Alphia Corporation - Chapter 7

Peering into the open door, aware of the men on either side of her and of Sam's eyes on her from the window of the house, Carrie saw immediately that there were four cream colored leather seats in the back of the car, two on each side facing each other. She paused for a moment, confused as to where to sit. The Chairman put his hand on her ass and guided her to the seat facing the rear of the car. She clambered in and almost disappeared into its luxurious comfort. Chairman Jones caught the driver's eye as he held the door and they shared a glance of mutual appreciation of the sight of Carrie bending over to get into the car.

A moment later, the Chairman expertly climbed in after her, seating himself in the larger seat facing forward, directly across from her. She saw the Chairman grin past her to the driver who she knew was watching her bend over to get into the car. She made sure to bend down so that her dress gapped in the front. She was gratified to see the Chairman's eyes travel down to see a glimpse of her breasts.

She settled herself into her seat and glanced at the driver as the men shared a male glance of mutual appreciation.

"Sir," the driver said, tipping his cap at the chairman. "Ma'am," he said politely and professionally to Carrie, although his eyes lingered on her obviously braless chest before he straightened up to close the door.

"Thank you, Stan," the Chairman said.

"Of course, sir," and then the door was closed, but not before she saw Stan's eyes slide over to the house and a smug look cross his face.

The car was large and luxurious, but even so Carrie and Chairman Jones were mere feet away from one another. Carrie tucked her pretty legs underneath her and took a moment to find a spot for her clutch bag before she had to acknowledge the Chairman's very male presence in an intimate space. He was confident and predatory, and Carrie was a bit unnerved despite her excitement and her assurances to her husband that she was perfectly content with her new situation.

"Mrs. Stevenson, you are an astoundingly beautiful woman," the Chairman said as Stan slid into the driver seat and started the car. It started immediately but was so quiet that Carrie could barely notice the change.

"Thank you," she said, returning his gaze with what she hoped was a confident smile. "You are a very handsome man."

Chairman Jones chuckled. "I like that. A little sauciness in one of my working wives adds a certain ... spice to an evening." He took a sip of his drink.

"Do they all drink whiskey?" Carrie thought to herself. "How predictable. I'll bet roses are the flower of choice as well."

But that is not what she said out loud. "Well, that is what I am here for, right? To add a certain ... 'spice' to your evening?" She said with a saucy look.

"Indeed!" Chairman Jones agreed. She flushed as she felt the power of his gaze upon her. His eyes were hungry and she could feel his desire for her. "Under most circumstances, I would say that your husband is a very lucky man," Mr. Jones continued, "but I suppose that he does not feel overly lucky right at this moment ...?"

"No," Carrie agreed. "Sam was having a difficult moment just before ... your driver came and picked me up."

"Ahhhh, very good," Chairman Jones said with a wide and happy smile. "And with reason. Did you and he discuss any details of what may happen tonight?"

Carrie looked evenly at Chairman Jones for a moment and then she gave him a half-smile. "I told Sam that I was going to ask you if I could give you a blowjob on our way to the restaurant," she said.

"An excellent way to start the evening," Mr. Jones agreed, slouching just a little and opening his legs to make himself more easily available to her.

Carrie, reminding herself that this was part of the job, slid down off her seat onto the carpeted floor of the vehicle. She knelt about six inches farther out than would be easy because she knew that it looked nice when she leaned in to suck. The arch of the back, the gapping of the dress to give glimpses of her tits and the effort would all reveal themselves better. It would also, although that perhaps would not benefit the Chairman, pop her ass out in a very pretty way.

She had to grab hold of the door handle as Stan turned smoothly onto the highway on ramp and in only a few moments she was in place and reaching for the Chairman's belt buckle.

"And how did your husband react?" Mr. Jones asked, watching his subordinate's wife undo his slacks and fondle his hardening cock.

She paused for a moment and looked up into the Chairman's face. "I've never seen him so confused. One second he was aroused, the next, his brow was furrowed. He worries about me, and he is anxious about you. We both know that this is a very unusual arrangement and a lot is expected from both of us. We're nervous and excited because we really want to succeed," she replied honestly.

"Yes," the Chairman replied, "but more to the point, how is he holding up at the moment, knowing that he has let his wife go to dinner with me, even though he knows that she will be well fucked before her return to him?"

Carrie paused again for a moment, and then decided that the truth was likely the best option. "He is very anxious, and excited, and feeling guilty about being so turned on," she replied.

"Interesting," the chairman replied thoughtfully as he opened his fly to extract his cock for Sam's wife to suck. "I enjoy a pretty swallow after a blowjob, Mrs. Stevenson."

"Yessir," Carrie said.

As she bent down to cover the head of the chairman's penis with her mouth, she heard the sound of the screen between the passenger and driver's compartments coming.

Carrie frowned and turned to look back. She saw Stan's eager grin in the rear view mirror and she flushed. She stroked the Chairman's cock as she looked up at him with an unspoken plea in her eyes.

"Stan obviously cannot join in at the moment, so he gets to watch instead," the Chairman explained as he put a hand on the back of her head and pulled her mouth down onto his dick.

Carrie slipped her lips over the head of his cock and began to slurp while stroking his balls with one hand. "Oh, good girl," he murmured.

He became hard quickly. "Oh, Mrs. Stevenson, I am having lunch with your husband tomorrow. I look forward to describing our evening together tomorrow."

"Mmm-hmmm," Carrie gurgled, knowing that Sam would both absolutely love and hate that meeting.

"How much longer until we arrive, Stan?" Carrie heard Mr. Jones call to the driver.

"About 20 minutes, sir," came the voice from the front seat.

"Perfect," the chairman murmured and settled back to enjoy the sensations of the latest pretty little married cocksucker going to work on his dick for the first time.

Despite Carrie's uneasiness about the situation, and concern as to what she was going to have to do for these men, she found herself becoming excited by her submission. She could feel her pussy moistening as she imagined Stan enjoying the view of her ass and the motion of her head as she bobbed for the Chairman's sperm. "I really am suited for this role, I guess," Carrie thought to herself.

He was not particularly large and she was able to go down the entire length of his penis without too much difficulty. She faked a gagging sound which seemed to please him. She slurped her way up to the tip of his cock and tongued the slit at the top, tasting his ejaculate, and then kissed and licked her way down the shaft to his balls.

Looking up at the Chairman as she lathed his balls with her tongue, she saw him with his head back and eyes closed, concentrating on the exquisite pleasure of having a subordinate's wife at his sexual disposal.

Carrie took her time with the blowjob, letting him slowly build his arousal. He enjoyed particularly when she sucked the tip while thumbing the sensitive spot just below the head.

"We are almost there, Mrs. Stevenson," Carrie narrowed her eyes as she heard Stan speaking to her.

"Go around the block, Stan," the Chairman said. "We can go have dinner after Sam's wife finishes the job here."

"Yes, sir."

Carrie did not like the way the men were talking about her as though she were not there but she dutifully kept slurping away on the Chairman's hard cock. She knew that he was close because she could taste him when she tongued the slit of his cock.

She felt his hands on the back of her head push her down deeper onto his cock. Carrie heard him grunt and then he jerked his hips to thrust once, twice ... and then he came in her mouth. Carrie gurgled once or twice as he gave her three or four good ropes but she was able to keep sucking him through his orgasm. As she felt his orgasm subside she sucked him gently a few more times, her mouth full of his salty ejaculate. When last aftershocks were complete, she kissed the head of his softening penis and swallowed.

Chairman Jones was sprawled bonelessly in his seat, his pants open and his deflating penis lewdly visible through his opened fly.

The Chairman frowned slightly. "Show me the load I gave you next time, before you swallow," he said.

"Yes sir," Carrie replied, wiping her lips.

Carrie moved back and then up into her seat, checking her hair and makeup in a mirror cleverly hidden in the side of the car. "I wonder if it was intended for women to make sure that they didn't have cum on their face during dinner," she wondered to herself. She looked around at the opulence of the vehicle and at the man before her now struggling to pull himself together. He looked a little bit ... ridiculous right at the moment.

She cracked open a bottle of sparkling water and took a sip to clear the taste of the Chairman's seed from her mouth as he recovered.

A few minutes later the car pulled into the parking lot of the exclusive restaurant. Moments later, the well-dressed valet boys were ********* her out of the car and the Chairman lent her his arm. She and the Chairman climbed the plush carpeted steps to the maitre d' who immediately identified Mr. Jones out of the crowd of people. In moments they were seated at the bar as the restaurant prepared their table.

Chairman Jones waited for a moment as the bartender presented Carrie with a glass of white wine and him with another whiskey.

"Sam picked out a beautiful automobile," Mr. Jones said to Carrie with a gentle smile. "The Audi 8 series is a remarkable piece of machinery. Was he pleased with the upgrade?"

"Upgrade?" Carrie asked, her brow furrowed, "what do you mean ... oh, he said something about an S but I didn't really understand what he was talking about."

The chairman gave an easy laugh. "Yes. Sam picked out an A8, a very impressive and beautiful car. We are very much really looking forward to working with your husband ...". The chairman paused to sip his whiskey. "And enjoying his wife," he continued with a salute with his glass and another smile on his face.

Carrie reddened slightly but smiled back. He was charming and handsome.

"And to that end, we upgraded him to a fully equipped S8 and as discussed, Alphia will pick up all the payments for as long as the employment relationship continues."

"Oh thank you," Carrie said, genuinely happy and impressed.

"Of course," The Chairman said smoothly as he watched and enjoyed another young and beautiful junior executive wife begin to slip so naturally and easily into her long term role of company *****.

"Sam was just thrilled," she said, her face shining with delight. Her beauty dazzled Mr. Jones and she affectionately put her hand lightly on his arm.

"It is just so easy," Mr. Jones thought happily to himself for maybe the twentieth time.

"And I understand from my secretary that you have begun house hunting in the Hills section?" He asked.

The trap was being set. Her beauty and her sweetness would be tools for him and Alphia to use, and the consequences of her extravagant new lifestyle were becoming greater by the minute.

"Yes," Carrie immediately replied, completely ******* of the financial bind she and Sam were about to step into. "Karen showed me her home. It is just so beautiful. I was so happy to see that there were other houses in her neighborhood available."

The chairman smiled again, reached into his breast pocket and slid an impressive, cream colored business card across the bar to his newest conquest.

"I hope that you have not yet retained the services of a realtor," he said, "because if you work with Brad Johnson & Associates, Alphia will pick up the realtor commission."

Carrie picked up the card with one slim hand and examined it. "Oh no, I haven't found a realtor yet. I've been overwhelmed by all the changes we are experiencing and my head is still spinning. It's just so much to take in all at once," she said.

Carrie looked at the Chairman seriously. "I am so grateful for your guidance and assistance. Thank you."

"I prefer that my new junior executive hire have an in ground jaccuzzi at the new home," the Chairman said, his eyes on her pretty face, "because it occasionally pleases me to fuck his wife in her own pool."

Carrie blushed and giggled nervously. "OK, I will look for one like that."

Mr. Jones smiled at the young pretty slutwife seated before him, his lingering gaze penetrating and inscrutable, assessing her. Carrie shifted in her seat, unsettled by his attentive silence.

"What?" Carrie said quizzically, her brow furrowing in just the prettiest way.

"Oh, I am just looking forward to a long and fruitful ... and very pleasant ... relationship between Alphia and you and your brilliant husband, Sam."

"Oh, thank you," Carrie replied with a little giggle. "We are looking forward to it too."

"Oh you are, are you now?" Mr. Jones' smile was wolfish, betraying his predatory nature. He was an executive accustomed to getting his way in the boardroom and beyond.

"Well, yes, of course," Carrie frowned prettily. "Sam and I both are willing to do our part to help the company ... and Sam's career of course."

The waiter magically appeared just then to ****** them to their table and the moment was temporarily missed.

It took only a few minutes and quickly Carrie and Chairman Jones were seated at a table, the wine presented properly to the Chairman and then to Carrie. There were no menus on the table.

Mr. Jones ordered for them both and the waiter disappeared.

"So, we were discussing Alphia Corporation, and that you and your husband are willing to ... 'do our part' I believe you said," Mr. Jones said, looking directly at Carrie.

She took a sip of her wine to stall for time. Mr. Jones was a very handsome, charismatic and dangerous man. Carrie knew where the conversation was headed and she flushed in anticipation.

"Yes, that is what I said," she replied.

"And what exactly are you willing to do to assist your husband's career here at Alphia?" Mr. Jones asked the beautiful and beautifully anxious married woman before him.

The question put Carrie momentarily off-balance.

"Well, I expect that we are going to have sex when we get back to your apartment," Carrie said.

The Chairman nodded. "You are correct," and waited.

"And what else?" Mr. Jones asked Carrie after a pause.

"I believe that my job is to ensure that you, and the other Senior Executive staff are happy and productive," Carrie said.

"Right," Mr. Jones responded briskly, "but not to put too fine a point on things, you are going to spread your legs for the entire senior leadership team at Alphia, and as you almost experienced this weekend, you may be called upon to seduce a person of interest Alphia Corporation, anytime we so instruct."

Carrie took a deep breath. "Yes," she replied.

"You are young, and beautiful, and elegant, and married ... there are going to be a lot of men - and some women - interested in you, and who will have access to you. You are prepared to please them in every way that each desires?" the Chairman asked pointedly.

Carrie paled slightly and took a deep breath. "Oh my God," she thought to herself, but she was excited by the thought, even if it was scary.

Mr. Jones smiled at Carrie. He finished his glass of wine and picked up the bottle. Ignoring Carrie's soft objection, he topped up her glass and poured himself another.

Carrie nodded, her eyes huge in her pretty face. "Yes," she said at last, after gathering herself together again. "I am."

He picked up his glass and examined it for a moment before turning a serious gaze to Carrie: "Why are you willing to become one of my whores?"

Carrie stared at the Chairman, surprised at the word. "Um, well ... because ... Sam and I have done this type of ... thing before and we enjoyed it," Carrie stumbled but found her footing part way through. "I really enjoy sex ... and Sam really wanted this promotion."

Carrie said the last with her chin held high, looking proudly into Mr. Jones' blue eyes.

"So when you went to the beauty salon, and got dressed in that elegant gown, and agreed to spend the evening with me, eagerly sucked my dick, are going to come back to my apartment to get fucked, and now have agreed to have sex with all of the Senior Executives at Alphia Corporation ... this is all for your husband?"

Carrie proud face crumpled slightly and the Chairman smiled at her.

"Mrs. Stevenson, you are truly a delight. I assure you that you will have many opportunities to make your husband proud and grateful that he has such a supporting wife."

"OK," Carrie replied, feeling pulled along by his confidence and charisma.

"Let us enjoy a lovely dinner, and then we will retire to my apartment," Mr. Jones said. "There you can show me just exactly how supportive you are of your husband's career here at Alphia Corporation."

Carrie flushed from a combination of excitement and anxiety.

The Chairman flashed his predatory smile and Carrie's concern blossomed within her again but then the moment passed. The remainder of the meal was quite lovely. Carrie found herself warming to the charismatic executive. She told him about her and Sam's College escapades and how she had very much enjoyed herself, for the most part, and how she had thought that such hedonistic, crazy, sexual hijinks were over for her life.

Mr. Jones was amused, interested and an all around great listener and conversationalist. She told him how much Sam had enjoyed sharing her with the other guys, and not being entirely certain which of the other guys on the cruise knew that she and Sam were engaged.

"So you and Sam have more experience with sharing than I had suspected," The Chairman mused. "Did your husband help you get ready for tonight? Or was he too anxious to do anything but pace around the house while you prepared?"

Carrie smiled. "Both. I modeled dresses for him and he suggested this one," she replied, "and we talked ... and then he paced around the house, excited and nervous."

"What did you speak of?" Mr. Jones asked, curious.

Carrie wrinkled her nose and shook her head, not willing to reveal that intimacy but then she leaned forward to whisper to the Chairman.

"Sam told me not to wear any panties." She leaned back and enjoyed the look of surprise and happiness on the executive's face.

"So you came to supper wearing only that dress? You came to play! You're the first wife who has been so game and enthusiastic!" The Chairman gushed.

"Well, I have thigh high stockings," Carrie allowed, sinking back into her chair, her glass of wine held insouciant in one hand. She was enjoying the Chairman's excitement and felt herself becoming more aroused.

The Chairman smiled again, his smile dangerous and exciting. "Usually the new wives in your position talk a big game but at the end, when we get back to my apartment, it often takes a little ... coaxing ... to spread her lovely legs for us and truly acknowledge her new role."

Carrie was flushed with excitement at the thought of the evening to come.

"Even your lovely friend Karen Burroughs struggled with the transition from wife to corporate *****," the Chairman smiled as he recalled that very pleasant evening. "She is certainly one of Alphia Corporation's top sluts now, and that first evening after she easily removed her lovely gown and showed off her beautiful tits, but when she got to her panties she hesitated," Mr. Jones smiled and paused to take another sip of his whiskey.

"Now these days, of course, the lovely Mrs. Burroughs is experienced and well trained, but there in that evening, for the precious few moments as she struggled with her submission and slowly pushed her panties down her hips and to the floor," Mr. Jones breathed, "oh for those few, precious moments we were on a knife's edge watching as she sold her beautiful, married cunt for the first time ...".

The Chairman trailed off as his mind wandered down memory lane.

"And how does it make you feel, coming out on the date with me, at this expensive restaurant in nothing but that elegant and sexy dress?" Mr. Jones inquired, his eyes intent upon her form.

"Slutty," Carrie replied with a twinkle in her eye.

"And that, my dear Mrs. Stevenson," he said holding up a black credit card. The waiter appeared a nanosecond later and scurried off with his prize. "Is our curtain call."

The Chairman signed the receipt without as much as a glance at the bill. His eyes were on Carrie, and then he was ********* her out of the restaurant. Stan pulled the limousine up just as the couple arrived at the restaurant entrance.

The valet guys watched with interest as Carrie climbed into the limousine. As before, the Chairman joined her in the seat facing forward. This time, though, as soon as Stan wheeled the car out of the parking area the Chairman reached for Carrie. She gave a feminine squawk of surprise as he pulled her into his lap.

Before she realized what was happening, Carrie was sideways on the Chairman's lap. He held her in place with his strong left arm. With his right hand he touched her chin gently but firmly, pulling her face to his. Carrie could smell a whiff of expensive cologne as he gazed into her eyes.

The chairman was dark haired and his face showed a hint of bristle by this time in the evening. His eyes, though, were sharp and bright blue. He bent his face down and kissed her gently. Carrie sighed, surprised by his tender touch. She reached up to stroke his hair as they kissed. She felt his hand travel from her face down to her chest and he fondled her.

He was an excellent kisser, and she opened her mouth to his tongue. She wrapped her arms around his neck and broad shoulders and sighed as she relaxed into his ministrations.

He broke the kiss as his hand traveled south, down between her legs to the hem of her dress. Looking into her eyes, waiting for a reaction, the Chairman slowly lifted the hem. Carrie bit her lip and gave him a hooded glance as she spread her legs slightly, better to give him access to her.

The Chairman smiled as he reached her pussy. His touch was firm but gentle and Carrie moaned, her eyes closing against the anticipated pleasure.

"Tell me your name," the chairman whispered to Carrie as he gently fingered her.

Carrie's eyes snapped open, but she quickly understood what the Chairman wanted to hear. "Mrs. Samuel Stevenson," she whispered. The chairman smiled and slid a finger into her very moist vagina, eliciting a moan from the married woman in his lap.

"Oh, very nice," he murmured as he continued to expertly play with her. "You are ready to go."

Carrie moaned and opened her legs wider. The Chairman knew how to please a woman and she clutched at him as he slowly brought her close to climax.

"Pull down your dress to show Stan your breasts," the Chairman directed her as he continued to touch her. Carrie paused for only a brief moment but then pulled her dress down and over her breasts which sprang into view.

"Oh, shit," she heard Stan say from up front of the car. "This slut has great tits!"

Carrie glanced forward and Stan's eyes met hers in the rear review mirror. He had a lascivious look on his face and he grinned at her. She closed her eyes again and tried to concentrate on the Chairman and his wonderful fingers.

The Chairman's gaze made her feel desired; Stan's leer made her feel wanton, but right now even that was exciting.

The chairman fondled her breasts now too and Carrie put Stan out of her mind. "Oh my God ... you are so good ... I cannot believe it ... I am close ..." ... and she gasped as she felt the Chairman remove his hand from her pussy.

"What ..." she protested, writhing in exquisite agony, right on the edge of release. The Chairman chuckled, gazing down at the horny wife in his arms. "You'll cum tonight, but not before you sucked some more dick."

It took Carrie several minutes to recover. When she realized that her breasts were still ******* to the men's gazes, she pulled up her dress. The Chairman smiled down at her and Carrie moved back to her own seat to pull herself together.

"Hope you are ready to play, Mrs. Stevenson," the Chairman murmured, his eyes roaming across her body. "You are going to be pleasing several men this evening."

She realized that her sense of control of the situation, however minimum it had been, was absolutely zero. The frisson of fear came back, but it was mixed equally with excitement and nerves. And the Chairman knew exactly what he was doing; Carrie felt flushed and horny and ready. She nodded mutely, her eyes big in her pretty face.

The next few minutes zipped by. Carrie could see the streetlights pass by the limousine as Stan navigated efficiently towards the apartment where she would be offered up to strange men. Carrie almost asked who they were, but she could sense that the Chairman was waiting for the question. She bit her lip to keep silent so as not to give him the satisfaction.

The Chairman pulled her back onto his lap and fondled her breasts through her dress. She felt so aroused that her thinking was difficult but was still able to be anxious as to how many men she was going to have to ... service.

How many men?

Were they going to be strangers?

Sam's friends whose wives Carrie knew?

The limousine slowed and exited the highway. A few short minutes later Stan wheeled it expertly through several streets in a clearly high rent district and then the car ghosted (coasted?) into the semi-circular driveway to an elegant high-rise and stopped in front of some large, heavy and expensive glass doors trimmed in gold leaf.

"Showtime ...", the Chairman whispered into her ear.
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