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  1. E

    Who do you want to fuck

    As for the ones that I haven’t, it has to be former neighbor. Over 50+ years old, 5foot 3inches, body of a goddess, face of a teenager, 38D real tits, unfortunately a turn-off when you talk to her, almost like a truck driver in quality. The one I’ve had plenty of times, has to be Ex-wife, nearly...
  2. E

    Who do you want to fuck

    Ex GF, Ex Fiancé, Ex Wife, 2 or 3 of current wife’s friends, about 2 to 4 of my kids teachers, former one night stand, various women that I eye fuck in grocery stores & convenience stores, former neighbors, current neighbor’s daughters,Tgirls & finally current wife but only at a swing club...
  3. E

    First time u sucked cock?

    Same here!
  4. E

    looking to go to atlantic city this weekend

    I’ll message you
  5. E

    Who's wife has the nicest ass?

    My 1st wife had/has the most amazing, unique ass.
  6. E

    Fantasies I have about my wife

    Besides her finally catching me with another married man, a one that she finds attracted to, one that has been fucking me for several months . Then after picking her jaw off the ground, join us. I’m starting to get the urge to see how she would enjoy eating pussy. Since she could never think...
  7. E

    Is Biden in cognitive decline

    You’re right, I’m not smart enough. Thank you for opening my eyes. I don’t know what I would do without your intelligence. I am so fortunate to have made contact with you, on this site in particular, especially since this site is specifically geared towards having, watching, wanting wives to be...
  8. E

    Is Biden in cognitive decline

    I no longer need try to engage in somewhat intelligent conversations with a clown such as yourself. Here’s your homework assignment, think about everybody you know who died of Covid, think about who was responsible for it. Now go away and find someone who wants to have anything to do with you.
  9. E

    Is Biden in cognitive decline

    And those treasonous military hacks, should be prosecuted.
  10. E

    Is Biden in cognitive decline

    Democratic operatives bought & paid for everything from dirty dossiers to getting Covid ferried in. If you had anyone you know or care about die as result of Covid, their blood is on these criminals hands. By the way, since you don’t or can’t pay attention, up until the second biden was sworn in...
  11. E

    Any other “straight” husbands turned bi after years of marriage?

    Married by 21, separated at 21, divorced by 22. Knew within 25 minutes after the “Dear John”, that I really wasn’t going to do any better. Having her kept my urges suppressed. After nearly 6 years of doing anything available, the regulars, hookers, prostitutes, massage parlors, started back...
  12. E

    Any other “straight” husbands turned bi after years of marriage?

    I’m interested + I think I have more than a few
  13. E

    Is Biden in cognitive decline

    In 4 years, even 2 years, he’ll be like that poor fuck Captain Pike on the original Star Trek series.
  14. E

    Is Biden in cognitive decline

    I’ll try not to bore anyone & want to get back to the more important things in life, Slutwives.com! The Republicans can’t get there act together and agree, let alone agree on a candidate. The Republicans have too many variables, strong on guns, not very into abortion, they haven’t had a good...
  15. E

    Is Biden in cognitive decline

    I’d tend to agree with you,( not to mention the suite cases on wheels or black trash bags filled with faux ballots)unfortunately a larger percentage will shrug & vote biden, it takes more fortitude, to do that for Trump. The best way I can describe it is, some people will lightly dabble in...
  16. E


    My over 54 year old wife is similar. Demure, naive , grew up in a sexually repressed environment, only gets into anything besides a 3 pump & dump when she’s had a couple extra drinks. I definitely want her to “catch” me & another guy, after the initial shock, she would have basically no choice...
  17. E

    Married dad, but love cock

    Those Tgurl$ are magic! They damn sexy, yet filthy enough to exactly what we want & need.