She has been cuckolding me for 14 years and if you care to download and share some of her pics feel free. Let me know if you have posted her anywhere a_cpl_for_3some on yahoo IM
We do it fairly regularly, Done pretty much the same as anal/pussy DP but both in the pussy. The wife can take two average cocks with no problem at all. I like the feel of cock on cock rubbing inside.
Actually when I go to the docs, a nice looking lady, the nurse takes my blood pressure and stuff then hands me a gown to change into and leaves while I change. I do enjoy her sticking her finger up my ass though for the prostate exam.
No, the person who's computer is being looked at must provide the code and password for their computer to the person who is seeing it. Controls can be set up so nothing can be downloaded and and no computer changes can be made. The password changes every time that teamviewer is shut down...
I've done it several times. I like to be chatting with the other person on yahoo IM with picture sharing open to help control what pics can be downloaded. Read the teamviewer manual and properly set it up before using. I find it a great turn-on to watch someone else go through my computer...
I've shared my wife's tits many times and never felt awkward. She loves it and the whole idea of us playing with other guys is for her to have fun and for me to enjoy her pleasure.
I've never felt any jealousy about my wife doing other guys. I've known about all of them and fully encourage her to see guys by herself as well as with me present. We've been at it for over 7 years and she has had 18 guys and given out bj's to others in parking lots. I love it all.