's embrace, her breasts bobbing wonderfully, and the slut wives kissed again, this time with a greater sense of passion and urgency. Karen pulled Carrie's hand to one of her breasts, smaller than Carrie's and tipped with a darker areola and Carrie reddened cutely as she fondled her friend for the first time.

Karen broke the kiss and leant down to take one of Carrie's nipples in her mouth and Carrie gasped, taking Karen's head in her hands and pulling her to her chest. The men chuckled at Carrie's reaction, and Carrie reddened again but quickly lost her sense of embarrassment as Karen sucked one nipple while fondling her other breast.

Sam had never seen anything so erotic in his entire life. His balls were boiling and he was ready to burst just by watching. He could not believe that he was going to have to watch this unfolding scene without relief. His penis was so hard that it was almost painful. Gary, even with his experience in the Arrangement - which at the moment Sam both loved and hated in equal passionate measure - was transfixed by the images the women were burning into the men's brains. His hand was rubbing his cock through his pants, a violation of the rules but one that was clearly forgiven for the moment, or at least went unnoticed.

Karen pulled Carrie back up to a kiss, but then broke the kiss again and pulled Carrie's head down to her own breasts. The men, and Karen albeit from different perspectives, were treated to the image of beautiful, delectable, blonde Carrie Stevenson, tentatively kissing and licking Karen's beautiful tits, sucking on one nipple and then the other, emboldened by the moans she was eliciting from Gary's wife.

With a gentle hand under her chin, Karen reluctantly pulled Carrie's face up to hers and gave her another kiss. The men could see the women talking quietly for a moment, and then Carrie nodded, looking down as her delicate and beautiful hands set about working the knot on Karen's sarong. Standing in silhouette, with the gentle light behind the two women, Carrie's brow slightly furrowed in concentration, the breasts of the two women moving beautifully in response to the slight motion of their bodies, the slut wives were beyond sexy, beyond beautiful.

The senior executives were on a knife's edge of a wonderful decision; take these beautiful women now, and slake their need in and upon their beautiful bodies, or let this wondrous moment build, knowing that whatever happened and however long it took, they still got to do whatever they damn well pleased with the gorgeous wives of the awestruck, frustrated and jealous junior executive husbands.

With a delightful wobble of Carrie's breasts, she got the knot undone and the sarong fell away in her hands. Karen's lovely hip, concealed by the single, thin strap of her panties, was revealed in all its erotic loveliness.

Carrie reached up and hung the sarong around Karen's neck where it hung down strategically, but failed to conceal her breasts for long because with her gentle movements it swayed to reveal one breast or the other which and highlighted even more her nakedness.

Taking Carrie's hand, she turned the younger woman until she faced away from the group of randy, needy males. The ladies, concealed only by their thong panties, stood in front of the men and allowed their eyes to roam across the shapely, firm arms and backs of the wives, and to trace the contours of their curves down to their flared hips and toned legs. At a look from Karen, Carrie slowly bent over, her legs lightly parted, and moved her hands back to her hips and her panties.

Karen matched her movements and together, each looking over her shoulder, the slut wives slowly pulled down her last shred of dignity, each ******** herself to all the men. Carrie looked Sam in the eye, love and lust competing in both of their gazes.

Karen locked eyes with Mr. Borges, as she knew that she was soon to be claimed by him and his big dick.

Turning, the ladies faced the men, the total nudity of the wives making them appear appealingly vulnerable.

Karen allowed the moment to build and then turned to Carrie, and taking her by the hand, pulled her down and onto the carpeted floor. Hesitating, eager but confused as to what her partner wanted, Carrie lay on the floor, her lustful eyes wide as Karen lay on top of her, her soft hands parting Carrie's legs to allow Karen to assume the dominant role in the missionary position.

Carrie gasped at the soft hands on the tender flesh of her inner thighs, but parted her legs after only a moment's hesitation, and reached up her slender arms to her partner, wondering at this partner's oh so soft skin and tender touches. Karen kissed Carrie who responded eagerly, relaxing and opening her legs further as Karen lay on top of her. Karen kissed her and then began working downward, now at Carrie's neck, and now down to the top of her breasts.

Sam's wife moaned and put a hand on Karen's head, evidently to encourage the further southern trajectory of Karen's soft hands and questing mouth. Karen knelt up to free a hand and her breasts brushing Carrie's tummy, and she nuzzling at Carrie's tits, let her hand slide down Carrie's taut belly, and into the cleft between her legs.

The men could see Karen Burroughs, her anus and clearly wet pussy fully *******, as she gently explored Carrie with her gentle fingers. Carrie, beneath Karen, spread her legs even more and stiffened up before relaxing and moaning at the gentle touch penetration. The men moved around to watch as Karen slid a manicured finger into Carrie's vagina, and then another, and Carrie moaned, now pushing Karen's head down, and down, and down.

Karen eagerly kissed her way down Carrie's belly, and moved her body down until she was between Carrie's thighs, and looking up at the eager and sexy woman she was about to taste. She kissed Carrie's inner thighs, and then her lower belly, and the blonde woman whined and tried to pull Karen's face into her pussy.

Karen chuckled, and taking the sarong, forgotten by Carrie, lifted it and carefully draped it across Carrie's face, blocking her vision. Carrie, surprised by the sudden loss of her vision, moaned in surprise and lust and then cried out in pleasure as Karen, finally, brought her mouth down to Carrie's pussy and sucked on her clitoris.

It did not take long.

Carrie, already on edge simply by reason of the situation, the previous orgasms Steve Jorges and his huge cock had provided, and because Karen was an incredibly sexy and delicious lover, allowed her inability to see the waiting, eager and hard males around her to let herself give herself over to her pleasure. She threw back her head, arched her back and whined and mewed as she pulled Karen's mouth into her pussy.

Carrie had enjoyed cunnilingus before but Karen Burroughs was an artist. Her fingers were delicate and soft and yet deliciously firm in all the right places inside her vagina. Karen's mouth provided just the right amount of wet suction while her tongue simultaneously gently strummed Carrie's clitoris. Carrie thrashed, groaned, whined and then came. Her orgasm was intense and furious, and her back arched as her thighs clenched and her heels pressed against the floor.

Her release lasted for over a minute and when she came back to reality, the sarong had been removed from her face and Karen was sitting next to her, stroking her hair. "Oh ... my ... God," Carrie moaned. "That - that - was ..."

"A lot of fun," Gary's wife said, smiling down at her.

"That was the sexiest, hottest scene I have ever seen," Mr. Parsons said, his voice raspy, his cock achingly hard. He stroked himself openly and without any embarrassment.

"Yeah," Mr. Borges agreed, "but its past time for you two hot sluts to get to work on us." He was red faced with desire, and his massive cock was hard and leaking precum.

Karen pulled a shaky Carrie gently to her feet and helped her steady herself. Carrie, red faced and flushed from her orgasm, took Karen's hand in her own and gave her a kiss. Looking up at Karen, she looked at Karen's hand and slowly brought it to her mouth, sucking Karen's fingers into her mouth.

She smiled up at Karen. "I taste nice," and gave a wicked giggle.

Karen gave her young friend another kiss and nodded her agreement before turning, and catching Sam's eye, presented his wife to Mr. Parsons for his pleasure.

Mr. Parsons, also fully naked, grabbed Carrie and pulled her into his body for a hungry, lusty, tongue thrashing kiss. His hands roamed over Sam's wife and his hard penis, trapped between their bodies, pressed up against her tummy. Sam watched as his wife gave herself entirely over to this near stranger, her mouth open to his tongue, and he responsive kiss almost as desperately needy as his.

Sam saw Gary enjoy himself, his eyes lingering over his Carrie's tits, her neatly trimmed pussy and her firm, heart-shaped ass.

Gary gave Sam a tight smile and he flushed, but gave a sickly smile in return.

Karen Burroughs who had seemingly been in control of the situation, gave a squawk of surprise and objection as Mr. Borges grabbed her arm with one powerful hand and roughly pulled her into his body. He pulled her around into him so that they were facing the same direction, her slender, feminine frame wrapped in his arms and trapped against his larger, heavier masculine body. He ran a hand possessively over her breasts, roughly pinching her nipples, and he pushed one hand down her belly and into the soft, lightly furred dark haired cleft between her legs.

She yelped in surprise but quieted and spread her legs for his easy access to her pussy when he growled into her ear. Her mouth opened in an expression of pleasure as he dominated her with his strong body. He stuck his tongue in her ear as he pushed his fingers into her vagina and she shuddered as his thumb flicked her clitoris.

"I love how you walk around, tall and gorgeous, like you own the world," he said in her ear, but looking directly at Gary, "but right now you are mine to play with and use."

He kissed her neck, hard, and she moaned with pleasure and reached a delicate hand up to his face. "You like it when I turn the tables on you and make you my submissive slut, don't you?" Steve Borges asked, still trapping her into his larger body, his huge, hard cock pressing in her back.

"Y - yes," she moaned, "I do. Take me! Tell me what this submissive slut can do for you."

Over Karen's shoulder, Mr. Borges shot her husband a maniacally happy, lusty and malicious grin as he grasped her by the shoulders, turned her around and pushed her down to her knees to feed her his large and hard penis into her mouth.

Mr. Parsons broke the kiss with Carrie and pointed at the ground before him. Still fondling her breasts, he spoke to her: "Mrs. Stevenson, get on your knees in front of me. We were going to discuss business with your husband before fucking you, but I cannot wait anymore. I want my dick in your mouth right now."

... continues ...

Alphia Corporation - Chapter 4

Sam saw Karen go to her knees before Mr. Borges, but most of his attention was on his own wife who quickly dropped to her knees at Mr. Parsons' feet. She took Mr. Parsons' hard cock in her hand and stroked it before bending her head down to accept his penis into her mouth. As he watched her head begin to bob up and down, Sam wondered whether this was the first time that his Carrie had had Mr. Parsons' dick in her mouth.

"Ooooooh, fuck yes. Move to the right a little bit ... good. A little more. Right there, Mrs. Stevenson. That way your husband can see better."

Mr. Parsons looked at Sam, a look of relief and ecstatic pleasure on the senior executive's face. "You can see my cock in your pretty wife's mouth quite clearly now, can't you Sam?"

"Ye ..., yes, I can," Sam croaked, simultaneously humiliated and aroused. He could see his darling Carrie stroking the shaft of Mr. Parson's now fully erect penis while dutifully sucking and licking on its head.

Mr. Borges had similarly arranged Karen Burroughs so that he and Gary could each see both wives sucking senior executive cock right in front of her husband. From his vantage point, Sam could see Karen Burroughs' smaller breasts bobbing slightly as she enthusiastically suckled on Mr. Borges' thick cock.

"Excellent. Then we can begin."

Mr. Parson's train of thought was however at that moment interrupted because Carrie took him exceptionally deep. Sam could hear his wife gag softly as she ****** Mr. Parson's hard cock into her throat.

"Aaaahhh, wonderful. Your wife is an excellent cocksucker, Sam," Mr. Parsons said to Sam, who blushed. "Mr. Borges fucked the shit out of her earlier, before dinner. I haven't had the pleasure of plundering her pussy yet. I'll attend to that when we are done here, OK?"

Sam swallowed. "Of course."

"Good, good. You are most accommodating, Sam. Much appreciated. Now where was I?"

"We were about to tell Gary and Sam about the business opportunity we have discovered during dinner," Mr. Borges answered, looking down at the elegant brunette fellating him in front of her husband.

"You know Tom, I never dreamed that I would have a former fashion model slut wife at my beck and call, willing to suck my dick right in front of her husband," Mr. Borges confided out loud to Mr. Parsons as each enjoyed the wives who dutifully licked and suckled on the men.

"This position is the greatest job imaginable," Tom agreed.

"But back to business," Mr. Parsons said after a minute or so of silence punctuated by the sounds of the wives vigorously sucking the dicks of the two senior executives. "As you gentlemen are aware, we are here to close an important deal. We tried to get a leg up on the negotiation by offering the company whores - your wives here - as a gift for the evening."

"Hah! It was a great idea," Mr. Borges barked a laugh, one hand on the back of Karen's head and the other roaming across her breasts as she continued to suckle his penis. "But it didn't quite work."

"No, it certainly did not," Mr. Parsons agreed. He had his eyes closed to better enjoy the sensational blowjob that Sam's wife was providing. He had a hand tangled in Carrie's hair now and he was holding her head still as he leisurely sawed his dick in and out of her mouth.

"But even though Carrie and Karen were willing and eager to spread their pretty legs for a perfect stranger, it didn't happen, despite the ladies' best efforts."

The senior managers were quiet for a moment. They were enjoying watching their subordinates try to follow along with the conversation without being too distracted by the sexplay going on before them.

"I am becoming quite excited, Sam," Mr. Parsons said, looking at Sam as Carrie slurped up a bead of his precum, "and as much as I would dearly love to cum in your wife's mouth right now, Carrie is going to have to wait until later this trip for that. In the meantime," Mr. Parsons continued, now looking down and talking to Carrie, "take a break from my cock and suck on my balls for a while."

"Oh, good idea again, Tom!" Mr. Borges agreed, as he removed his cock from Karen's mouth and pushed her head down to suck on his balls, too.

"So anyway, each of our little sluts here did her level best to seduce the Roberts negotiator, but it didn't work, for reasons entirely not her fault," Mr. Parsons continued. Both the senior managers were looking at Sam and Gary with a mixture of lust, pity and amused expectation.

"You see, their seduction attempts during supper were masterful, but he kept talking about their shoes, and the upcoming Prada shoe line," Mr. Borges took over.

His voice trailed off and he looked expectantly at the two cuckolds standing before him.

Both Sam and Gary looked confused, but Karen barked a laugh, muffled by Mr. Borges' balls in her mouth. Mr. Borges patted her head affectionately.

Mr. Borges looked disappointed by the husbands' failure to understand and then closed his eyes momentarily to further enjoy the sensation as Gary's wife sucked his balls.

After a moment, Carrie took a brief break from lathing Mr. Parson's balls with her tongue to look up at him and give a wicked giggle.

Mr. Parsons looked down at her. "Go back to licking my balls, sweetheart. It turns me on that you are while your husband watches." Then he looked at Sam. "Still nothing?"

Sam, his cock straining in his pants, looked bewildered.

Mr. Parsons gave a long suffering sigh. "So, after dinner he suggested that if the ladies have any free time they might go shopping together, and maybe catch a show ..." There was another pause while Gary and Sam still looked confused. The senior managers looked at each other sadly.

"Maybe we should have hired their wives instead," Mr. Parsons said to Mr. Borges. Each of the executives had a hand on the back of the head of the woman kneeling before him.

"Well, we have, actually," Tom said and he and Mr. Borges shared a chuckle as the senior managers fed their cocks into the wives' mouths again.

There was a brief moment when the only sounds in the room were the soft wet sounds of the women sucking the executives' cocks.

"Fuck!" The words escaped from Sam's mouth as realization hit him.

"What?" Gary asked, looking around.

Karen paused her cocksucking long enough to say loudly, without turning even to see her husband, "He's fucking gay, Gary!"

Sam and Gary exchanged a look of horror as Mr. Borges put his hand on the back of Karen Burroughs' head and pushed the head of his fat cock back into her mouth.

"That's right, gentlemen. He confided in us that he was sick and tired of having companies looking to do business with Roberts Media throw women at him," Mr. Borges said, obviously enjoying the husbands' discomfort. "So unless we wrap this deal up tomorrow, one or both of you will be spending the evening with him tomorrow night, and you will do whatever is necessary to get this deal done."

"And the question now," Mr. Parsons cut in, "is which of you two gentlemen is going to volunteer to take the customer's dick in your mouth and up your ass for the good of the company?"

The two cuckolds looked at each other, speechless, and then back at their bosses. Gary looked unhappy, but resigned. Sam looked like he'd been pole axed.

"Ok, stop for a moment, Mrs. Stevenson," Mr. Parsons said to Carrie. "And turn around so you can see your husband."

Both Karen and Carrie turned a little, still staying on their knees before her Executive. Carrie looked over her shoulder at her Sam. She had stopped suckling Mr. Parson's penis but she continued to stroke it's hardness as she awaited further instructions.

Sam's eyes were drawn to his wife. Still beautiful, her lipstick was a little smudged and she looked back at him even while stroking the hard cock that had only recently been in her mouth.

"Sam," Mr. Parson's voice dragged Sam's eyes upward. "Am I to understand that you have not yet been required to service one of the Executives?"

Sam's heart sunk. "No ... No sir, I haven't."

"Gary?" Mr. Parsons inquired of Gary. Karen continued suckling Mr. Borges' large cock while her husband talked with his boss.

"I have," Gary answered. "I have been required to suck cock seven times." He blushed and did not look at Sam. He missed Sam's expression as the blood drained from his face.

"I believe mine was the first in your mouth," Mr. Parsons said.

"Yes, sir," Gary replied, and he glanced at Sam then who looked away, embarrassed for his colleague.

"I enjoyed that morning very much," Mr. Parsons said with a smile. "It was right after Gary's promotion and I had just closed on the Porten account. I'd been working that whale for two years, and I was in the mood to celebrate. I had decided to put a call in to Karen, to try her out as I had heard such good things, and I thought it would be pleasant to have my dick in her husband's mouth as I set up a tryst with his wife."

Mr. Borges laughed out loud. "Oh what a great idea! I wish I had thought of that!"

Mr. Parsons smiled in pleasant recollection.

"I told my secretary to take an early lunch and invited Gary here into my office and told him to lock the door," Mr. Parsons recalled, mirroring his colleague by putting his hand on the back of the head of the slutwife as his feet and feeding his hard penis into her mouth again. "The look on your face, Gary, as you locked the door behind you was just priceless!"

"Mmmmmm, delicious," he said as Carrie went back to sucking on Mr. Parsons cock and stroking his heavy testicles. The two senior managers shared a laugh at the cuckolds' expense.

"But anyway," Mr. Parsons continued, looking at Sam and smirking as he saw Sam's eyes meet his and then dart southward to see his wife who was happily bobbing her head back and forth on Mr. Parsons' dick.

"Do you remember, Gary?"

"Yes, sir," Gary replied, clearly embarrassed by the situation. "You sat on the couch in your office and told me to suck your dick. You called Karen while you had your cock in my mouth."

"I came in his mouth after completing the arrangements to fuck his adorably anxious wife in her own bed while their kids were still in school," Mr. Parsons said to Mr. Borges, "and then I went to his house and fucked Karen to a couple of orgasms before she sucked a load out of me too. It was quite the day."

"Hey, Sam has never sucked a dick yet, has he?" This now from Mr. Borges, who was very clearly enjoying himself as Karen worked her oral magic upon him.

All sets of male eyes turned to Sam, the women were both listening but facing the other way, each occupied by her task. The wet, happy sounds of their fellatio filled the room during the momentary silence.

"N-no, I haven't," Sam reluctantly admitted.

"Excellent!" Mr. Borges said happily. His pleasure seemed ominous to Sam. "Gentlemen, it's time for us to fuck your wives again."

There were two couches facing each other across an elegant low table. At the Senior Executives' instruction, Gary and Sam moved the table out of the way so as to provide sufficient room on the plush carpet between the two couches for the dominant males the room necessary to fuck the junior executives' wives.

As Sam and Gary moved the table out of the way, they could hear Mr. Borges directing the wives into position. As they turned back from their furniture moving, Karen and Carrie were each on their hands and knees in front of the executives, her legs slightly parted in preparation for penetration. The two cuckolds watched in reluctant, excited fascination as the senior executive mounted the ladies.

Sam saw Mr. Parsons approach Carrie from behind, one hand on her lovely hip to hold her in place, and the other guiding his cock into her vagina. Carrie bit her lip and moaned in pleasure as she felt Mr. Parsons penetrate her vagina for the first time.

Mr. Parsons grabbed both of Carrie's hips and sighed in satisfaction as he slid easily into her well-used cunt, still loose from the vigorous fucking Mr. Borges had given her with his big dick and slick from the remnants of his sperm still inside her. Next to them, Mr. Borges was slowly working the head of his thick cock into Gary's wife. Karen was on her elbows and knees to give Mr. Borges behind her better access to her pussy. Her mouth was open in a wide O and her brow cutely furrowed as she felt Mr. Borges work the bulbous head of his cock into her vagina. She moaned in pleasure as he slowly stuffed her pussy.

Looking right at Sam, Mr. Parsons drove his cock hard into Carrie, causing her to gasp in pleasure and her breasts to wobble against his assault of her vagina. "Ahhh, how wonderful."

"Gary, get out your cock and sit there," Mr. Borges directed absently, pointing at the couch opposite the copulating couples as he worked slowly to fill Karen's slick tunnel with his huge cock. "You get to be in the King's Chair."

Sam gave Mr. Borges a confused glance which was met with an amused glance.

Mr. Parsons laughed as Gary immediately dropped his pants to reveal an achingly hard cock. "Get over there, Sam, and put his dick in your mouth. And turn a bit so we can all see you get to work on Gary."

Sam gave Mr. Parsons a shocked look, his eyes wide, suddenly understanding the term.

Carrie enjoyed Mr. Parson's cock, and his strong hands on her hips and her breasts were very nice. She could hear Karen moaning beside her as Mr. Borges finally bottomed out within her and began to take her with his very large penis. The two dominant men were murmuring to each other and urging the two junior males to get on with things.

"Get everything off, Gary," Mr. Borges ordered impatiently. We won't be able to see so clearly if you keep anything on and I want Carrie to be able to see Sam suck your dick while I fuck his wife."

"On your knees, Sam," Mr. Parsons ordered and then turned his attention to Sam's wife. "Watch this, Carrie, I want you to watch your husband on his knees and sucking dick while I fuck you."

Sam sunk slowly to his knees in front of the couch as Gary quickly stripped out of his suit. Sam glanced back and saw Carrie, her beautiful face gazing at him, her luscious breasts swaying rhythmically against the vigorous thrusts from Tom Parsons as he drove his dick into her with a strong, steady rhythm.

Mr. Parsons was enjoying fucking Carrie in front of her husband and when Sam met his eyes, he grinned lasciviously at him. "Don't worry, Sam," Mr. Parsons said, not slowing a bit as he pounded into Sam's wife, "we have all been through this. Someday you'll be in my position, but you are not there yet so ... get to work."

Carrie gave Sam a smile and she reached for his hand to give him a squeeze. The tender moment was interrupted, first by a moan Carrie emitted from the pleasure of a particularly deep thrust of Mr. Parson's cock inside her, and second by the naked form of Gary brushing past Sam and sitting on the couch.

"Sorry, man," Gary said, reaching for Sam's head and pulling his reluctant friend down and towards his rampant erection, "but I REALLY need this."

The two senior males, vigorously enjoying the junior men's wives, chuckled as Sam resisted instinctively.

"Dude! Come on!" Gary said, needy and urgent. "It's been two days, man. Get to it!"

Gary spread his legs and slouched down in the couch. Sam tentatively touched him and Gary moaned. "Fuck! Dude, suck my dick or they are going to make me fuck you in the ass or something!"

That thought, coupled with the strength of Gary's insistent hand on the back of Sam's head, got him moving. He bent his head down to Gary's cock and sucked the tip into his mouth. He could taste Gary's precum on the head of his penis.

Gary groaned. "Ohhhhhh yeah. Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about."

"Turn sideways a little," Mr. Borges ordered. After a few moment of confusion, the two cuckolds maneuvered themselves so that they were angled such that the wives and the two dominant males could clearly see Gary's hard cock disappearing into Sam's mouth as the embarrassed junior executive performed oral sex on another man for the first time.

Carrie's eyes were on her husband as Mr. Parsons plundered her pussy. "That's pretty hot, isn't it?" Mr. Parsons said to her.

"Uhhnnn, Yes," she said as Mr. Parsons continued to fuck her, "it is very hot."

Sam could hear Mr. Parsons' chuckle and he blushed.

"Come on, Sam, do it right," Gary ordered. "Suck me like Carrie blows you. Take me deep, suck hard and fast and play with my balls."

For the next few minutes, the room was filled with the sounds of Sam's inexpert blowjob and Gary's groans of pleasure as Sam improved his cocksucking technique, set against the mewing of the two wives as the senior males expertly plundered their depths.

"Play with my balls, dude," Gary pleaded to Sam.

Sam fondled Gary's testicles as he sucked and slurped noisily on the hard penis in his mouth. The shaft of Gary's cock was now wet with Sam's saliva, and he also pumped on the shaft as he sucked on the head. Sam could taste Gary's cum as the cock in his mouth oozed semen as Gary neared his release.

"Can I cum?" Gary panted, clearly close to orgasm. He pulled Sam back into his cock as Sam tried to take a break from the cock in his mouth.

"Of course," Mr. Borges said, breathless himself.

"Wait, hold on a moment," Mr. Parsons said to Gary's groan of disappointment. Sam felt hope well up in his chest, but he did not stop sucking on Gary's penis. Given his general state of exceeding excitement, the lesbian scene he had just had the privilege to witness, and the knowledge that Carrie was being fucked by his boss just a few feet away had Sam's balls so full that just about any sexual act seemed exciting.

Nevertheless, even though Sam knew that the Arrangement would require him to be in this position from time to time, Sam was not at all sure that he was ready to have Gary cum in his mouth although he did not have much say in the matter.

"Carrie, he is already sucking Gary's dick. Should we make your husband take Gary's load in his mouth, too?" Mr. Parsons inquired of Sam's wife, shifting a bit behind her so that he was completely balls deep inside of her.

Sam's heart sank.

"No. Don't, please," Carrie said on her husband's behalf, even though she secretly thought the scene before her dangerously erotic.

"Do it," Karen urged the senior executives, her breasts wobbling as Mr. Borges continued to spear her with the full length of his huge cock. "The husbands should have to do their share."

"Haha, you go girl," Mr. Borges said, slapping Karen's ass as he fucked her.

He looked at Gary. "You want to cum in his mouth while I fuck your wife?"

"Hell yes!" Gary groaned. His need had eclipsed any concern he had for his friend. "Fuck I need to cum so bad."

"So we are at a dilemma," Mr. Parsons said, humor evident in his voice. "I have two people saying that Sam should have to take Gary's load, one person saying I should give him a break and one not saying anything because his mouth is full of Gary's dick."

He paused to let his words hang in the air and to fondle Carrie's tits. He resumed fucking her pussy and continued talking: "So we are going to play a little game to decide."

Karen looked up and back at him and he winked at her and shot Mr. Borges a grin.

"Carrie, you can save your husband from taking Gary's cum if you can avoid cumming before I do," Mr. Parsons concluded. "I am about to fuck the hell out of you, and if you can hold off your orgasm, Gary here has the worst set of blue balls ... for the rest of the weekend. If you succumb, well, your husband has to swallow Gary's load."

"I have an idea," Karen said as she squirmed away from Mr. Borges who let her escape momentarily. She turned over on her back and wiggled her way sideways beneath Carrie so she could suck on the pretty blonde wife's nipples.

Carrie moaned despite herself, and then jumped as she felt Karen's soft hand find her pussy, which was feeling deliciously full of Mr. Parsons' hard, throbbing, pounding cock. She felt Karen's fingers gently pinch her clitoris and she gasped in pleasure.

"Oh God yes Karen, thank you," Gary said to his wife as Mr. Borges, chuckling at Karen's move, spread her legs and mounted her again, spearing her vagina with his thick, angry cock, and causing her to moan anew from the fresh penetration.

Sam could not see what was happening but he could hear Carrie's ominous gasp of pleasure, Mr. Jorge's chuckle and Karen's sudden moan. He could feel Gary's excitement grow through the sudden hardening of the penis in his mouth, by Gary's involuntary shuddery hip thrusts and by the suddenly fierce hands on the back of his head which ****** Sam to change his rhythm to match Gary's need and made sure that Sam could not escape the almost certain explosion of sperm into his mouth should Carrie succumb first.

With her breasts being fondled and sucked on by Karen, her vagina wonderfully stuffed with Mr. Parson's hard and insisting cock, his firm hands on her ass and Karen's expert fingering of her clitoris, Carrie knew that she did not stand a chance.

She moaned and whined and dropped her head, trying her best to keep control of her own body. "Honey ... I ... Am ... So ... Sorry ..."

Mr. Parsons' hand tangled in her hair and pulled her head up so she could not escape watching seeing the two men before her as he fucked her harder, and harder and harder towards his own release. Gary stared into her eyes, his achingly hard cock thrusting in and out of her darling husband's mouth, his pupils dilated with lust, silently pleading with her to give in and cum.

Sam himself, his hand fondling his mentor's heavy, sperm-filled testicles, was bobbing up and down and sucking on Gary's throbbing and rock hard cock, and silently begging his wife to hold out.

"No, Carrie, no!" was his unspoken plea, but it was not to be.

The sensation of Mr. Parsons' large and strong body behind her, his hard and insistent cock pounding away in her pussy and Karen's mouth on her breasts and fingers on her clitoris, combined with the knowledge that she was being whored out and used in front of her husband and finally, the knowledge that Sam was sharing in her intense and pleasurable degradation was just too much. She felt her control slip and with a keening whine felt the sexual pleasure crash over her and she screamed as the most intense orgasm of her life washed through her body.

"Oh Sam, oh Sam, oh Sam," she cried out, and it was unclear whether she was crying out her love for her husband or an apology for her failure to hold out.

She screamed as she thrashed about and collapsed. Karen moved her hand off Carrie's clitoris as she became too sensitive, but Mr. Parsons was relentless as he slaked his need. He grabbed Carrie's hips and pulled her almost savagely onto his cock as he fucked Sam's wife as hard and fast as he could.

When he glanced upward, Sam could see Gary alternating between watching Sam fondle Gary's heavy balls while sucking Gary's raging cock into his wet and hungry mouth and staring intently at scene behind him, where Carrie had been fucked to a massive orgasm and Karen, his own wife, who was intent on her own pleasure as Mr. Borges hammered away at her vagina with his massive penis.

Sam's cock was hard in his pants, and he felt a delicious combination of humiliation and intense arousal. He loved, and dreaded the well-known sounds of his wife as she succumbed to her body and came.

He heard her whine and scream her pleasure.

"Ooooohhhhh yeeeeAaaaahhh," came Gary's guttural triumphant cry.

Gary leaned back, his body tensing, muscles straining, a hand tangling in Sam's hair to make sure that Sam could not escape until Gary's orgasm was fully spent.

Sam could hear Mr. Parsons roar out his pleasure as he spewed the contents of his balls into Carrie. But Sam's attention was elsewhere because Gary was right on the edge of release.

Sam pumped his friend's cock, and fondled his heavy balls and sucked the leaking, aching and trembling cock in his mouth, now eagerly trying to bring his friend to his release and allowing Gary to spurt into Sam's mouth.

"Suck it, Sam! Keep going! Fuck! Oh yeah, right there! Right there! Yeeeesssssss!"

The first blast of semen hit the back of his throat and Sam gagged slightly, and then his mouth was full of sticky, salty cum and he could feel the cock in his mouth pulsing more and more into his mouth as Sam continued his suction.

He continued to suck as Gary collapsed back into the couch, his balls drained. Sam let the softening penis slip out of his mouth so that he could swallow his mouthful of sperm, and then he dived back onto his friend's penis, and continued to suck and lick until the orgasm was truly complete.

He chuckled as he looked up to see Gary, splayed out bonelessly on the couch, completely spent. "Holy fuck. You are really good."

When Sam turned around, he saw Mr. Parsons with a dazed and happy expression on his face, his hands on Carrie's hips and his cock still lodged within Sam's wife as he completed his ejaculation into her vagina.

"That was very impressive, Sam," Mr. Parsons gasped his compliment to him.

"That was amazing! Very impressive, Sam," Mr. Borges agreed. Karen was lying on her back near Carrie, and Mr. Borges was still fucking her, although without any urgency. She and Carrie were holding hands, their fingers entwined.

He withdrew from Karen. His large cock was glistening with her secretions, and he clearly had not yet reached orgasm.

"Sam," Mr. Borges said to Sam. "You must be full to bursting. I remember a long weekend when Mr. Jones made me watch he and his friends enjoy Susan and a bunch of the other wives. He did not let me cum for three days, and it was pure agony."

Sam could see his wife in a boneless puddle on the floor, recovering from the massive orgasm Mr. Parsons and Karen had given her. Mr. Parsons was sitting back, clearly enjoying his post-coital moment.

Karen was on her back, her long, lithe body akimbo. Her luxurious black hair had come undone and was spread like ink on the floor of the suite. Her breasts were small, but still high up on her chest and her pussy was clearly visible as a patch of dark fur between her long, slender, toned legs. In Sam's randy state, he she looked like a slice of heaven.

"I enjoy tormenting you junior guys," Mr. Borges, smiling in apparent commiseration as he looked over at Sam and then down at Karen lying between them. "But making you wait even longer before you cum would be just too much torture."

Sam felt a rush of desire and hope shoot through his body. It must have been clear in his face, because Karen giggled and reached out one elegant hand and stroked his calf. He almost embarrassed himself with a squeak.

"Just as soon as you get out of those clothes, I will let Karen introduce you to the Arrangement," Mr. Borges offered in a kind voice.

Sam, amazed at his good fortune, did not notice the smirk that Mr. Borges exchanged with Mr. Parsons and with Karen. He scrambled to get out of his clothes. He ripped off his tie and kicked his shoes to the side. His belt gave him a few anxious moments as his hands, shaking with desire, had trouble with the basics of the release. He dropped his trousers and ripped his shirt right off, tearing all the buttons loose, as he struggled to rid himself of his trousers now bunched around his ankles.

In less than a minute he was nude, panting slightly, his penis achingly hard. He blushed slightly as he saw Carrie giggling at him.

He looked down and Saw Karen kneeling by Mr. Borges, stroking his cock again.

Sam hesitated, unsure of what he was allowed to do. "Lie down," Mr. Borges directed, "and Karen will sit on your face while she sucks your dick."

Karen glanced up at Sam and gave him a smile. "Come on down here," she murmured and Sam quickly down down on the ground before Karen and eagerly reached up and over his head for her.

"Hold on, hold on," Karen laughed, fending off Sam's hands. She leaned forward and gave him a kiss, which he eagerly accepted. Karen's lips were soft and sweet, and she willingly accepted his tongue into her mouth. He held her face in his as he tenderly kissed her.

For her part, Karen moaned, and allowed her hands to roam across Sam's lightly furred chest. She pinched his nipples and he groaned.

"You are a very good kisser," Karen murmured into Sam's ear and on her hands and knees she slid her body down Sam's. Her breasts were in his face for one, tantalizing moment, but then she kept going, stroking and kissing his belly, and his legs, and then she was straddling his face.

Sam eagerly reached around to grab her ass and pulled her pussy down to his face even as Karen stroked his erection and nuzzled at his balls. Karen moaned as Sam eagerly licked her pussy and sucked on her clitoris. Sam groaned loudly in return as he felt her warm, wet mouth cover the head of his achingly hard cock.

"You like the new ones in this position, don't you?" Mr. Parsons said to his colleague.

"Oh yes, I certainly do," Mr. Borges replied, pleasure and satisfaction clear in his voice.

Sam could hear the others talking, but his entire attention was on Karen's expert fellatio and her pussy in his mouth. His tongue lashed her clitoris and pussy lips and Karen moaned in thanks as she returned to her stroking, teasing and sucking on his cock.

"This is a nice welcome to the Arrangement, isn't it?" Mr. Borges asked him, and Sam glanced backwards to see Mr. Borges kneeling a few feet away, watching as Sam ate out Karen's well-used pussy. Mr. Borges was still nude, and he was shamelessly stroking his enormous penis, still shiny from Karen's secretions.

"Oh Yes," Sam said, his eyes rolling back in his head as Karen sucked on the head of his dick again, but then slowly, so slowly, pushed her head down until his entire length was lodged in her throat. She bobbed up and down a few times and then came up for air with a gasp.

"Oh my God!" Sam gasped.

Karen gave a feminine little chuckle and went back to sucking on Sam's cock again.

"Usually, I like to introduce a new couple to the Arrangement by inviting myself into their bedroom and fucking the new slutwife while her husband eats her pussy," Mr. Borges continued, shuffling forward and prepared to mount Gary's wife again.

"Oh my God," Carrie gasped, now recovered enough to watch the scene. Her eyes were wide and her hand over her mouth in her shock.

Sam gaped in surprise as Mr. Borges maneuvered his muscular, masculine body so that his hands were on Karen's hips, his knees on either side of Sam's ears and his testicles in Sam's face.

Karen gave a wail of pleasure at the same time as Mr. Borges grunted his satisfaction as he drove the length of his cock into her pussy in one thrust. He went back to fucking Karen, this time clearly seeking his own pleasure. He fucked her really hard, and Mr. Borges' balls bounced off Sam's forehead and nose as Sam continued to slurp at Karen's clitoris.

"I was going to do you and Carrie like this tonight," Mr. Borges grunted as he took his pleasure in Karen's body and at Sam's submission to him, "but you were so accomodating to bring her along ... and because she is such a great lay ... I decided to let you play with Karen instead."

Karen had given up trying to suck Sam's cock. Mr. Borges was manhandling her to her obvious great pleasure. Her beatiful face was thrown back, her hair jumping about and her breasts heaved with the pleasure of Mr. Borges' onslaught coupled with Sam's delicious and agile tongue on her clitoris.

"Oh ... fuck," Karen moaned, a hand on Sam's cock, stroking him as Mr. Borges used her pussy to achieve his pleasure.

Mr. Borges stopped trying to speak, and instead concentrated on his own need. He fucked Karen hard because he knew that she liked it that way. Karen's head was thrown back in her pleasure, and her breasts and her hair bounced around as he fucked her faster and faster.

Carrie glanced over at Gary. His cock was hard again and jealously was clear on his face.

"God damn your wife's pussy is tight," Mr. Borges said to Gary and shot him a malicious grin as the cuckold blushed, his jealousy obvious.

"My balls are in your husband's face, you know," Mr. Borges said to Carrie. "I'll bet you didn't expect that to happen when you were preparing for this weekend, did you?"

"Ummmm, no. Not at all," Carrie said. "I - I didn't know what to expect ... well, I knew that I was going to have sex with you and ... with Mr. Parsons, but ...".

"Let Sam know which evening next week works best for you two, Carrie. On Monday morning he is to come into my office to let me know on which evening you will invite me into your home so we can reenact this scene properly in your marital bed," Mr. Borges said to Carrie, interrupting her and turning his attention southward as he started to fuck Karen again.

"You keep sucking away at Karen's cunt while I fuck her," Mr. Borges directed Sam. "And when I'm done you clean her up and then she will suck you off."

Thereafter for a few moments there was a tense silence, punctuated only by the squishy, wet sounds of Karen's pussy as Mr. Borges pounded at her with his dick, Karen's moans of pleasure from the combination of the sensation of being claimed by a hard cock while simultaneously enjoying Sam's soft lips and tongue on her pussy.

Sam found that by tonguing Karen's clitoris he could elicit a mew of pleasure from Gary's wife and a grunt from Mr. Borges when Sam licked or sucked the sensitive underside of the pistoning in and out of the pussy in his face.

"That's it ... right there ... uh-huh ...," Mr. Borges grunted unintelligently as he neared his climax. "Alright Sam, suck my balls ... yeeeaaahhhhh!!"

Mr. Borges jammed his cock balls deep into Gary's wife and ejaculated, shuddering as he shot his cum into Karen. After a few moments he withdrew and staggered back, his cock sliding across Sam's face and leaving a trail of sperm across his nose. Mr. Borges eventually found himself on the couch, spent and panting.

Sam was so frustrated and excited, that even this degrading episode was exciting. "It is nothing worse than what Carrie and Karen will have to go through this weekend, I am sure," he thought to himself, and he raised up his mouth to Karen's pussy and tasted the sperm oozing from her.

As Sam tongued Karen's well used pussy, he could tase the mixture of her secretions and Mr. Borges' semen. Each time he could feel semen oozing out of her opening he would swirl his tongue around the opening to her vagina, cleaning her, and then he would dive back to her clitoris. Karen gasped her pleasure and dove onto Sam's cock, sucking and pumping it, eagerly seeking his well-earned release for him.

As he sucked at her pussy, Sam could feel Karen's mouth on his engorged penis, suckling eagerly as she jacked him with one hand and fondled his balls with the other. She bobbed her head fast, and then slowly, and then she licked down sensitive underside of his cock to his balls and back again.

Carrie knew how to give a blowjob, but Karen Burroughs was an absolutely expert at sucking cock. He was close to the edge already, but she brought him to the brink and then back down again, and to the brink, and back down again. Sam was whining and trembling as he sucked Mr. Borges' sperm from his Karen's sloppy pussy.

She was sucking on his balls for the moment, giving him time to relax and back off from the edge, but then she took his cockhead in her mouth again, swirled her tongue around the tip and then plunged down on his penis again. For nearly a full minute she kept her sucking pressure on his cockhead, and then she sped up.

He groaned as he thought she was slowing again to make him wait, but this time she just hesitated, took him to the edge ... and then attacked his cock with a fast rhythm and he ... exploded.

He screamed his release and Karen squeaked as a huge volume of sperm erupted into her soft mouth. Karen eagerly lapped it up and dove back down onto Sam's still erupting penis and sucked it, gentler now, until his orgasm was completely spent.

Sam himself collapsed, lying backwards on the sofa, barely conscious, his balls finally emptied by the most exciting, amazing blowjob he had ever received.

"I love the Arrangement," he thought to himself. He could taste a mixture of Karen's pussy, and the sperm of both Gary and Mr. Borges in his mouth. "That was intense."


An hour later, the six people were sitting together chatting. The women were wrapped up in large, fluffy hotel bathrobes and looked well-fucked and exquisitely lovely.

"I'm not going to lie to you," Mr. Borges said, his demeanor now much more relaxed after his orgasm and domination of the two junior men and their wives, "but being the Senior Executive in the Arrangement is much more fun than being in your position." He gestured to Sam and Gary. "That said, I enjoyed my time as a Junior Executive."

He upended his glass and poured the last of his scotch into his mouth. It was pretty clear that your wives enjoyed it, but I do hope you guys did enjoy yourselves, too."

"I sure did!" Gary said and peals of laughter rose from the group, and Sam joined in after a momentary hesitation.

"How about you, Sam?" Mr. Parsons said, his hand on Carrie's shoulder as she curled up on the floor near where he was seated on the couch. "You were sure thrown into the deep end of the Arrangement and you handled it very, very well."

"I -," Sam coughed to clear his throat and stall for time. "It was intense ... but it was mostly fun, too."

"Good, good," Mr. Borges muttered encouragingly.

"I never thought that I would ... enjoy ...". Sam trailed off.

"Sucking dick?" Mr. Borges offered to help him finish his thought. "Swallow a colleague's cum? Clean up a freshly fucked pussy? There is going to be a lot of that for you the next several years, but you are also probably going to get a chance to fuck all the junior executive wives over that time, too."

"Really?" Sam asked.

"Well, yes," Mr. Parsons said. "Easiest bonus I know how to bestow on good work done by a junior executive is to give him, or her in the case of the lovely Ms. Owens, the choice of which of the junior executive wives you'd like to fuck."

Carrie looked up at him, eyebrows raised. "Wow," she said quietly to herself, looking excited again.

"And don't forget the holiday party," Mr. Parsons said.

"Oh yes!" Gary said. "Last year was incredible!"

The four people in the know sat quietly for a few moments, savoring their respective memories of prior sordid events. Sam and Carrie exchanged a glance, wondering at what the future held for them.

"But back to business, gentlemen," Mr. Borges said, bringing all their attention back to him. "You junior executives need to get back to work and get us as good a product as we can pull together for that asshole over at Roberts Media. I haven't decided which of you guys are going to take one for the team yet, but I'll tell you that if they come back at anything south of $16 million the negotiations are done and we will close the deal then and there without the need of your extracurricular ... support."

Gary and Sam tensed up again, remembering belatedly what awaited one of them the next evening.

"So fellas, scoot! Get back to work, get me the best product you can tomorrow morning. We'll let you know when the negotiations are complete and what our plans are. With any luck, we are all on the plane tomorrow afternoon, a deal in hand!"

The girls shifted where they sat as the junior executives reluctantly got to their feet and the senior executives returned their attention to the slut wives.

"And what about the golden handcuffs problem, sir?" Sam asked, bringing the attention back to business. "We don't know how to deal with that. I don't see how it can be resolved."

"Oh right, that," Mr. Borges said dismissively. "I solved that this evening. I shot a text over to the Roberts Media asshole earlier and told him that we were walking right now if there were any surprises in the details of the eventual deal. It's the number we agree upon, and no extras. I thought he would fight back, but he gave in immediately. They are really in deep shit over there, it seems."

He shrugged. "We got this in the bag. I expect we will find out what the real story is over there tomorrow morning. I'll close this deal before lunch."

"Yeah, I agree," Mr. Parsons replied. "They are desperate, and I think we head home tomorrow, early afternoon. And we get the girls again for another night tonight!" He concluded happily.

Carrie glanced over at Sam with bedroom eyes. He gave her a smile in return and then glanced over at Gary who was getting up and gathering his clothes.

"Don't worry, you'll get them back tomorrow night, all safe and sound," Mr. Borges said as the two junior executives headed out into the hall and back to their room, "but for now, scoot back to your rooms and relax. We are going to take a break and then play with our little married sluts again for a while. See you in the morning!"

Alphia Corporation - Chapter 5

It was late Sunday morning, London time, and London was falling away as the Alphia Corporation Gulfstream 6 winged all six members of the Alphia Corporation negotiation team swiftly westward back toward the States.

Sam was seated in one of the four leather armchairs scattered cleverly around a long end table to allow for an intimate conversation and still a clear foot path through the plane. Against the back wall there was an elegant bar of some kind of polished dark wood. The glass front of the refrigerator revealed a dozen or so bottles of expensive champagne. Above it, glasses of thick crystal tinkled wealthily alongside expensive bottles of whiskey and bourbon.

The ladies were seated on a low couch near the bar. Sam could see his wife Carrie talking quietly with Karen, each beautifully coiffed and dressed in what Carrie would probably call sexy business chic. Mr. Borges and Mr. Parsons were chatting with the well-fucked junior executive wives and happily congratulating themselves for the great weekend of debauchery and good business.

Gary Burroughs, the other junior executive, was talking on his phone near the front of the plane, his feet up on the low table in front of the couch he was seated upon.

Sam felt some tension ease from his body and he closed his eyes briefly, sinking into the comfortable blonde leather seat.

They had been flying for almost an hour now and realizing that the working weekend was complete, Sam tried to relax. He was bone weary from the combination of the hard work, long hours and sexual frustration of the past two long days and nights. The emotional highs and lows he had been put through had also taken their toll, especially last night when he tossed and turned for several hours with sordid images of his wife and the two Senior Executives bouncing around his brain.

He glanced over at Mr. Parsons who was talking with Mr. Borges. Sam could not overhear the conversation, but the two Senior Executives looked relaxed and happy.

"They should be," Sam thought to himself, gazing at Karen and Carrie, drinking in their sophisticated and elegant beauty.

He felt a surge of jealousy tinged with illicit pleasure. The two senior males had certainly enthusiastically and thoroughly fucked their subordinate's wives throughout the weekend.

Last night Mr. Borges had bragged to Sam that he had enjoyed Carrie before the business meeting and then the senior executives had made Sam and Gary stay and watch as the senior executives played with their wives.

Since Mr. Parsons had not yet had the pleasure, the senior executives had made the wives switch. Sam had seen his darling Carrie, fully nude, quickly drop to her knees in front of Mr. Parsons who had fed his hard cock into her mouth.

Mr. Parsons' moan of pleasure as he felt Carrie's mouth on his penis had been painfully erotic for Sam. Mr. Parsons had given Sam a satisfied smirk as he fondled Carrie's breasts while she bobbed for sperm. Later he had tangled his hands in Carrie's hair to hold her head still so he could thrust his cock in and out of her mouth for even more pleasure.

When Mr. Parsons had tired of that fun he had put Carrie on her hands and knees and approached her from behind. Mr. Parsons had grinned at Sam again as he drove balls deep into Carrie's pussy in one thrust.

Sam closed his eyes to savor the memory. The lovely expression on his Carrie's exquisite face as she moaned her pleasure as she was filled with Mr. Parsons' cock was seared into Sam's brain. The delicious humiliation of Mr. Parsons' smirk at Sam while he fucked Sam's wife was intense. That Carrie had so enjoyed herself, and had orgasmed around Mr. Parsons' cock before Mr. Parsons had reached his own release and spurted into her was even more amazingly exciting.

But it was Mr. Parsons' grin of conquest and triumph that was so intense. Sam had stood there and not moved an inch as Mr. Parsons mounted and penetrated Carrie. That grin ... Mr. Parsons knew that Sam was not going to stop him or do anything in reaction. His role was to ... submit.

And that ... coupled with the intense pleasure that humiliation caused to blossom within his brain ... was a real mindfuck.

Sam had been so horny that even being ordered to suck Gary off had been exciting. He shifted in his seat, his penis rock hard again in his trousers, wondering how their sexual contact would affect their friendship and working relationship.

Gary's cock had been the first time he had had a cock in his mouth, and swallowing Gary's load had a first, too.

He squirmed in his seat for a moment as he realized that from even what little he really knew of the inner workings of The Arrangement, that was just the first time. There were certainly going to be many, many more deeply submissive and humiliating moments before him.

He had been required to eat Karen Burrough's pussy even as Mr. Borges fucked her, and after, but he had been well rewarded for he and Carrie's efforts. Karen's blowjob had been absolutely wonderful and ejaculating into her warm mouth had been a well-earned release but still only a temporary respite from his high level of sexual arousal.

He had fallen asleep last night with difficulty, his cock rock hard again, his mind spinning with thoughts of the sexual hijinks likely going on in the senior executive's suite. His mind, somewhat disturbingly, also took him back to his time on his knees. Sam realized, with a bit of a shock, that he had been eager to please Gary, and had really tried his best - with massive evident success - to complete the blowjob. There had been a flash of pride as he had felt Gary's cock twitch in his mouth as he reached orgasm.

He had not masturbated in the shower this morning and denying himself relief had been sheer, exquisite torture.

Sam could only imagine the fun the two senior executives had had this morning. Last night Mr. Parsons had promised to cum in Carrie's mouth later in weekend.

"I hope he didn't forget," Sam thought to himself. Sam felt a surge of shock missed with jealousy and deliciously naughty pleasure surge through his body. He imagined his Carrie on her knees before Mr. Parsons, her soft hands tenderly cupping Mr. Parson's balls as she vigorously sucked his hard cock and urged him to enjoy himself and to ejaculate into her eager mouth.

He glanced over again at the two Senior Executives. He saw Mr. Borges, looking muscular and powerful in his hand made suit, smile and nod his head to something Karen said.

Mr. Borges too had had total access to Carrie.

Unbidden, an image bloomed in his mind, Carrie in a hotel room bed, her long and eager legs wrapped around the steady humping motion of his muscled body as Mr. Borges as he claimed her vagina again. As Sam imagined the moment, he saw Carrie's blonde hair splayed across the pillow, one firm feminine arm snaked around Mr. Borges' neck and curled in his hair as she pulled him to her for an open-mouthed kiss, her wedding band and engagement ring glittering brightly in Mr. Borges' dark hair.

"Excellent work, everyone!" Mr. Parsons crowed happily, interrupting Sam's daydream. He dropped into a seat across from Sam and loosened his tie.

Sam blinked in surprise. He hadn't even noticed the two senior executives walk over to join him.

"Oh man," the Mr. Parsons said as he took off his suit jacket. He put his feet up on the small table between the chairs as he folded his suit coat and tie up and put it on a nearby chair. "What a great weekend! The ladies were wonderful. I'm fucking spent."

He gave Sam a leer. "You sure do look like a natural born cocksucker. I can't believe that was your first time. If your wife had not so completely drained my balls last night and this morning I would induct you into the Mile High club right now."

Sam gaped at him in surprise and felt himself flush. Mr. Borges gave Sam an amused smile and changed the subject.

"I'm just happy that Roberts took our initial offer seriously. They must be in some serious trouble."

"Yeah," Sam muttered in agreement, trying not very successfully to get his mind back to business. "But it concerns me that Roberts Media gave in so quickly. We came in at, what? Fifteen million? And they countered at below their street price of eighteen? We didn't just agree to buy a shell of a company, or something under European Union investigation for ... environmental or banking fraud or something, did we?"

"Doesn't matter," Mr. Borges replied unconcerned. "We closed the deal and we get their Intellectual Property portfolio. John in Mergers and Acquisitions is a fucking genius. He will make us $7 or $8 million profit on the back end of the deal when he chops up the company and sells off the pieces. Hell, even if Roberts Media really is ready to go tits up, we will still break even."

He took another healthy pull from his whiskey. He held the glass up to the sunlight streaming in through a window of the plane. He nodded appreciatively and the golden color of the liquid inside.

He saluted Sam with his drink.

"And that's just the gravy because the Intellectual Property - thanks to you - is on its own worth multiples of the purchase price with what we are going to do with it."

"Thank you," Sam responded to the compliment but his eyes wandered to where the women were gathered at the back of the plane.

Carrie and Karen were talking quietly together, letting the men catch up on business.

Mr. Parsons caught his glance and turned back to look at the women also.

Sam felt a flicker of jealousy as he saw Mr. Parsons' eyes take in Carrie's lines, stopping briefly at the swell of her breasts against her blouse and at her legs displayed in her rather short business skirt, but the gaze lacked the hunger that the senior executives had displayed on the ride to England at the start of the weekend.

Mr. Borges also caught Sam watching Mr. Parsons gaze at the two junior executives' wives.

"Your wife is a delight, Sam," Mr. Borges said to Sam with a knowing smirk. Mr. Parsons chuckled his agreement.

"Yes. She is," Sam replied, his voice and demeanor were calm despite his instant inner turmoil.

"You were very impressive this weekend. It is not everyone who can deal with the ... pleasures and challenges of The Arrangement on a weekend like this so well," Mr. Borges continued, "particularly not at the very start of the experience."

Carrie had certainly herself immensely. The fun he had had with Gary's wife, combined with the delicious humiliation of the entire situation made clear that joining The Arrangement was going to be a win all the way around.

"Thank you," Sam replied. "It was very exciting, but it was also very difficult."

"I completely understand," Mr. Borges nodded. "I usually quite enjoyed seeing my Susan entertain my clients and bosses while I was Junior Executive, but I must say I greatly prefer my current ... position."

"Hell yeah," Mr. Parsons murmured in amused agreement.

"Carrie is beautiful and smart and eager to please. She clearly enjoyed her first working weekend as a junior executive spouse, and that is a rare and wonderful combination so soon after introduction to the Arrangement," Mr. Parsons said. "Your wife is going to be extremely popular with the entire senior management team and a real asset to your career."

Sam did not know what to say to that, and he glanced over at Carrie who had overheard the conversation.

She blushed, and smiled at him, clearly embarrassed that she had so obviously enjoyed herself this trip. They had not had time to speak privately, and Sam did not know what had gone on between his wife and the Senior Executives late last night or this morning but his imagination was running wild.

Mr. Borges saw the unspoken question in Sam's eyes as he and Carrie exchange a look.

Mr. Borges smirked at Sam when he Sam looked at his boss again. "You bet we fucked the ladies again this morning."

"Of course you did. I sure as hell would have," Gary said calmly as he joined the other three men. "I think that Karen would have been offended if you had not."

Sam nodded, grateful for Gary's input as he did not trust his own voice.

Mr. Borges chuckled at Gary. "Yeah, I bet she would have. Karen is one of my favorite hotwives. She is always eager to fuck."

"It is not like this all the time," Mr. Parsons said reassuringly. "This is not some constant orgy at work. It is as was explained to you - when we have the urge to stray, we do so within the confines of employment."

"That's good to know," Sam replied, relieved and, to a certain extent, disappointed.

Mr. Borges gave Mr. Parsons a look. "Tom here can do whatever he wants, but as Tom ... and his wife Ruth well know ... I take full advantage of all the perks of my employment and I fuck all the time."

Both the Senior Executives had worked their way up through the ranks and had spent their time at the junior executive level. Mr. Parsons had been elevated less than two years earlier, long after Mr. Borges' promotion. It was clear that a cost of Mr. Parsons' promotion had been his wife's willingness to drop to her knees in front of a randy senior executive and to happily spread her pretty legs for the senior executives ... and the good of the Company. Mr. Borges had without any doubt whatsoever had exercised his rights over Ruth Parsons and had fucked her many times while Mr. Parsons had labored through the junior executive levels.

"Ruth was the reason for Tom's promotion, as a matter of fact," Mr. Borges revealed to the extreme curiosity of all but Mr. Parsons who looked a little embarrassed. "We were struggling to retain the Ogletree account and I assigned Bill to it."

Sam knew Bill as William Egleson, one of the sales executives. He was still a junior executive, but the rumors were swirling. His wife was Alice, a petite red-head marathon runner. The rumor about Alice was that the curtains matched the drapes and she let her red bush grow wild. That, along with the fact that her body was tight and muscled and wiry, separated her from the other wives. Sam had seen her a few times and she looked cute and tough, her green eyes sharp on her freckled face.

Her tits were small, but she had a nice, tight ass, even after three kids.

"Bill is a fucking horndog," Mr. Borges continued, "and while Alice is a horny little minx and can fuck for hours, sometimes Bill just wants a nice pair of tits to play with and Ruth has an outstanding rack."

"Yeah she does," Gary murmured in agreement.

"So anyway, Bill takes the top executives over at the client out for the weekend and brings Ruth with him. She knew what her job was," Mr. Borges continued. "The two executives and Bill all gangbanged the shit out of her for a weekend and at the end of it we kept the account ... so long as we supply a slut for a 'working weekend' whenever they are in town for an account check."

Mr. Borges smiled happily at the three men. "So for several months Bill had the rare pleasure of a monthly fuck of a colleague's wife. He told me he loved Ruth's big tits. His favorite was to push those big pillows together and tit fuck her until he blasted a load all over her face."

Mr. Parsons looked uncomfortable for a moment and Gary Burroughs smoothly changed the subject.

"I appreciate you letting me be the one to pass on the good news to Mr. Jones. Thank you!" He said to Mr. Borges.

"You deserved it. Karen deserved it," Mr. Borges said with a wave of his hand. "How did he react?"

"He was thrilled, and surprised," Gary said. "I don't think that he was expecting to pay so little for the company."

"No, he wasn't," Mr. Borges agreed. "Did he want to know anything else?"

"Yes, he wanted to know to what extent Carrie and Karen were 'involved' in the negotiations," Gary said.

"What did you tell him?" Mr. Borges inquired.

Gary smiled at him. "I told him that you two had had a lot of fun with the ladies but that our wives had not been needed to close the deal."


"So did you enjoy your first experience, with your wife on a working weekend?" Mr. Jones asked Sam.

He and Gary along with Mr. Parsons, were on Mr. Jones' office. Mr. Borges had declined to join them at the meeting in the Chairman's office.

It was late afternoon on Sunday and they were just returned from the trip. He had kissed Carrie as she and Karen were whisked away to attend to her motherly duties at her respective home.

Carrie had looked so confident and content in her elegant businesswear. His eyes had followed the ladies as they slid into the limousine, the door held open by the driver.

He had felt such a moment of longing for the loving touch of his beautiful wife, but he had to wait until tonight for that.

"Sam?" Mr. Jones snapped his fingers to bring Sam back to the present. "I am sure you are eager to get home, but you need to focus now."

The correction was clear, but Mr. Jones had a small smile on his face, and it was clear that he understood the distraction.

"Erm," Sam said, clearing his throat. "I - I think that it went very well."

"As a business deal it went very well indeed and I do not need your assessment on that front to know it." Mr. Jones' tone was sharp. "That is not what I asked you." He gave Sam a meaningful look.

"It was ... difficult, but mostly enjoyable," Sam finally answered honestly.

Mr. Jones rolled his eyes. "So ... did you enjoy watching your wife get fucked by your superiors at the company?" he asked pointedly.

Sam reddened. "Err .. yes I did," he conceded.

"That's good. That's very good because we are all going to enjoy spreading those pretty legs of hers quite a lot these next several years," Mr. Jones said with a smile.

Even though Sam knew that Carrie would be having sex with many of his bosses hearing the Chairman say it out loud was still shocking and exciting.

Sam's reaction must have been clear on his face because Mr. Jones gave a brief chuckle and turned his attention to Mr. Parsons.

"And how did our newest little hotwife do?" Mr. Jones asked of the Senior Executive, tiring of playing with his shell shocked newest junior executive hire.

Mr. Parsons chuckled happily. "Oh, Carrie did great! Obviously, Steve and I enjoyed the ladies throughout the weekend. I fucked Sam's wife twice, I think Steve fucked her two or three times, too, she gives amazing head and she swallows like a champ! But it was Sam here who shined!"

"Oh really?" Mr. Jones grinned and raised an eyebrow at that.

"Oh yes," Mr. Parsons said, gesturing to the clearly embarrassed Sam. "He sucked Gary's dick while Steve and I nailed their wives."

"That's exciting! First time with a dick in your mouth?" He inquired of Sam.

"Yes," Sam replied, reddening.

"You swallowed his cum, I presume?"

Sam nodded, not trusting his voice.

"And Carrie was watching?"

Sam reddened and stammered.

"Good, good," Mr. Jones said to Sam, his eyes glittering with malicious pleasure. "Not the last time Carrie is going to watch you suck a dick, I can personally assure you of that."

Sam gulped.

"And did Steve introduce the new couple in his usual way?" Mr. Jones inquired, turning back to Mr. Parsons.

Sam looked confused.

Mr. Parsons chuckled. "Not exactly. After I fucked Carrie, he put Sam and Karen in the 69 and fucked her while Carrie and Gary watched them. After Sam here cleaned her up she gave him one of her absolutely killer blowjobs."

"Hah!" Mr. Jones said, grinning. "I love that trick. His wife Sue is a hot little asian slut. Shortly after his promotion, six or seven years ago now, I had invited he and his lovely bride up to my place at the shore. We had a few drinks and then she sucked his dick to get him all hot and bothered. Then I had her sit on his face while I fucked her. He alternated between sucking on my balls and licking her clitoris."

Mr. Jones smiled as he took a stroll down a debauched memory lane.

"He cleaned her up after I dropped a huge load in her pussy, but I made her stop sucking him," Mr. Jones continued with a laugh. "That weekend Susan was fucked all over the property by a few old friends of mine - and by me, of course. By the end of that weekend, Steve had the worst case of blueballs I could imagine. That, and a bellyful of my cum."

He paused again. "God I love this company!"


Carrie felt herself relax and then tense up all over again as she thought of home, how she would make up her absence to Jack and Emily and the chores that surely needed attention. She was concerned also, about Sam. She had greatly enjoyed herself but she needed to make sure he was doing well, too.

She had her worries on that score.

"One of the things the junior executive spouses - all the wives and Nancy Owens' husband - have been discussing is displaying some solidarity with Nancy," Karen said to Carrie once they were safely inside the limousine, their working weekend over.

"Hmmm, what?" Carrie asked, as she gazed out the window, eager to get home.

"Nancy Owens," Karen said again. "She needs some sisterly support."

"Why? I don't understand," Carrie replied. "Is something wrong?"

"Wrong? Nooo, not exactly," Karen answered, waggling her hand and giving a rueful smile. "But she is the only female Junior Executive. She is also young and pretty and at the constant beck and call of over a dozen horny Senior Executives and members of the Board of Directors while at work."

Carrie looked at her friend, frowning. "That sounds ... difficult."

"Oh, I think it is, but it's not the sex ... well that is part of it, of course ... it's the fact that her work is just as important and valuable to the company as Sam and Gary's work is. No different than the work of the other male Junior Executives. She really is extremely competent, smart, tough and hard-working, but she has many more side duties to attend to than do our husbands and the other Junior Executives with whom she is competing for promotion."

"That doesn't seem fair," Carrie said, warming to Nancy's defense.

"It's not," Karen replied. "And it's not like the Senior Executives do not enjoy service from one of their male subordinates - they do, a lot - but they do not use the men nearly as much as they do Nancy. She is a hot, sexy, married corporate woman and almost every day she is in one executive office or another on her knees or bent over a desk. I'm not generally interested in doing something that would harm my husband's career, none of us are, but at the same time we want to support Nancy even though she can sometimes be a bit of a bitch."

Carrie frowned as she tried to follow along.

Karen could remember her ride back home after he first working weekend with Gary and she recalled all the thoughts and emotions that had been swirling around in her mind. She could see that Carrie was distracted and only partially paying attention.

"I am sorry, we do not have to talk about this now, Carrie," Karen apologized, patting the younger woman's knee. "You need to concentrate on Sam tonight. Gary had a difficult time with The Arrangement at first. I should have paid more attention to him after the first few times I was called out and it caused us some distress."

Carrie looked at her friend, her brow furrowed with concern about Sam.

"I know that you had a good time this weekend. Girl to girl, I can tell when one of the wives is faking it, and you were NOT faking anything. You are wonderful to work with," Karen said to Carrie with a warm smile. "Just make sure that you and Sam talk, and make sure that he is completely confident that he still has your heart and your love."

"Oh, definitely he does," Carrie said automatically.

"Well, I know that, but men are ... sometimes more delicate than they like to admit," Karen said and Carrie gave a rueful laugh in agreement.

"How did you and Gary work things out ... was there a problem?" Carrie asked. "I don't want to pry, but ... you know, I would appreciate any advice you can share."

"Well, his first experience - similar to Sam - involved some male on male activity. You heard Mr. Parsons brag about it last night," Karen replied. "I think a part of him enjoyed it, and it bothered him quite a lot. It was important for us to talk through that and for me to remind him that he was quite heterosexual - and that I still loved him to the ends of the earth."

Karen tucked one elegant leg under the other and smoothed the skirt on her thighs. Her expression was pensive. "I should have done more to make him understand that he was the number one man in my life and always will be, even though he now had to share my body with his bosses and a few select clients."

Carrie nodded thoughtfully. "Thank you. I am sure we will talk tonight, and I will make sure that we make love. It will be nice to be back in Sam's arms for a change."

"Oh yeah, it is nice for a change every now and again to spice things up but making love to your husband - that is always the best," Karen agreed, smiling at her friend. "And if Sam is anything like Gary, he is going to be so excited after this weekend that he is going to chase you around the house the rest of the week!"

The women giggled at that and fell silent, each lost in her own thoughts of concern for her children and her husband. Carrie's mind went back to whirling through the various chores and responsibilities which had fallen away from her mind over the past weekend.

"Well, you should definitely take care of your husband," Karen said, breaking into Carrie's thoughts, "but whether you actually make love to him, is up to you. Every wife needs to make that decision."

Carrie turned her head to look at the older woman with a quizzical smile on her pretty face. "What are you talking about?" She asked, her brow furrowed and a half smile of amused expectation.

"Well ...", Karen said slowly, "there are some big changes in store for Sam and you," she explained. "Sam especially."

"Yeah, for sure," Carrie replied immediately.

Carrie was fidgeting slightly and turn twirling her blonde hair in her hand. Karen smiled to herself as she noticed Carrie squirm, ever so slightly, in her seat.

"Well, this is a big change for all the new couples, but especially for the husbands because, well, we ...", and Karen gestured to Carrie and herself, "our ... sexuality is not entirely for them anymore."

The ladies shared a wicked grin and Carrie chuckled. "Hah, that's pretty clear. That was an incredible weekend, are they all like that?"

"No," Karen said, shaking her head. "More's the pity, but that does kind of bring me back to the issue."

"Mm?" Carrie prompted.

"Well, like how Mr. Parsons and Mr. Borges directed the action this weekend, it was pretty clear who had rights to ... well, us," Karen said, gesturing to herself and Carrie. "Our husbands are most definitely second fiddle, if you know what I mean."

"Wha ...?" Carrie said in surprise. "I still get to have sex with him, right?"

"Oh of course," Karen said, "but through The Arrangement the senior executives sometimes make certain ... demands as to exclusivity to us and sometimes certain demands as to denial of relief by the junior executives."

"Oh my God, that is so ... crazy," Carrie said, her mouth and eyes open in surprise, and with a touch of devilish delight.

"It definitely is that," Karen agreed, gazing peacefully out the window. Carrie thought she looked regal, sitting there like that, all tall and slim, her profile a picture of femininity and power.

Carrie did not know what to say, and after a moment Karen returned her attention to her. "You are going to find out later tonight what it means to be used by the Chairman," she said to Carrie. "Sam is going to have a late night waiting at home, and Sam is going to have to wait. No relief for him while you are out."


"Oh, yes. It is part of the fun for the dominant men. They get to fuck us and they get to watch our husband's squirm. There might be times when Sam has to abstain for quite a long time while the senior executive team gets to play ... with you."

"I - I don't know if Sam is ready for that ...", Carrie stammered.

"Oh, he'll fall into line," Karen reassured her. "And the day after tomorrow, if the Chairman maintains his normal schedule of these things, Sam is going to be earning his promotion in a rather personal way."

"Oh ... I definitely do not know if Sam is ready for that," Carrie said again, nervous.

"Pshaw. I'm sorry, but that's bullshit," Karen replied with a wave of her hand, her language slightly startling. "He is so very ready. I watched him ... while Mr. Borges was fucking me ... oh my God I love that cock ... I watched your husband on his knees sucking Gary."

Carrie let out a breath. "Mm-hmm," she said quietly, and nervously.

Karen graced her with an understanding half smile but did not comment on her younger friend's obvious excitement at the memory. "Sam, once he got the hang of things, fondled Gary's balls so gently and licked the head of his cock even as Gary came in his mouth. That is natural talent, and it will be put to great use going forward."

"Oh my God. Really?" Carrie gasped, half excited and half worried.

"It is not like this is without reward, after all," she said, gesturing at herself.

"You're going to fuck him?"

"Oh, eventually for sure," Karen said unconcernedly. "Sam is a good looking guy and he seems to be able to please you. But eventually we all get fucked by our husband's colleagues. The senior staff trades the married pussy around to keep the junior guys on their toes. You can have sex with your husband tonight, if you want, but you might want to start training him so that he understands that there might be some dry times ahead."

Carrie looked concerned and Karen, after checking her phone for a moment, realized as she glanced at her.

"Oh, sweetheart, don't you worry a bit! Sam is going to love it, and so are you. It is easy to see that this is going to work absolutely perfectly for you two, but it IS a period of adjustment for some of the guys."

"Ok, good," Carrie said, relaxingly and laughing a trifle nervously.

"The men think with their dicks all the time, and The Arrangement is perfectly suited for them. Alphia Corp does a great job of keeping everyone motivated."

Carrie nodded, even though she did not understand the whole picture yet.

The ladies sat there for a few moments, and Carrie's mind wandered to her more prosaic duties in her life.

"Oh, childcare," Carrie said abruptly after a few minutes of silence as the limousine sped them quietly towards their homes. "Is it true that Alphia Corporation provides access to some pre-school program? I overheard one of the other ladies mentioning that I think."

"Oh yes, it is a very exclusive school, over on Pine Street. It is very expensive because ... well, you know how silly people sometimes become over their children and it has become the 'in' place for pre-school. It is really kind of ridiculous, but it IS a very nice school. There is a waiting list to get in, but not for you and Sam."

"Oh," Carrie said. "It is nice to have a good school, but it makes me feel funny to have my children in such a fancy school. I came from a blue collar town, it just sounds so ... unlike me."

"Oh, I understand completely," Karen said, "and I felt similarly, but it is run very well and you can relax and feel that your children are safe at the school. It is also a good place to start making friends with the other spouses in The Arrangement. I am going to host a coffee get together next week so you can meet the wives whose children are a little older, too, but Emily, Nicole and Lauren have children at the school and so you will have a chance to meet them, outside of ... working with them."



Carrie took Karen's advice to heart, and so even though Sam had been incredibly eager last night, she giggled and teased him. She had stroked his cock while whispering about the dirty fun time she had had that weekend, but warned him that she was not going to let him cum. He had pleaded but she had refused but promised him some fun in the morning.

He begged her and she almost relented, but it was hot to play with Sam like this.

She did let him go down on her, though. That was fun!

Sam had been so eager that he had licked and nuzzled her for an hour before she finally begged off after three or four orgasms. They had fallen asleep together, safe in his arms.

In the morning, Carrie woke up early enough to check on the babies and return to the marital bed. She took off her nightie and shucked her panties before snuggling into Sam who murmured a sleepy objection to her body, cold from the cool air of the morning house. Their bedroom was warm, but the hallways between the master room and the children's rooms were always cold at this time of year.

"Oh hush, sleepyhead," she said, nipping his ear and spooning up behind him. She could feel his breathing patterns change as he realized that his wife was nude.

"You were amazing last night," she whispered as she snaked a hand around him and felt his cock harden in her hands. "Mmmmm, you feel delicious."

"I'm glad I was good," Sam said, happily accepting one of the best wakeup methods he could imagine. And last night had been beautiful for both of them, even if it had been quite challenging. Despite the frustration, or maybe because of the frustration, it had been one of the most erotic nights of his life.

"Karen told me that The Arrangement was difficult sometimes for the husband," Carrie continued, still stroking Sam's cock. "And that I should give you extra special attention. Since we are new, I am probably going to be entertaining someone today or this evening ...".

She felt Sam's intake of breath coupled with the hardening of his penis in her hand. She chuckled in relief that the weekend had not caused her husband to lose interest in The Arrangement. She kissed his ear. "And since I teased you so much last night ...".

"You were ... I don't know what ... that was really something. It was incredibly erotic but I need to cum sooooo bad now," Sam sighed as he concentrated on the pleasure his wife's delicate touch of his now hard cock.

"You might have to get used to that, honey," Carrie murmured in her husband's ear, still stroking his ragingly hard cock. "They're going to keep you horny and on your toes a lot."

"Ohhh shit, seriously?" Sam asked, "Fuck me."

Carrie giggled happily.

"I know you wanted to know about what Mr. Borges and Mr. Parsons did with ... to Karen and me after you two left, and I appreciate you willing to wait to hear about my further adventures with your bosses until this morning," Carrie whispered in Sam's ear.

Sam's breath caught. Carrie giggled and kissed her husband's neck. "Mr. Parsons and Mr. Borges were both too tired out to play anymore after you and Gary had left," Carrie murmured in Sam's ear. "They told us to get some sleep and to wake them in the morning."

Carrie snuggled up behind Sam and pushed her breasts against his back. "But we can talk now ... I think his exact words were: 'You ladies go get some sleep. Wake us up tomorrow morning at 6:30, ready to fuck.'"

"Oh wow," Sam muttered, "those lucky bastards."

"Oh, unlike you and Gary they definitely got lucky!" Carrie snickered. "We were in a suite together. Karen and I shared a king bed and they each had their own room. Karen and I showered and got ready, and then she walked nude into the adjoining room to woke up Mr. Borges and Mr. Parsons."

"I was rearranging the pillows on the king sized bed when they returned. Karen looked so beautiful, so willowy and beautiful, and Mr. Parsons and Mr. Borges - Mr. Borges particularly - looking so large and masculine. She was holding each of their hands. The men were wearing long, white robes with the hotel logo on the chest."

Sam sighed and trembled at her words and the gentle touch of her soft hands on his hard penis.

"They stopped in the doorway, and the light from the adjoining room lit them from behind," Carrie said, recalling the scene. She wriggled up against her husband as she felt her pussy moistening. She stopped fondling Sam for a moment so that he could turn to face his wife. She kissed him and pulled her husband's strong arms around her so that he could squeeze her ass.

"Oh yeah, I love your hands on me," she murmured into Sam's ear. "As much as I enjoy this Arrangement, I always love you and your body. Other ... playing around ... is really fun but nothing compares to my husband and love of my life."

"Oh, I love you too," Sam said, "but come on! What happened next?"

Certain that she had her husband's undivided attention, she stroked Sam's balls with gentle fingers and continued teasing her trembling and lust-crazed husband. "They just stared at me. I could see them getting all horny. It made me blush, even after everything that had ... happened the day before. Everything sort of stood still until Mr. Borges gave Karen a smack on her ass and she approached me."

"Oh wow, that is so hot," Sam murmured, reveling in the excitement and emotions flowing through him. His wife's breasts were deliciously soft against his chest and Carrie was stroking his hard cock as she whispered into his ear.

He moaned in happiness and closed his eyes to better imagine the scene. "What were you wearing?" He asked.

"What was I wearing?" Carrie asked rhetorically in a throaty chuckle. "Mr. Borges instruction was for us wives to be naked and 'ready to fuck.' I follow orders, sweetie. I was totally naked and completely available and eager to serve those two men."

She paused to let that information sink in. Sam panted, his body hard against her and his cock a rock in her hands, if a rock were ever trembling and slippery with precum.

"She told me that they wanted me to return the favor," Carrie continued. "I did know what that meant until she arranged the pillows on the bed to her liking, lay down and held her arms out to me."

Sam closed his eyes to better savor the image.

"We kissed and I could hear the guys talking about us. It was very exciting!"

Carrie sighed. "Karen is a great kisser. Her lips are so soft, and her body was so soft and feminine in my arms. We kissed each other for almost a minute. Her tongue was in my mouth and she fondled my ass as I held her face in my hands as we kissed."

Sam gave a strained chuckle. "You devil-woman! You are drawing this out, aren't you?"

Carrie giggled but continued quickly so as not to torture her poor husband too much.

"Karen stopped kissing me to tell me that they wanted to see me make love to her," Carrie whispered into her husband's ear as she brought her other hand down and fondled his balls, "and she pushed me down her body. I kissed her neck and down to her chest as I fondled her beautiful breasts."

"Oh man! I wish I had seen that!"

"Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mr. Borges and Mr. Parsons drop their robes as they watched Karen and me and so I stopped sucking on her nipples and kissed my way down her belly. She spread her legs and pulled my face to her pussy," Carrie breathed. "I was folded up between her legs eating her pussy but I could hear them talking behind me, so I lifted up my hips and spread my legs for them. I was so hot that I was hoping one of them would fuck me like that, but they didn't."

"Really? What the heck? I would have!" Sam exclaimed.

"Instead they just teased me. I could feel their strong hands on my back and my butt, and they fondled my breasts but they left my pussy alone while I licked and suck Karen's sweet pussy until she came."

"Then they grabbed us and yanked us into position. Mr. Borges grabbed my leg and turned me over. He was inside of me almost immediately, it was exciting."

"I could see and hear as Mr. Parsons climbed onto Karen and just started fucking her hard because she just loves that," Carrie said.

"Once Mr. Borges was inside of me he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. He took me gently and powerfully, and his cock felt so thick and delicious inside me."

In his mind's eye, Sam could see the ladies, their slender arms around the man on top of her and pulling him close as he took his pleasure inside her. He groaned, his mind racing. He felt a surge of incredible anxiety, lust and humiliation, all at the same time.

"His cock is just amazing. He is soooo much bigger than you," she said to her husband and kissed him as his eyes shot open. "He kissed me and probed my mouth with his tongue even as he penetrated me with his penis. He rocked back and forth, taking me deeper each time and I wrapped my legs and arms around him to pull him even deeper. I have never felt a man that deep inside me. It was wonderful! He must have felt me almost orgasm because all of a sudden he plunged as deep as he could inside me and stopped."

"I looked up at him in surprise, and he leaned back so he could see me. His eyes were wide and his muscles were tensed."

"'It is 6:45 in the morning,'" he growled at me. "'Tomorrow, at work, I want your husband to find me and tell me exactly what he was doing at 7:45 this morning while I fucked his wife."

"Oh fuck," Sam breathed, shocked despite himself. He grabbed his wife and pulled her too him in a hug. "That is so fucking hot ... I was packing up to get ready to leave ... but ... was he better than me?"

She kissed her husband. "You have nothing to worry about, my love. Mr. Borges is a fantastic lover but you are my love, for now and forever and you are the best. Always."

Sam felt some anxiety release from him. "Good! That makes this even hotter. I may be a crazy pervert something, but I love hearing how the men enjoyed their corporate whores for the weekend."

"But he is MUCH better than you, honey. Much much. I love you, and always will, but Mr. Borges is a much better fuck."

Sam gave a deep intake of breath and shuddered slightly with pent up emotion and need.

"Do you want to hear more now?" Carrie asked, grinning at him.

"Oh my God! Don't stop, you witchy woman!"

"I looked him in the eye and said, 'I will, now fuck me please!' And then he wrapped me up again and fucked me entirely for his own pleasure. I moaned and groaned as he took me and then he came in me for the second time that weekend."

"After he finished cumming, he rolled off of me and I thought everything was over," Carrie said to her husband.

"Really? There is more?" Sam asked in amazement.

Carrie told her husband to roll over and Sam quickly obliged, lying on his back. Carrie stretched, allowing the morning light to play over her toned body, and then she climbed on top of him to sit on his thighs.

She leaned down and kissed his nipples and then leaned back up and cupped his testicles as she slowly jacked him.

"Uummmmmmm," Sam groaned in appreciation. He was close to the edge again and his cock was oozing precum.

"Enjoying yourself?" Carrie asked with a bright smile.

"Yes! Are you?"

"H-hmm," Carrie said. "I love teasing you and pleasing you."

The couple was quiet for a brief while as Carrie continued to stroke and tease her husband's penis. Sam, for his part, continued to lie back and enjoy the feel of Carrie's hands upon him as he tried to visualize the morning's hijinks.

"Mr. Parsons told me to tell you that he kept his promise," Carrie said to her husband with a grin.

Sam's eyes snapped open.

Carrie snickered. "Mr. Borges pointed and I saw Mr. Parsons standing with Karen at his feet, sucking his balls. Mr. Parsons told me to get over to him and to suck him off."

"That is so hot."

"Oh yes," Carrie agreed, laying herself down onto her husband. She loved the feel of her breasts as they squashed against his firm chest. She kissed him, and their tongues battled, and then she kissed her way down to his ear. "He made Karen and me kneel in front of him," Carrie breathed into her husband's ear. "Karen licked his balls while I sucked on his cock. I could taste Karen and his pre-cum. It did not take long before he groaned and his cock jumped as he spurted into my mouth."

"Holy shit you are hot," Sam croaked, sounding even to himself now like a broken record.

"You liked hearing that, huh?" Carrie said, chuckling at the obviousness of her question. "That's good, because it is apparently going to happening A LOT. At least at first."


"Yes," Carrie responded. "Part of the reason that the Alphia Corporation children go to the school on Pine Street is so they know when the wives are free of childcare obligations. Karen told me that they senior executives draw straws to see the order of who gets to fuck the new junior executive wife."

"Oh my God, really?" The note of eager excitement was not lost on either of them.

"Really," Carrie reassured him, bending down to rub her nose on his. "Every day, between the hours of 10:30 to 1:30, when Jack and Emily are safely at school, one of the senior executives - or more if the executive for the day feels like sharing - will be in your home, in our bed, and in your wife."

Sam moaned in an exquisite combination of delicious humiliation and lust.

"You like to hear that I will be screwing your boss today, don't you?" Carrie whispered in her husband's ear.

"Oh yeah, I really do," Sam said, imagining his wife enjoying herself as another man plundered her body for their mutual pleasure. He turned to face Carrie. "You'll tell me all about it, right?" He asked eagerly.

"Of course I will, sweetie," Carrie answered. She gave her husband a kiss. "But this morning I want to make love to you again, before you go off to work."

"Oh, awesome!" Sam said rolling over onto his wife.

"But I'm a little bit sore," Carrie said, halting him with a hand on his chest, "and I have to be ready for my first houseguest later today."

"Oh," Sam said as he stopped, clearly disappointed and a little hurt.

"What I was wondering was whether you would enjoy a blowjob to start your day?" Carrie asked sweetly, sliding the sheet down so that she could more easily access her husband's cock.

Sam laughed happily. "That'd be great!"

He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and Carrie scrambled off the bed and down on the floor. She folded herself up between his legs and eagerly sucked the head of her husband's penis into her mouth. "You won't be the last, but I figured that you would like to be the first man whose cock I suck today."

Carrie set to suckling on his hard penis as she gently massaged his testicles.

"Oh fuck, you are so good," Sam said, one hand behind her head and the other roaming across her breasts.

"He is so excited already," she thought to herself as she slurped away. "I bet I can do even better."

She kissed his penis and looked up at Sam. He opened his eyes to look down at her. "Don't forget, you and Gary need to pick a day this weekend evening when we have to entertain Gary and Karen."

"OK," Sam said breathlessly.

"Their kids are in high school and can come over here and babysit Jack and Emily while we go over to their house to play."

Carrie smiled up at him. "Karen told me she thought you were really cute. She asked me if she could sleep with you. I told her that since Gary was going to have me, she could have you while you watched me and Gary."

"Whoa," Sam said, his skills at repartee departing him entirely as he imagined the two wives being mounted by each other's husband.

"You'd better be ready to please her well, because I am going to fuck Gary's brains out." Carrie chuckled as she slipped the head of Sam's cock into her mouth again. From his reaction it was obvious that the dirty thought of his wife with Gary turned him on.

She bent back to her task and sucked her husband again, and he moaned his pleasure, his hand back to her breasts.

"I love you," he murmured.

She stopped again as he was building towards release and gave him a grin as she stroked his hard cock, slippery with her saliva.

"So today, it's certain that I will be 'entertaining' the Chairman, and maybe more than just him." Carrie grinned brightly up at her husband and kissed his penis. "Do you want me to call you to tell you who it was who fucked your wife? Or should I wait until you get home?"

"Oh my God!" Sam exclaimed, passion and lust rushing through his body. He pulled her head down to him again and thrust up into her mouth. Carrie gagged slightly, but then matched his rhythm.

Sam groaned in disappointment as Carrie pulled her head off his cock, but his disappointment was only temporary as she bent down to lick and suck at his testicles. She could taste the precum leaking from him as she licked and nibbled her way up the underside of him, saving the flavor. He was trembling and she smiled around the cock in her mouth.

And then Carrie took to her task and sucked him hard, up and down, her saliva making her hand slippery on her cock as she pumped his shaft and stroked his testicles. She could feel Sam harden in her hand and mouth. When the hand tangled in her hair tightened and pulled aggressively on the back of her head she knew that he was right on the edge.

She twisted away and Sam made an inarticulate sound full of disappointment and passion.

"I will finish in a minute, if you want me to," she said, looking up at him again.

"Oh my God. What?" Sam complained.

"I'm going to get fucked tonight, honey, but not by you ...", Carrie said, savoring the shocked, amazed and intensely excited expression that crossed her husband's handsome fact. After letting the moment draft just a touch, she continued. "On Thursday evening, Mr. Borges is going to come over for drinks after dinner," Carrie said. "And I think, if what Karen has told me is true, that on Thursday evening we are BOTH going to be busy."

"Just fucking suck my dick already, please?" Sam begged. "Oh my God you are such a tease. I love you, but I need to cum so bad!"

She shook her pretty ahead away from his clutching hands and looked up at her husband until he subsided. Erect, panting with need and with pleading eyes on his beautiful wife kneeling at his feet, she thought he looked wonderful.

"I did not let you fuck me last night because ... well, because Karen told me you needed to be trained ... to get used to having to wait sometimes for a long time between relief," Carrie explained to Sam.

"What the -?" Stam stammered. "You're serious, aren't you?"

Carrie nodded her pretty head with a serious look, and then she grinned and kissed the tip of his penis with a quick movement. She giggled as her husband jumped.

"Yes," she said, savoring her husband's needy intensity. "When I am away, or called out ... or you are going to service one of the Senior Executives ... they want you really, really interested or it is not as fun and you are not as good at your job."

"Oh shit ... really?" Sam breathed, staring down at his wife.

"Mm-hmm," Carrie said, fondling her husband's balls. She squeezed his cock gently until some precum beaded at the tip of his hard cock. Looking up at him, she wrinkled her nose with a pert grin and tongued the tip of him, slurping it into her mouth.

"Mmmm," they both said, simultaneously, and then giggled at each other.

"What are you thinking right now, my love?" Carrie inquired sweetly.

"Right now, I'm thinking that that's pretty fucking hot," Sam said honestly, and worriedly, "but mostly I am thinking about my dick in that pretty mouth of yours."

Carrie smiled and let him pull her head back down to his penis, and she sucked it hard into her mouth, worked it as far into her throat as she could, and then commenced to an up and down motion, sucking the head, rubbing the sensitive underside of his cock as she fondled his balls. Sam grabbed her head, too concentrated on his own need to allow her any opportunity to stop again. He grunted as he felt his balls start to release and barked a sound as he started to ejaculate into his wife's mouth.

Carrie gave a little 'huff' sound as the first jet of Sam's jism hit her mouth, but she continued to suck him through the ejaculation until he collapsed back, on the bed, spent and exhausted. She swallowed most of the sperm in her mouth and crawled up next to her loving husband and kissed him, sharing some of her reward with him. He cuddled her into him as his body came down from an enormous orgasm.

Sam fell back asleep pretty much immediately. He did not even stir was Carrie gently extricated herself from his arms. She lay back, still naked, and thought about the day and night ahead. Sam had just been satisfied, and hopefully today would be her turn again soon.

Fingering herself, her mind buzzing with all the potential fun over which she had almost no control, she orgasmed quietly.

Then she kissed her husband again and bounced up out of bed to start her day.

"I am so glad Sam agreed to take the promotion," she thought to herself as she yawned and started the coffee maker. "This is just perfect."

Alphia Corporation - Chapter 6

Sam wheeled his new Audi S8 into the underground parking garage and waved at the attendant who lifted the gate to the executive parking area for him. Not for the first time did he wonder at the precise handling of the car. It felt so solid and strong, but it still turned and handled so smoothly and easily that it made navigating even a parking garage fun.

The looks he received from car enthusiasts were cool, although he wondered if they would have been willing to pay the price he and Carrie had agreed to pay.

His phone chimed as he pulled into his reserved space and he glanced at it as he retrieved his briefcase from the passenger seat.

"Love you, husband!" was Carrie's text.

Sam smiled as he typed his response. "You too, wife!"

Carrie was texting again and he waited before exiting the car.

He laughed as he saw her emoji of a sexy wink.

"What a woman!" Sam chuckled happily to himself. He stowed his phone in a suit pocket, grabbed his briefcase and strode towards the private elevator from the floor level of the car park to the executive suites on the fourth floor.

The car chirped expensively at him as the automatic locking feature clicked on as the elevator doors closed. Start of a new day, new job, new ... double life.

Despite his anxiety about the first day at work after the promotion, things were curiously normal. Sam did stop in at Mr. Borges' office to report that at 7:30 Sunday morning, while Mr. Borges and Mr. Parsons had been enjoying a morning nookie with Carrie and Karen, Sam and Gary had been packing and getting ready for the flight home. When Sam arrived at his office, Mr. Borges was already deep into a conference call with Europe and he merely nodded at the news and returned his attention to the call.

Sam walked back to his new office feeling relieved, and slightly disappointed.

After that it was a standard business day of meetings with managers on projects, emails and spreadsheets reviewed, an hour wasted fixing a coding error in a project unrelated to his responsibilities because a manager asked him to try to get past some issue that no one else could break down, a sales meeting run by Mr. Borges that was all business and a call from Chairman Jones' secretary setting up lunch for tomorrow.

He even bumped into Mr. Parsons in the hall. They chatted about the Roberts Media product with no overtures or innuendo of any kind.

His mind did drift to Carrie at regular intervals, and he was waiting, hoping and dreading for a notification from his wife that she was to receive a guest. At about 1:00, during a meeting with several managers about an ongoing project, Sam's phone chimed and glanced at it to see that a text had come in from Carrie. His heart jumped into his throat and his cock twitched.

"All quiet on the home front!" Carrie texted, and he relaxed. Carrie immediately followed that with a frown face and Sam smiled.

"You little vixen," he texted and got a smiley face back.

Carrie took care of the children and the household chores expertly and easily as usual, and dropped them off at the Pine Street pre-school. Some of the other ladies were there but Carrie quickly made her excuses and headed home. Karen had already told her to expect the Chairman at some point during the day, and Carrie was excited, anxious and very, very nervous.

As soon as she got back home, she put her purse down and then collapsed in a kitchen chair. Her hands were shaking so she made herself a cup of tea before anything else. "I don't know how Sam is getting any work done, today," she thought to herself.

She thought back to her small town, conservative upbringing and how she could never have imagined herself in this situation. "But for Kim," Carrie acknowledged to herself, mentally going over the crazy sexual situations her High School friend had dragged her into.

"I wonder how Kim is doing," Carrie thought to herself, but then she snorted. "She's probably fucking her way up the corporate ladder and enjoying herself to the fullest ...", and she sat there, stunned. "Which is exactly what I'm doing!"

She recalled the crazy sex she had had with Kim in the shack with the baseball team, and thought about Sam and his horny, sexy scheme with John to set up a harem cruise for the College guys. She grinned as she recalled how many orgasms she had had during that trip.

Sam had seen her having sex with other men, and women. A couple of times - more than a couple, she recalled - Sam had joined in. "Is two guys at once a gangbang?" Carrie thought to herself. "Maybe I have been gangbanged already? I sure liked it."

Carrie felt herself becoming excited and she rubbed her thighs together. The Senior Executives were all good looking and aggressive. Last weekend had been absolutely wonderful. Mr. Borges was an exciting, exhausting lover. He had enthusiastically taken his pleasure and Carrie could not even recall how many times he and Mr. Parsons - and Karen - had made her cum.

Feeling a bit more secure, she finished her tea and headed to the master bathroom to draw a bath. "A little me time is in order," Carrie said to herself. She opened her lingerie drawer and laid several sets out on she and Sam's bed.

She still had the black and red bra and panty set that Kim had lent her all those years ago. "Oh wow," Carrie thought to herself as she travelled down memory lane. She shook her head, and put the lingerie back. She had thought, back in the day, that that underwear was the most elegant and sexy ever ... but then Karen had arrived with the Alphia Corp Black Card.

"Oh my God what a day that was," Carrie thought to herself as she removed her sweater and jeans. She had learned more about fashion in one afternoon than she had ever known existed. She looked through the lingerie drawer again.

"Ooohh, sexy," she murmured to herself as she extracted a lavender set of bra and panties.

She held the wisps of cloth up and modeled herself in the mirror. "Better than mortal man deserves!" she said out loud and giggled. That was a line that Kim had often used.

It was going to be fun to get dressed, with all these wonderful clothes! She moved to her closet and happily went through her fancy and expensive dresses that Karen had picked out for her. "This is going to drive Sam wild!"

Twenty minutes disappeared in her wonderful with her new clothes' closet when she suddenly recalled the bath. "Oh!" She hurried to her set of drawers. Rummaging around her shirt drawer she found her favorite toy.

"Yummy!" Carrie thought to herself as she hurried towards her bath, her mind already spinning with the sexy exciting times that might be in store for her today. "Too bad for Sam he doesn't get to play like this at work!"

For Sam, the rest of time day was busy but uneventful. Sam texted Carrie at 6:15 pm to apologize for working late.

"It's fine, honey. I understand. But please hurry home. The children want to see their daddy and Mr. Jones' office just called to confirm my date with the Chairman. He's picking me up at nine and I need to get ready."

The text jolted Sam back to their new reality. "Be right there," he immediately responded and he hurried to the elevator. And he followed that with an "I love you" text, just to make sure that Carrie understood she had his full support.

The ride back was not as relaxed and pleasant as the drive to work had been. His hands were clammy and he felt his heart racing. His mind was churning, his cock was hard and his level of anxiety was only matched by his guilty sense of illicit excitement.

After pulled his car into their garage he took a moment to compose himself. He grabbed his briefcase, took a deep breath, exited the car, and put a smile on his face as he walked into his kitchen.

"Daddy!" Jack squealed, sliding down from his chair and toddling over to his father. Sam knelt down and picked up his son. Emily came running from the hallway to her bedroom and Sam scooped her up too and kissed them both.

Carrie smiled at him as she started the dishwasher. Still carrying the squirming children, Sam walked to his wife and bent down to kiss her as well. "You look beautiful," he murmured to her. She gave him a dimpled smile and patted his cheek.

Carrie was dressed casually in a sweatshirt and jeans rolled up above her ankles, and she had open-toed clogs on her feet. Her makeup was perfect, though, and her long, blonde hair had been carefully put up in some kind of complicated and sexy manner. He noticed that her nails had been done. It was clear that she had been to the beauty salon today.

"Can we watch Peppa Pig, daddy? Please?" Emily cooed to her father still in his arms, distracting him from continuing to gaze at his wife.

"Pepper pig! Pepper pig!" Jack immediately shouted as he squirmed in his father's other arm.

Sam put the children down and gave his wife an inquisitive glance.

"Of course you can," Carrie said to the kids who hollered and squealed and zipped off to the den. Toddler Jack squawked when his older sister snatched the television remote from his chubby little hand but he settled immediately as soon as she snapped on the television. Soon the two children had blissfully achieved a lower state of consciousness as they stared at cartoon figures of animals bouncing across the television screen.

"It's a British children's television program," Carrie explained. "It's quite delightful, actually."

Sam could just make out the British accent from the low sound of the television. "Yeah, well, so long as the children are occupied," he said as he gathered his wife in his arms and gave her a real kiss.

Her lips were soft and sweet and her small, feminine frame fit perfectly in his arms, her wonderful breasts soft against his abdomen. There were issues to discuss and things to speak on, but right now, holding his wife in his arms, this was right.

"I went to the beauty parlor today," Carrie said eventually into Sam's chest.

"I can see that," Sam said. "You look absolutely stunning."

"I went to the parlor because the Chairman told me I should before our date," she said, also into Sam's chest. "His secretary made the appointment for me." Sam felt a surge of emotion but he tried to conceal it by continuing to hold his wife. He stroked her back, suddenly unsure of what to say.

"Mmmmm, I love when you hold me," Carrie murmured, steering the conversation temporarily back to safer waters. After a moment, she looked up at her husband. "Did you have a good day today?"

"Yes, I actually did. I had a very good day," Sam replied, trying to stay calm and centered, "I did not know really what to expect but I very much enjoyed the additional responsibilities and management requirements ...", he tailed off.

"Were there any ... special requirements of you today?" Carrie wondered, glancing up at her husband with a curious look.

"No," Sam flushed, knowing that his turn would eventually come, "not today anyway."

"That's good," Carrie said, still snuggling into him. She looked up with that devilish glint in her eye that Sam loved so well. "You did ... report in to Mr. Borges this morning, right?"

Laughing, Sam bent down to kiss his wife again. "Yes, I did. He was busy with a phone call and we didn't discuss anything."

Carrie twitched her nose at him.

"Did you have a gentleman caller today?" Sam asked, his voice hoarse and his cock hard.

Carrie leaned back to see her husband clearly. "No, not today," she said. "I think today, our first real day, I have been reserved by the Chairman. I have no doubt that I'll be entertaining someone else on the senior executive team tomorrow, though."

Carrie could feel her husband tense up as he spoke to her. It was clear that he was trying not to express his anxieties. It was cute, but he was her husband and he could not hide from her, especially not when they had their arms around one another and she could feel his warmth and his heartbeat as she held him.

"Did you speak with Chairman Jones himself, or just with his secretary?" Sam asked.

"She put me through to him after she told me that she had made me the beauty appointment," Carrie smiled and nodded into her husband's chest. "He told me that he was going to pick me up at nine and take me out to Café Brolund and then back to his apartment."

"Oh my God," Sam gasped in a glorious rush of illicit excitement. "Did he say anything else to you?" Sam's voice was hoarse.

"No," Carrie said slowly, "but I think that it's pretty well understood that when we get to his apartment he expects to have sex with me."

Carrie reached down to feel her husband's penis, suddenly hard, through his trousers. He groaned in pleasure.

"It seems to me that you like that idea," Carrie murmured.

"I shouldn't, but I do," Sam groaned. "I really, really do."

She glanced over at the children who were still mesmerized by the cartoon antics on the screen before them. Carrie gave her husband a smoldering glance and then slowly dropped to her knees before him, the kitchen counter entirely blocking her view of the children.

Carrie could only hear the muted sounds of the British cartoon characters and her husband's heavy breathing.

"I do, too," Carrie said, looking up at her husband. "I was hoping for a gentleman caller today ... maybe two," she murmured, stroking her husband's cock through his suit pants.

Sam said nothing. He caught his wife's arms and pulled her up again, and and for a few delicious moments they hey kissed again, their tongues entwined.

When their kiss eventually broke, Carrie dropped quickly to her knees again. "I am going to give you a blowjob, right now," Carrie said quietly to her husband as she unbuckled his belt and unzipped his slacks. "Someday, probably very soon, I will be on my knees right in our own kitchen for an Alphia Senior Executive." Her eyes were bright with the illicit excitement of their adventure together.

"Oh God that is so hot ...", Sam stuttered as he kicked off his shoes.

"Sshhhh," Carrie warned him with serious eyes, pushing his suit pants and briefs down. "Don't. If you attract the attention of the children I am going to have to stop. I'm going to stop anyway, but ...".

Sam kicked off his pants and briefs and nodded, not trusting himself to speak. Carrie took her husband's hard penis in her delicate hand. Sam's eyes rolled back in his head and he bit his lip to stifle a groan as she slurped the head of his cock into her mouth.

Sam bit his lip to try to keep quiet so as not to disturb the children. It was really difficult because of the wonderful sensation of his wife's gentle lips and tongue.

Carrie smiled to herself as she bobbed her head for several minutes, alternating between sucking him deep into her mouth and then swirling her tongue around the head. He groaned, the vision of Carrie eagerly sucking Mr. Parsons' dick in his mind, bringing him closer and closer to climax until she suddenly stopped, kissed the head of her husband's penis and jumped up to her feet. Sam looked at her in horny surprise and then rueful realization that he was being toyed with.

"Are you playing with me, woman?" He demanded in mock anger.

"Yup!" Carrie said happily. "I have a surprise for you, come on!" She grabbed Sam's hand and pulled him from the kitchen to the stairs going to the master bedroom on the second floor. Sam grabbed his clothes and stumbled along behind her.

Carrie led Sam directly to their bedroom. On their bed she had laid out stockings and different sets of lingerie. The door to her closet was open and Sam could see several dresses hanging, separated from the rest of her clothes. Everything looked elegant, sexy, expensive and beautiful.

Carrie turned to face her husband and giggled at the sight of him half-dressed with his penis jutting out from under his dress shirt.

In one smooth motion she drew her sweatshirt up and off, revealing herself to her husband. She smiled as she saw Sam's eyes dart downward and then back up to her face.

"That's the ...", Sam stammered with a huge grin on his face.

"Yes! I am wearing the lingerie that Kim gave me, that you had me wear when you gave me to John!" Carrie replied, nodding with a dazzling smile at her husband.

"And the lingerie you wore for the start of the harem cruise in college!" Sam replied, his mind's eye recalling the moment when it was his girl's turn to stand on that little stage and strip off her clothes.

Sam had masturbated a thousand times already to that moment, the moment of no return as his wonderful fiancée had removed her bra and the guys all cheered at the sight of those beautiful breasts, and then had teased everyone by so slowly removing those thong panties.

Sam looked at his wife's face. She had the same expression as she had had at that moment, playing with her panties, knowing that as soon as they hit the floor she was fair game for all the guys on the cruise. That anxious, red-faced, excited grin that Sam remembered and loved so well all those years ago was back!

"I think that Chairman Jones is going to enjoy himself this evening," Sam said as he gazed at his wife's nearly nude body.

Carrie gave a sexy, throaty chuckle. "Oh, I KNOW he is," Carrie promised her husband as she kicked off her clogs and unbuttoned her pants. Sam quite enjoyed the view of Carrie's luscious breasts wobbling in that slightly too small bra as she wriggled out of her jeans.

"Great tits," Sam leered at her. He yanked his dress shirt apart, buttons flying everywhere.

Carrie grinned at her husband and stepped out of her jeans. She stood in front of her husband and they gazed at one another in a moment of irrepressibly exciting, sexy joy. Carrie reached over to her bureau and picked up her phone. In a moment the room was filled with the sultry sounds of some Rhythm and Blues song Sam did not recognize.

Or care about. His eyes and attention were all on his wife.

"We are starting another adventure together, husband of mine," Carrie said, swaying to the music and sliding one of her bra straps down one exquisite shoulder.

Sam shuddered with desire. "You are so beautiful."

Carrie grinned and reached behind herself to unsnap her bra and drop it to the floor. "I remember doing this once before," Carrie said to her husband in a husky, sexy voice, now toying with the strap of her panties. "I took a bath today, and thought about it ... with a toy," she purred with a lascivious smile. "I remember your shining eyes on me as I danced for you and your friends - and others - you wanted me to take off my panties because you wanted to see me get fucked."

"Oh yeah," Sam moaned, his eyes as big as dinner plates.

"And I wanted to because the guys were all hot ... and because it turned you on so much," Carrie continued, turning around and bending slightly for her husband's benefit. "I loved it," she continued, watching her husband's gaze dart to her face and back to her ass.

"But that was only for two weeks," Carrie said, turning around to face Sam again. She pulled one strap of her panties halfway down one elegant, lovely hip, barely ******** her pussy. "And we are going it again," she said, "and I want to do it."

Sam just shook with desire. "I ... do ... I do, too," he stammered.

"Remember right after I took off these panties John grabbed me, and then his brothers took their turns, and then I spent the night with John and Glenn?" Carrie murmured to her loving, horny, perverted husband.

"Fuck yeah I do," Sam said. "You fucked and sucked all the guys for two weeks. It was amazing!"

"Well," Carrie said, looking straight at her husband. "Just like last time, you get to decide. We can still back out now." She shrugged. "You give back the car, I give back these fancy clothes ... you get another job somewhere. We will be fine."

Sam nodded slowly, trying to get his mind out of the gutter.

"But if you want me to, I will take these off for you, and then we are both in The Arrangement, and if we do, then tonight the owner of the company is going to fuck your wife," Carrie said, seriously but in a husky, aroused voice. "And if we do this, we are both in and not for weeks, but for years."

There was a pregnant, tense pause.

"Your call, loverboy, " Carrie called sweetly to her husband.

Sam waited a heartbeat and then ripped off his undershirt to stand fully naked before his wife.

"Drop the panties. You are going to fuck the Chairman. We are in!"

Carrie laughed with pleasure and shucked her panties down. Stepping out of them, fully nude, she stepped forward and embraced her husband, as he threw his undershirt off behind him.

Looking up for a kiss, she met Sam's lips with hers. As their tongues battled his hands roamed over her back and her ass. "Mmmmm," Carrie moaned. "I love your hands on me."

Carrie started to drop back down knees but Sam grabbed her arms.

"Oh no you don't, devil-woman," he said.

Carrie gave a surprised gasp as Sam scooped her up and carried her to the marital bed, disturbing the carefully laid out stockings, panties and bras that Carrie had selected as possible options to enchance the Chairman's enjoyment as he completed his conquest of Carrie and Sam.

Carrie threw her arms around her husband as he lay her down. He spread her legs with his knees and slid into position. "We shouldn't ...", she began, but she gasped at the deliciously familiar sensation of her husband's penetration of her.

Sam inserted himself until he was entirely within his wife's vagina and silenced her objection with a kiss. "I know the game we are playing," he murmured to her, "I should wait to cum until the senior executive - or the Chairman in this case - has taken his pleasure," Sam said to his wife, "but that doesn't mean that YOU have to wait." He grinned down at the beautiful woman in his arms.

"Oh, goodie," Carrie purred.

For several minutes they kissed passionately as he moved slowly within her. Carrie wriggled with pleasure as her husband's strong hands held her into place as he plundered her body for their mutual pleasure.

"Ummmm," Carrie moaned as her husband made love to her. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him close.

He kissed her mouth and then down her face to her ear while moving within his wife. "Sharing you is difficult, but soooo deliciously exciting," Sam murmured hoarsely into her perfect little ear. "I love ... and hate that all the Senior Executives are going to have you. I hate it when we are apart, but I love knowing that another man is within the circle of your arms. I love and hate that tomorrow I will be working for and with men who get to fuck my wife whenever they want."

Carrie pants and pulled Sam even closer. "Oh honey ..." she moaned.

"It is so deliciously humiliating and sexy. When you return home tonight, I want to hear all the details of your evening, how you spread your legs for the Chairman, and how he took my place inside you," Sam continued, burying himself inside Carrie, and looking forward to later tonight after another man had cum inside of his wife. "I want to know everything that you did to please him ... to make him cum."

"Oh, yes," Carrie moaned. The idea of using her body and her beauty to help her husband succeed in his business was naughtily, deliciously exciting and she clutched her husband to her, urging him to take her. The fact that Chairman Jones was handsome, charismatic and a little bit dangerous did nothing to dampen her excitement for the evening, either.

"I have a lunch meeting with the Chairman tomorrow," Sam whispered hoarsely to his wife, "and he is going to gloat to me how his time with you was spent. I want to hear how pleased he is that I was promoted to Junior Executive."

"Oh honey, I promise," Carrie gasped.

Sam tried to bring his wife to climax by making love to her but he was too excited to last long enough. Sam grit his teeth against the incredibly powerful desire for release. He groaned and withdrew from Carrie, panting with the effort to avoid ejaculation.

Carrie had been on the edge as well and she whined in frustration until Sam slid down to the edge of the bed and expertly found her clitoris with his tongue. Carrie immediately moaned in pleasure. It wasn't long before Carrie was thrashing about on the bed, her hands on the back of her husband's head, pulling him into her as she cried out her pleasure.

They cuddled as she recovered, Sam trembling with desire and still achingly hard.

"Sweetie," Carrie eventually murmured to her husband, "I have to get ready. It's 7:30 and I have to fix my hair and makeup that you messed up," she smiled at her husband and gave him a kiss.

"What were the Chairman's exact instructions to you," Sam croaked, his voice cracking with anxiety and lust, trying to delay the moment when he had to release his wife from his arms.

Carrie gave her husband a sly smile and a wink. "He told me to keep you on your toes, and keep you very horny. Karen suggested that I offer to blow him in the car."

"Are you going to?" Sam asked, his eyes big.

"Hmph. Of course," Carrie replied. "It will make it more pleasurable for me if I have taken the edge off of him before we get to his apartment."

"Oh fuck," Sam said with feeling and frustration as he released his wife and fell back onto the bed. She gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. Then she popped up and bounced over to her side of the room the vision of which did nothing to relieve Sam of his excitement and lust.

Still fully nude, she stood in front of her vanity mirror and examined her makeup and hair with an experienced eye. She searched around her table of perfumes and makeup and found the tube of lipstick. She turned to face her husband as she applied it to her lips and then she threw him a grin and a dazzling smile.

"I selected three possible dresses for my date tonight," she said and nodded to her closet, "why don't you select the one that you think the Chairman will like most."

"Jesus," Sam muttered and Carrie laughed.

"I heard that!"

"You want me to pick out the dress you are going to wear on your date with the Chairman to entice him to fuck you?" Sam asked his wife.

"Please," Carrie agreed. "It'll be fun!"

"Oh my God," Sam groaned, but he hauled himself to his feet and headed over to Carrie's closet, his cock leading the way.

Sam pawed through the three dresses that Carrie had picked out as possible for evening with the Chairman. "Where's the red one that shows off your tits?" Sam asked.

"The one from last weekend?" Carrie asked. "That's not going to work for tonight. This is a different sort of dinner. I need something less formal."

Sam nodded as though he followed what she was saying and then pulled out a black dress with some buttons down the front. "What about this one?" He asked his wife.

Carrie was putting a bobby pin in her hair to undo the damage Sam had done making love to her. "That was the one I liked the best, too." She smiled as she looked at her husband who was frowning as he examined the three dresses which to him looked almost identical.

"It's kind of hard ... difficult to tell which is better without having you try them on ...", and paused as he considered that suggestion more fully. Sam gave his wife a leer. "Let's do that!"

"OK!" Carrie agreed, "but we have to choose lingerie, too."

"Oh, that's easy," Sam said, looking at the elegant stockings, panties and bras she had laid out on the bed before their lovemaking. They had been organized before but were now all in a jumble.

Sam perused the items on the bed and selected the lovely black thigh high stockings that Carrie had already chosen and carelessly swept the remaining scraps of lace and finery off the bed. He held them up. "Put these on and we're done!"

Carrie stared at him, surprised. "What? Seriously?"

Sam nodded eagerly. "Just the stockings."

"Going to dinner in a dress without any panties is just so ...", Carrie began.

"Slutty?" Sam finished for his wife, leering at her again.

Carrie snorted. "Ya kinda gotta a point there." She eyed her husband for a moment and she shrugged. "OK, I'll do it," she said walking over and taking the stockings from her husband. "It's not like the panties will stay on for that long anyway," she snickered, giving her stricken husband another quick kiss before scooping up her heels and going over to the bed.

Sam watched with fascination as his wife pulled on the stockings and then slipped into her stiletto heels, "The Chairman will probably tell you to pass your panties to him under the table during your dinner."

Carrie laughed. "No he won't. That move is just so ... cliche."

Sam shrugged until his wife stood up again. Naked but for the heels and the stockings Carrie was an absolutely stunning combination of delectable and slutty. Carrie laughed at her husband's expression and sashayed to him from across the room. She molded her body to his and gave him a smoldering kiss as she reached around to take the dress from his hand.

She settled it over her head and turned around so that her husband could zip up her back. His hands were shaking and she chuckled, partly because it was so easy to tease him and also because he had no idea that the dress had cost more than their first car.

"You put it on me; the Chairman takes it off," Carrie whispered, knowing that such teasing would make Sam even harder.

Carrie turned gracefully on herself and faced her husband. She grinned and glanced down at his achingly hard cock.

"Oh, you're wonderful!" Carrie said, giving him another quick kiss.

"What ... what kind of dress is that?" he finally croaked.

"It is a Dolce & Gabbana cady dress," Carrie said, even though she knew that Sam had no idea what that meant. She fingered one of the buttons down the front. "It's got a slender waist, and a flowing top and bottom that accentuates the fun bits. I really like the tiger stripes on these cute buttons; they set off the black color really nicely. The lace trim is really cute and feminine, too."

"It is so elegant and sexy all at the same time," Sam said wonderingly. "You are covered up but that dress just scream sex." His eyes were huge on his lovely wife.

"Daddy?" came the small voice of their daughter from the corridor outside their room interrupting their adult time. "Mommy? Peppa Pig is over."

Carrie glanced at her husband who was still naked and very erect. Sam hurried to his side of the room and threw on a pair of shorts and a shirt as Carrie opened the door and scooped up her daughter. "It's over already? Well that's good because it is time for bed. Do you want us to read you a story?"

"Yes, please, mommy," Sam heard Emily say as Carrie carried her downstairs to where the television had been playing. "Jack fell asleep ..." but her words faded as she moved farther away.

Sam took a deep breath to recover his composure and then followed his wife and daughter downstairs.

Happily, bedtime that night was relatively quick and easy. Carrie had bathed the children before Sam had returned from work and since Jack was already asleep they were able to both read to their daughter. After a few books she gave a yawn and settled down into her pillow. Sam and Carrie each gave her a kiss, turned out the light and crept out of the room.

Sam paced around their bedroom, trying to conceal his confused welter of emotions. His palms were sweaty again, and his pulse was racing, and his cock was hard as a rock. Carrie felt her husband's jealous eyes hungrily track her as she moved from her vanity to the closet, putting the finishing touches to her hair and makeup.

"Honey, come on," Carrie said to her husband. "Sit down, please. You're making me dizzy watching you pace around the room."

Sam took and released a deep breath. "OK, I'll try." He walked downstairs to the living room and sat down in a large armchair. Carrie followed him and plopped herself sideways onto his lap.

She kissed away his look of surprise and he relaxed, sort of, into the kiss. She pulled a hand to her breasts and he groaned.

"Too much teasing?" She murmured to her husband, their faces close to one another.

Sam closed his eyes. "I don't know," he answered honestly. "It feels different than when we were on the trip together. Mr. Borges and Mr. Parsons made me wait while they had sex with you and Karen, and then they let us watch, and then ... This is different ... it is more intimate an event, you going out with the Chairman, and me waiting at the house. It is much more difficult."

"Honey," Carrie said seriously, taking her husband's head in her hands and looking into his eyes. "We are at the very start of this adventure. There are going to be more evenings like this, maybe many more."

Sam did not say anything. His breathing was tight and he was extremely aroused.

Carrie leaned in and kissed him before moving back again and looking into his eyes once more. "I love YOU, and only you," she said seriously. "But I'm really horny. I'm going to ... fuck ... the Chairman and all of the Senior Executives, and probably all of your colleagues, and some of the clients and prospects who I do not even know ... and I am going to enjoy it. I hope. I'm nervous, too, but that makes everything so much ... more exciting. I certainly loved last weekend with Mr. Borges and Mr. Parsons."

Sam could barely breath. "I know, honey. I know. I love it ... and I hate it ... and I love it ... and ... I just feel like a knot of emotion and stress and horniness. More than even last weekend."

"More than last weekend?" Carrie covered her mouth as she laughed in surprise. "Wow!"

"Well," Sam said, laughing and reddening, "Maybe not more, just different. And I'm calming down now, with your help. It's getting to be just fun again."

"And hard," Carrie chuckled wickedly, shifting her hip so she could feel her husband's erection beneath her. "And don't forget that you will get to play with the other junior executive ladies, too. They all are really pretty, and some, like Karen, are just absolutely beautiful. Alphia doesn't expect you men to be saints while the Senior Executives play with their wives."

"Well, that's certainly something to look forward to," Sam laughed. He kissed his wife and fondled her breasts again. "So, I think you told me that you are going to suck Chairman Jones' dick ... did I hear you right?"

Carrie shook her head at her husband's mercurial spirit. "Yes," Carrie replied, leaning in to rub her husband's nose with her own, "I am going to ask him if I can suck his cock in the limousine and I am going to spread my legs for him in his apartment. I'm gonna to rock his world."

They could hear a car door slam in the driveway. Sam froze for a moment, gazing into his wife's eyes.

Carrie looked into her husband's eyes. "Quickly now. There are only moments before I leave. Is there anything you want to tell me to do, or should try to avoid doing tonight?"

Sam gulped, his most explosive fantasies burning through his mind. "I want you to come home safe ... and with another man's cum in your pussy," Sam gasped.

Carrie nodded at her husband. "I will, and I will tell you all about it when I return when I am yours and only again, I promise," she said. Carrie extricated herself from her husband's arms and walked to the door, her husband's eyes tracking her every step.

"And you're going to be good, right? No help help?" Carrie asked her husband, pausing briefly in her way to the door. "You better wait until I come home!"

Sam nodded, feeling flushed and simultaneously very aroused and humiliated, which added somehow.

As she reached the door there came a knock. She gave her husband one last backward glance and then she opened the door and scooted outside and around the chairman's driver.

The driver paused for a moment in the light of the doorway to admire Carrie's figure in her slinky black dress and then he turned to Sam.

"Mr. Stevenson?" The Chairman's driver looked at Sam as he walked into the house. Sam stood as well, and instinctively moved towards the other man. The driver was a large man with a friendly, confident face.

"The Chairman wanted me to greet you personally," the driver said as he extended his hand to Sam. "He figured that you might be a touch anxious and he wanted me to reassure you that your wife will be just fine tonight."

"Thank you," Sam said, shaking the driver's hand, a bit too quickly because the driver had not finished speaking.

"He also wanted me to tell you that I have been invited to partake in the fun tonight," the driver said, looking Sam directly in the eye. "Your wife Carrie is exceedingly pretty and I am really looking forward to fucking her."

The driver gave Sam a friendly wink and then he turned and let himself out.

"Oh, shit," Sam murmured. Carrie was in for a workout tonight.


Carrie had not been lying to Sam that she was excited by the naughtiness of the situation and although Carrie was excited and looking forward to being with the Chairman, Carrie was not as confident or relaxed about this evening as she had made out to her husband. She knew that his career depended on her performance through The Arrangement. Tonight was really her first calling out and she knew that the Chairman had some aggressive sexual appetites.

She felt a frisson of fear and she trembled slightly as she made her way to the luxurious looking limousine. She felt ... desired. No, that was not the right word. She felt ... vulnerable, ******* and sexy. Once she left Sam at the house she was playing without a safety net. It was deliciously scary and exciting.

The happy and knowing smile that the chairman's driver gave her as he retrieved her from her home made her a little anxious. She could feel his eyes roam over her form as she walked towards the limousine.

Carrie did not know a whole lot about cars; she had joined Sam in his eager purchase of his new Audi but she lacked his enthusiasm of the experience. She glanced at the car, knowing that Sam would know what kind it was by some detail but before she could focus, the rear door opened and the Chairman stepped out.

"Mrs. Stevenson," he said in his smooth baritone, "it is most definitely lovely to see you tonight." He took her hand.

"Thank you, sir," Carrie replied, meeting his gaze her head high.

A brief smile touched his lips as he brought her hand to his lips and brushed the top of her hand with his lips. "You look absolutely fantastic," he said, and before Carrie could put together a response he had drawn her hand up.

Realizing what the Chairman wanted from her, Carrie spun slowly, her hand still in his. She could feel the hungry eyes of the two men devouring her figure as she displayed herself to them. Displayed was the right word, she thought to herself. She felt as though she were already naked. She wondered if Sam was watching from the house.

The Chairman nodded appreciatively at her. "I love a beautiful woman in D&G," he murmured as she spun. As she returned to face Chairman Jones he gave a brief nod towards the open door of the vehicle. "After you, Mrs. Stevenson."

Carrie murmured a "Thank you" and as demurely as possible given her choice of clothing, bent down to climb into the luxurious automobile.

Sam felt a slush of anxiety ... and pride at his wife's beauty and courage ... as he saw Carrie disappear into the vehicle.

He thought he could make out a smile on Stan's face, but it was hard to see at that distance and under his driver's cap.

The car quickly slid out of the driveway and down the street. Sam stood at the window for long moments after it had disappeared from sight.

He sighed, realizing that it was going to be a long night.
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