Alphia Corporation - Chapter 11

Carrie's day was different.

After getting dressed but leaving the bow in her hair, she got Jack and Emily up, bathed and ready. As she was putting the children in their car seats she had a devilish idea.

Giggling, she stopped for a moment, fished out her phone and took a selfie herself standing in the car door, about to get in and take the kids to school. Glancing at it she satisfied herself that her smile was sexy and the bow in her hair visible.

She giggled at Sam's reaction, sent a quick response and headed off to school, happy in the knowledge that she was driving her husband absolutely crazy.

At the school she helped the children unbuckle, clamber out of the van and then shepherded them along as they scampered excitedly into the building. After the children were safely ensconced in the respective classrooms she had the opportunity to chat with Emily Smith again. Emily was just so pretty and so supportive. She was a hair shorter than Carrie, maybe 5'2", but with luxurious red hair about which Carrie was jealous. She could see why Sam mentioned her several times, pretending that his wife would not notice that gleam in his eye when her name came up.

She was a pert little thing, freckles prettily dusting her nose. Her saucy and intelligent green eyes were large in her pretty face. The first time Carrie had met her she had winked at her. Everything about her exuded femininity and sex. Carrie could see them developing a close friendship.

Karen was very nice, too, but she was farther up the ladder towards advancement by several years, and was almost 10 years older than Carrie ... and Emily looked about Carrie's 28. Their children were almost the same age and they did have Alphia Corp and The Arrangement in common.

"You are fresh and new, so you are going to take the load from some of us other wives," Emily had said to Carrie.

Carrie gave her a wry smile and Emily at giggled at her unintentional double entendre.

"Well, ok, the loadS, then," Emily had teased, stressing the 's', and Carrie had laughed, too, quietly, because there were other attractive young wives and mothers about in the pre-school parking lot and not all were associated with Alphia Corporation.

"Oh, that's for sure," Carrie agreed, recalling immediately and with pleasure how many times just last night multiple men had cum inside her.

"Oh, wow," Emily said, looking into Carrie's face to see the gleam in Carrie's eye. "You love it too, don't you?"

Carrie blushed. "Oh, so much," she breathed, heartened by the excited and happy look in Emily's lovely face. It was clear that the beautiful and petite little Mrs. Smith was very happy to have found a compatriot in arms who honestly enjoyed her new role so honestly and easily.

"So, so much," Carrie said again, glancing around to make certain no one else could overhear them. "But what I like the best -", she whispered.

"Is watching your husband get fucked?" Emily answered for her new friend.

"Oh my God, you too?" Carrie exclaimed quietly. "It's just so hot!"

"M-hmm," Emily agreed immediately. "It's also just so cute how much they struggle with it at first, but my Steve eventually totally got into it. It's just wonderful."

"I'm so glad you said that," Carrie murmured, her face alight with relief. "I thought I was the only one?"

Emily Smith laughed prettily. "Oh God no," she replied easily. "I absolutely LOVE watching my Steve struggle with Borges' big cock, or be teased and used by the Chairman."

"Last night was my ... initiation, with the Chairman," Carrie admitted. "And it was wonderful! Sam tried to wait up for me, but he fell asleep waiting in the kitchen on a hard chair, just trying to stay awake for me. It was so cute."

"Mmmm, I love coming home after an evening like that and then being with my husband, anxious and horny," Emily nodded, going down her own memory lane.

"Sam was so excited and happy I was home," Carrie said. "I'm glad he was asleep though. It would have been embarrassing if he had woken up and come out to the garage while Stan was fucking me on the hood of Sam's car."

Emily nodded gave her a knowing smile. "Been there!" She chirped and the ladies giggled together again. "I'll bet Sam was happy you got home," she giggled. "When I return home my Steve goes CRAZY. I'll bet you two had fun."

"Oh yeah," Carrie replied. "He took me twice, which isn't all that usual."

"Wait," Emily said, "the Chairman had you last night?"

"Yes," Carrie replied, her brow furrowing prettily. "Is that bad?"

"Oh no, the Chairman really knows how to fuck, it's just that Sam is going to have a very ... interesting lunch meeting ... but probably fun in the long run. It's important that you are home this evening to give your husband some attention. He is going to have an emotionally challenging day."

"Oh," Carrie replied, and as she realized what they were talking about, "Oooohhhh, OK."

Emily put a hand on her new friend's arm. "Carrie, don't be too concerned. Just call me if you are going to be called out tonight. I can swing on by and make sure that ... Sam is your husband's name, right?" When Carrie nodded, Emily continued. "It's just that he is going to need some female time and attention. It's probably best if you provide it, but ...".

"Holy crap," Carrie exclaimed in surprise. "I think I am going to really enjoy Sam's new job ...".

Emily giggled. "It's so good to find another real slut here," she said. "Many of the other girls fake it ... the sex is enjoyable, but not all of us really REALLY enjoy The Arrangement. But those of us that do ...".

"We're the slutkateers!" Carrie finished for her, recalling her high school slut friend Kim had said that evening after prom.

Emily gave an astonished laugh. "I like that," she said. "I like that a lot."

One of the other ladies, not associated with Alphia Corporation, called out to Emily and walked towards them.

"Hi Carol," Emily called out to the other woman and under her breath she murmured to Carrie: "Just text me if you need me to come over."

Carrie nodded and awaited introduction to Carol.

She and Emily had chatted for a few minutes with the other young mother but then each made her excuses and hurried back home because the 'work day' might start at any time. These two beautiful whores were each eager to take full advantage of her role in The Arrangement.

The phone rang as Carrie was putting her pocketbook down on the counter. The caller ID said Alphia Corporation.

"Err, ... hello?" Carrie answered, nervously. This was, after all, the first time she had received a call from Alphia Corporation at home. "Is everything alright?"

There was a momentary pause and then a confident female laugh. "No, no. Sorry Mrs. Stevenson. I mean, yes, everything is fine. This is not that type of call." There was another brief laugh. "I did not expect that response. My name is Annette Bishop, and I am also a junior executive at Alphia Corp."

"Oh! Hello Ms. Bishop," Carrie stammered, "I didn't ... I didn't know that ... I thought Nancy Owens was the only female junior executive."

Carrie cringed as soon as she heard herself but the woman on the other end of the line just laughed again.

"Well, it is Mrs. Bishop, of course, and I am somewhat of a special case. I am in-house general counsel and I represent Alphia Corporation on most issues world-wide, so I sit on the Board of Directors. I have been in that position for quite some time now. Many people assume I am a Senior Director ... but that is not why I called."

Carrie waited for a brief moment.

"I called because I have asked Mr. Hendricksen to postpone his use of you until this evening, because we have a meeting scheduled amongst all the junior executive spouses. I have already spoken to Tom Owens and he will also be there albeit a bit reluctantly," Mrs. Bishop said. "You're the last one. This month we are meeting at Karen Burroughs' home. You know where that is, I think. Right?"

"Oh ... yes, we have been there several times."

"OK, 11 am? That is pretty close to right now, but I have to be back at the office by 2 or 2:30. Can you make it?

Carrie patted her hair and looked down at herself and cringed. There was no way she could attend that meeting in jeans and a sweatshirt. "Yes, of course," Carrie replied, her face giving way to her anxiety at the time pressure that she hoped did not bleed through to her voice. "Give me 30 minutes."

"OK, that is perfect. I look forward to meeting you."

"Oh shit," Carrie muttered to herself as she hung up and hurried to the master bedroom, shedding clothes as she went. She quickly turned the shower on as she struggled out of her jeans and she gave a squeak because the water was still very cold but time was short.

Fifteen rushed minutes later she was dressed in a skirt that she was pretty sure had been picked out by Karen when they had gone Alphia Corporation Black Card shopping that first weekend. It looked sexy but not too sexy. She had on the baby blue panties and camisole that Karen had put her into during the weekend in London and she pulled a lovely light sweater over the top.

She looked at herself in the mirror, smiling at the bow still in her hair. "A little out of place with the outfit," Carrie murmured to herself, "but it'll be my little secret with Sam."

A few minutes later Carrie pulled her minivan up to Karen's stately home. Carrie's minivan did not exactly fit amongst the collection of the various late model expensive cars. Carrie knew nothing about cars, but there was some car that she thought was a Porsche, but an SUV designed for the rough off-roading that driving small children to the mall and to play dates required of the well-heeled young trophy wife.

She snorted indelicately, but then decided that she did in fact have to give in to Sam and upgrade her minivan. She was not getting a Porsche for driving the kids around, though. That was ridiculous.

She recalled for a moment the beat up pickup truck her parents still used as their only transportation back home. "Have to have Sam help them out, too," she thought to herself before returning her thoughts to the moment.

She saw a couple of elegantly dressed ladies at the door and Carrie grimaced again, checking her hair one more time in the mirror.

"Oh well," she said, unhappy that her clothes were not up to the standards that she feared she was going to see the other women wearing. She unnecessarily checked her hair and her makeup one last time and then sighed and then got out of the car.

She was pleased that Karen met her at the door. "Mrs. Stevenson," Karen said in a pretend serious voice with a smile on her face.

The answering smile bloomed across Carrie's pretty face. "Mrs. Burroughs," she intoned in an equally pretend-pretentious tone, glad for the silly joke that cut her tension.

"Oh, I'm so glad to see you," Karen said, hugging Carrie briefly and then leading her into the large and elegant living room where a dozen or more beautiful women were sitting on couches or comfortable armchairs on the outside of the room, all facing in. It was a clever set up for a meeting of a group of people to all discuss issues of mutual concern and interest.

Karen briefly led her around the room, introducing Carrie to the other ladies and the one husband, sitting in a chair. He rose quickly to greet Carrie and shook her hand. "Hello Mrs. Stevenson, I am Tom Owens, Nancy Owens' husband."

"Oh, it's lovely to meet you, Mr. Owens," Carrie replied

"Tom, please," he said. "No reason to call me Mr. Owens."

"Oh," Carrie replied, shrugging prettily, "in that case, then please call me Carrie."

He smiled at how the pretty woman before him was relaxed and kind. "Thank you, Carrie, I will."

His smile was genuine, if somewhat fleeting, but it lit up his sandy haired features. He had a bit of a scruff about him and some paint or other material under his fingernails that he clearly had tried to remove. His hands were strong and calloused, though, and he was pretty cute ...

"Oh jeez," Carrie thought to herself, dragging her eyes from his broad shoulders as he turned to answer a question from Karen. "Get a hold of yourself, girl."

Carrie took the time to glance around, and to accept a glass of white wine from one of the ladies whose name she had already forgotten. She knew Karen, of course, and Emily. And Lauren Boozier, who was not terribly friendly at the Day Care. Some of the others' names she had heard, but she had not met anyone else.

Her attention, though, was drawn to Ms. Bishop. "Mrs. Bishop," Carrie corrected herself silently, recalling their conversation earlier in the day.

Annette extricated herself from several of the other ladies and turned to Carrie. "Mrs. Stevenson, I am so glad you were able to make it, given the short notice."

Carrie froze for a moment. Annette Bishop was beautiful, of that there was no doubt, but she was probably almost 20 years Carrie's senior. She was tall and slender and she held herself with an almost regal sense of supreme confidence. Her voice was husky, almost deep, and she kept her dark hair short in a modern-looking cut.

Her clothes were clearly tailored to her slim and fit body, and her shoes and purse were perfectly matching her navy skirt suit. Her dark eyes were brimming with intelligence and confidence. The way she held herself, she made Bergdorf Goodman peplum dress look like runway fashion designer.

Carrie was momentarily intimidated, until Annette addressed her. "Mrs. Stevenson, I am so glad you could make it. I am very, very sorry for not having given you much lead time. How did you put this together so quickly, you look lovely!"

Carrie looked at her a moment to ensure that she was not being teased, because she was afraid she did not measure up to the other ladies, but Mrs. Bishop was either too skilled at complimenting people or meant it. Either way, Carrie appreciated it.

"Thank you!" She answered, feeling better about her preparations.

They chatted for a few moments before Mrs. Bishop made her excuses. "Ladies! Ladies," she called over the voices in the room. She paused for a moment and looked at Mr. Owens. She made a little face. "I'm sorry, Tom. You do not usually make it to these meetings."

"No worries, Mrs. Bishop. All good."

Mrs. Bishop nodded her thanks and returned to bringing the room to order.

"Ladies ... and Tom ... thank you for coming," she Mrs. Bishop said as she put her cup of black coffee on a coaster on one of the sideboards.

The wives all found seats around the edge of the elegant sitting room. Carrie smiled gratefully at Emily and Karen as they claimed three seats, Carrie in an armchair between her two new friends.

"I wanted to call this meeting to discuss some normal business, to introduce our newest junior executive spouse - Mrs. Caroline Stevenson. Her husband, Sam Stevenson, was recently promoted after inventing a new internet marketing concept that leverages Alphia's massive online presence in a way that Facebook has not gotten around to patenting yet."

She paused for a moment. "Alphia's outside counsel is taking care of that right now. We may have some serious litigation ahead of us as this will represent a breach in Facebook's intellectual property portfolio, and they are going to fight this hard, but if we can defend the patent position ... well, that is a huge part of the value."

"In any event, the Board did not see fit to allow an employee of such immediate contribution to the financial welfare of the company go unrewarded, even though he had only been with Alphia for ... what? Two years?" Annette turned to Carrie for assistance with the details.

"Oh, err," Carrie stammered, not expecting the question, "Almost three. Well, it will be two and a half next week."

Annette nodded, looking impressed. "Two and a half years. That is very quick. We on the Board have high hopes for our newest junior executive, but back to the purpose of this meeting."

"As always, I think it best for us ladies to meet the newest junior executive. We all know our roles here, and you will all be working with Carrie in one respect or another ..."...

"And she doesn't mean volunteering at PTA bake sales ...", came a soft murmur from her right and Carrie turned to see Emily Smith snicker quietly into her wineglass. She caught Carrie's eye and gave her a saucy wink but then turned her attention back to Mrs. Bishop who had not heard the exchange and was continuing the meeting.

"... and as always we expect everyone to provide Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson with all the support they need during the introduction to The Arrangement. In the past we have always had friendly support from all the ladies and I trust that will continue here."

Mrs. Bishop's gaze travelled around the room but hesitated for a fraction of a moment on Lauren Boozier, who sniffed.

"Cow," Carrie heard Emily murmur again and she tried to keep herself composed under the smiles and little waves from the other ladies. And one scowl.

Karen, seated on the other side of Carrie, somehow overheard that and gave Emily a shake of her head and a smile. "You are something else," she shook her head and gave an amused and friendly low chuckle.

Emily nodded brightly, hiding her devilish grin in her wineglass, but then Carrie was distracted because Mrs. Bishop was continuing.

The meeting went on for several minutes about things going on at Alphia and the ladies' role in it with which Carrie was not yet familiar and so made little sense to her. She took the time to look around, enjoying Karen's lovely home and watching the ladies interact.

They were all elegant and beautiful. There were two Asian women, one black woman who sounded as though she might originally have been from the islands and the rest were white.

She was distracted from her daydreams by Emily speaking up in response to something one of the other ladies had said. Carrie came back to the moment after Emily asked a question.

"It's easy. Men think with their dicks," Mrs. Bishop responded to a question about how she balanced work responsibilities with her sexual obligations as a junior executive woman and member of the board. "I am concentrating on the issues that hand, contesting them in a manner to which they are unaccustomed to from a female. Sometimes when I piss them off enough I can see the wheels spinning. And then I just lean forward 'accidentally' so they can see down my top, or cross my legs so they get a flash of thigh ... and then all they can think of is ending this meeting so they can have me."

Some of the ladies chuckled at the ease in which men were manipulated, and others nodded in understanding.

"And, of course, they can - anytime and any way they want. But only after business is concluded. One of them - Mr. Brooks - after I fought him on a stupid idea to change the 401k of the company and embarrassed him in front of the board actually said to me during a break that he was looking forward to the party certain to arrange itself around me after the board meeting ended."

That got the attention of the entire room. Carrie got the impression that the goings on in the board room, where policy was set, was of extreme interest to all of the junior executives.

"During the meeting, I challenged him on his plan to change the 401k distributions. They helped him, because of his personal circumstances, but harmed the company and everyone else. The board did not understand the ramifications of the proposed change and were going to vote it in place but I turned the other members around and his proposal failed."

"He stood to make millions, and he is a bit of an asshole, and during a break he got nasty and said, 'It's kind of difficult to take you seriously, slut, given that in about an hour you are going to be on your knees with my dick in your mouth.'"

There were gasps of indignation from some of the ladies, but Karen looked amused. Carrie glanced at her and she just shrugged.

Carrie's eyes went open in surprise and Karen put her hand on her arm. "Don't worry, honey. Annette knows how to handle these things. She's a great teacher. Watch."

"So I looked up at him, put my finger in his face, and said, "Don't be such an asshole, Bill, and don't change the subject. I know how this company works, and I also know that your proposed change lines your pockets but costs the company millions AND ****** Alphia to ERISA lawsuits for failure to honor existing long term agreements," Mrs. Bishop said clearly. "I am corporate counsel and I am telling you that your plan is, at best, stupid and at worst an act of disloyalty by a member of the senior leadership."

Annette calmly sipped from her teacup, aware that everyone in the room was hanging on her words.

There were murmurs of consternation from the women.

Tom Owens surreptitiously stroked his rock hard cock through his trousers.

Finally, one of the ladies asked the question that everyone wanted to know the answer. "What happened?"

It was clear that Mr. Bishop knew how to play to a room. She smiled at the question and paused to take another sip of her coffee as though the question was of a topic that was mundane and banal.

Which, given her position in The Arrangement and the challenges she faced in an a virtually all male work environment, it kind of was.

"He leaned over me and said, 'Fuck you, you slut. After we all take turns fucking your corporate cunt and making the fancy-pants corporate attorney kneel and bob for our sperm, the entire board is going to cum in your mouth and on your face while I stuff your pussy. For your last load, you are going to be on your knees covered in cum with my dick down your throat,'" Annette relayed calmly, doing a quite good impression of angry Mr. Brooks.

"What did you do?" Emily Smith asked, aghast at Mr. Brooks' boorish comments. Several of the other women made sympathetic noises.

"I reached up and patted him on the cheek. 'Billy,' I said, 'You can do whatever you like ... but we are STILL not adopting your changes to the 401k program. It saves money in the short term but it is illegal and fucking stupid.' And then I walked away."

There were gasps in the room.

"You go, girl!"

"Oh my God, I would never have the courage ...".

Annette leaned back and sipped her coffee again, accepting the complimentary responses as her due. She responded only to Carrie's question.

"What happened?"

"Oh, he did exactly what he threatened to do to me," Annette said nonchalantly. "The rest of the board was amused by how pissed off he was so they let him direct the after party. Usually we adjourned for a couple of hours and let me make the adjustment from colleague to cumslut but towards the end of the board meeting, right after his idea was voted down, he announced that he proposed an amendment to the normal proceedings: 'I say we all fuck the bitch immediately, right now, on the fucking boardroom table.'"

Annette had the undivided attention of everyone in the room. The ladies were staring at her, amazed at her courage and proud of her. Tom was as hard as a rock, jealous of all the senior executives, hoping against hope that someday he might have the opportunity to enjoy Mrs. Bishop himself.

Annette allowed the moment to extend and then continued with a smile.

"There was a momentary pause. The other board members were not entirely certain that this was a good idea or how I was going to react. I mean, it was well within their rights to 'fuck the bitch' as I am, after all, a Junior Executive, but the way Mr. Brooks set it up I could tell was a little disconcerting to them and there was a momentary silence."

You could have heard a pin drop in the room.

"The Chairman had the gavel in his hand and was about to gavel the meeting adjourned but paused to give me a questioning look. I gave him a casual smile and a shrug to let him know that I was up to him."

"He gave a stern look at Mr. Brooks, and said, 'Bill, I know that you and Mrs. Bishop have had differences and that there is a standing expectation that she will be ... um, involved ... in post-meeting celebration of another profitable quarter, but Annette deserves and has earned our respect for her keen mind, hard-nosed business sense and legal expertise.'"

"Oh, wow," one of the more gullible ladies breathed, "the Chairman did that?"

Annette just looked at her and smiled. "Not exactly," she replied with a delicate little snort, "because there he paused to give Mr. Brooks and me careful looks to allow the point to sink in and then a grin bloomed across his face: 'But on the other hand, Annette is still a junior executive slut-wife and our corporate ***** so I second Bill's motion to 'fuck the bitch' right here and now. How say you?'"

"Eleven male hands immediately shot into the air amidst a chorus of male voices loudly saying 'Aye'. Chairman Jones grinned at me, the gavel still in the air. I grinned and raised my hand and said, 'Nay!' and the Chairman laughed out loud and immediately banged the gavel. 'It is eleven Ayes ... against one objection. Meeting adjourned and Mrs. Bishop is now our slut. Bill, the floor, and Annette, are yours.'"

Annette Bishop paused to sip her coffee, enjoying the moment. The ticking of the handsome clock on the far wall was loud in the silence.

"We usually take a break for a couple of hours and meet up in the Chairman's office, but Mr. Brooks wanted to make me submit in the boardroom, in my business clothes, because he is stupid. He tried to make me strip slowly and ****** myself piece by piece but the other board member shouted him down. 'Just get her fucking naked already, Bill.' So he had to settle for making me lie naked on the boardroom table, spread my legs and finger myself until I came, which did not take long because they were all staring at me and undressing as quickly as they could."

"He also had a couple of janitors bring a big couch in and he let them stay, so they got to fuck me too, and he fucked me hard in the pussy and the ass - like he always does - and he did wait until I had a face full of my colleagues' sperm - and a couple of big loads from the two guests - before he ordered me to come over to him to get on my knees to suck his dick again. I could barely see at this point and I had to be led over to him."

"'On your knees, you cunt,' he growled, and as soon as I dropped to my knees he fed his cock into my mouth for like the fifth time that afternoon. He grabbed the back of my head and gagged me and made me deepthroat him and then he backed away and fisted his cock until he shot a giant load on my face and then just walked away, evidently quite proud of himself."

There was a momentary shocked pause.

"And I had a great day! I love that hard, nasty sex. The next meeting a few months later he went at me over something, thinking that he had broken me or whatever was in his pea-brain and I shot him down again." Annette shrugged. "He fucked me really hard after that meeting, just like always, but he did not try to make a spectacle of the thing again. And no janitors this time."

She swallowed the last of her coffee before reaching forward and pouring herself another cup of black coffee in the stunned silence that followed. "And that was pretty much the end of his nonsense trying to bully me and override my recommendations to the Board."

Tom Owens' cock was rock hard.

"The point is, ladies ... and Tom as regards your wife, Nancy ... we all have a role to play in the success of the company and we have a lot of power in the dynamic that is going on here at Alphia. No one is going to EVER say I have not done my share. Also," Annette continued, "I will suck, fuck or give my ass up to any senior executive, vendor, customer or whoever as required but no man is going to use The Arrangement or my body to silence or control me."

There was a general nodding of heads and a murmur through the room.

Annette's voice changed and became louder and crisper. "I'm going to bring the traditional woman's area of strength - the bedroom - into the workplace and do what I need to get what I want from the group of men whose needs make them easy to play."

She looked around the room to catch the eye of every woman, and then turned to the sole male figure.

"Now let's talk about our sister in arms - and your wife, Tom - Nancy Owens. The board is going to put an issue up for a vote. I like the plan and I am 100% in support. The junior executives as a whole and spouses, not female vs. male, should be sharing in their obligation to keep the senior executive cadre satisfied 'in house' without the need for complications from third parties"

"Nancy has been avoiding her responsibilities. Certainly your wife has had her legs spread by every member of the senior executive team, but you ladies have been helping her avoid fucking her colleagues on the junior executive team. That is clearly a violation of The Arrangement by all of the junior executives, and the board is going to retaliate because this is a serious encroachment on their control of The Arrangement and I am not going to try to stop them."

"How - what are they going to do?" Karen asked, her brow furrowed.

"It's obvious. They are going to try to sow division by making Nancy eligible to be called out by junior executives to close deals, which should have happened a long time ago. She is going to have to eventually fuck all of her colleagues and I can, maybe, understand why she is nervous about that, but if she cannot find a way to use her feminine wiles to turn things in her favor then she does not deserve to be promoted."

"That's one, and they are going to hope that Nancy balks and tells them to forget it, that she would rather keep things as they are. I will talk to her about that, and you have to as well, Tom, because that is not acceptable. If she chooses that I will personally see to it that she is never promoted."

"Now, I understand why this all started," Mrs. Bishop said, in a softer tone now. "And I agree; the senior staff was using Mrs. Owens almost exclusively during the work week, rather than us and our husbands, because she is female and pretty and she was there in the office, and that, while not a strict violation of the rules, certainly bent the spirit."

She paused again for a moment. "I completely agree that Nancy's treatment was unfair and it interfered with her ability to put the time in to work towards advancement as quickly as her male colleagues were able to do so. That was really what was unfair about the situation; men should not be promoted because they have to spend less time on their knees or bent over an executive's desk."

There was a general consensus at that.

"And so to address that, and this is the second action the board is taking, they are going to make clear that in the absence of Nancy being available for relief anytime, your husbands are going to have to step into the breach, or, more accurately, kneel at the feet of the dominant males and suck a lot of cock," Mrs. Bishop continued briskly, "and probably also bent over and used."

Carrie's eyes went wide at that but it seemed to generate no surprised reactions from anyone else so she closed her mouth and went back to paying attention.

"No sympathy from me there, they should know the score by now. It's not like I didn't blow dozens of men during my time at Alphia. Patrick has taken his share of cock, too, so if any of your husbands push back, tell them that I will vote against their promotion forever. The senior executives are going not just for satisfaction and relaxation but to make a point, which means that your husbands are going to be much busier than is actually necessary."

"Third, they are going to try to make these meetings awkward. You ladies have been holding out on Tom because you could, and that is going to end. I am going to recommend to the Board that all us ladies, including me, must submit to you, Tom, in any way that you want us, whenever you want us and it is going to be expected that you are going to take advantage and enjoy yourself."

"I am certain that Bill Brooks is going to enjoy putting that motion to the board and making me vote on whether I have to submit to you, Tom," she laughed easily. Karen smiled and some of the other ladies giggled. Lauren Boozier frowned.

"Have any of you ladies slept with Tom?" Mrs. Bishop looked around the room.

"Shame on all of us," she said when none of the women raised a hand. "We have allowed Nancy's concerns to run this show and that was a mistake."

"Mr. Owens?" Annette looked right at him.

"Y-yes?" Tom stammered.

"Before the meeting adjourns, pick which of us you want today and you can have her. It can be one of us ladies, two of us, the entire cabal if you wish. You can play with us here, at your house ... at any of the ladies' homes at your option ... except for me. I know it sounds hypocritical, but you cannot have me today unless all you want a quick blowjob right now because I have an important brief due to the Circuit Court this evening. But Tom, pick a day and time and give me a little advance notice and I will rock your world."

"Ok," Tom said.

There was a pause and Annette gave him a confused look. "Ok what?"

"I would like a blowjob from you now."

"Ummm, we are about five minutes left in the meeting. Do you mind if I wrap up the meeting before we start?"

"That's fine, but could you get naked now? You can finish the meeting naked, right?"

For the first time during the entire meeting Annette Bishop seemed off balance. Tom Owens' sudden burst of confidence had taken her by surprise. "Yes, yes. I'm sure I could."

She put her coffee cup down and stood up, shrugged out of her skirt suit jacket which she hung over the back of her chair. She unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it.

The other women were silent in surprise. Several were frowning as they saw Annette submit to Mr. Owens in front of them.

"No," Tom's voice interrupted Annette as she began unbuttoning her expensive blouse.

"What?" Mrs. Bishop said in surprise, turning to look at Tom.

"No, not just you, Annette," he said, calling her by her first name for the first time in his life. "You said I could have whatever, and whoever, I wanted. I want you to take off your clothes, Annette, but I also want you, Karen, and you, Carrie and you, Lauren, and Denise, and Nicole, and Sonia, and Emily and Deidre. All of you," he gestured to the entire room. "I want to watch you all undress while Annette ...".

Tom's confidence began to wane in the face of a group of beautiful wives, some amused and a few visibly annoyed.

"... while Ms. Bishop sucks your dick?" Karen finished his thought for him. Carrie chuckled at Tom's embarrassed reaction. Karen gave him an encouraging smile.

"Um, thank you," Tom croaked. "Right. That. I want to see what the senior executives have been enjoying while Ms. Bishop ... blows me."

There was a low burst of feminine noise and uneasy objection that died down as Annette raised her hand. "Ladies, poor Nancy has been fucked by all the senior executives for almost two years and none of us, including me, has addressed the issue. Mr. Owens has been suffering through The Arrangement long enough without any relief from any of us."

Mrs. Bishop continued to undress. She removed her blouse and was revealed in her hose, bra and panties which were clearly expensive lingerie, matching and somehow both unbelievably sexy and yet reserved at the same time. Carrie determined to ask Karen later about the designer.

Some of the women were a little sulky about the situation. "Lauren," Karen said briskly, "it's not like he is only going to see your scrawny ass naked ... you are going to have to screw him sooner or later." Lauren scowled again.

Mrs. Bishop quickly stripped off her panties and bra and stood before Tom, entirely naked but for her heels and thigh high hose, her arms out-stretched. "Ta da!" She said as she displayed herself to him.

She was tall, thin, lean, very fit and undeniably female. "Beautiful, and very sexy," Tom thought to himself.

Her abdominal muscles were defined and tight and her pussy lips just were visible through a patch of neatly trimmed brown fur between her legs. With her pixie haircut she was perhaps the most desirable woman Tom had ever seen. She just exuded sex.

Clothes for the successful businesswoman were her armor, Tom realized. Mrs. Bishop's skirt suit had concealed a sexy and vulnerable woman.

Tom gazed around the room in a happy state, truly enjoying the view, undressing the ladies with his eyes and trying to decide how he would exercise his newfound power.

"Thank you, Tom," she gave him a smile and smoothly returned to her seat. "Ok, ladies, just a couple more items to discuss ...".

She tailed off as Tom interrupted her again. "I get whatever I want, right?"

"Yes," Annette said, glancing at the clock on the wall. "I only have 30 minutes left, Tom."

He nodded his understanding. "I know that you are much further along in the company than me and have a seat on the board of directors and everything, and that you are a very accomplished corporate attorney, and all, but at least until I cum, I want you to call me sir."

Annette's mouth dropped slightly open in surprise. "Yes ... sir," she said. "Is there anything else?"

"Will you swallow my load when I cum?"

"Of course, sir, if you want me to," Annette replied.

Tom nodded eagerly, his dreams coming true, and Annette waited for further instructions but Tom gestured for her to continue.

"Ok ladies, we need to schedule the date for the next meeting, which will be at Lauren's house next week and you all have to work on your husbands to join us. They have a lot to lose, so let's give them a lot to gain. Does any woman here object to being offered to one - or two - of your husband's colleagues for a tryst, or two, to take away some of the sting of this decision?"

There was a murmur amongst the women but no objections, although Lauren Boozier looked less than pleased. "Ok, alright ladies, with that I consider the meeting adjourned," and she turned to Tom Owens with a bright smile. "And now sir, I believe that I have the honor of the first amongst us ladies to blow you."

She rose gracefully and approached Tom in his seat before sinking expertly to the carpet in front of him. Annette gave a sexy chuckle. "Bump up," she directed, "I can't do this until you get these pants off."

Still blushing, Tom lifted up his hips and Annette tugged on his jeans until she got them down to his knees. She reached up again and pulled his boxers down as well, freeing his hard cock.

"Mmmm," Mrs. Bishop said, fondling Mr. Owens' hard penis. "You have a very nice cock, Nancy is a very lucky woman ... at home and at the office. Steve says she is one of his favorites."

"Thank you," Tom panted and he jumped a little as Mrs. Bishop kissed the tip of his cock. "Which of these lucky ladies will be first to provide you the visual portion of this afternoon's entertainment?" Annette asked without turning around.

Tom reached for Mrs. Bishop and pulled her head to his dick. She quickly covered the head with her mouth. He could have cum in moments but Mrs. Bishop was very skilled at the task in hand ... and mouth ... and she was gentle to wanted to stretch the moment out longer. Besides, she was eager to see that bitch Lauren have to submit to Tom Owens before the day was done.

Tom glanced around the room in a happy daze. Carrie grinned happily at him while Karen and many of the other ladies were composed and relaxed. Lauren's lips were set in a firm line and she was scowling. Tom looked away from her, intimidated.

Emily, the delightful redhead with the dimpled smile about whom he had had so many masturbatory fantasies caught his eye. "Ah - Emily, please."

"Awww, you like me best," she said, "Thank you." She reached into her purse and extracted her phone.

"Slut rule number 13," she said to Carrie, "always have some good striptease music on hand; you never know when you're gonna need it!"

Emily thumbed quickly through her phone and a sultry and sexy saxophone sound filled the room. "Ned Prysock," Emily said to Carrie as she strode to the center of the room, swaying her hips and shedding her shawl, under which she had a spaghetti strap top. "Little known these days, but Purple Wall is a true slut's 'go to' for moments like this."

Carrie giggled, out of excitement as much as anything. She was a bit intimidated by Emily, except that Mrs. Smith was just so ... nice and welcoming and supportive.

"And hot ...", Carrie wondered to herself. It was clear that Emily was not wearing a bra as her nipples were clearly pressed against the thin fabric of her top. Her skirt rode up her thighs as she shimmied down and then up, pulling one spaghetti strap down one lovely shoulder.

"Is she even wearing panties?" Carrie wondered, her excitement building at the scene.

Tom shot Emily a happy smile and a thumb's up sign and she smiled right back and leant down in his direction to give him the first glance at her décolletage.

"Ohhhh," Tom said in ecstatic pleasure, pulling Mrs. Bishop's head further down on his cock. Annette gurgled as the tip of his cock pushed into her throat, but she got everything under control, repositioned herself and took him down to the root in one swift go.

Tom nearly shot out of his chair in surprise and some the wives laughed as he moaned, his eyes now closed missing, at least for the moment, Emily's perfect tits which had just made their appearance. The girls were delightful, slightly larger than Carrie's but with lovely pink nipples and a scattering of freckles on her otherwise clear and very light skin.

At that moment Carrie's phone chimed that Sam had just sent her a text. Despite the fact that she was riveted to the scene, she retrieved her phone from her clutch bag and thumbed open the screen to see a picture of her Sam, looking surprised but not entirely displeased, with a load of cum across his face.

The hand on the hard cock, milking for the last little bit of sperm was visible on the left corner of the picture.

She must have made some kind of reaction because Karen was leaning over her shoulder.

"Haha!" She exclaimed softly, one eye on the phone and the other on the fun happening elsewhere in the room. "Good for the Chairman!"

Carrie glanced at her friend in surprise.

Karen shrugged, with a sly smile, "Don't tell me you didn't just love it, watching Sam suck Gary off," she said, "I love making the men pull their weight around here."

Carrie nodded, recalling her conversation with Emily just this morning. Then she thought for a moment and typed her message back to her loving, cum-covered husband.

Then she grinned at Karen and returned to watching the show.

She laughed out loud as Emily, now fully naked and sporting a pretty red landing strip on her carefully groomed pussy, spun prettily, wiggled sexily and pointed with both hands directly at Lauren Boozier.

"You're next, slut!" She announced happily.

"Gingers unite!" Karen called out, and her comment was met with general hilarity but for Tom Owens, now straining for release, Annette Bishop preparing to eat a load of sperm and Lauren Boozier who frowned angrily. She did get up, though, and started undressing in as unsexy a fashion as was possible.

Just as she pulled her blouse off, though, Tom gave a loud groan of ecstatic release and pushed hard up into Mrs. Bishop's expertly sucking mouth. Annette moaned herself as Tom's cock spurted directly into her throat.

The moment caused a pause in the proceedings as everyone's attention was fixed on the sexual moment. Lauren took the opportunity to grab her blouse and put it back on. She returned to her seat, fully clothed.

Carrie saw Karen and Emily's gazes meet each other, Emily still entire naked, her legs crossed demurely where she sat sipping her wine again. Emily just shook her head and Karen murmured, "Cow."

The three ladies broke up into giggles.

"This is the best company ever," Carrie thought to herself. She was soaking wet from excitement, laughing with her two new, very good friends, and she was going to get fucked tonight. "Does it get better than this?" She wondered.
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