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  1. B

    Mature wife/mother for black doms

    Wild post, Sue. We should chat sometime. I like your style.
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    Pimp Looking for WF's

    Thank you for your reply. I appreciate the support.
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    OJ is back at it

    Well stated MsGary. He stood trial was not found guilty.In this country it is innocent until proven guilty.
  4. B

    Black Uk Wife Luvs Going To Jamaica To Do Vids

    Another reason to travel to Jamaica. Just kidding! No ill will meant. Good luck to you though.
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    Nigerian Taxi-gangbangs

    How exciting it must be to travel to all those places. I have had the invitations to travel to Africa - maybe someday. I have yet to travel outside of the US, with the exception of Hawaii and Mexico. Best of luck to you and hope that are able to continue to travel.
  6. B

    Nigerian Taxi-gangbangs

    What an expereince to have been able to go to Africa. See different cultures and nature. Not something that many people can do ... good for you. Thank you for your insight.
  7. B

    Should I do porn or not?

    I totally agree. Too many judgemental people in here. Why they are judgemental is beyond me, I doubt any of you are above reproach. Everyone has their own unique qualities and desires. All I have to say is becareful whatever you decide to do.
  8. B

    Public Sex

    So very true.
  9. B

    White female teacher arrested for fucking black students!!

    I have to agree with what Tyrone states ... "A 14 or 15 yr old boy may be a minor, but he wants the pussy. Todays teens are some much more mature....no MTV or rap music when i was growing up." No one is really focusing on that it seems. There is so much influence on everyone and I'm not...
  10. B

    Black Uk Wife Luvs Going To Jamaica To Do Vids

    I would love to go to Jamaica. The beaches and the water in the Caribbean is so beautiful. Have fun.
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    Thick 12" for tha ladies ONLY!! CUCKS NEED NOT APPLY!!

    You are very sexy. Love the tats too! :)I am sure you do very well.J
  12. B

    The Pic that ruined a relationship...

    Prissyhottie, I just have to say that I love your outfits and think that what you're doing has got to be exciting for you. I know how you feel about the attention, it's definately addicting.Enjoy it while you can, while you're single. Everything changes when you're married.
  13. B

    The Pic that ruined a relationship...

    Oh that's an original thought. You guys definately think think alike.
  14. B

    A White Woman In Africa

    Vanessa,I have been reading your postings, as well as the responses, and find it fascinating that you are really considering this, despite the obvious dangers.I'm sure you have alot of people contacting you, but would love to hear more about your thoughts on this. I would love to chat...
  15. B

    Chat nickname theft

    Buzzy - That wasn't what happened. I'm not that dumb. It occurred after I was logged in and had been online for some time.
  16. B

    Chat nickname theft

    Why am I getting diconnected and getting the message that someone is using the nickname I had already been using? Is someone taking over the name I was already logged in as? Whats the deal?
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    chat problems

    I was having the same problems too
  18. B

    Florida Vacation:)

    Where in Florida did you go?
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    How many women gone blond?

    I'm not naturally blonde, but it wasn't black men who had me change it. It was something I did on my own.
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    IR Scene in Utah

    Las Vegas has lots of blacks ... it seems to draw them. I mean its a growing black population from what I can tell.